
Books » Monasticism & Asceticism » 65119 (Download) St. Bernard's Apologia To Abbot William: and Cluniacs (Cistercian Fathers) pdf by

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A landmark in the 'feud' between Cîteaux and Cluny, the Apologia contains Saint Bernard's opinion on the place of graphic arts in the A landmark in the 'feud' between Cîteaux and Cluny, the Apologia contains Saint Bernard's opinion on the place of graphic arts in the Cistercians and Cluniacs: St Bernard's Apologia to Abbot William Bernard of Clairvaux by Bernard of Clairvaux The Cistercians by Stephen Tobin Cistercians By the time Suger was rebuilding the church at St. Denis, a new religious In 1115 Bernard became abbot of the new Cistercian at Clairvaux, Bernard of Clairvaux (Latin: Bernardus Claraevallensis), O.Cist (1090 – 20 August 1153) was a . Gerard of Clairvaux, Bernard's older brother, became the cellarer of Citeaux. .. 1959) [reprinted as (Westport, CO: Greenwood Press, 1981)]; Cistercians and Cluniacs: St. Bernard's Apologia to Abbot William, trans M Casey. Buy St. Bernard's Apologia To Abbot William: Cistercians and Cluniacs College of Divinity for a study of desire for God in the writings of Bernard of Clairvaux. Bernard, the founding abbot of Clairvaux Abbey in Burgundy, was one of the most Bernard's spiritual writing as well as his extraordinary personal magnetism This led to one of his most controversial and most popular works, his Apologia . 1. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX: EXCERPTS FROM THE APOLOGIA TO ABBOTT. WILLIAM OF ST.-THIERRY. Against Excesses. VIII.16. It is said correctly that it Cistercians and Cluniacs: St Bernard's Apologia to Abbot William College of Divinity for a study of desire for God in the writings of Bernard of Clairvaux. For the Cistercians and Cluniacs: St Bernard's Apologia to Abbot William. Front Cover. Saint Bernard (of Clairvaux). Cistercian Publications, 1970 - Religion - 69 pages.