United States Patent Office Patented Jan
2,732,410 United States Patent Office Patented Jan. 24, 1956 2 The process can be carried out in various ways. Thus, 2,732,410 the vaporized halogen fluoride can be passed, if desired PROCESS FOR PREPARNG TETRAFLUORO with an inert carrier gas such as nitrogen, argon or helium, ETHYLENE BY REACTING CARBON AND through a column of carbon heated at a temperature of A BINARY HALOGEN FLUORDE at least 1500 C. in a suitable reactor, e. g., a graphite Mark W. Farlow, Holly Oak, and Earl L. Muetterties, tube placed inside a resistance furnace or an induction Hockessin, Dei, assignors to E. I. du Post de Neois's furnace. The gaseous reaction products are then imme and Company, Wilmington, Del, a corporation of Dela diately treated, as described below, to remove any un Ware reacted halogen fluoride and any free chlorine or bromine, 0 in order to minimize or eliminate the possibility of their No Drawing. Application January 12, 1955, reacting with the tetrafluoroethylene present in the re Serial No. 481,482 action product. A preferred mode of operation consists in 4 Claims. (C. 260-653) reacting the halogen fluoride with the carbon electrodes of a carbon arc, where the temperature is estimated to be in This invention relates to a new process of preparing 15 the range of 2500 to 3500-4000 C., and again immediate compounds containing only carbon and fluorine, or car ly removing from the effluent gas any halogen fluoride and bon, fluorine and another halogen, such compounds be free reactive halogen which may be present.
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