

Occupational and Environmental : The Internist’s Role American College of *

T he relation between health and the environment is pational and , which may entail attracting increased attention from the public and the unfamiliar methods and terminology; and the media- scientific community. As members of the public become generated information that the public receives, which increasingly concerned about health in their often appears without warning and in a sensationalized living and working environments, they often turn to form. These problems, although not insurmountable, primary care physicians with questions about exposures must be acknowledged and overcome. and risks. The American College of Physicians (ACP) recognizes that internists need a framework for assess- Scope of This Paper ing these issues and offers this broad overview for the practicing internist. This paper provides a context for As the I979 Surgeon General’s Report on Health further exploration of the internist’s role in occupational Promotion states, “There is virtually no major chronic and environmental medicine and will serve as a spring- disease to which environmental factors do not contrib- board for specific ACP strategies to foster that role. ute, either directly or indirectly” (1). This paper em- The field of environmental and phasizes health issues that are related to exposure to is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and preven- chemical substances that are either man-made or tion of disease caused by agents in the environment. Its brought into human proximity in a concentrated form preventive approach stresses the physical, chemical, by human activities; exposure to potentially pathogenic and biologic properties of the external environment that aspects of the physical environment (for example, ion- affect human health. Although preventive measures izing radiation), whether occurring naturally or as a have largely targeted infectious agents for most of the result of human activities; and increased exposure to last century, the focus has recently widened to diseases biologic hazards (agents causing , , or caused by many chemical and physical agents. Fre- irritation) as a result of human activities. quently, these agents are products or by-products of the This paper omits aspects of the environment that are technologies of industrialization. related to lifestyle (for example, tobacco smoking, eth- Health concerns about the environment are being in- anol consumption, diet) and socioeconomic status. creasingly debated in social, political, and economic These factors are no less important, but are themselves arenas, often with the mass media as a conduit. On complex enough to require separate comment. It also both a public and personal health level, the medical omits important occupational concerns, such as work- profession should be patient advocates and educators in load, work assignments, and body and machine (ergo- this field. Patients should look to their physicians for nomic) interactions. advice on prevention and for diagnosis and treatment of The distinction between environmental and occupa- environmentally caused conditions as well as for an tional medicine is not sharp; a recent Institute of Med- understanding of well-publicized health hazards that icine report called the separation and fragmentation of may provoke great anxiety. The internist’s role is dual: the disciplines “artificial” (2). Both are heavily oriented first, to identify conditions related to environmental toward prevention and share conceptual underpinnings risks and, second, to interpret sensibly the mass of and the methodologies of identification, risk as- media-generated information into a basic understanding sessment, risk characterization, and risk communica- of personal risk for each patient. tion. The College echoes the Institute’s recognition of The difficulties in fulfilling this role stem from at least the value of these subjects being taught and evolving three factors: inadequate and train- clinically together. Most known causal associations of ing, which may not provide internists with opportunities particular environmental agents and human disease to develop the conceptual base required to deal effec- were discovered in studies of workers. Thus, most of tively with the issues; the scientific framework of occu- our examples are of occupational exposure. As a clinical specialty, environmental medicine is in its infancy. It is distinct from the controversial practice *This paper was authored by Edwin M. Kilbourne, MD. and Janet known as “clinical ecology,” which often relies on un- Weiner, MPH, and was developed for the Health and Public Policy proved theories of “environmental illness” (3). Occu- Committee by the Subcommittee: Lynn B. Tepley, MD, Chair; Frank Calia. MD: Richard A. Goodman, MD: Charles E. pational medicine, on the other hand, is a well-recog- Lewis, MD: Linda Rosenstock, MD, MPH; and Robert H. Rubin, MD. nized , with board certification and Members of the Health and Public Policy Committee for 1989.1990 were: Paul F. Griner, Chair; Thomas P. Almy. MD; F. Daniel Duffy, specialty journals. Many of the procedural elements of MD; John M. Eisenberg, MD; Richard G. Farmer, MD; Donald 1. occupational medicine, such as regulation and report- Feinstein, MD; Jerome P. Kassirer, MD; Lockhart B. McGuire, MD; ing, lie beyond the scope of this paper; a fuller discus- H. Denham Scott, MD; Steven A. Schroeder, MD; Lynn B. Tepley, MD; and Quentin D. Young, MD. This paper was approved by the sion of these issues can be found in the 1984 ACP Board of Regents on 2 February 1990. position paper on the internist’s role in occupational

974 0 1990 American College of Physicians medicine (4). Here we emphasize the importance of of naturally occurring radon gas in many residential assessing health hazards in both workplace and non- dwellings in the United States (16, 17). workplace environments, as internists incorporate the principles of occupational and environmental medicine Biologic Environmental Agents into their practices. Although not all infectious diseases fall under the aegis of occupational and environmental medicine, we Chemical Environmental Agents do include biologic hazards that result from human in- terventions in the environment. Examples include Le- Since World War II, the number of synthetic chemi- gionnaire disease, may be often spread through air-con- cals in the environment has risen dramatically. In 1984, ditioning systems (18), and coccidioidomycosis, which a committee of the National Research Council esti- has been reported to develop in archeologists and other mated that approximately five million chemical com- workers who are exposed to soil and dust (19). The pounds had been synthesized (5). Not unexpectedly, importance of allergens as environmental etiologic agents this increase has paralleled a dramatic rise in the uses is underscored by recently described of a for these chemicals. Industrialized nations have pro- particularly severe form of asthma, apparently caused duced a dazzling array of synthetic fibers, plastics, sol- by air-borne dust released from the unloading of soy- vents, fuels, detergents, pigments, metal alloys, phar- beans from ships (20-22). maceuticals, and pesticides. Moreover, a synthetic industrial process may yield not only the finished chem- ical product but, potentially, toxic waste as well. In all, Education in Occupational and Environmental Medicine the National Research Council committee found that The myriad of newly recognized hazards can be about 65 725 chemical compounds merited concern be- daunting to internists, most of whom may have had few cause of the potential consequences of human exposure encounters with these issues in their medical training. (5). Data on human and animal toxicology for most of Of 127 medical schools responding to a 1988 survey by the compounds used in commerce are inadequate. the Association of American Medical Colleges, only 1 Naturally occurring chemical substances remain im- reported having a required course in environmental portant causes of substantial morbidity when brought health, whereas 104 schools indicated that the teaching into contact with humans. For example, aflatoxins, of concepts was spread among compounds that are elaborated by fungi growing in other required courses. Two schools had a required stored grain, may be carcinogenic to humans (6). Lead course in occupational health and 91 included material has been mined and used in various ways, including as on occupational health in other courses (23). The dearth a base for paint. Although such use of lead has now of coursework, the lack of specific training in occupa- been strictly limited in this country, substantial lead tional and environmental medicine, and the shortage of contamination in older city areas is an important cause specially trained physicians in the field to serve as re- of intellectual dysfunction in children (7, 8). searchers, consultants, and teachers (2), have been ex- tensively documented. Physical Environmental Agents An education in these areas should solidly ground the student in toxicology and the pathogeneses of diseases Although not as numerous as chemical hazards, var- caused by physical environmental agents. Moreover, ious physical environmental agents can also have im- basic concepts of , risk, and risk assess- portant health consequences. Environmental cold, for ment and their application to groups and individuals example, may cause fatal hypothermia in homeless per- should be taught. The curriculum should impart an ap- sons (9). At the other temperature extreme, the crude preciation of concepts relating to dose-response mech- mortality rate can triple in some areas during summer anisms, including route of absorption, metabolism and heat waves (IO). Increasing attention is being directed degradation, and the time-dose characteristics of an ex- to the myriad health problems that may occur over the posure. course of the next several decades as a result of man- Occupational and environmental health concerns have made changes in the composition of atmospheric gases traditionally received little, if any, attention in internal (the “greenhouse effect”) (I I). Other physical environ- medicine programs. Previous statements by mental exposures, such as exposures to ra- the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Educa- diation, vibration, and noise, are also of concern, par- tion on special requirements for residency training pro- ticularly in occupational situations. grams in have not mentioned these Because of its potential for harm and the tremendous issues. However, a recently approved version, effective anxiety it causes, radioactivity (ionizing radiation) is I October 1989, states that “training program(s) must unique as a physical environmental agent (12, 13). Ra- place emphasis not only on medical problems, but also diation exposure from nuclear power plants has come on cultural, socioeconomic, ethical, occupational, envi- under intense scrutiny since the accidents at Three Mile ronmental, and behavioral issues” (24). Although the Island and Chernobyl (14). Continuing concern is re- distinctions among medical, environmental, and occupa- flected in recent public debates about possible human tional problems may be questioned, the statement’s in- exposure to radioactive wastes from nuclear weapons tent clearly was to increase the attention given to occu- facilities (15). An increasing body of evidence suggests pational and environmental issues. Once formal training is that a carcinogenic hazard is posed by the accumulation completed, physicians may have difficulty in increasing or

I5 December 1990 l Annuls qf lnrernul Medicine * Volume 113 - Number 12 975 updating their knowledge of environmental issues. Pub- posure to apples contaminated with the plant growth lished lists of continuing medical education topics con- control agent daminozide (Alar, Uniroyal Chemical tain few courses dedicated to environmental topics. Company, Bethany, Connecticut) and its breakdown product ranged from 9 in a million to 240 in a million (34, 35). Valuable perspective can be gained from noting and Risk Characterization that the lifetime risk for death from being struck by This lack of education and training is complicated by lightning is 35 in a million; from unintentional injuries in occupational and environmental medicine’s scientific the home, 840 in a million; and from traffic accidents framework and methods. Within this framework, haz- (using seat belts), 8750 in a million (36). ardous exposures can be categorized by the kind of evidence that points to adverse health effects. “Clear- Patients’ Concerns cut” hazards are those for which scientific evidence strongly suggests a causal association with one or more The nature of the information that the public receives specific adverse health outcomes in humans. Examples complicates the ’s role. The mass media often of diseases caused by exposure to “clear-cut” hazards suddenly draw attention to an environmental hazard, include leukemia (from exposure to benzene); broncho- thus prompting public concern. Headlines may attribute spasm (from toluene diisocyanate); angiosarcoma of the particular “cases” of disease to a specific “environ- liver (from vinyl chloride); and , asbesto- mental” cause and state “risk” in terms that ignore the sis, and lung cancer (from ) (25-29). extent of uncertainty associated with its calculation. “Clear-cut” occupational and environmental hazards The unpredictability of the timing and uncertainty about are frequently identified by epidemiologic studies. Epi- the accuracy of this information can leave the primary demiology continues to be the appropriate method for care physician unprepared for the questions patients examining exposure-outcome association when illness raise. The discovery of a hazardous waste site near has already developed or may have developed as a homes (as occurred at the Love Canal) or of a hazard- result of an environmental exposure. Because human ous chemical in food (for example, apples containing exposure is a prerequisite for an epidemiologic study, residues of Alar) generates substantial public concern however, this method is clearly unsuited for assessing and leads many patients to their physicians for advice. the threat posed to human health by many agents. Adverse health outcomes that cause the greatest public “Potential” hazards comprise a second category of concern include cancer, reproductive effects (birth de- occupational and environmental hazard, for which data fects or impairment of fertility), and neurologic damage. on human health effects are either limited or nonexis- Information generated by the “” move- tent. Specific agents may arouse concern because of ment may also affect physicians. The federal govern- features they share with other agents that have known ment and some states have passed legislation that re- deleterious effects or because they adversely affect an- quires employers to disclose to workers the presence of imals or in-vitro systems in assays of carcinogenicity, hazardous chemicals (particularly carcinogens) in the mutagenicity, teratogenicity, or other toxicity (30-33). workplace and to report releases of such substances in The need to interpret and apply such data to clinical the environment (37-40). In addition, sellers may be situations creates an additional level of complexity that required to inform buyers about possible hazards in substantially augments the scope of knowledge that commercial products. For example, the recently en- physicians must have to deal effectively and rationally acted “Proposition 65” in California requires a vendor with this class of environmental agents. to inform the consumer if the product being sold con- and environmental agencies often use tains any carcinogen or agent that adversely affects formal quantitative risk assessment to evaluate the dan- reproduction (41). ger (particularly the carcinogenic hazard) related to the The public’s current interest in how the environment exposure of groups to both clear-cut and potential oc- may adversely affect health requires the practicing phy- cupational and environmental hazards. Such “risk as- sician to be aware of the health ramifications of envi- sessment” generally involves a calculation of the esti- ronmental problems. Moreover, a physician should ac- mated probability that a particular adverse health quire the knowledge that is needed to evaluate outcome will affect a group member as a result of a environmental factors in the differential diagnosis of given level of exposure to the environmental agent. The various clinical presentations and syndromes. Continu- calculated probability is usually expressed as the excess ing (postgraduate) medical education in the principles lifetime risk for a particular health event. Many regula- and methods of the discipline is highly desirable. Phy- tions are designed to reduce the estimated excess life- sicians should seek and professional societies should time risk to lo-‘, 10-6, or less. The accuracy of the develop more of these opportunities. Mechanisms should estimated risk is highly dependent on the assumptions be developed for the rapid dissemination of authoritative used in its calculation (see Appendix I), although the information on environmental problems about which there specific assumptions may vary considerably among risk arises sudden concern. Such information should specif- assessors. Substantially different risk assessments thus ically comment on what constitutes appropriate advice may be based on the same body of scientific observa- to give to patients in particular circumstances. tions (32-34). The physician must be able to put these To provide effective counseling on environmental statistics into proper perspective for the patient when matters, physicians must determine the exposures that communicating levels of risk. For example, estimates of are relevant to each patient. The history should reflect the risk for cancer for some risk groups posed by ex- the possibilities of past or present exposures to hazard-

976 15 December 1990 l Annuls of Internal Medicine l Volume 113 l Number 12 ous agents. Although a more directed history may be with programs in occupational and environmental med- adequate for a secondary or tertiary consult, primary icine, control centers, local and state health de- care physicians should obtain information that is as partments, and related agencies (such as the Occupa- complete as possible on their patients’ environmental tional Safety and Health Administration and the Centers exposures, and such information should be updated pe- for Disease Control). Under right-to-know legislation, riodically (4, 42). Material Safety Data Sheets, which contain important Because occupational exposures to environmental information for practitioners, are required for many agents are frequently more intense or prolonged than toxic chemicals manufactured in the United States. comparable exposures outside the workplace, the occu- However, these data sheets are not always easy to pational history is of primary importance. Because pa- obtain from manufacturers or employers. tients frequently change their type of work over the Other information sources vary in their clinical utility course of time and because illnesses mediated by envi- and ease of use. Lists of chemical components found in ronmental exposures may have long latency periods, specific commercial products, available in book form information on past employment may be quite relevant. and in computerized databases, should be used in con- Workers’ exposures may differ greatly within the same junction with up-to-date references listing the adverse industry or even within the same building; it is therefore effects associated with exposures to particular chemical important to determine not just the type of work done, substances (45-52). Professional societies should help but also to identify specific activities and substances the practitioner by sponsoring expert reviews of impor- (43). Examples of job categories and associated expo- tant issues in occupational and environmental medicine. sures are listed in Appendix 2. The 1984 ACP paper on Some of the most useful computerized databases are occupational medicine details the kinds of information TOXLINE and the Hazardous Substances Data Bank that are relevant to this part of the history (4), and a (both maintained by the National Library of Medicine), sample history-taking form is reproduced in Appendix the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances 3. Given the staggering incidence of work-related injury (maintained by the National Institute for Occupational and illness each year, the occupational history rivals Safety and Health), and the Chemical Carcinogenesis family and social histories in providing important data Research Information System (maintained by the Na- in the clinical encounter. tional Cancer Institute). Several reference books about In addition to the patient’s occupation, the occu- these subjects may also be very useful (45-52). pations of other household members may contribute The list of information sources cited here is by no to a patient’s environmental exposures. Environmental means exhaustive, and the number of potentially useful agents inadvertently transported home from the work- sources of data is increasing rapidly. Systematically de- place by one member of the household have resulted in veloped, up-to-date listings of publicly available data clinically significant exposure of other household mem- sources for environmental health and toxicology have bers (44). The patient should also be asked about avo- been developed by the Information Resources Manage- cations or hobbies that might result in hazardous expo- ment Group at the Center for Environmental Health and sure. As a second step, more general questions can be Injury Control of the Centers for Disease Control in asked about the home environment (such as use of Atlanta, Georgia, and are currently available without pesticides, solvents, caustics, and other potentially haz- charge (52, 53). ardous substances). Patient Management Information Sources for the Practitioner After the relevant information is gathered and inter- After information on a patient’s exposures has been preted and before counseling about health risks related obtained, it must be interpreted. For chemical hazards, to environmental agents, physical examination and lab- interpretation can be difficult because of the many oratory testing for the presence of any disease for chemical substances used as components of commercial which the patient may be at risk should be considered. products. A good poison control center can often pro- The appropriateness of screening the asymptomatic pa- vide useful information on the diagnosis and treatment tient for subclinical disease will vary according to the of the patient who is symptomatic from an acute chem- sensitivity and specificity of the screening test, the like- ical exposure. Such centers may be less helpful in pro- lihood that the disease is present, the likelihood that a viding information on an asymptomatic patient’s long- given subclinical condition will evolve into clinically term risk for cancer from a low-level chemical apparent disease, and the effectiveness of possible in- exposure. The recent Institute of Medicine report rec- terventions. If clinical disease is found, indicated treat- ommended the development of a new type of “single ment should be started. If further exposure can be ex- access point” information source, modeled after poison pected to exacerbate the disease process, the patient control centers, to provide medical practitioners with should be advised to take steps to eliminate the exposure. clinically pertinent information on widely varying envi- Counseling should always address specific questions the ronmental agents (2). The Institute is currently devel- patient raises about environmental exposures. The patient oping this concept further. should be informed about the extent and quality of the Without a single access point, physicians should be- scientific evidence supporting the perceived hazard. If the come familiar with the referral and information sources patient is incurring an exposure that the available data in their communities, as these sources vary by geo- suggest is associated with a health risk, the patient should graphic area. They include academic medical centers be counseled according to the guidelines described below.

15 December 1990 l Annds of lnternul Medicine l Volume 113 - Number 12 977 The recently publicized controversy over Alar in ap- recognize patients for whom counseling about risks ples illustrates the role of the physician (34, 35). At one posed by environmental agents is indicated and should point, the public heard strikingly contradictory views refer the patient appropriately if such counseling is out- about the product’s safety from experts representing the side the physician’s sphere of competence. product’s manufacturer, U.S. government agencies, and environmental groups. Physicians who are knowledge- Interactions with Public Health Officials able about this issue could counsel their patients, help- ing them to understand better the nature of the hazard, Although a clinician may be able to deal successfully its possible magnitude in relation to other risks to which with a patient presenting with a complaint related to an many persons are exposed daily, and the reasons for environmental exposure, he or she may not be in the disagreement among experts (see Appendix I). best position to influence the environmental conditions Asymptomatic patients who have had exposure to an that led to the complaint. In this sort of circumstance, agent that poses a substantial risk for adverse health it may be more effective for the physician to pursue the effects but who do not yet show those effects should matter further through colleagues working in public nevertheless be counseled about their risk. The patient health. Physicians should recognize that working through should be advised of the risk, how he or she might such contacts provides opportunities to prevent adverse reduce or eliminate the exposure, and the likely results health effects in other patients with similar exposures. of reducing or eliminating the exposure. For example, a The capacity of federal, state, and local public health person with past or current exposure to asbestos should agencies to respond to environmental hazards has in- be firmly and convincingly counseled against cigarette creased substantially over the past decade. Moreover, smoking because of its multiplicative effect on the pa- increasingly strong links are being forged between pub- tient’s already increased risk for lung cancer. lic health and environmental agencies. These links en- How best to express risk to an individual patient is a hance effectiveness by allying public health expertise in difficult and largely unexplored question. Options in- identifying and assessing potential hazards with the ex- clude , attributable risk, lifetime risk, and pertise of environmental professionals (including scien- years of expected life lost. Nevertheless, a quantitative tists, engineers, lawyers, and technicians) who are re- perception of a health risk may be crucial to a patient’s sponsible for planning and implementing remedial action decision about how he or she will deal with that risk. to ameliorate adverse environmental conditions. For example, the patient may have to balance the Public health professionals can help clinicians in sev- health benefits of leaving an occupation involving some eral ways. These professionals may be sources of infor- hazardous exposure with the economic hardship that mation in the clinical management of particular patients might result. Thus, where data are sufficient, a physi- with environmentally caused or potentially environmen- cian’s discussion of health risks should be in quantita- tally caused illness. They may also be able to provide tive or semiquantitative terms. The full range of options essential guidance in distinguishing “clear-cut” from for reducing a hazardous exposure should be discussed, “potential” environmental hazards. along with “lifestyle” factors that increase risk. In the Public health officials may also benefit from closer example cited, advising a patient to quit a job before interaction with clinicians on environment-related is- other remedies (such as exposure reduction, job reloca- sues. Current surveillance activities conducted by pub- tion, legal or regulatory action) had been explored lic health officials are insufficient to monitor most envi- would be inappropriate. ronmentally caused disease. In many cases, the sole The importance of effective risk communication is means of identifying an important environmental public illustrated by the case of a park in Seattle that was health problem may be through clinicians’ reports. A re- closed in 1984 because of concern about pollutants in cent example is practitioners’ recognition of the eosino- the soil. (The park had been built on the site of a former philia-myalgia syndrome and its apparent association with coal gasification plant.) A panel of experts concluded the ingestion of L-tryptophan-containing products (55, that the annual inhaled dose of the primary carcinogen 56). Primary care physicians should realize the impor- (benzo-a-pyrene) was 5.1 pgly, assuming a “worst tance of reports of associations between exposures and case” scenario for exposure. The panel compared this disease and should work closely with public health pro- amount with the annual dose of the same carcinogen fessionals in identifying new potential hazards. from breathing the air in Detroit (4.9 pgly) and from sitting for approximately 6 hours per week in a room Conclusion filled with cigarette smoke (35.8 pg/y), and recom- mended that the park be re-opened (54). Whenever pos- The internist’s role in occupational and environmental sible, physicians should use these kinds of characteriza- medicine is evolving as much as the discipline itself. tions to counsel their patients about health risks. Internists should begin to develop paradigms for patient It is unlikely that all physicians involved in primary care and risk counseling in environmental issues. The care will feel comfortable with and capable of providing American College of Physicians recommends that: comprehensive evaluation, treatment, and counseling 1. Medical training at all levels-undergraduate, post- about environmental exposures, as described above. graduate, and continuing education-places increased The Institute of Medicine report suggests that, as a emphasis on topics that are relevant to occupational and minimum, primary care physicians be able to identify environmental medicine. illness related to environmental agents (2). To that rec- 2. Physicians routinely evaluate patients’ environmen- ommendation, we add that physicians should learn to tal exposures in the context of the diagnostic interview.

978 15 December 1990 - Annuls of Internal Medicine l Volume 113 l Number 12 The College urges all internists to maintain and update References their knowledge in this area and to integrate this knowl- 1. U.S. Department of Health and . Heulthy People: edge into their practices. Internists should clarify scien- The Surgeon Genertrl’s Report on He&h Promotion and Disecrse Prevention. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office; 1979: tific and media information that is of concern to their DHEW publication no. (PHS) 79-55071. patients or refer patients to appropriate sources. 2. Institute of Mediclne. Role of the Primcwy Cure Physician in Occu- 3. Physicians work constructively with public health pcrtioncd and Environmenlrrl Medicine. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1988. authorities and other professionals in addressing envi- 3. American College of Physicians. Clinical ecology. Ann Intern Med. ronmental hazards in the community and in the work- 1989;111:168-78. place. 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Association of American Medical Colleges. 1989-1990 lifetime risk of I in 100 000 or I in 1 000 000 (IO-’ or 10eh) is AAMC Curric- often the maximum risk that is considered acceptable, partic- ulum Direcfory. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges; 1989. ularly for severe illness such as malignant tumors (32, 33). 24. American Council for Graduate Medical Education. Special require- Risk assessments are useful as guides in the formulation of ments for training programs in internal medicine. In: 1990-91 Direc- public , as in the setting of exposure limits. To tory of Graducrfe Medical Education Progrcrms. Chicago: American some extent, they may also aid practitioners in counseling Medical Association; 1989:47-53. patients about specific environmental hazards, but their current 25. Kannerstein M, Churg J, McCaughey E, Selikoff IJ. Pathogenic usefulness in this regard is limited by the uncertainties in- effects of asbestos. Arch Pnthol Lab Med. 1977;101:623-8. volved in their calculation, the varying tolerance of individual 26. Doll R. Effects of exposure to vinyl chloride. An assessment of the patients for different levels of risk, and the fact that some evidence. Srrrn J Work Environ He&h. 1988;14:61-78. 27. Austin H, Delzell E, Cole P. Benzene and leukemia. A review of the patients clearly do not tit the assumptions on which the risk literature and a risk assessment. Am J Epidemiol. l988;127:419-39. calculations were based. For example, a calculated lifetime 28. Banks DE, Botcher BT, Salvaggio JE. Isocyants-induced respiratory cancer risk based on the assumption of a constantly adminis- disease. Ann Allergy. 1986;57:389-96. tered dose over a 70-year lifespan is clearly inapplicable to the 29. Falk H, Telles NC, Tshak RG, Thomas LB, Popper H. Epidemiology situation of a 65-year-old patient whose exposure to an agent of thorotrast-induced hepatic angiosarcoma in the United States. began 6 years ago, particularly if the long latent period be- Environ RPS. 19?9;18:65-73. tween carcinogen exposure and disease (often 20 years or 30. Einslein K. An overview of structure-activity relationships as an more) is considered. More generally, a person’s risk from a alternative to testing in animals for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, dermal and eye irritation, and acute oral toxicity. Toxicol Ind potentially carcinogenic exposure may vary with sex, genetic He&h. 1988;4:479-98. predisposition, and age as well as with the length and intensity 31. Carter RL. Carcinogenicity of chemicals. The weight of the evi- of exposure (58-60). dence. Hum Toxicol. 1988;7:41 l-8. Appendices 2 und 3 CIWfound on pages 980 and 981. 32. U.S. Interagency Staff Group on Carcinogens. Chemical carcinogens.

I5 December 1990 l Annals of Inter& Medicine l Volume 113 l Number I2 979 A review of the science and its associated principles. Enr’irwr 41. Kizer KH, Warriner TE, Book SA. Sound science in the implemen- Nectlrk Perqmt. 1986;67:201-82. tation of public policy. A case report on California’s Proposition 65. 33. National Research Council. Mnnctgirtg t/w Process: Risk Assesrrnent JAMA. 1988:260:951-5. Peters JM. The occupational and environmental in r/w Frded Go~wwmwt. Washington, DC: National Academy 42. Goldman RM, health history. JAMA. I981:246:2831-6. Press: 1983. 43. Occupational and Environmental Health Committee of the American 34. Natural Resources Defense Council. I~riolwohle Risk: Pcsticidrs in Lung Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties (San Diego, our Childrrn’s Food. New York: Natural Resources Defense Coun- California). Taking the occupational history. Am fnrwn Med. 1983; cil: 1989. 99:641-51. Roberts L. Alar: the numbers game. Scirnw. 1989:243:1430. 35. 44. Knishkowy B, Baker El,. Transmission of lo 36. Rotenberg SL. Environmental health issues. In: Cassens BJ. ed. family contacts. Am J Id Md. 1986;9:543-50. Pwwntiw Medicine nrd Pddic ffdth. New York: Wiley; 1987:261. 45. Gosselin RE, Hedge HC, Smith RP. Chid Tmidogy of Cotnrnw- 37. Krenzeluk EP, Dean BS. Hazardous Substance Center. A poison da/ Prodrrcts. 5th ed. Baltimore, Maryland: Williams & Wilkins: center’s workers’ right lo know program. Vet Hum Toxicol. 1988: 1984. 30: 18.20. 46. National Research Council. Drirlkitlg Water wrd Hen/t/~. v. l-8. Himmelstein JS, Frumkin H. The light lo know about toxic expo- Washington. DC: National Academy Press: 1977-1987. sures. Implications for physicians. N Eqel _I Med. 1985:312:687-90. 47. Sittig M. fftrdhook of 7imic ortd Nazordot,rrs Cher?~icn/s crnd Cor- Alexiou NG. Florida’s right-to-know law. fhidn Scimw. 1986:49: cim+yrm. 2d ed. Park Ridge, New Jersey: Noyes Data Carp: 1985. 162-7. Oleinick A, Fodor W.J, Susselman MM. for haz- ardous chemicals. OSHA’s hazard communication standard and -._ ...... _ I I-

Job Categories Exposures Possible Diseases

Agricultural workers Pesticides, infectious agents, gases, sunlight Pesticide poisoning, “farmers’ lung,” skin cancer Anesthetists Anesthetic gases Reproductive effects, cancer Animal handlers Infectious agents, allergens Asthma Automobile workers Asbestos, plastics, lead, solvents , dermatitis Bakers Flour Asthma Battery makers Lead, arsenic , cancer Butchers Vinyl plastic fumes “Meat wrappers’ asthma” Caisson workers Pressurized work environments “Caisson disease,” “the bends” Carpenters Wood dust, wood preservatives, adhesives Nasopharyngeal cancer, dermatitis Cement workers Cement dust, metals Dermatitis, bronchitis Ceramic workers Talc, clays Demolition workers Asbestos, wood dust Asbestosis Drug manufacturers Hormones, nitroglycerin, etc. Reproductive effects Dry cleaners Solvents , dermatitis Dye workers Dyestuffs, metals, solvents Bladder cancer, dermatitis Embalmers Formaldehyde, infectious agents Dermatitis Felt makers . polycyclic hydrocarbons Mercuralism Foundry workers Silica, molten metals Glass workers Heat, solvents, metal powders Cataracts workers Infectious agents, cleansers, radiation , accidents Insulators Asbestos, fibrous glass Asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelidma Jack hammer operators Vibration Raynaud phenomenon Lathe operators Metal dusts, cutting oils Lung disease, cancer Laundry workers Bleaches, soaps, alkalis Dermatitis Lead burners Lead Lead poisoning Miners (coal, hard rock, metals, etc.) Talc, radiation, metals, coal dust, silica Pneumoconiosis, lung cancer Natural gas workers Polycyclic hydrocarbons Lung cancer Nuclear workers Radiation, plutonium Metal poisoning, cancer Office workers Poor lighting, poorly designed equipment Joint problems. eye problems Painters Paints, solvents, spackling compounds Neurologic problems Paper makers Acids, alkalis, solvents, metals Lung disorders, dermatitis Petroleum workers Polycyclic hydrocarbons, catalysts, zeolites Cancer, pneumoconiosis Plumbers Lead, solvents, asbestos Lead poisoning Railroad workers Creosote, sunlight, oils, solvents Cancer, dermatitis Seamen Sunlight, asbestos Cancer, accidents Smelter workers Metals, heat, sulfur dioxide, arsenic Cancer Steel workers Heat, metals, silica Cataracts, heat stroke Stone cutters Silica Silicosis Textile workers Cotton dust, fabrics, finishers, dyes, carbon disulfide , dermatitis, psychosis Varnish makers Solvents, waxes \ Dermatitis Vineyard workers Arsenic, pesticides Cancer, dermatitis Welders Fumes, nonionizing radiation Lead poisoning, cataracts

* Reprinted with permission from Rom WN, ed. Envirormerttd cd Occrcpationd Mcdihe. Boston: Little. Brown; 1983.

980 I5 December 1990 - Anntrls of IntemcrlMedicine * Volume I I3 l Number I2 Appendix 3. Occ~cp~~tion~~lIEnvironrnental History Form” Identification Name: Social Security Address: Sex: M F Birthday: Telephone: home work Occupational Profile Fill in the table below listing all jobs at which you have worked, including short-term, seasonal, and part-time employment. Start with your present job and go back to the first. Use additional paper if necessary.

Wet-kplace Dates worked Did you work Type of Describe your Known health Protective Were you ever off (Employer’s name and full time? industry job duties hazards in equipment used? work for a health address or city) (describe) workplace (dusts, problem or injury? From To solvents, etc.)

Occupational Exposure Inventory I. Please describe any health problems or injuries you have experienced connected with your present or past jobs: 2. Have any of your co-workers also experienced health problems or injuries connected with the same job: . . No Yes If yes, please describe: 3. Do you or have you ever smoked cigarettes, cigars, or pipes? ...... _...._...... No Yes If so, which and how many per day: 4. Do you smoke while on the job, as a general rule? . . . .._._...._...... _...... _...... No Yes 5. Do you have any or allergic conditions’? ...... __...... No Yes If so, please describe: 6. Have you ever worked with any substance which caused you to break out in a rash‘? _...... No Yes If so, please describe your reaction and name the substance: 7. Have you ever been off work for more than a day because of an illness or injury related to work? . . No Yes 8. Have you ever worked at a job which caused you trouble breathing, such as cough, shortness of wind, wheezing’? ...... _...... No Yes If so, please describe: 9. Have you ever changed jobs or work assignments because of any health problems or injuries? ...... No Yes IO. Do you frequently experience pain or discomfort in your lower back or have you been under a doctor’s care for back problems? ...... _..._...... _...... No Yes If so, please describe: 11. Have you ever worked at a job or hobby in which you came into direct contact with any of the following substances by breathing, touching, or direct exposure? If so, please check the box beside the substance.

0 Acids 0 Beryllium 0 Chromates 0 Heat (severe) 0 Nickel 0 Radiation Cl Trichloroethylene 0 Alcohols 0 Cadmium 0 Coal dust 0 0 Noise (loud) 0 Rock dust 0 Trinitrotoluene (industrial) 0 Carbon Cl Cold (severe) 0 Ketones 0 PBBs 0 Silica powder 0 Vibration 0 Alkalis tetrachloride 0 Dichlorobenzene 0 Lead 0 PCBs 0 Solvents 0 Vinyl chloride 0 Ammonia 0 Chlorinated 0 Ethylene dibromide 0 Manganese 0 Perchloroethylene 0 Styrene 0 Welding fumes 0 Arsenic naphathalenes 0 Ethylene dichloride 0 Mercury Cl Pesticides 0 Talc 0 x-rays CJ Asbestos 0 Chloroform •i Fiberglass 0 Methylene 0 Phenol 0 Toluene n Benzene 0 Chloroprene 0 Halothane chloride 0 Phosgene 0 TDI or MD1

If you have answered “yes” to any of the above, please describe your exposure on a separate sheet of paper. Environmental History I. Have you ever changed your residence or home because of a health problem? ...... No Yes If so, please describe: 2. Do you live next door to or very near an industrial plant? ...... No Yes If so, please describe: 3. Do you have a hobby or craft which you do at home‘? . .._...... No Yes If so, please describe: 4. Does your spouse or any other household member have contact with dusts or chemicals at work or during leisure activities’? ...... No Yes If so, please describe: 5. Do you use pesticides around your home or garden’? ...... No Yes If so, please describe: 6. Which of the following do you have in your home? (Please check those that apply.) q Air conditioner 0 Air purifier 0 Humidifier 0 Gas stove 0 Electric stove 0 Fireplace 0 Central heating

* Adapted from reference 43.

I5 December 1990 l Annuls ofInternu/ Medicine l Volume II3 - Number 12 981 48. Windholz M, ed. Merck Index: An Ewyclopcdio of Chcmicrds and of the Comrnrrniry us Potimr Workshop. Rockville, Maryland: Drugs. 10th ed. Rahway, New Jersey: Merck and Company; 1983. Technical Resources. Inc.; 1986. 49. Clayton CD, Clayton FE, eds. Pntry’s Indusrriol cmd Tox- 55. Hertzman PA, Blevins WI,, Mayer J, Greenfield B, Ting M, Gleich icology. 3d ed. New York: Wiley; 1985. CJ. Association of the eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome with the in- 50. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Rqisrry of gestion of tryptophan. N E~IK/ J Med. 1990;322:869-73. Toxic Effects of Chemical Suh.~rrrnces, 1985-86. Washington, DC: 56. Eidson M, Philen RM, Sewell CM, Voorhees R, Kilhourne EM. Government Printing Office; 1988. L-tryptophan and eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome in New Mexico. 51. Arena JM, Drew RH, eds. Poisoning. 5th ed. Springfield, Illinois: Larzcet. 1990;335:645-8. Charles C. Thomas; 1986. 57. Karatadt M. Quantitative risk assessment. Qualms and questions. 52. Deck KS, Bonzo SE. Environmenrol Health and Toxicology~y: A Eih- Ternfogenesis Cnrcitrox Mufngrrt. 1988;s: 137-52. liogrclphy of Printed Information Sortrces. Atlanta: Centers for Dis- 58. Russo J, Tay LK, Russo IH. Differentiation of the mammary gland ease Control; 1989. and susceptibility to carcinogenesis. Erertsr Cnncer Res Treat. 1982: 53. Deck KS, Bonzo SE. Some Publicly Avnilahle Sowces of Comprrf- 2~5.73. erized Irlformnrion on Environtnetrtnl Heolrh nnd Toxicology. At- 59. Nebert DW. Pharmacogenetics and human cancer. IARC Sci Pub/. lanta: Centers for Disease Control; 1989. 1982:39:365-80. 54. Rosenstock L. Management of the community impact of an environ- 60. Armenian HK. Incubation periods of cancer: old and new. J mental hazard: a case study in Seattle, Washington. In: Proceedings Chronic Dis. 1987;4O(Suppl 2):9S-15s.