The Approach Towards Small Sites [ED 58]
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Cheshire East Local Plan Site Allocations and Development Policies Document The Approach Towards Small Sites [ED 58] August 2020 OFFICIAL Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3 2. Background ......................................................................................................... 5 3. Supply on sites of 1 ha or less ............................................................................. 7 Appendix 1: Sources of supply ............................................................................ 9 OFFICIAL 1. Introduction 1.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (“NPPF”) recognises the contribution that small and medium sized sites can make to meeting the housing requirement of an area and that these sites are often built out relatively quickly. 1.2 ¶68 of the NPPF states that local planning authorities should identify, through the development plan and brownfield registers, land to accommodate at least 10% of their housing requirement on sites no larger than one hectare (“ha”); unless it can be shown, through the preparation of relevant plan policies, that there are strong reasons why this 10% target cannot be achieved. 1.3 This report [ED 58] explains the approach taken towards the provision of small and medium sized sites in the Revised Publication Draft Site Allocations and Development Policies Document (“SADPD”) taking account of the latest housing monitoring position at 31 March 2020. 1.4 The SADPD is the second part of the Local Plan. It is a non-strategic plan prepared to be consistent with the strategic policies of the Local Plan Strategy (“LPS”) and includes, amongst other things, a range of policies to guide planning application decisions and the identification of updated settlement boundaries. 1.5 The SADPD also allocates a number of additional non-strategic sites for housing development to assist in meeting the overall housing needs established by LPS Policy PG 1 “Overall Development Strategy” of 36,000 new dwellings over the plan period. Alongside the LPS, the SADPD provides an appropriate strategy so that the strategic housing needs identified in the LPS are met in full. 1.6 It is highlighted in this report, that the LPS was adopted in July 2017, prior to the introduction of NPPF paragraph 68 in February 2018. ¶36 of the NPPF states that the tests of soundness when examining non-strategic policies are to be applied in a proportionate way, taking into account the extent to which they are consistent with relevant strategic policies for the area. 1.7 If the 10% requirement was applied retrospectively from the start of the plan period, 10% of the housing requirement of 36,000 dwellings would be 3,600 dwellings. 1.8 As set out in The Provision of Housing and Employment Land and the Approach to Spatial Distribution [ED 05], overall housing land supply at 31 March 2020 (including the contribution of 275 dwellings to be made through the SADPD) is 41,270 dwellings. There is now a very healthy supply of dwellings which is +5,270 dwellings over and above the housing requirement of 36,000 dwellings, equivalent to 14.6% plan flexibility. 1.9 The allocation of an additional 3,600 dwellings on sites of less than 1ha, in addition to the dwellings already completed, committed or allocated would significantly exceed the levels of development expected by the LPS. 1.10 Arguably given that the SADPD is being prepared half way through the plan period, it is a reasonable and proportionate approach to apply the 10% requirement to the number of homes left to build over the remaining years of the plan period. OFFICIAL 3 1.11 At the 31 March 2020, net housing completions of 15,683 dwellings (of which 5,014 dwellings were on sites of 1 ha or less) leaves a remaining requirement of 20,317 dwellings to be completed over the remaining years of the plan period in order to meet 36,000. 10% of 20,317 dwellings is 2,032 dwellings. 1.12 This report demonstrates that taking account of sites identified in the Brownfield Register and those sources of supply identified in the LPS namely: sites with planning permission (commitments), allocations and the small sites windfall allowance, that there is a plentiful supply of sites of 1 hectare or less sufficient to both exceed 10% of the overall housing requirement and 10% of the remaining homes to be built over the plan period. On this basis, there is no further need to identify additional sites of 1 ha or less in order to meet the 10% requirement. 1.13 All documents referred to with the ‘ED’ prefix are available to view in the Revised Publication Draft SADPD consultation library. OFFICIAL 4 2. Background Introduction 2.1 Paragraph 68 of the NPPF states that ‘Small and medium sized sites can make an important contribution to meeting the housing requirement of an area, and are often built- out relatively quickly. To promote the development of a good mix of sites local planning authorities should: a) identify, through the development plan and brownfield registers, land to accommodate at least 10% of their housing requirement on sites no larger than one hectare; unless it can be shown, through the preparation of relevant plan policies, that there are strong reasons why this 10% target cannot be achieved; b) use tools such as area-wide design assessments and Local Development Orders to help bring small and medium sized sites forward; c) support the development of windfall sites through their policies and decisions – giving great weight to the benefits of using suitable sites within existing settlements for homes; and d) work with developers to encourage the sub-division of large sites where this could help to speed up the delivery of homes. 2.2 This chapter identifies the housing requirement set out in the LPS and the changes that have taken place in supply and delivery since the plan was adopted. This context informs the approach taken towards sites of 1ha or less. The Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy 2.3 The Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy (LPS) is the strategic plan for the borough and Policy PG 1 “Overall Development Strategy” established the objectively assessed need for 36,000 new dwellings over the plan period. 2.4 The LPS reflects the housing monitoring position at 31 March 2016 and this is summarised in Table 1. Housing Supply Net dwellings Completions 01/04/10-31/3/2016 5,473 Supply (sites with planning permission and allocated 29,377 sites) Small sites windfall allowance for remaining years of 1,375 the plan period Sub total 36,225 Contribution to be made through the SADPD 3,335 TOTAL 39,560 Table 1: Housing supply at 31 March 2016 OFFICIAL 5 2.5 LPS ¶8.18 states that the council fully intends to meet the requirements of delivering 36,000 new dwellings over the plan period, taking into account various components of supply. These include: completions since the start of the plan period; sites with planning permission and those allocated in the LPS; a small sites windfall allowance and the contribution to be made from sites allocated in the SADPD. 2.6 As the LPS was adopted in July 2017, prior to the introduction of NPPF paragraph 68 the LPS does not contain any policies to require that 10% of the housing requirement of 36,000 dwellings (i.e. 3,600 dwellings) is accommodated on sites no larger than 1 ha. The SADPD is being prepared to be consistent with the LPS and the tests of soundness set out in ¶37 of the NPPF are to be applied in a proportionate way, taking into account the extent to which they are consistent with relevant strategic policies for the area. 2020 housing monitoring position 2.7 The SADPD is being prepared half-way through the LPS plan period and takes account of the latest monitoring position at 31 March 2020 and this is summarised in Table 2. Housing Supply Net dwellings Completions 01/04/10-31/3/2020 15,683 Supply (sites with planning permission and allocated 24,437 sites) Small sites windfall allowance for remaining years of 875 the plan period Sub total 40,995 Contribution to be made through the SADPD 275 Total 41,270 Table 2: Housing supply at 31 March 2020 2.8 Supply at the 31 March 2020 is 41,270 dwellings (including the contribution of 275 dwellings to be made through the SADPD). This is a very healthy supply of dwellings which is +5,270 dwellings over and above the housing requirement of 36,000. 2.9 Net completions at the 31 March 2020 are 15,683 dwellings (of which 5,014 dwellings have been completed on sites of 1ha or less). The number of dwellings remaining to be built over the plan period to reach 36,000 is now 20,317. 2.10 Given that the SADPD is being prepared half way through the plan period and a proportion of the development expected has already been delivered, it is a reasonable and proportionate approach to apply the 10% requirement to the remaining levels of development of 20,317 dwellings. This equates to 2,032 dwellings. OFFICIAL 6 3. Supply on sites of 1 ha or less 3.1 Further details of sources of supply from sites of 1 ha or less can be found at Appendix 1. This includes: Brownfield Register 3.2 The council published its latest Brownfield Register (“BR”) in December 2019. The BR contains: Brownfield sites with extant planning permission or a resolution to grant planning permission as at 31 March 2019; Brownfield sites allocated for residential development in the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy (without planning permission); Sites subject to Local Development Orders; and Sites submitted to the council for inclusion within the register and assessed as being suitable, achievable and available for residential led development in accordance with the council’s published methodology.