Red Bank Plane Missing, 2 Aboard
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Weather Dbtribuffon 7«.£,*mp*»tat»23. Fair 4a. Today «*g, Wright aWl tomorrow. High THEBMLY "today, mkU*, LOW lonlgbt fa d» 24,878 tk. High tomorrow, apper Ma. Red Bank Area WedDewUy, cloudy, chum flt I J DIAL 741-0010 •now or rain. See weather, pag* MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS Isiuid dally, MonJiy Uiroujb Fridir. Beoond CUM VOL. 87, NO. 163 Paid tt Red sink ud it Additional MUllnf Omcei. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Red Bank Plane Missing, 2 Aboard By BOB BRAMLEY Dr., New Shrewsbury, a Bell "Omni" radio navigation station said this morning that the plane was tent out on a search in the but determined that they were RED BANK - Somewhere be- Telephone Laboratories employee. on Phalanx Rd., Mr. Loeb said. was a yellow and white model Raritan Bay-to-Red Bank area coming from the ground "like tween here and Newark Airport a J Search Flight! : W Minutes' Fuel bearing the number N2151-D. from Floyd Bennett Field. Going fireworks or flashes of light." Officers said they could find no small yellow and white aircraft At the time of the radio call, up also was one helicopter from Mr. Loeb, who remained at Red However, he added, if the pilot reason for the "explosion or ex- 18 missing. , the Coast Guard estimated that Floyd Bennett and one from the Bank airport «11 night awaiting became disoriented, it is possible, Naval Air Station at Lakehurst, plosions" that the woman re- The tingle-engine Beechcraft the plane would have been at or possible word of the missing air- tiiough unlikely, that he may have ported. Bonanza, property of Air Taxi Co. craft, made three search flights flown anywhere within the ap- near "the shoreline of Raritan Calls were put out to all mu- Bay in Monmouth County, or, at Red Bank airport, took off with over the area where Che plane proximately 300-mile area per- nicipal police stations in the Mr. Robinson, 33, had been on <he pilot and a single passenger may be down before 7 a.m. today, mitted by tiie airplane's 90-minute possibly, over the Atlantic," Mr. northern Monmouth County area. an employee recruiting mission at 7:14 last night on a routine two of them with this reporter as fuel supply. lee told The Register. for Bell Labs. taxi flight to Red Bank. observer. Weather at Red Bank when the He said the Coast Guard Cutter Telephone calls from both At- Eight minutes after takeoff, Flying low sweeps over snow- plane was due was light sriow Point Glover, an 82-footer, and lantic Highlands and Highlands Police Chief James Herring, James Loeb, Air Taxi Co. presi- covered terrain in an area bound- with tliree-mile visibility, Mr. two other search vessels, one 40 regarding an explosion were re- New Shrewsbury, said Mr. Robi- son has been among \ the com- dent, said this morning, the pilot ed by Highlands, Matawan, Colts Loeb • reported. "The weather feet and the other 30 feet long, ceived by the Coast Guard. munity's most active men in civic called Red Bank radio, advising Neck and Red Bank, Mr. Loeb sholildn't have been, a factor," he were dispatched from Sandy "But," Mr. Lee commented, affairs. He was identified with that he was en route to a normal and: this reporter were unable to commented. , Hook. Their mission was to "they could have had nothing to landing. search the area west of Hie Earle do with the plane, since the the local Civilian Defense police spot a trace of the missing craft. Air Taxi planes will continue Naval Ammunition Depot docks noise was reported at 7:09 p.m., reserves, Boy Scouts, Junior Nothing further has been heard The eight minutes' flying time the search today, Mr. Loeb said, at Leonardo. Joining them at 7 and the plane did not leave New- Chamber of Commerce and First or seen of the plane. elapsed before the pilot called noting' that their regular routes o'clock this morning were two ark until 7:14. Aid Squad. The pilot, a veteran profession- Red Bank would place the air- to the three metropolitan airports other vessels, a 44-foot cutter and His wife, Carol, also has been al according to Mr. Loeb, was craft either very close to the cover most of the search area. another 30-foot craft. Heard Explosions Sol Proven, of Tinton Ave., Ea- southern shore of Raritan Bay, or Boatswain's Mate 1/C Keith An Atlantic Highlands resident active in local events, the chief tontown. His passenger was Roy over land somewhere between Lee,, the duty officer at the Helicopters Up said she had heard five or six ex- said. The couple have one child, M. Robison of 63 Apple Orchard Keansburg and the Colts Neck Sandy Hook Coast Guard Station, Meantime, a Coast Guard plans plosions and saw flashes of light a year-old son. Roy M. Robison GourtMayGetApportionmentlssue By WILLIAM HENDERSON The 32-member GOP majority in Sie Assembly would be "The court gave us a mandate. We will try and live up to TRENTON — The bhorny reapportionment issue wiB wind stymied without those 10 votes. it. If we can enact into law a reapportionment bill and the up again in the hands of the Supreme Court judges unless the The Essex delegation does not want any redistricting gim- governor kills it we will call on the court for advice. Any deci- feuding members of the Republican-controlled Legislature can mick which would merge part of the county with Hudson sion by the Supreme Court overrides a veto by the governor. agree this week on a compromise bill. County along congressional lines. The Legislature also will be saddled this week with the the Bergen lawmakers want to run county wide. "The lawmakers must act this week or let the court plan task of revamping the state election laws to coincide with any If the Republicans do manage to resolve their differences reapportionment law. its own formula on reapportionment and the redistricting of this week and pass a bill on reapportionment there'll be any- New Jersey's staid election law Would require streamlin- congressional lines," a GOP state committee member told thing but a rainbow awaiting them down Hie. other end of the The Register. hall in the state house. • ing on issues pertaining to candidates; campaign monies; voting "This intra-party fighting is doing further damage to the Democratic Gov. Richard J. Hughes threatens to veto any machines and expenditures along with the revising of other Republicans image throughout the state. Sometimes it appears reapportionment system drawn on congressional lines. election statutes. as though the Legislature, and I mean the Democrats as well, Assemblyman Irving E. Keith, Bradley Beach, answers this want the Supreme Court to relieve'them of the reapportionment Starting today the legislators won't have any time on their with this statement: headache." hands. ' . Few, if any other bills will see daylight today when the legislators meet to do battle over several reapportionment measures which have been dropped in the hopper. Mrs. Wilson-HA Battle Flares Anew Looming ahead it the Friday, Feb. 19 date when (he secretary of state must, according to law, notify all 21 county chairmen in the state of the elective offices that must be filled. The secretary of state will be unable to send out such notices unless the reapportionment question is settled and he knows, how many candidates are running for various offices Ask Probe, Counter-Probe and in what districts. By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON vestiga,tion. of the authority. ANNUAL DINNER — D. LouU Tonfi, left, •xecirtiv. ; to check out the Wilson claims since; relinquishing' their -prop- "We may have to work at it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday FREEHOLD-The Long Branch Prosecwto/. Vincent P. Reaper on the West Creek move. He did dirtctor of the Naw Jarsay Highway Authority, was tfia erties. and all week to make progress," Assemblyman Alfred N. Housing Authority's. longstanding confirmed thM. information Iron so, it was said, ftt the. direction Mrs. Wilson said she saw- a principal ip«ak«r at Hit «nnual matljnq of th* MiddU- Beadlesttm, Rumson, said last night. battle " . Coundlwoman lacy U* Housing Aufliority ' about of Mr. Schulti, who undertook simiHarity in the present com- town Aria Chamber of Commerct Saturday night, in ,,. The center of trouble in the Legislature over reapportion- J. Wil " another Wttef turn transactions with the Wilsons had the responsibility a*v«n admin- plaint and a taxpayers civil suit ment U io tit Assembly. ...-.. • •., , been presented to Mj office. He tha tiinin Hoffow Country Club. RaeafWng Mr.fSm'i istrative matter without refer- in the Superior Court, which is Approximately 31 votes are needed to MM « bill in the .it was Itid it wilt be investigated but ence to Ui? full authority. stilj pending, to deprive her o! batt withti are David Cooper, center, n*w preiidant, lower house, but 10 vote* immediately caabe lifted of/ the . XHily 'Register, declined further comment. Some ol the expense claims receiving • any money for the and Robert Pflegar, right, outgoing prejident. Approxi- top because the five GOP assemblymen from Bergen County asked die county prosecutor to Aware of Complaint were charged against services properties .fiUcen by tne author- investigate expense reimbu'rte,- mately 175 persons attended the dinner. and the five representing Essex County strongly are opposed John E. Schulz, executive di- by a former employee of the ity..: '-•••-. to present reapportionment plans. ment claims Mrs. Wilson,'fifed rector of the authority, refused Wilsons who assisted in the mov- in 1962 and 1963 in moving' boats Charge Conflict to discuss the report but associ- ing.