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Y, Mat ?, ^-Triple Sheet New YORK HERALD, SATURDAY, MAT ?, ^-TRIPLE SHEET. 3 - - .. i i more lethargy. But new that Ptodwont hu into Um dominions of whilst ihe Mne force end value m If H were In In the wWe* shall ala*-' hi considered it ebtifcbM, fcfc,vl« and (Siritibl* fr.t Ivnn, atton meat, Viatra, hoi not ..r immr Merely InioMM the fol'twtog urtldo, (be wh'iie in wiib ibo law* of tlu proved, by tbe regular and wtae eierdae of fraadmn, that Um of Um Awnnid present artlolo. riin'omtty ration m of and tor lieeoo u, uoa powtr retiming oomplinent. MU»Mth or «mh, 1M0, mi * »P»W1 h hfr owty of substitution all the other cutties of th .<iriur.it' to wlue.li are a* well a» it* Italian wormy sign »" ink Article »a. The prortaees ud Fnieigny, M,| "to moons ol this ibey Hu'Je-ded, » n>' atlad or io« ca of ovt u » Northern Italy, including Kitiguom nf dardlau »nc ;wr, of Bavoy to of P»r« abah be tntlnUiuid and regirdei m ab lM> military regwUtiMil aod the nup-mo chvge in..', i< viut. K.rope A iut> uut«j uf hi aOMMon the llaine o:' ell the territory tr^ northward of Ugine. said tieuty lie -de »tne wdb ibo bravest nut one of tin W..gt,»he h .* he Austrian 1 Itie Imnbirdo Vonitiu never laea.'rec.iin, to Uto of e on the two courts. referred to lire govern noma relative to '.be object* Of by provinces."alio 10 m more r , ut u is caone. ha t thru'igh Jf** J£® ^.«g tiardisia, shall formboleng'Dgmutually binding i mved tbat tbo It* Ian people is worthy of iodepeiideu and sp.-ead of tbe neutrality o. aa prerogative al ove mentioned. The better 10 determine Kingdom.is separated equally from Austria proper ami Italy, loon bardy bad risen Austria. Too yert ^eVtmrlend, such it bee been FRENCH UUUNi. c laaoli lb oidtr to tenure ir, ebe bin been mill traioiog for ion Kick ol against acknowledged end ("r^ejitecd tbe Fowere. Iu coose ies* lie Prince th. ft- prerogative*, as ui general to reguiato and 'or, irorn the It lies between thr.'ie tw riatdiuta md Piedmont will know the strength of by Article 107. Bia Royal Uigb Kogeatof the date tl.e of the tned'ulized roucta to.I lorde. Optt, and knows bow fo flgbl for and defend it; now » >, France, by Alps. the l'ower time queuce, whenever neighboring Powers to Bwitzoriaud ol aud Umi Braz in order t» iuanilcit ngbir prioct s, volcea uons fbjl Austria an i hravr.il.too well fjr aur.oiof. Ho delayed in kingdom Portugal il, id a ooiforiu innooei lo all tlie Stutea of tbe 0'tmtt Out too, ralee our to *ty tbat tbia inagnao Powers, the Northern Alps separating it from a.o military movements until be to have been shall be denr ^ of or In e stale of actual hostility, lu an locon'esilb e manner his )mi tuuiar eouaideratiou for iroutsball not elaud alone in for lu combat torcrd lo appeared the forces of the of whlob federation, tbe ord.uance pubitalic t on tiie aubjret by btr goffering all, be Western Alps from France, with this difference, ttin adopt thru; and this caution, J isttbible on b^eMaJretj King Strdiola ra*y bis m«al ChilaUau Majrety, engages to restore to Ida tai l I be lor for all; to ray tbat, if tbe battle outfit agvn be tdogbt views of c*u»(i nariow l> <1 n tboee shell withdrew from Uuwna as far as river tiojeety tbe King of Bavaria, to 18j7, a)u» adopted dig France is nearer than Austria from policy, trrnble re re-at s to hi* arm*. hatpin pruvinocs Majesty French the Oyapock, wooac tbe foreigner for the sake of I ity, TuBOany, too, Indeed, Savoy, klorch, one ibe gsmm ~ er,d for Uiet through be Valais in situated between tbo 4th and 6tb o! general principle. r u 1848, month ifter the tbtrb, may purpose pass embouchure <iegress Tbe teci-'Ul immediate of tbe »in >irc a':all en o> ght, aud will play ber part, recollecting tbat, when eho stern portion of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Francois onlythat of I-ouls I tintype, Carlo A'brrtn issued the dowof.iil nesinsary, but no other troops belonging to any other north latitude, a limit wolch I'oriugal baa ousel nobility dl I bo', .bare iqc of tbe did always tbe lb tbe paragraphs 1 and 2, und p'OTiautiy l.ounrg (Tie bailie, separated bv the and the He by which ue rased this I'm imootese llrirp'oclamsHodas tha Power shall traverse or retnaiu in the before mentlouoi eied aa that fixed by tbe treaty of Utrecht. Joy ugll* expreared tbe bumlliati >n of the Sba bat Rhone, Alps beyond, dividing standard or Italian Ib'wo ilium of an of ».bo States, .xercsiiw not tfcapo vanquished. is unity." He force oooirstsd of tw> provinces end territories, with tUe ekaepton of Article 108 The Powers wnoar Suttee are st or tra folding aisombly trot bed to tbe with aod w tti "be Savcy from Piedmont. StToy, though part of Sardinia, damns and a to pirated palrln.ObUI and forester Jurisdiction, tbe local pouca aid been ground Italy, Italy rory* reserve, wh h last under tha winch Uto Swiss Contederaiwa may think proper place versed by tbe same navigable river engage i> regulate l>y no' n i i t arlre. no of Yet was the nue'eus of command of the Duke of the tbe of the cburcb**. at aiao the riabiol' ' part I'aly. Savoy original Savoy, sub)ec. of our fei th»-m, It being well understo d that this state of things common consent ail that relates to the navigation of mat p.neuagc m'es no dread ho t' >1001 iobu red of these b.leg alio ba'le to the ordinary tribunals. Tn.»* r.^ti'.*, Ami the tains if the ihe kingdom, and the oiber portlooa bavo been It nuOibi about ki>,O.K) m iu. The artillerymeLiOlr; does not in any way cony train tVio aitminlatrattou river. For that shall name . his the purpose l.iey Cotnntissiooers, boa. rliall not be cxcrolted beta- cording n tbe rule it ay cum <11 allui and auxiliaries / Alpine wan connnai.di.il by tho Dole of Utn»a, the territories, In which tbe civil agencies of Msjesty who shall asm mnie whom six mouths at too fur ter, recollects ihit alio w the frijod annexed.namely Piedmont, Nice aid tho inland of »fcontl an.co A tcr.cs tho for together, erfablivbed by ibe aws of tbe cooulry iu wbioa tUo mem uariiutt. Tutcaty auecmnvely son, deceased. of strategic Ktng of fttrdiuia may also employ municipal guard thrst af'er tbe lerrrriaaiion of the '/oogrcs*. aol won eh til Iu tbo ol Krai ce, and ibat Cbarka before sen ling bid binds Sardinia, from which the kingdom la'aes Its name. The manoeuvres vtb.ch appear to tie universally condemned the maintenance ol order. take lor tbe basis of tbeir estublirbed b>raof una oobdity bold p..esenmomi. pruvmeor V., good object the principles Unacted fioni Uerniany by tbo peace of I. luevitlo, of tub torecu.c bcr to glavery, was com elltd flrnt to glrike - at cf government la at rurin, in Piedmont, which la toe rrsu.lod in an engagement before tbe wall* of Verona. OP AUSTRIA. in the following articles. to n< wu Frabcii I. rtcUcts that she The tuccfF* we* about ou either aide. The ITALIAN PROVINCES of February, ItiOi. and wniume bow By in re'iui'-od Tuecahy f'V central and realm. cross equal Article 93 of the renunciations Article 109 Tbe navigation throughout the wbol icourse above rela all the nations ]> he' metropolitan portion of the In hid for a within tbe cllv ; By consequence of tbe rivers indicated from lbs tt, tbe applii atlon of Uro principle* rxprnraed, among of Europe. offered hoped risng they .Sardinians by the Iremty of Paris or Iho 30lh of May,stlouVied18U, by tbe preceding article, live to ibe aucitui inime.hule nobility of the empire, mall f111 lidih<v lu the. French i*ople tchen, lu- ling /Wit my the Alps, therefore, through Savoy, tho French army retired without being beat 'u, while Kvletaskythereforecon-" who the present treaty acknowledge point hi which each of tbem becomes uavgabie to Ita die rend, lb* >r» the of iht ir new Uhc> tenor tlib led that he bad the inasmuch aa the the Powers sign with be aubjeci u> Ibe iuint.Ueai.oua red neccaaory by jfuth tits, tby sjtrmd )i paea through a friendly c-iuntry to the scene of war. gained day, bis the Emperor or Aurtrln, his heirs and snoots charge, shall be entirely tree, and eball not, reepect relatii.LH wbicb eint id Ulere in the wield. Tuscany secotUc s thai on this soil the you'I1 riedmontese tailed In their object. All account* agreo Majesty iu wmi uuunr provinces. Kapoiean in bit tbe route ors. as sovereign ol the provinces and commerce, ue inieruicieu to any, n iieing Aillcle 16. tbe eon tcuaiion of tbe director rnbtldia y Jul thoughts and affections of H'ajelcm 111 din sprang up, ght despatch troops by that ihe liuke ol Savoy behaved with great anil legitimate or in stood that all sball with (tie of ibo gallantry, whlcn have been ceded either wholly partterritoriesby persons comp'y regulations r< nta atngued en Ibe octroi of the navigation of tbe Rbu e.
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