Yom בידינו Yerushalayim The Temple Mount is in our Hands Re-Connecting the Heart

Source-based Booklet on the Centrality of

ּכְﬠִיר שׁ ֶחֻבְּרָ ה ָ ּל ּה יַחְ ָ ּדו Yom Yerushalayim DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF מרדכי בן משה צבי ז"ל MAX STERN Z’L BORN BRATISLAVA 2ND MARCH 1921 Re-Connecting כ"ב אדר א' תרפ"א DIED MELBOURNE 11TH FEBRUARY 2016 the Heart ב' אדר א' תשע"ו Source-based Booklet on the Centrality of Jerusalem A MAN OF COURAGE, OPTIMISM AND HUMANISTIC SPIRIT



Pictures: gpophoto.gov.il │ beit-hamikdash.co.il Introduction • Rav Doron Perez, Mizrachi World Movement

We at the Mizrachi World Movement are thrilled and humbled (Jerusalem of Gold), a short video on the Miracles of the Six Day War to name but a by this wonderful publication. It is part of 2 broader Mizrachi few, are being offered to communities around the world this year. initiatives: resource materials for and educators, as The main theme in this publication is the Oneness and Unity that Yerushalayim ירושלים הבנויה כעיר שחוברה" well as the Global Yom Yerushalayim celebrations. represents. As the famous pasuk says in Tehillim 122:3 ."The built-up Jerusalem is like a city that was joined together within itself" - "לה יחדיו We have had many requests from rabbis and educators around the world to עיר שהיא עושה כל" (provide high-level resource material for rabbis to share with their communities and Our Sages famously comment ( Yerushalmi, Hagigah 21 A city with the potential to transform all Jews into friends". At its" - "ישראל לחברים educators with their students. The need is for educational material with a number of critical qualities: well-researched and in-depth Torah content, particularly heart, Yerushalayim is destined to fulfill this critical yet elusive role of Jewish unity relevant to the reality of Jewish life today, embracing the many great positive as a key to spiritual destiny. Additionally, the Oneness of Yerushalayim is evident ירושלים של and ירושלים של מעלה ,in its capacity to unite both Heaven and Earth opportunities of modernity and Zionism, palatable to scholar and layperson alike, the only city to somehow exist concurrently in both of these realms. This is – מטה beautifully designed and presented in course book format. We are crafting a series is all about – striving to create a wholesome יום ירושלים and ירושלים ultimately what of publications in order to answer this need - this short publication is a first taste of unity and a synergy between the seemingly conflicting aspects at the heart of what is to follow. human and Jewish experience. These core ideas began a transformation from the In our quest to present this unique Torah blend, it made perfect sense to partner abstract conceptual world to a practical reality through the miracles reunification with Rav Yosef Tzvi Rimon and his Merkaz Halacha VeHoraah, which distinguish of Jerusalem in the modern era which is also highlighted in this publication. themselves in producing this type of outstanding publications both in Israel and A special thank you to my colleague, Rav Hillel Van Leeuwen for all of his efforts around the Jewish world. A special thank you to Rav Rimon, Rav Eli Taragin and in ensuring the success of this initiative. For any further information regarding Rav Binyamin Zimmerman and their team, for their partnership in this important both the Global Yom Yerushalayim initiative and the educational materials, please endeavour. contact him on [email protected]. This resource is also part of our Mizrachi-driven Global Yom Yerushalayim This publication is dedicated to the memory of a dear friend, Max Stern, who celebration taking place this year in Diaspora communities around the globe. It is passed away a few months ago just shy of his 95th birthday. The story of Max's life part of a collaborative effort to reenergize this pivotal day in modern Jewish history is in so many ways the story of the Jewish People as is beautifully conveyed in the as we approach next year the 50th anniversary since the miraculous Six Day War dedication. We hope that the Torah learnt in this publication be a great source of and the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967. During the open miracles of the Six Day spiritual impetus to his neshama and a source of comfort to his wonderful family. War to be celebrated next year. This resource, along with many other initiatives, A very special thank you to Judy and Sam Segal, Max's daughter and son-in-law for .their generosity in making this project possible ירושלים של זהב The Six Day Scroll), a new/old rendition of) מגילת ששת הימים such as

With blessings from Jerusalem, Rav Doron Perez • CEO, Mizrachi World Movement Nissan 5776 April 2016

2 Blessing from Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon • Mercaz HaHalacha VeHaHora'a

אחדות סביב ירושלים ירושלים ואחדות הם שני נושאים שהם אחד. כשארגון המזרחי העולמי ואם נחרבנו, ונחרב העולם עמנו על ידי שנאת חנם, נשוב להבנות והעולם עמנו הציע לאחד כוחות, ולאפשר לקהילות שונות בכל רחבי תבל ללמוד על יבנה, על ידי אהבת חנם" (אורות הקודש ג שכד). ירושלים ביום ירושלים - שמחנו להתאחד, במיוחד סביב נושא ירושלים. אחדות של קהילות באר ובעול חשובה תמיד. אחדות של קהילות באר ובעול ביב הרב משה צבי נריה זצ"ל (מובא במועדי הראי"ה, עמוד תפ) שואל, מדוע לא הצלחנו לכבוש ירושלי- חשובה שבעתיי. זהו יוד ע ישראל, וזהו יודה של ירושלי. את ירושלים כבר בשנת תש"ח בהקמת המדינה, ונאלצנו לחכות תשע עשרה שנה? ברור שיש לעיכוב זה הסבר מציאותי, אך מהי הסיבה שבגללה הקב"ה סיבב את האירועים כך שלא נכבוש את ירושלים כבר במלחמת העצמאות? • • • הרב נריה עונה על כך בצורה נפלאה: הסוד של ירושלים הוא אחדות. ירושלים - עיר שחוברה מרכז הלכה והוראה שמח להציג בפניכם דפים אלו, העוסקים באחדות סביב ירושלים. לה יחדיו, עיר שעושה כל ישראל חברים. רק כאשר יש אחדות בעם ישראל - העם מסוגל אחדות זו מקבלת משמעות מיוחדת כאשר מתאחדים סביבה קהילות רבות בעולם, הלומדות לכבוש את ירושלים: את אותם מקורות ומעמיקות בנושא זה.

[במלחמת השחרור] פרץ הפלמ"ח דרך שער ציון, ואלו חיילי האצ"ל עמדו לפרוץ דרך שמחנו לשתף פעולה עם הרב דורון פרץ והרב הלל ון-לואן מארגון המזרחי העולמי. אנו שער שכם. מפולגים ומפורדים היינו. אילו הצלחנו אז היו 'שניים אוחזין' בירושלים, מקווים שהעבודה המשותפת שלנו איתם בהוצאת חומרי לימוד ברמה המתאימה לקהילות וכל אחד היה אומר 'כולה שלי'. ירושלים היתה הופכת למקור של פירוד, לסיבה של דוברות אנגלית ברחבי תבל תימשך, ונזכה יחד להיות כלי המאחד קהילות רבות בעולם סביב מריבה ומדון. סלעי ירושלים היו הופכים לסלעי מחלוקת... "ירושלים לא נתחלקה לימוד התורה. לשבטים", היא ניתנה לעם ישראל כולו... ירושלים באה להרבות שלום בעולם. ולכן, רק עתה, כשנכנסנו כולנו דרך שער אחד - שער האריות, 'הן עם כלביא יקום • • • וכארי יתנשא', רק עתה כשכולנו מאוחדים... כשמאחורינו עומדים בלב אחד כל בניין ירושלים מצריך אחדות. כדי לזכות לירושלים השלמה, להר הבית ובית המקדש, אחינו אשר בתפוצות הגולה, רק עתה זכינו למאורע הגדול - המחזיר שכינתו לציון החזיר לנו את ירושלים! ננסה להתחזק ולהתאמץ ולשאוף לאחדות: לשאוף לראות את המחבר ולא רק את המפריד, במלחמת השחרור היינו מפולגים: אצ"ל, לח"י, הגנה. כל אחד בשער אחר. במלחמת ששת הימים היינו מאוחדים: כולם פרצו יחד דרך שער האריות; צבא אחד, ממשלת אחדות. לשאוף לאהבה ולחיבור גם כשישנן דעות שונות, לרצות את ירושלים - כדברי חז"ל חז"ל לימדונו שבניין ירושלים תלוי באחדות. שנאת חינם גרמה לחורבן ירושלים, ואהבת ש"ירושלים בעי דרישה", לחלום על ירושלים, לבוא ולבקר בה ולהתאמץ בבנינה, חינם תגרום לבניין ירושלים. מרן הרב קוק (אורות הקודש ג', שכד) לימד אותנו על סוג לשאוף לקבל על עצמנו עול מלכות שמים, מחויבות להלכה ומחויבות לכלל ישראל, ובע"ה האהבה הנצרכת: נזכה לבניין המקדש ולהשלמת הגאולה במהרה בימינו אמן.

הרב יוסף צבי רימון, ,Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon מייסד מרכז הלכה והוראה Founder, Halacha Education Center גוש עציון, ישראל Gush Etzion, Israel

3 The Color Key For Identifying מקור בתורה שבכתב (תנ"ך) the Source of The Sources Sources from the Written Torah

:Historical Background מקור בתורה שבעל פה In order to be able to quickly Sources from the Oral identify the nature of the various Law (Mishna and Gemara) sources that appear in this work, מקור ממפרשי התלמוד הראשונים, ופסקי השלחן the sources are color coded ?A State without Yerushalayim - 1948 ערוך based on the time period in which Sources From The Rishonim they were written. This colorful (Early Commentaries on the Gemara) and codification system will hopefully the Rulings of the Shulchan Aruch help us trace the halachic process November 29, 1947- United Nations votes Partition Plan. from the source in the Torah to Jewish Response: Reluctant acceptance • Arab Response: Declaration of War • מקור ממפרשי השלחן ערוך ומהאחרונים the practical halachic rulings of Sources From the Commentaries on the lthough David Ben Gurion sent out the order to hold onto Yerushalayim at all contemporary Poskim. Shulchan Aruch and the Later Commentators A costs, the sad results of the war were otherwise, as described in O Jerusalem! (Collins & Lappierre) page 561 (The final moments of the 1948 battle for the Old City): מקור מפוסקי זמנינו Sources From the Contemporary Poskim (Halachic Decisors) The Fall of Jerusalem ...For the officers of Israel's new Army there was to be no miracle in that July Dawn. This time their trumpet had fai led… When a messenger ran to give him the bad news, David Words and themes that reappear throughout the Shaltiel, it seemed… aged ten years… Overwhelmed by "a terrible sense of failure"… they would cease fire as scheduled… The ancient prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled: texts will be color coded as follows: "Jerusalem had "drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of His Fury". The line drawn down her heart would divide the Holy City for years to come. Rock -אבן • place -המקום • (את ארצי חלקו) seek out Unfortunate Results- A Country Divided -דרישה • (Mount(ain -הר • (עיר שחברה לה יחדיו Unified and a City Split (not an -שחברה • House -בית • תהלי פרק קכב, ג

The two Jerusalem's and their themes: יְרוּשָׁ לִַם הַבְּ נוּיָה כְּעִ יר ֶשׁ ֻח ְבּ ָרה לָּהּ יַחְ דָּ ו: .Jerusalem built up as a city unified together The Heavenly Upper Jerusalem - ירושלים של מעלה-מקדש • The Lower Earthly Jerusalem - ירושלים של מטה-שלום-אחדות-מלך •

4 The Holy City Divided: 4 Perspectives on a Jewish State without Yerushalayim The Aftermath of the War

Despite the miraculous founding of the state, which declared to the world Israel's chosenness, as Rav Soloveitchik describes: • Is it surprising that the spective- Third, the Beloved began to knock as well on the door d Per Se State began without orl cul of the theological tent, and it may very well be that this is the e W ar P Th "Without os Yerushalayim? Which view strongest knock of all…All the claims of Christian theologians t- Zio would prevail? that God deprived the Jewish people of its rights in the land of Jerusalem, is an ni This st opportunity to forge Israel, and that all the biblical promises regarding Zion and there has been no • Investigation- (Why) Jerusalem refer, in an allegorical sense, to Christianity a new identity of the state and the Christian Church, have been publicly refuted proof of the as a modern binational state, Is Yerushalayim so by the establishment of the State of Israel and Jewish divisible significant? What's an ?עיר שחברה have been exposed as falsehoods, from lacking all validity. people's our past David chosenness" and former Ben Gurion's heritage. position (From his speech to the UN

about Making Israel's capital in Jerusalem)

e Rav Tzvi Yehuda HaKohein Kook,

…We see fit to state that Jewish Jerusalem is an organic,

r S e

inseparable part of the State of Israel, just as it is an integral part o Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva's c

M u

Yom HaAtzmau't of 1967 l of Jewish history and belief. Jerusalem is the heart of the State of r





Israel. We will gladly provide access to their holy places and enable Z ...Nineteen years ago, on the night when news of the United g i o them to worship as and where they please, cooperating with the n i n Nations decision in favor of the ReEstablishment of the g i U.N. to guarantee this. We cannot imagine, however, that the U.N. s n t State of Israel reached us, when the People streamed into - o L would attempt to sever Jerusalem from the State of Israel or harm S the streets to celebrate and rejoice, I could not go out and t t i u Israel's sovereignty in its eternal capital. ll join in the jubilation. I sat alone and silent; a burden lay upon n b e n Twice in the history of our nation were we driven out of Jerusalem, e o me. During those first hours I could not resign myself to what d ti after being defeated in bitter wars. Our links with Jerusalem today are Y a had been done. I could not accept the fact that indeed "they er ci no less deep than in the days of Nebuchadnezzar and Titus Flavius, and us re have...divided My land." (Joel 4:2)! …On that night, nineteen years ha p lay p ago, during those hours, as I sat trembling in every limb of my body, when Jerusalem was attacked after the fourteenth of May 1948, our valiant im - A ist wounded, cut, torn to pieces - I could not then rejoice. youngsters risked their lives for our sacred capital no less than our forefathers did. ion us Z The next day HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Moshe Charlap zt"l came to our house - A nation that, for 2500 hundred years, has faithfully adhered to the vow made by the first Religio exiles by the waters of Babylon not to forget Jerusalem, will never agree to be separated from he felt the need to come and how could he not come?! We sat together, the two Jerusalem. Jewish Jerusalem will never accept alien rule after thousands of its youngsters liberated of us, in that small hallowed room in "Beit HaRav" [the room that had been the study of HaRav Zvi Yehudah's father, HaRav Avraham HaCohen Kook] - where else if not there - we sat their historic homeland for the third time, redeeming Jerusalem from destruction and vandalism. shocked and silent. Finally, regaining our strength, we said, the two of us as one: We do not judge the U.N., which did nothing when nations, U.N. members, declared war on its "This is the L-rd's doing; It is wonderous in our eyes." (Ps. 118:23) resolution of 29 November 1947, trying to prevent the establishment of Israel by force, to annihilate the Jewish population in the Holy Land and destroy Jerusalem, the holy city of the Jewish people.

5 Yerushalayim The Heart of the Jewish World? The Epicenter? Since When?

...כשברא הקדוש ברוך הוא את עולמו, כילוד אשה From the Dawn of Time- Hashem Created the world as a human child is בראו. מה ילוד אשה מתחיל מטבורו …כ התחיל The Segula of the Place (Makom) created. Just as the navel is placed at the center of המקום the human body, so too Hashem created the world הקדוש ברו הוא לברוא את העול מאב שתיה Place from which the World and Man were created from the even ha-shetiya is before the ark from which אבן השתייה ומקדש הקדשי, וממנה הושתת העולם, ולכך the world was founded. And Hashem created the אבן שתיה The midrash describing the נקראת אב שתיה שממנה התחיל הקדוש ברוך הוא ד נד עמוד ב states that there is an upper Yerushalayim Beit HaMikdash above in the Heavens, and the Beit לברוא את עולמו. וברא בית המקדש למעלה בשמי, as well as a lower one. HaMikdash below on the land, each in line with the תלמוד בבלי מכת יומא ובית המקדש למטה באר, זה לעומת זה... .other

הכי אמר רבי יוחנן: אמר הקדוש ברוך הוא לא אבוא Yerushalayim's Dual Identity - Yohanan said: God said: “I will not enter בירושלים של מעלה עד שאבוא לירושלים של מטה. The Upper and Lower City Yerushalyim shel maala – the heavenly Jerusalem, until ומי איכא ירושלים למעלה? - אין, דכתיב (תהלים I have entered Yerushalayim shel mata – the earthly The Relationship between the Heavnely Yerushalayim Shel Ma'ala Jerusalem.” Is there really a Heavenly Yerushalayim? קכ"ב) ירושלי הבנויה כעיר שחברה לה יחדו. תלמוד בבלי and the Earthly Yerushalayim Shel Mata Yes, as it states: "The built Jerusalem, like a city

מכת תענית ד ה ."unified together

ירושלים - חיבור The Need for יראה שלם Unifying the Elements

בראשית פרק כב, יד בראשית פרק יד, יח רמב" בראשית פרק יד,יח

וַיִּקְרָ א אַבְרָ הָ ם שֵׁ ם ַה ָמּ ֹקום הַ הוּא ה' ִי ְר ֶאה וּמַ לְכִּ י ֶצ ֶדק מֶ לֶ � ָשׁ ֵלם הוֹצִ יא (יח) ומלכי צדק מלך שלם אֲשֶׁ ר יֵאָמֵר הַ יּוֹם ְבּ ַהר ה' ֵי ָר ֶאה: לֶחֶ ם וָיָיִן וְ הוּא כֹהֵ ן לְאֵ ל - היא ירושלים, ... ומלכה עֶלְיוֹן: יקרא גם בימי יהושע "אדני And Avraham called that place "God צדק" (יהושע י א), כי מאז And Malki-Tzedek, King of will see (Hashem yir'eh)," concerning Shalem, took out bread which it is said to this day, "God will ידעו הגוים כי המקום ההוא and wine, and he was a make Himself seen upon the mountain מבחר המקומות באמצע ".(priest to the Most High. (be-har Hashem yera'eh הישוב, או שידעו מעלתו בקבלה שהוא מכוון כנגד בית המקדש של מעלה (Derisha) דרישה No Yerushalayim without ששם שכינתו של הקדוש ברוך הוא שנקרא "צדק". דברי כִּי אִם אֶ ל ַה ָמּ ֹקום אֲשֶׁ ר יִבְחַ ר ה' אֱ�הֵ יכֶם מִ כָּל שִׁ בְטֵ יכֶם לָשׂוּם אֶת שְׁ מוֹ שָׁ ם לְשִׁ כְנוֹ ִת ְד ְרשׁוּ וּבָאתָ שָׁמָּ ה: ...נקראת ירושלם צדק, פרק יב, ה .For in the place that Hashem your G-d will choose from all of your tribes, to place His name there, you should seek out his dwelling and come there שנאמר (ישעיה א כא) צדק ילין בה:

6 The Avot Seek and Uncover some secrets of the Makom

(ב) וַיֹּאמֶ ר קַ ח נָא אֶ ת בִּ נְ� אֶ ת יְחִידְ � אֲשֶׁ ר אָהַבְתָּ אֶ ת And He said, “take your only son that you love, Yitzchak, and go to (2) the land of Moriah, and bring him up there as an olah offering on one יִצְחָ ק וְ לֶ� לְ� אֶ ל ֶא ֶרץ ַה ֹמּ ִר ָיּה וְהַעֲלֵהוּ שָׁ ם לְעֹלָה עַ ל Avraham אַחַ ד ֶה ָה ִרים אֲשֶׁ ר אֹמַ ר אֵ לֶי�: (ג) וַיַּשְׁ כֵּם אַבְרָ הָ ם בַּ בֹּקֶ ר of the mountains, that I will tell you. (3) And Avraham got up early in וַיַּחֲבֹשׁ אֶ ת חֲמֹרוֹ וַיִּקַּ ח אֶ ת שְׁ נֵי נְעָרָ יו אִ תּוֹ וְאֵ ת יִצְחָ ק and Yitzchak) the morning, saddled his donkey, and took his two lads with him, and) בְּ נוֹ וַיְבַקַּ ע עֲצֵ י עֹלָה וַיָּקָ ם וַיֵּלֶ� אֶ ל ַה ָמּ ֹקום אֲשֶׁ ר אָמַ ר uncover the Yitzchak his son, and chopped wood for an olah offering, and he got up and went the place that G-d spoke of to him. (4) On the third day, לוֹ הָאֱ�הִ ים: (ד) בַּ יּוֹם הַשְּׁ לִישִׁ י וַיִּשָּׂ א אַבְרָ הָ ם אֶ ת עֵ ינָיו Makom as a

בראשית פרק כב, א-ה, יד (Avraham turned his eyes upward and he saw the place from afar. (5 וַיַּרְ א אֶ ת ַה ָמּ ֹקום מֵרָ חֹק: (ה) וַיֹּאמֶ ר אַבְרָ הָ ם אֶ ל נְעָרָ יו which will And Abraham said to his lads, stay here with the donkey and I along הר שְׁ בוּ לָכֶם פֹּ ה עִ ם הַחֲ מוֹר וַאֲנִי וְהַ נַּעַ ר נֵלְכָה עַ ד כֹּה be chosen: with the lad, we will go forth, and we will bow and return to you… וְנִשְׁתַּ חֲוֶה וְ נָשׁוּבָ ה אֲ לֵיכֶם: ... (יד) וַיִּקְרָ א אַבְרָ הָ ם שֵׁ ם (14) And Avraham called the name of that place "Ado-nai Yir'e," as it ַה ָמּ ֹקום הַ הוּא ה' ִי ְר ֶאה אֲשֶׁ ר יֵאָמֵ ר הַ יּוֹם ְבּ ַהר ה' ֵי ָר ֶאה: ".is said to this day, "In the mount the Lord will appear

תלמוד בבלי לא כאברהם שכתוב בו הר, שנאמר אשר יאמר היום בהר ה' יראה, … The Mountain and the House - ההר והבית מכת פחי ד פח עמוד א אלא כיעקב שקראו בית, שנאמר ויקרא את שם המקום ההוא בית אל.

(י) וַיֵּצֵ א יַעֲקֹב מִבְּאֵ ר שָׁ בַ ע וַיֵּלֶ� חָרָ נָה: (יא) וַיִּפְ גַּע (And Yaakov left from Be’er Sheva and he went to Charan. (11 (10) And he came to the place, and he stayed over there, because the ַבּ ָמּ ֹקום וַיָּלֶן שָׁ ם כִּ י בָ א הַשֶּׁמֶ שׁ וַיִּקַּ ח ֵמאַ ְב ֵני ַה ָמּ ֹקום Ya'akov's וַיָּשֶׂ ם מְרַ אֲ ֹשׁתָ יו וַיִּשְׁ כַּב ַבּ ָמּ ֹקום הַ הוּא: (יב) וַיַּחֲ �ם Sun had set, and he took from the rocks of the place, and he placed Ladder וְהִ נֵּה סֻלָּם מֻצָּ ב אַ ְר ָצה וְ רֹאשׁוֹ מַ גִּיעַ ַה ָשּׁ ָמ ְי ָמה וְ הִ ֵנּ ה them around his head, and he laid down on this place. (12) And he מַ לְאֲ כֵי אֱ�הִ ים עֹלִים וְ יֹרְדִ ים בּוֹ: ... (טז) וַיִּיקַ ץ יַעֲקֹב Connecting dreamt, and behold, a ladder was set up on the ground, and its top reached the heavens, and it was that the angels of G-d went up and מִשְּׁ נָתוֹ וַיֹּאמֶ ר אָכֵן יֵשׁ ה' ַבּ ָמּ ֹקום הַ זֶּה וְאָנֹכִ י �א the Upper down on it… (16) And Yaakov woke up from his sleep, and he said, יָדָעְתִּ י: (יז) וַיִּירָ א וַיֹּאמַ ר מַ ה נּוֹרָ א ַה ָמּ ֹקום הַ זֶּה אֵ ין and Lower “Certainly G-d is in this place, but I did not know.” (17) And he was זֶה כִּ י אִ ם בֵּ ית אֱ�הִ ים וְ זֶה ַשׁ ַער ַה ָשּׁ ָמ ִים: (יח) וַיַּשְׁ כֵּם City scared and said, “How awesome is this place, for this is none other יב, טז-יט, כב בראשית פרק כח, י- יַעֲקֹב בַּ בֹּקֶ ר וַיִּקַּ ח אֶ ת ָה ֶא ֶבן אֲשֶׁ ר שָׂ ם מְרַ אֲ ֹשׁתָ יו וַיָּשֶׂ ם than the house of G-d, and this is the gate to the heavens. (18) And אֹתָ הּ מַצֵּבָ ה וַיִּצֹק שֶׁמֶ ן עַ ל רֹאשָׁ הּ: (יט) וַיִּקְרָ א אֶ ת שֵׁ ם ,Yaakov woke in the morning, and took the stone placed by his head ַה ָמּ ֹקום הַ הוּא ֵבּית אֵ ל וְ אוּלָם לוּז שֵׁ ם הָעִ יר לָרִ ֹאשׁנָה: and he erected a monument, and poured oil on it. (19) And he called ... (כב) ְו ָה ֶא ֶבן הַ זֹּאת אֲשֶׁ ר שַׂמְתִּ י מַצֵּבָ ה יִהְ יֶה ֵבּית the name of this place, ‘the house of G-d’, but originally the name אֱ�הִ ים וְ כֹל אֲשֶׁר תִּתֶּ ן לִי עַשֵּׂ ר אֲעַשְּׂרֶ נּוּ לָ�: was Luz… (22) And this stone that I placed as a monument, will be the house of G-d, and all You give me, I will continuously tithe it You.

.seeking / דרישה chosen, through the people's ,הר ה' יראה house after it is / בית mountain will only be able to be a / הר even on the / אבן The

7 The Goal of the Nation forged on Har Sinai - תורה במדבר

רש"י שמות פרשת יתרו פרק יט פוק ב שמות פרק יט, א-ב - The Jewish people ויחן שם ישראל - כאיש אחד בלב אחד, אבל (א) בַּחֹדֶ שׁ הַשְּׁ לִישִׁ י לְצֵ את בְּ נֵי יִשְׂרָ אֵ ל מֵאֶרֶ ץ מִצְרָ יִם בַּ יּוֹם הַ זֶּה בָּ אוּ ִמ ְד ַבּר סִ ינָי: (ב) וַיִּסְ עוּ מֵרְ פִידִ ים מעמד הר סיני שאר כל החניות בתרעומת ובמחלוקת: וַיָּבֹאוּ ִמ ְד ַבּר סִ ינַי וַיַּחֲ נוּ ַבּ ִמּ ְד ָבּר וַיִּחַן שָׁ ם יִשְׂרָ אֵ ל נֶגֶד ָה ָהר: become a nation and receive the And Yisrael camped there – As one man, with Torah on Har Sinai, a mountain in In the third month after the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same one heart, but the other camps were (split) the Sinai wilderness. day came they into the wilderness of Sinai. And they travelled from Refidim and arrived at the with complaint and argument. Sinai desert, and they settled in the desert and encamped (as one) by the Mountain.

The Commandment ש משמואל פרשת ראה תרע"ה ד"ה והנה כתיב :to Build a Mishkan ונראה שהמציאה היא לעומת הדרישה, ובאשר לא התעורר בדבר זולתו על כן בלתי שמות פרק כה, ח אפשרי היה שימצאו את המקום... ולפי דרכנו שמפני שלא דרשו לא היו מוצאים. ובאמת שיש בזה פלא גדול, הלוא מפורש בתורה מקום העקדה, ושם כתוב במפורש וְעָ שׂוּ לִי מִ קְ דָּ שׁ וְ שָׁ ַ כ ְ נ תִּ י בְּ תוֹכָם: 'ה' יראה אשר ייאמר היום בהר ה' ייראה' ופירש רש"י: ה' יבחר ויראה לו את And they will build me a המקום הזה להשרות בו שכינתו ולהקריב כאן קרבנות, בהר sanctuary, and I will dwell amongst them. זה יראה הקב"ה לעמו, עכ"ל. אם כן היה המקום ידוע להם. ודוחק לומר שידעו רק את ההר ולא את המקו המצומצם. - The Purpose of the Mishkan ומוכרח לומר כי מאת ה' הייתה זאת, שלא יהיה המקו From the Midbar of Har Sinai, to the Midbar of Har HaMoriya נגלה אלא לפי מידת הדרישה. ועל כן אף שהיה מפורש, לא התבוננו בה בינה. רמב" שמות פרק כה, ב ווד המשכ הוא, שיהיה הכבוד אשר שכ על הר יני שוכ עליו בנתר. וכמו שנאמר שם (לעיל כד טז) וישכן כבוד ה' על הר סיני, ...והמתכל יפה בכתובי הנאמרי במת תורה ומבי מה שכתבנו בה (עי' להל פוק כא) יבי וד המשכ ובית המקדש, ויוכל להתבונן בו ממה שאמר שלמה בחכמתו בתפלתו בבית המקדש ה' אלהי ישראל (מ"א ח כג), כמו שאמר בהר סיני ויראו את אלהי ישראל (לעיל כד י), ... And the mystery of the Mishkan is that the Glory that had rested on Mount Sinai should rest upon it in a concealed manner. As it is stated there: "And the Glory of the Lord rested upon Mount Sinai" (Shemot 24:16), and it is written: "Behold, the Lord our God has shown us His Glory and His greatness" (Devarim 5:21), so, too, it is written regarding the Mishkan: "And the Glory of the Lord filled the Mishkan" (Shemot 40:34)…

8 The Long Travel - Why?

The Mishkan Stands for 440 Years - Rambam Summarizes

כיון שנכנסו לארץ העמידו המשכן בגלגל ארבע ,The Significance of the Place would be hidden When they entered the land, they erected the Mishkan in Gilgal during the fourteen years they conquered and split the land, from עשרה שנה שכבשו ושחלקו, ומשם באו לשילה ?until when ובנו שם בית של אבני ופרשו יריעות המשכן ,there they went to Shiloh and they built there a house of stones עליו ולא היתה שם תקרה, ושס"ט שנה עמד and spread on it the curtains of the Mishkan, and there was there no (ה' יראה, המקום אשר יבחר) The need for Derisha roof. For 369 years the Mishkan in Shiloh stood, and when Eli died, משכן שילה וכשמת עלי חרב ובאו לנוב ובנו Despite its inherent Segula, the actual bechira of Yerushalayim will they came to disassemble it, and they came to Nov and built there a שם מקדש, וכשמת שמואל חרב ובאו לגבעון only occur when the people seek it out. sanctuary. When Shmuel died, it was disassembled, and they came ובנו שם מקדש ומגבעון באו לבית העולמים, to Givon and but there a sanctuary. From Givon they came to the

א,ב הבחירה בית הלכות רמב" וימי נוב וגבעון שבע וחמשים שנה. .Yehoshua doesn’t conquer Yerushalayim, and it isn't conquered eternal house. And the days of Nov and Givon were 57 years until David HaMelech- as King of the entire nation, seeks a place to build a home for Hashem in Yerushalayim.

David's Request: The Divine Response Thus says the Lord, "Shall you build Me David's request is only a house for Me to dwell in? For I have (א) וַיְהִ י כִּ י יָשַׁ ב הַמֶּ לֶ� בְּבֵיתוֹ And it was when the king sat (1) not dwelt in any house since that time partially fulfilled- He is וַה' הֵנִיחַ לוֹ מִסָּבִ יב מִ כָּל אֹיְבָ יו: in his house, and G-d granted him that I brought up the children of Israel shown the place, but (ב) וַיֹּאמֶ ר הַמֶּ לֶ� אֶ ל נָתָ ן הַ נָּבִ יא .rest from his enemies around him out of Egypt, even to this day, but I have only his son Shlomo can רְ אֵ ה נָא אָנֹכִ י יוֹשֵׁ ב בְּבֵ ית And the king said to Natan (2) walked in a tent and in a tabernacle. In

שמואל ב פרק ז, ד-ז .the prophet, “See please, I sit in build the Mikdash all the places where I have walked with אֲרָ זִים וַאֲ רוֹן הָאֱ�הִ ים יֹשֵׁ ב בְּ תוֹ� הַ יְרִ יעָ ה: a house of cedar, and the Aron of "…all the children of Israel שמואל ב פרק ז, א-ב G-d sits within a tent!”

(כז) כִּ י הַאֻמְ נָם יֵשֵׁ ב אֱ�הִ ים עַ ל הָאָרֶ ץ הִ נֵּה הַשָּׁמַ יִם וּשְׁ מֵ י הַשָּׁמַ יִם Shlomo (27) Can it be that G-d will actually dwell on earth? But even the �א יְכַלְכְּ לוּ� אַף כִּ י הַבַּיִת הַ זֶּה אֲשֶׁ ר בָּנִיתִ י: (כח) וּפָנִיתָ אֶ ל ְתּ ִפ ַלּת (At the heavens ... cannot contain You, let alone this house that I built! (28 inauguration of עַבְדְּ � וְאֶ ל תְּחִ נָּתוֹ ה' אֱ�הָ י לִשְׁ מֹעַ אֶ ל הָרִ נָּה וְאֶ ל הַתְּ פִ לָּה אֲשֶׁ ר (And You'll turn to the prayer of your servant, and to his cries,...(29 the Mikdash, עַבְדְּ � מִתְ פַּ לֵּל לְפָ נֶי� הַ יּוֹם: (כט) לִהְ יוֹת עֵ ינֶ� פְתֻ חוֹת אֶ ל ַה ַבּ ִית May your eyes be open to this house, night and day, and to the place King Solomon הַ זֶּה לַיְלָה וָיוֹם אֶ ל ַה ָמּ ֹקום אֲשֶׁ ר אָמַרְתָּ יִהְ יֶה שְׁמִ י שָׁ ם לִשְׁ מֹעַ אֶ ל that You said that Your name will be, in order to hear the prayer that describes the your servants will pray towards this place. (30) And hear the cries of הַתְּ פִ לָּה אֲשֶׁ ר יִתְ פַּ לֵּל עַבְדְּ � ֶאל ַה ָמּ ֹקום ַה ֶזּה: (ל) וְשָׁמַעְתָּ אֶ ל תְּחִ נַּת כז-לב מלכי א פרק ח, Mikdash as: your servants, and of your nation Israel, that they will pray towards עַבְדְּ � וְעַמְּ � יִשְׂרָ אֵ ל אֲשֶׁ ר יִתְ פַּלְלוּ אֶ ל ַה ָמּ ֹקום הַ זֶּה וְאַתָּ ה תִּשְׁ מַ ע this place, and You will hear in heaven, your place of dwelling, and אֶ ל ְמ ֹקום שִׁ בְתְּ � אֶ ל הַשָּׁמַ יִם וְשָׁמַעְתָּ וְסָ לָחְתָּ : (לא) אֵ ת אֲשֶׁ ר You will forgive them when You hear. (31) Should a man sin against ֶי חֱ טָ א ִאישׁ ְל ֵר ֵעהוּ וְ נָשָׁ א בוֹ אָלָה לְהַאֲ �תוֹ וּבָ א אָלָה לִפְ נֵי ִמ ְז ַבּ ֲח� his neighbor, and imposes an oath, which forces him to swear, and ַבּ ַבּ ִית הַ זֶּה: (לב) וְאַתָּ ה תִּשְׁ מַ ע הַשָּׁמַ יִם וְעָשִׂיתָ ְו ָשׁ ַפ ְטָתּ ֶאת ֲע ָב ֶדי� the swear comes before Your altar in this house. (32) And You will לְהַרְשִׁ יעַ רָשָׁ ע לָתֵ ת דַּרְ כּוֹ בְּ רֹאשׁוֹ וּ ְל ַה ְצ ִדּיק ַצ ִדּיק לָתֶ ת לוֹ כְּצִדְקָ תוֹ: ,hear in the heavens, an You will do, and You will judge Your servants denounce the wicked...and justify the righteous...

9 The Epicenter and Heart - ירושלים בתפארתה Yerushalayim in its Glory . ike s l ok A lo תורה ומשפט m e song of ascents, of and mankind h ,שכינה ,The House of G-d's resting s a H David. I rejoiced when they

Seat of the Sanhedrin it e said to me, "We are going to the House רמב" משנה תורה, B ישעיהו פרק ב:ג d הלכות ממרי פרק א הלכה ג מהר"ל גבורות ה' פרק עא ,n of God". Our feet stood inside your gates (ב) וְהָ יָה בְּאַחֲרִ ית הַ יָּמִ ים נָכוֹן יִהְ יֶה הַ ר u o בית די הגדול שבירושלי הם מכל מקום נתבאר לך כי על ידי r O Jerusalem. Jerusalem built up, a city בֵּ ית ה' בְּ רֹאשׁ הֶהָרִ ים וְנִשָּׂ א מִ גְּבָ עוֹת a עיקר תורה שבעל פה, והם עמודי בית המקדש הגיעו למעלה עליונה d וְ נָהֲ רוּ אֵ לָיו כָּל הַ גּוֹיִם: (ג) וְהָלְכוּ עַמִּ ים e unified together, to which tribes would make ובשביל כך היה בית המקדש תכלית

d ההוראה ומהם חק ומשפט יוצא לכל רַבִּ ים וְאָמְ רוּ לְכוּ וְ נַעֲלֶה אֶ ל ַהר ה' אֶ ל n המעלה שעל ידי בית המקדש יושלם

u pilgrimage, the tribes of God, an appointed ישראל, ...וכל המאמין במשה רבינו

o ֵבּית אֱ-�הֵ י יַעֲקֹב וְ יֹרֵ נוּ מִדְּרָ כָיו וְ נֵלְכָה r הכלי, והיה עוד דומה בית המקדש r ובתורתו חייב לסמוך מעשה הדת

.u practice for Israel, to praise the name of God בְּ אֹרְ חֹתָ יו כִּ י מִצִּ יּוֹן תֵּצֵ א תוֹרָ ה וּדְ בַ ר ה' אל הלב שהוא בכל בעלי חיים שעל s

, עליהן ולישען עליהן.

מִירוּשָׁ לִָם: ידו מקבלים כל האברים חיותן וכן

m There the thrones of judgment stood, thrones


y בית המקדש הוא נותן חיים לכל


l of the house of David. Pray for the peace

a העולם, ולפיכך בית המקדש באמצע



u of Jerusalem; may those who love you היישוב כמו שהלב הוא באמצע r


Y הגוף.

t prosper. May there be peace within your l


The Temple is similar to the u

b ramparts, prosperity within your e


heart, which is found in all living


creatures, for it is through the t palaces. For the sake of my kin


heart that all the organs receive h


מלכות בית דוד s and friends, I will now say,

their vitality, and so, too, the e r



s "Peace be within you." For תלמוד בבלי מכת יומא ד ט עמוד ב Temple gives life to the entire r


world. Therefore, the Temple is in d

n the sake of the House


אין ישיבה בעזרה אלא למלכי בית דוד בלבד,

the middle of the civilized world, t



t שנאמר ויבא המלך דוד וישב לפני ה'

just as the heart is in the middle of of the Lord, God,

m i

l l

the body. i

h I seek your





r good. e



h T

Conecting the -עיר שחברה לה יחדיו-Capital city, Malchut, The Ladder -ירושלים של מטה ,Where Hashem rests his Shechina -ירושלים של מעלה Where Tefillot go through (Sha'ar HaShamayim), Makom Avoda- Fire from the earth, Upper Segula of yerushalayim, to the Lower Bechira and Fire descends from the Heavens

10 dream, w avid's hich as D he c is w ou h ldn T 't fu Yerushalayim - lf il l (א) עיר הקדש והמקדש in h is Once Yerushalayim is sanctified, it will l שׁ ִ יר הַ ּמַﬠֲ לוֹת לְדָ וִ ד if e remain sanctified, and the heart of all בית ה' - בית המקדש t i -m Kedusha שָׂמַחְ ִּ תי בְּאֹמְרִ ים לִ י ֵּבית ה' e רמב" משנה תורה, הלכות בית הבחירה פרק א הלכה א-ג , b נֵלֵךְ : (ב) עֹמְ דוֹת הָ יוּ רַ גְלֵ ינוּ בִּשׁ ְﬠָרַ יִךְ u משנה מכת כלי פרק א, משניות ו- ט ...כיון שנבנה המקדש בירושלים נאסרו כל המקומות כולן t

h e יְרוּשׁ ָלִָ ם: (ג) יְרוּשׁ ָלִַ ם הַבְּ נוּיָ ה ְּכ ִﬠיר עשר קדושות הן ארץ ישראל מקודשת מכל לבנות בהן בית לה' ולהקריב בהן קרבן, ואי ש בית לדורי



הארצות ומה היא קדושתה שמביאים ממנה הדורות אלא בירושלי בלבד ובהר המוריה ... t

ּ ּ

t ֶׁש ֻח ְּבָרה ָ ל ּה יַחְ ָ דו: (ד) שׁ ֶשּׁ ָ ם ﬠָ לוּ שׁ ְ בָ טִ ים


העומר והבכורים ושתי הלחם מה שאין e

p שׁ ִבְטֵ י יָ ּ-ה ﬠֵ דוּת לְ יִשְׂרָ אֵ ל לְ הֹדוֹת לְשׁ ֵ ם

מביאים כן מכל הארצות: עיירות המוקפות a

t h

חומה מקודשות ממנה ... לפנים מן החומה . ה': (ה) ִּ כי שׁ ָ ָ ּמה יָשׁ ְ בוּ כִסְ אוֹת ְל ִמְׁש ָּפט מקודש מהם שאוכלים שם קדשים קלים .... קדש הקדשים מקודש מהם שאין נכנס ּכִסְ אוֹת ְל ֵבית ָ ּדִויד: (ו) שׁ ַאֲ לוּ שׁ ְ לוֹם לשם אלא כהן גדול ביום הכפורים בשעת יְרוּשׁ ָלִָ ם יִשׁ ְלָ יוּ אֹהֲבָ יִךְ : (ז) יְהִ י ָׁשלוֹם העבודה ... There are 10 degrees of sanctity. The ְבּ חֵ י לֵ ךְ שׁ ַ לְ וָ ה ְּב ַאְר ְמנוֹ ָתִי ְך: (ח) The land of Israel is holier than all other לְמַﬠַן אַחַי וְרֵﬠָי אֲדַבְּרָה lands. And what is the constitution of its אחדות- שלם ,sanctity? That from it comes the omer ּנָא ָׁשלוֹם בָּךְ: (ט) לְמַﬠַן bikkurim, and the two loaves, which are תלמוד בבלי מכת חגיגה ד כג עמוד א …not brought in any of the other lands "מפני מה הכל נאמנין על טהרת יין ושמן כל ימות השנה? כדי שלא יהא כל אחד ואחד הולך ובונה ֵּבית ה' אֱ-לֹ ֵהינוּ Walled cities have great kedusha… Within במה לעצמו, ושורף פרה אדומה לעצמו" the wall is holier (than outside it) because אֲבַקְשׁ ָ ה טוֹב there kalim can be eaten… The כעיר שחברה לה יחדיו- שעושה כל ישראל חברים לָ ךְ : Holy of Holies is more sanctified than all of them since only the Kohen gadol may enter on Yom Kippur at the time of the service itself.

11 But Kedusha of Yerushalayim Remains- and Must be :and the Hope amidst the Destruction Remembered and sought out חורבן

רמב" משנה תורה, הלכות בית הבחירה פרק ו הלכה טו-טז The Reasons for the Destruction Hope טו- Rabbi Akiva sees the extent of the destruction, and is able to לפיכ מקריבי הקרבנות כול אע"פ שאי ש בית בנוי, ואוכלי תלמוד בבלי מכת יומא ד ט עמוד ב קדשי קדשי בכל העזרה אע"פ שהיא חריבה ואינה מוקפת במחיצה and find in it also a recipe for (מציץ מן החרכים) peer through ואוכלין קדשים קלים ומעשר שני בכל ירושלים אף על פי שאין שם redemption. The same מקדש ראשון מפני מה חרב? מפני שלשה דברים שהיו חומות שהקדושה ראשונה קדשה לשעתה וקדשה לעתיד לבא. בו: עבודה זרה, וגלוי עריות, ושפיכות דמים. ... אבל טז -ולמה אני אומר במקדש וירושלים קדושה ראשונה קדשה לעתיד תלמוד בבלי מכת מכות ד כד עמוד א – כד עמוד ב מקדש שני, שהיו עוסקין בתורה ובמצות וגמילות חסדים מפני מה חרב? מפני שהיתה בו שנאת חנם. לבוא, ובקדושת שאר א"י לענין שביעית ומעשרות וכיוצא בהן לא The [Sages] were coming up to Jerusalem together, and upon reaching קדשה לעתיד לבוא, לפי שקדושת המקדש וירושלי מפני השכינה Mount Scopus they saw a fox emerging from the Holy of Holies. They ללמדך ששקולה שנאת חנם כנגד שלש עבירות: עבודה ושכינה אינה בטלה, ... started crying while Rabbi Akiva seemed merry. They asked: Why are זרה, גלוי עריות, ושפיכות דמים. Due to what was the first Mikdash destroyed? Due you merry? Said he: Why do you weep? They responded: A place of to the three evil things that were present there: Idol which it was once said: “And the common man that draws near shall Rav Yosef Dov HaLevi Soloveitchik (On Repentance p. 315) worship, illicit relations, and murder... but the second be put to death” (Bamidbar 1:51), is now become the haunt of foxes, The first temple was built after the land of Israel was already Mikdash, were they were involved in the mitzvot and we should not weep? He said to them: Therefore am I merry, for sanctified…. The Temple was only built giving a special sanctity to of loving-kindness, due to what was it destroyed? it is written: “And I will take to Me faithful witnesses to record, Uriya Jerusalem after the peripheral parts of the land were sanctified. Because there was unfounded hatred towards one the priest and Zekharya...” (Yeshayahu 8:2). Now what connection However, the situation was different during the time of Ezra… Ezra another. This teaches us that baseless hatred is equal has this Uriya the priest with Zekharya, as Uriya lived during the First did not go about reclaiming areas of the Land of Israel; he first set to three transgressions: Idol worship, illicit relations, Temple, while Zekharya lived [and prophesied] during the Second about to build the Temple and to restore the walls of Jerusalem… and murder. Temple? Rather Scripture linked the prophecies of Zekharya and When the holy Temple, the chosen dwelling place for the Shechina, Uriya to show they are interdependent. In the [earlier] prophecy [in was built, it bestowed sanctity on the whole Land of Israel. This the days] of Uriya, it states: "Therefore shall Zion for your sake be time the sanctity … was established first in the center itself and plowed as a field” (Mikha 3:12). In Zekharya it is written: (Zekharya from there it spread outward… to the rest of the land of Israel, until Once again there shall“ עוד ישבו זקנים וזקנות ברחובות ירושלם :(8:4 all of it was completely sanctified. .. the rebuilt walls [of Jerusalem be old men and old women sitting in the streets of Jerusalem". So and the Temple] held it in their power to radiate sanctity upon their long as Uriya’s prophecy had not been fulfilled, I had misgivings lest surroundings and to bestow the holiness of the Shechina upon the Zekharya’s prophecy might not be fulfilled as well; now that Uriya’s entire Land of Israel. prophecy has been fulfilled, it is certain that Zekharya’s prophecy will be fulfilled. They said to him: Akiva, you have comforted us! Akiva, you have comforted us! k

12 Continued Derisha- Coming to Yerushalayim Throughout the Generations

Where Heaven touches Earth page XIV, by David Rossof From early medieval times to the nineteenth century the Jewish population of the old city of Jerusalem rarely exceeded three hundred families. Yet, qualitatively speaking, the Jews who settled in the Holy City throughout this period were some of the greatest Torah luminaries in history. Men like the Ramban, Rav Ovadia Bartenora, the Ralbach, the Radvaz, Rav Bezalel Ashkenazi, the Shelah HaKodesh, Rav Yaakov Tzemach, Rav HaMagen, the Pri Chadash, Rav Yehuda HaChassid, the Ohr HaChaim, the Chida (he, of all those mentioned here, was a native Jerusalemite), Rav David Pardo, Rav Menachem Mendel of Shklov, Rav , Rav Meir , Rav , Rav Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld, just to mention a few.

Zecher LeMikdash - Remembering the Mikdash תלמוד בבלי מכת ראש השנה ד ל עמוד א תלמוד בבלי מכת בבא בתרא ד  עמוד ב משנה. בראשונה היה הלולב ניטל במקדש שבעה אלא כך אמרו חכמים: סד אדם את ביתו בסיד, ובמדינה יום אחד, משחרב בית המקדש התקין ומשייר בו דבר מועט. וכמה? אמר רב יוסף: רבן יוחנן בן זכאי שיהא לולב ניטל במדינה אמה על אמה. אמר רב חסדא: כנגד הפתח. שבעה, זכר למקדש, ושיהא יום הנף כולו אסור. עושה אדם כל צרכי סעודה, ומשייר דבר מועט. אם מאי היא? אמר רב פפא: כסא דהרסנא. עושה ומנלן דעבדינן זכר למקדש? דאמר קרא גמרא. אשה כל תכשיטיה, ומשיירת דבר מועט. מאי אשכחך כי אעלה ארכה לך וממכותיך ארפאך נאם ה' היא? אמר רב: בת צדעא, שנאמר: אם אשכחך כי נדחה קראו לך ירושלים ציו היא דרש אי לה, מכלל ירושלים תשכח ימיני תדבק לשוני לחכי וגו'. . דבעיא דרישה מאי על ראש שמחתי? אמר רב יצחק: זה תשכח ושיהא יום הנף כולו אסור. מאי טעמא? מהרה אפר מקלה שבראש חתנים... וכל המתאבל ימיני יבנה בית המקדש, ויאמרו: אשתקד מי לא אכלנו על ירושלים - זוכה ורואה בשמחתה, שנאמר: בהאיר מזרח - עכשיו נמי ניכול. שמחו את ירושלים.

Those who forgot: Recalling the destruction Remembering the Glory Rav Yissachor Dov Teichtal, in his masterpiece Eim HaBanim Semeicha, cites Seder HaDorot explaining why so many tragedies of the Jewish people occurred in Germany, and especially in the city of Worms:

… The author of the Sma explained why evil decrees are more prevalent in Worms than any other place. Jews settled in Worms at the time of the destruction of the First Temple. After the seventy years of Babylonian exile were completed, the exiles returned to Jerusalem and Eretz Yisrael. Those who settled in Worms, however, did not return. The people of Jerusalem wrote them, urging them to come… They paid no attention, replying: You may dwell in the great Jerusalem; we will dwell here in the small Jerusalem". This occurred because they were extremely wealthy and k very distinguished in the eyes of the ruler and the Gentiles. This is why evil decrees have been renewed upon them more than any other country or community.

13 It all began on Yom Ha'Atzma'ut (May 15) 1967

Reasons for Fear Prime Minister Levi Eshkol On May 28, 1967, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol delivers a radio address Myth and Facts of the Middle East to the nation in an effort to calm the fears of the people. The radio May 15, Israel’s Independence to the UN about Israel. The sole method address seems to do the opposite. During the middle of the address, ON Day, Egyptian troops began we shall apply against Israel is total war, Eshkol starts stuttering, which is attributed by a nation already in a state of panic as intense moving into the Sinai and massing near which will result in the extermination of fear on the part of the leader of the country. The country fears imminent annihilation, and the Israeli border. By May 18, Syrian Zionist existence. numerous graves are dug for the expected fallen from the upcoming war. troops were prepared for battle along An enthusiastic echo was heard May Explanations that the stuttering was due to Levi Eshkol reading the speech that was written 1948 the Golan Heights. 20 from Syrian Defense Minister Hafez or revised by someone else and merely asking for a clarification of the word do not ease the Nasser ordered the UN Emergency Force Assad: tensions; the people fear the worst. (UNEF), stationed in the Sinai since 1956 Our forces are now entirely ready not Little do they know that in one of the shortest wars in history the country will not only not as a buffer between Israeli and Egyptian only to repulse the aggression, but to be annihilated but they will also return to Jerusalem and some of the other holiest places in forces after Israel’s withdrawal follow- initiate the act of liberation itself, and the country and on earth. ing the Sinai Campaign, to withdraw on to explode the Zionist presence in the May 16. Without bringing the matter to Arab homeland. The Syrian army, with (began on the same day) the attention of the General Assembly its finger on the trigger, is united....I, as Reasons for Hope (as his predecessor had promised), Sec- a military man, believe that the time has On Yom Ha'atzmaut- On the Religious Front- Rav Tzvi Yehuda retary-General U Thant complied with come to enter into a battle of annihila- HaKohein Kook, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav, mentions his fears over the partition plan and adds: צילום: יעל רוזן the demand. After the withdrawal of tion the UNEF, the Voice of the radio The Blockade-On May 22, Egypt closed Yes [and now after nineteen years] where is our Hebron - station proclaimed on May 18, 1967: the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping have we forgotten her?! Where is our Shechem, our , As of today, there no longer exists an and all ships bound for Eilat. This block- - where?! - 2 Have we forgotten them?! And all that lies international emergency force to pro- ade cut off Israel’s only supply route beyond the Jordan - each and every clod of earth, every tect Israel. We shall exercise patience no with Asia and stopped the flow of oil Na’Omi Shemer- region, hill, valley, every plot of land, that is part of Eretz A new secular song is more. We shall not complain any more from its main supplier, Iran. Israel - have we the right to give up even one grain of the played on the radio, Land of G-d?! --- On that night, nineteen years ago, during longing for a return to those hours, as I sat trembling in every limb of my body, Yerushalayim: wounded, cut, torn to pieces - I could not then rejoice. ירושלים של זהב ושל נחושת ושל אור -הנה זה עומד אחר כתלינו הלא לכל שירייך A Divine Derisha to Return to Yerushalayim אני כינור :Ayelet HaShachar (Rav Yaakov HaLevi Filber) page 231 ...איכה יבשו בורות המים ,During those days of trepidation outside, in our Yeshiva כיכר השוק ריקה ואין פוקד Mercaz HaRav, there was a feeling that thes developments את הר הבית ... would bring about something big… I went to my rebbe, the אם אשכחך ירושלים , who pointed to the old city walls and said: “All of this אשר כלה זהב …”is happening only to bring us back there

14 Jordan Joins the War due to Lies "כעיר שחֹברה לה יחדיו " Governments Plans Myth and Facts rime Minister Levi Eshkol sent a message to King Hussein saying Israel would not attack P Jordan unless he initiated hostilities. When Jordanian radar picked up a cluster of planes הר הבית flying from Egypt to Israel, and the Egyptians convinced Hussein the planes were theirs, he then ordered the shelling of West Jerusalem. It turned out the planes were Israel’s, and were returning from destroying the Egyptian air force on the ground. Meanwhile, Syrian בידינו .and Iraqi troops attacked Israel’s northern frontier Had Jordan not attacked, the status of Jerusalem would not have changed during the course of the war.

Hashem's Plans The Temple Mount is in our Hands

The Voice of My Beloved Knocks

Motta was very depressed. He in prison so that Jerusalem and informed me that he had received the Temple mount be free than to orders not to enter the Old City be free while Jerusalem remained but rather to surround it from all enslaved. sides. Under no circumstances was I explained, however, that my he to enter the city. He added comments were in no way an that apparently the policy was to attempt to convince him to go against leave the Old City in the hands of his orders. I was merely expressing the city's Arab population without my personal thoughts on the matter conquering it. at this very fateful hour for the To this I replied that were I in his Jewish people. Perhaps, I explained, shoes I would not be able to resist this is a onetime opportunity given such an historic opportunity to to us by God to return the stolen liberate the Temple Mount after two property of Jerusalem and the thousand years. After all, what is Temple Mount to the Jewish people. the worst that could happen? They Missing this opportunity might be an From the Yerushalayim shel Ma'ala- could put me on trial and perhaps irremissible sin that causes "weeping We got to Yerushalayim Shel Matah sentence me to imprisonment. for generations to come." Better that I spend my whole life Rav Goren's Diary Miraculous Victory - Unifying the City

15 ירושלים אורו של עולם מאפילה לאורה TheVictory Eli Landau, a journalist who accompanied the ילקוט שמעוני תורה פרשת חיי שרה רמז קג HISTORY forces that broke into the Old City, wrote: ירושלים אורו של עולם שנאמר והלכו גוים לאורך ומלכים לנגה The Celebratory זרחך, ומי הוא אורו של ירושלים הקדוש ברוך הוא שנאמר והיה Results of the e heard the command given to ה' לך לאור עולם .War Wour forces to enter the Old City DAY 1, JUNE 5, 1967 Even in the tumult of battle, [Motta Gur, כעיר שחברה לה יחדיו :commander of the Paratrooper Division] A victory of the Jewish people First day of fighting. The return is not only to the old city of ם פרק צ Israel destroys most explained to his men who were about to תהלי ח, א-ג of Egyptian air force. breach the city walls the extraordinary Jerusalem but to numerous Biblical Jordan, Syria and nature of the moment. He climbed onto cities and areas that make the smallest of countries much (א) מִ זְמוֹר שׁ ִ ירוּ Iraq attack Israel. the front of the half-track in order to be more defensible, including לַה' שׁ ִיר חָדָשׁ ִּ כי DAY 2, JUNE 6, 1967 first, always first, to lead the way to the Lions’ Gate. “Har Ha-Bayit be-yadenu,” Chevron, Gush Etzion, נִפְלָאוֹת ﬠָשָׂה הוֹשׁ ִיﬠָ ה ּלוֹ יְמִ ינוֹ Second day of fighting. Fighting [Motta Gur triumphantly announced] - Beit El, Yericho etc. “The Temple Mount is in our hands!” Israel returns to all the וּזְרוֹﬠַ קָדְשׁ וֹ: (ב) הוֹדִ יﬠַ ה' יְשׁ וּﬠָ תוֹ continues on all Motta did not say: “The Temple Mount is fronts. areas mentioned in Rav לְﬠֵ ינֵי הַ ּגוֹיִ ם ִ ּג ּלָה צִדְקָ תוֹ: (ג) זָכַ ר ,in my hands!” There, on the white plaza DAY 3, JUNE 7, 1967 Tzvi Yehuda's Speech, Motta chose not to be first, alone, but with the Jewel- The חַסְ ּדוֹ וֶאֱ מוּנָתוֹ לְבֵ ית יִשְׂרָ אֵ ל רָ א וּ Third day of rather to be there together with everybody fighting. Jerusalem Temple Mount in our כָל אַפְסֵי אָרֶ ץ אֵ ת יְשׁ וּﬠַ ת else. Motta was not only an officer; he was taken. Blockade hands. אֱ לֹהֵ ינוּ: .of Straits of Tiran a friend and a partner, he was an agent broken. With his three historic words, Motta brought together the shared, unifying DAY 4, JUNE 8, 1967 experience of those paratroopers who Fourth day of were privileged to participate in the fighting. Israel event, of those paratroopers who did consolidates hold on West Bank. not enjoy that privilege, and of all Jews throughout the world. The plaza was then DAY 5, JUNE 9, 1967 a narrow alleyway east of the Mugrabi Fifth day of fighting. neighborhood. It was shadowed by a Israel and Syria in narrow mosque over which flew a blue heavy fighting on and white flag that had just then been the Golan. raised. This alleyway was a gate that led DAY 6, JUNE 10, 1967 to the giant wall, built from enormous Sixth day of fighting. gray, ashlar blocks, from whose crevices Israel gains control wild flowers grew, a gate hanging from of the Golan the heights of heaven. Heights.

16 The Entire רָאוּ כָל אַפְסֵי אָרֶץ אֵת יְשׁ וּﬠַת אֱ לֹהֵ ינוּ Spectrum Marvels

Chassidishe – Slonimer Rebbe We must recognize the miracles that Hashem The World Could No Longer Deny- as Rav Hershell Schachter explains: performed for us, open miracles and a Heavenly smile, meriting that which generations Historically, the Catholic Church has still maintained its age-old position, that the didn't merit to see. It is prohibited for us to deny the goodness of Hashem, who Jewish people, by rejecting otto haish, have forfeited their status as am hanivchar. It performed for us a double miracle: 1- Defeating the wicked who tried to destroy us… is for this reason that the Catholic Church was opposed to the Zionist movement. Eretz even those lacking faith, anyone with a brain in their skull admits that this Yisroel is the chosen land, assigned only to the chosen nation. Therefore, according to the Moshe was not a natural victory, but supernatural… 2- The second miracle, we Church, until the Jews will accept otto haish, they are not entitled to control Eretz Yisroel. It is for Dayan: returned to the Kotel although we are unworthy… as well as other this reason that the Vatican did not officially recognize Medinat Yisroel for many years. But the mere holy areas … such as Chevron… existence of the Jewish State stood in contradiction to this basic principle of their religion. After a "Yesterday I was while a position to defend their faith was developed, and they argued that although the Jewish not a religious man and Yeshivish – Rav Kahanamen (אלול תשכ"ז) people controlled modern Israel, this was not really Eretz Yisroel of old, which really consists of the אחים יקרים ורחימאים! המותר לנו להיות קטנוניים בשעה ;tomorrow I will not be city of Jerusalem, Chevron, Shchem, etc. After the Six Day War, this "teiritz" collapsed. It גדולה ונשגבה זאת? הלא נבוש וניכלם להישאר בדלות is for this reason that the Vatican has been insisting ever since 1967 that the holy but ההשגות וקטנות המוחין בתקופה הרת פלאות, כשאנו ve- Secul city of Jerusalem be declared an international city. Anything but under Jewish ecti ar today מוקפים ממש בניסים, ואף עיוור יכול למשש את הניסים rsp בידיים... הניסים והנפלאות התשועות והנחמות control! The Vatican, in recent years, has also stepped up their missionary Pe there is no one d activities both in Eretz Yisroel and all over the world. They believe that rl והמלחמות, שנתרחשו בארץ הקודש ובעיר הקודש o more religious והמקדש, אף אלה שראו זאת בעיניהם, אף אלה שחזו when the Jews will convert to Christianity, then they will once again join W e than I" זאת מבשרם ממש, אינם מצליחים להביע את מעמקי the true chosen nation, and be entitled to the chosen land.. h T רגשותיהם. ואולי מי אשר כמוני נדד באותם הימים על פני קיבוצי היהודים בגלויות, מסוגל יותר לחוש את תעצומת

הניסים ולחשוב יותר על פשר המאורעות המופלאים למאוד.



r e

a p d i חזרנו אל בורות המים

r i t Centrist – Rabbi Willig t

i S o לשוק ולכיכר l recounting his experiences of the first tefilla at Naomi Shemer- n l a a

l f the Kotel on Shavuot, as an American Yeshiva שופר קורא בהר הבית adds stanzas: o s student in 1967 בעיר העתיקה. w e …The scene was unforgettable. Jews of all persuasions danced J ובמערות אשר בסלע s u shoulder to shoulder into the Old City. On one side of me was io אלפי שמשות זורחות ig a man in a streimel and white stockings. On the other was a non- el R observant Jew with a camera. Incredibly, all barriers disappeared. I נשוב נרד אל ים המלח saw with my own eyes the fulfillment of Chazal’s words on the pasuk בדרך יריחו. we were singing – shen’asu chaverim ze la’ze. Through Yerushalayim, they became friends with each other…We danced and sang our way down to the ירושלים של זהב... Kosel. Every tribe of Israel was represented in force. Some 250,000 Jews came on that day of Shavuos. One couldn’t help but think of the once and future l’regel … As we returned through the shuk, the local Arabs stared and cowered. We felt no fear then, or when we toured Shechem and Chevron a week later. A resurgence of t’shuva swept the land. The non- Jewish community hailed the Israelis as heroes, and Jewish pride swelled in Europe and America. A great sense of anticipation filled the Jewish world...

17 ת הלי ם פ ר Looking Back and Celebrating ק

ק, Yom Yerushalayim בֹּאוּ שׁ ְﬠָרָ יו ד בְּתוֹדָ ה חֲ צֵרֹתָ יו The Need for Gratitude - The Powerful ִבּ תְ הִ ָ ּלה - On the Miracles Restults תודה Talmud (Sanhedrin 94a) teaches: Reviving Russian Jewry: The Holy One, blessed be He, wished to appoint Chizkiyahu as the Messiah, and Sancheiriv as We are Jews Again Vol. 1, The Six Day War Gog and Magog, whereupon the Attribute of Justice said before the Holy One, blessed be He: “Sovereign of the Universe! If You did not make David the Messiah, who uttered so many hymns six days in June 1967 destroyed and six days of victorious war, American and psalms before You, will You appoint Chizkiyahu as such, who did not praise You in spite of all Themany myths that had built up Jews filled the synagogues to express their these miracles which You wrought for him?” over millennia creating a repulsive image gratitude. Some spoke of a miracle, a sign of the diaspora Jew doomed to eternal from the Almighty. American public opinion Hallel- Hoda'a and Bakasha punishment. These myths were dispelled supported Israel, the sole democracy in The text of Hallel is the perfect Tefilla- Containing gratitude and recognition that we still under the pressure of facts that evoked the Middle East. .. For the Jews the victory need Hashem's assistance: astonishment mixed with religious awe. In signified much more than simply heroism: the Six-Day War, God, undoubtedly, was on it became a watershed in contemporary Rav Unterman, of blessed memory, during his tenure as , ruled that we the side of the Jews… Jewish history, allowing Jews once again, should not recite a berakha on Hallel of Yom Ha-Atzma'ut, but we should do so on Yom this time positively, to acknowledge their The wave of solidarity penetrated even Yerushalayim - not because of Jerusalem, but because of the great salvation which common national fate. It also helped them behind the Iron Curtain... The war lasted took place on that day, the great kiddush Hashem which in some small measure helped realize that this fate was now linked to the just six days, in itself a symbolic number. I make up for the enormous chillul Hashem that was the Holocaust. And he ruled thus State of Israel. ..The war had a similarly remember it as if in a dream…. On the first specifically against the backdrop of the fear of a second holocaust which everyone felt transformative effect on Soviet Jews:… The day of the war Soviet papers reported that was about to take place. Six-Day War transformed many Soviet Jews the Arabs had downed 72 Israeli planes and in a fundamental way. It undoubtedly turned on the second day—something similar, my life upside down. It was all too strong— Rabbi Akiva's vision is realized and I began to think: My God, how many anxiety, triumph, propaganda, revelation…. planes does Israel have, for how many days The surrounding milieu began to change: the will it suffice? Soviet propaganda patently anti-Jewish jokes disappeared; others began rejoiced at the Arabs’ “successes.” .. Israel, to look at us differently and we began to it turned out, was winning and Soviet look at ourselves differently. Being Jewish propaganda changed its tone. ..The fateful was no longer a mark of Cain but rather period before, during, and immediately a distinction. The fifth point in the Soviet after the Six-Day War exerted an enormous identity card (that lists nationality) magically effect on the American Jewish community. switched from a negative to a positive and After three weeks of fear and trepidation became a source of inner joy and pride.

עֹד יֵשׁ ְ בוּ זְקֵ נִים וּזְקֵ נוֹת בִּרְ חֹבוֹת יְרוּשׁ ָלִָ ם... וּרְ חֹבוֹת הָﬠִ יר יִ ָ ּמלְ אוּ יְלָדִ ים וִילָדוֹת מְשַׂחֲקִ ים בִּרְחֹבֹתֶיהָ

18 Divine, miraculous acheivements in all 4 elements of Yerushalayim

A spiritual Accounting - The Need for Cotninued Derisha push us to seek the fulfillment of what we still lack in each element.





מִ קְ דַ ּ שׁ מֶ לֶ ךְ







" ﬠִיר מְלוּכָ ה




בית ה' - בית המקדש ד ו קוּמִי צְאִי מִ ּתוךְ תורה, תפילה ומשפט ד י "

• ליחות ישעיהו פרק א, כו-כז ר Ayelet HaShachar p. 232 ' הַ הֲ פֵ כָ ה ש "אזכרה א-לוהים ואהמיה \ בראותי כל עיר על תילה בנויה \ ועיר ל (כו) וְאָשִׁ יבָ ה ֹשׁפְטַ יִ� כְּבָרִ ֹאשׁנָה וְ יֹעֲצַ יִ� כְּבַתְּחִ לָּה אַחֲרֵ י כֵן יִקָּרֵ א לָ� מ ה האלוהים מושפלת עד שאול תחתיה \ ובכל זאת אנו לי-ה ועינינו לי-ה". אל עִיר הַצֶּדֶק קִרְ יָה נֶאֱמָ נָה: (כז) צִ יּוֹן בְּמִשְׁ פָּט תִּ פָּדֶה וְשָׁ בֶיהָ בִּצְדָקָ ה: קב האם הר הבית לגמרי בידינו ? ץ miraculous victory is not the Theonly wonder of the war. It is שלום ואחדות no less astounding the Heavenly plan that The Need for Unity forced us to redeem such holy sections of The second Mikdash was destroyed due to baseless hatred, our homeland all the while the government מלכות בית דוד which the sources indicate must be eradicated before we can was willing to suffice with a severed .demand a real redemption רמב" משנה תורה הלכות ברכות פרק ב הלכה ד homeland, where we were constantly bombarded with rocket attacks from the The Maharal (Netzach Yisrael, chap. 4) explains that the superiority ... בונה ירושלי או מנחם עמו ישראל בבנין ירושלים, ולפיכך old city. Our response was empty threats of the Second Temple, in which the Shekhina did not reside, lay נקראת ברכה זו נחמה, וכל מי שלא אמר מלכות בית דוד בברכה while we allowed for human sacrifice, in Israel themselves, who were united through the Temple. Once זו לא יצא ידי חובתו מפני שהיא ענין הברכה שאי נחמה גמורה telling Jordan that they was playing with groundless hatred began to grow and Israel’s unity around God and אלא בחזרת מלכות בית דוד. fire, and telling him as long as he doesn't the Temple unraveled, there was no longer room for the Mikdash. ,join the war we will not fight his army. Yet ממשלה בלי מלוכה the Heavens decided otherwise, through tremendous kindness Hashem hardened Hussein's heart, and due to his attack we were "forced" into redeeming our land, and removing the disgrace of a severed country and a divided Jerusalem.

19 Now - Celebrate with Gratitude- Derisha for the Ultimate Celebration Sending children to Learn in Yerushalayim

פר החינו מצוה ש מצות מעשר בהמה טהורה בכל שנה... ולהביא המעשר לירושלים... משרשי המצוה, שהאל ברוך הוא בחר בעם ישראל וחפץ למען תפילה, שמחה, ביקור ועלייה לתורה צדקו להיות כולם עוסקי תורתו ויודעי שמו, ובחכמתו משכם לִבִּ י בְמִזְרָ ח וְאָ נֹכִ י בְּ סוֹף מַﬠֲרָ ב במצוה זו למען ילמדו יקחו מוסר, כי יודע אלהים שרוב בני אדם נמשכים אחר החומר הפחות בשגם הוא בשר, ולא יתנו נפשם תפילה לכיוון ירושלים בעמל התורה ובעסקה תמיד, על כן סיבב בתבונתו ונתן להם מקום שידעו הכל דברי תורתו על כל פנים, שאין ספק כי כל רמב" הלכות תפילה פרק ה הלכה ג אדם נמשך לקבוע דירתו במקום שממונו שם. ולכן בהעלות כל נכח המקדש כיצד היה עומד בחוצה לארץ איש מעשר כל בקר וצאן שלו שנה שנה במקום שעסק החכמה מחזיר פניו נכח ארץ ישראל ומתפלל, היה והתורה שם והיא ירושלים, ששם הסנהדרין יודעי דעת ומביני עומד בארץ מכוין את פניו כנגד ירושלים,... מדע, וכמו כן נעלה לשם מעשר תבואתנו ... ומתוך כך יהיה בכל בית ובית מכל ישראל איש חכם יודע התורה, אשר ילמד בחכמתו כל בית אביו, ובכן תימלא הארץ דעה את ה'.

The Text of Nachem To witness the ultimate, we need to adhere to the words of Rav Yehuda HaLevi (Kuzari): שו"ת יחווה דעת, א' מ"ג רב חיי דוד הלוי The Divine concept descends upon a person only in ומלבד זה גם הרוחניות של ירושלים היא לגופו של דבר באמת, טעות מרה בידך, וחביבים הם ,accordance with his readiness for it – if only slightly בעוונותינו הרבים בשפל המדרגה ... כי אותם בנים שבאים לחצרות בית ה' בכל מצב ובכל then slightly; if much, then much." The way to realize מה מאוד ידאב לב כל החרד לדבר ה' תנאי, והלואי והיינו זוכים שכל ישראל בהמוניהם "the great vision of Jerusalem, of the joining of "awe על התפרקות הדור מחיי תורה ומצוה, יעלו ויבואו בכל טומאתם ... ואין אתה רשאי לקרוא yir'a) and "vision" (re'iya), between human Torah and) חינוך אלפים ורבבות מילדי ישראל ללא לירושלים "שוממה מבלי בניה" מפני שחלק מהם עזבו Divine enlightenment, is to be found in our aspirations תורה וללא מצוה, והרס חומת הצניעות דרך ה', וכך אמר ר' מאיר "בין כך ובין כך ראויים בנים". and longings. If we have not achieved this desired והמוסר, וריבוי חילולי השבת, והפרת והקדוש ברוך הוא יתברך שמו אוהב הוא את אותם success then we ... must turn our attention to the proper סדרי הכשרות, ועוד כהנה וכהנה. בושנו הבנים, אשר אותם ביזית במכתבך, הרבה יותר ממה connection and relationship between the ethereal and וגם נכלמנו כי שודדו ארמנותינו, אלו שמסוגל אדם לאהוב את הכשרים והצדיקים בישראל, ,the earthly. Taking a wider view of the nation as a whole הארמונות של תורתינו הקדושה" והדברים ארוכים ודי למבין." we must combine righteousness and uprightness, Rav Chaim David HaLevi recognized that even in a less than ideal state, if Yerushalayim is fairness and harmony, and the Torah and holiness. inhabited by its children, even those who have yet to fully appreciate its greatness and to act ccordingly- that is still not a barren state. 20 This resource is part of our In this short booklet we will embark on a multi-millennia journey, exploring the relationship between the Jewish People and Mizrachi-driven Global Yom Yerushalayim throughout the generations. We will grow to appreciate the significance of Yerushalayim from the time of Creation, when it is clearly designated to be HaMakom, the most exalted place on earth, comprising an upper Heavenly city Yerushalayim celebration and a lower earthly one; and we will relive the attempts throughout history to uncover the hidden treasures of Yerushalayim ...in a collaborative effort to and to unify to the city. reenergize this pivotal day Our travels begin with the outcome of the 1948 War of Independence, when, through Divine grace, a Jewish State is Yom in modern Jewish history founded, but facing the painful reality that the Jews have been driven out of the Old City of Yerushalayim. Yet the reality as we approach next year of a divided city is antithetical to its very nature. As we trace Yerushalayim's significance from the dawn of time, its eternal Yerushalayim centrality becomes evident. The Avot (our forefathers) begin to uncover aspects of its uniqueness, and the Jewish people the 50th anniversary since are poised to transport their Mount Sinai experience through the travelling Mishkan to a new mountain, "the place where the miraculous Six Day War Hashem will Choose to Rest His Presence." Ultimately, it becomes clear that the story of Yerushalayim surrounds a legacy and the reunification of of constantly seeking its inspiration; without this adequate derisha, the pursuit of the city and its spiritual essence cannot be realized. Jerusalem in 1967. King David's persistence enables his son to be granted permission to build the Mikdash, and Yerushalayim is cemented as From Rav Doron Perez's the center of all Jewish life. However, when this special place is not appreciated as a source of unification, it cannot remain in Jewish hands. Its destruction embodies a destruction of who we are. Throughout the generations, individuals seek it out, Introduction and ultimately, as we return to the dramatic days of 1948, when Yerusahalyim slips out of our hands. Only 19 years later, when it seems as if the entire Jewish state is on the brink of annihilation, a clear burst of Divine grace provides the Jewish people with a reality they weren't only unprepared for, but apparently uninterested in: “Har HaBayit BiYadeinu,” the Temple Mount is in Our Hands. The miraculous victory of the Six Day War, punctuated by the reunification of Yerushalayim, is lost on no one, and its ripple effects are felt throughout the Jewish State and the Jewish world. As we begin to appreciate Yom Yerushalayim's significance as the day marking our return to Yerushalayim, we recognize amidst our euphoria that there is still much for us to pursue, and to long for. We have been granted a foothold in Yerushalayim, but we have yet to actualize its full potential. Celebrating our presence in a unified Yerushalayim coupled with a longing for its full beauty, is the ticket to realizing its ultimate reunification.