
Unification of upsc pdf

Continue World History (Unification of Italy) What do you mean by the unification of Italy It was a political and social movement, agglomeration of the various states of the into a single state of the in the 19th century. It began in 1815 with the Congress and the end of Napoleonic rule. It ended in 1871, when became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. Reasons: Common Religions of Italy, Language: Italian (Christianity). The geographical basis is also a common reason because it was relatively isolated from the entire due to the and the exploitation by and . The phases of the Italian association : The Secret Organization Intellectual Awakening The Role of Kavura (Chancellor of Piedmont and the most important man in the Italian union) The Revolutionary Council of 1860 Garibaldi and its power Carbonari: somewhat united the Italian states, but the of 1815 washed away the order established by Napoleon. with more than three-quarters of the population suffering from poverty and illiteracy, Italy's liberals and nationalists tried to achieve their goal through an armed uprising. Carbonari, a secret organization in Italy, became a means of their rebellion. But the rebels did not have mass support inside Italy, and also faced a powerful threat from the European alliance, so the uprising was suppressed. A clear message to Italian nationalists is that the unification of Italy requires a clear strategy, plan and organization. Intellectual Awakening: Intellectuals like ziobatti, Mazzini, etc. have played the role of awareness and awakening of the masses in Italy. Mazzini is called the Prophet of the Italian Association because he founded the movement; preached the idea that can only be possible with foreign aid and Austria is the biggest obstacle in unification. The role of Kavura: Mazzini's proposal inspired Kavur, who began to move along the path of Bismarck, emphasizing military and economic empowerment. He took advantage of the Crimean (marsh land in the Black Sea) war between and Turkey and sent his army to help Great Britain and France, which supported the cause of Turkey. After Russia's defeat, the Paris Peace Conference was organized, and Kavur was invited as Italy's representative. he wanted European support for the unification of Italy. Italy was born in the marshy lands of Crimea as Italy gained recognition of the European community with this war and Kavur received guarantees from Great Britain and France to get help in this ambition of Italian unification. However, there was little sign of assistance from the UK and France. So, Kavur is now focused on Napoleon III and the Treaty of Plomlier, Napoleon III assured Kavur of France's help in uniting Italy. But in between Piedmont and Austria convinced Napoleon III of the negative consequences of the unification of Italy. Because of this, Napoleon III left Italy in Italy and it ended Kavur's dream of uniting Italy with war with Austria. Revolutionary Council 1860: The phase begins as an influence of the uprisings of the 1830s and 1848s, which emphasized the will of the people. This led to the formation of revolutionary councils in Italy (1860), which took the path of a plebiscite (meaning that every decision must be made with the help of eligible voters in that particular area or territory). But it was not successful as important Italian states like , Venice or Venice, , etc. refused to budge to be the people. Garibaldi and his strength: Garibaldi and his powerful thousandth force, which attacked the unyielding states, played the final role. They also received internal mass support and fulfilled the task of reunification of Italy. Thus, Germany and Italy were the new nations in Europe in the 1870s. As the unification takes place (Italy by 1829) 1829 the Duchy of Mass and Carrara was annexed by the Duchy of and Reggio. 1847 The Duchy of was annexed by Tuscany and Modena. Parma and Tuscany were changing. On December 8, 1859, the United Provinces of Central Italy were established. On March 22, 1860, Central Italy was merged with the Kingdom of . Treaty of of March 24, 1860. and were annexed to France. On July 18, 1860, the withdrew from . On August 18, 1860, Basilicata proclaimed its accession to the Kingdom of Sardinia. On August 21, 1860, Puglia proclaimed its accession to the Kingdom of Sardinia. On September 2, 1860, Pontecorvo joined the Kingdom of Sardinia. On September 3, 1860, Benevento joined the Kingdom of Sardinia. On September 7, 1860, Naples was liberated. On September 16, 1860, papal troops removed Pontecorvo. On October 21, 1860, after the plebiscite, southern Italy joined the Kingdom of Sardiania. On December 7, 1860, papal troops were driven out of Pontecorvo. On December 17, 1860, after the plebiscite on November 4, Marche and Umbria were merged into the Kingdom of Sardiania. On February 2, 1861, Monaco handed over to France. March 17, 1861 the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy. February 3 - 4, 1865 became the capital. August 23, 1866 Prague World. After the Austro-Prussian war Veneto was sent to France, and then France moved him to Italy. On September 20, 1870, the Papal state was annexed by Italy. On February 3, 1871, Rome became the capital of Italy. Compare and compare the Italian and German similarities of the association: The central theme was the same, namely the struggle of the enemy and the achievement of national unity. Both countries began a period of disunity, unsuccessfully tried to achieve their goals in 1848 and finally secured it almost at the same moment, with the same military operations. A strong state, i.e. Piedmont in Italy and Prussia in Germany, supported the cause of the national Kavur and Bismarck both should have initially resistance from stubborn Austria. These similarities are extremely superficial. Differences - Points in favor of Bismarck. Kavur's task was more difficult, as Piedmont was so weak that foreign aid was necessary for the unification of Italy. While Bismarck simply needed the neutrality of other states. Piedmont was not much different from other Italian states, while the Press has always always been a respected and prominent position in Germany. Sollverein has provided economic union, absent in Italy. In Germany, already a greater measure of unity than Italy, as there was no foreign rule to be overthrown, no influence of the Pope creates difficulties. Differences: The point against Bismarck Bismarck must work against popular will and the power of unity on a reluctant nation, while Kavur has given the effect of a fervent desire of the people. Austria is more entrenched in Germany than in Italy, so expelling Austria from Germany would create more opposition in Europe than in Italy. Thus, Bismarck's diplomatic difficulties were greater than Kavura's. An inspiring prophet like Mazzini's ideas and a loving figure like Garibaldi were a valuable asset in favor of Kavura; Bismarck was all alone and unaided. King William I bitterly and reluctantly supported Bismarck, while Emmanuel II fully supported Kavura. Principles and methods (How they differed) Kavur was a liberal and an ardent supporter of the parliamentary government, so he worked with the help of Parliament and a plebiscite, gave importance to the will of the people, looked at the and education of Piedmont. Bismarck was reactionary, hated the ideas of Parliament, the voice and will of the people, Polity Blood and Iron. Kavur could scare Piedmont's interest in achieving Italian unification, Bismarck, on the other hand, was Prussian in the first place, wanted the unification of Germany, subjecting its population to Prussian rules, so he was cruel, cruel and even suppressed the liberal and democratic elements of Germany. Learn more about religion in Italy Suggest improvement or report Error In this article, I want you through the unification of Italy for UPSC, World History UPSC Notes.Unification italyItalian Association (Unification of Italy) or Risorgimento, which means Revival or Rebirth, was a political and social movement that consolidated the various states of the Italian peninsula into a single state of the Kingdom of Italy in the 19th century. The role of individuals in the unification of ItalyMazzini - heartCount Cavour - BrainGari Baldi - SwordThe process began in 1815 with the Congress of Vienna and was completed in 1871, when Rome became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy.Unification of Italy was a two-step process. At first she tried to gain independence from Austria. Secondly, it was to unite the independent Italian states into a single whole. Mazzini and Garibaldi who played the most important role in the process. For centuries, Italy has been nothing more than a geographical expression. It was a patchwork of small states jealous of each other. Never since the has the Italian peninsula been actually united under one rule. Various attempts to bring the Italian peninsula under one government ended in failure. The division of Italy between foreign dynasties was one of the main obstacles to the unification of Italy. Austria occupied the northern part of Italy. Princes of the Habsburg family in Austria ruled the duchys of Parma, Modena and Tuscany. In the south, the and Naples was during the Bourbon dynasty. It was because of the division of Italy into many independent parts that Metternich called Italy a geographical expression. Central Italy was under the temporary power of the Pope. In addition to the political division of the peninsula, the Italians themselves have not yet developed a full sense of national consciousness. Various regions and cities in Italy have developed their own traditions that have led to local jealousy, which in turn has tested national growth. Historian and politician Metternich wrote that in Italy, provinces were against provinces, cities against cities, families against families and men against men. In the 1820s, the secret Society of Carbonari attempted to organize uprisings in Palermo and Naples, but with very little success, mainly because Carbonari did not have the support of peasants. Then came , a patriotic writer who created a national revolutionary movement known as Young Italy (1831). Mazzini spoke for a unified republic. His ideas quickly spread among a large part of the Italian population. Across the Italian peninsula formed revolutionary cells of young Italy. In 1846, a new Pope Pius IX was elected, promising reforms in the . Other Italian princes have made some liberal reforms that were designed to weaken the revolutionary movements. But instead, these reforms were to lead to in 1848 in Sicily, Naples, Rome, Florence, , Venice and Turin.The of 1848 in ItalyFirst riot occurred in the Kingdom of Sicily, which led to a for the entire kingdom. The uprising in Rome forced Pope Pius IX to flee Rome, and the republic was proclaimed. The King of Sardinia, Carl Albert, mobilized his army and attacked Lombardy to drive the Austrians out of Northern Italy.It looked as if The Independence and Unity of Italy were possible. But then the Austrians defeated the Piedmontians and Charles Albert was abdicated. His son Victor Emmanuel II succeeded him in 1849. The new revolutionary leader, , failed to hold on to Rome against the French army sent to restore the Pope to Rome. Italy and the suppression of the uprisings in Venice and Milan. Only in Sardinia victor Emanuel II firmly held and supported the liberal constitutional government. Kavur and the final stages of the unification of Italy, 1852-1870Count Camillo di Cavour became Prime Minister of Sardinia-Piemont in 1852. Cawur began by transforming Sardinia-Piedmont into a modern state, developing the economy according to the British model of free trade. The country became a constitutional monarchy, and many liberal reforms were carried out. Thanks to his diplomatic skills, he achieved political unification of Italy in less than a decade. According to the secret pact Plomliers Kavuru managed to persuade Emperor Napoleon III to a secretly planned war against Austria. By early 1859, Kavur had caused a crisis that provoked the Austrians to issue an ultimatum demanding the disarmament of Piedmont. Kavur rejected the ultimatum, and the Austrians declared war. The French came to the aid of the Piedmontians, and the Austrians were defeated in two major battles. The Austrians then surrendered Lombardy to Napoleon III, who handed it over to Victor Emanuel II. At this point Napoleon III made a separate peace with Austria (Treaty of Villafranca) and left Kavur to continue the war against Austria alone. Napoleon began to worry about the large size of the new Italian state near the French border. Napoleon also insisted that Kavur had over the provinces of Savoy and Nice in France, as agreed by the Plomlier Pact. Napoleon left the French garrison to help the Pope stay in control of Rome.Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-82) was another great Italian national hero. Garibaldi's dream of a unified Italian republic forced him to withdraw from his resignation on the island of Caprera. In 1860 he sailed from Genoa with the Thousand Red Shirts (army of patriotic volunteers) and liberated Sicily and Naples from King Francis II of the Bourbons. The first Italian parliament met in 1861 and declared Victor Emanuel the first king of a united Italy. But the new Italian kingdom was still without Rome, (still ruled by the Pope) and Venetia (still controlled by the Austrians). Venice was added to Italy in 1866, when Prussia defeated Austria in a seven-week war. In this war, Italy sided with Prussia, and Venice was its reward. When the Franco-Prussian War began in 1870, Napoleon III had to withdraw his troops from Rome. The Italian government sent troops immediately to take Rome from the Pope. Citizens of Rome for the unification with Italy, which was declared the new capital of Italy in 1871. What was the impact of 1830 Italian Association (Unification of Italy) Movement? In 1830, a revolution broke out in France, which affected Belgium as well as the Italian states. Their aim was to secure a liberal constitution and other political reforms. Early attempts by Italian patriots to overthrow the Austrian regime proved disastrous. However, their failures have not been left without lessons for others. The Italians realized that they still had a long way to go before they achieved freedom. It became clear that Austria was the main enemy and only its defeat will ensure the unification of Italy. does not enjoy the support of the masses, therefore, they failed. What was Mazzini's role in the unification of Italy? Mazzini joined Carbonaris and participated in their covert activities. He was exiled for his plot to create a society of Young Italy.Mazzini's activities in the revolutionary movements caused him to go to prison shortly after he joined. While in prison, he came to the conclusion that Italy can and should be united and formulated its program of creating a free, independent and republican nation with the capital in Rome. It was during his prison days that Mazzini planned to involve young Italy in the mainstream patriotic struggle for national unity. Mazzini has established a number of Young Italy branches throughout the country. Mazzini continued to strengthen the society of Young Italy as the vanguard of the national movement. Young Italy worked as a secret organization, and its members took an oath of allegiance to serve the nation. With the help of secret propaganda, Mazzini awakened the masses from lethargy and directed it to fight for unity and independence. What was The Role of Kavur in the unification of Italy? No one could understand the political situation in Italy in 1848 better than Count Cavour.He got into trouble for openly supporting the 1830.In 1847, he founded the magazine, II Risorgimento (meaning revival) in Piedmont, to awaken the Italians and direct them to continue the struggle for unity, independence and constitutional reforms. He was a modernizer interested in improving the agricultural situation, banks, railways and free trade. He opened the newspaper as soon as censorship allowed: Il Risorgimento called for the independence of Italy, the league of Italian princes and moderate reforms. In 1848, almost all of Italy's rulers granted a constitution. Kavur was waiting for the golden opportunity, which came in the form of the . He introduced several reforms that turned the backward kingdom into a modern state. Kavur tried to attract the loyalty of the people of Italy to the by introducing several major reforms for the prosperity of the kingdom of Sardinia.He called for trade and trade, built railways, introduced a modern postal system and banking, patronized shipping, a new system of taxation, curbed the power of the church, and reorganized the army on modern lines. He sought sympathy through propaganda literature for the cause of Italian freedom from foreign rule. What was Garibaldi's role in the unification of Italy? Over the next few years, the Italian struggle for freedom focused on Garibaldi's feat (1807-82). His travels gave him the opportunity to meet some Italian exiles and patriots whose love for his country made a profound impression on him. Over time, no one was able to succeed in the art of guerrilla warfare and its spirit of adventure. He joined the Young Italy movement led by Mazzini and was instrumental in the 1834 Uprising in Savoy, which unfortunately failed. He had to go into self-imposed exile. Between 1836 and 1848, Garibaldi spent his life in South America, mostly participating in the liberation movement. He gathered a large number of followers who were willing to lay down their lives for him. Called the , they followed Garibaldi to Italy in 1848 to share the thrill of their master's exploits. When Piedmont was at war with Austria, garibaldi participated in 1859 and earned fame for his daring exploits. He became a legend in Italy.Cavour succeeded in his plan in securing Garibaldi's support for the cause of the monarchy on the one hand, and avoiding a quarrel with France, preventing Garibaldi's attack on Rome.In 1862 Garibaldi became impatient because Rome is still held by the Pope. So he rushed with his volunteers to capture him. He later ended an active career. The saying he had received from his people made him decide that he would achieve the unification and freedom of Italy until his death. A: C. Discuss the factors that led to the unification of Germany and Italy. Compare and compare the history of german and Italian unification. Italy. unification of italy upsc pdf. unification of italy upsc notes. role of cavour in unification of italy upsc. unification of germany and italy upsc

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