



PRESENT: M Waterhouse (Chair) R Konieczny J Kenwright T Dunbobbin K Peacock P Wardle


J Smith (Vice Chair) M Jones


A new Register of Interests was completed and signed by each Parish Councillor. Mr Waterhouse informed the meeting that he has submitted an application for planning in a piece of his land which is situated in . Ms Kenwright declared an interest in the item on drains as her drains are affected. Mr Konieczny declared a non-pecuniary interest in the planning application submitted in respect of the old Davenport Arms site. The above named Parish Councillors will not take part in the discussions on which they have declared an interest.


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2015 were approved. These minutes will be signed by the Chair at the next meeting as the Minute Book was still with the Internal Auditor.

Proposed: J Kenwright Seconded: K Peacock


a) 3 Cottages, Station Road

This property is still for sale.

b) Parish Compact

The £3,000 Grant from East towards keeping the village tidy and litter free has been chased up and should be received within the next few days.

Action: Clerk

c) Cheshire Community Action

Mr Dunbobbin reported that he did not see much merit in joining this.

d) Missed Buses / Street Lights, Jolly Tar Bus Stop

The Clerk would try to find out if the street lights had been reinstated in this area. It was agreed that a survey be conducted and a list compiled of the street lights which the Parish Council thought should be switched back on and those which might be turned off. It was stressed that the lights left on should be no more than at present so that the carbon footprint of the village would remain the same, but it was agreed that some of the lights switched off along the A51 created a danger for residents.

It was pointed out that some of the areas to be covered would be in Alpraham or Wardle but, because residents of Calveley would be affected, it was decided that these areas should be included. A notice would be posted on the website asking residents for their views.

Mr Waterhouse and Mr Konieczny would collate the information and it would then be sent to Michael Jones and Kevin Spelling of , with a copy to the other Parish Councils concerned.

Action: Chair Clerk R Konieczny


a) A51 Meeting

Nothing further to report.

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b) Road Safety Sub-Committee

A request for cameras has been sent to Cheshire East who are processing the information with the appropriate departments to get them set up outside the school. If there are six or eight trainees to use the equipment the police train the volunteers and supply the SID. Ms Kenwright said that there is a waiting list but would tell them that Mr Wardle’s work started over a year ago so that time should be taken into account. Trainees would be recruited.

Action: J Kenwright

c) Drains – Calveley Hall Lane

Cheshire East are progressing this.

d) Bailey’s

There has been no feedback from Cheshire East. Mr Konieczny is progressing this.

e) Proposed Weight Limit on Lanes

The weight limit on the Lanes is being progressed by Cheshire East.

f) Proposed Pedestrian Crossing

No further progress

g) Wardle Development

Mr Jones was ot at the meeting to progress the A51/A55 signage.

h) Defibrillator

This matter cannot be progressed at the present time.

i) Volunteers’ Litter Picking Day

This event had been held on 3 May and had been a great success. The Clerk had prepared a thank you notice to the residents who took part and had passed on the Parish Council’s appreciation of the loan of the equipment and the prompt removal of the bags of rubbish.

Mr Waterhouse said that the grass had started to grow in the hedgerows which made the job harder than it should have been, and called for the next Litter Picking Day be held during the late Autumn/early Spring, when it would be easier and more effective.

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Mr Waterhouse asked that a diary/document be designed so that items such as the Litter Picking Day, Review of the Risk Assessment, Review of Standing Orders, etc could be monitored in advance so that they would take up less time at meetings and it would also give Councillors an opportunity to study the items to be discussed at a meeting beforehand.


a) Internal Audit

The Accounts were with the Internal Auditor and therefore could not be circulated to the meeting.

b) Accounts For Payment

As the cheque book was with the Internal Auditor this item was held in abeyance until the next meeting.

c) Receipts

As above.

d) Application for Internet/Telephone Banking

This matter was left in abeyance until the next meeting as its needs all Parish Councillors to be present

e) Annual Accounts

The Annual Return had been received from the External Auditors and had prepared and sent to the Internal Auditor. When they are received back from the Internal Auditor an Extraordinary Meeting will be called to sign off the Annual Return and process the other items of finance which had been left in abeyance.

The meeting was informed that our present Internal Auditor, who had been kind enough to audit the Parish Accounts for the past several years, would be retiring after this year. Mr Dunbobbin said that he would try to find a replacement in time for next year’s Annual Accounts.

f) Community Plan Accounts

The Community Plan Accounts had been incorporated into the Parish Council Accounts. Information had been received that the Community Plan was a Sub-committee of the Parish Council and as such its accounts should

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form part of the Parish Council’s Accounts for the purpose of the Annual Return. g) Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014

This new Act requires that certain items of information relating to expenditure, Annual Accounts, the Annual Governance Statement, Internal Audit report and list of Councillor or Member Responsibilities and detail of land and building assets, be made public on a free public website. This information is required to be displayed on a website by not later than 1 July in the year immediately following the year end and should be updated every year. The Clerk would prepare this information for approval by the Parish Council before it being displayed on the Calveley Community Website.


a) Planning Applications Received

i) Application 14/3226N Proposed Two Storey Side and Rear Extension Works : Wardle Cottage, Road, Calveley, CW6 9JT – Approved.

ii) Pre Application 14/4006N : Semi Detached Houses : South View, Alpraham – No further information from Cheshire East

iii) Application 14/4833N : Fox Heys, Calveley Hall Lane, CW6 9LG Approved with conditions.

iv) Application 14/5129N : The Croft, Nantwich Road – No decision has yet been made by Cheshire East.

v) Applicatin 1761 : Humble Bee Bank Cottage, Calveley Hall Lane : The Parish Council has no objections to this application.

b) Application 13/2035N : Land at Former Airfield at Wardle Addendum to Application – The Clerk will chase the supply of a written report again with Cheshire East.

c) Application 14/5906N : Old Davenport Arms

No response has been received from Cheshire East to the Parish Council’s feedback to the Application. The Clerk will chase this up.

d) Application 14/4006 : North View, Alpraham - This application will be discussed in Committee on15 June 2015.


i) Parish Council Responsibilities

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The Action Plan had been updated as far as the Parish Council items were concerned for the time being.

ii) Insurance for Community Plan Group and Volunteers

The Clerk had ascertained that the Community Plan Working Group was a Sub-committee and as such was insured by the Parish Council insurance, as were any volunteers working with them.

iv) Update

Residents will be updated on progress in a letter which should be issued on 30 June 2015.

e) Wardle Development

The Clerk wrote to Cheshire East Planning, but no reply has yet been received. The Clerk will follow this up again with Mr Jones

Action: Clerk f) Neighbourhood Plan / Design Statement

Mr Gregory is continuing his research into the merits of a Neighbourhood Plan.

g) Slipway

No further progress


Nothing further to report.


a) Council

Mr Jones was not at the meeting.

b) Neighbourhood Watch

Ms Kenwright reported that the Homewatch signs had been put up and she was working on fulfilling the criteria for the Grant. She reported that there had been three incidents and that the police had been informed.

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a) Nantwich Aqueduct

An email had been received from a business that will be affected by the proposed closure of the A51 to allow work to be done on the Aqueduct at Nantwich, which will take 10 weeks and is due to commence in September. This business has already contacted Mr Jones at Cheshire East. The Clerk was asked to reply to the email.

b) Police Cluster Meeting

The minutes of the Police cluster meeting held on 21 April were received.

c) ChALC Area Meeting

The minutes of the ChALC and Nantwich Area Meeting had been received.


a) Unauthorised Signs

It was reported that there was a sign on the highway outside Bailey’s which posed a hazard, particularly to motor cycle riders. There were also several other signs along the immediate stretch of road from others. Mr Konieczny will contact the people concerned with these signs and inform them that Planning Permission is required before notices of this kind can be displayed.

b) Bailey’s

Bailey’s are running the engines of lorries during the night for quite long periods of time which is disturbing residents. Mr Wardle will speak to \Bailey’s to see if a compromise can be reached.

c) Removal of Trees and Hedges, Calveley Green Lane

Residents are becoming increasingly concerned about the removal of trees and hedges at a property situated opposite the old Dog Kennals in Calveley Green Lane and a Beech Hedge being planted in place of the original hedge. A sizable area has been cleared and broken brick rubble being laid down to form a hard base. This area was formerly a dense wooded area. The Clerk was asked to write toMr Jones at Cheshire East, the Tree Preservation Officer and the Environmental Health Officer with this complaint.

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The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 14 May 2015 at 7.30pm in the Reading Room.

...... Chairman Clerk

Date: ......

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