This thesis has been submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for a postgraduate degree (e.g. PhD, Mphil, DClinPsychol) at the University of Edinburgh. Please note the following terms and conditions of use: This work is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, which are retained by the thesis author, unless otherwise stated. A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge. This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the author. The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the author. When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given. Negotiation and Instrumentalisation – The Reception of “the Tragic” in Modern Chinese Literary Discourse, 1917-1949 by Gu Tian A Thesis Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Subject of Chinese Studies The University of Edinburgh September 2017 DECLARITION This is to certify that the work contained within has been composed by me and is entirely my own work. No part of this thesis has been submitted for any other degree or professional qualification. Signed: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the people who have contributed to make this thesis possible. First of all, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Professor Natascha Gentz, for the instructive suggestions on the organisation of materials, and the technical advice on writing and argumentation. Her generous help and unfailing patience have been a great encouragement for me to overcome all the difficulties I have encountered during the writing process, and to finally complete this thesis. I feel so blessed to have her as both a mentor and a friend, and the experience of working with her will certainly become my lifelong benefit. Similarly, I extend my thanks to Dr. Julian Ward, Dr. Christopher Rosenmeier, Dr. Mark McLeister, Dr. Daniel Hammond, and all the other academic staff in Chinese Studies. Their enlightening lectures and impressive scholarly attitude have greatly broadened my horizons, and will be inspiration for my future research and career. I am also grateful to my proofreader, Elizabeth Leith, for helping me to improve this thesis. Her careful work and positive comments have greatly inspired me to keep practising with English academic writing. I also want to show my heartfelt thanks to my beloved parents for their constant consideration, comfort, and encouragement during my PhD studies; without their support, I could never have had the opportunity to go abroad and see more of this wonderful world. Special thanks go to Chen Chen and Li Hao, my close friends since childhood, who have been keeping me company through thick and thin over the years. I may be too shy to straightforwardly express my feelings, but I will always keep in mind how lucky I am to have them in my life. Thanks to all the people who have supported me and offered me their generous help all along. I owe you everything. ABSTRACT This study examines how the concept of tragedy has been introduced and has negotiated itself into modern Chinese literary discourse during a time period of thirty-two years from 1917 to 1949. Taking into consideration the simultaneous development of a modern Chinese literary tradition, this study concentrates on the relationship between the discourse on one particular genre and the discourse on literature as a whole during the process of reception of an alien literary concept and its influence on indigenous literature. Modern Chinese intellectuals interpret the concept of tragedy from two main aspects: one is in the theatrical domain where tragedy functions as a dramatic form closely related to the emergence of a new genre in Chinese literature, namely, the spoken drama (huaju); the other is in the aesthetic domain where tragedy (or more specifically, the tragic) operates as a literary or philosophical idea and offers possibilities for the development of this notion in non-dramatic literature. This dual-focus approach is fundamental in the formation of a modern Chinese discourse on tragedy, as a paralleled line of arguments concerning these two aspects remains visible in the modern period. The major influence from foreign intellectual tradition on modern Chinese perception of tragedy takes the shape of two pairs of different perspectives, namely, literary utilitarianism and literary aestheticism in theoretical discussions, corresponding to realism and romanticism in literary creativity. These two pairs of perspectives set the tone for modern Chinese understanding of the concept of tragedy: literary utilitarianism and literary aestheticism focus respectively on the foremost importance of tragedy’s practical utility in social progression, or of tragedy’s aesthetic function to offer emotional cleansing to the audience; realism and romanticism debate the intricate relation between tragedy and social reality that besieged several generations of writers throughout the Republican era. It is noticeable that these viewpoints have not developed in a balanced way, as a pragmatic realist perspective has prevailed in both theory and practice, while the aesthetic/romantic pursuit being either rejected or incorporated into the ultimate thematic concern with social reformation and national salvation. This study abstracts the idea of the tragic from its dramatic form in examining the cross-genre and multidisciplinary development of the concept of tragedy in modern Chinese literary tradition. The main body of the thesis contains four chapters. The first chapter sets the scope of this study by clarifying several terminologies that are key to approach the long-lasting debates on whether there is a Chinese tragedy in 20th-century Chinese literary discourse. The second chapter focuses on the period of the New Culture Movement from 1917 to 1927, when the counter-traditional and iconoclastic agenda dominates the overall literary field and associates tragedy largely with literature’s functional role in social criticism. The third chapter examines theories and writings produced from 1928 to 1937, when the perspective of pragmatic realism prevails the reading of the tragic due to the strengthened connection between literature and politics. The fourth chapter centres on the wartime literary expression of the tragic from 1937 to 1949, when the Anti-Japanese War homogenises the literary subjects with an overt and unified political theme to inspire the people with optimism and fighting spirit. By exploring the possible factors that differentiate modern Chinese tragic perception from its foreign counterparts, this study investigates and demonstrates the constant interplay among several cultural, social, and political factors in affecting the formation of a modern critical discourse on tragedy. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………..1 CHAPTER ONE One Problem: Terminology – Approaching the Subject...............28 1.1 Debate Revisited: Is there a Chinese Tragedy?.............................................29 1.2 Clarification of Terms: Tragedy, the Tragic, and Others…………………..35 1.3 Choice of Word: Why the Tragic?................................................................45 CHAPTER TWO The 1920s: The New Culture Movement and Its Legacy (1917-1927)………………………………………………………………………….52 2.1 Theoretical Discussion: Tragedy and the Counter-traditional Agenda…….54 2.1.1 The Rejection of Chinese Tragedy…………………………………….54 2.1.2 The Conceptualisation of Tragedy…………………………………….59 2.1.3 Summary………………………………………………………………63 2.2 Literary Creativity: Different Expressions of Social Concerns……………66 2.2.1 The Realist and Romantic Interpretations of the Tragic………………67 2.2.2 The Blurred Line between Realism and Romanticism………………..83 CHAPTER THREE The 1930s: The Deepening of Western Influence and the Politicisation of Literature (1928-1937)…………………………………………….90 3.1 Theoretical Discussion: The Making of a Theory………………………….91 3.1.1 The Rejection of Chinese Tragedy…………………………………….92 3.1.2 The Conceptualisation of Tragedy…………………………………….95 3.1.3 Summary……………………………………………………………..113 3.2 Literary Creativity: The Overwhelming Realism………………………...116 3.2.1 The Realist Construction of Tragic Narratives……………………….117 3.2.2 The Debate between Aesthetics and Politics………………………...128 CHAPTER FOUR The 1940s: The War and the Politically-oriented Literature (1937-1949)………………………………………………………………………...141 4.1 Theoretical Discussion: Tragedy and the War………………………........141 4.1.1 The Rejection of Chinese Tragedy…………………………………...142 4.1.2 The Conceptualisation of Tragedy…………………………………...144 4.1.3 Summary……………………………………………………………..153 4.2 Literary Creativity: The Performance of a War Experience……………...155 4.2.1 The Inheritance of the Tradition of Realism…………………………156 4.2.2 The Convergence of Realism and Romanticism……………………..167 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………...179 BIBLIOGRAPHY.………………………………………………………………..191 INTRODUCTION Gao Xudong, a Chinese scholar in comparative literature, refers to the Western influence on modern and contemporary Chinese literature as “all-pervasive”:1 “The textbooks of literature we are now using, including those of ancient Chinese literature, are compiled under the rules of Western literary theories and concepts; contemporary Chinese writers, whether consciously or unconsciously,
European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS e-ISSN: 2357-1330 DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.11.03.23 DCCD 2020 Dialogue of Cultures - Culture of Dialogue: from Conflicting to Understanding INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING CHINESE: ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION OF DIGITAL EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Tatiana L. Guruleva (a)* *Corresponding author (a) Moscow City University, 5B Malyj Kazennyj pereulok, Moscow, Russia; Institute of Far Eastern Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences, 32 Nakhimovskii prospect, 117997, Moscow, Russia, [email protected] Abstract The intercultural approach to teaching Chinese as a foreign language in Russia was first implemented by us in a model for co-learning languages and cultures. This model was developed in 2009-2011, it took into account the specifics of teaching the Chinese language, which is studied simultaneously with the English language. The model was tested in the international multicultural educational region of Siberia and the Far East of Russia and northeastern part of China. However, the intercultural approach has wide potential for implementation not only in conditions of direct contact with representatives of another culture. In the modern world, information technologies for teaching foreign languages are increasingly in demand. For a number of objective reasons, large technology companies until the beginning of the 21st century could not begin to develop information technologies that support the Chinese language. Therefore, the history of the creation and use of information technologies for teaching the Chinese language is happening right now before our eyes. In this regard, the analysis and classification of information resources for teaching the Chinese language is relevant and in demand.
Tagore: (泰戈尔) a Case Study of His Visit to China in 1924
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 19, Issue 3, Ver. V (Mar. 2014), PP 28-35 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. Tagore: (泰戈尔) A Case study of his visit to China in 1924 Sourabh Chatterjee (Mody University of Science and Technology, India) Abstract: In 1923, Beijing Lecture Association, Jiangxueshe (讲学社) invited Rabindranath Tagore to deliver a series of lecturers. Established in September 1920, Jiangxueshe was one of the many globally acclaimed institutions that mushroomed in China in the wake of the May Fourth Movement. The main objective of this institution was to invite foreign scholars and celebrities to arrange lectures by them for Chinese intellectuals. They thought it will help the Chinese intellects to be prospers in many aspects, which will enrich their country. Every year, they used to invite the most respected global figures, research scholars, scientists, and noble laureates to deliver their valuable speeches and sermons. Before Rabindranath, the Association invited some dignified global figures like John Dewey (1859-1952), Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) and Hans Driesch (1862- 1941). Most of them were not able to move them in a great way. Anyway, as the Chinese association felt that they were not receiving expected result after inviting so many global scholars, they finally decided to invite Rabindranath to their country. It is worthy to be mentioned here, some fervent critics and scholars like Das, Sun and Hay have averred that Tagore’s visit to China created two fold reactions among the people of China. Tagore’s visit to China received both friendly and hostile reactions from them.
The Spring and Autumn Period & the Warring States Period CHINESE MUSIC Pentatonic scale friend Zhong Ziqi by Playing “Sanfen Sunyi” method It is the collective name of This was one of the ancient five musical scales: do, re, mi, the Qin have their roots in this Chinese Lü generation sol and la. All the traditional methods. Guan Zhong in the Chinese scale forms included period, which fully reflects the Spring and Autumn Period the said five scales. Various improved musical instrument invented the Sanfen Sunyi modes might be formed Method that was used to based on each tone that is playing and composing skills figure out the length of Lü considered the principal tone for the pentatonic scale. The in a sequence of music tones and the enhanced music same or similar Lü generation consisting of the pentatonic methods also appeared in scale. According to the scale appreciation skills as well. As for ancient Greek and Arabic names of the principal tones, countries. Based on length modes could fall into different playing the ancient qin, ancient of the vibrating bodies, categories, such as do-mode, qin players also attributed the Sanfen Sunyi method re-mode, mi-mode, sol-mode included two aspects: “sanfen and la-mode. superb qin performance to true sunyi” and “sanfen yiyi.” Cutting one-third from a and deep feelings. According certain chord meant “sanfen sunyi,” which could result in to historical records, the singing of famous musician the upper fifth of the chord Qin Qing in the Zhou Dynasty could “shock the trees tone; And increasing the chord by one-third meant and stop clouds from moving,” and the singing of the “sanfen yiyi,” which generated the lower quarter of the folk singer Han E could “linger in the mind for a long chord tone.
Originally, the Descendants of Hua Xia Were Not the Descendants of Yan Huang
E-Leader Brno 2019 Originally, the Descendants of Hua Xia were not the Descendants of Yan Huang Soleilmavis Liu, Activist Peacepink, Yantai, Shandong, China Many Chinese people claimed that they are descendants of Yan Huang, while claiming that they are descendants of Hua Xia. (Yan refers to Yan Di, Huang refers to Huang Di and Xia refers to the Xia Dynasty). Are these true or false? We will find out from Shanhaijing ’s records and modern archaeological discoveries. Abstract Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas ) records many ancient groups of people in Neolithic China. The five biggest were: Yan Di, Huang Di, Zhuan Xu, Di Jun and Shao Hao. These were not only the names of groups, but also the names of individuals, who were regarded by many groups as common male ancestors. These groups first lived in the Pamirs Plateau, soon gathered in the north of the Tibetan Plateau and west of the Qinghai Lake and learned from each other advanced sciences and technologies, later spread out to other places of China and built their unique ancient cultures during the Neolithic Age. The Yan Di’s offspring spread out to the west of the Taklamakan Desert;The Huang Di’s offspring spread out to the north of the Chishui River, Tianshan Mountains and further northern and northeastern areas;The Di Jun’s and Shao Hao’s offspring spread out to the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, where the Di Jun’s offspring lived in the west of the Shao Hao’s territories, which were near the sea or in the Shandong Peninsula.Modern archaeological discoveries have revealed the authenticity of Shanhaijing ’s records.
Images of Women in Chinese Literature. Volume 1. REPORT NO ISBN-1-880938-008 PUB DATE 94 NOTE 240P
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 385 489 SO 025 360 AUTHOR Yu-ning, Li, Ed. TITLE Images of Women in Chinese Literature. Volume 1. REPORT NO ISBN-1-880938-008 PUB DATE 94 NOTE 240p. AVAILABLE FROM Johnson & Associates, 257 East South St., Franklin, IN 46131-2422 (paperback: $25; clothbound: ISBN-1-880938-008, $39; shipping: $3 first copy, $0.50 each additional copy). PUB TYPE Books (010) Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC10 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Chinese Culture; *Cultural Images; Females; Folk Culture; Foreign Countries; Legends; Mythology; Role Perception; Sexism in Language; Sex Role; *Sex Stereotypes; Sexual Identity; *Womens Studies; World History; *World Literature IDENTIFIERS *Asian Culture; China; '`Chinese Literature ABSTRACT This book examines the ways in which Chinese literature offers a vast array of prospects, new interpretations, new fields of study, and new themes for the study of women. As a result of the global movement toward greater recognition of gender equality and human dignity, the study of women as portrayed in Chinese literature has a long and rich history. A single volume cannot cover the enormous field but offers volume is a starting point for further research. Several renowned Chinese writers and researchers contributed to the book. The volume includes the following: (1) Introduction (Li Yu- Wing);(2) Concepts of Redemption and Fall through Woman as Reflected in Chinese Literature (Tsung Su);(3) The Poems of Li Qingzhao (1084-1141) (Kai-yu Hsu); (4) Images of Women in Yuan Drama (Fan Pen Chen);(5) The Vanguards--The Truncated Stage (The Women of Lu Yin, Bing Xin, and Ding Ling) (Liu Nienling); (6) New Woman vs.
ABSTRACT Liang Fa's Quanshi Liangyan and Its Impact on The
ABSTRACT Liang Fa’s Quanshi liangyan and Its Impact on the Taiping Movement Sukjoo Kim, Ph.D. Mentor: Rosalie Beck, Ph.D. Scholars of the Taiping Movement have assumed that Liang Fa’s Quanshi liangyan 勸世良言 (Good Words to Admonish the Age, being Nine Miscellaneous Christian Tracts) greatly influenced Hong Xiuquan, but very little has been written on the role of Liang’s work. The main reason is that even though hundreds of copies were distributed in the early nineteenth century, only four survived the destruction which followed the failure of the Taiping Movement. This dissertation therefore explores the extent of the Christian influence of Liang’s nine tracts on Hong and the Taiping Movement. This study begins with an introduction to China in the nineteenth century and the early missions of western countries in China. The second chapter focuses on the life and work of Liang. His religious background was in Confucianism and Buddhism, but when he encountered Robert Morrison and William Milne, he identified with Christianity. The third chapter discusses the story of Hong especially examining Hong’s acquisition of Liang’s Quanshi liangyan and Hong’s revelatory dream, both of which serve as motives for the establishment of the Society of God Worshippers and the Taiping Movement. The fourth chapter develops Liang’s key ideas from his Quanshi liangyan and compares them with Hong’s beliefs, as found in official documents of the Taipings. The fifth chapter describes Hong’s beliefs and the actual practices of the Taiping Movement and compares them with Liang’s key ideas.
{Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d The Last Empress The She-Dragon of China Keith Laidler {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d The Last Empress {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d The Last Empress The She-Dragon of China Keith Laidler {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d Published in the UK in 2003 by JohnWiley & Sons Ltd,The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (þ44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): [email protected] Visit our Home Page on or Copyright # 2003 Keith Laidler All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except under the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, LondonW1T 4LP,UK, without the permission in writing of the Publisher. Requests to the Publisher should be addressed to the Permissions Department, JohnWiley & Sons Ltd,The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England,[email protected],orfaxedto(þ44) 1243770620. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Keith Laidler has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act1988, to be identified as the author of this work.
"Macbeth" Meets Chinese Opera: a Crossroad of Humanity
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance Volume 21 Article 4 6-30-2020 When "Macbeth" Meets Chinese Opera: A Crossroad of Humanity Li Xingxing Civil Aviation Flight University of China Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Xingxing, Li (2020) "When "Macbeth" Meets Chinese Opera: A Crossroad of Humanity," Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance: Vol. 21 , Article 4. DOI: 10.18778/2083-8530.21.04 Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Arts & Humanities Journals at University of Lodz Research Online. It has been accepted for inclusion in Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance by an authorized editor of University of Lodz Research Online. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance vol. 21 (36), 2020; Li Xingxing When Macbeth Meets Chinese Opera: A Crossroad of Humanity Abstract: As one of the four Shakespeare’s great tragedies, Macbeth, with its thrilling story line and profound exploration of human nature, has been adapted for plays and movies worldwide. Though Macbeth was introduced to China just before the May 4th Movement in 1919, its characters and plot have attracted the world in the past 100 years. Macbeth was firstly adapted into a folk play Theft of a Nation during the modern play period, to mock Yuan Shikai’s restoration of the monarchy, who was considered as a usurper of Qing dynasty, followed by Li Jianwu’s adaptation Wang Deming, Kun opera Bloody Hands, Taiwanese version of Beijing opera Lust and the City, Hong Kong version of Cantonese opera The Traitor, Macao version of small theater play If I were the King, Anhui opera Psycho, Shaoxing opera General Ma Long, Wu opera Bloody Sword, a monodrama of Sichuan opera Lady Macbeth, and an experimental Kun opera Lady.
Fashioning Appearances: Feminine Beauty in Chinese Communist Revolutionary Culture Author(S): Hung-Yok Ip Source: Modern China, Vol
Fashioning Appearances: Feminine Beauty in Chinese Communist Revolutionary Culture Author(s): Hung-Yok Ip Source: Modern China, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Jul., 2003), pp. 329-361 Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. Stable URL: . Accessed: 25/10/2011 12:47 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Sage Publications, Inc. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Modern China. FashioningAppearances FeminineBeauty in Chinese CommunistRevolutionary Culture HUNG-YOKIP OregonState University Studying the Communist revolution, scholars of China have generally assumed that the revolutionary era andpre-Cultural Revolution stage of the Communist regime were dominated by asceticism, androgynous clothing, or both. This article seeks to demonstrate that an interest in female beauty was always pres- ent in the revolutionary process. The author analyzes how revolutionaries sus- tained that interest by employing self-beautification practices and women's beauty politically and how social interactions reinforced the perception that female beauty was rewarding, underscoring that Communists accepted the practice of self-adornment. After examining the revolutionary aesthetics of femininity developed by women activists, the article briefly explores the legacy offemale beauty in the Communist regime.
Ancient-Style Prose Anthologies in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) China
University of Pennsylvania ScholarlyCommons Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations 2017 In The Eye Of The Selector: Ancient-Style Prose Anthologies In Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) China Timothy Robert Clifford University of Pennsylvania, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Asian History Commons, and the Asian Studies Commons Recommended Citation Clifford, Timothy Robert, "In The Eye Of The Selector: Ancient-Style Prose Anthologies In Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) China" (2017). Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations. 2234. This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. In The Eye Of The Selector: Ancient-Style Prose Anthologies In Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) China Abstract The rapid growth of woodblock printing in sixteenth-century China not only transformed wenzhang (“literature”) as a category of knowledge, it also transformed the communities in which knowledge of wenzhang circulated. Twentieth-century scholarship described this event as an expansion of the non-elite reading public coinciding with the ascent of vernacular fiction and performance literature over stagnant classical forms. Because this narrative was designed to serve as a native genealogy for the New Literature Movement, it overlooked the crucial role of guwen (“ancient-style prose,” a term which denoted the everyday style of classical prose used in both preparing for the civil service examinations as well as the social exchange of letters, gravestone inscriptions, and other occasional prose forms among the literati) in early modern literary culture. This dissertation revises that narrative by showing how a diverse range of social actors used anthologies of ancient-style prose to build new forms of literary knowledge and shape new literary publics.