
195 Leota Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086

January 12, 2020 of

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Sacramento OFFICE/RECTORY 408-739-8506 de Reconciliación—Confesiones): Oficina de la Iglesia/Rectoría Saturdays (Sábados): 4:00 - 4:45PM or by appointment 1133 W. Washington Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (En Español el primer Sábado de cada mes a las 4:00 - Office Hours: 4:45PM) Mondays—Closed —Friday, 8:00 - 11:30am; 1:00 - 4:30pm Rev. Vincent Pineda, ([email protected]) MARRIAGES (Matrimonios): Jill Snoeberger, Office Manager ([email protected]) Call 408-739-8506 to make an appointment at least six (6) Robert Lassalle-Klein, months in advance. Llame al 408-739-8506 para hacer una cita con seis (6) meses de anticipación.

OFFICE OF CATECHETICAL MINISTRY Oficina del Ministerio Catequetico 408-739-1669 (Bautismos): Alde Vera, Director of Religious Education ([email protected]) Call 408-739-8506 to make an appointment at least two (2) months in advance. Llame al 408-739-1669 para hacer una cita con dos (2) meses de anticipación.

EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS: (Celebraciones Eucarísticas) QUINCEAÑERAS: Weekdays (Misas Entre Semana): 7:30 AM Llame al 408-739-1669 con seis (6) meses de anticipación. Saturdays (Sábados): 5:00 PM 2nd & 4th Saturdays: 6:30PM Tamil Mass Sundays: (Domingos): ST. SOCIETY 408-212-4682 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM In English Leave a message and a volunteer will return your call within 11:30 AM in Spanish (Español) 72 hours.

WEBSITE: www.saintcyprian.org

Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the . If you haven’t registered with us, please take a few minutes to fill out one of our registration forms and place it in the collection basket or mail to the rectory. Una calurosa bienvenida a todos los que celebran con nosotros, ya sean vecinos de mucho tiempo o recien llegados a nuestra parroquia. Si no se ha registrado aqui, por favor tome unos minutos para llenar la registracion y depositela en la canasta de la colecta o enviela a la rectoria. TODAY’S MESSAGE Dear St. Family,

The Baptism of the Lord marks the last day of the Christmas season. It is a very powerful reminder that baptism is both a beginning and a mission. This we have received when we were baptized – that we are priests, called to be holy; , called to be proclaimers; and kings, called to be servant-leaders.

The baptism of was another “epiphany,” or divine manifestation that He was the one sent by that He has come “to serve and not to be served.” (Mt 20:28) The model of our baptism is none other than Jesus the Lord. Though Jesus did not need baptism to remove sins, since He was sinless, nor to establish a relationship with God, since He is one with Him from , Jesus went through the humble gesture of baptism like the rest of the people around . Why? The answer is simple: to identify himself as God’s Son so that His mission could begin.

In Baptism, we are also identified as children of the Father and brothers and sisters of Jesus and filled with God’s Spirit. In baptism, like Jesus, we have been entrusted a relationship with God and a task to perform for the world that awaits our love.

Let us always remind one another of our Christian identity and dignity as beloved sons and daughters of our most loving and compassionate God. Let us continue to live fully our baptism patterned to the very baptism of our Lord and , Jesus .

Christmas Blessings, Fr. Vincent

MASS INTENTIONS PREVENTING THE SPREAD OF We have lots of openings for Mass Intentions in 2020. If COLDS & FLU you have multiple requests, please submit your requests IN At the request of the Public Health Officer of Santa Clara WRITING to the rectory or through email at County, Cantu has instructed us to make the [email protected]. The donation for Mass Intentions following temporary changes in our liturgies: remains at $10.00. Call Jill at 408-739-8506 with any —Holy Communion will not be shared under the form of questions. Consecrated Wine. —Holy Communion will be distributed only into the hands of the person receiving. It will not be distributed on the tongue. —People should not hold hands when saying the Our PRAY FOR THE SICK Father. If you know of someone who is sick and needs our , —People should not shake hands or touch one another please submit their names to the parish office so that they can when offering a Sign of Peace. be included in our prayers. The Bishop has also asked us to emphasize that you are not obliged to attend Sunday Mass when you are sick. If Si usted conoce a alguien que esta enfermo y necesita de you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms, please remain oraciones, por favor de los nombres a la oficina de la at home so that you will not spread your illness to others. parroquia para ser incluidos en nuestras oraciones. Thank you. MINISTERS SCHEDULED FOR NEXT WEEKEND Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Servers Saturday, 5:00PM L.Wolk J.Gibson K.Mathew, OPEN Sunday, 8:30AM G.Vercellino D.Fournier T.Oliva, OPEN Sunday, 10:00AM D.Vorwerk J.Korinetz, E.Wallace L.Korinetz, G.Abella Sunday, 11:30AM A.Soriano G.Castaneda, E.Castaneda, R.Castaneda N.Rosales, OPEN Sunday, 6:00PM E.Devera G.D’Souza G.D’Souza, OPEN

*****If you can't attend the Mass you have been scheduled for, please find a substitute*****

*****Si no puede asistir a su compromiso en la Misa que se le asigno, por favor busque un remplazo *****

WEEK OF JANUARY 12, 2020 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK READINGS: Monday 7:30AM Lucia & Teresa Nguyen + Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10 [11b]/ Tuesday 7:30AM OPEN Acts 10:34-38/Mt 3:13-17 Wednesday 7:30AM OPEN Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8/Ps 116:12-13, 14-17, 18-19 7:30AM Priscilla Lopez + [17a]/Mk 1:14-20 Friday 7:30AM OPEN Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20/1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd [cf. Saturday 5:00PM OPEN 1]/Mk 1:21-28 Sunday 8:30AM DeWitt Springmeyer + Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20/Ps 40:2 and 5, 7-8a, 8b 10:00AM John Punnilathil + -9, 10 [8a and 9a]/Mk 1:29-39 Nellie Vieira + Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11/Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25 11:30AM The people of this parish [27b]/Mk 1:40-45 6:00PM OPEN Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a/Ps 89:16-17, 18-19 [2]/Mk 2:1- 12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a/Ps 21:2-3, 4-5, 6- 7 [2a]/Mk 2:13-17 Next Sunday: Is 49:3, 5-6/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 [8a, 9a]/1 Cor 1:1-3/Jn 1:29-34 OBSERVANCES: Sunday: The Baptism of the Lord Monday: St. Hilary, Bishop and Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: St. Anthony, Saturday: Week of for Christian Unity Next Sunday: 2nd Sunday in Time — ©LPi

WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP OFFERINGS OFRENDAS SEMANALES DE CORRESPONSABILIDAD MAINTENANCE COLLECTION Saturday / Sabado - January 4 We will have a second collection at all of 5:00PM $933.00 our Masses next weekend for Parish Maintenance. Sunday / Domingo - January 5 8:30AM $722.00 10:00AM $939.00 11:30AM $431.00 6:00PM $320.00 TOTAL $3345.00