San Diego Countym+ -Fire r.:hif.~ .:g,s,cociatioiz

April 5, 2007

Mike Ott, Executive Director Local Agency Formation Commission 1600 Pacific Highway Room 452 San Diego. CA 92 10 I

Dear Mr. Ott:

On March 29. 2007, the Joint Boards of Directors representing the San Diego Chiefs' and the Fire Districts' Associations hosted a special nleeting for member agencies. The specific purpose of the meeting was to present recoininendations from the Boards of Directors Task Group related to the LAFCO and County fire agency reorganization reports.

Chiefs Ott and Jobes presented an overview of what the Task Group, LAFCO and the County (DPLU) had been discussing and developing related to the reorganization reports. Chief Pavone presented an outline of governance issues related to fire service reorganization. Chief Ghio presented a '-cross walk" comparison of the Status Quo. SSP, and County service options.

'The "cross walk provided the following statistics regarding each situation meeting ininimuin staffing/service requirements. This infonnation led to a inotion to suppol? the SSPILAFCO Micro Report.

Status Quo SSP County Proposal

Exceeds Requirements: 6 7 6

Meets Requirements: 2 1 40 2 5

Does Not Meet Requirements: 2 2 0 15

The floor was opened to discussion which led to a inotion by Chief Jarmail and a second, to split a motion into two parts as listed below:

Motion: To Support the Micro StudyIReport developed by LAFCO.

The inotion passed with 19 supportiilg votes, 6 opposing. and 5 abstaining. Another lnotion was presented and seconded as listed below:

Motion: To recoininend the formation of an Independent Regional Fire Protection Governance Model.

The inotion passed with 15 supporting votes. 5 opposing. and 6 abstaining.

Both associations are pleased with the positive relationship between LAFCO and the Fire Service as we look to the future. 32/&

Darrell Jobes resident Sail Diego County Fire Chiefs Assoc~ation San Diego County Fire Districts Association STATE OF -THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Governor


2249 Jarnacha Rd El Cajon, CA 92019 Website: (619) 590-3100 03dv1 003'a Nvs March 29,2007

Michael Ott, Executive Director San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott:

The following is the CAL FIRE (CDF) response to the San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission Micro Report on the Reorganization of Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County published January 3 1,2007.

Under normal circumstances CDF, as a State agency, would be nothing more than an interested observer in the organization or proposed reorganization of local government fire protection services. In this instance, however, CDF is more than just an observer of a local process. CDF currently provides contractual fire protection services to six of the agencies identified as Phase I agencies and is in the process of contracting with a seventh. These contract agencies employ a significant majority of all current paid personnel within the proposed Phase I reorganization. Cancellation of these contracts would create a significant impact to CDF and its personnel. In addition, the Micro Report extensively uses CDF for cost comparison to a reorganized and locally staffed fire agency. While the ultimate decision whether to contract for service with CDF would be made by the governing body of a reorganized agency, reports such as the Micro Report would provide a basis for such decisions. If comparisons contained within the report are not based upon the same premise then erroneous conclusions may be drawn from such comparisons. For these reasons, CDF is compelled to respond to several assertions made in the Micro Report. Ow response encompasses four areas:

1. Comparison of costs for safety personnel (Captain and below) in models 5,6, and 7

2. Dispatching services comparisons and assertions

3. Conceptual Phase I Organizational Chart and assertions regarding support staff and overhead costs (Exhibits One and Three)

4. Combined PaicWolunteer (Reserve) Staffing

Safety Personnel Costs for Models 5,6, and 7

The Micro Report's Exhibits 2a, 2b, and 2c provide an exhaustive list of the number, type, and cost of safety personnel (Captain and below) needed to staff the different models. CDF provided salary and benefit figures to be used to calculate projected costs for CDF to staff these models.



The figures provided by CDF were all top step and maximum benefit. We provided m&uimum cost figures so that "real world estimates of ultimate cost could be generated. In comparison, the local agency estimates were compiled by using median salary figures from CALPACS. The benefit rates seem unusually low in comparison to actual benefit rates paid by San Diego County Fire Agencies. I have attached a 2006 salary survey using 15 San Diego County fire agencies with three or more paid stations.

Using the average of these salaries and adding a conservative 50% benefit rate, the cost to staff Model 5 locally would be $3.63 million more than the Micro Report estimate. Model 6 and Model 7 would similarly cost out at $3.99 million and $4.97 million more respectively for a locally staffed agency.

We believe that using these "real world estimates provides a more accurate analysis of potential costs for each model and paints a truer picture of comparison of cost for a locally staffed agency versus a CDF staffed agency. Our experience with contractual service costs has been similar to these estimates throughout most of California. There are very few areas of the state where labor costs are less expensive through a locally operated agency. Our Schedule A contracts are always quoted and written on a highest possible cost basis. This is done so that there are no surprises with the real cost of service. The fact is that similar contracts for service with CDF would typically generate actual costs each year that are at least 10- 15% less than the top step, maximum benefit costs used in the Micro Report.

Dispatchma Services

The Micro Report correctly point outs that dispatching services are an essential supporting component of fire protection and Emergency Medical Services systems. The Report states that CDF does not provide Emergency Medical Dispatch and that there may be additional costs incurred to provide such service.

CDF has not provided EMD simply because no contracting agency has requested it and the State has not determined it to be necessary for its operation. Since the time that the Micro Report was written, CDF has been asked to provide EMD by one or more of its contracting agencies. We are now researching the upgrading our service to EMD level. For the purposes of comparison, the cost for CDF to provide dispatch services, including EMD, is contained in the attached Conceptual Model 5a-CDF Overhead and Operations Budget.

We might note that CDF dispatch centers operate as the command and control focal point for CDF operations. CDF employs Fire Captains 24 hours a day, 7 days a week that are assigned to the Command Center. These Captains provide a level of field experience in firefighting, emergency response and EMS that non-safety dispatchers cannot provide. CDF San Diego's Command Center is also a joint facility with the Cleveland National Forest. The coordination advantages of this joint operation come into play every day and especially during rapidly evolving emergencies. Michael Ott, Executive Director March 29,2007 Page 3

Conceptual Phase One Organizational Chart and Overhead Costs

Micro Report Exhibits One and Three provide for a conceptual stand-alone fire agency and an overhead budget to support such an agency. The financial analysis for comparing a locally staffed agency to a CDF contract agency apportions the same overhead costs to both conceptual organizations.

We have provided a conceptual Overhead/Support Personnel Budget and a conceptual Overhead Operations and Capital Budget that show anticipated CDF costs of operation. We have also provided a conceptual organizational chart for a CDF organization. It highlights one of the advantages to a cooperative fire protection contract with CDF. Locally fbnded personnel are blended with state funded personnel resulting in additional personnel assets being utilized while reducing the overall cost to the local agency. Note that many of the fbnctions are staffed above the levels in Exhlbit Three. This is especially true in the operations section. The CDF model includes 4 field divisions and 10 battalions with on duty chief officer strength at 1 1 - 13 per day versus the locally staffed on duty strength of 7.

The Micro Report envisions some staffing models that provide only one paid firefighter on duty at certain stations. CDF will not enter into any new contract that provides less than two paid personnel on duty at all times. We have provided such service in the past but have determined it to be substantially less than desirable due to safety concerns and the ethical and moral dilemmas it places upon the single firefighter in certain situations.

Therefore CDF would not be able to contract with an agency seeking such a staffing level nor would we recommend that any agency actually design and operate such a system. We do however operate combined paid-volunteer/reserve staffing systems with some of our contracting agencies and view this type of staffing as quite appropriate for the type of agency envisioned in the Micro Report.

Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on your Micro Report. Improving the fire protection system in San Diego County is a daunting task. CDF remains available and willing to assist San Diego County in its endeavor to improve fire and emergency medical services where appropriate.


Kevin P. Eggleston Acting Unit Chief CAL FIRE San Diego Unit

Attachments (4) Conceptual Model Sa-CDF Overhead Operations and Capital Budget

Category Projected Expenditure

Directors Fees 25,278 Salaries and Benefits - OverheadISupport Personnel 5,757,472 VolunteerIReserves 250,000 Dispatch Fees * 3 5,000 Materials and Supplies 924,000 RentsILeases * * Facilities Insurance * * * Capital Expense - Equipment Capital Expense - Facilities


NOTE: This budget was derived using the Micro Report Exhibit 1 and inserting the conceptual budget amounts appropriate to a CDF managed agency for the Salaries and Benefits, Dispatch Fees and RentsILeases line items

* The dispatch fees line item only contains the operational costs of EMD. All personnel costs are accounted for in the Salaries and Benefits line item

** No rents or leases would be anticipated since headquartersladministrative facilities already exist

*** If workers compensation insurance is included in this line item then it would be reduced accordingly since workers compensation is included in the Salaries and Benefits line item Conceptual Model 5a Schedule- A Costs for Overhead and Support

Public Education Specialist (FPS I) I 1.01 12.01 3,492 1 I 61,377 1 61,377 Medic Bonus - EMS Coordinator 1.01 1.01 6,000 1 6,000 1 6.000

Subtotal This estimate was created using established CDF 06/07 rates. 9.92% Administrative Charge

Total 5,757,472 [,I [,I Chief Conceptual Model 5a-CDF . Organizational Chart

Administrative Assistant B - State Funded [TH A - Locally Funded I Operations Suppod Services Deputy Chief Deputy Chief (0) --(0) 1

Administrative Administrative [THAssistant Assistant

Norlhem Ops Southern Ops Central Ops Div Chief Div Chiel Div Chiel 7Jhief \ J II ' Battalion 1 BC 'Battalion 2 BC / Battalion 6 BC ' Battalion 4 BC ' Supply Deputy Fire - (I-A I-B) - (1-A I-B) (0) - (1-A 1-01 - Officer Mechanic Marshal FC \ J \ 1 \ / \ i iTi I I I I '7 Fire stations' '6 Fire stations' '6 Fire stations' '7 Fire stations\

\ I \ / \ I \ / ' ' ' Battalion 7 BC ' Battalion 3 BC ' Battalion 8 BC ' 'Battalion 5 BC Finance Staff Vdunteer Telecmm Fire Inspector - (1-Al-B) - (1-A 1-B) (2-4 - (1-At-0) , Coordinator Systems Spec.

\ J \ I \ J \ I I I I I '5 Fire stations' '6 Fire stations' 5 Fire Stations '6 Fire stations' Infortnation Administrative Systems Spec. Specialist

\ / \ / \ J

Battalion 9 BC Battalion I0BC Facilities l(~) Maintenance +15 Fire Stations 54 Fire Stations I f Administrative ) San Diego County Fire Agencies with 3 or More Paid Stations Salary Comparisons Survey Conducted June 20,2006

Avg of Agencies Listed 6,588 5,588 5,541 4,909 Michael Ott, Executive Director April 4,2007 San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

As a member of the Task Force on Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services sitting on the Task Force for CALFIRE Firefighters, Local 2881, I received a copy of the January 3 1,2007 report and have several comments fiom CDF Firefighters point of view. As CDF Firefighters represents significant majority of the paid personnel within the Phase I, we feel the need to provide the input to the draft report. CALFIRE and CDF Firefighters together partner throughout California to provide fire protection in 146 cooperative agreements in 35 of the state's 58 counties, 25 cities, 3 1 fire districts and 34 other special districts. Cooperative Fire Protection and Regional response are what the public expects and we are here to provide and we have several new agreements currently working their way through the system throughout California.

In both the Macro and Micro report mention is made of a large increase in our pay and benefits due to a 5 year MOU. This is true, that this old MOU did increase costs but only after years of below average salary increases of other firefighters across the state. CDF Firefighters still work a longer work week and are paid less than their counter parts in other similar sized departments in the state and the nation. In San Diego County the existing Schedule A contracts had over five years to budget and plan for the increase which all of them did. By taking advantage of no increases in the first two years and smart planning the various boards were able to properly plan and budget for their departments. The fact is the current MOU we are under right now (2 years, 2006-2008) has no salary increase for permanent firefighter classes. If one were to look at our salaries in the long term vs. other departments and count in that we generally work a longer shift for less, CALFIRE is a reasonable and costs effective fire protection force. The various cities, fire boards, water districts and other boards would not continue if we were not providing the service that they requested in a cost effective method. Whether it is EMD, or Haz-Mat team, ladder truck, or paramedics on every engine, the governing body sits down with CALFIRE management and asks for the costs of the service requested and then if the board likes what it hears, then they decide to move forward. It is like ordering a new car, pick and choose what you are willing to pay for and then sign the contract. The control of the department remains local. RECEIVED APR - 6 2007 SAN DIEGO LAFCO The report also looked over several other large departments in California and we agree with the departments that were looked at however we feel there is some additional information that should be discussed. Both Orange County and San Bernardino County departments were long time CDF contracts for fire Protection County wide. Orange County switched due to pure politics at the Sacramento level in the 1980 outside of CALFIRE and local Board of Supervisors. Had then elected officials not wanted to make the change, it is very possible that Orange County would still be a CALFIRE contract. In San Bernardino County, it was a local Board of Supervisors decision to consolidate after many years of several separate CSA's and smaller departments. After working on at agreement with the state and other departments that wanted to stay CALFIRE, the switch was made in the 1990's. What allowed these two counties to have the ability to have a County Fire Department was that CALFIRE was there for many years when income was not, providing basic services to the citizens' of the counties. This did not happen in San Diego County due to previous actions in the 1970 and 1980's San Diego County ended up with the many different departments that we are trying to bring back together today. The other department mention that I feel should be really discussed more is the Riverside County Fire Department which in turns contracts with CALFIRE. There too this contract goes back many years with CALFIRE and the county providing fire protection services together. The costs for the Riverside contract with the area and services provided are a good deal for those citizens' and something that should not be glossed over quickly in the micro report. CALFIRE and Riverside County have almost 100 stations, staffed with a combination of both paid and volunteers, paramedics, Haz-Mat teams, Heavy Rescues, Truck companies, water tenders, county wildland engines and their own fire academy at Clark Training Center. Riverside County has a strong volunteer base and supports them countywide. The volunteers are part of the department and the communities they serve and that is something that will need to happen here in San Diego. No one department can do this without the time and effort of the volunteers in the rural areas and whatever the final design ends up, they need to be a large part of it. Through the cooperative nature of the agreements, cities and county and special districts all share the resources and have a unified command and control system in place for any emergency that may take place. A lot of the drive for the task force has been driven by the fires of 2003, but the fire service in San Diego needs to be prepared for any and all emergencies, not just the wildland fires that we have every year. We need a unified approach to emergencies services, one that work with the UDC and County and state OES for that unknown emergency down the road besides the large wildland fire. Using CALFIRE contracts to start working together is what allowed Riverside to develop there department over the years to where they are today.

Third, the Micro report offers some cost for starting a county wide or regional fire district as one option to be considered. LAFCO staff had a huge task trying to compare salaries and costs so that we were all looking at an apple vs. apple bottom line. But CDF Firefighters has to disagree with the final numbers as shown in the report. LAFCO does CDF FIREFIGHTERS 17.11 J S-17KEET,SUITE 100 SACRAMENTO CA, 95814 (916 1 609-8700 FAX (916) 609-871 1 several times throughout the report that CALFIRE will add on an "adrnin fee" of 9.92%. The fee does cover some costs in Sacramento but also provides for the local Unit Chief who acts as the districtldepartment Fire Chief and also use of the CALFIRE services that are already in place and paid for by the state. These do not show when comparing side by side costs and somehow credit for these services should be mention as it will change the bottom line. Just a few items are the ECC Chief and the fire captains in the Emergency Command Center, the use of the CALFIRE CAD (Northrup Grumman Altaris dispatch computer)and the radio and 91 1 systems, the Fire Prevention Officers, the staffed auto shop and a existing staffed Fire Department HQ's with finance and personnel policies already in place and working. Representing a large number of the paid staff in Phase I, I doubt very much is any of our current personnel would take a pay cut and lose of benefits to switch over to a newly formed department. In fact in Tulare County (one of the very few that decided to cancel a CALFIRE Contract over the aforementioned MOU) have not yet started service (July 1,2007) but are already having to go back to the Board of Supervisors requesting additional funding and the initial attempt to hire local firefighters has not meet quota. Over the years CALFIRE has saved many departments money because they do not have to go out and build their own HQ, auto shop, 91 1 dispatch offices and then hire the staff for all these positions. What the state provides is the basic level and then combined with some additional funding fiom the iocai iever. a much hieher ievel or service is provided to the ciuzens- we are here to serve.

In closing, CDF Firefighters has been here providing emergency services to San Diego County for many years. We have responded when there was a county contract, when there was not a contract, with and without volunteers' and we are going to be here regardless of the outcome of the LAFCO report and future actions by the Board of Supervisors. We live in the communities that we serve, we consider this home and like much of the discussions at the LAFCO meetings over the last two months we want what is best for everyone, across the board. And we feel that the a continuation of the existing contracts with CALFIRE and the County of San Diego and providing additional contracts as funding becomes available would be in the best interest for the county. As the county, especially the rural areas start to grow, they type of service and contracts CALFIRE can provide are cost effective and combine the use of both paid and volunteer firefighters. It needs to be a partnership with CALFIRE, the County of San Diego and Fire Departments (both paid and volunteer) to work together for a unified fire protection county wide.

Thank you for the chance to provide input into the Micro Report, CDF Firefighters in San Diego County and at the state level are here to help and provide any assistance we can. If you have any additional questions, I can be contacted at @ CDF1-31 J STREET,FIREFIGHTERS su1TE 100 SACRAMEN-1'0 cA, 95814

1,OC'AI. (9161 609-8700 FAX (916) 609-8711 znn l l'astPrez@(.'cox.netor by cell phone at 619.607.3309 or the local Chapter Director, Randy Scales at [email protected] or 858-837-0196


past prWers CDF Fir 1

Cc: Rick Henson, Acting Unit Chief, CALFIRE San Diego Bob Wolf, President CDF Firefighters Randy Scales, San Diego Chapter Director RECEIVED APR - 6 2007


April 6,2007

TO: Michael D. Ott, Executive Director LAFCO

FROM: Sarah E. Aghassi, Director Office of Strategy and Intergovernmental Affairs


Attached please find a memo from Jean Shepard, Director of the Health and Human Services Agency (Agency), and a letter from the Emergency Medical Care Committee, an Advisory Committee to the Agency.



Attachments JEAN M. SHEPARD DIRECTOR Maunlg af$nn piego


April 5, 2007

TO: Sarah Aghassi, Director Strategy and Lntergovemmental Affairs

FROM: Jean M. Shepard, Director Health and Human Services Agency


The Emergency Medical Care Committee (EMCC), an Advisory Committee to the Health and Human Services Agency has taken a position of no support on one component of the Department of Planning and Land Use (DPLU) proposal on fire reorganization in San Diego County. The EMCC opposes the transfer of management of ambulance service areas to DPLU. EMCC requested that 1 forward their position to LAFCO.

In accordance with Board Policy A-76, I am forwarding this to you for appropriate action. Please note that that the comment period for LAFCO ends at 5:00 p.m. on April 6, 2007.

JEAN M. SHEPARD Director Comrnun~tyEp~dem~ology

HlVlSTD Hepatltls JEAN M. SHEPARD lmrnun~zat~on DIRECTOR HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY Maternal, Ch~ldand Family Health Serv~ces PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES Public Health Laboratory WILMA J. WOOTEN, M.D., M.P.H. 1700 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101-2417 PH NursinglBorder Health INTERIM PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER (61 9) 531-5800 FAX (619) 515-6707 TB Control & Refugee Health Vital Records Emergency Medical Care Committee Chief Darrell Jobes, ChairDan Graham, Vice-Chair c/o Emergency Medical Services 6255 Mission Gorge Road San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 285-6429 Fax: (619) 285-6531

March 29, 2007

Jean Shepard, Director Health and Human Services Agency 1700 Pacific Highway, 2ndFloor San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Ms. Shepard:

The Emergency Medical Care Committee (EMCC) met on Thursday, March 22,2007 to discuss the LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission) Micro-Study Report on Fire Re-Organization in San Diego County. EMCC members reviewed the report in advance of the meeting and focused discussion on the proposal made by the Department of Planning and Land Use to transfer management for the Exclusive Operating Areas (EOA's) for Advanced Life Support (ALS) services and management and supervision of the ambulance providers/contractors to the Office of the Fire Warden. EMCC does not support the transfer of EMS management and supervision of Exclusive Operating Areas for ALS services and ambulance providers/contractors to the County Department of Planning and Land Use. Any such transfer would be a mistake.

The EMCC unanimously approved a Motion to submit comments to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) during the open public comment period. We respectfully request that you forward our position on this plan to LAFCO.

Chief Darrell JoJ&& Chair Emergency ~dcalCare Committee

cc: Andy Vanderlaan, Chairman, LAFCO Gary L. Pryor, Director, County DPLU EMCC Board Members Camel Angelo, Acting EMS Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 921 01 Attn: John Traylor

Intermountain Supports the SSP as submitted in the Micro Report, however with the following caveats and comments.

Staffing Models. Support models 5a,6a and 7a Career-Volunteer Models, however it should be taken into account that some stations whose run volumes are at less than 3 runs per day should be considered as All volunteer stations with 4 on duty and at least the BLS level. This is due in part to the remoteness of the majority of these stations and the extended response times of additional resources. Using the career-volunteer model is the most fiscally prudent model so that the saved monies can be used to build infrastructure in areas that have a greater run volume and need. While the same options are available under the County Conceptual Plan it has all the appearance of the system that was put into place in the 1970's of which was ultimately deemed too expensive and then abandoned upon the county determining they were not required to provide fire protection. Without a county charter change mandating a county responsibility for such service, this plan and it's models are not acceptable. Also, if this a Fire & EMS Delivery Service Issue and not a land use issue, as it is beginning; to appear, the county conceptual plan need to be moved to the Office of Emergencv Services so that Fire & EMS Delivery remain the focus and not driven solely by land use needs.

Sustainable Revenue - as discussed at the SSP Development Meetin~sand later LAFCO meetings, securing; long term sustainable and protected revenue is an absolute requirement prior to moving forward any further. One of the issues with the County Fire Enhancement Program as well as the County Conceptual Plan is that any funding coming through the County General Fund as well as funds controlled by the county do not appear to be long term sustainable funding, nor do they appear protected unless a Change to the County Charter is put into place, mandating a responsibility of the county to Provide Fire Services. Initially the Macro report was to be completed and no further progress made until Long Term sustainable funding was Intermouabin Volmtmr Elm and Rescue Depmmnt identified and secured. A compelling argument was made as to conduct the Micro Report so as to identify the amount needed. Now that this has been accomplished, we need to not take any more action until that funding has been indeed secured. To do so would be ill advised as by the time the funding is secured (possibly as long as 2 years) the system requirements and its costs will have changed and if the funding is not secured then we will have created a larger problem.

Also, while it has been determined that voter approved assessments would remain in the districts where they were approved, some consideration must be given to voter protests as to the widely varied assessments and the fact that many areas will be receiving protection at no costs. This is a very real potential that needs to be addressed as it will give voters and respective FPD a tendency to opt out for cause.

Also the lowest service model indicates an approximate $22 million dollar shortfall, however, this is also using some monies that are not considered long term or sustainable. Additionally, the future of 8.5 million dollars is in question as it has been alluded that if the fire program does not remain with DPLU, those dollars will disappear, another indication that this may not be an actual FireJEMS delivery system issue, but instead a land use issue being secreted and presented as a Fire1 EMS delivery system issue.

Governance structures -

The county as a successor agency is not desirable for the following reasons; The county has no charter mandate to provide such services and without one in place, the county could determine to cease such services. Word of honor and a "handshake" agreement are neither sufficient nor acceptable. The creation of an office of the Fire Warden within DPLU again makes this appear to be a Land Use issue over and above the safety of the public. Additionally, the creation of the Fire Warden who in all aspects would be the "Fire Chief' would be at the will of DPLU and not placed on a equitable level with either his neighboring peers and within the county Public Safety and Emergency Service program and to be quite honest appears to nothing more than a means to protect the already enacted retirement of certain individuals who would wish to fill this position effectively "Double Dipping" the program.

The use of a CSA is not desirable for the same reasons as above. ~~Volmteer~andlhrcoa~ Independent regional Fire Protection District - This governance structure has a lot of merit as it is dedicated to the delivery and planned delivery of Fire1 Rescue and EMS Services. The the district would be elected though instead of at large for all eleven positions, since the region was projected to be broken into 5 divisions, each division could be allocated 2 seats with one at large position thereby creating a more equitable governing body and additionally helping maintain some local control in certain governance issues such as budget and planning. The Fire Chief would be on a equitable plane with his peers and other public safety counterparts and would not be subject to pressure by the county or DPLu concerning Land Use and thereby keeping the FireIEMS focus.

The use of CDF resources as a supplemental response to the Structural Fire suppression issue should be considered, however, the majority of these stations are "Wildland" Stations and even though they may backfill, it would be with Brush Engines and not Structural Engines. Additionally even though backfilled, they would be redirected to other state areas if deemed needed by Sacramento leaving the local areas no protection.

The only solution to this, using CDF resources, would be to engage in a Schedule "A" contract which would significantly increase costs in areas where there would be inadequate justification or return of that investment.

The value added of the volunteer agencies is understated as this is the current estimate. Volunteer Companies properly supported in equipment, training and with administrative assistance would increase their value added component significantly more than stated and should be further explored.

In addition a VolunteerReserve program that is properly implemented and maintained is a force multiplier during large scale incidents such as the , able to be mobilized as paid employees during the scope of the emergency and returning to their reserve status upon being demobilized, much like the national guard and military reserve programs. These programs are highly proven and should be looked as a potential model for the reservelvolunteer program. It would also serve as abbfeedourselves" program by providing the paid component a ready manpower pool of suitable and already trained personnel, saving training and payroll dollars while training. Vol~Ftraand~~ In closing, it has been stated over and again that funding is the key component to this program and indeed it is. Unless this has been secured, the furtherance of this reorganization has the very real danger of creating a very large, poorly funded organization that would meet the term dysfunctional as introduced by Supervisor Jacob upon her implementation of Proposition "C". Further based on much review and thought, the county fire enhancement program and associated Conceptual plan would also to be a repeat of history and similarly failed program as well as becoming an agency directed and driven by land use issues and not public safety.

As such Intermountain Fire supports the SSP option 5a, 6a & 7a with a Governance option of an Independent Regional Fire Protection District. TRY Real Estate Services

April 5, 2007

San Diego LAFCO Task Force 1600 Pacific Highway Rrn 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1

Attn Michael Ott

Recommendations for LAFCO action on Micro Report on Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Medical Services.

For a County Fire Department I recommend CSA 135

This recommendation is based on the following information:

I was the Chairperson for Boulevard Fire & Rescue Dept., Inc. (CSA 11 1) for the last 7 years. When the fire chiefs of greater San Diego County were creating these plans for 80% of the time I was the only totally volunteer department that attended almost every meeting. Every time I would state this plan or that plan will not work the gentlemen listed politely and when on with their business. IF a CSA is created and the new Chief ofthat department is accustom to working with Volunteers that may be a chance that the new County Department will work.

Volunteers are special people. In most cases they willingly give of their time, they pay their own expenses, including gas expense to and from the station, and in many cases they ever provide their own food. Many of them pay for their own training without assistance from and fire department. It takes a very special person to run a department like that. Mixing volunteers and CDF does not work well. CDF can change policy and there is nothing you can do about it once you have signed thecontract. One of the statements they made when DPLU tried to (619) 766-4144 39741 Old Hwy 80 Boulevard, CA 91905 contract with them to cover the smaller departments is " they would try to take the existing volunteers on as paid fire fighters when ever possible." The problem with that statement is the volunteers are not trained by CDF, thus they do not qualify and are tossed aside. Are these people just to be tossed aside after years of service for free.

The following are some things that can happen without the proper controls:

Please see attached map of Boulevard Fire & Rescue Dept. Inc. Responding area as shown in the original application to LAFCO in 1983 when you approved our department . Note both the pink and green areas were the total of Boulevard Fire responding area. Along the way Campo Reservation started a Fire Department in 1993 and in 2000 Carnpo Reservation became a paid fire department. In 2003 OES sent a letter, see attached copy, in which Carnpo Fire Dept., stated they did not object to the response area being changed . LAFCO was not fortified of the change for their approval. As shown on the Boulevard Fire Responding Area Map we lost over 113 of our area. If the County of San Diego can write a letter without your approval and take 113 of our response area, what do you think a County Fire Department with the same type of mind set will do? Isn't your evaluating these areas necessary?

Respectively submitted by:

enclosures 2

January 30,2003

Rex Hypes Campo Reservation Fire Department 36210 Church Road Campo, Ca. 91906

Re: Ltr date September 12,2002 - Response Area Changes In response to the letter received from Ralph Go% I have completed our investigation coiiwnhg the request to change response areas. The response areas requested run through the Reservation and are on Highway 94 and old Highway 80. Campo WD has no problem with this change as well as CDF. I talked to CDF Dispatch and they would be able to make the changes. I see no problem with the requested changes T)erefore, these response area changes should take place.

The other change on Int-&~,&:Ps&$3ridge to 1 mile west of Ribbonwood currently fdls {&&$$&~ting~~~l~~~~don the mn wd would keep them involved r. Therefore, this would be a mutual response to incidents off of d better serve the people and the Reservation,

If you have any questions, please contact me at (858) 565-3490.

Hermari ~eddick,Fire Services Coordinator Office of Emergency Services

CC: CDF Dispatch ~~~~~~~~a Cclllis 3689 Avocado village, Court # 100 La Mesa, Calitornia 01 941 To: San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway Room 452 San Diego CA 92101

From: Robert Kephart 20171 Colina Encantada Way Escondido CA 92029

Reponses to the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection And Emergency Medical Services In Unincorporated San Diego County

The worth of volunteer firefighters in San Diego County.

A volunteer Firefighter like any Firefighter has to be trained, outfitted, and equipped with tools to do his job. It can take one to two years to train them to a level were the firefighter is a fully functional part of a crew when the departments pager goes off for a call.

A volunteer Department with a Structure Engine and Brush Truck is on different than a Full Time paid Department with a Structure Engine crossed staffed on a Brush Truck. The paid department station that is full time paid cost an average of ($1,000,000) one million dollars for there employees each year. They operate either one unit or the other as the call requires. The crews consist of 9 members on an ABC shift schedule. During a County or State disaster Emergency the full time Firefighters man up one of their units and responses to the emergency. The department calls back off duty fire fighters at and overtime rate and mans up the unit left behind or a reserve unit.

In contrast the volunteer department consisting of 15 to 50 members who man and or respond to there station to crew up a unit when need. The cost is between $20,000 and $200,000 to compensate and keep there volunteers each year. During a County or State disaster Emergency the volunteers Firefighters crew one of there units and respond to the emergency. The other volunteers firefighters will go back to there homes and work, still standing their shifts as schedule, when the next alarm goes off in there district they will respond in the department other units.

What is the cost of the volunteers, well just like the full time firefighters the volunteer must maintain his training on a year in year out basis just as the fujl times paid fighter. So when a truck with volunteers responds to an emergency whether it's in the district, adjacent city or anywhere in the County or State the cost are the same. We need to quit looking at the cost per hour or person and look at the true response expectation of a truck with a trained crew. That puts the cost between $300,000 and $330,000 for truck that is a RECEIVED APR - 6 2007 SAN DlEGO LAFCO available with a crew at each station. An example of this is during the Cedar and Paradise Fires the volunteer and CSA agencies sent 65 units. 65 units with crews at $330,000 per unit have a value of $21,450,000.

The County of San Diego must realize the true value of the volunteer firefighter services in the county no matter what option if any is us. LAFCO should put a requirement that a volunteer over-site agency and volunteer coordinator position be part of any plan. The County should budget a true dollar amount to these volunteer and CSA agenies.

The County should have to also explain in writing why the County Charter does not list Structural Fire Protection as missions and have a budget large enough to cover it true costs.

Borrego Protection District

P.O. Box 9 2324 Stirrup Road Borrego Springs, California 92004-0898 Phone: (760) 767-5436 Fax (760) 767-5 193

RECEIVED Mr. Michael D. Ott Executive Director ApR - 2 2007 San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 SAN DlEGO LAFCO

Dear Mr. Ott:

The Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors appreciates the extensive time and effort put forth by the many agencies and individuals, especially LAFCO staff, in preparation of the San Diego LAFCO Micro Report published on January 31, 2007. Including Attachment 1 entitled; Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services.

The Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board has reviewed the Micro Report and participated in the presentation given by LAFCO staff. We want to emphasize that we support the long-term goal of enhancing fire protection and medical services in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County. However, while there are many methods in which increased levels of service can be achieved in areas of inadequate service, we betieve a positive first step would be to limit the Phase I study and any resulting reorganization, to volunteer-manned stations in unincorporated areas of San Diego County.

This would be consistent with LAFCO staff statements that under-funded districts should be included in Phase I. As a result, we strongly recommend that the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District be removed from Phase I. The rationale for our conclusion is as follows:

Funding: The Borrego Springs Fire Protection District is not under-funded. To the contrary, In addition to property tax support, the community of Borrego Springs has financially supported the efforts of our Fire Department and Paramedic Programs.

Our District was formed in 1961 as a volunteer department with antiquated equipment. In 1965 Fire Chief Jack Hansen was hired as the only paid staff. During his 20 year tenure his tireless efforts along with community support took the department from volunteers to a fully pard staff with state-of-the-art equipment. This level of operation has continued with improvements in order to meet the requirements of County Emergency Services, and the community.

In 1996, the community of Borrego Springs voted in favor of a Benefit Fee to help support services. In 2000, the community again supported the need to increase the level of service from basic life support to advanced life support with generous donations from the Burnand Foundation and other members of the community which launched our Paramedic Program with 100% community donated funds. In 2004, faced with the sunset date of a benefit fee, the community voted in favor of a special tax with an 86% margin. This is a significantly positive vote, which has helped to provide the District the funds necessary to continue advanced life support services.

Community donated funds, especially from the Burnand Foundation made possible the purchase of an ambulance at a cost of $1 15,000 and all the equipment necessary to add an ALS engine to our response vehicles. An additional $140,000 to purchase another ambulance was received this month. It is unlikely that this community support would continue should the District continue to be included in the Phase I reorganization contemplated in the Micro Report.

The Borrego Springs Fire Protection District believes that adequate long-term funding must be guaranteed for the proposed consolidation district to ensure that Borrego Springs is not used to supplement the financial inadequacies of the county's unincorporated volunteer stations.

Service Levels: currently, the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District is providiqg a level of service to our community that exceeds the best model described in the Micro Report.

This District currently staffs four (4) fire personnel per day of which three (3) are trained paramedics. The daily paid staff is augmented by Reserve Volunteers, some of which are also trained paramedics. This level of staffing enables us to respond to the highest needs of our community. Last year, Borrego Springs responded to 506 emergency calls, 371 medical aids, one vegetation fire and two structure fires (all remaining responses were public service related).

Including the District in the list of agencies that are proposed for consolidation under Phase I would result in a step backwards for Borrego Springs. The level of service we now provide and our community now enjoys would be put in jeopardy.

In summary, the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors supports the long term plan for countywide consolidation of fire protection and paramedic services; however, for reasons stated above, the Board is not in favor of participating in the Phase I plan. The Board considers it to be too high a risk for a District that has a proven track record of operating efficiently and not only maintaining basic service levels, but also continuously increasing service levels as the needs of our community have grown.


%7--'w-,-~~cnx~,( i ' Sharon Sewall, commissioner

Cc: LAFCO Board of Directors LAFCO Staff RESOLUTION NO. 308


WHEREAS, the San Diego LAFCO requested a study be performed on a County Fire and Emergency Consolidation Plan for the Unincorporated area of San Diego County and;

WHEREAS, the San Diego LAFCO staff published the Micro Report Published January 3 1, 2007 entitled; Reorganization of the Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in the Unincorporated areas of San Diego County and;

WHEREAS, the Executive Summary of the report proposes Borrego Springs Fire Protection District be included in Phase I of the Consolidation Plan and:

WHEREAS, the stated criteria used for determining which Districts were to be included in Phase I, were Districts with either no funding base or Districts that were considered significantly under-funded and;

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District does not concur with the findings that Borrego Springs Fire Protection District is "significantly" under-funded and;

WHEREAS, the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District receives financial support from the community in addition to Property Tax and a Special Tax and;

WHEREAS, the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District currently provides the community with a level of service that exceeds that of the best model described in the Mirco Report and;

WHEREAS, The Borrego Springs Fire Protection District believes that adequate long- term funding must be guaranteed for the proposed consolidation district to ensure that Borrego Springs is not used to supplement the financial inadequacies of the County's unincorporated volunteer stations and;.

WHEREAS, we believe a positive first step would be to limit the Phase I study and any resulting reorganization, to volunteer-manned stations in unincorporated areas of San Diego County and; WHEREAS, the Board considers it to be too high a risk for a District that has a proven track record of operating efficiently and not only maintaining basic service levels, but also continuously increasing service levels as the needs of our community have grown and;

WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District respectfully requests to be removed from the Phase I Consolidation Plan including -the plan as described in Attachment 1; entitled Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services and;

THEWORE BE IT RESOLVED; The Borrego Springs Fire Protection District voted on March 26,2007 at a special meeting of the Board of Directors to object in the participation in the San Diego LAFCO Phase I Consolidation Plan.

PASSED AND APPROVED This 26th Day of March, 2007 by the following vote:

AYES: 4 Orenyak, Moore, Anson and Sewall NOYES: 0 ABSENT: 1 Tidwell April 3, 2007 RECEIVED Mr. Michael Ott, Executive Director APR - 4 2007 Ms. Shirley Anderson, Chief, Policy Research San Diego LAFCO SAN DlEGO LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, #452 San Diego, DA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott and Ms. Anderson,

The Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce, representing 250 members, s~.~pportsthe position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District in its letter to you of March 26, 2007, requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan as outlined in the Micro Report dated January 31,2007.

As members of the Borrego Springs community, we are fortunate to enjoy a high level of service from the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District, and we especially appreciate the quality of our paramedic program.

The proposed Phase I consolidation including Borrego Springs deeply concerns us with regard to issues of loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and possible reduction in fire and paramedic services for our community. We believe that the dissolution of our District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and would possibly degrade the services we now enjoy.

We request that the LAFCO Commission honor the position of the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors and remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Gwenn Marie, President Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn RECEIVED Mr. Michael Ott APR - 4 2007 Executive Director $an Diego IAFCO SAN DIEGO LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

1, GORDON KTMER A MEM8ER OF THE -BOWEGO SPRINGS -COMMUNITY OF 34 YEARS, support the position taken by the Borrego springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long standing member of the Borrego Springs communtty Iam extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire Diqtrict and especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues of loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and possible reduction in fire and paramedic services for the community of Borrego Springs.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the IAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I respectfully request The IAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors and remove Borrego SPI: ngs from the Phase I consolidation plan. Sincerely, 1

GORDON T. WIMER,D.D.S. Community Member

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn March 30, 2007

Dear Mr. Ott:

The parish of St. Barnabas Episcopal church, representing over 125 members, strongly suppo~ts the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26,2007, requesting that Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As active members of the Borrego com~nunitywe are extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District and especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns us deeply with regard to issues of loss of the local control, lack of long-term funding, and probable reduction in fire and paramedic services for the coinmunity of Borrego Springs.

We are convinced that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, we respectfully request the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors and remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


The Revs. Dr. Alex and Nancy Nagy The Vestry, the governing board of the parish Clergy at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church cc: Supervisor Bill Horn COUNTRY CLUB

P 0 Box 120 509 Catarina Drive Borrego Sprlngs. CA 92004 (760) 767 5105 MAR 2 8 200'7

March 26, 2007 SAN DIEGO LAFCO

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director Sar~Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

The de Anza Country Club Board of Directors, representing over 300 members, supports the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

We as members of the Borrego community are extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District and especially the paramedic prograni.

The Phase I consolidation concerns us with regard to issues of loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and possible reduction in fire and paramedic services for the community of Borrego Springs.

We believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, we respectfully request The LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors and remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Alan Kuehn President

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April 2, 2007 RECEIVED APR - 3 2007 Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director SAN DIEGO LAFCO San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

I, Katherine A. King, a member of the Borrego Springs Community for 15 years support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007. I too request that Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

It is my understanding that LAFCO has determined that Borrego Springs is grossly under funded and needs to be absorbed into a Larger agency that would serve 26 different communities. This absorption would take money away from our community and Lower the Level of service we receive. Under the LAFCO plan, there is a strong possibility that we would reduce our EMTIParamedics from 3 to 1. This is completely unacceptable to the residents of this valley. To fully understand how devastating this would be, 73% of the call outs in 2006 were medically related. As the median age of Borrego Springs is between 60 & 70 years and we have no hospital or urgent care facility, to reduce our medical services would be a tragedy.

The Borrego Springs Fire District receives funds from many alternative sources. The LAFCO committee was unable to include these services in their determination as they are not from tax dollars. I request that you revisit this position. It can be shown by our budget and spending reports that these funds have been a part of the District for the past 10+ years and that there is no indication that they will be evaporating. The F,ire Department operates within their means and will continue to do so.

As to control, this District is a well managed organization. The Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors has continued to do a superb job maintaining the Level of service to our area. Under the new plan, the 11 member board will, in all likelihood, not include a member from Borrego Springs. Our voice will be lost.

It is my belief that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to both the community and the fire and emergency services that are currently provided. Page 2 of 2

I respectfully request The LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of D,irectors and remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Katherine+* A. King Borrego Spring Resident cc: Supervisor Bill Horn Borrego Springs Fire District Borrego Springs Community Sponsor Group P.O. Box 1371 Borrego Springs, Ca. 92004

April 4,2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA. 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott:

In the regularly scheduled April meeting of the Borrego Springs Community Sponsor Group the group voted unanimously to support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26,2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase 1 Reorganization Plan.

We as members of the community are extremely pleased with the level of service and the manner of operation provided by the Borrego Springs Fire District and wish to specifically recognize the value of the paramedic program in our isolated area.

The Phase 1 consolidation concerns us with regard to issues of loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and possible reduction in fire and paramedic services for the community of Borrego Springs.

We believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, we respectfully request The LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors and remove Borrego Springs from the Phase 1 consolidation plan.


Abby King Chair u Borrego Springs Community Sponsor Group

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn RECEIVED

APK - 6 , lilal

SAN DIEGO LAFCO April 4, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

The Borrego Springs Real Estate Association, representing 9 local offices and 28 members, supports the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

We as merr~bersof the Borrego community are extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District and especially the paramedic program.

Prospective buyers often ask us about medical services in Borrego, as our community is so isolated from other areas. The level of service currently provided by the Borrego Springs Fire District is an integral component in a buyer's investigation of Borrego as a new place of residence.

The Phase I consolidation concerns us with regard to issues of loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and possible reduction in fire and paramedic services for the community of Borrego Springs.

We believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, we respectfully request The LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors and remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidatior~plan.


Kellie Hamilton President Borrego Springs Real Estate Association

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn RECEIVED A~JH- 6 /i1!1/


April 4, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway 452 San Diego, California 92 10 1

Dear Mr. Ott:

La Casa Del Zorro Desert Resort supports the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26&, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase 1 Reorganization Plan.

As members of the Borrego community we are pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District and the paramedic program.

The Phase 1 consolidation concerns us with regard to issues of loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and possible reduction in fire and paramedic services for the community of Borrego Springs.

The proposed consolidation would have great economic impact on this business and many of the businesses in the Borrego Valley. The dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and have long term economic effects.

We respectfblly request The LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors and remove Borrego Springs fiom the Phase 1 consolidation plan.

RECEIVED Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn APR - 6 7.007


3845 Yaqui Pass Road Borrego Springs, California 92004-5000 USA Reservations: 800-824-1884 or 760-767-5323 Fax: 760-767-5963 Sales Office: 888-336-9336 RoadRunner

April 3,2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway # 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1

Re: LAFCO Phase 1 Reorganization Plan

Dear Mr. Ott.

My name is Bill Wright: I am a homeowner and owner of The RoadRunner Club wherein approximately 550 senior residents live. I support the position of the Borrego Springs Fire District as stated in their letter dated March 26, 2007 that requests that Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase 1 Reorganization Plan.

I speak to this issue on behalf of these residents, as I have a vested interest in their health and safety. Currently we experience a very high level of capability and expertise in both fire protection and emergency medical services as provided by the Borrego Fire District

Consolidation of the Borrego Fire District into a larger district composed of other rural districts would diminish the capabilities that we currently have, reduce local control of services, dilute or eliminate the local sources of funding that we have developed here, and potentially reduce the quality and availability of fire and medical services.

Borrego Springs is unique among other back country communities in this area in that it has a fully professional fire department, is relatively remote from hospitals and other emergency medical facilities, and has a population that is more retirement oriented, thus generally older and more medically fragile.

Dissolution of the Borrego Springs Fire District would be a detriment to this community and would likely negatively impact the health and safety of the citizens and visitors of this valley. I strongly urge that the LAFCO Commission remove Borrego Springs from the Phase 1 Reorganization Plan.

~iliWright RECEIVED APR - 6 7007


1010 Palm Canyon Dr. P.0. Box 308 Borrego Springs. CA 92004-0308 Main Office (760)?67-5374 .GoliShack (760) 767-5373 Fax (760)767-3573 BORREGO LUTHERAN CHURCH PO BOX 1122 BORREGO SPRINGS, CA 92004

March 30, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott:

The thirty-five members of Borrego Lutheran Church support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007 in requesting that Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

We as members of the Borrego Springs community are very well pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially its paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns us with regard to such issues as the loss of control, lack of long-term funding, and possible reduction in fire and paramedic services for our community. We believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to this community and the emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, we respecthlly request the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors and remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Bob Juers 1 President

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn RECEIVED AP2 - 6 /~1:17

SAN DlEGO LAFCO Roadrunner Club Association Inc. P.O. Box 13 16, Borrego Springs, California 92004

April 4,2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO

Dear Mr. Ott,

I am writing on behalf of the Road Runner Club residents to register our concerns relating to the Micro Reports inclusion of Borrego Springs in phase 1. We are in support of the Borrego Springs Fire Protection Districts position that this district does not meet the criteria of "under funded". Any reorganization that could result in reduction in Paramedic services will have a serious impact on the health and safety of our residents. Borrego Springs is an isolated community with no major highways to connect to other medical services. The closest emergency treatment is approximately one hour away. The majority of the population of Borrego Springs is of retirement age and therefore we have a great need for close by Paramedic services. In event of a stroke or heart attack quick medical intervention is necessary to assure the persons survival. We urge you to consider the consequences of a reduction to the Paramedic services and remove the Borrego District from phase 1

Thank you for your consideration,

~iMilson,president Roadrunner Club Association

RECEIVED APK - 6 yr107

SAN DlEGO LAFCO April 4, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

The Borrego Springs Rotary Board of Directors, representing over 30 members, supports the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LkFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

We as members of the Borrego community are extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District and especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns us with regard to issues of loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and possible reduction in fire and paramedic services for the community of Borrego Springs.

We believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency wouid be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, we respectfully request The LkFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors and remove Borrego Springs from the Phase 1 consolidation plan.

zr2L-Dennis G. Nourse President

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn


SAN DIEGO LAFCO April 4, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

I, Dennis Nourse, a member of the Borrego Springs Community of 10 years, support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long standing member of the Borrego Springs community I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District and especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation colicerns me with regard to issues of loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and possible reduction in fire and paramedic services for the community of Borrego Springs.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I respectfuily request The LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors and remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan. Sincerely, ,,

Dennis G. Nourse

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn The Springs at Borrego RV Resort 2255 DiGiorgio Road - PO Box 70 Borrego Springs, CA 92004

April 2, 2007 Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, #452 San Diego, CA 92101

RE: LAFCO Phase 1 Reorganization Plan

Dear Mr. Ott,

My name is Dan Wright and I am a homeowner and the owner of The Springs at Borrego RV Resort and Golf Course. I support the position of the Borrego Springs Fire District as stated in their letter dated March 26, 2007 that requests Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase 1 Reorganization plan.

The Springs at Borrego serves literally thousands of RV guests and golfers each year. I speak to this issue on behalf of these guests, as I have a vested interest in their health and safety. Currently we experience a very high level of capability and expertise in both fire protection and emergency medical services as provided by the ~orregbFire District.

Consolidation of the Borrego Fire District into a larger district composed of other rural districts would diminish the capabilities that we currently have, reduce local control of services, dilute or eliminate the local sources of funding that we have developed here, and potentially reduce the quality and availability of fire and medical services.

Borrego Springs is unique among other back country communities in this area in that it has a f~~llyprofessional fire department, is relatively remote from hospitals and other emergency medical facilities, and has a population that is more retirement oriented, thus generally older and more medically fragile.

Dissolution of the Borrego Springs Fire District would be a detriment to the corrlmunity and would likely negatively impact the health and safety of the citizens and visitors of this valley. I strongly request that the LAFCO Commission remove Borrego Springs from the Phase 1 Reorganization Plan.


Dan Wright PR RoadRunner GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB

April 3, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway # 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Re: LAFCO Phase 1 Reorganization Plan

Dear Mr. Ott,

My name is Bill Ferguson and I am a homeowner and the General Manager at The RoadRunner Club. I support the position of the Borrego Springs Fire District as stated in their letter dated March 26, 2007 that requests that Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase 1 Reorganization Plan.

The RoadRunner Club is home to approximately 550 residents who are 55 and older. I speak to this issue on behalf of these residents as 1 have a vested interest in their health and safety. Currently, we experience a very high level of capability and expertise in both firc protection and emergency medical services provided by the Borrego Fire District. Due to thc age of our residents, the fire department is here on a regular basis responding to various types of calls. It would be devastating to ths community to lose this life-saving service.

Consolidation of the Borrego Fire District into a larger district composed of other rural districts would diminish thc capabilities that we currently have, reduce local control of services, dilute or eliminate the local sources of hnding that we have developed here, and potentially reduce the quality and availability of fire and medical services.

Borrego Springs is unique among other back country communities in that we have a professional fire department, we are relatively remote from hospitals and other emergency medical facilities: and has a population that is more retirement oriented, thus generally older and more medically fragile.

Dissolution of the Borrego Springs Fire District would be a detriment to this community and would likely negatively impact the health and safety of the citizens of this valley. I strongly urge that the LAFCO Commission remove Borrego Springs fiom the Phase 1 Reorganization Plan.


Bill Ferguson General Manager RECEIVED APR - 6 7.007


1010 Palm Canyon Dr. lJ.0. Box 308 Borrego Springs. CA 92004-0308 Mail? 0fir.c (760)767-5374 Golf Shack (760)767-5373 Fax (760)767-7577 Robert H. Juers PO Box 1565 Borrego Springs, CA 92004

April 1, 2007

Mi. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mi. Ott:

I, Robert H. Juers, a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Robert H. Juersi cc: Supervisor Bill Horn RECEIVED APR - 6 !' i

SAN DlEGO LAFCO June Fort PO Box 1713 Borrego Springs, CA 92004

April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

I, June Fort, a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.



June Fo 'J cc: Supervisor Bill Horn Apri 1,2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 9210 1


I, a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position taken by the orrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed fiom the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term finding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs fiom the Phase I consolidation plan.

Sincerely, ,----.. /'

..- .

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn


Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

I, vM[IA f? b iy' /?Z? Q RIA$//, a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position'taken by tee Borrego- Springs- Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in req;esting Borrego springs be removedfiom the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs fiom the Phase I consolidation plan.


Cc: supef;isor Bill ~brn


APR - 6 Zcj\i? SAN DIEGO LAFCO Apri 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1

Dear Mr. Ott: && I, && a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position take* the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting ~orrk~oSprings be removed fiom the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term finding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs fiom the Phase I consolidation plan.


Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn

RECEIVED APR - 6 iugl SAN Dl EGO LAFCO Apri 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1

Dear Mr. Ott:

1, f-- f,v/ y& , a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in 7 - req;esting ~orre~o~~rin~sbe removedfiom the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term hnding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn


Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott:

1, , a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26,2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of se~ceprovided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


2 Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

a member of the Borrego Springs Community support prings Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term hnding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.

Sincerely, A

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn Apri 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott: 1, u-ov , a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term finding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April, 2007

Mi. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mi. Ott:

a member of the Borrego Springs Community support - - Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting ~orre~oSprings be removedfrom the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.

Sincerely, 4

Cc:Qwdul Su e or Bill Horn April, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1

Dear Mr. Ott:

Lc;,hn ,a member of the Borrego Springs Community support 1, f "- the positiod taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term hnding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott: -

member of the Borrego Springs Community support prings Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in ved from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.

Sincerely, April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

I, Rita Andersen, a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat ,the LAFCO Corr~missionhonor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 921 01

Dear Mr. Ott:

I, Ron Andersen, a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Corr~missionhonor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.

Sincerely, A

cc: Supervisor Bill Horn Apri 1, 2007

Mi. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott: , ,,

12$p-l .fk 1 /k- &kti/$ a member of the Borrego Springs Community support t e p ition taken by the Borre prings Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be r oved from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

a member of the Borrego Springs Community support I,,J the position taken by the&orrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term fbnding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April, 2007

Mi-. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101 Dear Mi-. Ott: - 1, r=(h~nj a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position t&en by prings Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.

Sincerely, . L

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

1, 3 , J- a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term fhnding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott:

~AJ&member of the Borrego Springs Community support

aken by we Borrego-. Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in req;esting Borrego springs be removedfiom the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term hnding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.

Sincerely, 1

Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

K,a member of the Borrego Springs Community support Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


cc: supervisor Bill Horn April, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. CJtt:

I, member of the Bonego Springs Community support the posi on taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.

~chu~ervisorBill Horn April, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott:

a member of the Borrego Springs Community support rings Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


CC: Supervisor Bill Horn April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1

Dear Mr. Ott :

member of the Borrego Springs Community support rings Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term fbnding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


\ cc: Supervisor Bill Horn


Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott:

I, &J. ACh4&a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the positionGaken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.

CC: Sbeeflisor Bill Horn April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott: l f K/ & !Ga member of the Borrego Springs Community support orrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


/cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott: ri x

a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the ~orreds~rin~sFire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


/L -- cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott:

1,tk7 7 Y Xbgfld Li , a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the posit on taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26,2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term fbnding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


cc: Supervisor Bill Horn April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael On Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Ott: /' I, / a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the positidn taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed fiom the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs fiom the Phase I consolidation plan.


cc: ~~ervisorBill Horn \ April, 2007

Mi. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mi. Ott:

VMC.~ . 70hn SO$, a member of the Borrego Springs Community support ion taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term funding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.

Sincerely, April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92101

member of the Borrego Springs Community support Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term hnding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


cc: Supervisor Bill Horn Apri 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott Executive Director San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott:

I, 9a member of the Borrego Springs Community support the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire District in its letter of March 26, 2007, in requesting Borrego Springs be removed from the LAFCO Phase I Reorganization Plan.

As a long-term member of the Borrego community, I am extremely pleased with the level of service provided by the Borrego Fire District, especially the paramedic program.

The Phase I consolidation concerns me with regard to issues to include the loss of local control, lack of long-term hnding, and the possible reduction in fire and paramedic services we cherish.

I believe that the dissolution of the District by the LAFCO Agency would be a detriment to the community and the fire and emergency services currently provided.

Therefore, I request hat the LAFCO Commission honor the position taken by the Borrego Springs Fire Protection District Board of directors to remove Borrego Springs from the Phase I consolidation plan.


Cc: Supervisor Bill Horn

.. . Deer Springs Fire Protection District

8709 Circle R Drive Escondido, CA 92026 tel 760.749.8001 fax 760.749.6572

April 1 1,2007 RECEIVED APR 12 2007 Mr. Michael D. Ott SAN BlEGO LAFCO Executive Officer San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92 101

Dear Mr. Ott:

The Board of Directors of the Deer Springs Fire Protection District (DSFPD) remains concerned regarding our Phase I status in the LAFCO reorganization and recommends that we be moved to Phase I1 for the following reasons:

1. Service Comparison for Fire and EMS. While there are many ways in which to increase levels of service that are considered inadequate, DSFPD believes that Phase I should be limited to volunteer-manned stations in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County that do not meet the minimum standards in the recent (3119107) Service Comparison for Fire and EMS.

In this very comparison, the Deer Springs fire district exceeded or met all minimum standards.

On any given day, 2417, DSPFD has at least 3 firefighters at Station 1 (Circle R Drive) and Station 2 (Deer Springs Road), including one ALS and two firefighters are EMTI De- Fib combi-tube qualified. At the Arnador Miller Station (Lilac Road) we have three firefighters, 2417, with at least one who is EMT/De-Fib combi-tube qualified. This level of staffing allows us to respond to the highest needs of our community. Last year, DSFPD responded to 7 13 RescueEMS calls and 200 fire calls with an average of 10 members responding to each fire call.

2. Funding With the passage of Proposition 13, all County fire districts have struggled to ensure sufficient funding. However, compared to several "non- or under-funded" areas, particularly east county and other outlying areas, DSFPD can be considered well-funded. We bring in approximately $1.4 million through a Special Tax Assessment passed in 2005. Most requests for tax increases in 2005 were defeated by residents; but our neighbors overwhelmingly supported this self-imposed tax increase.

Deer Springs Fire Protection District Our District also receives $365,000 from property taxes and $1.3 million through the Standby Availability Charge. While the County generously contributed approximately $720,000 for staffing through the Fire Enhancement Program which has benefited our District, DSFPD believes that we have the income, or can generate the income, to operate independently.

With all the under-funded districts already in Phase I, DSFPD has serious doubts that additional funds from the County will come our way once the reorganization has taken place. If that is the case, DSFPD loses its ability to improve our district. Therefore, the Phase I reorganization presents an obvious disadvantage to DSFPD and our area neighbors.

As stated in an earlier letter from the Board (1 011 9/05), the costs borne by DSFPD District residents disproportionately falls on our homeowners when compared to the costs of property owners in pre-1978 Districts. Therefore, if DSFPD remains in Phase I, we expect that that funds raised by the County would totally supplant and replace the Deer Springs Fire Suppression Assessment and the Standby Availability Charge so that our Assessment and Standby Availability Charges will be totally eliminated.

3. IS0 Rating The majority of the district has reduced its IS0 rating from a 9 to a 6. With a new firehouse starting construction in Hidden Meadows, this can only reduce our IS0 rating even further.

4. Local Control The District is concerned that its responsibility to its residents and property owners will be diluted and seriously diminished if it is considered part of the Phase 1 reorganization. Our local community duly elected Fire Board Directors who would support and protect the communities' interests.

By eliminating the local Fire Board, our communities no longer have the local representation necessary to address the particular needs of our own District.

As an example, without the ability to review fire protection plans for our district, DSFPD would no longer has the ability to comment on how a development would impact the surrounding communities. This is especially a concern for developments incorporating the concept of "shelter-in-place."

DSFPD also is one of the few Districts throughout San Diego County to have both a Fire Safe Council and a community Emergency Response Team (CERT). The Fire Safe Council has an operating budget of $8,500 funded solely through local contributions, which it uses to operate a reverse 91 1 system, send out newsletters to all neighbors in the District, and implement a large animal evacuation program which has micro-chipped several horses, goats and llamas through a local veterinarian.

Deer Springs Fire Protection District 2 Deer Springs Fire Protection District

8709 Circle R Drive Escondido, CA 92026 tel 760.749.8001 fax 760.749.6572

Our CERT volunteers train to assist with basic emergency response skills in the event of a large disaster and serve as liaisons to disseminate information back to our communities.

Putting DSFPD in Phase I represents a step backward for our District. DSFPD has a proven track record of operating efficiently and exceeding required standards. Once again, we believe that Phase I should only include those districts with volunteer firefighters who have insufficient resources to provide adequate fire protection and emergency medical services for their area. That description does not include the Deer Spring Fire Protection District which is fully-staffed and well-funded.

Furthermore, DSFPD is already under contract with CAL FIRE which provides central control for all of North County in the event of a large wildfire. Also, the local fire districts have reciprocal aid agreements. All together, we believe there is more than sufficient evidence that DSFPD should be moved to Phase 11.


MPDBoard of Directors ~b ~e&rA. Orner, MD{P~~

Deer Springs Fire Protection District

-- - Deer Springs Fire Protection District

8709 Circle R Drive Escondido, CA 92026 tel 760.749.8001 fax 760.749.6572


mdy --I_ 4 c .rnnrr LVLdrCll 13, LUU I MAR 2 7 2007 Mr. Michael Ott SAN DIEGO LAFCO LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway Sarl Diego, CA. 92101

Dear Mr. Ott:

The Deer Springs District Fire Board respectfully requests that LAFCO remove the Deer Sprillgs Fire District fro111Phase 1 of the proposed collsulidatio~li~llergereffort.

Deer Springs District Fire Board 8709 Circle R Drive Escondido, CA. 92026

'peter A: Urner, President Remarks to LAFCO Public Workshop March 7,2007

There is a proposed development in North County (called Stonegatel Merriam Mountains) ttiat serves as an example of what is taking place with regard to fire safety in San Diego County at large. It sheds light on the County's plan to disband the independent local Fire Districts and what the disastrous consequences of such an action would be.

Stonegate is a 2,700-unit project proposed in a severe high-fire-hazard, mountainous area of North County. In planning scenarios, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) designated Merriam Mountain as a likely site for a future major fire catastrophe. CDF predicted that a fire on Merriam Mountain would be intense, highly destructive and virtually impossible to control, taking 10 to 15 minutes to go from the base of the mountain to the crest. The Stonegate project sits atop an enormous fuel load of dense wildland vegetation and chaparral that has been building up for 100 years. 1,200 project acres are preserved wildlands that adjoin thousands of acres with a similar fuel load. The entire Stonegate project is served by only two internal roads, both ernptying into same r~~ral road, Deer Springs Road, which is rated as a failing road (and will remain failing if widened to 4-lanes or even to 6-lanes). Given Stonegate's extremely limited egress, if a fire occurs during Santa Ana wind conditions, 10,000 to 13,000 residents will be trapped.

Over the Ct~ristmasholidays, the County approved the Fire Protection Plan for 'the Stonegate project, completely bypassing the local Fire Agency Having Jurisdiction (FAHJ), the Deer Springs Fire Protection District. This was an unprecedented action. Never before had the responsible agency been bypassed. In fact, prior to the replacement of the entire Fire Board as a result of the November 2006 general elec,tions (,the candidates running on an anti-Stonegate platform were swept to victory by a 3-to-1 margin), the County had repeatedly stated that Deer Springs District approval of Stonegate's Fire Plan was required before the project could move forward.

When Stonegate's County-approved Fire Plan was examined by the Deer Springs Board, it was found to be grossly deficient. Stonegate's Plan incredibly predicts that the majority of wildfires on Merriam Mountain would be easily controlled. The Plan incredibly predicts that "there will be no loss of structures or loss or life even during a worst case wildfire scenario, freeing up firefighters and allowing ,them to go elsewhere." Defying all logic and all pi-inciples of wildfire science, the Plan predicts that any wildfire would "bump up" against the fi~elclearances and "run out of fuel." The Plan retains the concept of "Shelter-in-Place" in defiance of the specific instructions to eliminate that concept. It introduces yet another objectionable policy called "temporary relocation" within the project. The Plan actually instructs residents to seek safety outdoors in the "park during a wildfire (in effect, advising people to go "from the frying pan into the fire"). The Plan has no provision for evacuation. It does not address what happens to residents during a fire except to say they would be given brochures at the time of sale on how to avoid panic. There is no mention of how to mitigate smoke inhalation (which accounts for 1-i~to 80% of all fire fatalities). The Plan ignores the plight of infants, children, asthmatics, the elderly and the medically compromised. On January 19, 2007, Stonegate's Fire Protection Plan was unanimously rejected by the Deer Springs Fire District Board.

Three days later, on January 22, 2007, the County Department of Planning Director Gary Pryor called a special meeting to "educate" an outspoken member of the Deer Springs Fire Board about "the process." Mr. Pryor stated that the "clients" of I- is agency were the developers and that his agency's job was to assist 'them and "level the playing field for them." He said that he would not allow the "silver bullet" of fire safety stop the b~tildingof a development. He also stated that the Deer Springs Fire Protection District had no role in the approval of the Fire Protection Plan. The Fire District Board member expressed his objections to the reckless conduct of the DPLU and was asked by Mr. Pryor to leave.

At about the same time, the County issued a draft document proposing to revise County policy on wildland fire protection. It proposed the adoption of "Shelter-in-Place" as acceptable fire protection strategy when "secondary access is unattainable due to topographical or geographical constraints." "Shelter-in-Place," for those who are unfamiliar, instructs people to stay inside ,their homes in the event of a wildland fire and not to evacuate. It is a myth and a hoax insofar as fire protection is concerned. It is not accepted policy anywhere in the United States. It has never been tested in a planned community during an actual wildland fire. In August 2006 the American Lung Association wrote a position paper on this subject addressed to the DPLU, imploring that this policy not be accepted because it would result in the deaths of thousands. Incredibly, the County has ignored the overwhelming mass of medical evidence and has forged ahead with this plan that will enable dense development in a highly fire- hazardous wildland area of the County. With the Deer Springs Fire Protection District refusing to grant Fire District approval to the Stonegate project (a de facto Shelter-in-Place development), the County became instantly motivated to protect its development agenda by elimina,tingthe local Fire Districts altogether, a proposal that had been considered for decades without action taken. To claim (as the County has) that the 2003 fires spurred this current move towards consolidation is disingenuous. The 2003 fires occurred nearly four years ago, but this current impetus towards a merger is now taking place against the telltale backdrop of recent events regarding the Stonegate project. In the County's January 22, 2007 consolidation proposal signed by Gary Pryor, the County writes: "All new development should be coordinated and evaluated within the DPLU for .fire protection purposes." This would give the County absolute power to approve developments in the wildland-urban interface areas and to ignore fire-safety issues such as evacuation or the impact of new development on existing communities. Many such unsafe developments have already been approved in San Diego County and many more are being planned.

What has occurred with the Deer Springs Fire District and the Stonegate development is a microcosm of what to expect if a merger is allowed to take place that concentrates all decision-making authority with the County. LAFCO's Board is urged to consider the County's action of deliberately bypassing the Deer Springs Fire District and approving a deficient and dangerous Fire Protection Plan over the Christmas holidays without even first making it public as required by law or releasing it to the Deer Springs Fire Board and personnel. The California Public Records Act was repeatedly violated by the County in its attempt to shield Stonegate's Fire Protection Plan from public scrutiny.

When the next major fire occurs in San Diego County (a question not of "if' but "when"), the result will be far more catastrophic than the Cedar and Paradise fires. There will be massive loss ofhuman life because of the numerous unevacuable developments being approved in the wildland areas by the County Planning Department and the Board of Supervisors.

There is now strong emphasis on the Federal government level to limit and curtail such development because of the danger of locating population density in highly-fire-prone interface areas. On January 30, 2007, top officials from the U.S. Department of the Interior, ,the Department of Agriculture and the Government Acco~~ntabilityOffice testified at the U.S. Senate Committee hearing on "Costs of Wildfire Suppression." It was concluded that it is the responsibility of local government to reduce development in the wildland interface areas, because it has sent fire 3 suppression costs soaring, hampers firefighting efforts and recklessly endangers thousands of lives. San Diego County goverr~menthas failed to heed that advice and is moving 180 degrees in ,the opposite direction by working to promote the economic interests of developers at the expense of public safety.

For all of the above reasons, we urge LAFCO to preserve the current structure of local independent Fire Districts and to reject the proposal to disband these districts. These Special Districts serve the critical function of preventing concentration of power and ultimately, abuse of power resulting from the influence of special interests. The Fire Districts are the watchdogs of public safety, as demonstrated in the Deer Springs Fire District. Given the County's conduct regarding the StonegatelMerriam Mountain project, together with its proposal to officially adopt the disastrous "Shelter-in-Place" policy as acceptable fire protection strategy, the dangers of centralizing fire-safety decisions become evident.

Contact: Website: LLCFI E-mail: [email protected]

Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District ------RECEIVED March 29,2007 APR - 6 2001 SAN DIEGO LAFCO LAFCO Commissioners,

Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District (JCFPD) has a twenty five (25) year history of proud and meritorious service to the citizens of our rural, unincorporated portion of San Diego County. Back when other areas were just starting to germinate the seeds of newfound needs for fire service, JCFPD was already staffing their rescue rig with certified EMTs. Long before it was fashionable to have EMTs combi-tube certified, JCFPD had almost an entire department that was EMT D-C's. When the San Diego County Sheriff's Department wanted out of the ambulance transport business JCFPD was the only volunteer fke department to bid on the contract. Not only did we bid on the contract, we were awarded the contract based upon our history of providing quality, timely, and consistently superior service to our residents. We have run the ambulance for 9 years now. True to our history, our philosophy, and our dedication to the citizens, we upgraded to Advanced Life Support on our own initiative. Our service area is a huge section of eastern San Diego County. We remain the only volunteer fire department in the county providing ALS transport service, but that is just 80 to 85% of our calls. What about the firefighting side of the department?

We can currently place 15 to 25 volunteers on a fire scene in under twenty (20) minutes. Only areas that have an extended travel time to access have a slightly longer response time. This response does vary some depending on the day of the week and time of day. Even if we get just 15 or 20 on scene that is still five times as many as any model being proposed by the LAFCO study. JCFPD has consistently met the challenges of the dynamic area we live in. We currently have 800 MHz and VHF radios in all of our rigs so that we have communications with any and all fire forces likely to be operating in our area. We have done such an outstanding job of providing for fire protection that we currently have a rating of 5 / 8 by the Insurance Service Organization, or IS0as they are commonly known.

This is one of the best ratings of all the rural volunteer fire agencies of San Diego County. To get this rating, which is already better than the 7 rating the county hopes to achieve with paid personnel, we had to show a history of superior service to the community in fire related calls. We could show it because we've done it. Year in and year out we've done it.

Now don't misunderstand me, Ifeel that the LAFCO staff did an outstanding job in researching the county fire agencies. That being said, Ialso feel that they didn't fully gauge the feelings of our community when researching the facts and figures that make up a fire agency. Just after the Cedar Fire in which 1 out of 4 or 650 homes in Julian/Cuyamaca were destroyed, we had a town meeting hosted by Diane Jacob and attended by many local residents who lost their homes. When the local volunteer firefighters were introduced they were given a resounding standing ovation which went on long enough to become embarrassing. Why would we be embarrassed from this obvious form of support and admiration by our own community? We were placed in the uncomfortable position of being the only fire department introduced that night that was not met with, to put it mildly, a mediocre reception. Our community knew, from reports of locals that did not evacuate, that this group of volunteers did not quit. We were on the fire line for 7 days straight, eating what we could when we could, and sleeping when and where we could. To a man (or in many cases a woman) they never stopped fighting fire and protecting homes in our district. Their actions were totally and directly responsible for the saving of hundreds of homes both in our district and the greater Ramona 2645 FARMERROAD, POST OFFICE BOX 33, JULIAN,CA 92036-0033 (760) 765- 1 5 10 Fire District. They continued not for the promise of a paycheck or an excellent retirement package but for the satisfaction of knowing that they had helped their neighbor. You as board members of LAFCO, risk losing that continuity with the community if you elect to go with a new entity - be it the County of San Diego or a new and arguably unmanageable fire protection district. This has been demonstrated numerous times in our county fie. Valley Center Fire, Pine Valley

Fire, et. a[)- when paid staff or paid reserves enter the equation the volunteers of that area end up leaving the fire service. The reasons are as diverse as the volunteers themselves. Idon't pretend to know all the answers but Ido know this; it is usually a death knell for volunteer departments when paid personnel are hired. You can find marginal anomalies to the previous statement (Riverside County may be one) but more often than not when paid crews are placed in a station the volunteers disappear. The communities of Julian and Cuyamaca can not afford to lose their volunteers and we know it. We do not have the tax base to support a paid fire agency and that is just a fact. That is why Iam asking you directly; PLEASE LEAVE JULIAN CUYAMACA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT OUT OF PHASE ONE. I'm asking both as a resident and as a public official whose job includes working with and understanding what makes a volunteer tick. Why am Ispecifically asking to be left out of phase one and not phase two? I believe phase one has a very real chance of not being as successful as many of you commissioners believe it will be. If it is only marginally successful we have the very real chance of losing a fire department that has served this area well for a quarter of a century. Most of us in this area are not willing to risk the very good fire department we have for a department that has it's genesis in a sham of a proposition, Proposition C. That's right; Ibelieve that the basis for the concept of a new fire agency is a knee jerk reaction to the devastating Cedar Fire. We got walloped by a 2645 FARMERROAD, POST OFFICE BOX 33, JULIAN,CA 92036-0033 (760) 765- 15 10 confluence of factors, most of which were beyond our control (i.e. numerous major fires burning concurrently; horrific Santa Ana winds; fuel primed by drought and bark beetle kill; etc). Proposition C came along shortly thereafter and basically asks; "Would you like a paid county wide fire agency that won't cost a dime in new taxes". Who wouldn't want that? But what are we really doing here? We are robbing Peter to pay Paul. Any money we take for this new fire agency is coming out of some other tax supported venture. Budgets are like a Julian apple pie - it has just so many slices. If we take someone else's slice they have to replace it from somewhere. Someone down the road is going to lose a slice of their pie. Ijust hope Peter, whoever he is, is keeping an eye on his pie. Iwouldn't be as distressed about this whole idea if we had only been truly honest with the voters from the beginning. Voter's in Julian Cuyamaca Fire

Protection District recently passed a proposition, Proposition S. It called for the voters to approve charging each parcel as much as $50.00 a year in new taxes to allow us to build a new station. 73.5% of the voters agreed with us that this was a good idea. We didn't use language which inferred that there was no cost to fund our proposition. We were upfront about the cost to taxpayers and they still overwhelmingly approved the new tax. There is an absolute cost of at least $22,000,000.00 in new expenses to fund this proposal before you today. Until the voters are honestly informed of the actual cost of this proposal Iurge you to do the right thing and vote not to establish a new fire agency. Ifyou don't agree with me and find you can't do that, at least leave Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District out of phase 1.


r / * ; [& /\ I c L.. j t,.! L c L

Kevin C. Dubler, Chief Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District 2645 FARMERROAD, POST OFFICE BOX 33, JULIAN,CA 92036-0033 (760) 765- 15 10 Julian Cuy amaca Fire Protection District ---

Supervisor Bill Horn 1600 Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Supervisor Horn,

Earlier this year our district was offered the opportunity of funding for 3/0 staffing on one of our fire engines (3 people, 7/24). This offer came from you, the Board of Supervisors, through the Department of Planning and

Land Use. Some of the many stipulations laid out were: that the engine staff must be California Department of Forestry (CDF) employees contracted through negotiations with CDF; that we must "...bargain in good faith..."; and the contract needed to be signed in this (2006-2007) fiscal year.

We initiated the process in a letter to Chief Maner, dated August 16,

2006, requesting a proposal for Schedule A contract services between

JCFPD and CDF. We received a response in mid October (which was dated

August 31, 2006) with a totally unsatisfactory proposal. It called for CDF to take over all functions of our district including: the Ranger Unit Chief of

CDF being named as "Chief" of JCFPD; the CDF Battalion Chief named as

"Supervisor" of our ambulance crew as well as our volunteers; at a cost to us of $10,000.00 more than the DPLU contract.

On November lStwe (two board members and I)met with a cadre of chiefs from CDF to discuss the proposal. Chief Maner, the South Operation Assistant Chief, assured us that the proposal was just that and that

"...everything is on the table." This appeared to be true as we commenced to having a productive negotiations toward what Chief Maner called an

"Operational Plan", an addendum to the proposal/contract. Although notes were taken, no official contract proposal wasput forth. Due to time constraints it was agreed that we would meet again to work out the terms of the Operational Plan based upon the November lst meeting.

On Wednesday, December 13'~,we met with the CDF representatives which now included Acting Ranger Unit Chief Kevin Eggelston. He informed us that CDF's proposal was a take it or leave it proposal and there would essentially be no "Operational Plan" if it altered the basic scope of the boiler plate state contract. The working relationship between JCFPD and CDF, as delineated in the CDF proposal, is deemed by the Board of Directors to be detrimental to the long term good of the District. Itwould drive volunteer firefighters away from the department due to a perceived diminished need for their services. The Board fears that at the end of three years, when the funding may no longer be available, we will be without many of our volunteers who would have quit due to the diminished need of their services. This could result in the total disintegration of the operational side of the Julian

Cuyamaca Fire Protection District. The sequence of events we described here is a distinct possibility and the District Board has an obligation to protect the District against such a potentially crippling turn of events.

Due to both the determinations made above (that this proposal as written is not in the best interest of the citizens of the District) and CDF's failure to bargain in good faith (evidenced by a complete reversal of position) we are choosing to not avail ourselves to this offer.

We would, however, like to offer an alternate plan that will improve the fire service in the whole backcountry far more than having

3 firefighters on an engine in Julian. With respect to the intent of your offer, $1,014,000.00 is a staggering amount to pay for such a limited benefit

(3/0 staffing). This is particularly true in light of the Amador contract which currently provides for a staffed CDF engine, year round, at the Julian

CDF station. We propose that due to the time constraints of using the money this fiscal year, you allow these million dollarsto be dispersed throughout the unincorporated area of the county not being serviced by a county funded Schedule A contract. This could be accomplished via a grant process similar to the current Fire/EMS Trust Fund Grants. The process could be set up using the existing criteria of the Fire/EMS Grants with

OES. This would allow the funds to be dispersed quickly and more equitably than just dumping a million dollars into any one agency's pockets for such limited coverage. It could assist many small struggling departments with a real influx of much needed assistance. Itshould be noted that we believe the volunteer fire agencies of San Diego County probably have a very realistic idea of their own needs. These volunteers respond daily with the limited resources that come with being a rural volunteer department in a sparsely populated area. As they struggle to complete the vehicle extrication, structural fire suppression, or assisting CDF and USFS in battling vegetation fires, they are painfully aware of their own needs. Listen to them and assist them in funding these needs. The entire fire service in the backcountry could get a much needed boost if you could see fit to redistribute the funding from this grant. The money we are talking about has already been approved and funded by you and your colleagues on the

Board of Supervisors. This plan won't cost any more then what is already al located but consider the regional difference this money could make if

disbursed in this manner!

Thank you for taking the time to consider this adjustment to

previously funded monies. We, the JCFPD Board of Directors and I,would appreciate a response to this letter with your opinion about the feasibility

of our proposal - shifting these grant monies to gain area wide benefit.


Dean Stowers, President Jim Mazzone, Director

Janet Bragdon, Director Harry Seifert, Director

Bent Koch, Director Kevin C. Dubler, Chief

Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District

Cc: All San Diego County Board of Supervisors

All Zone 8 fire departments Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection------District-

John Traylor, Consultant RECEIVED SDLAFCO - Room 452 MAR 0 1 2007 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 SAN DIEGO LAFCO

Dear John,

Iwas advised at last night's Zone 8 meeting that you would like to see a copy of the letter the Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District sent to the County Board of Supervisors rejecting the offer of 3/0 staffing for our department. Here is a copy.

It should be noted that the primaryreasonwe elected not to accept this offer was only touched upon in this letter, that being that the amount offered was not enough to fully fund this staffing. At the time this letter was written we were still hopeful that more funding was available from the County. Ina nutshell- the county offered us $1,014,000 (and change) for this program. That figure was less than CDF was indicating it would charge for the first year by approximately $11,000. We had been told early on in the negotiations with Ken Miller and Ralph Steinhoff that in year one we would receive about 10% more than was required to fully fund the "Schedule A" contract. Year two we were promised about a 5% surplus. We were warned that we should save this money because year three a new CDF employee contract would be in effect and nobody could estimate what would happen to the contract costs. RECEIVED MAR 0 7 2007



ON MOTION of Director Seifert , seconded by Director Braadon , the following resolution is adopted:

WHEREAS, Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District (JCFPD) provides fire and medical services and maintains a largely volunteer staff; and

WHEREAS, JCFPD was formed on March 14'~,1983, by the Local Agency Formation Commission and has diligently served the communities of Julian, Cuyamaca, and the surrounding unincorporated areas adjacent to District boundaries; and

WHEREAS, JCFPD was instrumental in acquiring Advanced Life Support for the Julian Service Area of the unincorporated portion of the county and has provided said ALS transport service since July, 2000; and

WHEREAS, JCFPD is supported by the communities it serves evidenced by the approval (by 73.5%) of an additional benefit fee for the construction of a new Julian Fire

Station - District Office; and -

WHEREAS, JCFPD is currently rated as 518 by the IS0 which is a superior rating than the 7 rating being sought by the County via this reorganization; and

WHEREAS, the County of San Diego is proposing a change in the structure and governance of fire and emergency medical services in the unincorporated San Diego County; and

WHEREAS, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors directed LAFCO to study the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County; and

WHEREAS, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors directed the Department of Planning and Land Use to create a Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services

Resolution 2007 1.1.07 IT IS HEREBY FOUND THAT:

a) The Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District is relatively well funded, well trained and well managed. It does not, because of its use of volunteers, fall into the classification of ". . .un-served and underserved areas of unincorporated San Diego County ..." as delineated on page 1 of the LAFCO Micro Report dated January 3 I, 2007.

b) JCFPD residents support the guiding principle behind the LAFCO Micro Report, which is the improvement of fire and emergency medical services by improving command and control, communications, pooling equipment purchases and standardizing training and emergency operations. The JCFPD embraces these goals and is an active participant within Zone Eight and fully co-operate with CDF Training Division to attain these goals.

c) JCFPD believes the aforementioned goals could be attained via a Joint Powers Agreement with involvement by the County but with each entity remaining sovereign within the JPA..


1) The Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District Board of Directors request that JCFPD and the EMS Julian Service Area (advanced life support ambulance), be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report.

2) JCFPD Board of Directors also request that all existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for JCFPD and the EMS Julian Service Area be turned over to JCFPD until such time as Phase I1 is implemented.

3) The JCFPD Board of Directors further requests to be removed from any and all actions of DPLUYsConceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services. This plan is viewed by the JCFPD Board as the least likely to succeed due in large part to the severe under funding from the very conception.

Passed and Adopted by the Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District Board on this 5th day of March, 2007, by the following roll call vote:

AYES : Seifert; Braggdon; Mazzone NOES: None Koch; Tucker

Haru Sei rt, Vice President

Kevin C. Dubler, Chief

Resolution 2007 I. 1.07 Instead of having 10% surplus, we in fact were in deficit spending in year one of a three year contract. This was apparently due to an honest mistake by Chief Black of CDF. He made a mistake, reporting to Ken and Ralph, a figure of $1,014,000. To his credit, when the error was questioned by JCFPD he indicated that he was willing to work on that figure for year one, but not years two and three. So my district's dilemma was this: a. take the offer and subsidize year two to the tune of $65,000 to $75,000 (remember year two was projected by Ken and Ralph to cost a minimum of 5% more than year one which was already in the red $12,000); or b. turn down the offer and be accused of any number of mental shortcomings. Being as Iam accused of such shortfalls anyway, we took the latter option. So to succinctly clarify our position, we turned down this offer for the reasons stated in our letter to the Board of Supervisors as well as our financial inability to accept another County contract that we must subsidize (our current ALS ambulance contract being the first one we subsidize). I hope this does in fact clarify our position, if not call me at the office or my cell phone (760) 519-2885.


Kevin C. Dubler, Chief Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Brown P 0. Box 442 Julian, CA 92036

RECEIVED March 31,2007

San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 SAN DlEGO LAFCO San Diego, CA 92101

SUBJECT: Inclusion of the Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District into the San Diego Fire Consolidation Plan Phase I

DISCUSSION: The Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District is well managed and has good community support. This was demonstrated by the tax measure for a new fire station which was passed by 74%. The said fire district has a good reputation in and out of the Julian community.

If the district were to change to a paid and reserve system we would lose our volunteer support. Pine Valley and Valley Center are examples of that happening.

The Julian Cuyamaca Fire District does extensive training itself and with the California Department of Forestry.

CONCLUSION: Considering the above facts, we strongly recommend LACCO exclude Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District from The Phase I San Diego County Fire Consolidation Plan.


Patrick L. Brown Gretchen A. Brown To: San Diego LAFCO MNC~30,2007 RECEIVED 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1 APR - 2 2007 From: Franklin L "Woody" Barnes P.O. Box 1570 SAN DIEGO LAFCO Julian, CA 92036 (760) 765 05 16

Subject: Proposed Reorganization of Structural Fire and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County.

I urge that the Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District be deleted from the Phase I proposed program.

My background: I have been involved in various iterations of backcountry fire and emergency medical services for over 30 years. This includes stints on the Watershed Fire Council of Southern California,, the State Board of Forestry (twice), the Julian Volunteer Fire Company, and as a founding volunteer and Board member of the Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District.

Afier reading the Micro Report Summary and much of the Micro Report I believe that the Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District (JCFPD) currently provides a level of service equal to (and likely superior to) that proposed in model 5a, and at far less cost.

My observations have been that attempts to meld paid personnel and volunteers in a single organization generally lead to the volunteers losing interest and leaving (check Valley Center fire, and even the Julian Library where stresses have been evident). The JCFPD fuefighters have been unpaid volunteers since 1983 (as was the Julian Volunteer Fire Company before). Most of these volunteers are local residents, and have a vital long term interest in their neighbors and the community. I believe that the loss of volunteers over time would lead to rapidly rising costs not estimated in the economic analysis of 5a.

The people of the Julian area have twice voted tax increases for the JCFPD, the most recent being in Nov. 2006 to fund a new station. It is evident that the people of the JCFPD district are willing to fund the District and are pleased with the quality of service the District provides.

While all agencies (and individuals ) would always like more money, the JCFPD in my opinion is not underfunded , and the residents are not underserved. The personnel are well trained, well led, have good communication and vehicle equipment. and frequently train with other agencies. I would urge you not to tinker with the operation or funding of this well run District and to omit JCFPD from the phase I proposal.

Finally it needs to be pointed out that in large measure the impetus for this reorganization was a result of the Cedar fire. Fires of this magnitude need three things: lots of fuel, "fire weather" and an ignition source. We can't control the weather, we can reduce but not eliminate ignition sources, so the only thing that is left is reducing fuel. For a variety of reasons public land management agencies (BLM, State Parks, USFS. County Parks, JPA etc) have failed to manage fuel accumulations in their respective jurisdictions. Far more damage both structurally and environmentally was done in this one fue than can ever be prevented under any of the 12 reorganization proposals. I believe much of the money proposed to be spent on phase I should be directed toward fuel management instead.

In closing I urge you to delete JCFPD from Phase I. I would be happy to discuss this issue with you in more detail. 2 Sincerely

.-' ,' - Franklin L. "Woody" Barnes Jr. P.O. Box 1570, Julian ,CA 92036 (760) 765 05 16 To LAFCO, Please consider this letter of recommendation in the matter of the creation of a consolidated fire protection district for the County of San Diego. I recently attended a meeting in Julian, presented by the Julian-Cuyamaca Fire District, which featured presentations by LAFCO, the County of San Diego and the Fire District. The meeting addressed the plans to create a consolidated fire district for the County of San Diego. The result of that meeting left me no doubt that the JulidCuyamaca Fire District did not want to be a part of the consolidation plans. There were several compelling reasons given by the Fire District for their position. Those positions are already documented by you. There are some good reasons for being a part of the consolidation plan and Chief Dubler was very fair to point these out. However, despite the fact that better funding would always be desirable, nothing said at the meeting indicated that the County of San Diego could fund the project let alone manage it responsibly. The Julian-Cuyamaca Fire District is a well managed district. It has an outstanding reputation within and outside of the community. I left the meeting with this conviction: If it's not broken, why fix it? It is easy to understand the position of the District. In my opinion it is also the position of a majority of the residents of the District. I believe that a majority of the residents also feel a great deal of mistrust toward the County of San Diego. This mistrust is often the topic of conversation of anyone who has had to deal with the DPLU. Trust toward authority is an integral part of any community, but it is the backbone of a small town like Julian. I am the fourth generation of my family to live in Julian. Until I reached high school, there was no ambulance in Julian and there was only one highway patrolman and one sheriff. CDF was the only fire protection available. Residents of that time relied on one another as much as the professionals for help. In the beginning, the Volunteer Fire Department was the brunt of many jokes, some of which were deserved. Over the years, the JulidCuyamaca has transformed itself into a professional organization. They have earned the trust of the community. I myself recently was struck with a life threatening illness. I can't say for sure that their professional service saved my life, but I can say for sure, that when you are in a tough spot like that, having people you know and trust helping you is as important as getting a good doctor. Imagine the pressure they face saving people they know. So trust is the key word here. We the residents have no way of knowing that our standard of service (I am not talking about the number of personnel and equipment here) will be maintained by this new agency. The District and -theresidents have no way of knowing if this new agency will be viable. As with any startup business, there will be problems to work out. We have a well managed and professional District already in place and can see no good reason the jeopardize it for an unknown commodity. The District can always join the consolidated district if it proves its worth. Please allow the Julian-Cuyamaca Fire District to opt out of Phase One of the plan.

P.O. Box 32 Julian, Ca 92036

ApR - 2 2007 SAN Dl EGO LAFCO ._i ,->i [,Z. 34/77 , , I i1 -7


MAR 2 'l ,;,!:I


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San Diego LAFCO RECEIVED Room 452 APR - 4 2007 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 SAN DlEGO LAFCO

RE: Reorganization of Structural Fire Protectionand Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County

We have read both the LAFCO report and the Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services by the County Department of Planning and Land Use. We oppose the plans cited in both reports.

We do not support reorganization of fire service in the unincorporated area without a knowledgeable vote of the people effected. Proposition C, often cited as support for these plans, was a knee-jerk reaction to a catastrophic event, without any knowledge on the part of the voters of what such a comprehensive plan might entail. Further, the ability to assess fees by some governing agencies, to make up unfunded costs, is not what the voters understood when they were told that there would be no additional cost.

We do not support any plan that does not have guaranteed multi-year sustainable funding.

We do not support any plan that carries over $14 million in overhead costs.

We do not support dissolution of the very effective Julian Fire Protection District, with it's Fire Chief, round the clock ALS service and 35 volunteer firefighters, without an informed vote of District residents.

While we much appreciate the local benefits of the County's Fire Enhancement Program and Fire Safety and Fuels Reduction Program, we do not support any comprehensive fire district governed by the ever changing County Board of Supervisors, only one of whom has an interest in the Julian area. We do not support establishing an expensive new County bureaucracy, resulting in a second layer of overhead costs. Nor do we support a program governed by the County Department of Planning and Land Use.

While we admire and support the activities of individual CDF firefighters, we do not support a comprehensive program under the direction of CDF. with firefighting decisions made at a without our community homes as a priority.

Dick and Mary Hobson cc Office of Supervisor Jacob. P.O. Box 907 Julian, CA 92036 April 3,2007

San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1


My husband and I bought a home in Julian nearly four years ago. We love the small- town community and the bond between the people who live in Julian, whether we know each other or not. There are few places like Julian left.

Are you aware that 7 out of 10.firejghters in the United States are volunteer-s? What would have been the impact on Volcan Mountain last year had the volunteers not been first on scene to lay out 1700 feet of hose and cut a line in the fire to direct it way from town? The volunteer firefighters are an integral part in the lives of all Julian residents.

I would request that the Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Protection District (JCFPD) be removed from Phase I of the consolidation plan for these reasons:

(1) JCFPD is adequately funded and can continue to provide service to the community. Chief Dubler is very sawy in the use of grants and other programs whereby his department benefits from the grant programs and our volunteers have everything they need to protect our area. (2) The negative impact on the volunteers who dedicate their LIVES and service to THEIR community. Consider, for example, the weekly motorcycle crashes in the backcountry. It takes more than three people to control the scene of a motorcycle accident. Without the volunteers I feel there would be a greater risk to all who pass over our roads. (3) With our full-time staff of medics (and unselfish volunteers) we are already providing Advanced Life Support for one of the largest service areas in the county. Consider, again, the impact of not having the volunteers. They are there loading up the casualties onto Mercy Air. What would the scene be like if they weren't there? RECEIVED APR - 6 2007

Millis-Marshall LAFCO Itr SAN LAFCO (4) JCFPD's current IS0 rating is lower than the rating being sought through reorganization. Wouldn't a lower rating be better for everyone? Wouldn't a higher standard of quality be better for everyone? (5) The possible negative financial impacts of reorganization of the current benefit fees being assessed the Julian-Cuyamaca residents. Life is hard enough and expensive enough in these times. It is incomprehensible to charge higher fees for reduced services.

I also want to know how consolidating the numerous small under funded districts into one large under funded organization (a proposal based on a $22 million shortfall) is going to provide better service, or even maintain service at current levels.

("Sun Diego 's Local Agency Formation Commission consists of eight commissioners fromJive different membership categories: two commissioners are members of the County Board of Supervisors; one commissioner is from the Sun Diego City Council; two commissioners are city council members from the 17 other incorporated cities; two commissioners are directors from independent special districts; and one commissioner represents the public. In addition, there arejve alternates to the regular members -- one for each membership category." Quoted from the LAFCO website.) The people comprising the membership of the Commission are not locals. Please don't bring the city to the Julian backcountry. We have chosen to move away from the city.

Don't go and fix something that isn't broken, and by "fixing it", you break it. There is no logic in that. Politicians' (and politicians comprise the Commission) motives are usually self-serving disguised as a benefit for the community and I do not believe or trust that what is being proposed by the LAFCO consolidation will benefit the wonderful people who call the Julian backcountry home.

' Diane Millis-Marshall



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PK1:N'T. NAME Jason and Patricia Scott 5846 Grandview Way Julian, CA 92036

April 4, 2007 San Diego LAFCO Task ~okeon Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego CA 92101

To Whom It May Concern:

We are writing in order to provide our opinion of the current plan for the "Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and EMS." As Julian residents, we are deeply concerned that our current level of protection and care will be compromised by the suggested reorganization. We are very happy with our current system and want our opinion to be noted. We do NOT support the reorganization. We wish to

PI NE VALLEY FlREFl~MERSASS-:' PtF' ,6+--'!;hw P.O.BOX 161 PI N& VALLEY,CA 91962 / ~tdtionLiue (6~9)4-73-g445

Michael D Ott, Executive Director April 6, 2007 San Diego Local Agency Formation Committee (LAFCO) 1600 Pacific Highway Room 452 San Diego, CA 92101

Subject: Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection in Unincorporated San Diego County

Dear Mr. Ott,

On behalf of the Firefighters who serve at Station 84 in Pine Valley thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on the subject LAFCO Micro Report. We commend the LAFCO Micro Report. We find it to be a document that affords everyone the opportunity to understand the breadth and scope of the matters at hand. Of the four options for regional governance proposed in the Micro Report, we recommend:

Option 1: Regional Fire Protection District.

We put forth the following points for your consideration: Securing additional sustainable revenue, from existing sources is required. Build on what is already in place: o Do not dismantle existing programs and replace them with a patchwork of sole source CDF contracts. It is counterproductive with respect to the existing available revenues. o Distribute discretionary revenue equitably across all areas. o Relatively small amounts of money go a long way when using local resources. o Use step increases in compensation for longevity. Use Combination Stations as a model. o Utilize fulltime and part-time resources to fill three platoon-staffing levels. o Provide academy training for reserves and volunteers. Maintain Emergency Medical Dispatch as the 9 1 1-service standard.

In the complex landscape of multi-agency responsibilities for Wildland Fire and Structural Fire protection, as well as Emergency Medical Services, there are no black and white answers. Much work lies ahead and we encourage you to step forward to lead all parties in making incremental improvements together.

hn F. Fitch, President Fighters Association RECEIVED cc: Kevin Jeffnes, Dennis Hollingsworth APR - 6 2007 SAN DIEGO LAFCO

VALLEY CENTER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Administrative Oflice & Fire Prevention Bureau 28234 Lilac Road Valley Center, CA 92082

April 3,2007 RECEIVED San Diego LAFCO APR - 4 2007 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1 SAN DIEGO LAFCO

RE: Micro Report Comments

Dear Sir or Madam:

The Board of Directors of the Valley Center Fire Protection District (theVBoard") hereby respecthlly submits its comments on LAFCO's Micro Report on the "Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County (the "Micro Report".)

A Special Meeting of the Board was held on March 29, 2007 for the main purpose of formulating its comments regarding the Micro Report and to incorporate into its comments input received fiom the citizenry of the Valley Center Fire Protection District (the "District".)

This letter presents the results of that process.

The Board is firmly of the opinion that the Micro Report does not provide adequate provision for attainment of the established standards for implementing a regional fire agency. These standards are: that ". .. no area would experience a reduction in service .. ." and that ". ..funding to support regional fire protection services should come fiom reprioritized use of existing revenue." (Page 2 of Micro Report).


The District currently adheres to a "Four on-duty at Basic Life Support" standard of operation. In addition, the District provides Advanced Life Support Ambulance Services to the District pursuant to an agreement with the County of San Diego Health and Human Service Agency and a related agreement with Mercy Medical Transport, Inc. It is clear from the estimated cost of providing equivalent service that, as projected in Model 7a of the Micro Report, it is extremely unlikely that the current level of service would be maintained since funding to support service at that level is not reasonably expected to be attainable. In fact, the District would experience a reduction in service under any of the lesser Service Models proposed in the Micro Report.

Fire Station #72 Fire Station #73 28234 Lilac Road 28205 N. Lake Wohlford Road Valley Center, CA 92082 Valley Center, CA 92082 There is no mechanism set forth in the Micro Report that would adjust its 'one size fits all' approach from Model 5% which is apparently the chosen approach for a service model, to preclude the reduction in service which the District would suffer under the proposed reorganization. Furthermore, the estimated costs for Model 5a do not include provision for any cost adjustments in that service model which may be required to preclude a reduction in service in this District and elsewhere.

Therefore, the standard prohibiting a reduction in service for this area would not be met.


The Board also respectfully submits that it has very serious concerns whether the proposed Reorganization will be able to satis& the second standard regarding the ihionof sustainable revenue in order to support implementation of the Reorganization.

It is not financially responsible to include funds now provided through the County of San Diego's County Fire Enhancement Program as a potential source of secured sustainable revenue.

It is very doubtful at best that California Assembly Bill 806 will become law. The super majority vote required for its passage by each house of the Legislature, when considered alone, makes its passage unlikely. The necessity of a super majority vote, when considered with the added political pressures anticipated fiom the County and state-wide educational lobbies, makes its passage even more doubtful.

Much is made in the Micro Report of the contribution and value of volunteer operations to the success of the Reorganization. There is currently a significant shortfall of sustainable revenue available to support the Reorganization under even its most modest levels of service. This situation places a significant premium on the necessity to incorporate continual volunteer services at levels sufficient to preclude experiencing a reduction in service in the region or its areas. Strangely, the Micro Report does not address the important issue of volunteer services. No provision is made for the recruitment, training or retention of volunteers. No cost estimates are made for this endeavor. There are a number of existing volunteers and volunteer agencies who have expressed their concerns about their evident lack of place, function and consideration in the Reorganization. It is unwise to bank on volunteer services to ameliorate the attainment of sustainable revenue funding when no plan is specified for volunteer operations and for funding the related expenses.

The District does not have any volunteer firefighters or emergency medical technicians. Model 5a would have the District partially manned on a 2417 basis by a volunteer component. The Micro Report does not satisfactorily address the lack of currently available and fully volunteers. The Micro Report does not address the costs of backfilling the lack of volunteen with paid personnel. The annual cost of paid replacements would range fiom $67,000 to $97,000. The Board submits that the Micro Report entirely fails to address the impact on the Reorganization of the necessity to satis@ the requirements of recently adopted Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 45 ("GASB 45"). GASB 45 requires a public employer to both calculate and report how much it owes for health care costs and other post- retirement benefits for its present and future retirees and how it will pay for these benefits.

The omission of the substantial GASB 45 costs in the estimated annual costs of the Reorganization is a significant contributing factor to the Board's concerns over the lack of available sustainable revenue to support implementation of the Reorganization. Since .. ." the underlying goal of the micro report is to determine what amount of additional revenue would be required in order to fund Phase I.. .", (Page 36 of Micro Report), the omission of provision for compliance with GASB 45 is very troublesome to the Board.

The Micro Report does not address the Board's concerns that the District's voter-approved special assessment revenues would both, in fact and in all instances, be applied for the benefit of the District without direct or indirect diminution or diversion. It is all too easy to manipulate the exclusivity of special assessment revenue flow to the District by offsetting charges applied against this revenue which are not solely authorized by appropriate representatives of the special assessment district. As an additional concern, the Micro Report does not provide a mechanism to determine who will act in the Reorganization solely on behalf of the voters approving special assessment revenues in determining the most prudent application of those revenues within the District.


The Board strenuously objects to the prospect of the loss of the District's governance over it own fire protection and emergency medical service matters without any improvement in such service as a consequence of the proposed Reorganization.


It is obvious to the Board that much work and thought by many devoted people was involved in the proposed Reorganization. The Board, however, holds fdyto the belief that the proposed Reorganization is not in the best interests of the District and consequentially, the Board will not support implementation of the proposed Reorganization.


The Valley Center Fire Protection District Board of Directors




C.S.A. 107 4-. > - .-,,: A- , .' 20223 Elfin Forest Road ..--/ - Elfin Forest, California 92029

Wednesday February 28,2007 RECEIVED MAR 0 1 2007 RESOLUTION: 2007 1.1.07 SAN DIEGO LAFCO

ON MOTION of Director Ken Dubs, seconded by Director Byron Macfarlane, the following resolution is adopted:

WHEREAS, County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, is a County Service Area, provides fire and medical services and maintains a largely volunteer staff;

WHEREAS, the County of San Diego is proposing a change in the structure and governance of fire and emergency medical services in the unincorporated San Diego County; and

WHEREAS, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors directed LAFCO to study the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County; and

WHEREAS, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors directed the Department of Planning and Land Use to create a Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services.


a) The Elfin ForestMaxmony Grove Fire Advisory Board supports the findings of the Micro Report that states on page 48 of that report that, "CSA 107 (Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove) is geographically isolated from other territory that would be consolidated within Phase 1." The board fbrther supports the finding on the same page that states; "The Districts remoteness could possibly produce service and coordination issues with a Phase I regional agency.. ."

b) In 2004, the North Zone fire agencies retained Emergency Services Consulting Inc. to develop what became the North Zone Fire Effectiveness and Regionalization Study. The study released in March of 2006 recommended the consolidation of the Fire Departments of Solana Beach and Del Mar. The report also recommended the consolidation of Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District and CSA 107 Elfin Forest.

c) For the last two years the Elfin Forest/Haxmony Grove Fire Department has been developing a mechanism with the Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District (FPD), the Cities of Del Mar and Solana Beach, for CSA 107 to become a part of the Rancho Santa Fe Fire District or a member of a potential Joint Powers Authority.

Resolution 2007 1 .I .07 Page 1 of 3 d) The area of CSA 107, Rancho Santa Fe FPD, and the cities of Solana Beach and Del Mar is approximately 60 square miles. This 60 square mile area is an island surrounded by cities and has no common border with other unincorporated Phase I volunteer departments, CSA's and districts. The demographics of the areas are similar in that they share for the most part common schools and boundaries, and have both areas of rural estate and higher density housing.

e) The 2020 plan clearly shows a preference for higher density in areas west of 1-15. CSA 107 is experiencing continued growth and is becoming more urban than the other Phase 1 areas. For example the Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Department is working with developers who are in process of developing one hundred and fifty, two hundred and fifty, and seven hundred and fifty home developments in CSA107. Our town council was recently presented a proposed additional development, called University Heights, which could add as many as 1200 addition homes. These new residents will expect the same levels of advanced life support services (ALS) provided by paramedics and ALS transport services in this area, which are not part of the County Conceptual Reorganization of Fire Services Plan for CSA 107. The department is also in negotiations for a second station in the Harmony Grove area, which will have paid paramedic firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians volunteers.

f) North Comm, the EMD dispatch JPA center for most of the north Zone Fire Agencies, dispatches the department. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Department has adopted the North Zone Training and Emergency Operations Manual and participates in North Zone joint training exercises. It makes little sense to have the department dispatched by another agency, which would add a delayed response when giving or receiving automatic aid.

g) The Elh Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Department participates in joint projects such as the North Zone video conferencing system for training and is an active participant in the Zone mapping and MDC's, (Mobile Data Computer System), project which will add common mapping and data to computer terminals in the North Zone engines which will allow the identification of the closest engine to an incident.

h) The North Zone Agencies have automatic aid with each other, share the Rancho Santa Fe training tower, and have a number of common personal protective equipment and minor equipment purchase specification agreements.

i) Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents support the guiding principle behind the LAFCO Micro Report and the County Conceptual Plan that is the improvement of fire and emergency medical services by improving command and control, communications, pooling equipment purchases and standardizing training and emergency operations. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Department embraces these goals and is an active participant within the North Zone to attain these goals.

j) It only makes sense that CSA 107 (Elfin Forest1 Harmony Grove), be moved to Phase I1 and all existing funds and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro Report continue to be used to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents.

Resolution 2007 1.1.07 Page 2 of 3 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT:

1) The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request that County Senice Area, CSA 107 (Elfin ForestfHarmony Grove) as well as all existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report.

2) The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors, request that County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, as well as all existing funding and future revenue, remain with CSA 107- Elfin Forest and CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from any and all actions of DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services.

Passed and Adopted by the County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, Fire Advisory Board and the Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Board of Directors on this day of February 28,2007, by the following vote:


Nona T. Barker

Vice ChairmanNice Pdsident

" Bob McGurb- Director %--- ~enDubs Frank wohy Director Fire Chief

Resolution 2007 1.1.07 Page 3 of 3 April 1, 2007

Mr. Michael Ott, Director Mr. Bill Horn LAFCO County Board of Supervisors 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 335 San Diego, CA 92101 San Diego, CA 92101

Re: LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107


I'm witing to request that LAFCO and the County Board of Supervisors remove Elfin Forest CSA 107 from Phase 1 of the proposed Fire Services Reorganization plan. I attended 2 of the public info sessions held at Ramona and San Diego. First I want to thank and express my appreciation to Michael Ott for the excellent, fair minded approach he had towards the public who participated in these sessions.

Considering all the factors which were brought out in the hearings I would like to share 3 main reasons why I believe CSA 107 should be excluded from Phase 1:

Local Control - CSA 107 already has it's own tax benefit fee with demonstrated effective local leadership. We already have effective regional communications and training cooperation, and a developed volunteer program that's working well. The proposed CDF plan would have CDF leadership in Valley Center which is at least 30 minutes from Elfin Forest, a much longer time than we have now. Ambulance Service - We already have ambulance service in Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove which is supported by benefit fees from CSA 17. There is no need to include us in Phase 1 since ambulance service is already being provided in this area. IS0 Ratings - Our IS0 ratings have already been improved by our Dept to a point where 79% of CSA 107 has a rating of 4. This already exceeds what the proposal is suggesting, so we don't need to be included for that reason.


Robert McGurk RECEIVED 7706 Camino Sereno ApR - 3 2007 Escondido, CA 92029 SAN DlEGO LAFCO March 7, 2007

San Diego LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92101 Re: Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unicorporated San Diego County It is apparent that sustainable funding is insufficient for both a Regional Fire Protection District and for .the County Plan. For this reason, it is unrealistic for LAFCO to approve either option. I urge LAFCO to recommend the Status Quo, until such a time as funding can be secured, and I urge the County to use their $8.5 million in a different fashion. I already see too many problems with the County Plan as it stands. When one department turns down $1,000,000, there is a problem. When another community is circulating a petition to have their fire department cancel their contract with CDF, there is a problem. When volunteer .firefightersare leaving as CDF steps in, there is a big problem.

I would like to see the county spend it's money on a unified communications system. My understanding is that this was the biggest source of difficulty during the Cedar fire. A unified comrr~unicationsystem would be a huge step toward consolidating operations. Then, should any money remain, I would like to see the county approach individual fire departments and ask how they could help. Each department is unique and has unique needs. Filling in the gaps would have to be far more cost effective than trying to force a "one size fits all" plan. In this way, the county would be building on what is working, rather than tearing things apart. The power of Judo is not in resisting, but rather in taking advantage of .the flow of energy. I urge the county not to try to change the direction of volunteer fire departments. This is resistance. Rather, I urge the county to lend a helping hand to build on the many strengths of the volunteer fire departments. The momentum is already there. Take advantage of it. Support the spirit of volunteerism and the resulting building of community. These people are willing to protect their communities at no cost. They do need help in terms of equipment, facilities, etc., but they ask for nothing in terms of labor. Theirs is a labor of love. How can the county possibly think of destroying that? Please listen to them and please support them. It can only result in gain.

/'> /'> Gail TGiohy 2001 8 Fortuna del Este Escondido, CA 92029 (760) 736-471 9 April 5, 2007 RECEIVED San Diego Coulity Board of Supervisors 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 335 APR - 6 2007 San Diego, CA 92101 SAN QlEGO LAFCO Re: Department of Planning and Land Use Dear County Board of Supervisors,

After attending all three of LAFCO's Public Hearings on the "Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unicorporated San Diego County", I am left with the uneasy feeling that the County Board of Supervisors has created a monster in the form of the Department of Planning and Land Use. I would like to think it was done unwitting and I would like to tt-link that it was done with the best of intentions, but the current situation is very disturbing. During the 05/06 fiscal year, the County Board of Supervisors gave the Department of Planning and Land Use $8.5 million to be used toward fire protection. This was an admirable use of discretionary funds, but the DPLU's use of those funds began to raise eyebrows almost at once. They started by offering volunteer fire departments approximately $20,000 each. This seemed a pittance given what they had to work with, but worse were the strings that came attached to their offer. One such string - use the funds on equipment and the equipment becomes ours. (Replace a fan belt in your fire truck and the fire truck becomes ours.) What kind of an offer is that?! In hind sight, it seems their first step in building an empire. Come the 06/07 fiscal year, the County Board of Supervisors again provides DPLU with another $8.5 million. Now the monster starts to take on a life of its own. In fact, $8.5 million is no longer enough to satiate its appetite. Now the DPLU starts stealing fire mitigation fees. Four years ago, with the county's approval, Elfin Forest negotiated for funds above the standard mitigation fees from the Cielo del Norte development project. Then, in January of 2007, the DPLU took those funds away from Elfin Forest and claimed them as theirs. Now alarm bells really start to sound. How is any community supposed to offset the impact, of projects approved by the DPLU, when .the mitigation fees are also in the hands of the DPLU? At the April town council meeting in Elfin Forest, DPLU assured the community that mitigation fees, by law, liad to be used in the area of impact. However, if you read their Conceptual Plan, they propose pooling mitigation fees for use at their discretion. This monster is not to be trusted. Worst of all, at LAFCO's public hearing in San Diego, I hear that the director of .the Department of Planning and Land Use has been recorded on video as saying that developers are the clients of the DPLU and that the silver bullet of fire safety will not be allowed to stop any development! Now this is truly alarming! Fire safety takes a back seat to developers wishes?! Is it any wonder that this model of joirrilig fire protection with the Department of Planning and Land Use is found no where else in the state? It is clearly a case of the fox guarding the hen house, and this fox has made its intentions very clear.

I feel you MUST put an end to this NOW! To do nothing implies complicity. If the county feels that it must be in the fire protection business, something Dianne Jacob once said was inadvisable, then the fire service should at the very least fall under the Office of Emergency Services. Better still, an independent agency, like that proposed in LAFCO's micro study, would leave no room for accusations of the county being a party to corruption. This proposed board, which would consist of 11 members elected from tlie various fire service areas in the county, would leave people feeling that they are being represented by fire professionals, not county personnel, that understand the needs of their area. In ,the same way that you feel you know better than the State of California the needs of San Diego County, communities feels they know better than the county the needs of their community. Reassure me that you acted with good intentions and that this monster was created unwittingly. Do not leave yourself open to cries of corruption. Restore my faith in government and right this situation NOW. Sincerely,

I5 2A.+J.,, Gail TWO&-' 2001 8 Fortuna del Este Escondido, CA 92029 cc:Greg Cox Bill Horn Dianne Jacob Pamela Slater-Price Ron Roberts LAFCO San Diego Union-Tribune North County Times February 28, 2007

Dear San Diego County Board of Supervisors,

I attended LAFCO1s public workshop regarding the "Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Services in Ur~icorporatedSan Diego County" in Pine Valley on February 27, 2007. 1 was struck by a couple of reoccurring themes.

First, I heard that as CDF is stepping into volunteer fire departments, volunteer firefighters are leaving. Even if you do not appreciate the resulting, devastating loss of community spirit and activism, you can surely appreciate that this drives up the costs of fire protection. The studies show and common sense dictates that it is cheaper to run a station with a combination of volunteer and paid firefighters than it is to run a station of strictly paid firefighters. For financial reasons alone, you have a responsibility to question .the effectiveness of the County Fire Plan.

Second, I heard several communities express concern over a loss of level of service. The communities expressing concern have IS0 ratings lower than the 7 that is being sought in the County Plan. Does the Col,lnty Plan have the same standards as the SSP? I'm referring to page 2 of the Micro Report which says, "The SSP established standards for reorganization - including a requisite that no area would experience reductions in service as a consequence of consolidation...". If not, the County Plan is unacceptable for that reason alone. Besides being counterproductive, Proposition C stated that a consolidation plan would not come at an increased cost to taxpayers, and a lower IS0 rating translates to higher insurance costs.

I would appreciate a response to these concerns. I understand your desire for action regarding fire protection, but an ill conceived plan developed in haste can come back to haunt you. I urge you to respect and consider the findings of the Micro Study. It has been carefully considered, for over two years, by fire professionals from all of the varied fire districts with their many varied needs. As well meaning as your plan may be, it is the plan of outsiders looking in. I place much more trust in the professionals to sort it out.

Finally, I was also struck by the sincerity and professionalism of LAFCO representatives Mike Ott, John Traylor and Shirley Anderson. Please acknowledge .their good work! Sincerely,

2001 8 Fortuna del Este Escondido, CA 92029 cc: Greg Cox Bill Horn Dianne Jacob Pamela Slater-Price Ron Roberts San Diego Union-Tribune North County Times February 27, 2007 Sac Diego LAFCO I600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92101 Re: Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unicorporated San Diego County The Conceptual Reorganization of the San Diego County Fire Services prepared by the Department of Planning and Land Use calls for the use of fire mitigation fees to help fund the plan. Elfin Forest has recently had fire mitigation fees confiscated by 'the Department of Planning and Land Use. My concern is how and where these fees will be used. If the County intends to use the fees in Elfin Forest, why take them away in the firs! place? If the County does not intend to use the money in Elfin Forest, the whole purpose of mitigation fees is defeated. It is rather like having a fire in Elfin Forest and having the County shooting water elsewhere. Fire mitigation fees should stay and be used in the area of impact and should not be used to fund a county wide plan. The timing of the loss of those mitigation funds is also very disturbing. Those funds were negotiated four years ago. For four years, the County had no problem with those funds remaining in Elfin Forest. It was not an unusual arrangement. Rancho Santa Fe has a very nice new fire station built with mitigation fees that the Fire District negotiated for with developers. Yet suddenly, only a few weeks ago, the Department of Planning and Land Use says that Elfin Forest has overstepped its bounds. Mitigation fees are the domain of the DPLU. Since when? It would seem that the DPLU is already setting about funding a program which has not yet even been officially approved. Perhaps LAFCO should ask whether the County has already made up its mind. Jtist what is going on behind closed c-loors? The Corlceptual Reorganization Plan was certainly developed behind closed doors. On the one hand, for over two years, at the behest of the County and with County funds, fire professionals have been meeting to determine the best way to consolidate services for the benefit of all. All proposals had to be submitted by a certain date, presumably so that they could be studied and critiqued. On the other hand, the Conceptual Reorganization Plan made its debut only a couple of weeks ago. Why was it allowed to be introduced at the eleventh hour? Why the secrecy? What makes .the County, in its infinite wisdom, the wisdom of an outsider, think it knows better than the fire professionals what is needed? I say the County should stop playing armchair quarterback and respect and consider the recommendations of the professionals. I do not see how LAFCO, in good conscience, can support a plan thrown together in secrecy by an agency with little or no experience in fire services. I can only support the Micro study, which was compiled by fire professionals after much collaboration and consideration.

RECEIVED cc:San Diego Union-Tribune North County Times MAR 0 6 2007 SAN DlEGO LAFCO LAFCO Micro Study 1600 Pacific Highway Room 452 San Diego, CA 92 102

Bill Horn 1600 Pacific Highway Room 33 5 San Diego, Ca 92 10 1

To our Board of Supervisors, LAFCO commissioners and DPLU director,

I am writing as a concerned citizen who resiaed in Elfin Forest for fiftee11 and a half years. I have become aware of the plans outlined in LAFCO's Micro Report

I would like you to remove CSA-107 - EMin Forest from pbase 1 implementation of this report and place it into Phase 2. I would also like to request you remove CSA -107 -Elfin Forest from the DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

My Myand I have a vexy special reason why we want these changes made and why we feel the Elfin ForeWHamony Grove Fire Department is so valuable to this area

We lived in Elfin Forest during the 19% EXn Forest1 Harmony Grove Fire. We have first hand experienced the dedication and expertise this department has. David Hammond, my late husband and father to my two children was burned in the fire and died thxw weeks later. This fire department and the other fire dmentsthat came to Elfin Forest on October 21, 1996, are our hero's.

They worked around the clock to get the fire under control; they tried to get everyone out as fast and safely as they could. I just learned at the ten year event last year, at the fire station what these dedicated volunteer fire department personnel went through during that fire. They left their Mies, animals and homes to help others in need and to protect the community of Elfin Forest, Carlsbad and La Costa. I was humbled to listen to them describe this fire and how it has affected them dl. They had this event to remind people what can happen to a community devastated by a fire, bring attention to the need of a fire safe home and community, to educate new neighbors how to prepare for a fire and protect your family and home.

The Fire Deparlment immediately brought the community together at a pot luck, they checked on us daily and helped us rebuild our lives. They evaluated every aspect of the fire and how they could improve the response time, equipment, communications if there ever should be another fire (which in this area is a given). This fire department is well trained and a valuable part of the community.

Our best memories are the 4thof July parade/picnic, and various holiday parties. Attending many council meetings regarding our community and fire department future. A fire safe garden went up to help show the community how to plant fire wise. You can call and show up anytime and there is always someone to answer your questions.

Since 1996, the area around Elfin Forest has grown. It is had for me to imagine how all these communities are going to leave if there is ever another 1996 fire! It frightens me. I am sure the community knowing the Elfin Forest1 Harmony Grove Fire department is there reassures them that they are well protective.

Elfin Forest is a unique area and community. The Fire Department is the center of our community. These men and women dedicate many hours to training and improving the fire department. This fire department is not east of 1-15, like the others in the report.

Please remove CSA 107 from Phase 1 implementation of LAFCO's Micro Report, and fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

Please reassure us that all existing and future funding as well as funding recommended by the LAFCO Micro Report will continue for the Elfin Forest1 Harmony Grove Fire Department


Gail G. Hammond Concerned Past Resident 2 134 Corder0 Road Del Mar, CA 920 14

Cc: Supervisor Greg Cox Supervisor Dianne Jacob Supervisor Ron Roberts Supervisor Pam Slater Chief Administrative Officer Walt Ekard Director of Planning and Land Use Gary Pryor Mar 05 2007 4:29PM

From: Kimberly Hunter 20032 Questhaven Rd. via fax March 6, 2007 Elfm Forest, Ca, 92029

To County of San Diego Supervisors, LAFCO and all others concerned with Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services, I am an Elfin Forest resident homeowner in County Service Area 107, hereafter referred to as CSA 107. I am opposed to the method, study groupings and proposed plan for reorganization of County fire service. In particular CSA 107 services and its exclusive fire and mitigation funding cannot be thrown into a County general fund melting pot. Basing study on such ridiculous assumptions can only cause a mjor battle with Effi Forest, while in the big picture you are wasting everyone's time by misleading other areas about availability of real and secured funding to sustain their service operations. As there is no authority to use CSA 107's special funds outside of CSA 107's boundary, this is a County -wide crisis in the making, not a reorganization solution. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove community independently funds and operates OUT Fire Department and CSA 107. CSA 107 should be recognized as an independent special district in any fire reoqgukation plan the Board of Supervisors adopts. I request that the Bodof Supervisors work with Elfm Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Department hc., the Elfm Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory bard and the Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Town Council towards finalizing countywide recognition of CSA 107 as the independent special district it is. And see that CSA 107 is appropriately addressed as such in all County studies and plans for fire/ emergency services. As for LAFCO , it is important to remove CSA 107 and its revenues from Phase 1 of the LAFCO Micro report, where we are essentially an island with no relationship to the otha phase 1 service providers. Please place CSA 107 in Phase 2 with our neighbors with whom we have mutual aid agreements and work relationships with. As for the County, it is important that CS.4 107 and its funds be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan and I hereby request that you do so immediately. It is important that in an fixther plans proposed that special assessments collected in Elfin ForestfHarmony Grove community be retained in the Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove community and applied solely as a funding source for CSA 107 services. Additionally no current services in CSA 107 should be reduced by implementation of a County reorganization plan.

It is extremely important to me and the health, safety and welfare of my community that: 1) The Elfin ForestWarmony Grove Fire Department Inc. continues to operate the Elfin ForestMarmny Grove Fire Station and provide fire services to CSA 107. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Deparbnent Inc. is a non-profit cop. created by the citizens of CSA 107 to service CSA 107, which again is the boundary of the Elfin ForestfHarmony Grove community. CSA 107 itself was created by the Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove community and approved through a special initiative ballot in 1982. It would cause wide spread outrage if the County of San Diego failed to continue service contracts with The Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Department Inc. for CSA 107. Mar 05 2007 4:29PM

2) It is extremely important that the directors of the Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board (who are elected by CSA 107 residents) continue to govern CSA 107 and provide input to the Board of Supervisors. 3) It is also extremely important that you are clear that the Elfin Forest/Hamony Grove Fire Advisory Board will continue to administer CSA 107 funds, special tax revenues and moneys unless the Citizens of CSA 107 vote otherwise. Not only did the Elfin ForestMarmony Grove community vote to fund CSA 107 through a special tax of its citizens in 1982, but in 2001 CSA 107 voters approved a tax rate increase to cover the Elfm Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc.'s long term bding needs. The beneficiary, scope, purpose and jurisdiction of the special assessments in CSA 107 was made clear in both initiatives and cannot be changed by some reorganization plan or subsequent Supervisor vote. 4) Likewise additional revenues and /or assets CSA 107 citizens and/or Elfin Forest organizations and non-profits achieve through fundraisers, grants, mitigation fees, developer negotiations, CFD's etc again is generated within and for the benefit of the Elfm Foresthlarmony Grove community and should be retained and administered where collected. It would be outrageously unjust for the County to allocate any Elfin Forest funds/ revenues, assets or moneyoutside CSA 107. Again we generate CSA 107 funds and elect our Fire Board, and non-profit directors to administer them. My community worked and funded the blessing of crews not only trained in &fighting, but in heaby rescue, swift water rescue and in advanced fitst aid as Emergency Medical Technicians. We do not want any changes in their governance or administration and especially do not want the County, CDF or anyone else to take over operation of CSA 107. Likewise OUT Fire A~uriliarywho supports and provides good spirit, food and drinks to more than just our firefighters and appreciates that CDF loves their cooking, do not want CDF or the County ru~~our Fire Station. In summary CSA 107 deserves special recognition and consideration by the County and LAFCO. Weare a role model and exceptionally good neighbor to other County communities. We are organized beyond organized and home to numerous non- profits and committees that benefit not only our community but the County as whole. We respond to countless community service calls in and beyond our boundaries. We put in countless hours of our own blood sweat and tears voluntarily to aid the County in protecting its resources and keeping its roadsides. waterways and resources clean. We do more than our part to not only be self sufficient but to educate and help others in countless ways. We host training events and workshops. We created and host the educational fire wise garden. On and on. We are involved and show in countless way our caring for the County's health, safety and wellbeing. All we ask in return is recognition of our community's uniqueness and respect for our assets during County planning. In closing, Please honor the incredible job the Elfin ForestEtmony Grove Fire Advisory Board has done and honor their incredible wealth of knowledge and experience by respecting their input into reorganization planniilg and by granting their requests for CSA 107 More g any plan. March 9, 2007

To our honorable LAFCO commissioners,

I am writing as a landowner and registered voter in Elfin Forest. I live within the boundaries of CSA 107 - Elfin Forest, and recently became aware of the plans outlined in LAFCO's Mirco Report.

After carefully considering the various alternatives proposed in LAFCO's Micro Report (SSP plan, county plan, CSA 135, and status quo), I strongly encourage you to remove CSA 107 - Elfin Forest from the Phase I implementation of this report and place it into Phase 2. I also request that you remove CSA 107 - Elfin Forest from the DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan. My reasons are listed below:

1. The Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove communities are unique in that our fire department is a key component of our community character. Most residents know Chief Twohy and our many captains by their first names. Our fire house is our community gathering place for our annual 4th of July parade, Christmas party, many fundraisers, and our monthly Town Council meetings. Volunteers have created a Fire Wise garden at the fire house for the use and enjoyment of other residents. Residents know they can call their fire personnel for information and advice on many safety topics. 2. We believe in our local fire personnel. They live here, work here, and have fought many fires here. They are the people we want making the important fire decisions for our community, and showing up at our front door when there's an emergency. 3. This entire community has a strong volunteer ethic, of which our firefighters are only a part. We have a network of volunteer block captains who are the phone tree for the fire department, disseminating information in the event of an emergency. Volunteers run so many other aspects of our community - our Town Council, our Community Foundation, our Landscape Foundation. 4. If you look at the map of fire districts that would be affected by the Micro Report, they are all contiguous and east of the 1-1 5, except CSA-107 - Elfin Forest. We are an island (in many ways) in the middle of incorporated communities. We've fought hard to stay that way so we could maintain control of our density and zoning. And we have also built relationships with our neighboring fire departments, with whom we have more in common than we do with the expanse of unincorporated county east of the I- 15. We don't belong in a district tailored for the open country east of 1-15. 5. Our fire personnel and our community take responsibility for having a superior fire response capability. Years ago, our community approved an additional property tax for fire department funding; our fire department recently obtained their IS0 certification. We know what needs to be done, and are willing to do it. RECEIVED MAR 1 2 2007 SAN DlEGO LAFCO For these and many other reasons, please remove CSA 107 from the Phase 1 implementation of LAFCO1sMicro Report, and from DPLU1sConceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

To ensure we remain on par with other fire districts, please also ensure that we have access to all existing funding and future revenue (mitigation fees, developer fees, CFDs), as well as the existing funds and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro %port.

Thanks fomour support, j

4 Block Captain, former ~o~wnCouncil Vice-Chair 2255 Seaquest Trail Escondido, CA 92029 March 30,2007

RECEIVED ApR - 2 2007 Michael Ott Local Agency Formation Commission SAN DIEGO LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway, Rm 452 San Diego, CA 92 20 1

RE: MICRO study of Reorganization of structural fire protection and emergency services - Elfin Forestharmony Grove.

Dear Mr. Ott, We have given a great deal of consideration to the County proposal to reorganize the county emergency service areas including attending the workshop in Ramona on March 1,2007. While this idea falls under the recurrent struggle between central and local control, we have to say that in this situation, there is no evidence that central control will provide better service than the current local control. There is no guarantee that the level of service will even stay at the current level.

Elfin ForestfHarmony Grove is a community whose focus is the Fire Department. Many people contribute to its well being. The motivation derives from our sense of independence and the need to take care of each other. While this sounds very schmaltzy and saccharine it is valuable and true. Why, in the name of service to the County, would you want to destroy the ideal of the American lifestyle? Lf there were strong evidence that your plan would indeed provide better service, then we would not object, but at this point, there is no evidence that it will.

We request that the Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Department (CSA #107) be taken out of Phase 1 of the plan.

Sincerely, L?&] 1% fiL-- Betsy Keithley and John 0 199 18 Elfin Forest Rd. Elfin Forest, CA 92029 cc: Bill Hom, County Supervisor Gary Pryor, San Diego County, Department of Planning and Land Use Nona Barker, CSA 107, Chair, Fire Advisory Board Dear Public Officials:

I am a property owner and resident of the Elfin Forest Community. My wife and I purchased our home over four years ago upon falling in love instantly with the rural environment, as well as the intimacy of a unique community bonded by common vision of how its members wish to live their lives. Our assurance that many others like ourselves moved here for the same reasons has consistently found its moorings through the various functions and activities rooted within our local Volunteer Fire Department, which we have come to appreciate as the pillar, both in symbol and concrete form, our community.

Needless to say, given the depth of our emotional ties to our way of life and community, we are greatly concerned about the new proposals and their related agendas recently articulated in your draft version, "Micro Report on Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County." In response, rather than spelling out in an item-by-item format our concerns and issues to your proposals, for the sake of expediency, I will assume that you are quite familiar with the majority sentiment and legitimate issues spelled out by previous letters from others that will be potentially impacted by the implementation of the Micro Report.

Please understand that the Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove community is unique in the way its constituents have allied themselves to preserve our way of life. To mention one of many examples, we imposed at over an 80% approval an additional tax on ourselves to fund our civic and common expenses in order to maintain a greater degree of our own autonomy over multiple functions. Since then, we have achieved what many in the County of San Diego have characterized as an exemplary model of fiscal management for our Volunteer Fire Dept.'s operating expenses. Our community has also consistently cohered as one voice in the face of multiple challenges over the year from developments that had plans which would have greatly altered and compromised our standard of living. In essence, we have demonstrated that we are unique and therefore different from the other regions that are presently included in your Phase I category of your Micro Report. This uniqueness is similarly inherent in geographical factors in that we are not local to the East County region, unlike many of the other entities included in Phase I of the Micro Report. Instead, our fire dept has enjoyed a very longstanding collaborative relationship with the Rancho Santa Fe, Solana Beach, Encinitas, and Escondido.

Given this, we ask that you consider both retaining us as CSA 107 and also place us into Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. We also ask that all existing funding and hture revenue, including but not limited to, fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, and CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107. Moreover, that Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Dept, Inc. continue to provide the services consistent with the Contract for Fire Services dated, April 28, 1992, between Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Dept, and County Service Area 107.

We, as taxpayers to our local community and property owners are requesting that you please work with us as a team so we can all continue to enjoy our quality of life as it presently stands. RECEIVED APR - 5 2007 SAN DIEGO LAFCO Sincerely,

Drs. Gordon and Hounada Caras 20136 Elfin Creek Trail Road, Escondido, CA. 92929 RECEIVED

Charles E. and Sue K. Badger APR - 6 2007 Maranatha Lemon Rmch 20348 Fortuna Del Sur SAN DlEGO LAFCO Elfin Forest, CA 92029

Mx. Michael D. Ott 1 CiOOPacific Highway, Room 452 Szm Diego, CA 92 10 1

Dlear Mr. Ott,

Hdp---what is going on regarding our fire department? More formally; Community St:rvice Area 107-Elfin Forest. It seems that LAFCO is getting us out of phase----or I skiould say why aren't we in Phase 2?.

E!lfin Forest is very similar to Rancho Santa Fe as both their fire departments are very, veq much involved in all of their community affairs. Over the past years X have watched their development as they have grown into the fantastic departments that now reprexent their districts. I'm sure that you know they are now discussing merging ox SQmeother method of joining together. Has the North Zone Fire Effectiveness and RegionaI Study been eliminated? LAFCO's Phase 1 would reverse those plans and make it impossible fc~rthem to ever get together?

1 .Feel that there is an urgent need to keep us out of Phase one. You have by this time received a letter from Elfin Forest Fire Board, that lays out the position of the hard. Intduded herewith are my concerns regarding this matter.

Being in Phase 1 brings up a few questions: Why are we the only firc protection area west of 1-1 57 Why are we not contiguous to any other Phase one district? Will we loose any equipment if we are in Phase l? How much revenue will we loose? Has population projection studies been investigated within CSA 107? Is CSA 107 ,with its projected population really aligned with areas east of 1-1 S? Has 2020 Plan been considered by LAHCO? Are there my other Phase1 fire protection agencies increasing their property taxes to more hlly fund their agency?

If' CSA 107 is included in Phase one there will be irreparable damage to our Fire Department! Consider what the fire fighting equipment is in CDF operations. How many smatype rigs do they have as compared to brush rigs? How can they protect areas that have residential dcnsity (see plan 2020) like Elfin Forest md Harmony Grove and be protected by brush rigs? How many CDF firefighters are EMT7s? Also, what will Rpr. 05 2007 04: 19PM P1 FROM : FRX NO. : +760 744 0468

happen if any of the deveIopments that are in the planning stage be adopted? All of the years of planning CSA 107 will be lost and this area, that is rapidly growing, will find itself without adequate fire protection, How can we give up our emergency EMTs' teams tbat will be lost if we are to be in Phase I? Not only CSA 107 residents will loose this coverage but those that we now have mutual aid pacts will be at risk as they to will loose that savice. San Elijo Hills residents are one of the areas so affected as last year, one srdchild was treated by our EMT teams within minutes after she had been bitten by a rattle snake.

A few years ago we passed a humongous tax increase, for fFre fighting, on all of us living in the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove area. This increaxd our property tax @ five tirnes what they were! It makes possible, over a fifteen year period to enable us to build another Fire Station in Harmony Grove and full time paid staffing. How many other phase one fire entities are doing this???

We, who live in Elfin Forest, feel that we are faced with a life and death issue. We know from past experience, that out lives and our property will be at risk if we are not realigned in Phase 2.

I feel that you can assist us or at least correct actions to reflect that we should be in P~iase2.By doing so you will be doing us a fantastic favor that will long be remembered by the residents of Elfin Forest and I.Tamon Grove! !! ! !

Siqerely yours, LAFCO Friday, April 06, 2007 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92101



As a long time farm owner and current resident of the Eltin Forest tla~.monyGrove co~iilii~inityI aln very concerned with Ihe recent LAFCO study of Reorganization of Slructural Fire Protection and 1:mcrgcncy Medical Services in the Unincorporated San Diego County (MICRO). OLI~F'ire [)cparlmcnt is more that a Service Agency providing Fire and Medical to the community. it is the coni~n~rtiit\~.I aslc that J o~lcontinue to support this agency as a separate CSA for now.

I support this Micro study with the following recommended changes.

CSA 107 should be removed frorn I'hasc I and be placed in Phase II ot'thc I.At,'CO Micro Report. CSA 107 should not be included in the CSA 135 roll up as it would create an isolated island west of Interstate 15. l'he current service level and IS0 rating would be costly for the new CSA to maintain despite the level of funding provided by the area of CSA 107. Please keep the funding fbr this area in CSA 107 until the next Phase so we can accomplish the 15 year plan already in place and being implemented. 'l'he Lltin t:orest!tlarmony Grove Fire Department Inc. (EFIHG Fll Inc.) should continue to provide the service for Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove. This organizatioti is olie ot'thc niosl cosl efltctive local agericies for the superior level of service that it provides in San Oicgo Count). IL serves as a model for what can go well for the rural t:irc departments and should not be replaced at the cxpelisc of our coni~nunityidea. 1 ask that you recommend removing the t:F/fl

M) personal c~periericewitti [lepartment of Planning and [.and Use (DPI,IJ) I:ire Management tcalii is that when llic local I..t.'.'H(i FD Inc. had authority to issue Prqject Facility Availabilit~,f'orms the), completed this li)r lily fh~nilies6 unit Tentative I'arcel Map prqject in 2 weeks in 2000!01. 1,ast year 1)1'I,11 rccl~~i~-edI ~~pdatc this eligibility for fire service Sorm. I submitted this form over I year ago and have ~iot 1. .. 1 '1. rc\;;c;~ise frc:;i !)P1.U. A1or.g with a!l !hi: 2dditional tes!i~i?on:, from the p~~hlicduring yo11rheari~igs

011 this is clear that there is a good reason that the model of I1PI.U ~nanage~ncntol'Fire Services is 11ot donc elsewhere in most Calitbrnia Counties. It is just a bad idea.

I along will1 the rest ofthe Elfin Forest Harmony Grove community stand united in suppoll ofour l'irc 1)cpartn~etitand we ask that you support our co~nlnunityand its future. Please add me to the contact lisl li)r riotilicatio~ison this issue. 'I'hank you.

Kc\pectfi~lly I I ic Andcr\on 2034.5 1 llil~I'orc\t lid

RECEIVED APR - 6 2007 SAN DIEGO LAFCO 20223 Elfin Forest Rd.. Elfin Forest. CA 92029

Michael D. Ott April 6,2007 Executive Director LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway Room 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1

Dear Mr. Ott;

As you are aware, the Elfin Forest community has been diligently reviewing LAFCO's study, "Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in the Unincorporated San Diego County (MICRO)" and the San Diego County Department of Planning and Land Use's (DPLU) report entitled, "Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services." As part of our review, we invited DPLU to attend last evening's Elfin ForestiHarmony Grove Town Council meeting to make a presentation regarding their report and to answer questions from the Town Council members and the community. We spent a great deal of time developing thoughtful questions for the County staff and believe that it would be helpful to you, the LAFCO commissioners and staff to have the benefit of the following questions that we discussed last evening.

1. We all support any improvement that can occur in fire projection. In particular, we support LAFCO's attempt to improve regional fire projection in the East County. However the Elfin Forest/Hmony Grove community is an island, and is an integral part of Zone 1. We are surrounded by a number of highly qualified independent City Fire departments and one Fire District that along with Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove comprises Zone 1. We absolutely believe that the most effective fire service for our community is one created in alignment with our surrounding fire departments. Therefore, we have 2 questions: a. What would be the basis for recommending that Elfin Forest/Harmony grove be removed from Zone I? And, b. Will you recommend that Elfin ForestJHmony Grove be put into Phase Il? RECEIVED APR - 6 2007 SAN DlEGO LAFCO 2. In 2000, our community developed a 15-year plan for fire and EMS service. It was an intense, collaborative process that culminated in putting before the community Proposition S. By a yes vote of 84%, the community overwhelmingly showed support and accepted financial responsibility by assessing ourselves a substantially increased tax assessment. Can you explain how the DPLU proposal would better serve the needs of the affected residents, vs. the plan that they overwhelmingly approved?

3. Under the proposed plan, there are guarantees that all collected assessments will remain in the CSA in which they are collected. Within CSA 107, the Fire Department provides service that exceeds existing fire services in most unincorporated areas, as measured by the IS0 rating for example. We have three questions: a. What guarantees will ensure that we will receive "our fair share" of county funding from the new proposed plan? b. Also, could you address the concern that the DPLU plan will be more expensive to taxpayers because of the increased overhead costs? c. What assurances do residents have that level of service and IS0 ratings in CSA 107 will be maintained or improved?

4. Harmony Grove is part of CSA 107 and is currently served by the Elfin ForestLHarmony Grove fire station. The new Harmony Grove Village development will be served by a new fire station that will be funded by a special facilities district. This new fire station will be the closest station to existing homes in Harmony Grove. Which entity will provide fire and emergency service for these existing homes if the new fire station is not part of CSA 107?

5. What other jurisdictions in the State of California have their Planning Departments manage and supervise fire and emergency services? Please explain this model.

6. If LAFCO votes to support the 44MICR0Report" over DPLU's "Conceptual Reorganization Plan" will the County continue to implement DPLU's "Conceptual Reorganization Plan" or support LAFCO's "Micro Report?" What will DPLU recommend?

7. Even if the DPLU plan is approved, virtually all automatic aid for our Fire Department will continue to come from the surrounding fire departments and fire district, not from the new countywide fire district. What assurance do we have that our training, communication and other programs which are presently coordinated with our surrounding fire departments will continue? 8. What assurances do resident have that level of service and IS0 ratings in CSA 107 will be maintained or improved and how do you justifjr spending more money under the new plan to do this?

Thank you for taking the time to read these questions. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Department is the foundation of our community and we want to ensure that any decision involving its future is the correct one. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like additional information regarding these issues.


Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Town Council Thank very much for presenting to the San Dieguito Planning Group the LAFCO Micro R... Page 1 of 2

Anderson, Shirley ------From: Douglas Dill [[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 06,2007 3:52 PM To : Anderson, Shirley; [email protected]; Traylor, John Cc: [email protected]; FGG, CAO Mail; Horn, Bill; FGG, District 4 Ron Roberts; Slater, Pam; Jacob, Dianne; Cox, Greg; Pryor, Gary L; [email protected]; Bruce Liska; Chaco Clotfelter; [email protected]; Ira S. Epstein; Jack McGee; Laurel Lemarie; Lois A. Jones; Nancy Reed; Nicolas Christenfeld; PDM; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Comments to LAFCO Micro Report and the County Conceptual Plan Attachments: header.htm

April 6,2007

Shirley Anderson Chief, Policy Research San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, CA 92 10 1

Ms. Anderson,

Thank very much for presenting to the San Dieguito Planning Group the LAFCO Micro Report and the County Conceptual Plan at our March 29,2007 meeting. We appreciated the opportunity to provide comments on the 'Report' and 'Plan'.

The San Dieguito Planning Group supports the guiding principle behind the LAFCO Micro Report and the County Conceptual Plan, that is the improvement of fire and emergency medical services in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County by improving command and control, communications, pooling equipment purchases and standardizing training and emergency operations.

The San Dieguito Planning Group has the following comments:

1. We support the concept of organizing a unified, independent fire district where the San Diego County Department of Planning and Land Use does NOT have responsibility or authority over fire or emergency medical services in the County of San Diego.

2. Funding sources for fire or emergency medical services in the County of San Diego should not be consolidated into or processed through the County's General Fund.

3. County Service Area 107 - The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Volunteer Fire Department should be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report.

The CSA 107 is geographically isolated from other territory that would be consolidated within Phase 1. CSA 107's remoteness from the other territory would produce service and coordination issues with a Phase 1 regional agency.

4. County Service Area 107- The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Volunteer Fire Department should Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area No. 107 (Elfin Forest) Petitions

RECEIVED MAR 0 1 2007 SAN DlEGO LAFCO Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department RECEIVED County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest 6 Petition Ap~- 2007 SAM DIEGO LAFco 17 am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

And, /'- I /dhd& 5- /F-C&~@ pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print ngme) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in

7~8'7Vb Y6 fZ Telephone E-mall

April 2007 chaparral Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1 ~JCLk-~fid am a registered voter mt name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfis Forest/Hamaony Grove Fire Advisory Board dimdo=, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elh Forest be mvedfkn Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing fimding and future revexme mmmmxkd by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fhnn Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAIC0 Miuu Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Foredhmmny Grove Fire Advisory BdDinxtors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Foxest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All exkthg funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fk mitigation fees, developer mitigation, 0'sfor fire and emergacy medical services ramains with CSA 107- J%n Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLUYsConceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Hannony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

\ flfl - c pledge to protest to cause a vote, 2 (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secwed, sustainable funding in place Forto the imp1

. ,- I Sightwe ".-

RECEIVED Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I. 1, \fi-k&=n am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase IT of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I K~~eenPl~karA pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

L signature P&&B 0~55t-/fi4 6rpi-f-@ ~-ccond[do, 4&9-9 Address City State ~!p;ckarid(? srn~;/~ E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, LAURCI am a registered voter Print name) 36~10 of an ~ie&County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestfHmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestfHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFDYsfor fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestiHmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place -prior to the implementation of either plan.

qza/c~Date Re& ~@'bi& k/ MU/ a Address City State s='v Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, . 1 I-' 4 . l<[,,'j~[L r '(A am a registered voter \ (Print name) ' of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

sf'- I =\,( ---( 1 A '( -f \( /((! : pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print namej If either the ~kr~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San forward without secured, sustainable fimding in place

7- I C b-4- I./ , .,L12 Signature P 1 Date /- f- I /" -I L-7; {? i cj ,) (1 x \- A &[ Address City State ' 11 ,' (.- kc, -1 j .( L -,(:.( 'CLLT L. l-~ii~!. ;,, , Telephone E-mail <-: L, Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, %knee 14. MC. - FEEN am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Hmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fue mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992, between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

5///6 7 Signature ate

Address City State 760, Sy/- rf&w enme r;cochC+.hL / + Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, . r/lc/Zi~~y am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Haxmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I Ch'tGbs~~ I& &FLY pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

Signature Date

760 - s9/-vPa p car m 63 b//dQ/,~~,-OP. f. Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, .SL\Cc/ Va-4 am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own 1 reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

ledge to protest to cause a vote,

ction and Emergency Medical iego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan. 3i47 Date / xoo 4~ E(,qk, 4~~57nd &-A '2 0- Address City State

-.. Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, includmg but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Hamony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

And I - Akl;~ pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable hnding in place implementation o 3/13 7' sibture / Date / 20~ci/l,& Fi/.es~Lu &+- ~d&ss City State 360 7~7466 Telephone E-mail Elfm Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, " am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfm Forest/Hmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfm Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Hannony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Haxmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego. hdkI \I& pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation qf either plan.

Signature Date ll0 G/(is fiq+-kw,&s-. cA. Address City /State

Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

/3 I, ph(/r7/J )/acn am a registered voter (prifit &me) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

J] tp-I. ('0 A, pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) /I If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

Signature Date - Zr,ri~3 CIA, 11 v Ltr,x , fird-/,~/Ae Address city State ' (,+ 0201q ,- co 572 )yi rlbnc41 t E-mail Elfm Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition . 1, u ~~44/ i"r 9hX0.-.- am a registered voter of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fm and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I flofh~r,~~c~SE U ~~~~~~x. pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secyed, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan. ,' - yf-. . C- L7 - ~-fi

I. sig'nature / 1 J Date 7

.2OC; Js'q //L'I &,-7.d,>-f/*21Ld , fJ7.Lr7il /..A';, r.i!- Address / city State / ~473899

! -%*L/)- C7-7 y,c / )L ,,f(,, ( 52&/,4&*2 L /'- 2 , L2 Telephone E-mail $2fip Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

-. I. \ am a registered voter 1, :: \. -. "I \/* (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForesWarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForesWarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I 11 ;\ ,.' .k*,k,, . , - 1 pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) I If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire services go forward withkt secured, sustainabl; funding in place prior to the implen$entation of'either plan.

J Signature Date 1 .L/ 1 .k '! '! i 1,- ,L . \ ' U ?\\ i- b' Address ,, .b cL . .i-6 - city < \ State , 1 -,

Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, t.'jl+c~hk~b~7, L~i.-ad am a registered voter print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Hamony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CS A 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Hamony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I E'//Iz~~&L~-J,/V . ~lflod pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

CA*~*LZ 3 . 241~~4 3-/-d/ Signad Date

L ' .-7~ TC s-h,~7u.,,u-,- Rn , ,,.-, bt

76 c: - 7~+-.3j- y y Telephone r E-mail Elfin Foresi: 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, Gopa,, 2.c~e~b am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fi-om Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fi-om Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Hamony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFDYsfor fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fi-om DPLUYsConceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

And, '7 I L-vkan W.P.~ pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the- implementation of either plan. c 2 "-4L7, [j;).&!-&T N(Lp( , x-7 Signature Date

XasGo Qc----~TLL-=~\ R& ~>CDl~k&,, erL Address City 'state f

-7k)q -07 5 =L Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

-- .- I, I\* PI\ if CI - c :, fi- cA (.* - am a registered voter (Print nd) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Hamony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLUysConceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Hamony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego. - pledge to protest to cause a vote, If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

JQ- 2 6-67 signature 1 - Date f ?os,o o~s+,k,cw,qGO\ 1- 11 97/22q b Address City State

E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, - 6.Z5atc am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestiHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestiHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- ElhForest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFDYsfor fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLUYsConceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestlHaxmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I ~(akG. ~srac pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the GPlernentation 2- Zb-07 Signature Date 20~60~u=sUafi-~~.,Z~conL;d~ C& Address City State

Telephone E-mail Elfm Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin-Forest Petition SLPSQ~9, Cap%

I, ,,&&ky. am a registered voter (Print name) *V of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfm Forest c. CSA 107- Elfm Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elh Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior senice demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

US ao I pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan. ~-2g'-0-7 Signature Date do5C.o c&&b~\iw~. ?. E3&w-&do, C/t Address City State Zbc+'(1 -I b 25- Telephone E-mail Elfm Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, I ' .I,',.\,\, L\,(L\S~/,~)L- am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I - --.t~~ir,, I-pledgetoprotesttocauseavote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan. I

i I ' ? 1. L. 1- '1 L L, ~

-1 L L(,CL:i:; c~.II,Jo~;~L L/tibi i , 1; --,( iiii),lj: (--ii,+- Address City State / ILL.1~(4(7bk Telephone E-mail Elfm Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, . .. r. JA~B~A,'~L//L&C~(/~-E am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I .- I ~d&wM4'dL,~LL[~\+L\

, .$ [$A' ,i, c- a - Signature Date

jl,-~-&~9 (& ; T-tL/;-h.~ zLj4h>4/)"r i b 7 i4 Address City State / .~k,,~)7,ff-a 753 ~elephone' E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition * 1, -kt2 A to J--~cL~c am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I - k e r pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable bding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

&LC, -(- c7 ,, Signature Date

~<-AGd)ues+Lu.?,~ , Ks~~~AY,,PA Address City State

7'6'3 - Z./t/1fq7scl. Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition - 1, 'fiyl!"5 .ij~t-~ am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForesVHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing finding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForesVHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing finding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU7sConceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForesVHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

--- I \3hY\~(&r t .<+ A eke- pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

+b'& / 2-J-07 Signature LI Date

0 @i*.3kO. u wSLx Rd &5gekdd0 ; y~,/; Address City State

Z 7&<>"79V -2 7 Ei7 Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, . kArn\e, &~~V\ZU am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfm Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

-3 I ,)3njie, @i+~r\lo pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

~'B- Z/Z b/L? s~g&'iture Date L' L' 7 OAQ IGY)f;ri-/-cxw. ,E~~i)d~\cb.( A Address City State '

i;) ~~\ CJL,~&, fo,, - Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

/' I, pcG6y ~TLT~GE.PMEI am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest I Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest I Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

0 I I k-W! \4717k rT\rrlET pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual ~eor~Azationof San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable fbnding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

-7 C 12t a J~M&~oJ &!Zp& /TiL-T Address City State

&, ~dberf0efi E-mail M&JL, Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfm Forest Petition /1 I, f/lIT c7(& ~LMI am a registered voter (Print be) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fue and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfm Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfm Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department hc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

And, . 2 I 11-1 (cq , ledge to protest to cause a vote, (Printname) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, JM Vfl I Ie e /$~CCC 4 +(omt3~~ am a registered voter (Print name) I of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest I Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest I Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

And. I IT M l& ' lee /@6,,~ H~UXZLpledge to protest to cauxauote, (Print name) If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place

3-1-07 Signature Date 420 FocsTL n E/&q 6~c~f-CCA YJd29 Address City State

Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, L-l11-&*~ 6.Wo~d~cn am a registered voter (p;mt name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase ]I of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fm and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc, and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

^- I lri~6. dod50n pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.


~ddress city ' State

E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, -(--b-A A \I am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing hding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing hding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFDYsfor fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prjorto"thwpp1pnentationof either plan.

Signature 1 - Date E-7 1. LPP~L.)/zL~,'/u 0 pc! Address City State 1?

Telephone I E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, C\cg 1.q am a registered voter of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fkom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fkom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFDYsfor fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I 6 T~i,~b~hpledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San

Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding- in place prior to the implementation of either plan. - -

L .J t JLLI L3-3.8- 0'7 Signature v Date

7(/>fl lsa$&g> Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

/ 1, J 0 am a registered voter (Print name) I of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fi-om Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfm Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fi-om DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

1 SOL/ Tc<~*\c--~o? pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print nam4 If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

-4-*- 242- 07 I. signakdre Id Date (1v ! -7OhQ i-L\~\!i~~~(~~lfil+c-A Address City State

r I (!&Ly ,f (2 \/fi4uo (L)>+ Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, B1?ube$ M I!wA+R,'$z am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fm mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fue and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I 620 h e+f ;f /(en d4fi7~ pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) 7 If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place

ZW .j/ &I.~c &pillhi' 744 ,q L,d4y fismd - ,dRr/:,U (34 9~~'27 Address City /state (%D) 703 --i ?lT Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, kc ,L[ Lab,\U:Licltv,L L(~.. 'I am a registered voter J (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase Il of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

1 I LL"II,I, 4vby a ~(qenb;tPC\ pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) L j c1 If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable fimding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

z/:.,j 4 P,,, ' ( '+ Address City state'

(74&3)L{L{~ - 3-7 ;< Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, 1 J 1\/)45ii~~ am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD7s for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego. And. - I J Mqs2fi,~ pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

I- J/&L>~~,f ,)1 &d,dr.C E/; L"/a ( Signature Date /rc~2dxm,c, ,xd c,4 Address City State

7& 74r-a-3 7.3 ~m~,,~~&q/o,tL/,nef Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, M!?R \ LYLI S. k.\ASu~l\1 am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing fimding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fre mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFDYsfor fre and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLUYsConceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I MAXIWN S. MA!:i\61\1 pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

cm> 2.2%.0-7 signature\ \) L Date jL\bv 3wLi&kA 93029 Address City State 7t00-ni q 5.- 373 Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, .&WI am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fue mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fue and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForesVHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest I Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I L&rUfi /7jjmx pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire services go forward without secured, ~ustainabl~funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

<-./L/'Id7 Date

4 7 (6 lh fl 0 q2zq Address City Li' State / 740) 762- 10lf Telephone Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, flf S . Fhdk~d am a registered voter (P&t nahie) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elh Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

L I a P.: O~IBL,3 , Frq rd ke=d pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name)' If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan. h df~o7 Si tureo Date a?7 q6 j ~k~~d, Esto~oti3, Cfi G'0d.f Address City State 7Lo- Y7/ -24~It rn S~Z-ees qol. t ofi Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, 1 fb (A9fit am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I UY~AA, &&?,+4 2 pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

a& - '2 s - tJ si&ture Date

-136 f\Rsr, (,,&TEd h~mc;Ci& . tl qos;>~"i Address City State

-no-- S\O-3yj,<- Telephone E-mail Elfm Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, 36MNbS Ct6RKd am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfm Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfm Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I DENdcs C~ef2Kd pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan. cn

Signature 20-b FoQ.wrca OW. SUE , E\Grl FoecyC CA ciaox9 Address city State

764- sf a -014-3 C&\OWC (3 ri-ACT .W rr Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.


I pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print naie) If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire services go forward without secured, sustainable finding- in place prior to thyiqlementation &ither plan.

> Signature I v - 0PW+hy\D\ m. & rxvh Address City State / &iki(k ?@@l

~-rnail= Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, Tobest Bbrfi6 am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fi-om Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fi-om Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFDYsfor fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fi-om DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I hobfr+ 04r~5 pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

Signature Date 2 0022 tr FW wwss IZ~!51 FIYI &#SF cfl 7-21 Address City State

Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Semce Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, &+klne R-1 Bqhhe4 am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin FodmonyGrove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed f?om Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed hmPhase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and fum revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFDYsfor fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fkom DPLUYsConceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

And, I C**~L~Q h~ to to cause a vote, (Rint name) If either the ~Gr~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place entation of either plan.

Signature Date do0a2 UG'Ae~st U , f /fib FZwsf- ~fiY-5 Address City State 766 ri71 L(4rz Telephone E-mail Elfm Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, lLL,~L/+ 7. L/kmLI b am a registered voter erint name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestfHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfm Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Are., CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, 0'sfor fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfm Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I 7 et~~~k-pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~&r~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to we implementation of either plan.

/- 7 128/cl cT L Signature Date / 291( i iL.e fifi~jL-&Lc,+d;y(l c ?& 7 z(>z Address / city State

7 -7~s-$i 7- ,e&?k+dPfl,L- e-5 ,LE-. &-7 Telephone E-mail Elfrn Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Semce Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, 4 (m=Q- am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestiHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed hmPhase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed hmPhase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestiHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I 30*i pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~tkr~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implem~tationof either plan.

Date m45u 6Fwu- B2.I At- a b7e @A-qmw A&S City State 71.0 Wh-+l?8 C%-kM-m~@y-. @w- Telephone E-mail Elfm Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

am a registered voter I1 of San Diego ~~tyand own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfm Forest be removed hmPhase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed hmPhase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, includmg but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfm Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fkom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestIHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest I Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name)( ) - ' f If either thev~kr~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.


I ?m E-mail / Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

9, 1, Dsn m . k 1 ,-Q- am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase XI of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD' s for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fiom DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I G R.,k pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Servic rward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementatio /z*/* Signature V Date

~~->~,7~Lrh,-s GL~C~~9un~xcJo (-fi ~YOZ- cj Address City State

7& -- 752- 33q 5 Telephone E-mail Elfm Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, I~\,ImfiE. R\~E ,- am a registered voter (Print he) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestlHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfm Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfm Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fre mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fre and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfm Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department hc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I ~nr\;hE. - X r FE pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print &e) - If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan. - , J. - at--07 sig&e Date h2aYa~~L,e~h~E~TC ~LTIN\'%QFX Ch Address City State

'-7(9~,-~\>\- Cb53 Telephone I E-mail Elfm Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

-- I, s',, . i Q +<&A. am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed hmPhase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The El£in Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fue mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fue and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfm Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed hmDPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc, Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest / Hannony Grove Fire Department hc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

-I I --SCJC /


~igihure Date /' ' ycyti, /c~.W. 9c-( Addnss City State

E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestfHarmonyGrove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

\. I .J,[i &VM~ pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~&r~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

Signa e 0 Date 75'21 ~;#[ecr&kkd @GmK qzoz hi Address City State -7la0-.?75 -525 Telephone Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

1, JC< e Es(~\)LC am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestiHannony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfm ForestiHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin ForestiHarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I ..\oSE: EiQ,dgg pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~kr~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

- -I-- ,7,- .2%zC;..7 Signature I L,/'I; Date

F 7 UZO~(~, -iu?-L] Address City State

Vilbj 5(3\obii L Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, € RLANCAS am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fiom Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

- I V~~ENYIN I?\ A~~;AS pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

Signature Date *z-- Address City State (I~o) 57 1 - 094) Telephone ' E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

,- I, 710 am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fi-om Phase I and be placed in Phase 11 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed fi-om Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestMarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed fi-om DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest.Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I S~KGIOf3L.mIc~ - pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~eor~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

M~LOT%e z/zb/oj'? signaturea Date m203 €!FIN ~McsTKD Rba;l-OFJ@ (4 93(?2 Address City State 1.160) 5 q/- ~(iq7 Telephone Y E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

of an ~ie~iCounty and own land or residk within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase II of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin ForestA-Iarmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fue mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

And, r'

I . )o\Ac.: pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Strucdal Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San out secured, sustainable funding in place

2)ZE/c7 Signature U Bate I

fbl C 1& E P/,at4 L [ cb- Cia27 ~ddreCss City

9% - 67s I 3 0.l Telephone r Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition

I, (i)

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase Il of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Hannony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest I Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

I L w W-TP ~14LC< XyL pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the ~&r~anizationof Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan.

- Signature ate 0 42029 Address City State

/ Ydo 930 ,we/' -/7 C #dflflJ[&7..7, Telephone E-mail Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest Petition 1 1, g2bcc- 30 h~~t.r^ am a registered voter (Print name) of San Diego County and own land or reside within the legal boundaries of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest.

Do hereby support the following:

1. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board directors, request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I1 of the LAFCO Micro Report. b. All existing funding and future revenue recommended by the LAFCO Micro report for CSA 107, be removed from Phase I and be placed in Phase I.of the LAFCO Micro Report for CSA 107- Elfin Forest.

2. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. County Service Area, CSA 107- Elfin Forest, remains CSA 107- Elfin Forest b. All existing funding and future revenue, including but not limited to fire mitigation fees, developer mitigation, CFD's for fire and emergency medical services remains with CSA 107- Elfin Forest c. CSA 107- Elfin Forest be removed from DPLU's Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services Plan.

3. The Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Advisory Board Directors request; a. Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. Continue to provide the superior service demanded by the Elfin Forest and Harmony Grove residents of County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest, as provide in the Contact for Fire Services dated April 28, 1992. between Elfin Forest 1 Harmony Grove Fire Department Inc. and County Service Area 107 - Elfin Forest for the County of San Diego.

And, I xebecc~L 2i-A~6- pledge to protest to cause a vote, (Print name) If either the Reorganization of Structural Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services in Unincorporated San Diego County or Conceptual Reorganization of San Diego County Fire Services go forward without secured, sustainable funding in place prior to the implementation of either plan. 2-2B -07 Signature Date

k Stateflfi~hfext fl Address f&/f;,"fofc&fCitv

Telephone E-mail