בעזרת ה ' יתבר

A Tzaddik, or righteous person , makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits.

Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1)

 RE ’EH 


The Merit of Charity Compound forms of verbs usually indicate thoroughness. Yet when the Torah tells us (14:22), “You shall fully tithe ( aser te’aser ) all the produce of your field,” our Sages derive another concept. “ Aser bishvil shetis’asher ,” they say. “Tithe in order that you shall become wealthy.” Why is this so? When the charity a person gives, explains Levi Yitzchak, comes up to Heaven, its provenance is scrutinized. Why was this particular amount giv en to charity? Then the relationship to the full amount of the harvest is discovered. There is a ration of ten to one, and the amount given is one tenth of the total. In this way the entire harvest participates in the but only in a secondary role. Therefore, if the charity was given with a full heart, the person giving the charity merits that the quality of his donation is elevated. The following year, the entire harvest is elevated from a secondary role to a primary role in the giving of the charit y. The amount of the previous year’s harvest then becomes only one tenth of the new harvest, and the giver becomes wealthy.

n Story Unfortunately, there were all too many poor people who circulated among the towns and

1  Re ’eh / [email protected] villages begging for assistance in staving off starvation. The locals gave a few coins to each of them; they could not give larger amounts to every person who came with outstretched hands. But if the poor person could secure an enthusiastic personal letter from a great , there was a good chance that he would be given somewhat larger donations. There was a poor man who had the good fortune of securing such a letter. He had to marry off his daughter, and he was penniless. At the advice of a friend, he poured out his tale of woe to a certain great rabbi, and the rabbi offered to write him a letter. He had not dared ask for such a great privilege, even though the rabbi had known him for years. But fortune smiled on him, and the rabbi offered on his own. With hope in his heart and a bounce in his step, the poor man put the letter into his satchel and set off to raise the money he needed. Even with the letter, it was a struggle. The poor man did manage to get a little more than he would have without the letter, but the amounts were not great. Nonetheless, the small amounts were adding up, and he was hopeful that with persistence and determination he could raise the sum he required. And then misfortune overtook him. He stopped at an inn in a village near Berditchev and shared a drink with some of the other guests. The liquor loosened his tongue, and soon he was telling the others about his good fortune in securing his letter. The next morning, he found that the letter was missing from his satchel. For a full week, he tried to raise money without the letter, but he received only pittances. He was at his wits’ end. What was he to do? Without the letter he could never raise the money he needed for the wedding. In desperation, he ran to Rav Levi Yitzchak in the nearby city of Berditchev and pleaded with him for assistance. Rav Levi Yitzchak listened sympathetically to the man’s desperate plight. “Come back tomorrow,” said Rav Levi Yitzchak. “I’ll see what I can do.” The next morning, the poor man came to him after Shacharis. “I have good news for you,” said Rav Levi Yitzchak. “The thief who took your letter has returned it to me. He also returned to me all the money he raised with your letter during the past week. That money rightfully belongs to you.” Rav Levi Yitzchak handed the poor man his letter and a large sum of money. The poor man was amazed. It appeared that the thief had raised much more money in the one week he had been in possession of the letter than he himself had managed to raise with the letter during the many weeks of his travels. Many years later, the Sanzer Rav would explain this phenomenon. Not every person has the merit of performing the mitzvah of tzedakah to the fullest. Therefore, the man who possessed the letter legitimately was not able to raise such large amounts of money. The thief, however, was able to raise far greater sums, because the money he received was not really tzedakah . As it turned out, then, the poor man was fortunate that his letter had been stolen. The thief had raised the money, and in the end, it had come to its rightful owner. n n n

הילולא The anniversary of the petira of a Tzaddik is known as a Hilula , which means “A Day of Joy”. One of the tools that Kabbola teaches is to connect to a Tzaddik (righteous person). 2  Re’eh / [email protected]

The method to connect to a Tzaddik is to adopt the following ritual: 1) Learn the anniversary of his petira or, if this information is not available, the days of Erev Rosh Chodesh , Rosh Chodesh and the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month can be utilized for a connection. 2) Light a twenty-five-hour candle in his or her honor. There is no specific berocha . Some say the following: This candle is being lit in the merit of ______. Others say that it is the custom within Klal Yisrael to light a yahrzeit candle on the day that a relative or a Tzaddik has passed away. The lighting has no accompanying blessing, and people would like to express themselves in a tefilla when lighti ng the candle. This is not only true on a yahrzeit but on every Yom Tov as well. The author of the Pele Yo’etz , Rav Eliezer Papo (1785–1828), did in fact compose such a tefilla . Rav Papo was the Rav of the city of Selestria in Bulgaria. Bulgaria was a part of the Ottoman Empire at the time. The tefilla of the Pele Yo’etz is reproduced and translated below, as a public service.

Hebrew Tefilla for Lighting a Yahrzeit or Hilula Candle [ #ְ פִ ילָ ה הַ נִ מְ ,צַ ת !ַ סֵ פֶ ר אֶ לֶ / הַ מָ גֵ ' מִ !ַ עַ ל הַ ֶ לֶ א יוֹ עֵ עַ ל ָ רָ ַ ת וַ יֵ צֵ א עָ מוֹ ד כ ]ד" ]ד"

הַ רֵ ינִ י מַ דְ לִ יק נֵ ר זֶ ה לִ נמְ חַ ת  לְ עִ יל י נִ ְ מַ ת * בִ י / אִ מִ י מוֹ רָ תִ י / הַ צַ דִ יק ______/'!ֵ !ַ ת ______, יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ' מִ לְ פָ י2נֶ 'ה אֶ קֵ ינ וֵאקֵ י אֲ בוֹתֵ ינ , ֶ#ְ קַ !ֵל !ְרַ חֲמִ י% בְרָ צוֹ' (ָל מַ עֲ)ֶ ה הַ טוֹב ֶ ,נִי עוֹ)ֶ ה , !ֵי' !ְמַחַ ָ בָ ה , !ֵי' !ְדִ י!ר , !ֵי' !ְמַ עֲ)ֶ ה וְ יִ הְ יֶ ה הַ (ֹ ל (ֹ לִ כזְ ת  לְ נמְ חַ ת  לְ עִ יל י לִ נְ ָ מוֹ ת עַ 2מְ יִ )ְ רָ לאֵ , !ִ פְ רָ ט לְ נֶ פֶ ר חַ  נְ ָ מָ ה ֶ ל * בִ י / אִ מִ י / י מִ אִ / י בִ צַ דִ יק ______. יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ' ֶ #ִ הְ יֶ נָ ה נַ פְ וֹ תֵ יהֶ % צְ ר רוֹ ת !ִ צְ רוֹ ר הַ חַ .י%יִ Translation: Behold I am lighting this lamp for the resting and uplifting of the soul of my father/my mother/the Tzaddik ______the son/daughter of ______. May it be Your will before you, Hashem , our G-d and the G -d of our forefathers, that all my good deeds whether in thought, speech or action be done for a merit and a resting and an elevation of the souls of your nation Yisrael. It should be especially for the soul of my father/mother/the Tzaddik _____. May it be Your will that their souls be bound in the bond of life. 3) Learn about the person including history, culture, writings and teachings. 4) Study some of h is teaching or writings. See more at: Y GEDOLIM BE'MISASAM YOSER Z YAHRZEITS BEGINNING SHABBOS RE’EH /Elul Biographical information and yahrzeits compiled by Reb Manny Saltiel and ththth + 292929 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Friday Night (Aug 6th )  This day is considered Yom Kippur Kotton . Some have the to fast and say selichos (even if they do not do this in other months), to give additional tzedoka , and to study an additional amount.  Rav Shmuel ben Rav Tzvi Salant, Rav of Yerushalayim (1816–1909/5669). Born in Bialystok, Russia, his father passed away soon after his birth, and he was sent to study in

3  Re ’eh / [email protected]

Salant, , where it had already been arranged that he would eventually marry Toiba, the eldest daughter of Rav Yosef Zundel of Salant, from whom Rav Shmuel took his surname. Soon after his marriage, Rav Shmuel moved to Volozhin, where he was appointed . He moved to Eretz Yisrael in 1841. From 1848 to 1851, Rav Shmuel served the Yerushalayim community as a . In 1878, he was voted in as chief Ashkenazi Rav of Yerushalayim to replace Rav Meir who had just passed away. Rav managed to unify the many groups of Azhkenazim of Yerushalayim, and to lead them successfully for fifty years, (5669/1909);  Rav Menachem Mendel Alter of Pavinitz. He went to his death in Treblinka with hada’as , tzidkus and prishus . He was a son of the Sfas Emes, Rav Yehuda Aryeh Leib, (5702/1942);  Rav Eliezer Zusia ben Rav Yisrael Avrohom Portugal, the Skulener (1897– 1982/5742), from a small town, Sculeni (), in what was then northeastern (now ). He was a talmid of the Stefanishter Rebbe . Just eighteen years of age when his father passed away, he became Rav of the town, a position he held for twenty years. The Sadigerer Rebbe persuaded the Rebbe to relocate to the large Jewish center of Czernovitz, home to a Jewish population numbering many thousands, to oversee there. Toward the end of World War II, in March of 1945, he found himself, along with other Holocaust survivors and displaced persons, in the Russian-governed town of Czernovitz, . Rav Portugal was particularly known for his work on behalf of Holocaust orphans and for his spiritual resistance against Romania’s communist government. In 1962, he launched the crowning glory of his life’s work – the Torah network of Chesed L’Avrohom in Eretz Yisrael, which eventually expanded to four Chessed homes and schools for hundreds of children from various tragic backgrounds, as well as a countrywide network of afternoon programs for children in public schools. More than fifty thousand children have gone through its ranks. He is buried in the Vizhnitzer Cemetery in Monsey, New York. His son, Rav Yisrael Avrohom, the present Skulener Rebbe , is one of the most respected Tzaddikim today, (5742/1982);  Rav Yosef Meir Twersky of Makhnovka, son of Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Geshel from Skvira. Machnovka is located in western Ukraine, thirteen miles SSE of Berditchev and ninety-six miles SW of Kiev. It is situated along the west bank of the Gnilopyat River, within the “Pale of Settlement” of the Russian Empire. In the census of 1897, the village of Makhnovka had 2,435 out of a total population of 5,343 (about 45 percent). In 1939, the Jewish population of Makhnovka was 843. The Germans captured the town on July 14, 1941 and on the 9 th of September executed 835 Jews in the Zhezhlevsk forest. A ghetto was then set up for the few hundred Jews still in the area. They were all murdered in a number of “Aktions” in 1942, (5617/1857);  Rav Shmuel Sperber (1905–1985), born in Brasov, Transylvania, where his father, Rav Dovid, was the Rav . As a youth, Shmuel studied in the Yeshivos of Oyber-Visheve, Hungary, under the tutelage of Rav Eliezer Dovid Gruenwald and Rav Mendel Hager. After receiving semicha and marrying, Rav Sperber lived in Iasi, Romania. In 1931, after being attacked by anti-Semites, he decided to leave Romania and settle in England. There, he enrolled in law school at the University of and also founded a , Ohr Torah . With the arrival in England of the large transports of German-Jewish children on the eve of , Rav Sperber became actively involved in comforting and educating them. At this same time, Rav Sperber became active in the Mizrachi movement, and he opened a camp in North

4  Re’eh / [email protected]

Wales to prepare approximately two hundred children for life on a kibbutz. Later he moved to Manchester, where he continued to work with youth, and then back to London to become an adjunct professor at the University of London. In 1971, Rav Sperber settled in Eretz Yisrael. One of his sons is the mechaber of a multi-volume work on the history of minhogim /customs and of unusual ritual objects, (5745/1985). ththth + 303030 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Motzai Shabbos (Aug 7th )  Rav Yehuda Leib Eibschutz , Rav of Lvov, (5333/1573);  Rav Yisrael Friedman of -, (5711/1951);  Rav Dovid HaNoggid ben Rav Avrohom ben HaRambam , (5060/1300);  Rav Chanoch Henoch Dov of ben Rav Shmuel (5644/1884), known as the Lev Some’ach (Happy Heart). Rav Chanoch married Frieda Roke’ach, daughter of the first Belzer Rebbe , the Sar Sholom of , in his first marriage. In his second marriage he was a son-in-law of Rav Meir ben Rav Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev. ststst + 111 of ElulElulElul ~ Begins Sunday Night (Aug 8th )  Rav Yitzchok ben Rav Avrohom Shlomo, head of the Bais Din in Gadid, (5680/1920);  Rav Yaacov Mizrachi , Sefardi sage with the title HaTorah B’Yisrael (the Torah in Yisrael), (5740/1980);  Rav Yehoshua Zeitlin of Shklov, (5582/1822). ndndnd + 222 of ElulElulElul ~ Begins Monday Night (Aug 9th )  Rav Yisrael Elozor Hopstein of Kozhnitz, (5726/1966);  Rav Yitzchok bar Sheshes , the Rivash (1326–1407/1408), was born in Valencia, the son of Rav Sheshes Perfet, and settled early in life at Barcelona, where he studied under Rav Perez HaKohen and Rav Chasdei ben Yehuda. Rav Yitzchok is considered a talmid of Rav Shlomo ben Rav Aderes (the Rashba) as he followed his teachings, though he actually studied under Rav Nissim ben Rav Reuven (known as the RaN ), for whom he professed throughout his life the greatest veneration. He acquired a worldwide reputation as a Talmudic authority; Halachic inquiries were addressed to him from all quarters and he was considered a Sefardi Talmudic authority. He wrote commentaries on the , Torah and Halochos and served as Rav of Saragossa. He strongly opposed Aristotle’s approach and strongly discouraged the study of Kabbola . When the widespread massacres started in 1391 CE, Rivash fled to the safety of North Africa, settling in Algiers. There he was appointed to be chief Rav , a position recognized by the Algerian government. Generally, he led a private life, earning his livelihood in commerce until he was about fifty years old, when he was compelled to accept a position as a Rav . Together with six other prominent men of Barcelona, among whom was his younger brother, Rav Yehuda ben Rav Sheshes and his teacher the RaN , he was thrown into prison on a false accusation. After his acquittal, he accepted the Rabbinate of Saragossa. While Rav in Saragossa, there was conflict stirred up by the Dayan Rav Yosef ben Rav Dovid. As a consequence, he accepted the less important Rabbinate of Calatayud; but when he was on the point of leaving Saragossa the leaders of that community induced him to stay. The peace, however, did not remain long undisturbed, and he settled in Valencia, where he directed a Talmudical 5  Re’eh / [email protected]

school. In 1391, the Jews of Spain suffered great persecution as a result of the preaching of Fernandes Martinez. Rivash saved himself by flight. After sojourning a certain time at Miliana he settled in Algiers, where he was received with great honor. A certain Spanish refugee who had settled in Algiers before him aspired to become the leader of the community, and, seeing in Rivash a rival, began to persecute him. To give Rivash the power necessary to act against this man, Rav Shaul HaKohen Astrue persuaded the government to appoint Rivash the Rav of Algiers. But this won for him a still more powerful enemy in the person of Rav Shimon ben Rav Zemah Duran ( Rashbaz ), who disapproved of any intervention on the part of the government in the affairs of the Rabbinate. Notwithstanding these events, Rivash was greatly venerated by the Algerian Jews, and pilgrimages to his tomb are still made on the anniversary of his Yahrzeit , since his petira in 1408. His tombstone was restored by the community of Algiers in 1862. Rivash was the mechaber of 518 responsa, to which great Halachic value is attached by men like Rav Yosef Caro, Rav Yaakov Berab and many others. They are also of great historical importance as reflecting the conditions of Jewish life in the fourteenth century. In some of them are to be found details of the author’s life; but unfortunately it is impossible to trace these chronologically, the original order of the responsa having been altered by the editors. Although Rivash was very strict in his Halachic decisions, he was far from being narrow-minded. He has nothing to say against secular knowledge; he disapproves of the study of Aristotle only because the latter professed belief in the eternity of matter and denied Hashem ’s providence. Rivash’s responsa evidence a profound knowledge of the philosophical writings of his time. In one of them (No. 118) he explains the difference between the opinion of Rav Levi ben Rav Gershom (Ralbag) and that of Rav Avrohom ben Rav Dovid of Posquières ( RABaD ) on free will, and gives his own views on that complicated subject. His attitude to Kabbola was ambivalent. He advised against involving oneself with it unless one has received it from an adept teacher; since he had not done so, he wrote, he could not address its claims. Rivash ’s responsa were first published under the title She’elos UTeshuvos , in Constantinople in 1546–47. A newer collection of the responsa was published under the title She’elos UTeshuvos HaRibash HaChadoshos by Rav Dovid Frenkl at Muncas. In addition to these, he wrote novellæ on the Talmud which are no longer in existence. They are mentioned by him in his responsa (No. 106), and some of them, on the treatise Kesubos , are cited by Rav Bezalel Ashkenazi in the Shitta Mekubetzes . Rav Azulai said that he had seen a manuscript containing a commentary on the Torah by Rivash , (5167/5168–1407/1408);  Rav Eliezer ben Rav Yisrael Hager of Vizhnitz, the Damesek Eliezer , born to the Ahavas Yisrael of Vizhnitz, a small town in Bukovina on the eastern slopes of the Carpathian Mountains. He married Chava, daughter of Rav Yitzchok Meir of Kapishnitz. He is buried on Har HaZeisim, (1891–5706/1946);  Rav Avrohom Yaakov Friedman , Hy”d , of Boyan-Lvov (Lemberg), , mechaber of Nachalas Yaakov , third of the four sons of Rav Yitzchok of Boyan, the Pachad Yitzchok . He was murdered by the Nazis, (5702/1942);  Rav Shmuel Dovid Walkin , son of the Pinsker Rav , the Bais Aharon , Rav in Shanghai 6  Re’eh / [email protected]

during World War II and after the War in Queens, New York, (5739/1979). rdrdrd + 333 of ElulElulElul ~ Begins Tuesday Night (Aug 10th )  Rav Moshe Charif of Pressburg, (5518/1758);  Rav Yissochor Dov Ber (Bertche) Leifer of Nadvorna ben Rav Yitzchok of Kalisch, a great-grandson of Rav Meir HaGodol of Premishlan, (5608/1848);  Rav Meshulom Zusia of Zhinkov, grandson of the Ohev Yisrael of , (5624/1864);  Rav Avrohom Tzvi Eisenstadt (1813–1868). Born in Grodno, Russia, he became Rav of Utian. He is most famous for two publications: Pirchei Teshuva , a running commentary on Shulchon Aruch , and Pis’chei Teshuva , which follows the approach and format of Shaarei Teshuva , (5628/1868);  Rav Yitzchok Tzadika of Jerba, Tunisia, (5640/1880);  Rav Avrohom Yitzchok HaKohen Kook , chief Rav of Eretz Yisrael for nineteen years of his life (1865–1935), (5695/1935);  Rav Yitzchok Yeshaya Halberstam , Hy”d , of Tchetchov was the youngest son of Rav Chaim of through his third wife, Rochel Unger. Rav Yitzchok Yeshaya had four children: Hena, who married her cousin’s son, Menachem Mendel Halberstam, Yaakov Tzvi, who married his cousin, Chaya Sora Rosenfeld, Chaim Halberstam (1882–1956), and Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam (born 1905), (1864–5703/1943);  Rav Moshe Friedman , Hy”d , (known as “Rav Moishenyu”) of Boyan-Cracow (1881– 1943). A son of Rav Sholom Yosef of Husyatin and great-grandson of Rav Yisrael of Rizhin, he married his cousin, Miriam, whose father, Rav Menachem Nachum of Boyan- Czernowitz, was the son of the Pachad Yitzchok of Boyna. After the wedding, they lived with the Pachad Yitzchok in Boyan for thirteen years. In 1934, Rav of passed away, and Rav Moishenyu replaced him. He lived in Cracow, and then Tarnow in 1940. On the 2 nd of Elul of 5703, he and seven thousand Jews of Tarnow were sealed into cattle cars and taken to Auschwitz; the survivors of the trip, including Rav Moishenyu, were gassed to death, (5703/1943);  Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz (1886–1948/5708). Pursuing his dream, to “dot the American continent with Hebrew day schools”, he founded Torah UMesorah, and he established his Bais Medrash l’Mechanchim in Monsey, New York, as well as Yeshiva Torah V’Daas . He used to ask to be called Mister Mendlowitz, to which one of the great Tzaddikim said, “His name is “ Nister ” Mendlowitz.” Rav said that without him there would be no fear of Hashem in all of America, (5708/1948);  Rav Sholom Eichenstein of Ziditchov-Tzfas ben Rav Osher Yeshaya, (5748/1988). ththth + 444 of ElulElulElul ~ Begins Wednesday Night (Aug 11th )  Rav Arye Leib Teumim , mechaber of Gur Aryeh , (5591/1831);  Rav Yeshaya of Przedborz (1756–1831). Born in Lask, near Lodz, he was descended from a Rabbinical family. His great-grandfather, Rav Meir Getz, was the Rav of Lask and of Piotrkow. His father, Rav Meir, died when Rav Yeshaya was young, leaving no other son. When he was fourteen, a wealthy businessman from Przedborz took Rav Yeshaya as a son- in-law. There, he met the Yid HaKodosh , Rav Yaakov Yitzchok. Together, they traveled to Lithuania to learn from the Chozeh , (5591/1831);  Rav Meir Simcha ben Rav Shimshon Klonymus HaKohen of Dvinsk, the Ohr Some’ach 7  Re’eh / [email protected]

and Meshech Chochma (1843–1926/5686). In a famous, near-prophetic passage written before 1926, he presents a brilliant theory of in exile and refers to those who forget their origins and think “ is Yerushalayim”, and are doomed to destruction (B’chukosai ). Rav Meir Simcha served as Rav of Dvinsk for nearly forty years. Rav Meir Simcha was a strong supporter of the settlement of Eretz Yisrael and greeted the Balfour Declaration with enthusiasm. In 1906, he was offered the position of Rav of Yerushalayim but bowed to the entreaties of his congregants to remain in Dvinsk, (5686/1926);  Rav Eliyohu Kramer , grandfather of the ;  Rav Yechiel Fischel Eisenbach , of Sha’ar HaShomayim , and one of the greatest teachers of the teachings of the Arizal and Rashash . He was the son-in-law of Rav Asher Zelig Margolies, (5768/2008). ththth + 555 of ElulElulElul ~ Begins Thursday Night (Aug 12th )  Rav Moshe Idan of Jerba, (5654/1894);  Rav Dovid Zvi Shlomo Biederman , known as Rav Dovid'l (1844-1918), leader of the Chassidic community of Yerushalayim. Born in , his parents were Rav Eliezer Menachem Mendel of Lelov and Rebbetzin Matil Feiga. His mother’s grandfather was the Chozeh of Lublin. Rav Dovid'l was named after the founder of the Lelov dynasty, Rav Dovid (1745-1813) who was a direct descendant of Dovid HaMelech and a talmid of the Chozeh . Rav Dovid of Lelov was succeeded by his son, Rav Moshe (1776-1851). His son, Rav Eliezer Menachem Mendel, decided to stay on in Yerushalayim. At that time, the Chassidic community of Eretz Yisrael was based mostly in Tzefas and Teverya, and for the next few decades, the sole Chassidic court in Yerushalayim was that of Lelov. In his younger years, Rav Dovid'l traveled back to Europe to visit its Tzaddikim . He was so impressed by Rav Aharon the Second of Karlin that, from that time on, he considered himself his Chassid and observed all the customs of Karlin. In 1883, he succeeded his father as Lelover Rebbe . However, there was an irony: on the one hand, Rav Dovid'l was now officially the fourth Lelover Rebbe , while, on the other hand, he davened at the top of his voice with immense emotion, in true Karliner style. Rav Dovid'l was the official head of Warsaw, and with the funds, he established the neighborhood of Batei Warsaw, now a part of Meah She’orim . Lelov flourishes until this day with descendants heading courts in Yerushalayim, and New York, (5678/1918);  Miriam Bella , sister of the Rema and wife of the head of Cracow Jewry, (5379/1619);  Rav Dov Cohen , author of Seder HaShulchon , one of the last remaining students of Chevron Yeshiva in Chevron under the Alter of Slabodka. Although he was born in Seattle, he was taken to Eretz Yisrael when he was fourteen years old, because his mother was not satisfied with the chinuch in America. Before the founding of the state, he was Rav of several shuls, and after 1948, he served as Rav of the Air Force for five years, (5765/2005).  Y HILLULA DE’TDE’TZADDIKAZADDIKA Z WHAT’S BEHIND YAHRZEIT MEANINGS & CUSTOMS The Rebbe Reb Melech in Noam Elimelech explains the reason why when we mention a

8  Re’eh / [email protected]

Tzaddik who has passed on we say: Zechuso Yogen Oleinu (may his merit shield us). The Noam Elimelech asks: why would the Tzaddik give away his merit to someone else to shield him? Perhaps he would keep that merit for his own benefit in the next world! He answers that zechuso should not be translated as “merit” rather as zach venoki – “pure and refined”. When we say Zechuso Yogen Oleinu , we are asking that the purity and refinement that the Tzaddik underwent through his , sincerely motivated lishma – which refined him; this light should be drawn down over us all and stand by his generation to shield and protect us all. ( Parshas Bo ). Those Tzaddikim who, during their lifetimes, awakened and roused the hearts and souls of the Jewish people, continue to do so even after they have passed on from this world. (Atzei Chaim – Mishpotim ).  The Tzaddikim who reside in the world of truth are called Melitzei Yosher , for during their lifetimes they advocated on behalf of the Jewish people to protect them from all manner of prosecution, and they continue to plead our case and advocate on our behalf in the next world, just as Chazal teach us regarding Moshe ( Sota 13b) that “Moshe passed away there” (Devorim 34:5) and yet it says in Shemos (34:28) that he was there with Hashem ? The Gemora answers the contradiction by saying that just as in the first place he stood and served before Hashem , so does he now still stand and serve before Hashem till this day, advocating on our behalf before Hashem just as he did in his lifetime – and so do all the Tzaddikim of each generation in the upper realms. ( – Zechor Bris ). 

Y GEDOLIM BE’MASAYHEM Z STORIES & ANECDOTES Rav Shmuel Salant of YerushalayimYerushalayim,,,, 292929 ththth of Menachem Av A gem that is unique in its written semicha by Rav Abele, the famous multifaceted beauty is not left long at the Dayan of Vilna, though it is not noted there jewelers. The first buyer with a keen eye that this was when he was just bar mitzva ! recognizes its worth and is ready to pay As a seven-year-old, he was once ill dearly for it. Rav Shmuel Salant was taken and in bed. The doctor who checked him as a chosson already at the age of ten, for saw that his mouth was full of blisters. his exceptional talents were already well Turning to the boy’s parents, the doctor known. explained that if the tongue isn’t clean, it’s His humility a sure sign of a malfunctioning stomach. perhaps outweighed “Is there anyone who can truly say his greatness. In his mouth is clean?” retorted the sick child. accordance with “Chazal tell us in the Gemora Bova Basra Rav Shmuel’s that most people are guilty of theft and wishes, the only everyone of loshon hora !” praise written on his headstone on  Har HaZeisim is that he was given a Throughout the seventy years of his 9  Re’eh / [email protected]

Rabbonus in Yerushalayim, Rav Shmuel Shmuel, would rent a suitable building so was to the public as a loving father, and that classes could be carried out in spacious even more, a faithful servant. The Rav was rooms. always available and reception hours were Within a short time, all the children an unknown. In fact, he placed his table of Yerushalayim, rich and poor alike, were close to the door so that whoever would learning under the new need him, at any hour, would just come to system. The Rav personally saw to every the door and find the Rav ready to hear a detail, even checking the boys’ school bags, shaila or listen to a ’s troubles. to check that they all had food. When he When he was asked why he did not saw one that was bare of even a piece of set aside specific times for receiving the bread, he would place some nourishing public, the Rav replied, “A person must food into the bag. emulate the ways of HaKodosh Boruch Hu . With the new , the standard We say every day in Bircas HaMozon that of Torah was raised dramatically in Hashem feeds us and provides all our Yerushalayim. From these youngsters grew needs, tomid bechol yom uvechol eis the new generation of Talmidei uvechol sho’oh – “always, every day, every Chachomim in Yerushalayim, a generation time and every hour”. Am I more important that looks back with pride to the institution than HaKodosh Boruch Hu ?” that built them. The mosad named Eitz  Chaim still stands proudly today in the center of Yerushalayim and continues to The first, and perhaps longest- educate the coming doros , to learn and to lasting, innovation of Rav Shmuel Salant in love Torah . (Editor’s Note: My father Yerushalayim was the establishment of the learned in Eitz Chaim as a child and some Talmud Torah system for boys that we of his fondest memories took place within know today worldwide. its walls). Rav Shmuel had noticed that not all  the Jewish boys received a formal education. Those parents who could afford In Yerushalayim, anecdotes and it would hire a melamed to teach a few boys accounts of Rav Shmuel Salant’s sharp together. Often they would learn in the wisdom abound. melamed ’s house in a small room, under The Rav was once standing at the cramped conditions, with not enough door of his house and, upon seeing a man seforim . Meanwhile, those children whose passing by, he beckoned to him to come in. parents had no means with which to pay a As soon as the man had entered, the Rav private melamed would wander aimlessly locked the door securely. Quickly, he in the streets. instructed a member of his family to Grasping the situation and summon two Dayonim and a sofer who perceiving the dangers therein to the boys’ lived in the vicinity. When all were present, spiritual growth, Rav Shmuel gathered the Rav raised his voice sternly at the together all the parents of the city and bewildered man. “Tell me your name and presented a novel idea: the Rav would that of your wife and instruct the sofer to appoint a melamed who would teach all write a bill of divorce for your wife.” children, irrespective of their parents’ The stranger composed himself and financial means. He would be paid a blatantly denied everything. “Forgive me, regular wage, which would be the Rav ’s kvod HaRav , I think the Rav is mistaken. I responsibility. Aside from this, he, Rav am not married and have no wife to

10  Re’eh / [email protected] divorce. I have no idea what the Rav is Rav send a telegram stating that the two talking about.” admitted they had testified falsely? Then all Ignoring his glib talk, the Rav began the Jews of the city will be saved.” to shout, “Give your wife a valid get , Rav Elishar reread the letter, not according to Halocha ! You’ll meet a bitter knowing what to make of it. Gathering the end if you do not heed my words!” askonim of Rishon LeTzion, they could After a few minutes, the man’s come to no decision. Was the letter facade crumbled and he gave in. The bill of authentic, or could it be just a ruse to get divorce was written up and the Rav sent the people of into trouble? No the man free on his way. solution was found and the Rav decided Shocked by the pace and bizarre they would take the telegram together to turn of events, the Dayonim wondered, Rav Shmuel Salant and whatever he “How does the Rav know this stranger? decided would be the final word. How does he know that he must divorce his Due to the danger involved, they wife?” awoke the Rav from his sleep when they arrived. Rav Shmuel, who was already “A few months ago, there were public notices everywhere that a man had almost ninety years old, listened to the disappeared after refusing to give his wife a shaila and then glanced at the telegram. get , leaving her an aguna . The notice Immediately, he discerned the intent displayed a picture of the man and behind it. requested anyone who saw him to report “The telegram looks too long. No him immediately. When this man passed Rav would write so many words. Such a by my house, I recognized him and decided lengthy message could only have been to act fast and extract the get from him al written by the goyim themselves and pi Torah , thereby saving his wife from her perhaps they forced the Rav to sign at the predicament.” end. No doubt they want us to report that Jews are false witnesses and whip up the  fury of the masses against the Yidden .” The venerable Rav then gave his The Rav’s pikchus saved a sage advice: “Avoid giving a direct answer community as far away as from and say you have no idea of any witnesses what would have been an ugly pogrom. at all.” In the month of Tammuz 5665 Rav Elishar obeyed the Rav and (1905), a telegram arrived at the home of promptly sent a telegram back, saying that the Rav of Rishon LeTzion, Rav Yaakov since he was a Turkish citizen, it was Shaul Elishar. It was a lengthy telegram of forbidden for him to mix into the laws of one hundred and thirty-three words, other countries and that he had no idea of apparently written by the Rav of any Jews who had come from Novominsk. Novominsk. It reported a story of two Novominsker Jews who had moved to A few weeks later, the Jewish Yerushalayim. They had given false newspaper in Warsaw had a full report of testimony that five gentiles were involved the sharp wisdom of Rav Shmuel Salant, in a murder. The five were condemned to a who had saved the Jews of Novominsk. harsh sentence. In the event that this would Had the Rabbonim fallen into the trap of be carried out, the local goyim would no the false telegram, the goyim would have doubt exact a bloodthirsty revenge on all been severely incited against the Jews and the Jews. who knows how far their anger would have taken them, chas vesholom . “Please,” the letter read, “would the 11  Re’eh / [email protected]

Rav Shmuel Salant (1816– 1909) marriage to Tova, Rav Shmuel adopted his was a renowned Talmudist and Torah father-in law’s surname, Salant. scholar who followed the customs of the (Rav Yosef Zundel Salant was a Gaon of Vilna. From 1841 until his passing talmid of Rav Chaim Itzkowitz of Volozhin in 1909 he served as the Ashkenazi chief (Rav Chaim Volozhiner), who in 1803 Rav of Yerushalayim. founded the famed . Rav Shmuel Salant was born in 1816 Following the petira of Rav Chaim of in the city of Volknik near Bialystok, then Volozhin in 1821, Rav Yosef Zundel would part of Russia. His father, Rav Tzvi, was the make trips to Posen to study with Rav Rav of the town, as well as the Rav of Akiva Eiger (1761–1837). Rav Zundel was Trakai, near Vilna. Rav Shmuel’s mother, the spiritual mentor of Rav Yisrael Lipkin Risa, daughter of Rav Shimon, immigrated Salanter (1810–1883), who would later be to Eretz Yisrael in her old age. She passed immortalized as the father of the Mussar away on the 5 th of Tishrei in 1857 and was Movement.) In 1837, Rav Yosef Zundel buried on Har HaZeisim in what is known Salant immigrated to Yerushalayim from today as the Sefardi section. In his early Lithuania. Rav Zundel refused support youth Rav Shmuel studied with his father. from public funds and instead made a Unfortunately, Rav Tzvi passed away when living in the vinegar business. At that time Shmuel was but a child. Relatives of the the Ashkenazi settlement in Yerushalayim young Shmuel sent him to the city of was very small and had no judicial court. Keidan to study under Rav Tzemach Only the Sefardi community had an Shapiro, known as Rav Tzemach established Bais Din . Upon his arrival in Drubiyaner, who later became one of the Yerushalayim, Rav Zundel established an great leaders of the city of Vilna. informal Bais Din in his courtyard to serve In Kaiden, at the tender age of ten, the local Ashkenazi community.) Rav Shmuel, who was already renowned as After his marriage Rav Shmuel a child prodigy, became engaged to Fruma Salant moved to the city of Volozhin where Shapiro, the daughter of Rav Shimon he was appointed Talmud lecturer in the Merkel Shapiro (the son of Rav Avrohom Volozhin Yeshiva . Shapiro) who was the chief Rav of Birz and In 1840, due to health reasons and brother to Rav Salant’s mentor, Rav upon the advice of doctors, Rav Shmuel Tzemach Shapiro. The marriage took place Salant took his family and traveled to Eretz after Rav Shmuel Salant’s bar mitzva . Rav Yisrael. En route, in Constantinople, he Salant had a daughter from this marriage. met and befriended Sir Montefiore, After his wedding Rav Shmuel and a group who was on his way to defend the Jews of Torah scholars traveled to Lithuania to falsely accused in the Damascus Blood the city of Salant to study under the famed Libel. Sir Moses subsequently traveled to Rav Tzvi Hirsch Brodah. For reasons Eretz Yisrael seven times during his unknown, the marriage of Rav Shmuel and lifetime and developed a profound respect his young wife Fruma ended in divorce for Rav Shmuel Salant. Together they after three years. The famed Tzaddik , Rav would collaborate on many projects for the Yosef Zundel of Salant, highly respected benefit of the fledgling Ashkenazi Rav Shmuel as an exceptional prodigy and community. outstanding Tzaddik . Rav Yosef Zundel had Rav Salant arrived a daughter, Tova (1816-1869), who was a in Yerushalayim in 1841, rejoining his pious woman, and in 1834 offered Rav father-in-law and about five hundred other Shmuel her hand in marriage. After his Ashkenazim who had preceded him in 1838. There were about five thousand Jews 12  Re’eh / [email protected] in Eretz Yisrael at that time, living mainly was supported in this manner by donations in Yerushalayim, Tzefas, Teverya from Jews in the Diaspora. Rav Salant and Chevron. Smaller communities were traveled often to Europe to raise funds for in Yaffo, Chaifa, Peki’in, Acco, Shechem the impoverished Jewish settlement and and Shfaram. A large part of the Jewish managed to visit most major cities of settlement studied full-time and was Lithuania and Poland. supported by donations from Jews in the In 1850, while visiting Vilna, he met Diaspora. This age-old practice of with the committee that oversaw the supporting scholars in Eretz Yisrael who assignment of funds to the Holy Land. Rav studied full time was known as Chaluka . Salant presented a plan for setting up a Upon his arrival in Yerushalayim, Yeshiva of higher learning. His plan met Rav Shmuel Salant moved into a tiny two- with approval and upon his return to Eretz room apartment without windows in the Yisrael he quickly set up the Yeshiva in the courtyard of the Churva , “the ruins of Rav Menachem Tzion shul and began to deliver Yehuda the Chassid ”. Here in this modest daily lectures there. By 1855 the Yeshiva apartment he would live and work for the had successfully grown to major next fifty years. In his capacity as chief proportions. The Yeshiva was named Eitz Rav , he met with the great sages and Chaim with Rav Shmuel Salant and Rav prominent people of the era to discuss Yeshaya Berdaky at the helm. By the turn communal matters, in addition to the of the twentieth century Yeshiva Eitz continuous stream of plain folk who came Chaim had a total enrollment of almost one to consult with him. thousand talmidim ! The remarkable Rav Salant could not have come at a success of the Yeshiva ensured that a whole more auspicious time. The Ashkenazi new generation of pious scholars would be community had grown in size considerably ready to guide the populace and forge the and urgently needed a strong Torah path of the country for future generations. scholar to stand at the helm of an official The year 1860 was a time of Ashkenazi Bais Din . With the arrival of Rav universal poverty and hardship and the Salant, the scope and dimension of the communities in Eretz Yisrael began an temporary Ashkenazi Bais Din changed unprecedented descent into abject poverty, dramatically. In this very same courtyard the likes of which they had not seen in Rav Salant established an authorized decades. Rav (1815–1878), permanent Bais Din for the Ashkenazi the chief Rav of Kalisch, arrived from community. Sitting with him on the Poland that year. Rav Salant appointed him Rabbinical court were his brother-in-law to take his place as chief Rav of Rav Uri Shabbetai and Rav Binyomin Yerushalayim in his absence, while Rav Dovid of Vilna. This was the first Salant traveled to , established Ashkenazi Bais Din in and London on behalf of the community. In Yerushalayim for centuries. Rav Salant Germany he also met with the Rav of would thus serve as the chief Ashkenazi Wurzburg, Rav Seligmann Baer Bamberger Rav of Yerushalayim for the next seventy (1807–1878), one of the last great Geonim years! of German Jewry. They discussed the As chief Rav , Rav Salant was also in status of the various Kollelim in charge of administering the Kollel Yerushalayim and ways to manage them. Ashkenazim and its concomitant Chaluka Although new settlements in Eretz Yisrael system, an age-old practice of supporting were being funded by their mother scholars in Eretz Yisrael who studied full countries, the communities that had been time. A large part of the Jewish settlement living in Eretz Yisrael for centuries no

13  Re’eh / [email protected] longer had a source of income. Hundreds of Yerushalayim and all the various Ashkenazi people died of hunger, particularly young groups and organizations were in disarray, children and infants. The situation Rav Shmuel Salant and Rav Auerbach felt threatened to engulf the entire country. that it would be a tremendous advantage to Upon the return of Rav Salant from the entire city to create an umbrella Europe in 1860, Rav Meir Auerbach organization uniting all the various factions wanted to step down and return the post of and which would work harmoniously and Rav of Yerushalayim back to Rav Salant. in unison for the benefit of the klal . Thus Rav Salant, in his keen wisdom and insight, was born the Vaad HaKlali , which saw the tremendous benefit of having Rav eventually became the central institution Auerbach involved in communal affairs. He dealing with all Yerushalayim’s vast and convinced Rav Auerbach to stay on to assist varied issues, both financial and spiritual. him since he himself was caught up in In 1878 Rav Meir Auerbach passed overseeing the financial viability of the away, and once again the entire burden fell community and therefore had little time to on the shoulders of Rav Salant and he fill his role as sole chief Rav . Rav Auerbach returned to his post as chief Rav for was thus persuaded to remain in the Ashkenazim. In 1888 Rav Salant’s eyesight Yerushalayim Rabbinate together with Rav began to fail. He did not, however, allow Salant. As assistant chief Rav , Rav this debilitating disability to stop his wide- Auerbach assisted Rav Shmuel Salant in ranging activities in the communal affairs the spiritual and material wellbeing of of the country. In 1900 he enlisted as his Yerushalayim and continued to play a most assistant in the Rav Meir Ba’al HaNes critical role in all the communal affairs of Salant charity fund Rav Eliyohu Dovid the country. Rav Auerbach also played an Rabinowitz-Teomim, chief Rav of Mir, and essential role on the Yerushalayim world-famous scholar and author. Rav Rabbinical Board of Directors of the Rav Rabinowitz-Teomim was born near Kovno Meir Ba’al HaNes Salant charity founded in in 1845. In 1873 he was invited to the 1860 by Rav Zundel and Rav Shmuel Rabbinate of Panevez, the fifth-largest city Salant. In rising to the monumental in Lithuania. Twenty years later he was challenge of administering to the desperate appointed chief Rav of Mir. At the turn of financial woes of the vast majority of the century Rav Rabinowitz-Teomim families in Eretz Yisrael, Rav Shmuel settled in Eretz Yisrael and was Salant had thrown himself into communal immediately chosen by the ailing Rav work and particularly the central Rav Meir Salant to assist him. For five years they Ba’al HaNes Salant charity fund which worked tirelessly together for the benefit of provided for destitute and impoverished the Jewish settlement. Unfortunately, Rav families and saved them from oblivion. Rabinowitz-Teomim predeceased Rav During Rav Shmuel Salant’s lifetime and Salant, passing away in 1905 at the early later until after World War I, with the age of sixty. unanimous backing and blessing of all the Rav Salant was regarded as a great Rabbinical leaders around the world, distinguished Talmudist and an excellent all charity collected throughout the world and sagacious leader. Many of his positions on behalf and in the name of Rav Meir in Jewish law are known through the Ba’al HaNes was under the sole jurisdiction writings of his talmidim . He was also of the Rav Meir Ba’al HaNes charity fund known for his moderation and tolerance of and distributed by Rav Shmuel Salant. all classes of Jews. Although serving as the In 1866 when the cholera plague Ashkenazi chief Rav , he carried on rained death and destruction on excellent relations with chief Rav and

14  Re’eh / [email protected]

Chacham Bashi Rav Yaakov Shaul was buried the next day on Har HaZeisim Elyashar, his Sefardi counterpart, and they in the section alongside his acted in harmony and unison concerning father-in-law, Rav Zundel Salant. Many of the welfare matters of the community. Yerushalayim’s great leaders, who were Among the myriad accomplishments also friends and colleagues of Rav Shmuel of Rav Salant for the community was the Salant, are interred in that very same area: founding of the . Rav Rav Rabinowitz-Teomim, Rav Chaim Salant encouraged people to move into new Berlin, Rav , Rav neighborhoods outside the walls, Yitzchok Blazer, Rav Meir Auerbach, Rav and during his tenure as chief Rav , the Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, Rav Eliyohu population of Yerushalayim grew from five Kletzkin and many others. thousand to thirty thousand Jews. On the following day, Tuesday Rav Shmuel Salant was also August 17, 1909, the New York Times had a instrumental in collecting the necessary lengthy column reporting the passing of funding to build the Bais Yaakov shul , Rav Salant along with a biography of his located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old life. City of Yerushalayim. The cornerstone was Before he left this world, Rav Salant laid in 1856 in the presence of Rav Salant, inscribed his last will and testimony and and other dignitaries such as Baron pledged that all who continue supporting Alphonse James de Rothschild, brother of the Rav Meir Ba’al HaNes Salant charity Edmond James de Rothschild, who will merit heavenly blessings and divine dedicated much of his life supporting the mercy. Jews of . It was officially named The remarkable legacy of Rav Meir Bais Yaakov after their father James Baal HaNes Salant is vibrantly alive and (Yaakov) Rothschild. It remained potent to this very day. Stories abound of Yerushalayim’s main shul until the men and women who, during personal twentieth century, when it was reduced to need and crisis, experienced miraculous rubble by Jordanian soldiers during the help when they gave charity to this holy 1948 Arab-Israeli War. fund. Rav Shmuel Salant passed away on Monday, August 16/29 th of Av 1909 and  Rav Eliezer Zusia PortugalPortugal,, 29 ththth ofofof Menachem Av The Skulener Rebbe Shachris with the Skulener Rebbe Portugal, complete a for Brings Success Shacharis . The diamond dealer, who, of The following story was told over by course, had already davened , responded Rav Shlomo Mandel, Rosh Yeshiva of that he was in a hurry, but the man Yeshiva of : convinced him to stay and help the Rebbe ’s He has a relative, a diamond dealer, minyan . He walked into the shul and saw who was walking to the train station in that they were still short the required ten order to get to a very important business for a minyan , but he was there already, so meeting. As he passed by the Skulener Bais he stuck around. They finally gathered the Medrash , a man asked him to help the required ten men and started to daven at Skulener Rebbe , Rav Eliezer Zusia the Rebbe ’s usual deliberate pace. The man

15  Re’eh / [email protected] kept glancing at his watch and realized that Jews from all walks of life. he was going to miss his important Almost immediately after they business meeting. At this point, he couldn’t settled in Crown Heights, they formed a leave and ruin the minyan , so he stayed. network of orphanages in Eretz Yisrael to To make a long story short, he provide material and spiritual sustenance missed his important meeting. However, to hundreds of orphaned children and that day turned out to be his most children who came from homes where the successful day in business ever, despite parents were either unfit or unable to care missing an important meeting. Rav Shlomo for them. Their goal was to help these Mandel concluded, “After a Shacharis with children grow up, marry and raise Torah - the Skulener Rebbe , of course it was his true generations. The organization was most successful day in business!” Chessed L’Avrohom . Zechuso Yogen Oleinu To this day, the Skulener Rebbe guides Chessed L’Avrohom . Orphanages in rebbe-brings.html Bnei Brak, Meron and Kadima are staffed by teachers, house parents and a full roster  of educational professionals. The children receive a chareidi chinuch in a loving and Chessed L’Avrohom: For All the nurturing environment. Wherever possible, Rebbe’s Children the birth parents are invited to participate In 1960, the Skulener Rebbe , Rav in the child’s upbringing, even if only in a Eliezer Zusia Portugal, and his son, Rav limited way. And every child’s simcha Yisrael Avrohom, were released from a becomes a Chessed L’Avrohom family Communist Romanian prison where they occasion, as milestones like bar mitzvas had been held for almost a year. Intense and weddings are arranged and sponsored public pressure from the leading Gedolim by the organization. of that era, including the Lubavitcher, After-school programs in Chadera, Kapishnitzer, Sadigerer and Boyaner Kiryat Ata, Nahariya, Ashkelon and Ashdod , coupled with diplomatic give public-school children the opportunity intervention from United Nations to thrive in a wholesome Torah Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld, had atmosphere. Summer camps, national allowed them to immigrate to the United outreach and alumni programs, States. Shabbatonim , separate educational Although they had been locked away programming for married men and women from the eyes of world Jewry for decades, and a vocational training center help young the Rebbes ’ holiness and efforts on behalf people develop the social and other skills of Romanian wartime orphans were well necessary to lead productive lives. known. Their arrival was met with jubilance and reverential devotion among  Rav Yosef Meir Twersky of MakhnovkaMakhnovka,,,, 292929 ththth of Menachem Av Rav Yosef Meir Twersky was born in Loyav, like him a descendant of the 5620/1860 in . He was the son of Rav Czernobyl dynasty. Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel of Skver. After the petira of his father in Rav Yosef Meir was the son-in-law 5246/1886, Rav Yosef Meir was appointed of Rav of Rebbe in the village of Makhnovka in

16  Re’eh / [email protected]

Ukraine. Rosh Chodesh Elul 5677/1917 in His court attracted many thousands Makhnovka. He was fifty-seven. of Chassidim , and his influence was His son, Rav Avrohom Yehoshua tremendous. Rav Yosef Meir was revered Heshel, succeeded him as Rebbe . He later by his generation; many Tzaddikim said moved to Eretz Yisrael, where he rebuilt that he was worthy of being among the the Makhnovka court in Bnei Brak. talmidim of the Ba’al Shem Tov . Rav Yosef Meir’s sons-in-law were Rav Yosef Meir was known as a boki Rav Dovid Leib Twersky; Rav Nachum in sifrei Kabbola . He endured fasts and Twersky of Zlotipoli, the son of Rav Dovid other self-inflictions. of Skver; and Rav Yehoshua Roke’ach of During World War I, many Yidden Yaroslav. found refuge in his Bais Medrash , despite Zechuso yagen oleinu. the mesirus nefesh this demanded of him. Rav Yosef Meir was niftar on Erev  Rav Yisrael Friedman of BoyanBoyan))))LeipzigLeipzig ,,, 303030 ttththhh of Menachem Av Rav Yisrael was the son of Rav Nachum, set up his court in Czernowitz, Yitzchok (the Pachad Yitzchok ), founder of Bukovina. The third son, Rav Avrohom the Boyan dynasty. He was born on the 24 th Yaakov, moved to Lemberg, Galicia, where of Elul 5638/1878, coinciding with the first he established a large court and Yeshiva . day of Selichos . Sadly, he was killed al kiddush Hashem at His paternal grandfather, Rav the hands of the Germans; Hy”d . The Avrohom Yaakov of Sadigura, commented youngest son, Rav Mordechai Shlomo, left that he entered this world like a veteran Europe for New York, where he was Chassid , arriving at the Rebbe ’s court on instrumental in building up the Torah the first day of Selichos . He was named community in the United States. Yisrael after his great-grandfather, Rav Rav Yisrael eventually moved to Yisrael of . Leipzig, Germany, where his court served His father hired the best melamdim the many Ruzhiner Chassidim who had for him as he quickly climbed the ladder of fled there during World War I. success in his studies. In fact, he finished Rav Yisrael was a beloved figure in the entire during his youth. the region; not only his Chassidim Rav Yisrael closely followed his holy consulted with him, but the local father’s ways, absorbing the exalted nature population also benefited immensely from of his Avodas HaKodesh. his presence. He was the son-in-law of his uncle, He accomplished a great deal by Rav Shlomo of Sadigura. His second wife building mikvaos , upholding kashrus , and was the daughter of his uncle, Rav Dovid generally strengthening Yiddishkeit . Halpern, son-in-law of the Ruzhiner. In 5695/1935 he visited Eretz After the petira of his father, he, Yisrael, and was warmly welcomed by the along with his brothers, Rav Menachem yishuv there. He returned to Germany on a Nachum, Rav Avrohom Yaakov, and Rav temporary basis, his heart desiring to settle Mordechai Shlomo, began leading permanently in the Holy Land. Chassidic courts. In 5699/1939, he escaped the Nazi The eldest son, Rav Menachem barbarity by fleeing to Switzerland, where 17  Re’eh / [email protected] he stayed for a short while before yeshuos for people in need. continuing his journey to Eretz Yisrael. He was niftar on the first day of Rav Yisrael re-established his Bais Rosh Chodesh Elul (30 th of Av ) and was Medrash in , which served as a buried in Tzefas. He was succeeded by his focal point for Boyaner Chassidim after the younger brother, Rav Mordechai Shlomo of war. Boyan. He was known for his ability to be Zechuso yogein oleinu po’el yeshuos . His father said of him that he had the abilities of his father-in-law, Rav Shlomo of Sadigura, in his power to achieve  Rav Yehoshua Zeitlin of ShklovShklov,,,, 111ststst ofofof Elul

Rav Yehoshua Zeitlin was born in influential adviser to the king. He 5502/1742 in Charson. supported many of his talmidim from his He was a talmid of the Vilna Gaon own pocket. and of Rav Arye Leib Ginsburg, the Among his famous talmidim are Rav Sha’agas Arye . Menachem Mendel Leffin, the mechaber of Rav Yehoshua was a Gaon who was Cheshbon HaNefesh ; Rav Binyomin , regularly asked by other Gedolim for his mechaber of Gevi’i Gvia HaKesef ; and Rav opinion in matters of Halocha . Boruch of Shklov. He wrote the commentary Amudei Rav Yehoshua was niftar on the 1 st Gola on Sefer Mitzvos Koton , better known of Elul , the second day of Rosh Chodesh as the Smak . He also published a 5582/1822, at the age of eighty. compilation of his Halachic responsa. Zecher Tzaddik livrocha . Besides his greatness in Torah , Rav Yehoshua was also wealthy and was an  Rav Yisrael Elozor Hopstein of KozhnitzKozhnitz,,,, 222ndndnd ofofof Elul Son of Rav Yerachmiel Moshe of group of Chassidim who bought property Kozhnitz, Rav Yisrael Elozor Hopstein was there. Rav Yisrael Elozor himself traveled born in Elul 5658/1898, a sixth-generation to Eretz Yisrael with the group, where, with descendant of the Maggid of Kozhnitz, and the Chassidim of the Yablona Rebbe , they was named Yisrael after him. founded the city of Kfar Chassidim. Rav Yisrael Elozor learned under Due to ill health, Rav Yisrael Elozor Rav Meir Yechiel of Ostrovtza, receiving was forced to leave Eretz Yisrael. He was semicha from him. He married the appointed Rav of the community in Paris; daughter of Rav Mordechai Yosef Twersky when the Nazis conquered Paris, Rav of Zlatipola. After the petira of his father Yisrael Elozor was captured as he tried to on the 13 th of Elul 5669/1909, Rav Yisrael flee, but he was transferred to Nice and Elozor was appointed Rebbe . from there he managed to escape to In 5684/1924, wishing to help settle America in 5701/1941. Eretz Yisrael, Rav Yisrael Elozor headed a In America, Rav Yisrael Elozor

18  Re’eh / [email protected] rebuilt Kozhnitzer Chassidus . 5726/1966, at the age of sixty-eight. His Unfortunately, all the seforim and mitta was flown to Eretz Yisrael, where he heirlooms he had inherited from his was buried in the Sanhedria Bais Olam in forebears were lost during the war. Yerushalayim. In 5726/1966, Rav Yisrael Elozor Rav Yisrael Elozor’s Divrei Torah decided to return to Eretz Yisrael, and were published in the sefer Avodas Elozor . founded a Bais Medrash for the Kozhnitzer The Rebbe was succeeded as Chassidim there. (Until then, they davened Kozhnitzer Rebbe by his grandson, Rav in someone’s apartment.) Shimshon Sternberg, who leads a Returning to America to take care of flourishing Chassidus in Eretz Yisrael. some last details, Rav Yisrael Elozor was suddenly niftar on the 2 nd of Elul  Rav Yitzchok bar SheshesSheshes,,,, 222ndndnd ofofof Elul The Rivash Generally, he led a private life, him. To give Rivash the power necessary to earning his livelihood in commerce until he act against this man, Rav Shaul HaKohen was about fifty years old, when he was Astrue persuaded the government to compelled to accept a position as a Rav . appoint Rivash the Rav of Algiers. But this Together with six other prominent men of won for him a still more powerful enemy in Barcelona, among whom was his younger the person of Rav Shimon ben Rav Zemah brother, Rav Yehuda ben Rav Sheshes and Duran ( Rashbaz ), who disapproved of any his teacher the RaN , he was thrown into intervention on the part of the government prison on a false accusation. After his in the affairs of the Rabbinate. acquittal, he accepted the Rabbinate of Notwithstanding these events, Saragossa. While Rav in Saragossa, there Rivash was greatly venerated by the was conflict stirred up by the Dayan Rav Algerian Jews, and pilgrimages to his tomb Yosef ben Rav Dovid. As a consequence, he are still made on the anniversary of his accepted the less important Rabbinate of Yahrzeit , since his petira in 1408. His Calatayud; but when he was on the point of tombstone was restored by the community leaving Saragossa the leaders of that of Algiers in 1862. community induced him to stay. The peace, Rivash was the mechaber of 518 however, did not remain long undisturbed, responsa, to which great Halachic value is and he settled in Valencia, where he attached by men like Rav Yosef Caro, Rav directed a Talmudical school. Yaakov Berab and many others. They are In 1391, the Jews of Spain suffered also of great historical importance as great persecution as a result of the reflecting the conditions of Jewish life in preaching of Fernandes Martinez. Rivash the fourteenth century. In some of them are saved himself by flight. After sojourning a to be found details of the author’s life; but certain time at Miliana he settled in Algiers, unfortunately it is impossible to trace these where he was received with great honor. chronologically, the original order of the A certain Spanish refugee who had responsa having been altered by the settled in Algiers before him aspired to editors. become the leader of the community, and, Although Rivash was very strict in seeing in Rivash a rival, began to persecute his Halachic decisions, he was far from

19  Re’eh / [email protected] being narrow-minded. He has nothing to address its claims. say against secular knowledge; he Rivash ’s responsa were first published disapproves of the study of Aristotle only under the title She’elos UTeshuvos , in because the latter professed belief in the Constantinople in 1546–47. A newer eternity of matter and denied Hashem ’s collection of the responsa was published providence. Rivash ’s responsa evidence a under the title She’elos UTeshuvos profound knowledge of the philosophical HaRibash HaChadoshos by Rav Dovid writings of his time. In one of them (No. Frenkl at Muncas. In addition to these, he 118) he explains the difference between the wrote novellæ on the Talmud which are no opinion of Rav Levi ben Rav Gershom longer in existence. They are mentioned by (Ralbag) and that of Rav Avrohom ben Rav him in his responsa (No. 106), and some of Dovid of Posquières ( RABaD ) on free will, them, on the treatise Kesubos , are cited by and gives his own views on that Rav Bezalel Ashkenazi in the Shitta complicated subject. His attitude to Mekubetzes . Rav Azulai said that he had Kabbola was ambivalent. He advised seen a manuscript containing a against involving oneself with it unless one commentary on the Torah by Rivash , has received it from an adept teacher; since (5167/5168–1407/1408); he had not done so, he wrote, he could not  Rav Yissocher Ber ben Yitzchok LeiferLeifer,,,, 333rdrdrd of Elul Rav Bertzi of Nadworna – first Nadvorner Rebbe Here is a story I once heard from my you hear me? Do you understand? Even if rebbe the Clevelander Rebbe Shlita of he yells, shouts and threatens you! Even if Raanana about his alter zeida the founder the old man with the beard white as snow of the dynasty’s passing: orders you to stand aside - do not heed him In the year Tav Reish Ches , the and stand fast and strong!” Cholera epidemic was raging. It claimed And so they came to the crossroads the lives of many Yidden . As the death toll and disembarked and the Chassidim climbed higher, the survivors and others blocked the path and waited. The came to Rav Bertzi and cried begging him Nadworna Rebbe , Rav Yissocher Bertzi to save them from the dreaded disease. stood on the side meditating on some “Please Rebbe , daven and awaken higher plane. Some time passed and they heavenly divine mercy to stop this plague!” heard the sounds of horses approaching they cried. and saw another coach and wagon draw The Rebbe then took a drastic step near. Sure enough, it was driven by an and self-sacrificed himself for Klal Yisroel . older man with a long white beard and a He asked several followers and with a stature appearance of nobility and Chassidim to ready a coach and they he asked them to let him pass. When they embarked on a journey to the forest. On the refused, he began to berate them - elling way, the Rebbe warned them, “When we and shouting for them to move and let him arrive at the crossroads in the path, wait pass and continue on his way! They and another coach and wagon shall listened however steadfast to the Rebbe’s approach bearing a noble old Jew with a instructions and they remained strong and long beard of stature and presence. You unwavering - barring his way and not must stand and bar his path, under no moving an inch from the path. Finally, the circumstances must you let him pass, do old man unsheathed his sword and

20  Re’eh / [email protected] threatened them, but still they stood their In his youth, Rav Bertche, as he was ground with no fear as the Rebbe had told fondly called, learned together with his them. Seeing this resistance, the old man uncle, Rav Meir of Premishlan, under his went down and went straight himself to illustrious grandfather, Rav Aharon Leib of Rav Bertzi carrying a large book with him. Premishlan. Rav Meir said of his young He approached the tzaddik and together nephew, “If I had the fire of Rav Bertche, I they examined the book turning pages until would devour the entire world.” he concluded. Then the old man closed the Rav Bertche married the daughter of book turned around and entered the coach, Rav Avrohom Leib Shochet. gathered the reins and turned the horses He traveled to the court of Rav and the carriage around and went back to Yitzchok of Radvill, the son of Rav Yechiel where they had come from. Michel of Zlotchov. Following the petira of Afterwards, the Rebbe explained Rav Yitzchok, Rav Bertche was appointed that these were the sifei chaim ve’sifrei Rebbe , holding court in Nadvorna. meisim – the books of life and death. He had examined the book and seen written He was known for his enthusiastic there that this old man, none other than tefillos . the malach hamaves himself, was on his In the year of his passing, cholera way that moment to carry out terrible broke out in the Jewish community, decrees and take the lives of some twelve causing many deaths. Rav Bertche took thousand Jewish souls, “I saw the books of upon himself to be the kappora of Klal life and death open before me and I made a Yisrael. He was niftar on the 3 rd of Elul deal, I had no choice - I had to save their 5608/1848, and with his petira the lives - so I traded myself for them!” And so, epidemic stopped. saying they went back, the Rebbe prepared His sons were Rav Aharon Leib of his tzava’ah , his final last will and Nadvorna, Rav Mordechai of Nadvorna- testament and sadly he saved them all, and Bursztyn, Rav Yosef of Bursha and Rav passed on at the young age of just forty one Yisrael. years old. He was moser nefesh and His sons-in-law were Rav Moshe of sacrificed himself to save them from the Kalisch; Rav Yitzchok Dov of Nadvorna; Cholera epidemic. He passed away on the and Rav Feivish, who lived in Zhabrizh. third of Elul Tav Reish Ches . Some of the Divrei Torah of Rav  Bertche were published as a section of his son’s sefer , Maamar Mordechai . Rav Yissochor Dov Ber Leifer was Zechuso yogen oleinu. the son of Rav Yitzchok of Kalisch, a scion of the Premishlan dynasty.

 Rav Avrohom Tzvi EisenstadtEisenstadt,, 333rdrdrd of Elul Mechaber of Pis’chei Teshuva Rav Avrohom Tzvi Eisenstadt was Rav Avrohom Tzvi was fluent in the born in 5573/1813. His father was Rav entire Torah and a master of incisive Yaakov of Bialystok, a descendant of Rav thinking, as he demonstrated when he Meir Eisenstadt (the Ponim Meiros ) and of dissected deep sugyos . Rav Hertz of Zalkova. 21  Re’eh / [email protected]

His reference work Pis’chei Teshuva summarizing the pesakim of the authorities on Yoreh De’ah , a guide to the pesakim of among the Rishonim and Acharonim . His many Acharonim , was written when he was works became very popular. just twenty-four years old. At that age, he Rav Avrohom Tzvi also wrote was already serving as a Rav in Autian, Pis’chei Teshuva on the sefer Gittin Russia. Va’chalitza , explaining and citing the In 5619/1859, Rav Avrohom Tzvi sources for every Halocha mentioned published Pis’chei Teshuva on Even there; and Nachalas Shiva , on the works of Ho’ezer , and just one year before his petira the early Acharonim . he published the last two sections on the Rav Avrohom Tzvi was niftar on the remaining two sections of Shulchon Aruch , 3rd of Elul , 5628/1868, at t he age of fifty- Orach Chaim and Choshen Mishpot . five. Rav Avrohom Tzvi did a major -in-history-3-elulaugust-9/ service for Rabbonim by organizing and

 Rav Moishenyu of Boyan )))Cracow)CracowCracow,,,, 333rdrdrd of Elul Talmidim of Rav Meir Shapiro of Jewry, who prided themselves on having Lublin still recall that first day of a new Rav Moishenyu in their midst. Al though he zman in the Yeshiva , the one that started was officially known as the Boyaner Rebbe , off with a difference. Instead of greeting his he was fondly called ‘Rav Moishenyu’, his talmidim as usual, Rav Meir secluded name becoming a symbol of kedusha , himself in his private tzidkus and geonus (holiness, room with strict righteousness and genius) throughout instructions not to be Poland. Beloved by the greatest and disturbed. For three days simplest alike, Rav Moishenyu was and three nights he regarded as a fatherly figure to whom all remained locked in his could turn whenever their problems room. From outside one became too difficult to manage. could hear his voice Although the Rebbes of Bais Ruzhin booming along the were makpid (cautious) to conceal their corridors as he sat immersed in his learning as much as they could, in keeping learning. When he finally emerged from his with the derech (path) they had received room three days later, he told his talmidim , from Rav Yisrael of Ruzhin not to “I just spent the vacation with Rav demonstrate their knowledge in public, Rav Moishenyu Boyaner, and seeing his Moishenyu deviated from this path. He hasmoda (diligence) in Torah , I realized said that the circumstances demanded a that I didn’t know what learning was all change and he took upon himself to be the about. Coming back to Yeshiva , I decided representative of his family who wou ld to try to copy him and I sat down to make that change. learn…” Rav Moishenyu was born on Purim Known as one of the greatest 5641 (1881) to his father, Rav Sholom masmidim (diligent scholars) of his Yosef, who was a son of the first Rebbe of generation, Rav Moishenyu Boyaner was Husyatin, Rav Mordechai Shraga. He grew also considered one of the biggest poskim up under the careful watch of his zeide of his era. He won the hearts of Polish (grandfather) for when he was only two 22  Re ’eh / [email protected] years old his father, Rav Sholom Yosef, was einikel (grandchild) in high esteem and suddenly niftar . As a young child he would affectionately call him ‘my amazed all who saw him. Blessed with a Moishenyu’. Even though there was a Rav sharp head, he spent his time finishing one in the Rebbe ’s court whose job was to mesechta (tractate) after another. His zeide pasken (decide, judge) the various shailos foretold greatness for his grandson, (legal questions) that came up from time to proclaiming that he would light up the time, the Rebbe would call for his grandson world with his Torah and tzidkus . As the to hear what he had to say. On one occasion elder Chassidim began to take note of his a shaila arose which no one was able to words, so he humbled himself before them, answer. The Boyaner Rebbe remained trying to pretend that he was just an unperturbed and told those around him, ordinary, simple child. “Don’t worry, in a few minutes ‘my A few months after Rav Moishenyu’s Moishenyu’ will be here and he will answer bar mitzva his zeide was niftar and Rav it all...” Moishenyu came under the care of his  uncle, Rav Yisrael of Husyatin. In the years after his bar mitzva , he ascended from one On the 17 th of 1917, the Pachad madreiga (plateau) to the next. From early Yitzchok was niftar . Not long afterward, morning until late at night, he immersed Rav Moishenyu’s father-in-law left for himself in his Gemora . To watch his tefilla Czernowitz, where he set up his court. Rav (prayer) was to witness a living mussar Moishenyu decided to stay in . sefer (ethics lesson), as he stood pouring Although at first he did not have his own out his heart to his Creator. minyan , after a short time his many When the Chassidim praised Rav admirers and talmidim arranged a regular Moishenyu in front of his uncle, Rav Yisrael minyan for him. After Shacharis , Rav of Husyatin, he asked them not to speak Moishenyu sat in his tefillin until midday, about him, telling them, “I have also engrossed in his seforim . He was very observed his actions and seen his great makpid not to be disturbed during his kedusha . Few people are zoche to such learning and only after midday did he see madreigos !” to the daily problems that awaited his When Rav Moishenyu turned attention. twenty, he married Rebbetzin Miriam, a Rav Moishenyu never mentioned daughter of Rav Menachem Nachum of any intention of becoming a Rebbe , but his Boyan (Czernowitz), a son of the Boyaner talmidim and admirers crowned him as Rebbe , the Pachad Yitzchok . After his their Rebbe on their own initiative. Rav chasuna (wedding), Rav Moishenyu stayed Moishenyu did not disappoint his followers in Boyan, becoming a Chassid of his wife’s and agreed to start accepting kvittlech grandfather, the Pachad Yitzchok . He (petitions). Rav was among the accepted the Boyaner Rebbe ’s total first to give him a kvittel . When Rav Meir authority in every matter, even changing came to speak to Rav Moishenyu a few days his own minhogim (customs) to those of before Rosh HaShana 5678 (1918) he gave the Pachad Yitzchok . The Chassidim would him a kvittel . At first Rav Moishenyu say that it was worthwhile traveling to refused to take it and asked him, “The Rav Boyan just to see how Rav Moishenyu sat at also needs a kvittel ?” the tisch (table) of the Pachad Yitzchok . He “Yes, I also need a good year,” Rav would sit trembling with fear, not removing Meir answered him, and reluctantly Rav his gaze from the Rebbe ’s face for a second. Moishenyu took the kvittel . The Boyaner Rebbe held his new The news that Rav Moishenyu had 23  Re’eh / [email protected] accepted the yoke of Rebbe made its way Moishenyu’s house, he told those around around Europe. After the First World War, him, “I have met many great Talmidei many of the Chassidishe courts lay in ruins, Chachomim (sages) in my lifetime, but their shuls destroyed, and the Chassidim never before have I met somebody who is penni less refugees in foreign countries. Rav familiar with literally every sefer he is Moishenyu’s dynamic personality attracted asked about. All the seforim of the many Chassidim from far and wide who Rishonim and Acharonim (early and later found a new existence under his fatherly authorities) are at his fingertips as if he has guidance. just learnt them…” In 1925, Rav Moishenyu agreed to An appreciation of Rav Moishenyu’s the invitation of his Chassidim to come and greatness in Torah can be seen from the live in Cracow, Poland. A large shul and following incident, which was related by apartment were prepared for him, and the Potiker Rav , Rav Shlomo Zalman when he arrived he was welcomed with Horowitz: Rav Horowitz was once walking great honor. Not long before he arrived, a together with Rav Moishenyu when they serious shaila had arisen regarding the were approached by someone who asked them where a certain saying of Chazal was written. Rav Horowitz answered him that the saying appears three times in Talmud Bovli . After the man had left them, Rav Moishenyu told Rav Horowitz, “Three times in Talmud Bovli , thirteen times in Talmud Yerushalmi and sixteen times in Medrash !” At the 2 nd Siyum HaShas of in Lublin Rav Moish enyu’s house became a 1938. stopover point for the various Gedolim From right to left: passing through Cracow. When the famed Rav Avrohom Yaacov of Boyan-Lemberg, Rav Rav of Kobrin, Rav Pesach Pruskin, visited Moishenyu, the Sochatchover Rebbe, Rav Dovid Rav Moishenyu, he was astounded by his kashrus of the main mikve in Cracow. knowledge and exclaimed, “Rav Moishenyu Although many Rabbonim had w ritten long has the entire Torah stored in his mind.” responsa to validate the mikve , their words In his book, Rav Zev Fisher had not been totally accepted by all, and an describes Rav Moishenyu’s court: “A Godol answer had not been found which satisfied among Gedolim was Rav Moishenyu everyone. When Rav Moishenyu examined Friedman, the Rebbe of Boyan. His the mikve he also agreed that it was kosher personality encompassed many qualities. and in a brief letter he explai ned his With his sharp mind, he had mastered the reasons. His words were accepted even by whole Torah , nigleh and nistar (revealed those who had disagreed with the other and hidden aspects of the Torah ). His life Rabbonim and his ruling brought peace was spent teaching Torah to the masses. and relief to the town. He taught Torah and Avoda (divine Indeed, soon after his arrival he was service) to everybody he had contact with. recognized as the (decisor) of the His house in Cracow was a constant hive of town. The Rav of Cracow, Rav Yosef activity, people coming and going all the Nechemia Kornitzer, often discussed the time. From his Bais Medrash rang out a various problems and shailos that had to be constant Kol HaTorah , as the best heads in solved with Rav Moishenyu. On one Cracow sat and learned together. When occasion as Rav Yosef Nechemia left Rav they got stuck in their learning, they would

24  Re ’eh / [email protected] climb the stairs to Rav Moishenyu’s unheard-of honor. apartment to ask him to solve their The Lubliner Rav , Rav Meir difficulties. In addition, the Rebbe ’s house Shapiro, was another of Rav Moishenyu’s was the main address for every great admirers. Their paths often crossed, downtrodden Yid (Jew) in town. Not just and each time Rav Meir Shapiro would take the Ruzhiner Chassidim came to him. the opportunity to speak to Rav Moishenyu Gerer, Belzer and Sanzer Chassidim would in learning. Rav Meir Shapiro deeply also seek his advice. When he gave a tisch , respected Rav Moishenyu and would often the Bais Medrash was filled with the finest voice his praises. When Rav Meir Shapiro Talmidei Chachomi m who came to warm was suddenly niftar in 1934, Rav themselves from his kedusha .” Moishenyu was offered the post of Rav of Rav Moishenyu’s fame spread far Lublin, which had become vacant with Rav beyond the borders of Poland. Every Meir’s petira , and he was also asked to take morning his mailbox was full of letters over the running of Yeshiva Chachmei from all corners of the world. He patiently Lublin . read through every letter and replied to Rav Moishenyu refused the them all. In the course of time, he wrote Rabbonus of Lublin but he did agree to hundreds of responsa, most of which were take charge of the Yeshiva . He was unfortunately lost during the war. A small crowned Nosi of the Yeshiva , the foremost fraction was collected and printed under Torah establishment in Poland. His the name Da’as Moshe . appointment had a tremendous impact on Even though Rav Moishenyu was the Yeshiva , his influence felt in every considered one of the foremost poskim of aspect and every stage. No matter, large or his era, from his responsa it is easily small, was decided without his consent, noticeable how he humbled himself, and under his guidance the Yeshiva refusing to force his ruling on others. In continued to flourish. Rav Moishenyu one particular responsa he wrote, “I am not traveled to Lublin a few times a year, angry that you don’t agree with my psak , staying for several weeks at a time. He (legal decision) for such is the derech of established personal contact with the Talmidei Chachomim . One person brings a bochurim (young men), watching their proof to his words just to be disproved by a progress and preparing them to be future second – and I ask you that you never leaders of Klal Yisrael. accept my words blindly...” Rav Moishenyu also played a major Rav Moishenyu was not only role in Agudas Yisrael , standing at the beloved and respected by the ordinary Yid forefront of the movement. He became one in the street; the Gedolei Yisrael also gave of the Aguda ’s major activists, his words him unusual kovod (honor). The Gerer leaving a deep imprint on all who heard Rebbe , the Imrei Emes , was once in Cracow them. He publicized a letter in support of for a Shabbos , during which he announced Agudas Yisrael in which he wrote: his intention to visit Rav Moishenyu. His The situation of our people at gabboim tried to persuade him to wait present is terrible. Every heart with until Motzo’ei Shabbos when he would be a bit of feeling knows and feels the able to travel by car. The Imrei Emes wounds of our nation. We have been refused to hear of it and insisted on struck both physically and walking the whole way, a twenty-minute spiritually, the churban walk. After they drank l’chaim together, the (destruction) of Yiddishkeit Imrei Emes took shirayim (leftovers from () being even greater than the Rebbe ’s plate) from Rav Moishenyu, an the churban of the people. 25  Re’eh / [email protected]

Therefore, the meeting of those who left the city at the first opportunity in the represent Torah and recognize that summer of 1940, and fled to the city of our nation is only a nation through Tarnow. In Tarnow, he continued to lead a the observance of the Torah and Bais Medrash and to give tischen as before. mitzvos is especially important, and Now, more than ever before, he was sought the Aguda has proven itself to be from all sides by the desperate cries of capable of improving the lot of Klal Yidden seeking a reassuring hand to guide Yisrael... them through the storm that had engulfed The extent to which Rav them. Moishenyu’s presence was felt in the Even in those difficult times, Rav Aguda can be seen from the following Moishenyu tried to keep his seder hayom story: When the second Knessia Gedola (daily schedule) as normal. The Yidden of (convention) took place in Vienna in 1929, the town felt safe in his presence and they Rav Moishenyu missed the opening day of did their utmost to protect him. He ruled the Knessia , since he did not have a valid on many of the painful and heartrending passport and was therefore unable to shailos in matters of life and death. He travel. When he finally arrived during the comforted the panic-stricken Yidden second day of the Knessia , the Gerrer around him, keeping up their spirits and Rebbe was in the middle of presiding over a calming their feelings. meeting. When he heard that Rav Rav Moishenyu’s Chassidim tried Moishenyu had just arrived and was desperately to save him; after some time standing outside, the Imrei Emes got up they managed to procure American and went outside to greet him. When the documents for him. The documents were Gerrer Rebbe caught sight of Rav smuggled into Tarnow, but Rav Moishenyu Moishenyu, his face lit up and he refused to use them. He simply could not exclaimed, “Now that you have arrived, the abandon his fellow Yidden in their hour of Knessia will have a totally different need. meaning.” He then took Rav Moishenyu’s In 1942, the Germans decided to arm and led him into the meeting. liquidate the Jews of Tarnow and in Sivan Rav Moishenyu was held in very of that year, an aktion took place in which high regard by his shver , Rav Menachem eighteen thousand Yidden were killed. Rav Nachum of Boyan-Czernowitz and when he Moishenyu had gone into hiding before the visited his shver , Rav Menachem Nachum aktion had started and managed to escape. instructed his Chassidim to go to his son- For over a year, Rav Moishenyu managed in-law with a kvittel . When Rav Menachem to avoid being captured, by moving from Nachum was niftar in 1937, many of his one bunker to the next. Finally, on the 2 nd Chassidim became staunch Chassidim of of Elul 1943, he was caught and sent with Rav Moishenyu, adopting him as their new the last remaining Jews of Tarnow to Rebbe . Auschwitz. He was killed a day later al The last period of Rav Moishenyu’s Kiddush Hashem (sanctifying Hashem’s life is the story of the heartbreaking and name) together with his Rebbetzin on the tragic end of Polish Jewry. With the 3rd of Elul , Hy”d (may Hashem avenge his outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, spilled blood). Cracow was overtaken by the accursed In recent years, a booklet called Germans, ym”s (may their name be Megilas Auschwitz was found hidden erased), who confined the Yidden to a under one of the buildings in Auschwitz. In ghetto. With the worsening of the daily it, the mechaber , an inmate in Auschwitz, decrees against the Yidden , Rav Moishenyu describes the daily life in the camp. In one 26  Re’eh / [email protected] of the chapters, the mechaber mentions will avenge itself on you. Our Rav Moishenyu’s arrival in Auschwitz: innocent blood will not rest until it In this particular transport has succeeded in destroying you were a number of important people, all.” one of them being the Boyaner The Boyaner Rebbe spoke Rebbe , Rav Moshe Friedman. He with great feeling and as he was one of the most fa mous finished, he said out loud in a fiery Talmidei Chachomim in Poland. He voice, “ Shema Yisrael. ” All those turned to the commanding SS with him joined him in crying out officer and proclaimed aloud in Shema Yisrael . These few moments German, “You cruel murderers! of true ruchnius (spirituality) Don’t think that you will be able to demonstrated that the everlasting destroy the Jewish people. The ko’ach (spiritual strength) of the Jewish people will exist forever, but Yidden will never be conquered. you low murderers – you will receive your punishment. The innocent blood that you are spilling  Rav Avrohom Yitzchok HaKohen Kook , 333rdrdrd of Elul Rav of Yaffo and Yerushalayim Rav Kook was born in Griva, Latvia, settlements. in 1865. His father was a talmid of the The outbreak of the First World War Volozhin Yeshiva , the center of misnagdus , caught him in Europe, and he was forced to whereas his maternal grandfather was a remain in London and Switzerland for the member of the Chassidic movement. He remainder of the war. While there, he was entered the Volozhin Yeshiva in 1884, involved in the activities which led to the where he became close to the Rosh Balfour Declaration. Upon returning, he Yeshiva , Rav Naftoli Tzvi Yehuda Berlin was appointed the Rav of Yerushalayim, (the Netziv ). Already in his youth, he was and soon after, as first chief Rav of Eretz well-known as a prodigy. At the age of Yisrael (the State had not yet been been twenty-three, he entered his first born). Rav Kook was a man of Halocha in Rabbinical position. Between 1 901 and the strictest sense, while at the same time 1904, he published three articles that possessing an unusual openness to new anticipate the fully formed philosophy that ideas. This drew many religious and he developed in Eretz Yisrael. nonreligious people to him, but also led to In 1904, he came to Eretz Yisrael to widespread misunderstanding of his ideas. assume the Rabbinical post He wrote prolifically on both Halocha and in Yaffo, which also Jewish thought, and his books and included responsibility for personality continu ed to influence many the new secular Zionist even after his petira in Yerushalayim in agricultural settlements 1935. His authority and influence continue nearby. His influence on to this day. people in different walks of life was already noticeable, as he attempted to introduce Torah and  Halocha into the life of the city and the

27  Re ’eh / [email protected]

The first chief Rav of what was then exchange with his g reat friend, admirer – Palestine, Rav Kook was perhaps the most and opponent – Rav Yaakov Dovid misunderstood figure of his time. Willowski, Rav Kook explained the two Born in Latvia of staunch Chassidic components of a Jew: his essential nature – and Misnaggidic stock, he the pintele Yid , and the path he had chosen retained throughout his life in exercising free will. Even if the second a unique blend of the element were weak, as long as t he first was mystical and the rational. not repudiated, there was still hope. He was a thorough master He called for and envisioned a of the entire Halachic , spiritual renaissance where “the ancient Midrashic , philosophic, would be renewed and the new would be ethical, and Kabbalistic sanctified”. His vision of teshuva disdained literature. But more fear and apprehension and looked forward important, he brought to bear the entire to “the poet of teshuva , who would be the tradition upon the contemporary scene. He poet of life, the poet of renewal and the saw the return to Eretz Yisrael as not poet of the national soul waiting to be merely a political phenomenon to save redeemed”. Jews from persecution, but as an ev ent of Rav Kook’s printed works to date are extraordinary historical and theological in excess of thirty volumes, with many significance. Rav Hutner once said that Rav works still in manuscript. There are a Kook peered down on our world from great number of trans lations into English of a heights and hence his perspective was small fraction of his works. unique. Selected Teachings of Rav Kook on Eretz Above all, Rav Kook pulsated with a Yisrael: sense of the Divine and he sought to reac h ‘‘Only by learning the secrets of those who had strayed. He once quoted the Torah can a person experience the highest Rabbinic dictum that one should embrace levels of holiness and the transcendental with the right hand and rebuff with the left, uniqueness of Eretz Yisrael.’’ commenting that he was fully capable of rejecting, but since there were enough ‘‘Rooted in Kabbalistic literature is rejecters, he was fulfilling the role of the understanding that Hebrew letters are embrac er. On the other hand, he was never the atoms and building blocks of the soul. tolerant of desecration of Torah , as will be When a Jew comes to live in Eretz Yisrael, clear to any objective talmid of his life and his small individual letters expand to works. become the gigantic letters of the whole Jewish nation.’’ Though keenly aware of the huge numbers of non-observant Jews, he had a ‘‘Because the soul of a Jew is vision of the teshuva of the nation. His connected to all of the souls of the nation, concept of teshuva envisioned, in addition the yearning of even one individual for to the teshuva of the individual, a teshuva Eretz Yisrael has a profound, multiple of the nation as a whole, a teshuva that effect on all of the Jewish People. The would be joyous and healing. He refused to mercy of Hashem is aroused, and slowly, reject Jews as long as they identified the nation be gins to return to its themselves as Jews. In a noteworthy homeland.’’ 

28  Re ’eh / [email protected]

Rav Moshe Idan of Jerba , 5, 5 ththth of Elul Rav Moshe Idan and his father Rav climb the ladder of Torah rung by rung. At Kelifa Idan, were known as the saintly nightfall, when the children went home, he sages of Gabas, Tunisia. His biography is was able to turn to the halachic queries of typical of the sages of those generations. He the townspeople. had to work to make ends meet, but his Rav Idan also aquired vast work engaged only his hands, while his knowledge of Kabbala . When he once led mind was free to study Torah . He was a the congregation in tefilla , he skipped the weaver; while his hands and feet worked Counting of the Omer . When people the loom, he sat with a book open in front pressed him, his secret was revealed: his of him, totally engrossed in the world of Counting of the Omer took some two Torah . He was thus able to grow in Torah hours, since he recited it with all the until the townspeople appointed him as a appropriate Kabbalistic kavonos Dayan (judge). This position, however, was (meditations). His tefillos would often last totally not-for-profit; he did not make a for hours, using Kabbalistic kavonos . He penny from it. In fact, the position's only was appointed to blow the Shofar at the consequence was the fact that it forced him main shul in Jerba because no one knew to quit his weaving job, since Halacha the kavonos of the blowing as well as he di ctates that a public leader cannot engage did. He departed this world, leaving behind in labor in public. Instead, he took a sons who were Torah giants in their own position as a schoolteacher. The job lasted right. all day, since the children, in accordance with Halacha , studied from dawn to dusk. May the merit of the Tzaddik Rav He lovingly and patiently guided them to Moshe Idan of Jerba protect us all, Amen . 

אשה יראת ה ' ובעלת מדות טובות לזכר נשמת אמנו החשובה , נפש יקרה ועדינה מרת זיסל ל''ז בת הרה" ה מו " ה מאיר זאב הכה כ" "ע ה הי ד" מעיר נירעדהאז יע א" ונכדת הרה" ק רבי אהר צבי טערקלטויב "זי ע מבריד אשת הרה" ח מו " ה אברה חיי ה"ע גאלדענבערג She was a Holocaust survivor who never let that period of time define her life. Although she lost most of her family - she claimed that Hashem gave her an amazing life. She had a unique knack of making everyone who encountered her feel like they were the most important loved person. Her inimitable smile never left her face. She transmitted a strong value system stressing Emunas Hashem and Tzaddikim . Her love for stories of tzaddikim gave her chiyus and she conveyed that chizuk to anyone who met her. In her eighty-nine years of life, there wasn’t one person who had an untoward word or adverse feelings about her. She loved her family deeply and im mensely. May . אמ , Hashem console her family and may she be a constant melitza yeshura ( מתו אמונה טהורה ) בדר המסורה ( והתנהגה כאשה כשרה) לכל משפחתה , היא הודה היא הדרה  נקיה וטהורה היוצר וצר צורה ( וקיבלה הגזירה) נפטרה בש" ט בת תשעי שנה ביו ד"כ לחודש כסלו ( ערב חנוכה ) )  שנת תשע"ח "לפ ק תמלי טוב בעד משפחתה היקרה ותקי לתחיה לק הימי מהרה 'ה'ב'צ'נ'ת

29  Re’eh / [email protected]

A Tzaddik, or righteous person, makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits. - Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1) Parshas Re'eh & Elul CHASSIDUS ON THE PARSHA

Moshiach Hashem Shemo Chaim

“If there will be a destitute person from among your brothers in your of your gates, in your land, which Hashem, your G-d, is giving, do not harden your heart or shut your hand from your poor, destitute brother.” (Devarim, 15:7)

The holy Ohr HaChaim teaches us that this pasuk hints to the one and only Moshiach, whose arrival we are awaiting, our king and savior, who is called “destitute” and is compared to a pauper in Zechariah’s prophecy (Chap. 9), where he is depicted as a poor man riding a donkey.

The pasuk, explains the Ohr HaChaim, hints at the reason behind why Moshiach shall be an impoverished man: The word becha, which normally translates to, "from among you," is read here instead as, “because of you,” the "you" here referring to our sins, which is what has lengthened our exile and drawn out the final redemption.

- 1 of 33 - The Ohr HaChaim also interprets the word becha to mean, “because of you," but he explains in another way. In this explanation, Moshiach is called “destitute" since he is eagerly waiting for us to be worthy of redemption, so he can come and redeem us. Therefore, since he lacks this, his heart’s deep and strong desire, he is called impoverished.

The Ohr HaChaim tells us that Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Levi once met Moshiach, and he asked Rabbi Yehoshua regarding the welfare of Klal Yisroel. Rabbi Yehoshua responded that they are eagerly awaiting Moshiach’s anticipated arrival, and when Moshiach heard this, he burst into tears.

This is why the pasuk uses the term, “me’echad achecha" when it wants to say, “from among your brothers.” The Ohr HaChaim says that this hints at the “echad" — the unique one from among your brothers — as our taught (in Targum Yonason to Bereishis 26:10) that echad ha’am refers to the unique one, the ruler or king.

When the pasuk then refers to one of our gates as echad she’arecha, it refers to the unique leader of the Sanhedrin, whose head shall be the Moshiach, since no other teacher or judge is like him, as it says in Yeshaya, Chapter 11, that he shall “judge righteously, but not as others; he shall smell out the scent of fear of G-d”! The Ohr HaChaim here also defines she’arecha as the Sanhedrin, just as in the verse in Devarim 25:7. Says the Ohr HaChaim further, that the words of our pasuk, “in our land,” refer to the conception and birth of Moshiach, which will take place in the holy land of Eretz Yisroel.

The Ohr HaChaim offers another reading of our pasuk, based on the Chadash in parshas Noach: “If one congregation or gathering shall awaken and repent and return to do teshuva, then Ben Dovid shall immediately arrive and come.” Says the Ohr HaChaim that the Moshiach is called an evyon; he is impoverished because he desires us to be worthy to be redeemed and he lacks this. “The land” in our pasuk, refers to Eretz Yisroel, which is the place he desires to redeem us, as we see from Zefania 3: "When can he come to the city of the dove, the desire and love of the heart and redeem us?

And so, Hashem commands each and every one of us to not harden our hearts, but rather strengthen ourselves to fulfill this desire of the one special, unique one from among us, the Moshiach, because his coming is dependant on our actions, especially tzedaka, as it says in Yeshaya, Chapter 54. “From your poor brothers” in our pasuk, is read as, “because of your brothers” is he poor and impoverished. So let us keep in mind that all of

- 2 of 33 - our actions should all be to serve this one purpose: to hasten the coming of Moshiach Hashem, whose name is Chaim.

A printer from Russia named Asher once came before Rav Pinchos of Koritz, holding a copy of the edition of the holy sefer Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh that he had printed in Shklov (in the year Tav-Kuf-Mem-Alef). Rav Pinchos was initially overjoyed to receive a new edition of such a holy sefer, which he so greatly esteemed. However, he was soon greatly aggrieved and disappointed upon turning to parshas Re’eh, when he noticed that at the end of the Ohr HaChaim’s teachings on the pasuk in Devarim, 15:7, where he writes, “Moshiach Hashem shemo Chaim,” this entire statement was missing from the sefer! When Rav Pinchos asked the printer about this mistake why he had omitted this line, the printer explained that he had done so on purpose. “Everyone knows that the author meant himself, since his name is Chaim. How could I print such a thing?! So I left it out.”

Rav Pinchos Koritzer was very upset. He immediately turned to parshas Naso in Bamidbar (5:22), and pointed to another printer’s error — yet this time, there was no mistake!

“Here,” said Rav Pinchos to the shocked printer, Asher, “see for yourself. Your own signature left here in your edition!” In so saying, he pointed to the words of the Ohr HaChaim describing the Sotah 18a, where it says that the Sotah is declared pure because she was not defiled, not from this man or another man. The words in the original, correct printing say, “Beyn me'ish zeh beyn me’acher.” However, the wicked printer had left his mark here, and instead, in his edition, it read, “Beyn MeAsher" — his name, Asher, pointing to his own wicked deeds and disgrace!

(Imrei Pinchos, Volume 2, p. 59, and Alef Kesav, #683) Stories on the Parsha & Elul

Moshiach Hashem Shemo Chaim

A printer from Russia named Asher once came before Rav Pinchos of Koritz, holding a

- 3 of 33 - copy of the edition of the holy sefer Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh that he had printed in Shklov (in the year Tav-Kuf-Mem-Alef). Rav Pinchos was initially overjoyed to receive a new edition of such a holy sefer, which he so greatly esteemed. However, he was soon greatly aggrieved and disappointed upon turning to parshas Re’eh, when he noticed that at the end of the Ohr HaChaim’s teachings on the pasuk in Devarim, 15:7, where he writes, “Moshiach Hashem shemo Chaim,” this entire statement was missing from the sefer! When Rav Pinchos asked the printer about this mistake why he had omitted this line, the printer explained that he had done so on purpose. “Everyone knows that the author meant himself, since his name is Chaim. How could I print such a thing?! So I left it out.”

Rav Pinchos Koritzer was very upset. He immediately turned to parshas Naso in Bamidbar (5:22), and pointed to another printer’s error — yet this time, there was no mistake!

“Here,” said Rav Pinchos to the shocked printer, Asher, “see for yourself. Your own signature left here in your edition!” In so saying, he pointed to the words of the Ohr HaChaim describing the Gemara Sotah 18a, where it says that the Sotah is declared pure because she was not defiled, not from this man or another man. The words in the original, correct printing say, “Beyn me'ish zeh beyn me’acher.” However, the wicked printer had left his mark here, and instead, in his edition, it read, “Beyn MeAsher" — his name, Asher, pointing to his own wicked deeds and disgrace!

(Imrei Pinchos, Volume 2, p. 59, and Alef Kesav, #683) Gedolim Be'misasm Yoser

Yahrzeits For Parshas Re'eh & Elul

in Skver. He was the son of Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel of Skver.

Rav Yosef Meir Twersky (Av 29) Rav Yosef Meir was the son-in-law of Rav Menachem Nachum Twersky of Loyav, like him Rav Yosef Meir Twersky was born in 5620/1860 a descendant of the dynasty.

- 4 of 33 - After the petira of his father in 5246/1886, Rav Yosef Meir was appointed Rebbe in the village of Machnovka in Ukraine. Rav Shmuel Sperber (Av 29)

His court attracted many thousands of Chassidim, and his influence was tremendous. Rav Shmuel Sperber (1905-1985). Born in Rav Yosef Meir was revered by his generation; Brasov, Transylvania, where his father, Rav many Tzaddikim said that he was worthy of Dovid, was the rabbi. As a youth, Shmuel being among the talmidim of the Ba’al Shem studied in the yeshivos of Oyber-Visheve, Tov. Hungary under the tutelage of Rav Eliezer Dovid Gruenwald and Rav Mendel Hager. After Rav Yosef Meir was known as a boki in sifrei receiving semichah and marrying, Rav Sperber Kabbala. He endured fasts and other self- lived in Iasi, Romania. In 1931, after being inflictions. attacked by anti-Semites, he decided to leave Romania and settle in England. There, he During World War I, many Yidden found refuge enrolled in law school at the University of in his Bais Medrash, despite the mesirus nefesh London and also founded a yeshiva, Ohr Torah. this demanded of him. With the arrival in England of the large transports of German-Jewish children on the Rav Yosef Meir wasniftar on Erev Rosh eve of the Holocaust, Rav Sperber became Chodesh Elul 5677/1917 in Machnovka. He was actively involved in comforting and educating fifty-seven. them. At this same time, Rav Sperber became active in the Mizrachi movement, and he His son, Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Heshel, opened a camp in North Wales to prepare succeeded him as Rebbe. He later moved to approximately 200 children for life on a Eretz Yisrael, where he rebuilt the Machnovka kibbutz. Later he moved to Manchester, where court in Bnei Brak. he continued to work with youth, and then back to London to become an adjunct professor at Rav Yosef Meir’s sons-in-law were Rav Dovid the University of London. In 1971, Rav Sperber Leib Twersky; Rav Nachum Twersky ofsettled in Israel. One of his sons is the author of Zlotipoli, the son of Rav Dovid of Skver; and a multi-volume work on the history of minhagim Rav Yehoshua Rokeach of Yaroslav. / customs and of unusual ritual objects.

Zechuso yagen aleinu. ugust-25/

- 5 of 33 - his Rav Farhi’s occasional reproval, he began to view his former guardian as an obstacle to his own agenda and pleasure. He disdained the Rav Chaim Farchi (Av 29) rav’s interference and preferred to exercise his own will, unchecked. Abdallah thus resolved to Born around 1760 in Damascus get rid of him. He falsely accused the rav of treason and other charges and sent thugs to .in attack himתקנ''ט He defended Akko from Napoleon 1799, playing a key role in the city’s successful defense against the French siege. Confidants of Farhi revealed to him the heinous plan of his ungrateful ward and advised the rav However, the evil Pasha and ruler of Akko to save himself by fleeing. He declined doing (Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar, the Ottoman governor so, arguing that his escape might provoke of Sidon from 1776 until his death in 1804) paid greater persecution of the Jews in Palestine, as him back, not with praise, but with anger, and the Pasha, Abdllah, could wreak his fury on blinded him in one eye and cut off the tip of his them in his absence. He was prepared to bear nose; this was his reward to a loyal subject! patiently whatever might occur in order to save, even to some degree, his own people. After Ahmad’s death, Suleiman became the Pasha and ruler, and he asked Rav Chaim to On the 29th of Av, 5579, a fast day (erev Rosh once again serve as his chief advisor. After Chodesh Elul), an officer along with soldiers, Suleiman’s death, his son Abdallah came to suddenly entered the rav’s apartment. Rav power. Farhi’s death-warrant was read to him in which he was condemned on account of Other accounts say that Rav Haim Farhi had a treason. His sentence was instantly carried out, distinguished Mahomedan friend who died and he was hung. suddenly along with his wife, and they left a very young child called Abdalla. This orphan The day following all his belongings were was without any protectors, and was therefore plundered, the body of this martyr he did not raised and educated in the home of Haim Farhi. even permit to be buried, but ordered it to be cast into the sea. After Sulieman died, Haim Farhi had Abdalla appointed as Pasha of Akko. Initially, Abdallah On 29 Av, Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul he was viewed Farhi like a father figure and followed brutally murdered and executed. his guidance. But as early as one year after assuming the governmental position, the young Rav Shmuel Salant (Rav of Yerushalayim) (Av 29) ruler commenced to act counter to Rav Farhi’s advice and instruction. As Abdallah met with Eliyohu Betzalel of Tetch (Av 29)

- 6 of 33 - Rav Avrohom Dov of Rachmastrivka (Av His sons were: Rav Yaakov Yosef – (who was 29) son in law of Rav Elazar of Kozhnitz and who

Rav Eliezer Zusia Portugal of Skulen passed away in his father’s lifetime); Rav Meir (Noam Eliezer) (Av 29) Rubin of Glogov, his successor; and Rav Asher

Rav Dovid Mugdan (Magen Dovid) (Av Rubin Satshover Rebbe. 29)

Rav Menachem Mendel Alter of Pavinitz (Av 29) Rav Yisroel Friedman (Av 30)

Rav Yisrael was the son of Rav Yitzchok (the Rav Menachem Mendel Rubin (Av 30) Pachad Yitzchok), founder of the Boyan dynasty. He was born on the twenty-fourth of Son of Rav Asher Yeshaya Rubin of Ropshitz Elul 5638/1878, coinciding with the first day of (son-in-law of Rav Naphtali Ropshitzer) Selichos.

Rav Menachem Mendel was the son-in-law of His paternal grandfather, Rav Avrohom Yaakov Rav Meir of Apta, author of Ohr LaShomayim of Sadigura, commented that he entered this world like a veteran Chassid, arriving at the He received the Chassidic tradition from his Rebbe’s court on the first day of Selichos. He grandfather, the Ropshizter, as well as from his was named Yisrael after his great-grandfather, father-in-law. Rav Yisrael of Ruzhin.

He was appointed rebbe and his chassidim His father hired the best melamdim for him as grew in number especially after his father’s he quickly climbed the ladder of success in his passing. studies. In fact, he finished the entireShas during his youth. He was also a gadol in Torah and he exchanged responsa with other giants in Torah such Rav Rav Yisrael closely followed his holy father’s Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, author of Divrei ways, absorbing the exalted nature of his Chaim and Rav Avrohom Zev Wolf ofAvodas HaKodesh. Pshervorsk, the Meshiv Halacha. He was the son-in-law of his uncle, Rav Shlomo His sayings were published along with his son’s of Sadigura. His second wife was the daughter Torah in the sefer, Lashon in Brooklyn. of his uncle, Rav Dovid Halpern, son-in-law of the Ruzhiner. תרלגHe passed away on 1 Rosh Chodesh Elul 1873. After the petira of his father, he, along with his

- 7 of 33 - brothers, Rav Menachem Nachum, RavEretz Yisrael. Avrohom Yaakov, and Rav Mordechai Shlomo, began leading Chassidic courts. Rav Yisrael re-established his Bais Medrash in Tel Aviv, which served as a focal point for The eldest son, Rav Menachem Nachum, set up Boyaner Chassidim after the war. his court in Chernovitz, Bukovina. The third son, Rav Avrohom Yaakov, moved to Lemberg, He was known for his ability to bepo’el Galicia, where he established a large court and yeshuos. His father said of him that he had the Yeshiva. Sadly, he was killedal kiddush abilities of his father-in-law, Rav Shlomo of Hashem at the hands of the Germans;Hy”d . Sadigura, in his power to achieve yeshuos for The youngest son, Rav Mordechai Shlomo, left people in need. Europe for New York, where he was instrumental in building up theTorah He was niftar on the first day of Rosh Chodesh community in the United States. Elul, (thirtieth of Av) and was buried in Tzefas. He was succeeded by his younger brother, Rav Rav Yisrael eventually moved to Leipzig, Mordechai Shlomo of Boyan. Germany, where his court served the many Ruzhiner Chassidim who had fled there during Zechuso yagein aleinu World War I. Rav Yisrael was a beloved figure in the region; ugust-26/ not only his Chassidim consulted with him, but Rav Isser Prostitz (Mikveh Yisroel) (Av the local population also benefited immensely 30) from his presence. Rav Mordechai Segal Lowy (Av Beis Din of Demecser) (Av 30) He accomplished a great deal by building mikvaos, upholding kashrus, and generally strengthening Yiddishkeit.

Rav Yeshaya Weltfried Dibros Chaim (Elul In 5695/1935 he visited Eretz Yisrael, and was 1) warmly welcomed by theyishuv there. He returned to Germany on a temporary basis, his Rav Yeshaya was orphaned at a young age and heart desiring to settle permanently in the Holy grew up in Lask, in the kehilla of his father and Land. grandfather. He made a name for himself as a genius early on, and mastered so much Torah In 5699/1939, he escaped the Nazi barbarity by that no suitable tutor could be found for him. fleeing to Switzerland, where he stayed for a Thereafter he was taught privately by the short while before continuing his journey to illustrious Rav of Lask, Rav Pinchos Zelig,

- 8 of 33 - author of Ateres Paz. As his renown grew, a is a gaon and a Chassid!” wealthy merchant from Pshedburzh, Rav Dov Weinberg, chose the budding talmid chacham Eventually, Rav Yeshaya’s father-in-law passed as a son-in-law, and promised to take care of all away, and the money from his inheritance was his physical needs so he would be free to depleted. Rav Yeshaya was left with no source pursue Torah study exclusively. Rav Yeshaya of income. After completing all four volumes of married at the young age of fourteen, cloistered the Tur, and their himself from any contact with the outside commentaries, Rav Yeshaya had a dream. He world, and sat and studied for eighteen years dreamed that he saw the former Rav straight. of Pshedburzh, Rav Nosson Neta, who told him, The of Pshedburzh, Rav Nosson “Know that I hereby gift the position of chief Neta Eibschitz, was a misnaged – opposed to rabbi to you!” the ways of the Chassidim. Gradually, however, That very morning, the dignitaries and town he changed his mind, and was drawn to the leaders arrived with a letter of appointment, Maggid of Mezritch and to one of hisand declared that they had elected Rav Yeshaya successors, Reb Elimelech of Lizensk. However, as the Rav of Pshedburzh! He served as the Rav he refused the throngs of Chassidim who and Av Beis Din for 42 years. When the Chozeh flocked to him in Pshedburzh, telling them, “I of Lublin passed away, the Chassidim crowned am no rebbe.” Young Yeshaya became his study Rav Yeshaya as one of his successors. He partner, and together they plumbed the depths refused the title of rebbe for as long as of Toras HaNistar, the mystical and esoteric possible. Among his foremost disciples include: aspects of Torah. When Rav Nosson Neta Rav Kalonymous Kalman Epstein, author of passed away, his successor, Rav Aryeh Leib Ma’or VaShemesh, and his sons; Rav Aharon of Halperin, assumed the role of chief rabbi, and Krakow and his brother Rav Yosef Baruch of R.Yeshaya continued his role as study partner. Neustadt (the “Gitter Yid”); Rav Moshe of It was in the home of Rav Halperin that Rav Lelov; Rav Shlomo of ; Rav Yissacher Yeshaya met the sharp young scholar by the Ber of Radoshitz; and Rav Chaim Meir Yechiel name of Yaakov Yitzchok, who later became (the “Seraph of Mogolinitza”). known as the Yid HaKadosh of . Rav Yeshaya’s desire to grow in Torah eventually led him to the yeshiva in Lisa, where he studied under Rav Dovid Tebel. There he Rav Pinchos Halevi Bilitzer (Elul 1) met another young genius named Rav Akiva Eiger, and the two became study partners and AUTHOR OF GIVAS PINCHOS fast friends. Their friendship lasted a lifetime, and later in life when the would to כ”רת /Rav Pinchos was born in the year5620 complain to Rav Akiva Eiger that Chassidim Rav Amram Yishai, the Av Beis Din of Serentsh don’t learn, he would reply, “But Rav Yeshaya (yahrzeit 24 Tammuz), whose father was the

- 9 of 33 - gaon and tzaddik Rav Yitzchok Isaac, Av Beis Ephraim Segal (dayan and Rav of Bethalan) and Din of Nadi’ida (yahrzeit 9 Sivan) and a Rav Baruch – praised and lauded him. descendant of the gaon Mesores HaShas. .תרעג/He passed away on 1 Elul in the year 5673 In his youth, Rav Pinchos studied under his grandfather. When he was eighteen years old, he travelled to study in the yeshiva of the gaon Rav Tzvi Manheimer and to learn in Ungvar Rav Yehuda Liva Epstein (Elul 1) under the author of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. At the age of twenty, he married the Rav Yehuda Liva Epstein was the Rosh Yeshiva granddaughter of Rav Yehonasan Binyamin of Lvov outside the city (for approximately 100 Osreicher, the Av Beis Din of Tshenger. years, Lvov had two simultaneous rabbonim serving as Av Beis Din: one inside the city ’when Rav Pinchos ,ט”תרמ /In the year5649 walls, and one outside them), and many gedolei father passed away, he succeeded his father as hador emerged from his Beis . He Rav and served the community of Serentsh for served as Rav and Dayan in the Beis Din some 24 years, where he taught Torah to the outside the city, along with the gaon and Rosh multitudes. He was renowned as a gaon and a Yeshiva Rav Avrohom Shrentzel (author of beautiful darshan (orator) whose drashos would Eisan HaEzrachi), Av Beis Din Rav Yaakov excite and inspire the hearts of his listeners Ashkenazi Katzenellenbogen, and the dayanim and set them aflame with the holy fire of Torah. and gedolim Rav Avrohom Zaltztberg and Rav Moshe Ashkenazi. He was extremely humble, yet he did not let his personal humility prevent him from defending .שצא/He passed away on 1 Elul in the year 5391 the honor of the Torah at all costs. He was known as a baal tzedaka (charitable individual) and a person of great integrity, whose admirable character and Rav Shmuel Shmelke Halevi Horowitz 'Der middos were legendary. He was a great Hoicher' (Elul 1) masmid and he left behind many chiddushei Torah. Rav Shmuel Shmelka was a grandson of Rav His son-in-law, Rav Asher Anschel Yehuda Pinchos HaLevi, the brother-in-law of the Miller (the Av Beis Din of Petrazhan and author Rema. He served as Av Beis Din of Shendishov of Lechem Asher) published his sefer Givas and afterwards of Trani. Hewas an awesome G- Pinchos. Rav Pinchos’ other son-in-law was Rav dly man, a gaon ha-gaonim (a great genius), Menachem Mendel Segal Pollack, Av Beis Din and such a pious individual that he was known of Serentsh. Both of Rav Pinchos’ sons – Rav as Der Hoicher (“the high”) Reb Shmelka. No

- 10 of 33 - secrets of the hidden or revealed Torah were honorary title “Rashba Ohr HaGola” (Rashba is hidden from him. Rav Shmuel Shmelka was the an acronym for “Rav Shmuel ben Avrohom”). father of the famed Rav Meir Tiktin (yahrzeit 1 Sivan), and many gedolei Yisroel wereRav Shmuel authored the sefer Devar Shmuel, descended from him. He passed away on 1 Elul which contains 377 responsa on many difficult other sources say 2 Elul or 4 Elul). and complex topics. He also authored seforim) תנ''ו/5456 on the taryag mitzvos, the Zohar and kavanos. Although Rav Shmuel was a wealthy man, he often fasted and Rav Zev Wolf (Elul 1) afflicted himself in pursuit of greater holiness. He was fearless in defending the honor of Hashem, and was one of the first to confront Rav Zev Wolf was the Chief Dayan of Lvov the followers of the false messiah Shabbtai under Rav Dovid HaLevi Segal (the “Taz”). He Tzvi. was a deep thinker and a tremendous gaon who taught many disciples and talmidim. He passed His four sons were all respected rabbonim, away 1 Elul in the year gaonim and tzaddikim. His eldest son, Rav .תכ''ה/5425 Yaakov Asher, wrote the introduction to Devar Shmuel and succeeded his father as Rav. His sons Rav Avrohom and Rav Dovid served as Rav Shmuel Abuhav (Elul 1) poskim, and his youngest son, Rav Yosef, succeeded him as Rosh Yeshiva. Rav Shmuel was born in Hamburg in the In his youth, he gained renown as Rav Shmuel passed away at the age of 84 on 1 .שע/year5370 .תד/a child prodigy, and he was well-versed in Shas Elul in the year 5404 and derashos. He studied under Rav Maharam Arbiv and Rav Dovid Franco in Venice, which at that time was a great city and a bastion of Torah knowledge. Rav Yechiel Shlesinger (Elul 1) At the age of eighteen, he married the daughter of Rav Dovid He .תק''ע/Rav Yechiel was born in the year 5570 Franco and was appointed Reish in was a tzaddik tamim (righteous and holy Verona. His breadth of Torah knowledge was individual) and a gadol ba’Torah (great Torah legendary and he scholar). He served as the maggid of Pressburg paskened shailos which were sent to him by all and authored the sefer Divrei Yechiel on the the rabbis and sages of Italy. Later, he was Midrash Tana D’vei Eliyahu. appointed Chief Rav of Venice (out of the some seventy rabbonim in the city) and given the Rav Yechiel was the son-in-law of the holy gaon

- 11 of 33 - Rav Hillel Lash of Kolmaya (yahrzeit 10 Iyar), Rav Moshe Halberstam of Bardiyov and he merited a son who was a tzaddik, Rav (Elul 1)

Akiva Yosef, the Rav Sholom Dovid Unger of Zabne (Yad author of Lev HaIvri. His son-in-law was Rav Shalom) (Elul 1)

Abba Hetzel, the author of Sifsei Chachamim Rav Zev Wolf Tenenbaum (Av Beis Din on tractates Berachos, Rosh Hashana and of Verpeleter) (Elul 1) Megilla. Rav Yechiel passed away at age 81 on Rav Yisroel of Leipzig (Elul 1) .תרנ''א/Elul in the year 5651 1

Rav Meir Chaim Schick (Elul 2) Rav Yehoshua Zeitlein (Elul 1)

The son of Rav Yaakov Schick, Av Beis Din of Nadobar, Rav Meir Chaim was a great lamdan תק''ב /Rav Yehoshua was born in the year5502 in Charson. He was a talmid of the Vilna Gaon who was very wise and witty and possessed and the Shaagas Aryeh, and a great gaon in his outstanding middos. He and his brother Rav own right. All the great Torah leaders of his Menachem, the Av Beis Din of Siksa, were generation turned to him for his knowledge in descended from Rav Dovid Schick, the Av Beis practical halacha. He authored the sefer Din of Tokay and the son-in-law of Rav Asher Amudei Gola on the Semak (Sefer Mitzvos Anshel Jungreis HaLevi, the Av Beis Din of Katan) as well as writing a work of responsa. Tshenger and author of Menuchas Asher (yahrzeit 5 ). Rav Yehoshua was a wealthy individual, and he served as an official minister and a royal His first marriage was to the daughter of Rav adviser to the king. He had many great Yaakov Yosef Katz, Av Beis Din of Mishkoltz. In he was appointed Av Beis תרנ''ב/disciples and talmidim, and he himselfthe year 5652 supported many Torah giants, including the Din of Anad. author of Tosfos Bikkurim, the author of Cheshbon HaNefesh, the author of Givei Kesef, Rav Meir Chaim passed away on 2 Elul in the .תרצ''א/and Rav Baruch of Shklov. year 5691

He passed away at the age of 80 on 1 Elul .תקפ''ב/5582

Rav Pinchos Yosef of Kasov (Elul 1)

Rav Chanoch Henich Dov Meyer of Alesk (Lev Sameach) (Elul 1)

- 12 of 33 - great-granddaughter of the Rizhiner. He received smicha from the Maharsham of Berzhan, Maharsh Engel of Radomishla, and Rav Eliezer Hager Damesek Eliezer (Elul 2) the Gram Shteinberg of Brody, author of Machzeh Avrohom.

When World War I broke out, Rav Eliezer and his father-in-law fled from Galicia to Bukowina. After stopping in Vizhnitz for a few days, they learned that the Russian army was approaching, so they continued on to Vienna, Austria. In Vienna, Rav Eliezer met and learned with the tzaddikim of the Rizhiner dynasty who had also taken up shelter there. He also learned with the gedolim Rav Meir Arik, Rav Yosef Engel and Rav Shteinberg, and he gained greatly from their Torah.

During this period, he worked hard to help the thousands of Jewish refugees who had flocked to Vienna, doing his utmost to ease their pain and attend to their physical and spiritual needs. He raised money to provide refugees with food and clothing; he sent anonymous care packages to those who were too proud to ask for handouts; and he worked tirelessly to obtain deferment and release for those who had been conscripted to serve in the Austrian army at the front. He also founded the kloiz of Chassidei Vizhnitz, which remained a center for Torah and Chassidus until it was destroyed by the Rav Eliezer of Vizhnitz was born in Bedevilla, Nazis. the town where his father served as Rav, on Shabbos (Parshas Yisro), 22 Shevat, in the year At the end of World War I, his father, the He was named after his maternal .תרנ״א/5651 Ahavas Yisroel, took up residence in grandfather, Rav Eliezer of Dzhikov. At the age Grossvardayn and the center of Chassidus Rav ,תרס״ז /of 16, on Thursday, 15 Sivan5667 ,תרפ״ב /moved with him. On Lag Ba’Omer,5682 Eliezer married Chava, the daughter of Rav with his father’s blessings, he was crowned as Yitzchok Meir Heschel of Kopischnitz and the

- 13 of 33 - Chief Rabbi of Vizhnitz. He returned toRav Yisrael Elazar learned under Rav Meir Bukowina and established a Chassidic yeshiva Yechiel of Ostrovtza, and was given semicha by for the Jewry of Bukowina and Bessarabia, him as well. which saved thousands of youngsters from the spiritual dangers of assimilation. His talmidim Rav Yisrael Elazar married the daughter of Rav included the Yeshuos Moshe of Vizhnitz. In Mordechai Yosef Twersky of Zlatipola. addition to being the Chief Rabbi of Vizhnitz, he also served as the head of Agudas Yisroel in After the petira of his father, on the thirteenth Bukowina. of Elul 5669/1909, Rav Yisrael Elazar was appointed Rebbe. He was crowned as Rebbe after his father’s At the beginning ofIn 5684/1924, with a desire to help settle Eretz .תרצ״ו /passing in5696 the Russians took Yisrael, Rav Yisrael Elazar headed a group of ,ת״ש /World War II, in5700 over Vizhnitz, so he fled to Temishvar, where Chassidim who bought properties inEretz the local Jewish population became hisYisrael. Rav Yisrael Elazar himself traveled to Chassidim and followers. He did his utmost Eretz Yisrael with a group of Chassidim, where during the war to aid the Jews living in they founded the city Kfar Chassidim, together Transnistriya. with the Chassidim of the Yablona Rebbe.

Rav Yisrael Elazar was forced to leaveEretz and lived in Tel תש״ד /He made aliya in5704 Aviv, where he re-established the Vizhnitzer Yisrael for health reasons, and was appointed Yeshiva and was among the foremost Chassidic Rav of the community in Paris. When the Nazis leaders in the Holy Land. After a serious illness occupied Paris, Rav Yisrael Elazar was taken (an inflammation of the lining of his lungs, away as he tried to flee. He was transferred to which he suffered in silence), he passed away Nice, and from there he managed to escape to America in 5701/1941. and was laid to rest on Har תש״ו/on 2 Elul 5706 HaZeisim. In America, Rav Yisrael Elazar rebuilt the Kozhnitzer Chassidus. Unfortunately, all the seforim and precious items he had inherited from his forebears were lost in the war. Rav Yisroel Elozor Hopstein (Elul 2)

In 5726/1966, Rav Yisrael Elazar decided to Rav Yisrael Elazar Hopstein was the son of Rav return to Eretz Yisrael and even managed to Yerachmiel Moshe of Kozhnitz. He was born in found a Bais Medrash for the Kozhnitzer Elul 5658/1898, and was a sixth-generation Chassidim there. Until then, they davened in an descendant of the Maggid of Kozhnitz. He was apartment. named Yisrael after the Maggid.

- 14 of 33 - Upon returning to America to take care of some (“charif”), who served his kehilla loyally for 28 details, Rav Yisrael Elazar was suddenly niftar, years. At the end of his life, when his strength on the second of Elul 5726/1966, at the age of ebbed and his eyesight grew dim, he agreed to sixty-eight. His mitta was flown toEretz the congregants’ advice and appointed an Yisrael, where he was buried in the Sanhedria assistant: Rabbi Akiva Eiger (yahrzeit 15 Elul), Bais Olam in Yerushalayim. author of Mishnas Rabbi Akiva. He was a one-of-a-kind individual, and a pure Rav Yisrael Elazar’sDivrei Torah were and holy man, as evidenced by the inscription published in thesefer Avodas Elazar. on his headstone: “When Rebbe passed away, humility, sanctity and awe of heaven passed Zecher tzaddik livrachah. away with him.” Rav Moshe Charif passed away on 3 Elul .תקיח/ugust-28/ 5518

Rav Osher Elimelech of Kozhnitz (Elul 2)

Rav Yitzchok bar Sheshes (Rivash) (Elul Rav Raphael Elazar Nechemias (Elul 3) 2)

Rav Avrohom Yaakov Friedman of of Boyan - Lvov (Nachlas Yaakov) (Elul 2) Rav Raphael Elazar from Salonika was one of

Rav Shmuel Dovid Walkin (Pinsker Rov) the great sages of Spain. He was a gaon and (Elul 2) darshan who authored the seforim Hon Rav and a work of responsa on the four volumes of Shulchan Aruch.

Rav Moshe Charif (Elul 3) He made aliya to Eretz Yisroel and passed away .תקלח/on 3 Elul 5538 Rav Moshe Charif was the son-in-law of Rav Mordechai Mochiach, Av Beis Din of Pressburg (yahrzeit 19 Iyar), and a descendant of the Tosefos Yom Tov and the Toras Chaim. His son- Rav Menachem Tzvi Rosenberg (Elul 3) in-law was Rav Yitzchok Teomim Frenkel, a grandson of the Kikayon DeYona. Rav Moshe Rav Menachem Tvzi was born in the year served as Rosh Yeshiva of Lvov and later was He was renowned as a genius even .תקס''ד/5564 appointed Av Beis Din of Pressburg. in his youth. He was appointed Dayan and posek of Yarmouth, and on the day of his Rav Moshe was a great genius and very sharp passing (at the young age of 27) he had been

- 15 of 33 - appointed the Av Beis Din of Beshorani.

The Chida’s sefer Shem HaGedolim cites the Rav Khalifa ben Malka of Agadir (Elul 3) sefer Yad Yosef: Hilchos Shabbos by Rav Menachem Tzvi Rosenberg’s son, the famed Rav Yosef Yuzpa, Av Beis Din of Lodani: “When my father, Rav Menachem Tzvi, passed away, he was eulogized by my grandfather, Rav Dovid. My grandfather said that he had always feared that his son would die young because once, on Erev Yom Kippur, his own rebbe, Rav Wolf Boskowitz, had blessed him and foretold that he would merit a holy son who would shine with the light of Torah but would not have a long life. And so it was fulfilled in my father, the gaon and tzaddik.”

.תקצ''א/He passed away on 3 Elul 5591

Rav Meir Abales (Elul 3)

in Safi, Morocco. He ( ה'ת"ל )He Born around 1670 .תקנ''ז /Rav Meir was born in the year5557 was a gadol b’Torah and a disciple of the was orphaned at a young age. He studied Torah Chasam Sofer. He succeeded his father-in-law in Chacham Rav Joseph Bueno de Mesquita's as Av Beis Din of Kitze. His son-in-law, Rav Tzvi yeshivah in his hometown and later left his Hirsch Perels (a descendant of Rav Yitzchok birthplace, wanderung from city to city until he Moshe Perels) took over his position after his reached Fes, where he studied in Chacham Rav Yehuda Ben Attar and Chacham Rav Shmuel .תרמ''ז/death at the age of 90 on 3 Elul 5647 Hatzarfati's yeshiva.

Rav Joseph Bueno de Mesquita raised him as his own, sharing everything his wisdom, seforim and all his possessions. Eventually he moved to the city of Agadir in Southern Morocco. With the aid of his rebbe's nephew, Chacham rav Shlomo Ben Yeshurun he became

- 16 of 33 - a successful businessman. Together with Rav Yitzchok of Kalusch, a scion of the Chacham Yaakov Gedalia they opened aPremishlan dynasty. spiritual center consisting of a shul and bais medrash, where Chacham Khalifa Ben Malka In his youth, Rav Bertche, as he was fondly gave derashos and sat and studied Torah in called, learned together with his uncle, Rav Tallis and Tefilin. He originally wished to Meir of Premishlan, under his illustrious change his name and dreamed that his name grandfather, Rav Aharon Leib of Premishlan. was Asaf the same gematria as Khalifa. Rav Meir said of his young nephew, “If I had the fire of Rav Bertche, I would devour the His firstborn son, David, died at age eleven. entire world.” Rav Khalifa Ben Malka himself passed away on 3 Elul, 5520 (1760). Rav Bertche married the daughter of Rav Avrohom Leib Shochet. Originally Rav Khalifa ben Malka's tzion was in the old bais haChaim where he was buried near He traveled to the court of Rav Yitzchok of his son Rav Avraham haNazir HY"D who died al Radvill, the son of Rav Yechiel Michel of kiddush Hashem and his brother in law Rav Zlotchov. Following the petira of Rav Yitzchok, Shlomo Pinto (father of Rav Chaim Pinto, both Rav Bertche was appointedRebbe , holding these two tzadikim along with Rav Shlomo ben court in Nadvorna. and along with 5 other anonymous tzadikim, have been relocated by Rav Pinto to He was known for his enthusiastic tefillos. Kiryat Malachi, in Eretz Yisroel). On 5 Tammuz his grave was relocated and he was re-interred In the year of his passing, cholera broke out in in the current location Cimetière Juif CCV2+VG the Jewish community, causing many deaths. Agadir, Morocco Rav Bertche took upon himself to be the kappora of Klal Yisrael. He was niftar on the He authored three seforim: third of Elul 5608/1848, and with his petira the epidemic stopped. Kaf Naki – on the , Rach VaTov and Kol Rina. His sons were Rav Aharon Leib of Nadvorna, Rav Mordechai of Nadvorna-Bursztyn, Rav Yosef of Bursha and Rav Yisrael.

Rav Yissochor Dov Ber Leifer Nadvorna- His sons-in-law were Rav Moshe of Kalusch; Rebbe, Bertche, Sisrei Torah (Elul Rav Yitzchok Dov of Nadvorna; and Rav 3) Feivish, who lived in Zhabrizh.

Rav Yissochor Dov Ber Leifer was the son of Some of the Divrei Torah of Rav Bertche were

- 17 of 33 - published as a section of his son’ssefer , pesakim of the authorities among the Rishonim Maamar Mordechai. and Acharonim. His works became very popular. Zechuso yagen aleinu. Rav Avrohom Tzvi also wrote Pis’chei Teshuva on the sefer Gittin Va’chalitza, explaining and ugust-29/ citing the sources for every Halocha mentioned there; and Nachalas Shiva, on the works of the early Acharonim.

Rav Avrohom Tzvi Eisenstadt Pirchei Rav Avrohom Tzvi was niftar on the 3rd of Elul, Teshuva, Pischei Teshuva (Elul 3) 5628/1868, at the age of fifty-five.

Rav Avrohom Tzvi Eisenstadt was born in 5573/1813. His father was Rav Yaakov of 3-elulaugust-9/ Bialystok, a descendant of Rav Meir Eisenstadt Rav Meshulem Zusia of Zinkov (Elul 3) (the Ponim Meiros) and of Rav Hertz of Zalkova. Rav Boruch of Kostentin (Elul 3) Rav Tzvi Hirsch of Lomza (Elul 3)

Rav Avrohom Tzvi was fluent in the entire Rav Yitzchok Yeshaya Halberstam of Torah and a master of incisive thinking, as he Tchechoiv (Elul 3) demonstrated when he dissected deep sugyos. Rav Moshe Friedman of Boyan (Da'as Moshe) (Elul 3)

His reference work Pis’chei Teshuva on Yoreh Rav Yitzchok Tzadikah of Jerba, Tunisia De’ah, a guide to the pesakim of many (Elul 3) Acharonim, was written when he was just Rav Avrohom Yitzchok Kook (Chief twenty-four years old. At that age, he was Rabbi of Israel) (Elul 3) already serving as a Rav in Autian, Russia. Rav Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz (Founder of Torah U'Mesorah) (Elul 3) In 5619/1859, Rav Avrohom Tzvi published Pis’chei Teshuva on Even Ho’ezer, and just one year before his petira he published the last two sections on the remaining two sections of Rav Aharon HaKohen Schwartz (Elul 4) Shulchon Aruch, Orach Chaim and Choshen Mishpot. Rav Aharon was the son of Rav Avrohom Yehuda HaKohen Schwartz of Bergsaz and Rav Avrohom Tzvi did a major service for Mad, mechaber of Kol Arye. Some of his Divrei Rabbonim by organizing and summarizing the Torah appear in Shu”t Kol Arye Simon 97,

- 18 of 33 - Shu”t Bais Naftoli Simon 1, 61, and Shu”t Kav daughter of the naggid and communal leader Chaim Simon 1. Rav Moshe Leib Eideles of Vecka. He was given a letter of ordination from his rebbe, the Maharam Asch, on Sunday, 19 Adar after which he reluctantly ,תקצד/Sheni,5594 Rav Menachem Mendel Gad Glick Av Beis parted from him. Din of Kemetshe (Elul 4)

After his marriage, Rav Menachem Mendel AV BEIS DIN OF KEMETSHE settled by his father’s side and studied Torah day and night. His peaceful days of learning did Rav Menachem Mendel Gad Glick was born in not last very long, however, as his young wife His father was Rav Gedalyahu ofpassed away before the end of their first year of .תקעט 5579 Bakani (author of Chayei Olam), and his marriage. His second wife, Frumit Rochel, was paternal grandfather was Rav Chanoch Henich the daughter of the naggid Rav Abba Guttman Gad Glick of Prague. His sons were Rav of Vecka. With her support, he grew steadily in Avrohom Meir, Rav Henich (the son-in-law of Torah and Yiddishkeit and began to travel to Rav Avrohom Gottleib of Vishiva), and Rav meet the tzaddikim of his generation. Moshe Yitzchok, who died young. Some of Rav Menachem Mendel’s Torah is printed in his Rav Menachem Mendel related that, on one father’s sefer. visit to Rav Meir Premishlaner, when he handed the tzaddik a kvittel (note requesting Rav Menachem Mendel was a renowned gaon the Rebbe’s blessings and prayers) and a and tzaddik who served Hashem in sanctity and pidyon (customary monetary gift), Rav Meir purity. He fasted frequently, never slept more told him three things: “First, tell your father to than four hours a night, and was known to push the four amos distance away from daven for extended periods in rapture and the wall. Second, you seem to be a G-d-fearing deveikus. Each night, he awakened at midnight Torah Jew – so how can it be that you live all to recite Tikkun Chatzos, and afterwards would together in one room? It is improper and study and the secrets of Torah. He immodest to live in such close quarters!” Third performed the mitzvos with joy and simcha, and last was a message that Rav Menachem trembling with a holy fire. Even in his later Mendel kept secret all his life. All he would say, years, he sacrificed his health and served many years later, was that he wished he had Hashem with mesirus nefesh. He learned listened to this third piece of advice, and he under his father until the age of 16, when he regretted all his life that he had not heeded the was sent to study in Pressburg under tzaddik’s words. the Chasam Sofer. Later, he studied under Rav Meir Eisenstadt of Ungvar, author of the Once, when visiting Rav Yitzchok Isaac of Maharam Asch. He married Esther, theZiditchov, he mentioned that certain wicked

- 19 of 33 - people sought to ruin his father’s livelihood, chassanim for the rabbonim, chazzanim and and that this threatened his own parnassa, as shamashim. well, since he relied on his father’s income. With all these sources of income, he was able to “Tell your father not to worry,” Rav Yitzchok make a very decent living indeed. His primary Isaac replied. “He shall have sufficientjob was to take care of communal affairs, and parnassa all the days of his life.” The Rebbe with his careful attention and loving care, the then turned to Rav Menachem Mendel and community grew and flourished. He judged said, “You can go back home and accept upon wisely and ruled with strength and endurance. yourself the yoke of the rabbinate.” In Kemetshe, he was blessed with sons and When Rav Menachem Mendel returned to his daughters, and eventually his financial situation father’s house, his father came out to greet him was no longer sufficient for his large family. with the good news that he had been appointed ,before he passed away ,תרסה /Av Beis Din of Kemetshe. When Rav Menachem On 4 Elul5665 Mendel related the Ziditchover Rebbe’s words he asked that they bring him a copy of the sefer to his father, they were astounded at the Kav HaYashar. He turned to where he had Rebbe’s ruach hakodesh and miraculouspreviously marked the page to a tefillah to be knowledge. (Gedulas Mordechai) recited at the end of one’s life, and asked his son-in-law Rav Mordechai Lenerovitsh (author While serving as the Rav in Kemetshe, Rav of Parshas Mordechai), to whom he passed on Menachem Mendel sometimes travelled to visit his rabbinic post in his final two years, to read Rav Tzvi Hirsch Freidlander of (author of it to him. Rav Menachem Mendel tearfully Ach Pri Tevuah), Rav Meshulem Fayish Loewe recited the tefillah after him, word for word. Segal (founder of the Tosch dynasty), and Rav Afterwards, he blessed all of his children, and Chanina Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum of Sighet asked them to light candles and open the (author of Kedushas Yom Tov). He found favor windows. He straightened his limbs and his in the eyes of these gedolim, and they honored posture, closed his eyes, and recited Shema, him for his righteousness and his greatness in and his holy soul departed with the final Torah. declaration echad. He was 86 years old.

Rav Menachem Mendel’s position of Av Beis A large gathering of congregants, rabbonim Din of Kemetshe included the nearby towns of and Rebbes attended the funeral procession Hollis, Ibran, Pasov, Bertzel, Bogadni, Keck and and escorted him to his final rest. Rav Naftali Demetsher. They all contributed to his weekly Schreiber of Kleinverdayan (author of Mateh salary of two gulden, which in those days was Naftali) gave one of the hespedim, in which he considered a fine sum. In addition to this testified in the name of Rav Avrohom Yitzchok income, he also received a salary as the official Weinberger (Av Beis Din of Kleinverdayan and head registrar of births, and was given money author of Pnei Yitzchok), that 30 years ago they as well from the sum collected by fathers of had described him as a perfect olah temima!

- 20 of 33 - (Gedulas Mordechai). Yehuda Moscati (author of Nefutzos Yehuda) and his brother, Rav Dovid Provenciali.

He passed away at the age of 72 on 4 Elul in and was eulogized by all the ,שלו/Rav Moshe Provenciali (Elul 4) the year 5336 sages of his generation.

Rav Moshe Provenciali was born in the year He was one of the gedolim of Italian .רסד/5264 Jewry and was a contemporary of the Beis Rav Eliyahu 'Chassid' Kramer (Elul 4) Yosef, the Rama miFano, and Maharam Padavo. His rabbinic seat of rule was in Mantova, together with his brothers Rav Dovid and Rav Rav Eliyahu was a great gaon and kadosh Yehuda Provenciali. These three brothers were Yisroel. He was renowned for his piety and great luminaries for their countrymen, and Rav prishus and was therefore called “HaChassid.” Moshe, the eldest, was known as a great gaon His father, Rav Moshe Kramer (yahrzeit 2 and mekubal, as well as a great posek. The Cheshvan) was the Av Beis Din of Vilna, and his Chida writes that Rav Moshe was an expert in father-in-law was Rav Pesachya, the son of Rav dayanus in Mantova at the Beis Din established Moshe Ravkash, author of Be’er HaGola. by the Ramaz, Rav Moshe Zakuso. He was so Rav Eliyahu Chassid’s sons were Rav Yissacher well-respected that they wrote not to pay Ber (the paternal grandfather of the Vilna attention to the teshuvos of any Achronim Gaon) and Rav Tzvi Hirsch Rublin (the except for his and those of the Kenesses grandfather of the gaon Rav Binyamin Zalman haGedola. With the exception of oneRebeles of Shklov, author of Givei Giviya controversy, in which Rav Moshe and the other HaKesef). rabbonim of his generation did not see eye-to- Rav Eliyahu Chassid passed away on 4 Elul. eye regarding a matter of kiddushin, he was universally lauded and respected. The Gur Aryeh on Shulchan Aruch cites his responsa, as does the Chida, who says he saw them in Rav Yosef Meir Pollack (Elul 4) manuscript.

Rav Yosef Meir, the son of Rav Chaim Avrohom Rav Moshe argued in favor of the printing of of Bergsaz, was descended from Rav Yosef Meir the Zohar, against the wishes of Maharam of , after whom he was named. His Padavo, who felt it was forbidden to print such father-in-law was Yechiel Chaim Labin, a scion secrets and make them available to the masses. of Ziditchov. He was also one of the opponents of the philosophical sefer Me’or Eynaim by Rav Rav Yosef Meir was a disciple of Rav Yitzchok Azariya Rossi. His talmidim included Rav

- 21 of 33 - Isaac of Spinka and a talmid muvhak of Rav Din of ; however, he was forced to leave Aharon Roth of , first in this post after suffering under the fierce Bergsaz and later of Yerushalayim. When Rav persecutions of the Frankists. Aharon left for Eretz Yisroel, Rav Yosef Meir and was תקל''א /succeeded him and inherited his beis medrash He passed away on 4 Elul5531 in Bergsaz, the city of his own forefathers. laid to rest in the old cemetery in Sighet, where his gravesite has become the focal point for He was an oved Hashem who followed his those seeking yeshuos and salvation. He was rebbe, Rav Ahreleh, with self-sacrifice and an succeeded by his son Rav Moshe Fisch. outpouring of his soul, aflame with enthusiasm. As the city of Sighet grew and expanded, the Rav Yosef Meir was martyred during the gentiles decided to relocate the old Jewish Holocaust in Kaminetz, Podolsk on 4 Elul cemetery in order to expand their living and at the age of 30. After thecommercial space. City officials hired many (תש"א/5701 (1941 war, his widow remarried Rav Aharon of Belz. workers to relocate the graves and remove the Rav Yosef Meir’s son, Rav Avrohom Alter tombstones and markers. However, when they Pollack, was raised by Rav Aharon of Belz and reached Rav Tzvi’s matzeiva, it wouldn’t budge. served as the Bergsazer Rebbe in Petach Tikva, Other gentile workers approached and tried Israel. their hands at the removal, but to no avail. Slowly they began to realize that anyone who dared to try moving the Rav’smatzeiva or kever dropped dead! Although the mayor and Rav Yitzchok Itzik Vienner (Elul 4) city officials heard of the mysterious deaths, they refused to accept that they were anything other than work-related accidents. The mayor Rav Yitzchok Itzik Av Beis Din Armeni was the himself then declared, “Tomorrow I will arrive son of Rav Shimon, the Av Beis Din of Sengrad. myself, and personally supervise the breaking He was a great lamdan and yiras shomayim. He and removal of the tombstone!” .תרכ''ה/passed away on 4 Elul 5625

The mayor arrived the next day with four workers and a team of workhorses harnessed and ready to destroy the kever. They tied a Rav Tzvi Fisch Av Beis Din of Sighet (Elul rope around the Rav’s kever and then, when 4) the wicked mayor gave the signal, the horses prepared to begin pulling; however, as soon as Rav Tzvi Fisch, the son of Rav Moshe Avrohom, the mayor had given the signal to begin, he was the first Av Beis Din of Sighet. He was himself dropped dead alongside the kever! At originally appointed as Chief Rabbi and Av Beis that point, the gentiles lost their nerve, fleeing

- 22 of 33 - in terror and vowing never again to touch the kever. They constructed a fence around it to protect it (and themselves!) from harm and to Rav Meir Simchah HaKohen Ohr safeguard the sanctity of such a holy place. Sameach, Meshech Chochma (Elul 4)

When the Communists took over the government, their offices were housed in a building opposite the Rav’s kever. They, too, wanted to uproot the kever, which was a thorn in their sides. The locals, however, who had been safeguarding the site for some time, and had themselves become accustomed to asking the tzaddik for protection and salvation in times of need, refused to accommodate their request, warning them, “Don’t start up with the holy Rabbiner!” Their warnings were heeded, and his holy kever stands until this day. (Sefer Zichron LaRishon)

Rav Meir Simcha HaKohen was born in 5605 in Baltermantz. As a youth he was already expert

- 23 of 33 - in nearly all of both , Shas Bavli and Yerushalmi, as well as in works of Kabbalah. His rebbe, Rav Moshe Danishevsky, wasAv Rav Yechiel Fischel Eisenbach Rosh Beis Din of Slovak. R’ Meir Simcha married at a Yeshivas Shaar haShomayim Mekubal young age the daughter of Rav Tzvi Paltiel of (Elul 4) Bialystok. While living in Bialystok, he studied Torah day and night with the Av Beis Din, Rav Yom Tov Lipa, author ofShailos V’Teshuvos Oneg Yom Tov, as well as with the author of Shai Lamoreh on Maseches Bechoros. to Rav Yosef תרפ"הHe lived in sanctity and purity and became a Born in Yerushalayim leader of his generation, a great gaon to whom Eisenbach who was a Sofer Stam. He studied in many turned from all over the world to resolve Shomrei HaChomos and was among the first difficult Torah questions and uncertainties. In talmidim in the Slonimer yeshivah Bais this merit, he came to be known by the honored Avrohom under Rav Sholom Noach the Nesivos title of ilui – genius of Dvinsk. Sholom. He studied beChavrusa with Rav Mordechai Chaim and together they His magnum opus, theOhr Sameach on completed the entire Torah of the Rambam, demonstrates Rav Meir Simcha’s Rambam. At age eighteen he married the sharp mind and great Torah expertise. He stood daughter of Rav Yeshaya Asher Zelig Margolis. at the forefront of the battle against the As a yungerman he studied in Pressburg misguided maskilim of Russia as well as the Yeshivah under Rav Akiva Sofer the Da'as Sofer Zionists, movements in which he recognized and in Toras Emes, the Yeshiva under the beginnings of the removal of the primacy of Rav Moshe Leib Shapira. He studied Kabbalah Torah and Yiras Shamayim from the Jewish under Rav Shaul haKohen Dweck, and worked worldview. He had no sons; his son-in-law, Rav as a Sofer Stam so he would not earn a living Avraham Loftbar of Warsaw, was the author of from his Torah studies. Shailos V’Teshuvos Zera Avraham. Rav Raphael Dovid and Rav Shlomo תשל"ג In Rav Meir Simcha passed away on the Shabbos Zalman Auerbach both requested that he of Parshas Shoftim, the 4th of Elul, 5686 in assume the position of the Yeshivas Shaar Riga, Latvia; he was laid to rest in Dvinsk. May haShomayim for the study of Kabbalah. Rav his holy merit protect us all. Chaim Yehudah Leib, their father and founder had passed away and the yeshivah was in dire straits and liable to close its doors. Hesitantly he agreed, the yeshivah flourished under his leadership. He gave shiurim, often for many

- 24 of 33 - hours at a stretch, and davened from the of Rav Moshe Aharon’s sons, Rav Yaakov, Siddur with kavanos haRashash. He passed traveled to America after Rav Moshe Aharon’s and was laid to rest on passing and founded the Pinto Center in Los תשס"חaway on 4 Elul Har haZeisim. Angeles during the 1980s. He is president of the “Netivei Chaim veMoshe Pinto” Institutions Some of his well known disciples and talmidim that he and his brothers established in Ashdod, include: Rav Daniel Firsch author of Masok which include a beis medrash, a supermarket miDevash on the Zohar, Rav Yaakov Moshe and kitchen for the needy, a publishing house, Hillel, Rosh Yeshivas Ahavas Sholom, and Rav and much more. Gamliel haKohen Rabinovitch. Rav Tzvi Hirsch Levine (Av Beis Din of Berlin, Tzvi Latzaddik) (Elul 4)

Rav Aryeh Leib Teomim (Gur Aryeh) (Elul 4) Rav Moshe Aharon Pinto (Elul 4) Rav Moshe Eidan of Djerba (Tiferes Moshe) (Elul 4)

Rav Dovid of Tsharnotshopka (Elul 5)

Rav Moshe Aharon Pinto (1995), heeding his to תרי /Rav Dovid was born in Sheps circa5610 father’s command to avoid temporal pleasures, Rav Tzvi Zev, Av Beis Din of Tavi. He was secluded himself in his home for forty years and renowned as a tzaddik, a chassid and a great living on almost nothing but scraps of bread masmid. He married Chava, the daughter of dipped in oil. After these 40 years, he traveled, Rav Aharon, who was a descendant of Rav explaining, “Hashem created a beautiful world. Chatzkele Kuzhmirer. Though his stature in What will I tell Him when He asks me after 120 Torah was lofty, he did not want to accept the years whether I witnessed and appreciated the position of the rabbinate; however, when an wonders of His creation?” Rav Moshe Aharon’s accidental fire consumed all his worldly descendants have printed and distributed possessions, he was forced to become the Rav thousands of copies of the “Perek Shira” that of Badzhanav. He taught Torah there for seven describes how every creature is part of a years until he was appointed Av Beis Din in worldwide symphony of Hashem’s praise. Rav Yelavi, and he served in that role faithfully for Moshe Aharon’s oldest son, Rav Chaim is the some 43 years. He left behind many chiddushim rav of Ashdod, and Rav Chaim’s son, Rav in pilpul and drash, although many were also Yoshiyahu Yosef, has created the “Shuvah lost over the years. Yisrael” organization, which draws many youngsters back to Torah and mitzvos. Another

- 25 of 33 - on 13 Teves, and was laid to rest on Har תרפו/He passed away on 5 Elul in the year 5686 and was laid to rest in Warsaw. He left behind HaZeisim, near the kever of the Navi his sons Rav Eliyahu Dov and Rav Chanoch Zechariya. Henich, Av Beis Din of Galin HY”D, and his son- in-law, Rav Avrohom Ephraim FishelRav Dovid Tzvi Shlomo served Hashem with Finkelstein of Warsaw. great rapture and deveikus. His davening was loud and filled with mesirus nefesh. His shining countenance was especially noticeable, and he was able to draw close Jews from all walks of Rav Dovid Tzvi Shlomo Biderman Rav life. For many years he did not sleep in a bed, Duvidel (Elul 5) not by day or by night, and instead studied Torah all night long. He established the Batei Warsaw neighborhood in .

Rav Dovid Tzvi Shlomo passed away on 5 Elul and was laid to rest on תרע''חin the year 5678 Har HaZeisim in the section of the Perushim. According to his explicit instructions in his last will and testament, only his name and date of death were inscribed on the matzeiva. He left behind two sons, Rav Pinchos and Rav Shimon Noson Neta. Rav Dovid Tzvi Shlomo Biderman, known affectionately as “Rav Duvidel,” was born in Pshedburzh on Simchas Torah in the year His father was Rav Elazar Menachem .תרד/5604 Mendel of Lelov. His paternal grandfather, Rav Moshe of Lelov, was the son of Rav Dovid of Lelov, the founder of the Lelov dynasty, and the grandson of Rav Shlomo Tzvi Biderman. His mother, Rebbitzen Feiga Matel, was the daughter of Rav Tzvi Horowitz, whose father was the Chozeh of Lublin. Rav Dovid Tzvi Shlomo married Miriam, the daughter of Rav Pinchos Horowitz. At the age he made aliya , תר''יof six, in the year 5611 together with his father and grandfather, Rav Moshe of Lelov, who passed away 72 days later,

- 26 of 33 - Rav Avraham Chaim Roth Shomrei Emunim Rebbe, founder of Shomrei Emunim (Elul 5)

ה'תרפ"ד Born 14 Adar Alef in Bergsaz 1924

Rav Menashe of Koznitz (Elul 5)

Rav Yehosef Halevi Rottenberg (Av Beis Din of Kozova) (Elul 5)

Rav Sinai (Av Beis Din of Nikolsburg) (Elul 5)

Rebbetzin Miriam Bella (Wife of the head of Cracow Jewry) (Elul 5)

Rav Dov Cohen (Seder Hashulchan, Rav of the Israeli Air Force) (Elul 5)

- 27 of 33 - Gedolim Be'Masayhem

Stories & Anecdotes

he was searching for: the Rav had disappeared. Only the Rav Yeshaya Weltfried and Av Beis Din of Pshedburz, next day did the mysterious Dibros Chaim (Elul 1) Rav Yeshaya, studying with his traveler reappear in the beis , Rav Yaakov Yitzchok midrash as they sat and of Peshischa, later known as studied. When they TWO CANDLES the Yid HaKadosh. approached him, they told him Rav Dovid Lelover drew Rav When the Yid HaKadosh that they had decided to travel Yeshaya and the Yid HaKadosh approached the bookcase to to Lublin to meet the Chozeh. into the inner circle of the look something up in a sefer, They were surprised when Rav Chozeh of Lublin. The seforim Rav Dovid told him, ‘You Dovid answered them, “First describe the event as follows: know, if you’ve never met the you must learn the secret of Rav Dovid Lelover approached Chozeh of Lublin, you cannot the tzaddik’s soul before you Rav Yaakov Yitzchok, the even understand one page of merit to travel to meet him Chozeh (“Seer”) of Lublin, to Gemara properly.” When Rav and bask in his presence.” take his leave. “When you go,” Yeshaya came past, he told After sitting in deep thought the Chozeh told him, “make him the same thing. and contemplation, they sure to travel throughAt the time, Rav Yeshaya and realized that the Chozeh’s soul Pshedburzh. There are two the Yid HaKadosh disregarded originated from the holy Tanna candles burning there. Do the stranger’s curiousRav Yosi HaKohen, one of the your best to bring them here pronouncement. Yet somehow, five disciples of Rav Yochanan to me.” in the midst of their studies, Ben Zakkai, who is defined in When he arrived hisin words kept coming back to Pirkei Avos as a “chassid.” Pshedburzh, Rav Dovidthem. They decided to look for When they arrived in Lublin, Lelover went straight to the him, but he was gone. They the two geniuses met one of beis midrash. He immediately went out searching through the Chozeh’s disciples, Rav discovered the two “candles” the town – but in vain, for he Peretz, who had just returned

- 28 of 33 - from a visit to Eretz Yisroel. To (Tiferes haYehudi 7b) Creation.” their astonishment, they heard (Yaakov Yitzchok of Peshischa, IF THE YID IS GONE, THE the Chozeh ask Rav Peretz: p. 126) WORLD WILL END “Did you daven at the gravesite of the Tanna Rabbi When the Yid HaKadosh Rav Eliezer Hager passed away on Chol HaMoed Yosi HaKohen in Tiveria? The Damesek Eliezer (Elul 2) soul that resides within my Sukkos, Rav Yeshaya said he body shares the soul of that saw a great darkness descend Tanna.” on the world. He realized it NO BED FOR TWO YEARS They thus saw with their own must be as a result of his In his younger years, Rav eyes that the power of ruach rebbe’s passing. However, Rav Eliezer sat and studied hakodesh rested on theYeshaya was convinced that together with his older Chozeh’s beis midrash. the world would be destroyed brother, the Imrei Chaim of Rav Dovid Lelover used to say upon the death of the Yid Vizhnitz, and their exertion in that one of the main reasons HaKadosh! When he went Torah study was legendary. why he himself had to come to outside and saw that the world For two years, the brothers Lublin was to draw close those continued going on as before, were so engrossed in their two lions to the pack of the he thought he must have been studies that they didn’t sleep holy chevraya. (Dibros Chaim) mistaken and that the Yid in a bed. Except for Shabbos, HaKadosh was still alive. Only they didn’t even change their THE TRAVELING TRUNK OF when he saw that the Yid BOOKS clothes from week to week. HaKadosh was in the upper When they needed a short rest The Chozeh of Lublin once worlds did he accept the fact from learning, they simply lay travelled with his son Rav Tzvi of his passing. their heads down where they to the town of Tshechiyov, not (Ohr Zarua LaTzaddik, were, while fully dressed – and far from Lublin. Rav Tzvi introduction to Aron Eidus) thus they could use the entire requested that they take a In his own words: “When I night for Toras Hashem! trunk of seforim along with went outside on the day the them on their travels. “No,” Yid HaKadosh passed away SHOLOM BAYIS answered the Chozeh, “that and I saw the sun still shining Rav Elimelech Biderman will not be necessary.” He and the world still existing as shared the following story: pointed to Rav Yeshaya of it had before, I thought that he The Damesek Eliezer of Pshedburzh, who wasmust still be alive. I believed Vizhnitz was walking down the accompanying them, and that, if the Yid HaKadosh had street with his gabbai when remarked, “Here is our trunk passed away, surely the sun they passed a jewelry store of seforim. The light of his would stop shining and the that had a fine display of Torah shines from one end of world would revert back to the watches in the window. the world to the other!” chaos of tohu va-vohu before Suddenly, the Rebbe stopped,

- 29 of 33 - turned around, and returned As soon as they were out of RAV MORDECHAI OF NADVORNAS VISIT to the store they had just earshot, the gabbai couldn’t passed. To the gabbai’shold back. “Rebbe!” he said, In those days, Rav Mordechai surprise, the Rebbe entered stricken. “Isn’t it beneath your of Nadvorna arrived in the store and asked the owner dignity to act in this way – to Kemetshe, and spent two to show him the best watches ask the opinion of the store weeks and two Shabbosim he had available. owner’s wife, and have her there. Before he departed, he help you choose a gift for the called the shamash to “My Rebbetzin is a real maven Rebbetzin?” assemble all the congregants. in watches; she will only want “Call together all the people – the finest craftsmanship,” the The Rebbe chuckled and, with men, women and children. Let Rebbe stated in a loud, clear a gleam in his eye, explained, none be absent!” insisted the voice. The owner of the shop “When we passed by the shop tzaddik. hurried to show the Rebbe a the first time, I could hear the Everyone obeyed Rav selection of beautiful watches, owner arguing with his wife. Mordechai’s request, and all but the Rebbe shook his head. He claimed that she had poor the townspeople gathered “No, no, these are no good,” taste in watches and jewelry, before him. he said, waving them away. and even accused her of Rav Mordechai began: “I have “As I explained, the Rebbetzin chasing away customers and called you all together to this has impeccably good taste ruining their business. I assembly to take my leave of when it comes to watches. therefore returned to the store you and to give you all a Why, I have an idea – why and went in to buy a watch so bracha before I leave your don’t you call over your wife I could specifically request her town. However, first I must and ask her to help us choose? opinion and praise her good tell you that your rabbi is an I am sure she has fine taste in taste.” He turned to his erlicher Yid, and the proof of these matters.” awestruck gabbai and smiled. my words is that I myself “Don’t you think their sholom stoked his oven for him To the gabbai’s growing bayis (marital harmony) will (shimush talmid chacham). astonishment, the Rebbe improve now that he values his Turning to his faithful gabbai invited the proprietor’s wife to wife’s judgment and opinion? I Reb Leibish, he asked again help him select the gift. After think that’s certainly worth rhetorically: “Isn’t that true, several minutes, the Rebbe the price of a good watch, Leibish, that Mordchaleh seemed satisfied; he borrowed don’t you?” heated the Rav’s stove some money from the gabbai, himself?” paid for the watch, thanked Rav Menachem Mendel “Yes, yes” agreed the gabbai, the owner, complimented his Gad Glick Av Beis Din of “It’s true. I myself saw the wife’s fine taste in watches, Kemetshe (Elul 4) Rebbe burn all the kvittlach in and left the store. the oven.”

- 30 of 33 - Rav Mordechai turned back to her!” Rav Menachem Mendel THE BRACHOS THAT THEY BOTH GAVE the assembly. “Since you all opened one of the seforim have a Rav who is an erlicher hakedoshim and pointed to During one of his visits to the Yid, you need to take care of three holy Divine Names. Kedushas Yom Tov, Rav his financial situation and “Whisper that in her ear,” he Menachem Mendel asked him provide for his material needs. advised. The husband did as to give him a bracha. The He has sons and daughters of he was told, and his wife easily Kedushas Yom Tov answered marriageable age, and his gave birth with no other him, “Shouldn’t it be the other salary of two gulden a week is complications. way around? You are older insufficient. You need to make than I, and the word zaken THE UNHEEDED WARNING sure he earns six gulden a stands for Zeh Kana Chochma week. I have here a shtar Rav Menachem Mendel was (“you have acquired more hischayvus – an agreement once attending a seudas wisdom”). You are also a that we will all sign together – mitzvah along with some of his talmid of the Chasam Sofer. that we take upon ourselves congregants, and theTherefore, it would surely be the obligation to provide the conversation turned towards more proper for me to receive Rav with a salary of six gulden the upcoming yahrzeit of Rav your blessing!” Rav a week from now on.” Yitzchok Issac of Kalov. One of Menachem Mendel disagreed: Everyone heeded the tzaddik’s the attendees asked how many “But you are descended from words. They dutifully lined up, years had passed since the the holy Yismach Moshe of and Rav Mordechai handed Kalover Rebbe’s petira, and Uhjel, whom I once merited to each one the shtar personally the chassid Reb Issac Shpitz meet face-to-face, and I heard to make sure they all signed. answered: “I know for sure, drashos from his holy mouth Afterwards, he sent the shtar since I was the first to be that blazed like a flaming fire – to Rav Menachem Mendel to named after him, and I am 78 so it would be more proper for relate to him all that had been years old today.” When the you to bless me!” In the end, done. (Gedulas Mordechai) Rav heard this, he warned Reb each tzaddik spread his hands Isaac, “Don’t you know that over the head of the other, and THE WHISPER OF A BABY'S BIRTH older people keep their ages in this manner they blessed secret to protect them from each other! (Gedulas A harried husband once came the evil eye?” Mordechai) before the Rav, begging, Unfortunately, his warning fell “Please help my poor wife. She on deaf ears, and a few days has been in labor for two days Rav Dovid Tzvi Shlomo later, Reb Isaac was attacked Biderman Rav Duvidel now, suffering terrible pain, and murdered by bandits. (Elul 5) and the doctors do not know (Gedulas Mordechai) what to do. They say only a miracle from the Rav can help

- 31 of 33 - A KIPPAH IN MERON boy’s head, and tossed it into responses and answers,” his the flames. No sooner had he father protested. Rav Elimelech Biderman tells done so than the child covered “Tatty,” said Rav Dovid Tzvi, the following story in Be’er his bare head with his hands “when you say ‘Good Shabbos’ HaParsha: and began to yell in : after Maariv, you do indeed Some tzaddikim have the “A kappel, a kappel!” (“Give hear a response – but I don’t.” custom to cast items of me a kippah [to cover my He left for Europe as he had clothing – even including their head]!”) planned. yarmulkes – into the flames of Once there, he became the Lag B’Omer bonfire. Once, Everyone present wasattached to Rav Aharon of a Yerushalmi Jew approached astounded. This child, who had Karlin (author of Beis Aharon) Rav Dovid Tzvi Shlomo to get long ago ceased speaking and and when he returned to Eretz help for his sick son. The boy acting in any normal fashion, Yisroel, he established his had long ago ceased was suddenly talking!place of davening in the communicating normally; in Furthermore, he was asking Karliner beis medrash. fact, he no longer spoke at all for a kippah to cover his head and he seemed to have lost his – after years of habitually He travelled often to Meron, mind. He had formed the throwing his kippah off! From especially for Lag B’Omer, and troubling habit of constantly then on, he was cured. each time he would take along throwing off his kippah and a list of names of his family walking around bareheaded, A REBBE WHO RESPONDS members, friends and to the shame and After he grew up, he decided followers in order to daven for embarrassment of his family. to travel to Europe in search them. After the large The Rebbe was about to of a rebbe and mentor. traditional bonfire was lit, he depart for Meron and he asked His father wondered, “Why am would recite all the names, them to join him. I not good enough to be your and then carefully fold up the rebbe?” list and throw it into the fire. The poor father suffered “A father cannot also be his After the paper would go up in continual shame along the way son’s rebbe,” replied Rav flames, he would say that it from the troubled boy, who Dovid Tzvi Shlomo. was like Chazal’s statement frequently ran off and had to “So why don’t you take the (Avoda Zara 17) that the be chased after and brought Kosel as your rebbe?” asked parchment is burned while the back. Finally, the group his father. letters ascend on High. He arrived in Meron. When the “I need a rebbe who can once remarked that, when the traditional bonfire was lit on respond to me and give me fire is lit, the souls of the the roof of the tzion of Shimon answers,” insisted the son. tzaddikim descend, and then Bar Yochai, the Rebbe rise back up again through the approached the young child, “The Kosel does giveflames of the bonfire. grabbed the yarmulke off the

- 32 of 33 - There was once a Yerushalmi heeded his words remained who came crying to him about miraculously unharmed! the dire situation of his sick son. “Go to the holy site of Meron and achieve your salvation at the tzion of Rabbi ,” ordered Rav Dovid Tzvi. “But I have already been to Meron!” protested the Yerushalmi. “Go back!” he replied. “Do you mean to tell me that if someone visited a doctor once, and isn’t yet healed, that he shouldn’t go back to the doctor again?!” The Yerushalmi returned to Meron, and his son was healed.

THE EARTHQUAKE IN MERON on Lag תר''ע In the year5670 B’Omer, there was a strong earthquake in Meron that killed many people. At the time, the Rebbe was on the roof of the tzion, dressed in his striped kaftan and fur , meditating and davening with his eyes closed as if it was Yom Kippur. When the earthquake started, he told all his close followers and anyone else in his vicinity to draw near and stand beside him – and all those who

- 33 of 33 - אחרי ה ' קאל יכ תלכו גי( )'ה' Zera In the way of Hashem you should go (13:5) The Medrash (Rabba Vayikra 25:2, 3) on the passuk that commands the Jews to Shimshon0 keep the Mitzva of Orla (not eating from the fruits of a tree, during its first three years of Shimshon growth) says the following. R' Yehuda ben Pazi said, "Adam (Harishon)! You were  commanded not eat from the tree and could not hold out for too long. Now, your children wait three years before they eat the fruits from a tree." Re'eh (It is important to note that when discussing the sin of Adam Harishon or any sin mentioned in the Torah committed by the forefathers or leaders, the concepts are far beyond the human mind’s raw ability to fathom the true meaning of the sin. They are discussed only to learn

from them how WE can better OUR service of Hashem, not to theorize about the sin, nor to even try to comprehend it.) The Zera Shimshon, Rav Shimshon Chaim ben Rav Nachmon Michoel The Medrash continues. R' Yehuda bar Simon expounds on the passuk from this Nachmani, was born in 5467 week's parsha. In the way of Hashem you should go . How can one 'go in the way' of (1706/1707) into an illustrious family with great Rabbinical Hashem? Hashem is compared to a consuming fire? R' Yehuda bar Simon answers that lineage. He studied the revealed and the passuk means that one should try to emulate Hashem. The same way the first thing concealed parts of the Torah by the Torah greats of his day. Hashem did in this world was planting trees, so too, when the Jewish people enter Eretz He served as Rav of Modena, Pisa, Yisrael they should involve themselves with planting of trees and keeping the Mitzva of Sienna and Reggio, Italy, and was Orla. recognized as a holy and pious individual, as well as a tremendous The connection between planting trees and keeping the Mitzva of Orla with Torah scholar in all areas of Torah. emulating the ways of Hashem needs explanation. As well, although both are tree related, He passed away on the 6 th of Elul 5539 (1779). what is the deeper connection between eating from Eitz Hada'as and the Mitzva of Orla? His Seforim were named, Toldos Regarding the Mitzva of Orla, the Zohar explains (3:87a), that the reason for this Shimshon (The ‘Offspring’ of Shimshon) on Pirkei Avos and Zera Mitzva is to nullify (through three years of growth) the strength of the earth (physical) Shimshon (The ‘Seed’ of from the food we eat. Shimshon) on the Parshi’os of the Torah. In his introduction, he This as well, was intended by the commandment not to eat from the Eitz Hada'as. It explains that since his only son had was a commandment that was to last only for three hours. (See Sanhedrin 38b, Sha'ar died during his lifetime, he wrote his Seforim to perpetuate his own Hakavanos Drushei Rosh Hashana 1). Had Adam Harishon not eaten from the tree until memory after his passing. the arrival of Shabbos, it would have raised the level of all food to an exalted level, The following is his passionate including the fruits from the Eitz Hada'as. Instead of raising the earth to the level it was request to learn his works. “I implore of you with ten terms of supposed to reach, the opposite happened; now man would have to return to earth. supplication to choose from my The Medrash Tanchuma (Kedoshim 14) gives another lesson learned from the Chiddushim (novella) the piece that finds favor in your eyes, for your Mitzva of Orla; how to raise a child. The first three years of his life he cannot understand learning will sooth my soul etc… the smallest idea of service of Hashem. From three and on he learns to recite pessukim ( .and so on ( תרה צוה לנו משה וגו' This righteousness will stand by“ you forever – to ‘eat’ in this world, and be satiated in the next. In this Another lesson from trees is the fact that the labor going into planting and merit, Hashem will repay you with cultivating trees does not produce immediate results. One has to wait a while to enjoy the children, health and sustenance. “…and now my brothers and fruits of him labor. The same is true regarding our work in this world. The reward for our friends etc. do a true kindness, and withstanding tests is not seen immediately. It is saved for later. This is why the first test of with your eyes you will see children and grandchildren surrounding all mankind was with a tree. To impart this lesson to the world. The fact that many your table, houses filled with all lessons in service of Hashem are learned from trees is also why we find that the righteous that is good, wealth and honor will are compared to trees in various ways (see Kiddushin 40b, Avos 3:20). not cease from your children…” Based on this, we can now understand the Medrash that says that we must go in לזכר נשמת the ways of Hashem by emulating Him and the Medrash gives the example of planting רבינו שמשו חיי ב רב נחמ מיכאל ל"צז trees and observing the Mitzva of Orla. This will also explain how the Mitzva of Orla בעל הזרע שמשו א"יעז rectifies the original sin ויה" ר שיתקיימו בנו ברכותיו של אותו צדיק This, the Zera Shimshon does not speak out, but it is clear that he indents to answer his original questions with these ideas that) לזכר נשמת he explained.) Hashem planted the tree to test Adam Harishon so that by withstanding the test he would elevate the world to a higher level. We too have to do this and the example for מלכה ברכה בת הרב this is the Mitzva of Orla. By refraining from eating from the tree during its first three נחו ישראל ת .ה.ב.צ.נ. years, we raise the level of the physical. As well, many lessons in service of Hashem are learned from this Mitzva, as shown above. This rectifies what happened with the sin of לזכות רחמי ב יוכבד שיזכה לשוב .eating from the Eitz Hada'as בתשובה שלימה בקרוב זכות רבינו יעמוד ל רבקה רחל בת שיינדיל בלומא לזרע של קיימא במהרה לזכות רפואה שלימה משה שניאור זלמ ב רחל ז כות רבינו יעמוד לר ' חיי דוד ב טויבא חוה וכל משפחתו להצלחה ברכה שפע רב וסייעתא דשמיא ולזכות רפואה שלימה משה ב לאה מרובה בכל מעשה ידיו ובכל העניני signup & dedications – [email protected]

Parshas Re’eh

See I am placing before you today a blessing and a curse - a blessing if you will listen.

Rav Mordechai Steiner explained this pasuk based on the words of Chazal (Kiddushin 40b), a person should imagine that the entire world hangs in the balance - half are righteous and meritorious while half are wicked and liable – and if he does even just one mitzvah he has tipped the scales of justice towards merit! The holy seforim teach us that the scenario Chazal depicted is a daily occurrence, that when we act properly we merit to drawn down shefa and the opposite is also true. This is what our pasuk means when it says that see I am placing before you "today" a blessing and a curse, that you should know that each and every day a bounty of blessings or the opposite heaven forbid can be drawn down by your actions and deeds, and this is all up to us and our actions and deeds.

This is as it is written "the berachah - if you will listen, to the mitzvos of Hashem your G-d," and the truth is that we need to always remember that the whole entire Creation all hinges upon mankind, and therefore it is essential and incumbent upon each and every one of us to remember our purpose and the reason why we have come into this world, and that is to give Hashem a nachas ruach and satisfaction so that we merit dveykus and rapture in Hashem.

Another interpretation of our pasuk: - See I am placing before you today a blessing and a curse - a blessing if you will listen.

As cited by the heilige seforim hakedoshim, that one of the forms of avodah that a person must engage in to serve Hashem is to judge and differentiate between good and evil.

This is the same as seeing and recognizing the difference between a blessing and a curse. Because sometimes a person is fooled into believing that a transgression is actually a mitzvah to do those things, and sometimes he is fooled in the opposite manner to believe that a mitzvah would be a sin to do that act, and this is all a credit to the wily crafty ways of the yetzer hara - whose attempts to fool us too often succeed. He pulls the wool over our eyes to cause us to err and to convince us to forgo doing a mitzvah with excuses, such as perhaps we aren't doing it right or for the wrong intentions or we have ulterior motives and all kinds of krum cheshbonos and calculations as to what, how and why - all just to get us to give up and not do a mitzvah.

Therefore, we need a lot of siyata diShmaya and Heavenly help to aid us to merit to save us from his nefarious clutches and to see the truth, and to understand the true difference between good and evil and with a sincere heart a person has the ability and power to distinguish between good and evil. As we see in the Tur and

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Bais Yosef (Orach Chaim Siman 46), that the simple straightforward understanding of the meaning of Birchas HaNosain LaSechvi Binah to understand - is that Sechvi means the heart and we praise Hashem that He gave us an understanding heart that can distinguish and tell the difference between day and night, this hints to us that our hearts can also tell the difference between good - that is hinted at by the day and evil that is hinted at by the night.

However, if a person's heart is clogged and stopped up heaven forbid, then the heart fails to see the difference, and therefore we need to protect and guard our hearts from sinful evil thoughts and only think thoughts of Torah study and mitzvah observance that leads us to dveykus in Hashem, and by so doing we merit a pure heart and then we merit to be able to tell the difference between good and evil.

Perhaps, we can explain how this is hinted at here in our pasuk "See I am placing before you today a blessing and a curse" that you are reminded that each and every day there is a great confusion over what is a blessing and what is a curse. And our job and avodah is only to fulfill the ratzon Hashem and to recognize the difference between right and wrong, light and darkness, blessing and curse, good and evil. To understand that the berachah comes to those who listen to the mitzvos Hashem and fulfill them - only this is the true berachah and good, whereas the curse is what happens when we fail to heed and listen, and that evil is only truly doing the opposite of Hashem's Divine will. Therefore, our avodah - our job is as soon as the wicked yetzer hara comes to attempt to get us to sin and transgress and he tries to convince us that it isn't forbidden, it's not so bad, not so strict, using excuses and trickery - our job is to see the truth and recognize sin and transgression for what they truly are, that an aveira is the true opposite of a mitzvah and then you can realize immediately that this is in fact an evil act and a curse, and surely if you think more about it you will realize it is a sin and a transgression.

Now, we have already explained previously that the required condition for this is to safeguard our hearts, and by so doing our hearts will be able to clearly understand the difference between right and wrong. Furthermore, we also must safeguard our mouths and pay strict attention to what we eat and consume because sometimes a person is lax, and he says to himself that so long as the food has a hechsher - it must be kosher even when he knows full well that the food in question had a questionable kashrus standard. And although the halachah is that we can rely on the Rabbi who is giving the kashrus certification, nonetheless if the food in question is in fact problematic, hechsher notwithstanding, eating such foods clog up the heart and the mind and cause us spiritual problems - timtum haLev and timtum haMoach - when our kop is farshtopped - especially when we are discussing food that is some delicious delicacy or savory treat -when the drive to eat it is actually us giving in to our desires and this causes a clogged mind. Therefore, a person must protect himself and pay attention to what enters his mouth. We must make it a priority to ask of Hashem that we always see the truth and recognize what is good and what is evil, and to remember that this will only be truly clear when the redemption arrives.

To illustrate this concept, Rav Mordechai cites the well-known explanation of the holy Ba’al Shem Tov to the words of Chazal in the Gemara Shabbos 74, why is the slaughterer liable? (Whose simple straightforward meaning is asking which of the 39 categories of forbidden labor on Shabbos, does a ritual slaughterer transgress if he slaughters an animal on Shabbos?) The Gemara answers that he is liable because he has colored or painted [when he slaughters the animal the blood colors and paints it red]. The Tosfos adds that this is referring to Shochet DeAlma - any standard average shochet.

However, the Ba’al Shem Tov explained that there is a deeper meaning hinted at by the words of Chazal here, that the slaughterer of the world hints at the angel of death - the executioner and slaughterer who takes the lives of all who die. As Chazal elaborate in Bava Basra 16a, that the angel of death is none other than the yetzer hara and the Satan - accuser - all three identities are all one in the same person. Thus, the Gemara's question why is he liable is in essence asking - why is the yetzer hara liable - isn't he just doing his job? As we know that Chazal say, when the redemption arrives the yetzer hara is punished, but why is he liable if his job is to seduce, accuse,

Page 2 of 4 prosecute and carry out the execution? What has he done wrong? The Gemara's answer because he paints - hints at the concept of someone who is a trickster and is disguised - he paints himself to be someone who he isn't.

While it is true that this is his job, no one gave him permission to trick and fool everyone by painting a sin and transgression to make it appear as if it is a mitvzah and to fool us that mitzvos are sins - for such a false illusion he is liable.

We must therefore daven that we merit to distinguish between falsehood and truth and to merit the day when the land will be filled with Hashem's knowledge and that we merit the building of the bais hamikdash speedily in our days, Amen.

Another explanation of the pasuk: See I am placing before you today a blessing and a curse - a blessing if you will listen.

Based on what is cited by the holy Zohar, that when our pasuk says on this ‘day’, that hints at the day of and that this is hinted at here, during the month of Elul that precedes the upcoming Judgment Day of Rosh haShana, when Hashem grants us the opportunity to repent and do teshuvah and to emerge victorious and win the trial of judgment against us. The holy seforim teach us that if we act and behave properly during the month of Elul, this rectifies the days of the whole entire past year. Now, the principle of teshuvah is our acceptance upon ourselves to never repeat the same sinful mistakes and a future resolve to change and never do that again. By so doing, then the upcoming year will be proper and good, and this is hinted at by the Arizal's Friday night zemiros that say "Yehe Raava Kamay DiTishrei al Amei, DiYesanug LiShmei BeMesikin VeDuvshin" may it be Your ratzon that we merit Your good will even before Tishrei during Elul, and that we merit a sweet good new year. Therefore, we need to seize the opportunity to utilize Elul to do teshuvah and accept upon ourselves good resolutions to ascend to higher levels of kedusha. May Hashem grant us that we draw exceedingly close to Him, even more so than we prepared ourselves to be.

As the seforim teach us, that when Chazal say (Megillah 6a), I worked hard and succeeded we believe you - that the lashon used is metziya which sounds like a find, and a find refers to a lost object that has been recovered. We know that lost objects are found when we least expect them, and if so, how can we apply the terminology of hard work and effort to achieve success when we label that as a find, an object that is seemingly recovered accidentally when we do not expect it? The seforim answer that when a person works hard and exerts himself in spiritual matters and Avodas Hashem, then he merits an even greater light, even more so than he would naturally achieve by such hard work. Therefore, it makes sense to call this a find, since the light is much greater than was expected based on the effort and exertion. Chazal say (Midrash Eicha 5:21), Open for Me a tiny opening the size of a small pin prick and I will open it up for you as large as a grand hall; and therefore, during Elul which is an opportune time to prepare ourselves for the entire upcoming year and for Rosh HaShana as our pasuk teaches us "See I am placing before you today” - before Rosh HaShana when during these days we can merit closeness to Hashem. This is what we mean in our pasuk "See I am placing before you today", before the upcoming day of Rosh HaShanah, I am giving you these preparatory days in advance and by getting yourself ready you can either achieve berachos or their opposite, Heaven Forbid, because it all depends on the month of Elul. Therefore, we need to seize the opportunity and accept upon ourselves good resolutions and by so doing merit for each and every one of us a happy, sweet, and good new year, Amen.

And you ate the maser - tithes of your produce, your grain and grapes before Hashem, in order that you learn to fear Hashem your G-d all the days.

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Rav Mordechai teaches us based on what is cited in the name of the Rebbe Reb Shmelka of Nikolsberg, who explained the Gemara in Shabbos 152a, that until age forty, food is beneficial and from forty years on, drinking is beneficial – however, the way Rav Shmelka understood this Chazal was that it is teaching us the ways of avodas Hashem. The correct order is that when a person is still young during the days of his youth until age forty, the evil yetzer hara comes to a person and tries to trick him into frivolity and carelessness, saying rejoice young man in your childhood, then later on when you finally reach old age, then you can work on your avodas Hashem. Regarding this, Chazal advised us to learn a food lesson - just as the nature of food is that when it is fresh it is good, however, as the food gets old and stale it is no longer edible and eventually it gets moldy and spoiled - this teaches us a mussar lesson in avodas Hashem. When we grow old it will be more difficult for us to be true and proper ovdei Hashem, and since the primary directive of our avodas Hashem is to fulfill the Divine Will while you are still young, therefore, start while you still have your strength.

On the other hand, when a person gets older and matures to age forty, then the evil yetzer hara tempts him by reversing his tactics and says that - here you have already reached an old mature age and see how much you already sinned and transgressed your whole entire life – therefore, the evil one tries to get you to lose hope and give up. Why bother doing teshuva, you are so far gone, you cannot fix it or ever come back already, it’s too late and other such lies and excuses. When such arguments and tactics are put forth, it’s our job to learn a lesson and take an example from wine that matures and betters itself with age, the older it is, the better it is, this should give us chizuk and strengthen our resolve that despite our age we need to draw close to Hashem. This is how the Bnei Yissaschar explains the pasuk in Hoshea 14:8, ( (“They who dwelt in his shade shall be revived) They shall revive [like] new grain, and they shall blossom like the grape-vine; (His fragrance shall be like the wine of Lebanon.”) )

This pasuk can be interpreted like we just explained - that they shall blossom in avodas Hashem each according to his own level, those that are young should learn from the example of the grains, grab mitzvah opportunities while you are young and ripe, whereas the lesson for the older people is that whoever has matured should take an example from wine, that it too matures with age. (See Rashi to Bereishis 45:23) citing Chazal who teach us in Megillah 16b, that Yosef sent his father of the best of Egypt: aged wine that elderly people find contentment with it. [Some explain this as the fact that wine improves with age often affords contentment to the elderly.] This example strengthens the elderly, demonstrating to them the older they get, the better they get with age. As they mature, they improve, as Chazal say Shabbos 151, that as the elder Talmidei Chachamim grow older, their da'as and knowledge gets better with age. Nonetheless, a person must always remember that he has to constantly strengthen himself in all situations, no matter what and to realize that his avodas Hashem gives Hashem nachas and satisfaction. Perhaps, we can read this all into our pasuk - "And you ate before Hashem," as is known that eating also refers to learning and the Torah teaches us that we take a lesson from ma'aser tithes - that tithing our grain and our wine teaches us to fear Hashem all the days of our lives, because we learn from grain and wine the two lessons that all the days of our life - in youth as well as in old age, we learn from the grain in our youth and from wine in our old age, to fear Hashem, as we learned from Rav Shmelka Nikolsberger, may his merit shield us.

Surely, all this prepares us for the upcoming Rosh HaShanah, that we need to remember at all times to serve Hashem, and then we can overcome the evil yetzer hara's procrastinating claims that we have plenty of time, and we can push off teshuva and avodas Hashem to a later time, as the holy seforim teach us on the pasuk (Shemos 17:9), "go out and fight Amalek tomorrow," that we need to fight against our own personal Amalek who always procrastinates and tells us "tomorrow" - do what Hashem wants tomorrow not today. We need to overcome him and his tactics and sanctify ourselves today and tomorrow - and by so doing we will merit to be written and inscribed for a good year, full of salvation and redemption and to merit seeing the bais hamikdash rebuilt speedily in our days with the revelation of the honor and glory of Heaven, Amen.

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Weekly Bulletin on the Parshah s"xc Re'eh August 7th 2021 29th of Av 5781 Pachad David Published by Mosdot “Orot Chaim U’Moshe” in Israel Under the auspices of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita 915 Son of the tzaddik Rabbi Moshe Ahron Pinto, zt”l, and grandson of the holy tzaddik and miracle-worker Rabbi Chaim Pinto, zy”a MASKIL LEDAVID Weekly talk on the Parshah given by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita

The Holy Torah Protects and Saves

"The blessing: that you hearken to the command- from troubles and mishaps, and blessed with an ments of Hashem, your G-d, that I command you abundance of goodness and success, not losing out today" (Devarim 11:27) at all on account of his avodat Hashem. The wording of the verse is surprising. Why does it Many times when I receive people, my heart fills say "The blessing: that you hearken", it would seem with pain on hearing the troubles of Am Yisrael and more fitting to say "The blessing: if you hearken" just thoughts of 'why do all these troubles come to me' as the following verse says "And the curse: if you do fill my mind. Why do I need to hear about so much not hearken to the commandments of Hashem, your suffering? But then a young bachur comes along and Paris • Orh ‘Haïm Ve Moché G-d, and you stray from the path that I command you asks for a blessing for success in Torah – this is what today, to follow gods of others, that you did not know." is most important to him! He doesn’t ask for wealth 32, rue du Plateau • 75019 Paris • France or success in his endeavors, not for a shidduch or Tel: 01 42 08 25 40 • Fax: 01 42 06 00 33 The reason could be that Hashem wishes to teach us [email protected] that actually hearkening to Hashem's commandments anything else, only to be successful in his Torah studies is in itself a blessing. A person may sometimes feel and mitzvah observance! These bachurim grant me because he observes the mitzvot and obeys Hashem's the strength to continue, for I see there is a future to command, he loses out somewhat in This World. For Am Yisrael. Fortunate is Yisrael for whom observing Jérusalem • Pninei David example, someone who closes his store in the middle the Torah and mitzvot is their highest aspiration! Rehov Bayit Va Gan 8 • Jérusalem • Israël of the day for quarter of an hour to pray Mincha might Had Bnei Yisrael entered Eretz Yisrael immediately Tel: +972 2643 3605 • Fax: +972 2643 3570 think he is losing customers. Hashem wishes to teach [email protected] after receiving the Torah, Sefer Devarim would not us that this is not so. And even if it might appear to us have been written at all. It follows that the sin of the mortals that there is some loss, when the full picture spies merited them with an entire Sefer. The Ramban will emerge, each one will see how much Hashem says (intro. Sefer Bereishit) that all the letters of the Ashdod • Orh ‘Haim Ve Moshe intended for the good and that apparent 'loss' was in Torah are in fact Hashem's Names and Chazal also Rehov Ha-Admour Mi-Belz 43 • Ashod • Israël itself something good. say (Bereishit Rabba 74:17) that there are six hun- Tel: +972 88 566 233 • Fax: +972 88 521 527 When Moshe Rabbeinu was punished by not be- dred thousand letters in the Torah, corresponding [email protected] ing allowed to enter Eretz Yisrael, it seemed to him a to the six hundred thousand souls of Am Yisrael. So terrible verdict, to the extent that he begged Hashem had the spies not sinned and received the resulting and pleaded with five hundred and fifteen prayers punishment of wandering in the Wilderness for forty Ra’anana • Kol ‘Haïm that Hashem forgive him and allow him to enter the years, we would not have merited sefer Devarim and Rehov Ha’ahouza 98 • Ra’anana • Israël Land. He did not wish to enter just to partake of its would have lost very many Names of Hashem, and Tel: +972 98 828 078 • +972 58 792 9003 fruits, but rather for Am Yisrael's sake, for Chazal say many holy souls of Am Yisrael would not have come [email protected] (Sotah 9a) that had Moshe Rabbeinu entered Eretz down to the world. Yisrael and built the Beit Hamikdash, it would never Unfortunately, today we have an abundance of have been destroyed, since the enemies could have no devices that take a person away from Torah and even power over Moshe Rabbeinu and David Hamelech's remove him from This World. A person must know fruits of labor. that he has limited space in his heart. If he fills it with Hilula But from bitter emerges sweet, and particularly this nonsense, he will be left without room for Torah study. punishment that Moshe Rabbeinu received was the David Hamelech said (Tehillim 109:22), "… my heart 29 – Rabbi Ya'akov Bardugo, author of catalyst for enormous good because as a result of the has died [lit. become hollow] within me." Meaning, Shufraya D'Ya'akov Beit Hamikdash being destroyed, we wait longingly David Hamelech slaughtered his Yetzer Hara and in 30 – Rabbi Yehuda Lavie, Rav of for the building of the third Beit Hamikdash which its place was left with a large empty hollow which he 1 – Rabbi Shmuel di Avila will be bigger and more beautiful than the second could fill with ever more Torah and mitzvot. 2 – Rabbi Aharon Chason Beit Hamikdash, and from which the Shechina will We too should not be drawn after 'progression' and never depart. 3 – Rabbi Eliyahu Mansani, a talmid sophistication in a world that is constantly coming up of the Holy Ohr HaChaim The blessing mentioned in the verse is bestowed with innovations. For if it is a form of 'progression' that 4 – Simcha HaCohen, the only upon someone whose entire head is immersed severs us from the Creator, it is not progression at all, 'Or Same'ach' in Torah and mitzvot, alluded to by the words "The and we must distance ourselves from it like fire. And 5 – The esteemed Rabbi blessing: that you hearken to the commandments of one who as a result of this severance merits another Moshe Ahron Pinto zya"a Hashem, your G-d." The word "et – the" alludes to half hour of Torah study every day, or another mitzvah the letters from alef to taf, the letters of the Torah, every day, will be shown by Hashem that he did not while the word "asher – that" has the same letters as lose out by refraining from wallowing in the mud of "rosh – head". Someone who inserts only Torah and 'progression', rather Hashem will assist him in all his mitzvot into his head will be protected by Hashem endeavors. Walking in their Ways Tidbits of faith and trust penned by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita

Every Person Can Become a Rosh Yeshiva Someone once approached my esteemed father, HaG- aon Hatzadik Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto zy"a, and asked In Our Father's Path him: "How can it be that many distinguished tzadikim head great and famous Yeshivot, establishing many talmidim, Charity Saved Him from the tions would lead straight to Gan Eden. There was no fourth option. He had a fraction of a while HaRav Pinto's Yeshiva is not well-known at all. I have Army Jeep second, what can he do?! never even heard about it. Where, then, is the esteemed "You shall surely give him, and let your Rav's Yeshiva and where are his talmidim?" Nothing! This was quite clear to him, so heart not feel bad when you give him, for in he chose to veer over to the left as much as Abba zy"a replied without hesitation: return for this matter, Hashem, your G-d, will he could, while still remaining on the road. "My Yeshiva is my home, and my talmidim are my sons bless you in all your deeds and in your every The army jeep was coming right at him, the and daughters." undertaking" (Devarim 15:10) chances of averting an accident were nil. He On hearing Abba's answer, I smiled to myself. What kind The 'Sudai' Beit Haknesset in Holon, at a honked with all his might and cried out Shema of Yeshiva is this? relatively early hour of the morning, found Yisrael from the depths of his heart, refusing Eliyahu Zarbi finishing his prayers after which to look straight ahead, seeing the jeep smash- But sometime later, as I understood the deeper meaning he turned to the gabbai: "I calculated my ing forcefully into him… of his words, I was amazed at the pure truth and powerful ma'aser money and found that I owe 1036 Suddenly he felt an enormous gust of wind; wisdom contained in Abba's answer. shekels to tzedakah. Here is the money, please his heart hammered inside him. The driver Each person has a 'mini Beit Midrash' in his home; a give it to tzedakah." Eliyahu handed over the of the jeep had apparently noticed him at Yeshiva for young students where he raises his sons to be- money and left for work, not imagining he the last second, and turned the steering come talmidei chachamim, and his daughters – righteous had done anything special, certainly not an wheel sharply. His car was scratched, it shook women. He himself is the Rosh Yeshiva of his home and on act that would soon save his life. slightly, but continued driving. And yes, he his shoulders rests the obligation and merit to lead, guide In the middle of the day, he was travelling lived to tell the tale… and direct his sons and daughters on the correct path. on a dangerous, winding road, Kvish Alon. It At the day's end he returned home. His So Abba's words "My Yeshiva is my home, and my is a challenging road to drive since it is very phone rang, and he noted with surprise an talmidim are my sons and daughters," were aptly true narrow, surrounded by a rocky mountain on incoming call from his mother, living in Los one side and a steep drop on the other. and fitting. Angeles. She must have just woken up (Los As he rounded one of the curves, he no- Angeles is 10 hours behind Israel). She quickly Not every person merits becoming a Rosh Yeshiva, and ticed a big army jeep coming in his direction. greeted him and with bated breath asked: not everyone can establish a Yeshiva for bachurim and It took only a fraction of a second to realize "Eliyahu, what happened? Tell me what hap- produce Bnei Torah. that the jeep was travelling on the wrong pened! What went on today?" But each person has the opportunity of becoming the lane, that is to say, he was driving towards Eliyahu panicked. From where did his Rosh Yeshiva of his home, and each one can establish him on his lane. mother get the information about what hap- his home in a way that it should be like a Yeshiva, a mini He honked his horn hard, blinked with pened to him? How could she know about the Mikdash, for his sons and daughters, if he is only careful his lights, opened his window and signaled near-accident that almost took his life? Who to educate them in the correct path. anxiously. But for some inexplicable reason, had already managed to spread this miracu- it seemed as if the driver did not notice his lous story to far away Los Angeles? Then his car. What was certain was mother clarified her hasty questions: "Several The that if the jeep driver con- hours ago, in the middle of the night, I was tinued driving straight in sleeping calmly when suddenly my husband "O afflicted, storm-tossed one, who has not been consoled" (Yeshaya 54) his direction, in a matter a"h, your dear father, appeared to me in a dream. I was confused and anxious, but he The connection to Shabbat: This Haftarah is the third of the seven special of seconds there would turned to me with a benevolent expression 'Haftarot of Comfort' that are read beginning with the Shabbat following Tisha be an inevitable collision. and told me: B'Av. They are chapters of comfort for the Jewish people. Eliyahu saw three op- "'You should know that Eliyahu was saved We add two verses from the Haftarah of Rosh Chodesh, Tomorrow" is the tions, but each was worse today from death in the merit of a thousand (Shmuel I, 20). than the next, each lead- new moon" and something shekels he gave to charity!' ing to certain death! If he This is what my husband told me in my dream, swerved to the right, it and then disappeared. I woke up startled, was clear that he would Guard Your Tongue covered in a cold sweat. Suddenly he comes plunge to the depths. If to me in a dream and tells me a story like he swerved left, he would A Means That Would Not Be Acceptable in a Din this!?! He was in fact disclosing that your crash into the mountain. life had been in immediate danger and that Torah And remaining in the lane charity saved you. Tell me what happened!" Among the gentiles, the correct way to deal with an offensive act meant driving his car right into his mother begged, and Eliyahu told her the the bow of the armored jeep, is to report it to the authorities. But informing on a Jew can result in entire story… transforming himself and his car a punishment that he does not deserve according to Torah law, and into scraps. "My intention is not to announce that 'char- is therefore forbidden. For example, the Torah does not consider ity saves from death'," Eliyahu concluded his "Master of the World, what imprisonment to be an acceptable punishment for monetary of- personal tale, "this is something clear and now?!" fenses. Only in a case where it is clear that a certain individual is a well-known. But what's amazing is that in the It was a moment of indescrib- Heavenly Court there are real hearings and true danger to the public is it permissible to speak about him so as able terror and fright. The feeling seemingly my late father's soul was involved. to protect others from harm. These matters are both complicated that he is doomed, but wanting to I cannot know why I was sentenced to death, and sensitive, therefore it is necessary to seek advice on how to act fight for his life. But there seemed but my father a"h revealed that it was the from a competent halachic authority. no chance. Each of his three op- charity that saved me and granted me life!" Treasures Based on the teachings of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pearls of the Parsha Pinto, shlita

Annulling the Bad Days "See, I present before you today a blessing and a curse" (Devarim 11:26) The word "hayom (today)" appears superfluous. Could the verse not just say, "See, I present before you a blessing and a curse"? Rabbeinu Yosef Chaim of Bavel zya"a, in his sefer 'Ben Ish Chai', explains: The Importance of Preparation Prior Hashem gave Am Yisrael five festival days: Rosh Hashana, the first day of Succot, to Ascending to Yerushalayim , the first day of Pesach and the festival of Shavuot. "Three times a year all your males should ap- Were Yisrael to observe these five festival days according to the law, they would pear before Hashem, your G-d, in the place that be saved from the five bad days which are: The fast of Gedalya, the Tenth of Tevet, He will choose: on the Festival of Matzot, the the Seventeenth of Tammuz, Tisha B'Av and the Tenth of Av (as it is known, the Festival of Shavuot, and the Festival of Succot; majority of the Beit Hamikdash was burnt on the tenth of Av). and he shall not appear before Hashem empty handed. Everyone according to what he can ,'היום(". 'ה-יום) This is the meaning of the verse: "See, I present before you today ,has the numerical value of five). There are give, according to the blessing that Hashem 'ה' refers to the five days, (the letter five days that are a blessing and a curse, and if you are careful with the five festival your G-d, gives you" (Devarim 16:16-17) days which allude to blessing, then you will be protected from the five 'bad' days Could the intention of these verses be that which symbolize curse. every Jew who comes to the Beit Hamikdash for Qualities are Inherited the Festivals must bring a gift for Hashem com- "You shall not eat it, in order that it be well with you and your children after mensurate with his prosperity? Does Hashem you" (Devarim 12:25) really require our gifts or charity, to the extent It is told that a non-Jewish researcher of the Tanach once approached Rabbi that He asks us not to appear before Him empty Yonatan Eibeshitz and asked him: handed? About Hashem it says (Divrei Hayamim Why specifically in this context, when talking about the transgression of eating I, 29:14),"For everything is from You, and from blood, does the Torah add the blessing "in order that it be well with you and your Your hand have we given to You." Everything be- children"? longs to Hashem, as it says (Chagai 2:8), "Mine is the silver and Mine is the gold, the word of Rabbi Yonatan answered him: The Torah forbids eating blood since it clogs up the heart and implants the trait of cruelty in a person, and as we know the trait of Hashem, Master of Legions." He has no need cruelty is inherited by one's children through the parent's genes. for anything, certainly not gifts. So what does the verse mean? This then is the implication of "You shall not it, in order that it will be well with you and your children after you". Do not eat blood so that both you and your It is important for us to know and internalize children will possess a refined soul, and then automatically you will not have the that before wishing to visit Yerushalayim for the tendency towards cruelty. pilgrimage festivals, each person, according to his level, must engage in suitable preparation so as to merit appearing before Hashem. Each ... The Sabbatical Year ... person's soul contains a part of G-d's essence Laws Concerning the Mitzvah of Shemittah and each person has a share in Torah accord- ing to the level of his soul. And if he wants 1. The Shemittah year begins on the first of Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah) and to merit seeing the Shechina, he must toil in ends on the twenty ninth of Elul (Erev Rosh Hashanah) in the evening. But his soul's share of Torah before ascending to according to the unwritten law handed down to Moshe, as long as the Beit Yerushalayim. Hamikdash stood, they were forbidden to work the land thirty days before This is what Hashem requires of us by saying the onset of Shemittah. This law is called 'tosefet Shevi'it – adding to the "he shall not appear before Hashem empty Shemittah year'. Our Sages also forbade ploughing the produce fields from handed. Everyone according to what he can Pesach, and fruit fields from Shavuot of the sixth year. But today, most work give…" We must not arrive empty-handed, meaning without prior preparation. Rather, on the Land is permitted until Rosh Hashanah 5781, and the law of 'tosefet each person according to his gifts, his under- Shevi'it' does not apply. However, it is correct to add a bit of time on Erev standing and his portion, according to what Rosh Hashanah. his soul received in Gan Eden, this is how he 2. Despite this, our Sages forbade planting a fruit tree less than forty-four should come to the pilgrimage festivals, and days before the onset of Shemittah, for if one plants close to Shemittah people not, G-d forbid, arrive empty-handed without Torah and yirat shamayim. He must prepare might think he planted in the seventh year. Therefore, anyone who wishes to himself before he sets out, and arrive with the plant fruit trees before the Shemittah year, must be careful to plant by the Torah chiddushim he created and with upright 15th of Av before sunset, since from the 16th of Av it is forbidden to plant middot, according to the blessings Hashem fruit trees. granted him. THE MEMORY OF A TZADDIK SHOULD BE FOR A BLESSING

home was welcomed with special warmth, most holiness and purity of a person begins no matter the time of day. with his eyes. One who protects his eyes so Rabbi Moshe Aharon lived the words of as not to stumble with gazing at forbidden the Mishnah, “Be exceedingly humble in sights, merits achieving true fear of G-d. spirit.” Every Shabbat when he arrived at The tzaddik Rabbi Moshe Ahron zy"a, was the Beit Hakeneset to pray, he would hunch most particular about this matter, and even over at the entrance, as if trying to reduce his though he was exposed to thousands of significance when entering the king's court. people who arrived at his home in search of When the congregants approached him after his blessings, nevertheless he was extremely the prayers to kiss his hand and ask for his careful not to look at women. Even when blessing, he would be appalled at this sign his wife, the Rabbanit Mazal a"h, entered of respect and quickly pulled his hand back the room, the tzaddik did not pick up his before they had a chance to kiss it. eyes and only realized who it was once she 'introduced' herself! Rabbi Moshe Ahron zya"a possessed great faith in Hashem Yitbarach. The verse With his prayers he moved worlds in order n honor of the hilula on the fifth of "Cast upon Hashem your burden and He to bring down protection for the holy nation Elul, of Maran Rabbi Moshe Ahron will sustain you" was his guiding light at of Israel. With his holy spirit he was able to Pinto zy"a, father of the esteemed every juncture and the principle with which perceive the future, and would beseech his Gaon and tzadik Rabbi David Chanan- he calculated his every step, to the extent righteous ancestors, begging them to come ya Pinto shlita, we will illuminate this that he paid no attention to the mundane forward and advocate for Am Yisrael, to send column with several gems from the treasury matters of this world. Rabbi Moshe Ahron them salvation and annul any harsh decrees. ofI the tzaddik's zy"a middot and holy ways. zya"a spent his days and nights secluded in On the day of the hilula, the fifth of Elul, Each generation of the distinguished Pinto his home, sitting close to the candles that he throngs of people will visit Rabbi Moshe family is another shining jewel in the crown lit in memory of his holy ancestors, while oc- Ahron's zya"a final resting place; his righ- of this illustrious family. Father and son, cupying himself with Torah and good deeds. teous children, family members and devoted generation after generation, all possessed In his modest home he received all those students, together with many of Am Yisrael the highest levels of faith and were excep- who turned to him for help. Nobody was who merited experiencing salvation and tionally holy and pious servants of Hashem. turned away, both men and ladies were mercy in his merit. For both in his lifetime The tzaddik Rabbi Moshe Ahron zy"a is one welcome. He was most particularly not to and even after his passing he is the conduit of the magnificent links in the succession pick up his eyes to see who was entering his for incredible salvation for all those who pray of outstanding talmidei chachamim who room, yet despite this custom he was able before the One who dwells on High, in the merited performing wonders and brought to discern the purpose of each person's visit merit of this tzaddik zy"a. salvation to many, protecting Am Yisrael with and knew whether they had come to request the splendor of their holiness and purity. a blessing or wished to ask his ad- Rabbi Moshe Ahron zy"a was particularly vice or request that he pray for the famous for his unassuming manner in serv- recovery of a relative. His meticu- ing Hashem and for his extraordinary un- lousness in guarding his eyes was dertaking of secluding himself in his home proven by the fact that even when for forty years, at the behest of his father, his wife or daughters would enter the tzaddik Rabbi Chaim Pinto zy"a. During the room, he would start to bless this time, he devoted himself to Torah study them with the traditional blessing with a diligence that is unfathomable to the of "Mi Sheberach", and only when human mind. Closeted in the four walls of his he paused to hear the name, did small room and devoid of any connection to he suddenly feel the one standing the outside world, he ascended in levels of opposite him was actually one of holiness and purity. With a holy passion to his close family members! soar in his avodat Hashem, he paid no atten- It is worth noting here a re- tion to his physical needs and materialism. markable aspect of his conduct Rabbi Moshe Ahron zya"a was blessed and despite the fact that we have with an outstanding humility which scat- mentioned this point on previous tered its glow on all those with whom he occasions, we repeat it now due to came into contact. Standing in his presence its prized value: One of his revered felt like being in the presence of a lofty and customs was his scrupulousness in exalted personality, who despite being head guarding his eyes. The concept of and shoulders above the rest of his genera- guarding one's eyes is mentioned tion, was able to lower himself to bear the time and again in our Holy Sefarim and is accorded great significance. pain and concern of all those created in the Our Sages teach us that the fore- image of G-d. Anyone wishing to enter his לזיכוי הרבים, לתרומות ולהנצחות בטל': 052-7672739 brocha. the holinessof sheet inlightof holiness ofthis Please guardthe ָך בֹודֶ כְ ּסֵ י לִפְ כִ א נֵ One may quietly ask for a speedyOnemaya quietly forrecovery foronewhoneedsask it: The sources The [LIKE THE MIRIADS OF SWEAT PORES]. AND HE ATTACHES MY SPIRITUAL SOUL TO MY PHYSICAL BODY EVEN EVEN MYPHYSICALBODY TO SOUL MYSPIRITUAL ATTACHES ANDHE PORES]. SWEAT OF MIRIADS THE [LIKE ALSO RETAINS MY BREATH INSIDE ME,EVENTHOUGHMY AND BODY ISFULL OF APERTURES MANY HOLES HE WAYS. WONDEROUS IN NUTRIENTS THE FROM WASTES THE OF FILTERING THE CONTROLS HASHEM SO ARE FUNCTIONS BODILY OUR THOUGH [EVEN GLORY OF THRONE YOUR FROM US DOWN AT LOOKS WHO YOU, ONLY BEFORE AND MANYLIMBS WITH HIS BODY HE CREATED AND FROM NOTHING DETAIL INEVERY JEW EXACT AFFAIRS OF THECREATIONS, BUTOVERSEES WHO IS OURGOD. HE IS ALL-POWERFUL, AND CONTROLS ALL HIS I WOULDNOTBEABLETOCONTINUEEXIST ם קַ תְ הִ לְ ׁשָ ּיֵ אֶ אִי פְ ר לְ הִ תְ קַ ּיֵ ם בֹו רָ ּובָ א בֹו In theChareidimitisalsobroughtdownthatamitzvah LIFNEI KISEICHVODECHO U-VORO VO Asher Yotzor brocha Yotzor Asher THOUGH THEYAREOPPOSITES.INDEEDHECONSTANTLY PERFORMSMANYWONDERSFORUS. IY EFSHARLEHISKAYEM ORGANS HASHEM (of the interpretations) Socher Tov,70) me." said "ThereforeIamnotingandyoushallsave merit heissavedfromtroubles.DovidHamelech If apersonremembersG-d'swonders,inthis ד'

(The Chid'aobmaccordingtoErechNiflaos,Medrash LOWLY] is similar to the issimilar It isa HIM WITH NOURISHMENT, ANDHEALSOHIM WITHNOURISHMENT, SUPPLY HE DESIGNEDMAN'SORGANSTO WISDOM, ENORMOUS WITH HASHEM'S BESTOWED ONHIMGREATINTELIGENCE ינּו ֹלקֵ אֱ לֵיּ areaccording toRashi, Avudraham, Shulchan Oruch, BeitYosef, RM'A, Levush, the GR'A, Malbim, Ben Ish Chai, Rav Friedlander, Rav Pinkas, ELOKEINU mitzvas aseh mitzvas ׂשֹות לַ ּומַ עֲ יא לִ פְ ִי ַע שו BECHOCHMOH ה ּתָ אַ ת ה מָ כְ חָ ּבְח ְמ brocha ATOH UMAFLI LA-ASOS YOU fromtheTorahtorememberG-d'skindness,asitsays"And youshallremembertheentirejourney ב הַ נַ ּוָ ּבְ צַ יָ ּלֵ "אֲׁשֶר תר"כַ ו ַתה ל of יָ לּוי וְ ּגָ דּועַ SYSTEM ISREVEALEDAND THIS EXTRAORDINARY GOLUI VEYODUA Hagomel OR IFONEORGANWOULDBECOMEOBSTRUCTED SOURCE OF ALL SOURCE ם ד ם אֹו יִ הֶ מֵ חָ אֶ ּסָ תֵ ֶח ֵה UNDERSTOOD BORUCH רּוְך ּבָ ְּ BLESSINGS O YISOSEMECHODME-HEM because "four people areobligatedtogive There isno thanks" andapersonwho "four is one one – ofthem. was ill because (of the613mitzvahsofRabeinuYona) sicker thanthiscase ______bisoch shi'ar cholei Yisroel." cholei shi'ar bisoch ______"Yehi rotzon milfonecha shetishlach refua shleima mei'otzar matnas chinam bichesed u'vrachamim li li u'vrachamim bichesed chinam matnas mei'otzar shleima refua shetishlach milfonecha rotzon "Yehi Hagaon RavAYLShteinman

PERFECTION, SO THATEVERYLIMBWORKSPERFECTLY PERFECTION, SO WHO CREATEDTHE HUMAN BODYWITH GREAT ם ת ר ר אֲ יָ הָ אָ אֶ דָ צַ ׁשֶ ָצ ֶתה ָד ת ה ּלּו אֲפִ חָ אֶ עָ ׁשָע ֶח ת ַ ּכ רְ ּבִ ְּ )ספרד( ים יםחֲ לּולִ חֲ לּולִ ASHER YOTZARESHO-ODOM WHO CONTINUES RECREATING THE WORLD ALWAYS WAS,IS AND WILL BEFOREVER, AND MASTER OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE WHO AFILOO SHO-OECHOS HEART, THELUNGS, THE STOMACH, THE THE E.G. ORGANS HOLLOW MANY AND . (Responsa MinHashomayim,34) CHALULIM EVEN FORASHORTTIME LIVER ANDTHEKIDNEYS. to rememberG-d'skindnessesanddeliberateuponthem. EVERY SECOND HASHEM ד' ם הֶ מֵ ד חָ אֶ חַ תֵ ּפָ יִ ם ׁשֶ אִ ם יִ ּפָ תֵ חַ אֶ חָ ד מֵ הֶ ם doctor tocurehimandthatitisagreatsegulahforgoodhealth SHE-IM YIPOSEACHECHODME-HEM BECAUSE IFONEOFTHEMWOULDOPENTOOMUCH longevity. "ThisdeedopenstheHeavenlygates." Our SagespraisedapersonwhomadetheAsherYotzorblessing while concentratingoneachwordandsaidhewouldnotneeda ORGANS OF EXCRETION TO FUNCTION EFFICIENTLY, EFFICIENTLY, FUNCTION TO EXCRETION OF ORGANS BIRDSAND ALL LIVING BEINGS [BYDIRECTING THEIR ANIMALS, HUMANS, ALL i.e. FLESH- ALL HEALS WHO HASHEM PROTECTSTHEMALLFROMSICKNESS] ר ּבָ כָ ל רֹופֵ א ׂשָ AND TO STAND BEFORE YOU [TO SERVE [TO YOU STANDBEFORE AND TO ROFEH CHOLBOSOR FOOD AND WINDPIPE FOOD AND THE ORGANS e.g. HISVALVES, MOUTHAND VEINS, HIS AND PIPELINESMANY APERTURES, AND VELA-AMOD LEFONECHO יָך נֶ פָ מֹדלְ עֲ לַ וְל ֲמדל ָנ ָ YOU [WHO IS HERE YOU [WHO IS HERE ים ים נְ בִ נְ בִ קָ קָ ִי ְק ִי LISTENING TOME] NEKOVIM ה ּתָ אַ ת WHO RULES OVER EVERY RULESOVER WHO KINGTHEWHOLEUNIVERSEOF FOR EXCRETINGWASTES ATOH ם הָ מֶ עֹולָ ְךלֶ ךה ֹל MELECH HO-OLOM … ". YOU] CREATURE (SeferCharedim,Chap.9) THE SOURCE OF THE SOURCEOF ALL BROCHOS BORUCH רּוְך ּבָ ְּ Nefesh Chaya,p.60) (RabbiPinkasob'm, Abraham's Legacy A Social Network for Prayer. Complete the book of tehillim 1000's of times a day collectively

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