
Theoretically we see the importance of the in worship, but in practice how often do we use any more than short quotations from the most “user friendly” Psalms? This session will look at different methods of Psalm-singing through the ages, making suggestions for adapting and combining those techniques for modern worship settings.

The Psalms in Modern Worship Greg Scheer

SPOKEN: no music Unison, Responsive and Dramatic readings

CHANT: intoned speech, often using “Psalm Tones” Hear: Mandatum Novum Do Vobis Gregorian () Anglican


THROUGH-COMPOSED: compositions that take their text and form from the Psalm

Stravinsky’s Symphony of Psalms, Franck’s “,” etc

RESPONSORIAL: leader chants or speaks; people respond by singing a short refrain Sing: Michael Guimont’s Exalt the Lord In Psalms themselves (“His love endures forever” in Psalm 118) Our God (Psalm 99) Early Church

Post-Vatican II (Gelineau, Guimont)

Sing: METRICAL: text is set to poetic meter with as little change to the original Psalm as All People That on Earth Do Dwell possible (Genevan, Psalm 100)

Genevan (All People That on Earth Do Dwell-Psalm 100) Diephouse/Scheer’s Thanks Be to God Our Savior (Psalm 107) Sternhold and Hopkins; Tate and Brady (As Pants the Hart-Psalm 42) Indonesian/Diephouse’s Scottish Psalter (The Lord’s My Shepherd I’ll Not Want-; I to the Hills Will ! Sing Praise to Your Lift My Eyes-121) Creator ()

PARAPHRASE: the meaning of the whole Psalm is preserved, but not the entire text Sing: Latvian By the Babylonian Rivers (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God-; Out of the Depths-) ()

Isaac Watts (Jesus Shall Reign- Psalm 72; My Shepherd Will Supply My Need- Psalm Scheer’s As the Deer (Psalm 23; O God, Our Help in Ages Past- ; From All that Dwell Below the 42/43) Skies-; Joy to the World!-)

Charles Wesley (Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above-; O for a Heart to Praise

My God-Psalm 51) Post-Vatican II (Haugen, Haas, et al)

John Bell

Sing: EXTRACT: short sections or particular images are extracted from the Psalm Taize’s Bless the Lord My Soul Scripture Songs (As the Deer) ()

Praise and Worship (Better Is One Day)

Taizé Sing: Scheer’s Rest in the Lord (Psalm 127) HYBRID: combination of forms Scheer’s Hear My Words, O Lord () [email protected] • http://www.gregscheer.com Why should we sing the Psalms?

1. They give us vocabulary to express our faith.

2. They connect us to the historic and global church.

3. They disconnect us from our cultural and personal perspective.

How do we sing the Psalms?

Joseph Gelineau’s model for worship music:

WORD MUSIC Chant Meditation Proclamation Acclamation Ordinary Speech Vocalization/Instr.

Gelineau’s model adapted to Psalmody:

WORD MUSIC Responsorial Through-composed Metrical Cantillation/Chant Paraphrase Spoken Extract

The Psalms in Modern Worship, page 2 Michael Guimont’s Exalt the Lord Our God (Psalm 99)

The Psalms in Modern Worship, page 3 All People That on Earth Do Dwell (Psalm 100, Genevan)

˙ ˙ œ œ ˙ ˙ & ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ 1. All peo --ple thatœ onœ earth˙ do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheer ful voice. 2. Know that the Lord is God in --deed; he formed us all with out our aid. 3. O en ---ter then his gates with joy, with in his courts his praise pro claim. 4. Be ----cause the Lord our God is good, his mer cy is for ev er sure. ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ ? ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ ˙ ˙ ˙

œ ˙ œ œ ˙ & ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ww Serve him with joy, his prais ---es tell, come now be fore him and re joice! We are the flock he comes to feed, the sheep who by his hand were made. Let thank--ful songs your tongues em ploy, O bless and mag --ni fy his name. His faith--ful ness at all times stood and shall from age to age en -dure. œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ ? ˙ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ w ˙ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ œ w

The Psalms in Modern Worship, page 4 Diephouse/Scheer’s Thanks Be to God Our Savior (Psalm 107)

Words by Music by J. Diephouse Thanks Be to God Our Savior Greg Scheer ©1985 Psalm 107 ©2007

Capo 3: E m G D B m D E m m m m G Bb F D F G b & b 4 . œ œ œ. œ œ œ w 1. "Thanksœ beœ toœ God our Sav - ior,"˙. letœ hisœ reœ -deemed ones say. 2. Strang - ers with - out a ci - ty, some roamed the wil - der - ness, 3. Some groaned in bit - ter an - guish, foes of the Most High's claims,

4. Slaves to pro - fane am - bi - tion, by e - vil led a - stray, 5. Storms thun - dered forth his pow - er to those who sailed the seas. 6. His word brings des - o - la - tion where e - vil deeds a - bound,

E m G D B m D E m E m D m m m m G Bb F D F G G F b & b œ œ œ. œ œ œ ˙ Œ œ œ "Heœ showsœ usœ bound - less fa - vor;˙. hisœ loveœ isœ sure each day." From find - ing no food or pit - y, no hope in their dis - tress. Then, help - less, con-demned to lan - guish, cap - tives in i - ron chains. Then,

some learned to know af - flic - tion, suf - fered, and pined a - way. Then, Winds lashed them hour by ho - ur; waves dashedthem to their knees. Then, but for his faith - ful na - tion springs flow from bar - ren ground. He

G D C 2 G/B C Dsus D E m D 2 m Bb F Eb Bb/D Eb Fsus F G F b & b œ œ œ œ ˙. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ earth's re - mot - est lands a choœ - sen folk he rais - es,˙ O, when they sought God's name, he made their path - ways flour - ish. O, when they sought God's name, he loos - ened all their fet - ters. O,

when they sought God's name, he brought them res - to - ra - tion. O, when they sought God's name, he calmed the rag - ing weath - er. O, rais - es up the meek; the might - y prince he plun - ders. His

G D C 2 G/B C Dsus D E m G D C E m 2 m m Bb F Eb Bb/D Eb Fsus F G Bb F Eb G b œ œ œ & b œ œ ˙. œ œ œ œ œ ˙. Ó . Ó ran - somed from ty - rants' hands; join now to sound his prais -œ œ es.w bless him, his love pro - claim: the hun - gry he will nour - ish. bless him, his love pro - claim: the pris - on bars he shat - ters.

bless him, his love pro - claim; bring thanks and ad - o - ra - tion. bless him, his love pro - claim where all his peo - ple gath - er. lov - ing - kind - ness seek; con - sid - er all his won - ders.

"Thanks Be to God Our Savior" 2007 Greg Scheer • CCLI#6443429• http://www.gregscheer.com • [email protected] You are encouraged to copy and distribute this page of music as long as this announcement is included and its use is reported to CCLI. You can find my current address, read the latest news, and download much more music for your church by visiting my website.

The Psalms in Modern Worship, page 5 Hallelujah! Sing praise to your Creator Indonesian... Indonesian/Diephouse’s Hallelujah! Sing Praise to Your Creator (Psalm 148)

j b 4 œ. œ œ œ j j j j & 4 œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Hal - le - lu - jah! Sing praise toœ yourœ Creœ - a - tor, sun, moon, andJ stars andœ Praise the Lord, all moun - tains and o - ceans, roll - ing thun - der and wind and Give to God all glo - ry and hon - or. From the depths to the heights let œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ? 4 œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ b 4 J J J J J

b j j œ. œ œ œ j j & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ an - gels a - bove. Praise the Lord, whoseJ word es - tab - lished theœ heaœ. - vens,œ who up - storm clouds on high. Praise the Lord your Ma - ker, all liv - ing crea - tures, all the prais - es re - sound to the Lord, the source of strength and sal - va - tion for all œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ ? œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ b J J J J J

b j j j j j œ j œ & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ. œ holds all hisJ works inœ his sov ereign love. God reigns on high, let the beasts in the fields and birds in the sky. Young folk and old, come and peo - ple on whom his fav - or is found. Praise God, you saints he has œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ. œ ? b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ J J J J J J

j j j b j œ j œ œ œ œ œ j œ j & œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ ˙ hea - vens re - joice! God reigns on high, let the hea - vens re - joice! join in the song! Young folk and old, come and join in the song! claimed for his own! Praise God, you saints he has claimed for his own! œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ ˙ ? œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ ˙ b J J Oh! J J J J

The Psalms in Modern Worship, page 6 Global Hymnal 12/7/2009; 1:31 PM Page 1 By the Babylonian Rivers Latvian By the Babylonian Rivers (Psalm 137)

Dm A/C Dm F/C C G/B 1 By the Ba - by --lon ian ri - vers we sat down in grief and wept; 2 There our cap-tors, in de - ri - sion, did re - quire of us a song; 3 How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange and bit - ter land? 4 Let your cross be be - ne - dic - tion for all bound in ty --ran ny; B C7 F Em7(5) A Dm hung our harps up - on a wil-low,mournedfor Zi - on while we slept. so we sat with star-ing vi - sion and the days were hard and long. Can our voi - ces veil the sor-row? Lord God, hear your lone - ly band. by thepower of re --sur rec -tion loose them from cap - ti --vi ty.

Taize’s Bless the Lord My Soul (Psalm 103)

b 4 œ j j Œ œ œ œ œ w & 4 œ. œ œ. œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ Bless theJ Lord, myJ soul, and bless God's ho- ly name. nœ. j œ œ ˙ #˙ ? 4 œ. œ œ. œ ˙Œ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ b 4 . J J œ œ œ œ

b œ. j . j Œ Œ & œ. œ œ. œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. Bless theJ Lord, myJ soul, who leads me in- to life.˙. œ. j œ nœ. œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. ? b œ. œ J ˙Œœ œ œ œ œ ˙Œ. J

The Psalms in Modern Worship, page 7 Scheer’s Asfrom the Psalm Deer 42 (Psalm and 43 42/43) words and music by Greg Scheer As the Deer

with a touch of melancholy qk»§ºD D/F# G D/F# Em D # . & # 68 . œ. œ œ. œ. œ. 1. œAs. œ œ theœ deer pants for the wa - terœ. 2. Day af - ter day He sends His love, I 3. Send me Your light and truth to guide me

A/C# D G/B A/C# # & # œ. œ. Œ. soœ. my soul longsœ œ forœ Youœ. œ œ myœ Lord.œ. feel His peace come rain - - - ing down. as I trav - el through this land.

D D/F# G D/F# Em D # . & # œ. œ œ. œ. œ. Whenœ. œ canœ œI come to You a - gain toœ. I raise a song to Him at night like Lead me to Your ho - ly dwell - ing

A/C# D G/B A/C# Asus A A/G # & # œ. œ. ˙. Œ. œ œ œ praiseœ. You as beœ œ -œ fore? Why should I fire from the ground. at my jour - ney's end.

F#m Bm Em D A/C# Asus A A/G # & # œ. œ œ œ. œ œ œ let thisJ sorœ. - rowœ. fill myœ. soul?œ. My life is

F#m Bm Em D A/C# A # & # œ. œ œ œ. Œ j in HisJ hands,œ. myœ hopeœ isœ in theœ. Lord;œ. andœ

D A/C# Bm A G Bm D A/C# D ## . & œ. œ. œ. œ. . He, I know,œ. willœ. beœ. myœ. Sav - ior still.˙.

As the Deer ©1993 Greg Scheer • CCLI #1276155 You are encouraged to copy and distribute this page of music as long as this announcement is included and its use is reported to CCLI or LicenSing. This song is also available from Augsburg Fortress in an arrangement for Soloist, SATB and Piano. [email protected] • http://www.gregscheer.com

The Psalms in Modern Worship, page 8

Scheer’s Rest in the Lord (Psalm 127)

verse text by music and refrain text Michael Morgan, 1999 Rest in the Lord, My Soul by Greg Scheer, 2006 Except the House Is Built by God Psalm 127

C F/C C F C/E D m C 4 j & 4 Ó ‰ j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. j œ œ œ. œ 1. Exœ -cept the house is built by God, Itsœ stones for naughtœ areœ laid; The 2. In ev' - ry age the great - est gifts God's full - ness can ac - cord Are

A m E m D m G œ & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ cit - y, with - out God's de - fense, Is fee - ble and a - fraid.œ Toœ œ gen - er - a - tions born to claim The bless - ings of the Lord. The

C G/B A m Gsus G œ j & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ eat the bread of anx - ious toil Makes all our la - bor vain; God an - cient die, the young grow old; They, too, shall fade a - way; Cre -

m F C/E D Bb 2 4 & œ œ œ œ œ 4 œ œ 4 Ó feeds our cher - ished souls withœ restœ Toœ face our workœ œa - gain.˙ a - tion, as God's her - i - tage, Be - gins with each new day.

A m C Fmaj7 G A m C F E m j j & œ œ œ œ. œ ˙ œ œ œ œ. œ ˙ ˙ Rest in the Lord, my soul. ˙ Rest in the Lord, my soul.

6 m 6 m m C Bb A F C Bb A F A C Fmaj7 G C F/C C & ˙ œ œ w ˙ œ œ ˙. Rest in the Lord. Rest in the Lord, Oœ myœ soul.w

"Rest in the Lord, My Soul" © 2006 Greg Scheer • http://www.gregscheer.com • [email protected] You are encouraged to copy and distribute this page of music as long as this announcement is included and its use is reported to CCLI or LicenSing. You can find my current address, read the latest news, and download much more music for your church by visiting my website.

The Psalms in Modern Worship, page 9 Scheer’s Hear My Words, O Lord (Psalm 5)

words and music by Hear My Words, O Lord Greg Scheer Psalm 5 refrain C F/C C F/C

& 42 . œ Œ Hear myœ œ words,œ Oœ Lord.˙ œ Hear my prayer, my God.

1 C F/C G/B A m G

& œ Œ . Hear theœ œ soundœ ofœ myœ sigh˙ - - - - ing.œ Hear the sound of my cry - - - -

2 G C/E F C/E D m C

& ‰ j œ œ œ œ. j œ ing.œ œI of - fer up myœ fear andœ

A m G/B F/A C/G G C F/C

& j Œ trustœ. toœ yourœ unœ - endœ - ingœ care.˙ œ

7 C F Ab/Eb Eb D m7 G & . Ó Ó . . Ó Ó . Ó Ó .

Narrator 1 (with a hint of disdain): Narrator 1 (accusingly): For you are not a God who delights in For there is no truth in their mouths; wickedness; their hearts are destruction; evil will not sojourn with you. their throats are open graves; The boastful will not stand before your eyes; they flatter with their tongues. you hate all evildoers. Make them bear their guilt, O God; You destroy those who speak lies; let them fall by their own counsels; the Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful. because of their many transgressions cast them out, for they have rebelled against you. Narrator 2 (more peacefully): But I, through the abundance of your steadfast Narrator 2 (confident, joyous): love, will enter your house, But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; I will bow down toward your holy temple in awe let them ever sing for joy. of you. Spread your protection over them, Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because so that those who love your name may exult in you. of my enemies; For you bless the righteous, O Lord; make your way straight before me. you cover them with favor as with a shield. REFRAIN REFRAIN

"Hear My Words, O Lord" © 2007 Greg Scheer • CCLI#5003994 • http://www.gregscheer.com • [email protected] You are encouraged to copy and distribute this page of music as long as this announcement is included and its use is reported to CCLI. You can find my current address, read the latest news, and download much more music for your church by visiting my website.

The Psalms in Modern Worship, page 10