
Priest, and Doctor of the

Jerome was born under the name While in , he began to be surrounded by a Sophronius Hieronymus in Stridon about the year 347 group of aristocratic and educated women from some of AD, 34 years after the legalization of . the most noble families. With their increase in Somewhere around 360 AD he traveled to Rome with his well off women leaning toward the monastic life, and friend Bonosus in order to learn and philosophy. Jerome’s criticism of the secular of Rome, he There he would engage in the sexual escapades common earned the hostility of many of the patricians, clergy and to Roman students at the time, and to appease his their supporters. After the death of Damasus I in , he would visit the of the and December of 384, Jerome was accused of having sexual the Apostles Despite his skepticism, he was baptized a relations with a widow named Paula, and was forced to by the year 366 AD, the year in which Damasus leave his position. Siricius would unanimously be elected I became the Pope of the . Pope after Damasus,. Ursinus had attempted to assume During this time, Jerome traveled to with his the papacy himself, but Emperor Valentin III confirmed friend Bonosus. They settled in where Jerome Siricius essentially closing the matter for discussion. began his theological studies. Jerome stayed for a time In 385, Jerome left Rome and returned to with Rufinus of where he made many Christian accompanied by several friends, eventually including friends. In 373, Jerome traveled with some of his friends Paula and her daughter . He traveled then to through and Asia Minor. When he traveled to , where he was joined by his friend Antioch, he became ill several times and two of his friends Paulinus, and other friends from Rome. He would died. While Jerome remained ill, he received a eventually come to reside in a cave near Bethelhem which which encouraged him to ignore his secular studies and was believed to be the cave where was born. devote himself to . Under the tutelage of Apollanaris While in this cave, he was supported by Paula and of Laodicea, he began to delve into the study of the Eustochium who were resolved to live as consecrated scriptures. virgins in the . Here, Jerome continued the Overcome by a desire to do , he went to revisions to the Scripture Manuscripts, which the desert of Chalcis southeast of Antioch where he began expanded into the of the entire of to live a life of . Here, he began to try and learn scripture defined by the at Rome. While he worked Hebrew under the guidance of a Jewish convert to on this translation, the Canon defined at the Synod of Catholicism. Rome was also ratified at the Council of Hippo in 393, When Jerome returned to Antioch in 378 AD, and in 397. Jerome wrote his using Bishop Paulinus wished to ordain him to which Jerome the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. By the year resisted. At the insistence of his Bishop, Jerome agreed 405, Jerome had completed the Latin , the first on the condition that he would be allowed to maintain his complete in the Church which was also written in asceticism. Afterward, he traveled to to the most commonly spoken language so that it could be study scripture under the tutelage of Gregory Nazianzen. read by as many people as possible. In 382 there was a in Antioch which Afterward, Jerome would continue to live a rigid resulted in the Synod of Rome. Jerome traveled to Rome ascetic lifestyle, unceasing in his production of literary along with Paulinus who to support his claim to the see of writing. His writings would eventually come to include Antioch. reconciled Rome and Antioch polemic works against the rise of the of when he restored Paulinus as the Bishop of Anioch. . Pelagianism itself, would eventually be Additionally, the Canon of Scripture was first determined condemned by the Council of Carthage in 418. Jerome at this synod. During the synod, Jerome had impressed himself eventually passed away in in People Damasus I, earning a prominent place in the papal September of 420 AD. He is the of court and becoming secretary to the Pope. With the end archaeologists, Bible scholars and librarians, and his feast of the synod, Pope Damasus I tasked Jerome with revising day is September 30th. the Latin Manuscripts of Scripture