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Subscriber access provided by Caltech Library Article hydroxide–catalyzed C(sp)–H bond silylation Anton Toutov, Kerry Betz, David Phillip Schuman, Wen- bo Liu, Alexey Fedorov, Brian M. Stoltz, and Robert H. Grubbs J. Am. Chem. Soc., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b12114 • Publication Date (Web): 27 Dec 2016 Downloaded from http://pubs.acs.org on January 3, 2017

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Journal of the American Chemical Society is published by the American Chemical Society. 1155 Sixteenth Street N.W., Washington, DC 20036 Published by American Chemical Society. Copyright © American Chemical Society. However, no copyright claim is made to original U.S. Government works, or works produced by employees of any Commonwealth realm Crown government in the course of their duties. Page 1 of 7 Journal of the American Chemical Society

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Alkali –catalyzed C(sp)–H bond silylation 8 † † 9 Anton A. Toutov,1 Kerry N. Betz,1 David P. Schuman,1 Wen-Bo Liu,1 Alexey Fedorov,1§ Brian M. Stoltz1* 10 & Robert H. Grubbs1* 11 12 1Division of and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 91125, USA 13 Supporting Information Placeholder 14 15 ABSTRACT: Disclosed is a mild, scalable, and chemoselective cat- temperatures (i.e., 80–120 °C), severely lowering the practical utility 16 alytic cross-dehydrogenative C–H bond functionalization protocol of these strong –catalyzed methods. Moreover, basic function- 17 for the construction of C(sp)–Si bonds in a single step. The scope of alities such as N-heterocycles and aliphatic have been absent 18 the alkyne and hydrosilane partners is substantial, providing an en- in all of the aforementioned reports, likely owing to the necessity for 19 try point into various organosilane building blocks and additionally Lewis-acidic metal centers and/or electrophilic sources in 20 enabling the discovery of a number of novel synthetic strategies. Re- 21 markably, the optimal catalysts are NaOH and KOH. Scheme 1. Approaches to C–H silylation of alkynes 22 23 Introduction. 24 The catalytic transformation of C–H bonds into a variety of useful 25 functional groups has revolutionized chemical synthesis.1 However, 26 the necessity of precious metal catalysts for these transformations 27 remains a fundamental and longstanding limitation.2 With the aim 28 of developing a suite of new methods for powerful, sustainable, and 29 cost-effective chemical synthesis, we became interested in the use 30 of Earth-abundant metal salts for catalytic cross-dehydrogenative 31 C–H bond functionalization reactions.3 Toward this end, we re- 2 32 cently reported the direct C(sp )–H silylation of aromatic heterocy- cles with hydrosilanes using catalytic potassium tert-butoxide (KOt- 33 4 34 Bu). Building upon this concept, we sought to evaluate alkali metal salts as catalysts for the preparation of alkynylsilanes. These im- 35 portant building blocks are used in the construction of electronically 36 and structurally interesting materials,5 employed as substrates in 37 6 7 metathesis reactions and cycloadditions, and as precursors to het- 38 erocycles8 and polycyclic aromatic frameworks.9 Moreover, al- 39 kynylsilane and cross-coupling partners react under those reactions. An NHC/NaH-catalyzed protocol that is tolerant of 40 10 mild conditions and therefore are commonly utilized as versatile N-heterocycles has been reported; however, the use of CF3SiMe3 11 41 intermediates en route to complex molecules. Recently, di-tert-bu- (Ruppert–Prakash reagent) as the silicon source is a disadvantage 42 tylfluorosilyl alkynes have been proposed as a novel functionality in from the perspective of reagent stability, cost, and, in particular, 43 the development of next generation radiofluorinated positron emis- scope of the silicon partner.16 18 44 sion tomography (i.e., [ F]PET) probes with high in vivo stability for Herein, we disclose a mild, efficient, and general catalytic C(sp)–H 12 45 non-invasive biomedical imaging applications. 46 Strategies for the synthesis of alkynylsilanes have employed Table 1. Reaction discovery and catalyst evaluationa 47 strong bases (Scheme 1a, Route A)13 or have relied on stoichio- 14 15 48 metric or catalytic species (Scheme 1a, Route B) 49 and typically use various pre-activated organosilicon coupling part- 13a,b;14a,b 15f 14c 13d 15c 50 ners such as [Si–Cl], [Si–I], [Si–NR2], [Si–Si], [Si–OTf]. 51 Inexpensive and convenient hydrosilanes have been investigated for C(sp)–H silylation;13c–e,g,15a,b,d,f however, the requisite in situ Si–H 52 bond activation has thus far necessitated additional exogenous ba- 53 ses,15b,d sacrificial acceptors15f or external oxidants,15a,d and 54 elevated temperatures.13c,d,e,15d,f Moreover, undesired hydrosilylation 55 of the alkyne can be competitive,15a,d,f further complicating catalyst 56 and reaction design. Interestingly, highly basic species such as 13c,e,f 13g 13c,e 13c 13c 57 MgO, KNH2/Al2O3, LiAlH4, n-BuLi, and even 58 have shown some catalytic activity in the dehydrocoupling of hy- a Reactions were conducted on 0.5 mmol scale with 0.5 mL solvent at the prescribed 59 drosilanes and alkynes. However, these reports are limited to only a temperature. DME = 1,2-dimethoxyethane. Entries 1–5, 8: yields determined by GC-FID 60 handful of unfunctionalized examples, the reactions give modest analysis with tridecane as an internal standard; entries 6,7: yields of analytically pure yields and selectivities, and the chemistry typically requires elevated isolated materials. Reaction does not proceed without catalyst. ACS Paragon Plus Environment Journal of the American Chemical Society Page 2 of 7

1 bond silylation of unprecedented scope. The method avoids the fun- providing a point of entry into novel alkynylsilyl [18F]PET radiophar- 2 12 damental limitations of previous strategies, including classical stoi- maceutical moieties. Using Me3Si–SiHMe2 as a polysilane model 3 chiometric and catalytic transition metal–catalyzed compound and subjecting it to our cross-dehydrogenative silylation 4 approaches, and uses readily available KOH or NaOH as the optimal at ambient temperature gave 2l in 95% yield, providing a new syn- 5 catalysts (Scheme 1b). thetic strategy for the construction of advanced polysilane materi- 6 als.19 To the best of our knowledge, this is the most diverse scope of 7 Results and Discussion. hydrosilanes reported to date for any single catalytic C–H silylation 8 We initiated investigations with the silylation of alkyne 1 using system. The scope of the alkyne coupling partner was likewise sub- 2 stantial, affording products containing electron-rich and electron- 9 Et3SiH under our previously reported KOt-Bu-catalyzed C(sp )–H si- 10 lylation conditions4a–c and gratifyingly observed alkynylsilane 2a in deficient aryl (4a–j), heteroaryl (4k–m), ferrocenyl (4n), and alkyl 11 good yield; however, along with 9% of undesired alkyne migration (4o–y) groups (Scheme 3). Substrates containing sensitive func- 12 product 1-iso (Scheme 2, entry 1).17 NaOt-Bu (entry 2) and LiOt-Bu tional groups such as aryl halides (4b–d), an alkyl chloride (4v), and 13 (entry 3) show poor reactivity, and pyridine (entry 4) gives no reac- a cyclopropane (4r) are tolerated without any undesired side reac- 14 tion. KOH is superior to KOt-Bu (entry 5), generating the desired tions. Molecules bearing acidic functionalities such as propargyla- 15 product in 95% yield with decreased quantities (3%) of the unde- mines and propargyl also react well, providing 4w and bis- silylated 4x20 respectively in high yields. Unprecedented catalytic 16 sired 1-iso. Moving from Et3SiH to PhMe2SiH permits the reaction cross-dehydrogenative silylation of N-heterocyclic systems, such as 17 to occur at ambient temperature while still maintaining high yield those substrates containing an imidazole and a pyridine, are also 18 (entry 6). In sharp contrast to our previously reported heteroarene 2 successful affording the corresponding silylated building blocks 4k 19 C(sp )–H silylation protocol wherein the catalyst was essentially limited to KOt-Bu,4a–c the ideal catalysts for the C(sp)–H silylation 20 a were KOH and NaOH affording 2b in 89% and 93% yield respec- Scheme 3. Scope of the alkyne partner 21 tively (entries 6 & 7). By contrast, LiOH (entry 8) does not catalyze 22 the reaction. 23 We next proceeded to evaluate the scope of the hydrosilane part- 24 ner (Scheme 2) and found that alkyl- and phenyl-substituted hy- 25 drosilanes of varying steric demand readily undergo coupling 26 providing alkynylsilanes 2a–d in high yields. The mild conditions of 27 this reaction enabled the facile preparation of alkynylsilanes con- 28 taining synthetically versatile - (2e and 2f), benzyldimethyl- 29 (2g), triisopropyl- (2h), and even triethoxy- (2i) and 2-dialkylpyridyl 30 (2j and 2k) moieties in good yield. Currently, alkynylsilylpyridines 31 are prepared using stoichiometric organometallic methods, which 32 intrinsically limits the substrate scope;18 however, alkynyl dime- 33 thylsilylpyridines such as 2k can be advanced to di-, tri-, and tetra- 34 substituted olefins by sequential transition metal-catalyzed proto- 35 cols making them valuable C(sp)–Si functionalities that, given their 36 remarkable versatility, have to this point been seemingly un- derused.18 The bulky di-tert-butylsilane could also be introduced for 37 the first time by catalytic C–H silylation yielding 2f in excellent yield, 38

39 Scheme 2. Scope of the hydrosilanea,b 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

57 a a Reactions were conducted on 0.5 mmol scale with 0.5 mL of solvent at the prescribed Reactions were conducted on 0.5 mmol scale with 0.5 mL of solvent for 24 or 48 h at b 58 temperature. bReactions are run for 48 h, except 24 h for 2c and 2e. the prescribed temperature. Yields are of analytically pure isolated products. 96 h for c 59 4c. 72 h for 4l. [Si] = PhMe2Si. 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Page 3 of 7 Journal of the American Chemical Society

1 Scheme 4. Novel applications enabled by –catalyzed C(sp)–H silylationa 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 a Reactions were conducted on 0.5 mmol scale with 0.5 mL of solvent at the prescribed temperature unless otherwise stated and yields are of analytically pure isolated materials. See SI for optimization and detailed experimental conditions. b For 7a–7c M = K; for 7d and 7e: M = Na. See SI for specific conditions. c MAO = monoamine 42 oxidase. d <5% of Si–O product was detected. 43 44 and 4m without any observed Minisci-type reactivity. Substrates Synthetic utility of the products. 45 containing C–H bonds that are susceptible to our KOt-Bu-catalyzed We next proceeded to investigate novel applications of our catalytic 46 silylation,4a–c or those that could be engaged under a variety of other method. Symmetrical aliphatic or aromatic diynes can either un- 47 C–H functionalization chemistries react specifically at the terminal dergo bis-functionalization (Scheme 4a) to yield 5b and 6b or can 48 alkyne C–H bond. Thus, alkynylsilane products bearing toluene (4f), undergo catalytic mono-silylation to yield valuable desymmetrized 49 anisole (4g), thiophene (4l and 4y), propargyl ether (4q), and phe- building blocks 5a and 6a by using an excess of substrate (see Sup- 50 nylethyl (4t) moieties could be readily accessed. In particular, elec- plementary Information). Hydroxide-catalyzed silylation followed 51 tron-rich systems are excellent substrates and undergo the desired by treatment with a borane (i.e., HBPin) to a one-pot catalytic 52 C(sp)–H silylation to furnish alkynylsilanes containing aniline (4e), geminal di-functionalization of terminal alkynes (Scheme 4b). This 53 dimethoxy benzene (4h), and ferrocene (4n) fragments without any protocol gives access to tri-substituted olefins 7a–e containing both 54 byproducts derived from electrophilic silylation. The reaction scales a vinyl C–Si and C–B bond as a single olefin isomer from inexpen- well as demonstrated by the production of 19 grams of 4s using 1.5 55 sive, commercially available materials. Combinations of both alkyl- molar equivalents of the hydrosilane. and aryl-substituted silanes and alkynes are amenable to this reac- 56 57 tion, though instability in some of the products has been observed during purification, resulting in decreased yields despite high con- 58 versions.21 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Journal of the American Chemical Society Page 4 of 7

1 Sila-drug analogues in some cases demonstrate improved phar- Neither additive completely thwarted the alkyne C–H silylation: 2 macokinetic properties relative to the corresponding all-carbon TEMPO did not inhibit the reaction at 10% loading but lowered the 3 compounds and are garnering increased attention from medicinal silylation yield at 300% loading; the addition of 10 mol% galvinoxyl 4 chemists.22 To evaluate our method for late-stage C–H silylation ap- almost completely inhibited the reaction (Scheme 1). Although 5 plications, we subjected the monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor these stable radical reagents could decrease the yield of the 6 pargyline, the estrogen prodrug mestranol, and third-generation ethynylsilane 2a, these data certainly cannot conclude whether the 7 oral contraceptive desogestrel to the catalytic silylation conditions, reaction is anionic in nature or whether it proceeds via single elec- 8 successfully providing novel sila-drug analogues 8, 9, and 10 respec- tron species. One can only conclude that galvinoxyl and TEMPO do 9 tively (Scheme 4c). inhibit the reaction and that the former is a more effective inhibitor. 10 Si-tethered diynes have a rich history in organometallic chemistry We also studied the effect of potassium and sodium chelating 11 and organic synthesis.23 They can be readily advanced to substituted agents in the silylation reaction to investigate the importance of the 12 arenes, enones, dienes, and aromatic N-heterocycles as well as si- cation in the . When 18-crown-6 and 15-crown-5 were added 8b,23,24 13 loles, polysiloles or silole-heterocycle co-polymers. However, to reactions using KOH and NaOH as the catalysts respectively, 14 synthesis in general remains challenging and no stoichiometric or quantitative silylation was still observed when using triethylsilane 15 catalytic methodology for the direct preparation of unsymmetrical as the silicon partner, suggesting either that ineffective chelation of variants has been reported. Using the title silylation methodology, the metal had occurred or that the cation was not necessary to 16 symmetrical alkyl- (11a and 11b) and aryl-substituted (11c) variants the reactivity in this particular case (Scheme 6a). 17 could be readily accessed (Scheme 4d). This strategy also enabled an However, in the case of triethoxysilane, the addition of the che- 18 unprecedented unsymmetrical coupling affording variants 12a and lating agent shut down reactivity, suggesting that the sodium ion is 19 12b containing aliphatic, aromatic, and heteroaromatic substituents 20 (see Supplementary Information). Table 2. Comparison of reactivity between KOt-Bu and metal 21 hydroxide catalysts a 22 Preliminary mechanistic considerations. 23 A number of mechanisms for the C(sp)–H silylation reaction occur- 24 ring under various conditions with different catalyst systems have 25 been proposed;13,14a,15b–f,16 however, the mechanistic details of this al- 26 kali metal hydroxide–catalyzed dehydrosilylation are not well un- 27 derstood at this point. Nevertheless, a number of experiments were 28 conducted to gain insight into the underlying manifolds involved. 29 As a first investigation, we conducted our reaction in the presence 30 of the radical traps TEMPO and galvinoxyl (Scheme 5). 31 a 32 Scheme 5. Influence of radical scavengers 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 a Reactions were conducted on 0.5 mmol scale with 0.5 mL of solvent at the prescribed 42 temperature and for the prescribed length of time. Yields are determined by GC analy- 43 sis using tridecane as an internal standard. 44 a 45 Scheme 6. Impact of of alkali metal ion chelators 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 a Reactions were conducted on 0.5 mmol scale with 0.5 mL of solvent for 24 or 48 h at a Reactions were conducted on 0.5 mmol scale with 0.5 mL of solvent at the prescribed the prescribed temperature. Yields are of analytically pure isolated products. b 96 h for 57 c temperature and for the prescribed length of time. Yields are determined by GC analy- 4c. 72 h for 4l. [Si] = PhMe2Si. 58 sis using tridecane as an internal standard. 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Page 5 of 7 Journal of the American Chemical Society

1 indeed necessary for the silylation of alkynes with this particular reported cross-dehydrogenative C–H silylation of aromatic hetero- 2 silane (Scheme 6b). In this case, the only product when crown ethers cycles and showed good reactivity for the title reaction (Table 1),4a–c 3 are added is (EtO)4Si, which indicates that sequestration of the al- and KOH and NaOH, which are exceptional catalysts for the silyla- 4 kali metal cation from the system shuts down the productive C–H tion of C(sp)–H bonds in this report. 5 silylation pathway and induces disproportionation of the silane. To perform this comparison, several alkyne substrates and silanes 6 While the counterion effect is pronounced in this case and also in a were subjected to the reaction using KOt-Bu as a catalyst, with the 7 number of others (see Table 2 and Table 3), the exact role of the corresponding NaOH-catalyzed reaction performed in parallel. In 8 counterion remains an active area of research for this methodology. the reaction of cyclohexylpropyne 1 with triethylsilane, KOt-Bu suc- 9 cessfully produced the silylated alkyne in moderate yield (recall Ta- 10 Table 3. Comparison of reactivity between NaOH and KOH cat- ble 1, entry 1). However, in virtually all other investigated cases, KOt- 11 alysts. a Bu failed to convert the starting material or produced only trace 12 quantities of the desired dehydrocoupling product (Table 2). These 13 data were striking and unanticipated and suggest that the acetylinic 14 silylation described in this report and the heterocyclic silylation de- 15 scribed previously require different catalysts and very well may pro- ceed via distinct mechanisms. These results also suggest that cata- 16 lysts that do not lie within an optimal pKa range – whether too basic 17 or not basic enough – perform poorly; this in turn may explain why 18 the superbase-catalyzed (i.e., MgO, KNH2/Al2O3, LiAlH4, n-BuLi, 19 metal ) protocols discussed in the introduction13c–f have suf- 20 fered from such poor substrate scope. 21 Next, we were interested in directly comparing the reactivity of 22 NaOH and KOH in the dehydrosilylation since during our evalua- 23 tion of the hydrosilane scope (Scheme 2) we had observed that de- 24 pending on the nature of the hydrosilane employed, either NaOH or 25 KOH was preferred. In order to conduct a more detailed study of 26 this phenomenon, we subjected a variety of hydrosilanes and alkyne 27 substrates to the standard reaction conditions employing NaOH 28 and KOH as the catalysts in parallel. These data, which are pre- 29 sented in Table 3, clearly demonstrate the marked difference in the 30 reactivity of the substrates presented depending on the choice of al- 31 kali hydroxide employed. However, in our opinion, there appears to be no immediately discernable trend (i.e., basicity, aggregation 32 states, ) that explains the difference in the performance 33 of the two catalysts. The differences between NaOH and KOH are 34 most pronounced when using different silanes (Table 3, entries 1-6); 35 however, most substrates studied performed better using NaOH, ra- 36 ther than KOH, except for the notable cases of the steroidal deriva- 37 tives (entries 14 and 15), which displayed no silylation when using 38 NaOH. To date, the nature of this remarkable effect is unclear and 39 experimentation remains the best method to determine the optimal 40 catalyst-substrate combination. 41 In conclusion, we have disclosed an alkali metal hydroxide–cata- 42 lyzed cross-dehydrogenative C(sp)–H silylation method. The chem- 43 istry proceeds under mild conditions and enables the direct synthe- 44 sis of a wide array of useful alkynylsilanes – with high tunability in 45 both the alkyne and hydrosilane – many of which are challenging to 46 prepare by alternate means. The preliminary mechanistic studies 47 and empirical results point to a mechanism that is likely distinct from previously disclosed cross-dehydrogenative C–H silylation re- 48 actions in general, including the recently reported KOt-Bu-cata- 49 lyzed C(sp2)–H silylation of heteroarenes.4a–c Although the mecha- 50 nism currently remains elusive, it is likely that the presumed avoid- 51 ance of conventional superbase, electrophilic silylation, and C–H in- 52 a Reactions were conducted on 0.5 mmol scale with 0.5 mL of solvent for 24 or 48 h at sertion mechanisms, which have been the focus of prior strategies, 53 the prescribed temperature. Yields are of analytically pure isolated products. b 96 h for must be at least partly responsible for the title method’s unprece- c 54 4c. 72 h for 4l. [Si] = PhMe2Si. dented scope and reactivity profile. Additionally intriguing is the 55 Nevertheless, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the iden- dramatic effect of the nature of the basic catalyst on reaction out- 56 tity of the base catalyst in this dehydrocoupling is unusually im- come as evidenced by the difference in dehydrosilylation reactivity 57 portant and extends far beyond a simple consideration of basicity. between alkali metal hydroxides and KOt-Bu and between NaOH 58 For a number of substrates, we have directly compared several cat- and KOH. Detailed mechanistic studies by computational and ex- 59 alysts: KOt-Bu, which is an adept silylation catalyst in our recently perimental methods are underway. 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Journal of the American Chemical Society Page 6 of 7

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