This two page document lists Fathers of the . Some dates of birth and/or death, due to their earlier occurrences, are incomplete or approximate in nature.

NAME LIFETIME NAME LIFETIME Alexander of [] 000-326 [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 315-386

Alexander of Lycopolis 4th century Dionysius of [SAINT] 000-268 [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 340-397 Dionysius the Great 000-265 /Aphraates 280-367 Ephraim the Syrian [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 306-373 Archelaus 000-282 of Caesarea 265-340 Aristides the Philosopher 000-134 Gennadius of Marseilles 000-496 Arnobius 000-330 Gregory the Great, [SAINT][DOCTOR] 540-604 Athanasius [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 293-373 Gregory Nazianzen [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 329-389 Athenagoras 000-190 Gregory of [SAINT] 335-394

Augustine of Hippo [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 354-430 [SAINT] 000-270 Bardesanes 154-222 Hermas 3rd century [SAINT] 000-061 Hilary of [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 000-367 Basil the Great [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 329-379 Hippolytus [SAINT] 000-235 3rd century [SAINT] 000-107 [SAINT] 150-215 of [SAINT] 140-202 Clement of Rome [SAINT] 000-097 [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 345-420 Commodianus 3rd century John of [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 675-749 of [SAINT] 200-258 360-435 http://www.cmvic.net/church-fathers


This two page document lists Fathers of the Catholic Church. Some dates of birth and/or death, due to their earlier occurrences, are incomplete or approximate in nature.

NAME LIFETIME NAME LIFETIME [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 349-407 Peter of Alexandria [SAINT] 000-311

Julius Africanus 160-240 [SAINT] 069-155 Justin [SAINT] 100-165 Rufinus 000-000 Lactantius 000-320 Socrates Scholasticus 379-450 Leo the Great, Pope [SAINT] [DOCTOR] 395-461 Sozomen 375-447 Malchion 000-000 Sulpitius Severus 363-420 452-521 Tatian 000-185 Mathetes 000-000 160-220 Methodius 000-311 393-457 Minucius Felix 000-000 Theodotus 4th century of Chorene 400-490 Theophilus 000-180 000-258 Venantius 7th century 185-254 Victorinus [SAINT] 000-303 Pamphilus [SAINT] 000-309 Vincent of Lérins [SAINT] 000-450 Papias [SAINT] 000-155

Source for listing of Church names: www.newadvent.org; Source for dates of birth and death: multiple. See disclaimer above. We are continuing to research all information, so as to provide the most accurate data available.
