Oil HERRLISHEIM by C CB·;-:12Th Arind
i• _-f't,, f . ._,. ... :,.. ~~ :., C ) The Initial Assault- "Oil HERRLISHEIM by C_CB·;-::12th Arind Div ) i ,, . j.. ,,.,,\, .·~·/ The initial assault on Herrli sheim by CCB, ' / 12th Armored Division. Armored School, student research report. Mar 50. ~ -1 r 2. 1 J96§ This Docuntent IS A HOLDING OF THE ARCHIVES SECTION LIBRARY SERVICES FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS I . DOCUMENT NO. N- 2146 .46 COPY NO. _!_ ' A RESEARCH REPORT Prepared at THE ARMORED SCHOOL Fort Knox Kentucky 1949- 1950 <re '4 =#= f 1 , , R-5 01 - □ 8 - I 'IHE INITIAL ASSAULT ON HERRLISHEIM BY COMBAT COMMAND B, 12th ARMORED DIVISION A RESEARCH REPORT PREPARED BY COI\AMITTEE 7, OFFICERS ADVANCED ~OUR.SE THE ARMORED SCHOOL 1949-1950 LIEUTENANT COLONEL GAYNOR vi. HATHNJAY MAJOR "CLARENCE F. SILLS MAJOR LEROY F, CLARK MAJOR GEORGE A. LUCEY ( MAJ OR HAROLD H. DUNvvOODY MAJ OR FRANK J • V IDLAK CAPTAIN VER.NON FILES CAPTAIN vHLLIAM S. PARKINS CAPTAIN RALPH BROWN FORT KNCOC, KENTlCKY MARCH 1950 FOREtfORD Armored warfare played a decisive role in the conduct of vforld War II. The history of th~ conflict will reveal the outstanding contri bution this neWcomer in the team of ground arms offered to all commartiers. Some of the more spectacular actions of now famous armored units are familiar to all students of military history. Contrary to popular be lief, however, not all armored actions consisted of deep slashing drives many miles into enemy territory. Some armored units were forced to engage in the more unspectacular slugging actions against superior enemy forces. One such action, the attack of Combat Comnand B, 12th Armored Division, against HERRLISHEIM, FRANCE, is reviewed in this paper.
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