LSSIP 2019 - LOCAL SINGLE SKY IMPLEMENTATION Level2019 1 - Implementation Overview

Document Title LSSIP Year 2019 for Belgium

Info Centre Reference 20/01/15/05 Date of Edition 25/06/19 LSSIP Focal Point Antoine Vincent [email protected] Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport LSSIP Contact Person Valerie Oblin - [email protected] EUROCONTROL / NMD/INF/PAS LSSIP Support Team [email protected] Status Released Intended for Agency Stakeholders Available in implementation-monitoring

Reference Documents

LSSIP Documents monitoring Master Plan Level 3 – Plan Edition 2019 implementation-plan-level-3-2019 Master Plan Level 3 – Report Year 2019 implementation-report-level-3-2019 European ATM Portal STATFOR Forecasts National AIP /index-en-GB.html FAB Performance Plan e%20Plan/

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium- Level 1 Released Issue


The following authorities have approved all parts of the LSSIP Year 2019 document and the signatures confirm the correctness of the reported information and reflect the commitment to implement the actions laid down in the European ATM Master Plan Level 3 (Implementation View) – Edition 2019.

No signature received from for the 2019 Belgium LSSIP document

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium- Level 1 Released Issue


Executive Summary ...... 1 Introduction ...... 6 1. National ATM Environment ...... 7 Geographical Scope ...... 7 National Stakeholders ...... 11 2. Traffic and Capacity ...... 20 Evolution of traffic in Belgium ...... 20 ACC ...... 21 3. Implementation Projects ...... 25 National projects ...... 25 FAB projects ...... 26 Multinational projects ...... 31 U-Space demonstration projects ...... 32 4. Cooperation activities ...... 35 FAB Co-ordination...... 35 Multinational cooperation initiatives ...... 35 5. Implementation Objectives Progress ...... 37 State View: Overall Objective Implementation Progress ...... 37 Objective Progress per SESAR Key Feature ...... 38 ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress ...... 42 Detailed Objectives Implementation progress ...... 43 6. Annexes ...... 79 A. Specialists involved in the ATM implementation reporting for Belgium ...... 79 B. National stakeholders organisation charts ...... 80 C. Implementation Objectives’ links with SESAR KF, ASBU blocks and more ...... 84 D. Implementation of U-Space Services ...... 89 E. SESAR Solutions implemented in a voluntary way ...... 97 F. Military Organisations Infrastructure ...... 104 G. Glossary of abbreviations ...... 105

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium- Level 1 Released Issue

Executive Summary

National ATM Context

Member State of:

The main National Stakeholders involved in ATM in Belgium are the following:

- The Federal Public Service (FPS) Mobility and Transport, through the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) - skeyes - MUAC - The Ministry of Defence (MoD), through the Air Component - Brussels Company.

Main airport covered by LSSIP: EBBR ()

Traffic and Capacity

Summer Forecast (May to October inclusive)

0.1% & 2.7% -1.5% 2019 20192020 -2024

Minute, per ACC

0.27 1.20 2018 2019

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 1 Released Issue Belgium is part of:

The Functional Airspace Block Central

Number of national projects: 2 projects ongoing Number of FAB projects: 2 projects ongoing U-Space demonstration projects: 8 projects ongoing

Summary of 2019 developments: Year 2019 included the realization of two major ATM projects on 2 December: - the move of the military ATC centre of Semmerzake to the civil ACC operational room in CANAC, allowing a colocalization of both units; - the simultaneous replacement of the military ATM system by a remote system (Shared ATS System, SAS2) based on MUAC ATM System, and hosted by .

Both changes required years of equipment, infrastructure and personnel preparations.

Progress per SESAR Phase

The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the SESAR baseline (Pre-SESAR and SESAR1 non-PCP) and the PCP elements. It shows the average implementation progress for all objectives grouped by SESAR Phases, excluding those for which the State is outside the applicability area as defined on a yearly basis in the European ATM Master Plan (Level 3) 2019, i.e. disregarding the declared “NOT APPLICABLE”LSSIP progress status. The SESAR 1 (non-PCP) progress in the graphics below for this State is based on the following objectives: AOP14, AOP15, AOP16, ATC02.9, ATC20, NAV12 and COM11.2.

Pre-SESAR Phase 2000 2030


SESAR 1 (PCP only) 2011 2024


SESAR 1 (non-PCP) 2013 2030


LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 2 Released Issue

Progress per SESAR Key Feature and Phase

The figure below shows the progress made so far, per SESAR Key Feature, in the implementation of the SESAR baseline and the PCP elements. The percentages are calculated as an average, per Key Feature, of the same objectives as in the previous paragraph.

ICAO ASBUs Progress Implementation

The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the ICAO ASBUs Blocks 0. The overall percentage is calculated as an average of the relevant Objectives contributing to each of the relevant ASBUs; this is a summary of the table explained in Chapter 5.3 – ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress.

Block 0 2000 2024


LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 3 Released Issue ATM Deployment Outlook

State Objectives

 Deployed in 2018 - 2019 None

By 2020 By 2021 By 2022 By 2023+

- Implementation of ground- - ASM Management of Real- - RNAV 1 in TMA Operations ground automated co- Time Airspace Data NAV03.1 - 79 % progress ordination processes AOM19.2 - 56 % progress - Electronic Dialogue as ITY-COTR - 73 % progress - ASM Support Tools to Automated Assistance to - New Pan-European Support Advanced FUA Controller during Network Service (NewPENS) (AFUA) Coordination and Transfer COM12 - 47 % progress AOM19.1 - 90 % progress ATC17 - 24 % progress - 8,33 kHz Air-Ground Voice - Short Term ATFCM - Collaborative Flight Channel Spacing below FL195 Measures (STAM) - Phase 2 Planning ITY-AGVCS2 - 81 % progress FCM04.2 - 30 % progress FCM03 - 45 % progress - Surveillance Performance - Interactive Rolling NOP - Information Exchanges and Interoperability FCM05 - 36 % progress using the SWIM Yellow TI ITY-SPI - 89 % progress - Management of Pre- Profile - Full Rolling ASM/ATFCM defined Airspace INF08.1 - 00 % progress Process and ASM Configurations - Information Exchange with Information Sharing AOM19.4 - 55 % progress En-route in Support of AMAN AOM19.3 - 53 % progress ATC15.1 - 00 % progress - Traffic Complexity - Extended Flight Plan Assessment FCM08 - 00 % progress FCM06 - 30 % progress - Voice over Internet - Harmonise Operational Air Protocol (VoIP) in En-Route Traffic (OAT) and General Air COM11.1 - 36 % progress Traffic (GAT) Handling - Voice over Internet AOM13.1 - 90 % progress Protocol (VoIP) in - Electronic Terrain and Airport/Terminal Obstacle Data (eTOD) COM11.2 - 00 % progress INF07 - 38 % progress - Aircraft Identification ITY-ACID - 80 % progress - RNP Approach Procedures to instrument RWY NAV10 - 84 % progress - Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and Aeronautical Information ITY-ADQ - 91 % progress

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 4 Released Issue Airport Objectives - Oostende Airport

 Deployed in 2018 - 2019 None

By 2020 By 2021 By 2022 By 2023+

- Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) ENV01 - 12 % progress

Airport Objectives - Brussels Airport

 Deployed in 2018 - 2019 None

By 2020 By 2021 By 2022 By 2023+

- Initial Airport Operations - AMAN Tools and Plan Procedures AOP11 - 75 % progress ATC07.1 - 53 % progress

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 5 Released Issue


The Local Single Sky ImPlementation (LSSIP) documents, as an integral part of the Master Plan (MP) Level 3 (L3)/LSSIP mechanism, constitute a short/medium term implementation plan containing ECAC States’ actions to achieve the Implementation Objectives as set out by the MP Level 3 and to improve the performance of their national ATM System. This LSSIP document describes the situation in the State at the end of December 2019, together with plans for the next years.

Chapter 1 provides an overview of the ATM institutional arrangements within the State, the membership of the State in various international organisations, the organisational structure of the main ATM players - civil and military - and their responsibilities under the national legislation. In addition, it gives an overview of the Airspace Organisation and Classification, the ATC Units, the U-Space services supporting drones operations and the ATM systems operated by the main ANSP;

Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive picture of the situation of Air Traffic, Capacity and ATFM Delay per each ACC in the State. It shows the evolution of Air Traffic and Delay in the last five years and the forecast for the next five years. It also presents the achieved performance in terms of delay during the summer season period and the planned projects assumed to offer the required capacity which will match the foreseen traffic increase and keep the delay at the agreed performance level;

Chapter 3 provides the main Implementation Projects (at national, FAB and multinational level) which contribute directly to the implementation of the MP Operational Improvements and/or Enablers and Implementation Objectives. The Level 1 document covers a high-level list of the projects showing the applicable links. All other details like description, timescale, progress made and expected contribution to the ATM Key Performance Areas provided by the State per each project are available in the Level 2 document. The chapter also provides an overview of any U- Space demonstration projects currently completed, ongoing and planned to take place in the Country;

Chapter 4 deals with other cooperation activities beyond Implementation Projects. It provides an overview of the FAB cooperation, as well as all other multinational initiatives, which are out of the FAB scope. The content of this chapter generally is developed and agreed in close cooperation between the States concerned;

Chapter 5 contains aggregated information at State level covering the overall level of implementation, implementation per SESAR Key Feature and implementation of ICAO ASBUs. In addition, it provides the high-level information on progress and plans of each Implementation Objective. The information for each Implementation Objective is presented in boxes giving a summary of the progress and plans of implementation for each Stakeholder. The conventions used are presented at the beginning of the section.

The Level 1 document is completed with a separate document called LSSIP Level 2. This document consists of a set of tables organised in line with the list of Implementation Objectives. Each table contains all the actions planned by the four national stakeholders (REG, ASP, MIL and APO) to achieve their respective Stakeholder Lines of Action (SLoAs) as established in the European ATM Master Plan L3 Implementation Plan Edition 2019. In addition, it covers a detailed description of the Implementation Projects for the State as extracted from the LSSIP Data Base.

The information contained in Chapter 5 – Implementation Objectives Progress is deemed sufficient to satisfy State reporting requirements towards ICAO in relation to ASBU (Aviation System Block Upgrades) monitoring.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 6 Released Issue

1. National ATM Environment

Geographical Scope

International Membership

Belgium is a Member of the following international organisations in the field of ATM:

Organisation Since ECAC  1955 EUROCONTROL  1960  1957 EASA  2003 ICAO  1947 NATO  1949 ITU  1945 JAA  1970 EDA  2005

Geographical description of the FIR

On the civil side, the geographical scope of this LSSIP document addresses the Brussels FIR/UIR at and below FL 245, excluding the G.D. of airspace below FL 165 in the southern part and FL145 in the northern part. On the military side, the geographical scope of this LSSIP document addresses the entire Brussels FIR/UIR. The Division Flight Level (DFL) separating upper from lower ATS airspace is FL 195. The responsibility for the provision of civil ATS in the airspace above FL 245 has been delegated to MUAC, for which a separate LSSIP is developed. Brussels ACC also controls the airspace over the G.D. of Luxembourg between FL 165 and FL 245 in the southern part and between FL145 and FL 245 in the northern part. The military ANSP provides ATS services in the entire Brussels FIR/UIR to OAT. Brussels FIR/UIR is surrounded by FIRs of 4 States, namely , , The and .

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 7 Released Issue

Airspace Classification and Organisation

The airspace above FL 195 (until FL 660) is designated as Brussels Upper Control Area (UTA). Controlled airspace below FL 195 is divided into CTRs, TMAs, Control Areas (CTAs) Airways (AWYs) and Prohibited, Restricted and Danger areas (PDR’s). The airspace outside these permanent structures below FL 195 is called the Lower CTA (LCTA). The airspace at and below 4500 ft AMSL outside controlled airspace and outside Prohibited, Restricted and Danger areas, is uncontrolled airspace. A number of Temporary Restricted Areas (TRAs) (TRA South, TRA North and TRA West) and other AMC manageable areas (e.g. Helicopter Training Areas, Low Flying Areas, Danger and Restricted areas…) can be reserved by Belgian Defence for military activities. Transition altitude in Brussels FIR is 4500 ft AMSL. In April 2015, a RMZ was created around the AD of Kortrijk/Wevelgem and FIR Brussels, outside regulated airspace, did get a RMZ and TMZ status during night. In March 2016, an ATZ was created around the aerodrome of Sint- Truiden/Brustem.

ATC Units

The only ACC of concern to this LSSIP is Brussels ACC, operating a maximum of 7 elementary en-route sectors (ES) which can be combined in a flexible and dynamic way. 16 different sector configurations are defined and can be easily changed pending to traffic demand, traffic complexity and available staffing. The en-route sectors are responsible for the provision of ATS in the route structure of the Brussels FIR/UIR from 4500 ft to FL 245, which includes parts of the G.D. of Luxembourg airspace in the southern part between FL 165 and FL 245, in the northern part between FL145 and FL245. In addition to the en-route sectors the CANAC 2 operations room also houses 3 APP sectors, which are responsible for the provision of ATS within the Brussels Terminal Area. The handling of OAT (and some GAT) in Brussels FIR/UIR (at all Flight Levels), including delegated airspace, is the responsibility of the military area ATS unit Military ATC Centre (ATCC).

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 8 Released Issue

The ATC units in the Belgian airspace, which are of concern to this LSSIP, are the following:

ATC Unit Number of sectors Associated FIR(s) Remarks En-route TMA EBBUACC 7 0 EBBU FIR Limited to the en-route part EBBUAPP 0 3 EBBUFIR Limited to the EBBR TMA & CTA EBCIAPP 0 1 EBBUFIR Limited to EBCI TMA EBLGAPP 0 1 EBBUFIR Limited to EBLG TMA EBOS APP 0 1 EBBUFIR Limited to EBOS TMA

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 9 Released Issue U-Space services

An overview of the current implementation progress and short to medium term planning information on the main elements underlying the provision of the U-Space services enabling Very Low Level drones operations is provided in Annex to this document. U-Space demonstration projects information are also included in section 3.4. The following table contains a list of the 16 services expected to be available in phases U1 (2019) to U3 (2025), as described in the European ATM Master Plan add-on: Roadmap for the safe integration of drones into all classes of airspace.

Phase Service U1.1 e-Registration U1 Foundation Services U1.2 e-Identification U1.3 Pre-tactical Geo-fencing U2.1 Tactical Geo-fencing U2.2 Flight Planning Management U2.3 Weather Information U2.4 Tracking U2 Initial Services U2.5 Monitoring U2.6 Drone Aeronautical Information Management U2.7 Procedural Interface with ATC U2.8 Emergency Management U2.9 Strategic De-confliction U3.1 Dynamic Geo-fencing U3.2 Collaborative Interface with ATC U3 Advanced Services U3.3 Tactical De-confliction U3.4 Dynamic Capacity Management

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 10 Released Issue National Stakeholders

The airspace within Brussels FIR/UIR is subdivided into 4 classifications (C, D, E and G) according to ICAO specifications.

Class Airspace type Remarks C CTR Maastricht CTR (within the Brussels FIR) TMA Military and Civil (except Luxembourg TMA below FL 95) AWY Except AWY within the Luxembourg TMA below FL 95 CTA All CTA’s LCTA UTA In line with the objectives for airspace simplification throughout ECAC airspace D CTR All CTR’s (except portion of Maastricht CTR within Belgian FIR) TMA Luxembourg TMA One A and One B and TMA Five below FL95 Lille TMA 2 Part 1 Maastricht TMA 1 E TMA Luxembourg TMA Two A, Two B, Two D and Two F below FL100 and TMA Two C and Two E, TMA Three; TMA Four Lille TMA 9 Part 1 G Uncontrolled airspace Unclassified Above Brussels UTA (i.e. above FL660)

The main National Stakeholders involved in ATM in Belgium are the following:

- The Federal Public Service (FPS) Mobility and Transport, through the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) - skeyes - MUAC - The Ministry of Defence (MoD), through the Air Component - Brussels Airport Company

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 11 Released Issue Their activities are detailed in the following subchapters and their relationships are shown in the diagram below.

State of Belgium


Federal Public Service Ministery of Defence Mobility and Transport Airport Operating Licence granted to The Brussels Airport Company

Management Contract with AAIU The Brussels Belgocontrol Airport Company

Belgian Air Belgian Civil Belgian Civil Aviation Maastricht Upper Component Air Navigation Service Provider Authority (BCAA) Area Control Centre (HQ Comopsair) (Belgocontrol) (MUAC)

Committee of Directors (DIRCOM)

Belgian Air Navigation Airliners Committee (BELANC)


Civil aviation in Belgium is the responsibility of the Federal Public Service (FPS) Mobility and Transport through the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA), which is the Belgian GAT Regulatory Authority. The National Supervisory Authority (NSA), as per (SES) Service Provision Regulation is the Belgian Supervisory Authority for Air Navigation Services (BSA-ANS), a department within the BCAA. skeyes is the Civil Air Navigation Service (ANS) Provider in the Brussels Flight Information Region / Upper Flight Information Region (FIR/UIR) at and below FL 245. There is a full separation between skeyes and BCAA. Since April 2014, a third 5-year management contract between skeyes and the Belgian State lays down the obligations of skeyes. This provisions of this management contract remain applicable pending the publishing of the new contract. The responsibility for the provision of civil ATS in the airspace above FL 245 has been delegated to Maastricht UAC (MUAC). Military aviation in Belgium is the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The MoD plays a major role in managing and controlling parts of the airspace and acts as a Regulatory Authority for OAT as well as being an airspace user and an OAT Air Traffic Service (ATS) provider. The separation of Regulatory Authority and Service Provision is assured within the separate functions in the organization. Airspace matters, in particular, are dealt with the Belgian Airspace and Navigation Committee (BELANC), recognized as the Belgian HLAPB. Co-ordination between the MoD (Air Component), skeyes and BCAA is mainly dealt with the BELANC and the Committee of Directors (DIRCOM). The main Belgian airport is EBBR, operated by Brussels Airport Company. The other principal in Belgium are Antwerp (EBAW), Charleroi (EBCI), Liège (EBLG), Oostende (EBOS) and Kortrijk (EBKT).

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 12 Released Issue

Civil Regulator

General Information

Civil aviation in Belgium is the responsibility of the FPS Mobility and Transport through the BCAA, which is the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority. The various national entities having regulatory or supervisory responsibilities in ATM are summarized in the table below. BCAA is further detailed in the following sections.

Activity in ATM: Organisation responsible Legal Basis Rule-making BCAA (Airspace Royal Decree of 15 March 1954 department) Royal Decree of 19 December 2014 COMMISSION IR (EU) No 923/2012 of 26 SEP 2012 (SERA) Safety Oversight BCAA Royal Decree of 14 February 2006 Enforcement actions in case of BCAA (BSA-ANS & Law of 27 June 1937 non-compliance with safety Aviation Safety regulatory requirements Inspectorate) Airspace BCAA (Airspace Law of 27 June 1937 department and BSA- ANS) *

Economic BCAA Law of 27 June 1937 Environment BCAA (Airspace Law of 27 June 1937 Department)

Security BCAA (Aviation Law of 27 June 1937 Inspectorate)

Accident investigation Air Accident Investigation For the issues not covered by REG (EU) No. 996/2010, Unit –AAIU(be) Royal decree of 09 December 1998

* The BCAA Airspace department and the BSA-ANS are the two organizations in charge of the Belgian airspace, the first on rulemaking and the second on supervision.

In Belgium, the Parliament is competent with respect to the making of laws. In 1937, it gave authority to the King to regulate on certain matters, including air transport. In some well-defined cases, the King has given authority to the Minister. For some rules, the Director General of the BCAA is competent by virtue of a delegation by the Minister. This applies to the regulation aspect, so the general rule for air transport is that it is a competence of the King.

The King bestows ranks within the army. He appoints individuals to general administrative functions and to foreign affairs, but for those exceptions established by law. He appoints individuals to other functions only by virtue of specific provisions of a law.

As regards to the management of air transport and the functioning of the department, the Minister is competent on the basis of the Royal Decree on government composition and portfolio allocation. The BCAA is a functional division of his administration. It does not have its own powers as administration.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 13 Released Issue BCAA

The BCAA is the civil aviation authority depending from the FPS Mobility and Transport under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Mobility. It is responsible for the certification of civil aircraft and equipment, supervises the safety of aviation in the national airspace, and acts as economic regulator. Since 2 March 2005, a 5-year management contract between skeyes and the Belgian State lays down the obligations of the national ANSP and clearly identifies the organisational, functional and institutional separation. The 3rd management contract is actually enforced by the Royal decree of 25 April 2014.

Annual Report published: Y The 2018 Update of the Belgian Plan for Aviation Safety (2016-2020) is available here (no update done in 2019): ety_update_2018_en.pdf

See also and The organisational chart of BCAA is available in Annexes.


Service provided

Governance: Autonomous governmental Ownership: 100% state-owned company (corporatized since October 1998) (Public Business Entity) Services provided Y/N Comment ATC en-route Y At and below FL 245. The responsibility for the provision of civil ATS in the Airspace above FL 245 has been delegated to Maastricht UAC (MUAC) ATC approach ATC provided in EBBR, EBCI, EBLG and EBOS ATC Aerodrome(s) Y ATC provided in EBAW, EBBR, EBCI, EBLG and EBOS AFIS Aerodrome Y AFISO provided in EBKT AIS Y CNS Y MET Y ATCO training Y The skeyes/EPNB training centre offers training, especially for ATCOs, meteorological and technical staff. Others Y skeyes also provides radio trunking services at EBBR. Additional information: Since April 2014 a third management contract between the Belgian State and skeyes lays down the obligations of skeyes for the 5 coming years. Provision of services in Y ATC between FL 165 and FL 245 in the Southern Part and between FL145 and FL 245 other State(s): in the Northern Part in the G.D. of Luxemburg Annual Report published: This is the annual report covering yearly activities of the ANSP.

See also The organisational chart of skeyes is available in Annexes.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 14 Released Issue ATC systems in use

Main ANSP part of any technology alliance1 N

FDPS Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: THALES Upgrade2 of the ATC system is performed or planned? Mid-life upgrade realised in November 2018 Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned? Under study ATC Unit EBBU ACC/APP, Towers Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: THALES Upgrade3 of the ATC system is performed or planned? Mid-life upgrade realised in November 2018 Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned? Under study ATC Unit EBBU ACC/APP, Towers

SDPS Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: EUROCONTROL Upgrade of the ATC system is performed or planned? No Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned? Realised in November 2018 (HW replacement) ATC Unit EBBU ACC/APP, Towers


General information

Brussels Airport Company is the limited company to which the Belgian State has granted the license to operate Brussels Airport. 75% of the company's shares are held by a consortium of private investors. The Belgian State has an interest of 25% of the shares. The SOWAER (“Société wallonne des aéroports”) was incorporated in July 2001, at the initiative of the Walloon Region, sole shareholder of the company. It carries out on the airports of Charleroi/Gosselies and Liège/Bierset the following activities: 1. management of financial participations on behalf of the Walloon Region; 2. infrastructure - in terms of operational capability of the sites, provide services for the benefit of management companies; 3. development of economic zones around airports; 4. management of environmental programs on behalf of the Walloon Region; 5. financing security missions; 6. legal support.

1 Technology alliance is an alliance with another service provider for joint procurement of technology from a particular supplier (e.g. COOPANS alliance) 2 Upgrade is defined as any modification that changes the operational characteristics of the system (SES Framework Regulation 549/2004, Article 2 (40))

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 15 Released Issue The S.P.W. ("Service Public de Wallonie") carries out on the airports Charleroi/Gosselies and Liège/Bierset the oversight of safety activities and delivers access badges. The S.P.W. is also responsible for: 1. the development of the safety management system; 2. the airport certification (Annex 14 of ICAO - S.P.W. is the certificate holder). B.S.C.A. s.a. and B.S.C.A. security s.a. (Brussels South Charleroi Airport) / L.A. s.a. and L.A. security s.a.(Liège Airport) are in charge of all operational and commercial activities.

Airports covered by the LSSIP

Referring to the List of Airports in the European ATM Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Plan Edition 2019 – Annex 2, it is up to the individual State to decide which additional airports will be reported through LSSIP for those Objectives. So the following airports are covered in this LSSIP: EBBR (Brussels Airport), EBAW (Antwerp), EBCI (Charleroi), EBLG (Liège) and EBOS (Oostende).

The EUROCONTROL Public Airport Corner also provides information for the following airport(s):

Military Authorities

Military aviation in Belgium is the responsibility of the MoD. The Military Authorities play a major role in managing and controlling parts of the airspace and act as an OAT Regulatory Authority as well as an airspace user and an OAT ATS provider. The separation of Regulatory Authority and Service Provision is assured within the separate functions in the organisation. Airspace matters, in particular, are dealt with in the BELANC. Co-ordination between the MoD (Air Component), skeyes and BCAA is mainly dealt with in the BELANC and the DIRCOM. The Air Component Commander has responsibilities for Operational Air Traffic (OAT) as Regulatory Authority, ATS Provider, Airspace User and Aircraft and Airbase Operator and reports to the Chief of Defence (CHOD) and MoD via Commander Operations and Training. The Aviation Safety Directorate (ASD) ensures all the safety related functions, and is settled as an independent body within the Air Component. It has been put under the direct authority of the Air Component Commander. In case of major accident ASD reports directly to the CHOD instead of the Air Component Commander. Their regulatory, service provision and user role in ATM are detailed below.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 16 Released Issue

Regulatory role

Regulatory framework and rule-making

OAT GAT OAT and provision of service for OAT governed by Y Provision of service for GAT by the Military governed Y national legal provisions? by national legal provisions? Level of such legal provision: Civ/Mil AIP Belgium & Level of such legal provision: EC Regulations, Royal Decrees, Luxemburg , ATM Instructions Civ/Mil AIP Belgium & Luxemburg, LoAs (Letters of Agreement) Authority signing such legal provision: Air Component Authority signing such legal provision: Minister/Secretary of Commander State for Mobility, King of Belgium These provisions cover: These provisions cover: Rules of the Air for OAT Y Organisation of military ATS for OAT Y Organisation of military ATS for GAT Y OAT/GAT Co-ordination Y OAT/GAT Co-ordination Y ATCO Training Y ATCO Training Y ATCO Licensing Y ATCO Licensing Y ANSP Certification Y ANSP Certification Y ANSP Supervision Y ANSP Supervision Y Aircrew Training Y ESARR applicability Y Aircrew Licensing Y Additional Information: Additional Information: Means used to inform airspace users (other than military) Means used to inform airspace users (other than military) about these provisions: about these provisions: National AIP National AIP Y



OAT GAT National oversight body for OAT: NSA (as per SES reg. 550/2004) for GAT services provided by the military: BSA-ANS ComOpsAir Additional information: Additional information:

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 17 Released Issue Service Provision role

OAT GAT Services Provided: Services Provided: En-Route Y En-Route Y Approach/TMA Y Approach/TMA Y Airfield/TWR/GND Y Airfield/TWR/GND Y AIS Y AIS - MET Y MET - SAR Y SAR Y TSA/TRA monitoring Y FIS Y Other: Other: Additional Information: Additional Information:

Military ANSP providing GAT N If YES, since: - Duration of the - services SES certified? Certificate: Certificate issued by: - If NO, is this fact reported to the EC in Y accordance with SES regulations? Additional Information: The BCAA and COMOPSAIR signed on 7/01/2019 the arrangement “Air navigation service provision to General Air Traffic (GAT) by Belgian military Air Traffic Controllers”. This arrangement does not constitute a SES certificate as such, but is delivered in accordance with the provisions of article 2(5) of the New Basic Regulation No 2018/1139 to allow service provision without SES certification.

User role

IFR inside controlled airspace, Military aircraft can OAT only GAT only Both OAT and GAT Y fly?

If Military fly OAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify the available options: Free Routing Y Within specific corridors only N Within the regular (GAT) national route network N Under radar control Y Within a special OAT route system Y Under radar advisory service N

If Military fly GAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify existing special arrangements: No special arrangements Exemption from Route Charges Y Exemption from flow and capacity (ATFCM) measures Provision of ATC in UHF CNS exemptions: RVSM 8.33 Mode S ACAS Others:

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 18 Released Issue

Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA)

Military in Belgium applies FUA requirements as specified in the Regulation No 2150/2005: FUA Level 1 implemented: Y ASM Level 1 is dealt with by BELANC . In case of disagreement or unsolved issues, BELANC reports to the DIRCOM. FUA Level 2 implemented: Y The AMC is manned 24/7 and is responsible for all pre-tactical aspects of national and where applicable (Lead AMC) cross border Airspace Management. The civil and military airspace requests are the basis for the AUP/UUP publication. The publication of the AUP/UUP will be based on the priority rules and a CDM process between the Belgian Defence, skeyes and MUAC. The AMC publishes the daily Airspace Use Plans (AUP/UUP). FUA Level 3 implemented: Y For some areas an Improved Level 3 is applied between the operational supervisors of ATCC Semmerzake, Brussels ACC and MUAC.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 19 Released Issue 2. Traffic and Capacity

Evolution of traffic in Belgium

Belgium&Luxembourg - Annual IFR Movements 1600000




800000 IFR flights 600000 IFR movements - Actuals 400000 IFR movements - Baseline forecast IFR movements - High forecast

200000 IFR movements - Low forecast A = Actual

F = Forecast 0 2015 A 2016 A 2017 A 2018 A 2019 F 2020 F 2021 F 2022 F 2023 F 2024 F 2025 F

EUROCONTROL Seven-Year Forecast (Autumn 2019) IFR flights yearly growth 2016 A 2017 A 2018 A 2019 F 2020 F 2021 F 2022 F 2023 F 2024 F 2025 F H -1.5% 3.2% 3.2% 2.8% 2.3% 2.3% 2.1% Belgium & B 2.0% 4.4% 2.9% -1.9% 1.7% 1.7% 2.0% 1.6% 1.7% 1.2% Luxembourg L -2.3% -0.3% -0.2% 0.4% 0.3% 0.5% -0.2% ECAC B 2.8% 4.0% 3.8% 1.1% 2.3% 1.9% 2.2% 1.8% 1.9% 1.4%

2019 Traffic in skeyes area of responsibility decreased by 1.5% in 2019 compared to 2018.


The EUROCONTROL Seven-Year Forecast predicts an average annual increase between 0.1% and 2.7%, with a baseline growth of 1.6% during the planning cycle.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 20 Released Issue

ACC Brussels

Traffic and en-route ATFM delays 2015-2025

EBBUACC - Traffic and en-route ATFM delays

2500 1.4

1.2 2000


1500 0.8

0.6 1000 IFR Average) flights (Daily

0.4 Enroute Delay (minutes per flight) per Enroute (minutes Delay 500 0.2

0 0.0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Peak Day Traffic 2039 2072 2167 2271 2204 Summer Traffic 1769 1789 1894 1953 1914 Yearly Traffic 1602 1605 1709 1765 1739 Summer Traffic Forecast 1941 1974 2008 2042 2072 High Traffic Forecast - Summer 1967 2027 2088 2144 2188 Low Traffic Forecast - Summer 1905 1903 1910 1915 1919 Summer enroute delay (all causes) 0.22 0.71 0.26 0.27 1.20 Yearly enroute delay (all causes) 0.14 0.49 0.15 0.19 1.02

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 21 Released Issue

Performance summer 2019

Traffic evolution (2019 vs 2018) En-route Delay (min. per flight) Capacity Brussels Traffic Forecast (2019 vs 2018) ACC Reference ACC Actual Traffic All reasons Current Shortest Value Routes Capacity Routes Planned Achieved gap? Year H: 2.1% No -1.5% 1.02 0.10 B: 1.3% significant impact Summer L: -0.1% -2.0% 1.20 140 (+2%) 118 (-14%) Yes

Summer 2019 performance assessment The average en-route delay per flight increased from 0.27 minutes per flight in Summer 2018 to 1.20 minutes per flight in 2019. 45% of the Summer delays were due to ATC capacity, 43% due to ATC staffing, and 9% due to Weather. The ACC capacity baseline was estimated with ACCESS / Reverse CASA to be at 118 in summer 2019. During the measured period, the average peak 1 hour demand was 124 and the average peak 3 hour demand was 114. Operational actions Achieved Comments Enhanced Civ/Mil ASM procedures Ongoing FUA WG on booking principles & priority rules Improved use of the route network as a result of FUA enhancement Yes Approval D-1 of orange slots for Durbuy area Enhancement of ATFCM procedures, including STAM Yes Set of projects in testing/validation phase, including Ongoing ATFCM 2.0 Project complexity assessment tool Complexity Assessment Tool Ongoing Planned to start operational trials in June 2020 Segregation of EBCI and EBBR flows No Postponed until 2022 Recruitment of new ATCOs to maintain level of staffing Yes Continuous recruitment New ATCOs available Yes Enhanced rostering tool Yes Rolling out 20 Dec 2019 CANAC2 hardware upgrade Yes Reassessment of sector capacities following CAPAN Yes Sector capacities adapted outside military activity Maximum configuration: 6 sectors No Only 5 sectors were open Remedial measures Achieved Comments Continued effort to increase staffing levels Yes Continued alignment of traffic demand and sector opening times at sector Partially Lack of resources to open the required sectors group level Network weather mitigation measures Yes FABEC airspace restructuring project No Update capacity plans No

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 22 Released Issue

Planning Period 2019-2025

The planning focuses on the summer season to reflect the most demanding period of the year from a capacity perspective. This approach ensures consistency with the previous planning cycles. The measures for each year are the measures that will be implemented before the summer season.

Summer Capacity Plan

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Free Route Airspace

Airspace Management Enhanced Civ/Mil ASM procedures Advanced FUA Improved use of the route network as a result of FUA enhancement Airport & TMA Network Integration Enhancement of ATFCM procedures, including STAM ATFCM 2.0 Project Cooperative Traffic Management Complexity

Assessment Tool Segregation of EBCI Airspace and EBBR flows Segregation of EBCI Procedures and EBBR flows Recruitment of ATCOs at maximum training capacity

Staffing New ATCOs to maintain level of staffing New ATCOs Enhanced rostering

tool Technical Capacity Runway works at Training for new Significant Events EBBR (25R) ATM system Max sectors 4 5 6 6 6

Planned Annual Capacity Increase -2% 3% 3% 2% 1%

Reference profile Annual % Increase 5% 3% 2% 2% 2% Difference Capacity Plan v. Reference Profile -6.5% -7.0% -6.1% -6.7% -8.0%

Annual Reference Value (min) 0.26 0.24 0.19 0.12 0.12

Additional information

EBBU - Sectors available - Summer 2020 EBBU - Sectors available - Summer 2020 Monday - Saturday Sunday 5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0 00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 23 Released Issue EBBUCTA - Reference capacity profile and alternative scenarios 160







90 Capacity profile (movements hour) per (movements profile Capacity



60 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Reference Capacity Profile 124 128 131 134 137 Capacity Profile - Shortest Routes (Open) 124 128 131 134 137 Capacity Profile - Current Routes 122 125 128 131 134 Capacity Profile - High 127 132 137 142 146 Capacity Profile - Low 119 120 121 122 123 Capacity Baseline 137 118 2020 - 2024 Plan 116 119 123 125 126

2020-2024 Planning Period Outlook There will be a capacity gap in Brussels ACC for the full planning period, despite the gradual capacity increase planned. The planned sector openings throughout the day will not be sufficient to cope with the expected traffic demand.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 24 Released Issue 3. Implementation Projects

The tables below presents the high-level information about the main projects currently ongoing in Belgium. The details of each project are available in Chapter 2 of the Level 2 - Detailed Implementation Status document.

National projects

Name of project: Organisation(s): Schedule: Status: Links: Implementation of VoIP SKEYES (BE) 31/12/2019 - 31/12/2022 skeyes plans the full L3: COM11.1 integration of VoIP to its DP: 3.1.4 Management of current main voice chain and Dynamic airspace its future fallback chain in configurations 2022. RP2 PP: CAPEX 11: Voice Communication Switch: IP upgrade and hardware replacement Traffic Complexity Tool SKEYES (BE) 01/01/2017- 31/12/2022 skeyes launched a project in L3: FCM06 2017 for the implementation of a traffic complexity assessment tool. Expected to be implemented in December 2022.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 25 Released Issue

FAB projects

There are two main FABEC projects ongoing: • XMAN (Extended Arrival Manager) and • FRA (Free Route Airspace)

The tables below detail for each ongoing main FABEC project: • which FABEC ANSPs and military partners are participating; • a description, the scope and objectives; • the schedule and implementation planning; • the status end 2019; • the link to the ATM Master Plan Level 3 (formerly ESSIP), if any and • the expected performance contribution to the SES Key Performance Areas Capacity, Safety, Environment and Cost-Efficiency.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 26 Released Issue

Project Name: Extended Arrival Management Project Code: XMAN Organisation(s) skeyes (BE), DFS (DE), DSNA (FR), LVNL (NL), MUAC ANSP (MAS), (CH) and in direct coordination with NATS. Description/Scope/Objectives

The XMAN project (Cross-Border Arrival Management, also referred to as Extended Arrival Management E-AMAN) aims at improving and optimising arrival management operations for major airports. To achieve this the project develops and implements a harmonised approach to arrival management in the core area of Europe. This is a project at FAB level because it has to rely on cross-centre and cross-border processes and procedures. The implementation of XMAN will improve and optimise arrival management operations for the major five airports/TMAs (Munich, , -CDG, , -Heathrow) as well as for other selected intermediate airports within FABEC and FAB UK/IRL as defined by the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 716/2014 (Zurich, Dusseldorf, Brussels, , Paris-Orly, Nice, London-Stansted, London-Gatwick, Manchester, Dublin). Additionally, airports outside these two FABs, e.g. Copenhagen and Italian airports, coordinate their plans through this XMAN project. One of the main characteristics of the XMAN project is the extension of the planning horizon of arrival management systems (AMAN) from the local TMA into the airspace of upstream control centres. The final extension of arrival management operations is expected to reach at least 180 NM in line with the PCP or CP1 (under consultation), depending on the operational environment and the needs of the stakeholders. These extended planning horizons will cover almost the entire FABEC airspace and, consequently, most of the FABEC control centres will be affected by extended AMAN operations and some feed several arrival streams for different airports/TMAs simultaneously.

Schedule/Implementation planning The XMAN project envisaged three development and implementation steps: Basic – Advanced – Optimized. In December 2018 the project team decided to skip the Optimized Step and to incorporate the envisaged features of the Optimized Step into the Advanced Step. The planning is now as follows: 1. Basic Step - From 2012 to 2024 The Basic Step uses the currently available systems and technologies in order to establish cross-centre arrival management in the airspace controlled by skeyes, DFS, DSNA, LVNL, MUAC and skyguide. 2. Advanced Step - From 2013 to 2024 The Advanced Step takes into account validated SESAR results in order to improve the en-route part of cross-centre arrival management in the overall FABEC airspace. This step requires enhanced data exchange between ACC/UAC in order to support a delay sharing strategy. Additional planning information related to departures and airborne flights will be provided by Airport-CDM and Network Management. This step has an impact on all FABEC ACCs. This step will also take into account further validated SESAR results produced under SESAR2020 PJ25 which finished in December 2019 and will optimise the cooperation between arrival management and Airport-CDM, Aircraft Operators and Network Management in order to widely share Arrival Management (AM) information between all partners and to process and to apply Arrival Management information where needed.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 27 Released Issue Status

The FABEC XMAN Basic Step has already been implemented at several ACCs for several airports. The implementation phase of the Basic Step will continue until 2024. The Milestone 4 of the Advanced Step of the XMAN project was reached on 29 March 2019. First prototype of the XMAN Portal (main feature of the Advanced Step of the XMAN project) was developed by MUAC and was used during the SESAR2020 PJ25 Demonstration. Initial implementations at MUAC, Reims UAC and Karlsruhe UAC in SESAR VLD were completed. The implementation phase of the Advanced Step will also continue until 2024. Link to ATM Master Plan Level 3 / OI Steps (ATM Master Plan Level 2) / Other references ATM Master Plan Level 3 (formerly ESSIP): ATC07.1, ATC15.1 OI Steps: TS-0102, TS-0305 Other References: PCP: - AF1: Extended AMAN and PBN in high density TMA Deployment Programme DP 2019: - Family 1.1.1: Basic AMAN - Family 1.1.2: AMAN upgrade to include Extended Horizon function Expected Performance Contribution (specific to the participating organisation(s)) Capacity Improved average punctuality: small positive effect. Better forecast for sector loads: small positive effect. Reduced controller workload in APP and ACC: no significant effect. Increased controller workload in UAC: effect depending on the number of airports to be serviced. Safety Improved situational awareness: small positive effect. Reduced tactical interventions: small positive effect. Environment Reduction of: (including flight • Track miles and holdings: small to medium positive effect; efficiency) • Fuel burn: large positive effect; • CO2/NOx emissions: large positive effect. Cost-Efficiency Investments at ANSP-level will deliver benefits in financial terms to users (e.g. less fuel burn), but not to ANSPs. Cooperation Activities Collaboration with FAB UK/IRL is included. Collaboration with other surrounding FABs is ongoing.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 28 Released Issue

Project Name: Free Route Airspace Project Code: FRA Organisation(s) skeyes (BE), DFS (DE), DSNA (FR), LVNL (NL), MUAC ANSP (MAS), skyguide (CH), Mil. Authority (BE), Mil. Authority (DE), Mil. Authority (FR), Mil. Authority (NL)), Mil. Authority (CH) Description/Scope/Objectives The Free Route Airspace (FRA) Programme aims at developing and implementing a Free Route Airspace FABEC wide. The objective of the FRA implementation is to give users opportunities to improve the horizontal flight efficiency through both plannable direct routes and at a later stage defined volume/s of Free Route Airspace within FABEC airspace. The FRA Programme defines a stepped and gradual implementation approach where FABEC ACCs will develop and implement various iterations of Free Route Airspace. Schedule/Implementation planning The FABEC FRA project was launched in 2011 with the objective of setting up a FABEC Free Route Airspace with Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace (A-FUA) at FL 365 (and lower when and where possible) in a stepped approach by the end of RP2. In 2015, the project has been aligned with the requirements of the Pilot Common Project requirements. This induced an implementation of FABEC Free Route Airspace at FL310+ by 2022.

In 2016, the project was organised into two work streams 1. National and cross-border Direct Routes (DCT) including Long Range Direct Routings; 2. Free Routing. All Free Route initiatives conducted locally, bilaterally or within a FABEC framework are under the FABEC FRA umbrella. Implementation activities are managed at ACC or national level using local management processes and are monitored at FABEC level. In December 2017 the Project Management Plan version 4.0 has been approved. The project is now further supporting and monitoring the direct routing implementations and full FRA implementations. In the proposed PCP review (also referred to as CP1) the deployment target date has been set as: • Initial FRA implementation as from 1 January 2022. • National final implementation, including cross-border FRA among neighbouring States and FRA connectivity with TMAs as from 1 January 2025.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 29 Released Issue Status The project work on Direct Routings and Free Route is in a rolling MS4 status with a yearly update of the implementation report and implementation plan. In line with the new final target date of the PCP review/CP1, the FABEC project will continue until 2024. DSNA and Skyguide have already implemented several direct routes and will continue to implement further direct routes in the coming years in preparation of Full FRA. DSNA has reviewed its FRA implementation calendar as follows: • Dec 2021: H24 FRA FL195+ North West 1 (LFRR Atlantic part), South West (LFBB) with the current system and Center (a portion of LFFF). • Winter 2022- 2023: H24 FRA FL195+ North West 2 (LFRR Central) • Winter 2023-2024: H24 FRA FL195+ North West “ (LFRR East and a portion of LFFF beneath) + South East ( LFMM) + North East (Reims and a portion of LFFF beneath)

Skyguide plans H24 FRA FL195+ on 2 December 2021. On the 1st of March 2018, DFS has implemented Full FRA H24 in EDDU North airspace above FL 285 and EDDU East Airspace above FL 315 and Full FRA Night above FL245 in all the DFS airspace. DFS plans H24 FRA FL245+ by December 2021.

On 5 December 2019, MUAC has successfully implemented H24 FRA. Link to ATM Master Plan Level 3 / OI Steps (ATM Master Plan Level 2) / Other references ATM Master Plan Level 3 (formerly ESSIP): AOM21.1, AOM21.2 OI Steps: AOM-0401, AOM-0402, AOM-0500, AOM-0501, AOM-0505, AOM-0506, CM-0102-A Other References: PCP: - AF3.1.2, 3.2 & 3.3: Free Route Deployment Programme DP 2018: - Family 3.2.1: Upgrade of ATM systems (NM, ANSPs, AUs) to support Direct Routings (DCTs) and Free Routing Airspace (FRA) - Family 3.2.3: Implement Published Direct Routings (DCTs) - Family 3.2.4: Implement Free Route Airspace

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 30 Released Issue Expected Performance Contribution (specific to the participating organisation(s)) Capacity Capacity benefits could be foreseen since reduced average transit times may result in an increase in capacity. Capacity benefits may also be possible if there is proof to have a reduced number of conflicts, fewer redirects, and the resulting impact on controller tools. However, it is also possible that in some cases conflicts may become more complex and other or new choke points may emerge. Hence the overall impact of FRA on sector capacity cannot be determined without RTS simulations. Safety No direct impact but existing problem areas might get more complex and if new choke points appear, they potentially impact safety. Environment FRA allows airspace users to fly more direct trajectories, thus potentially reducing flight distance flown, with consequent savings in fuel and direct and strategic (including flight operating costs. There environmental benefits from savings in CO2-emissions might not be as significant in the core area as in the peripheral areas. efficiency) Cost-Efficiency Investments at ANSP-level will deliver benefits in financial terms to users (e.g. less fuel burn), but not to ANSPs. Cooperation Activities -

Multinational projects


LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 31 Released Issue

U-Space demonstration projects

The following table provides an overview of the U-Space demonstration projects currently completed, ongoing and planned to take place in Belgium.

Project ID Title Status Start Date End Date Countries Leaders Description Funding Sources SAFIR SAFIR Planned 01-01- 31-12- Belgium Unifly NV Safet and flexible integration of initial CEF-SESAR- 2018 2019 U-SPACE services in real environment. 2018-1 U- SPACE CLASS CLASS Ongoing 01-06- 31-05- Belgium, The CLASS (Clear Air Situation for UAS) H2020-SESAR- 2017 2019 France, project will merge existing 2016-1 Germany, technologies to build the core , functions of an Unmanned Traffic United Management System (UTMS). This Kingdom research increases the maturity level of the main technologies required for surveillance of UAS traffic. PODIU PODIUM Ongoing 01-01- 31-12- Belgium, The PODIUM (Proving Operations of H2020-SESAR- 2018 2019 , Drones with Initial UTM) project will 2016-1 France, demonstrate U-space services, Netherlands procedures and technologies, providing conclusions on the maturity of U-space services and technologies when used in a defined set of operational scenarios and environments.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 32 Released Issue Project ID Title Status Start Date End Date Countries Leaders Description Funding Sources CORUS CORUS Ongoing 01-09- 31-08- Belgium, The CORUS (Concept of Operations for H2020-SESAR- 2017 2019 France, EuRopean UTM Systems) project will 2016-1 Germany, develop a reference Concept of , , Operations (CONOPS) for UTM (UAS United Traffic Management) in VLL airspace in Kingdom Europe. SECOPS SECOPS Ongoing 01-10- 30-09- Belgium, The SECOPS (Integrated Security H2020-SESAR- 2017 2019 , Concept for Drone Operations) project 2016-1 Netherlands will address resistance of drones against unlawful interference, protection of third parties and integration of geo-fencing technology. A proof of concept demonstration of the integrated security concept will be performed, based on a realistic scenario. SKYOP SKYOPENER Complet 01-05- 31-10- Belgium, SKYOPENER will develop a system and H2020- ed 2016 2018 France, Italy, operational processes that will reduce Galileo-2015-1 , all categories of risks associated with United RPAS and allow an ANSP to manage Kingdom VLL RPAS operations. The project will also demonstrate two innovative applications: e-TOD and the surveillance of critical infrastructure that both benefit from EGNSS for measurement geolocation and datation. PercE PercEvite Ongoing 01-09- 31-08- Belgium, The Project will develop a sensor, H2020-SESAR- 2017 2020 France, communication, and processing suite 2016-1 Netherlands for small drones for autonomously detecting and avoiding “ground- based” obstacles and flying objects.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 33 Released Issue Project ID Title Status Start Date End Date Countries Leaders Description Funding Sources SAFED SAFEDRONE Ongoing 01-06- 31-05- Belgium, Spain Activities on drone integration and H2020-SESAR- 2018 2020 demonstration in VLL operations. 2016-2

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 34 Released Issue 4. Cooperation activities

FAB Co-ordination

FAB Europe Central (FABEC) consists of the following states: Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland. The FABEC Feasibility Phase (2006-2008) led to the conclusion that FABEC is feasible. The Implementation Phase (2008-2013) demonstrated that the FABEC structure was compliant with SES regulations. After the ratification of the FABEC Treaty by all FABEC States, FABEC formally entered into force on the 1st of June 2013. FABEC intends to provide capacity, solve bottlenecks, reduce costs and emissions, make flying more efficient and ensure military mission effectiveness, while maintaining the high safety standards that exist over Europe.

Multinational cooperation initiatives

Where deemed necessary, Belgian Defence relies on identical co-ordination arrangements with adjacent ANSPs. In addition, when deemed necessary, joint BELANC - LVC meetings are organized in order to improve and to harmonize all airspace projects.

At state level, a BEL-NLD ATM Cooperation has been established with the aim further improving bilateral cooperation in identified ATM-related domains. Involved in this initiative are CAA’s, ANSP’s (including MUAC) and Military Authorities.

Coordination with the 4-States / EUROCONTROL

BCAA, skeyes and Belgian Defence have representatives within the Maastricht Coordination Group (MCG). skeyes participates in the 4-States WGs, the SURNET Board and the Common Network Group and participates in the RAPNET Network Management.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 35 Released Issue

Certification and supervisory function on ANS provision in BENELUX and German airspace

The DGCAs of Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany (the 4 States) have agreed that the NSAs of the 4 States will co-operate in the certification and supervision of MUAC, which is providing ATM/ANS services in the airspace falling under their responsibility.

To accomplish this cooperation, an NSA Committee of the 4 States has been established. The certification of MUAC took place in 2007 and ongoing supervision on behalf of the four NSAs is performed by audits and surveys on a regular basis.

Co-operation between Defence, skeyes and MUAC

Defence, MUAC and skeyes co-operate very closely in different operational and technical working arrangements. Of special importance is the co-operation between the MIL, MUAC and skeyes since all provide ATS in Brussels FIR/UIR. Flight and radar data is exchanged between the units on GAT in Brussels FIR/UIR. The feasibility to provide OAT flight data to MUAC and skeyes will be investigated.

On 22nd December 2016, the BEL Military Authority has signed an agreement with EUROCONTROL MUAC on the development and implementation of the Shared ATS System 2 (SAS2), a direct development of the ATS system in use at MUAC. This SAS2 system is operational since 2 December 2019 in all BEL military ATC units (en-route, approach and tower), enhancing interoperability and coordination between these ANSP’s.

On 19th May 2017, MoD and MoT have reached a political agreement on the synergy project which aims for a co- location of the Civ and Mil en-route centres at the skeyes premises at Steenokkerzeel. The Initial Operational Capability part of this project was completed on 2 December 2019.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 36 Released Issue 5. Implementation Objectives Progress

State View: Overall Objective Implementation Progress

7; [11%] Completed 16; [26%] Ongoing 11; [18%] Planned Late Not yet planned 13; [21%] 14; [23%] Not Applicable

1; [2%]

In 2019, significant progress was made for objective ITY-ACID thanks to the extension of the mode S declaration of at public airports EBAW, EBCI, EBOS and EBKT, as well as for non-public aerodromes. Completion is planned for 2020 with EBLG. skeyes also started in 2019 to use New-PENS as part of objective COM12. Complete migration of all application for skeyes is planned by end 2020.

Completion of Objective FCM-06 Traffic Complexity Assessment planned end 2019 was postponed to at least end 2020 due to competing priorities and IT issues.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 37 Released Issue

Objective Progress per SESAR Key Feature

The Implementation objectives progress charts per Key Feature below show progress only for Implementation Objectives applicable to the State/airport and which are not local objectives.

Note: The detailed table of links between Implementation Objectives and SESAR Key Features is available in Annex C: Implementation Objectives’ links with SESAR, ICAO and DP.


 ## % = Expected completion / % Progress

= Implementation Objective timeline (different colour per KF)  100% = Objective completed = Completion beyond Implementation Objective timeline

Optimised ATM Network Services

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26

AOM13.1 Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and 90 %

General Air Traffic (GAT) Handling 

AOM19.1 ASM Support Tools to Support Advanced FUA 90 %

(AFUA) 

AOM19.2 ASM Management of Real-Time Airspace Data 56 %

AOM19.3 Full Rolling ASM/ATFCM Process and ASM 53 %

Information Sharing 

AOM19.4 Management of Pre-defined Airspace 55 %

Configurations 

FCM01 Implement enhanced tactical flow 67 %

management services

FCM03 Collaborative Flight Planning 45 %

FCM04.2 Short Term ATFCM Measures (STAM) - Phase 30 %

2 

FCM05 Interactive Rolling NOP 36 %

FCM06 Traffic Complexity Assessment 30 %

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 38 Released Issue Advanced Air Traffic Services

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26

AOM21.1 Direct Routing 0 %

ATC02.2 Implement ground based safety nets - Short 100 %

Term Conflict Alert (STCA) - level 2 for en- 

route operations

ATC02.8 Ground-Based Safety Nets 100 %

ATC02.9 Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) for TMAs 100 %

ATC07.1 AMAN Tools and Procedures

EBBR - Brussels Airport  53 %

ATC12.1 Automated Support for Conflict Detection, 0 %

Resolution Support Information and 

Conformance Monitoring

ATC15.1 Information Exchange with En-route in 0 %

Support of AMAN 

ATC15.2 Arrival Management Extended to En-route 0 %

Airspace 

ATC16 Implement ACAS II compliant with TCAS II 100 %

change 7.1 

ATC17 Electronic Dialogue as Automated Assistance 24 %

to Controller during Coordination and 


ENV01 Continuous Descent Operations (CDO)

EBAW - Antwerp Airport

EBBR - Brussels Airport  100 %

EBCI - Charleroi Airport  100 %

EBLG - Liege Airport  100 %

EBOS - Oostende Airport  12 %

ITY-COTR Implementation of ground-ground automated 73 %

co-ordination processes 

NAV03.1 RNAV 1 in TMA Operations 79

 %

NAV03.2 RNP 1 in TMA Operations 0 %

NAV10 RNP Approach Procedures to instrument RWY 84 %

NAV12 ATS IFR Routes for Rotorcraft Operations 0

 %

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 39 Released Issue High Performing Airport Operations

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26

AOP04.1 Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control System A-SMGCS Surveillance (former Level 1)

EBBR - Brussels Airport  100 %

AOP04.2 Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control System (A-SMGCS) Runway Monitoring and Conflict Alerting (RMCA) (former Level 2)

EBBR - Brussels Airport  100 %

AOP05 Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-


EBBR - Brussels Airport  100 %

AOP11 Initial Airport Operations Plan

EBBR - Brussels Airport  100 %

AOP12 Improve Runway and Airfield Safety with

Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) Detection and Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers (CMAC)

EBBR - Brussels Airport  100 %

AOP13 Automated Assistance to Controller for

Surface Movement Planning and Routing

EBBR - Brussels Airport  0 %

SAF11 Improve Runway Safety by Preventing 100 %

Runway Excursions

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 40 Released Issue Enabling Aviation Infrastructure

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26

COM10 Migrate from AFTN to AMHS 100 %

COM11.1 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in En- 36 %

Route 

COM11.2 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in 0 %

Airport/Terminal 

COM12 New Pan-European Network Service 47 %

(NewPENS) 

FCM08 Extended Flight Plan 0 %

INF07 Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) 38 %

INF08.1 Information Exchanges using the SWIM 0 %

Yellow TI Profile 

ITY-ACID Aircraft Identification 80 %

ITY-ADQ Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and 91 %

Aeronautical Information 

ITY-AGDL Initial ATC Air-Ground Data Link Services 100 %

ITY- 8,33 kHz Air-Ground Voice Channel Spacing 81 %

AGVCS2 below FL195 

ITY-FMTP Common Flight Message Transfer Protocol 100 %

(FMTP) 

ITY-SPI Surveillance Performance and Interoperability 89 %

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 41 Released Issue ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress

The following table shows, for each of the ASBU Block 0 modules, the overall status, the final date foreseen for completion and the percentage of progress achieved in the current cycle. These results were determined using the LSSIP Year 2019 declared statuses and progress of the relevant Implementation objectives in accordance with the mapping approved by ICAO EUR EASPG/1 meeting (European Aviation System Planning Group). Legend:

= Completed (during 2019 or before) = Missing planning date = Progress achieved in 2019 = Not applicable

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26

B0-ACAS ACAS Improvements 100 %

B0-ACDM Improved Airport Operations through Airport- 100 %


B0-APTA Improved Airport Accessibility 100 %

84.0 % B0-ASUR Improved access to Optimum Flight Levels 100 %

through Climb/Descent Procedures using 89.0 % ADS-B

B0-CCO Improved Flexibility and Efficiency in

Departure Profiles

B0-CDO Improved Flexibility and Efficiency in Descent 100 %

Profiles (CDOs) 82.4 % B0-DATM Service Improvement through Digital 100 %

Aeronautical Information Management 91.0 % B0-FICE Increased Interoperability, Efficiency and 100 %

Capacity through Ground-Ground Integration 73.0 % B0-FRTO Improved Operations through Enhanced En-

Route Trajectories.

B0-NOPS Improved Flow Performance through Planning 100 %

based on a Network-Wide view 72.5 % B0-RSEQ Improved Runway Traffic Flow through 100 %

Sequencing (AMAN/DMAN) 76.5 % B0-SNET Ground based safety nets 100 %

B0-SURF Improved Runway Safety (A-SMGCS Level 1-2 100 %

and Cockpit Moving Map)

B0-TBO Improved Safety and Efficiency through the 100 %

initial application of Data Link En-Route

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 42 Released Issue

Detailed Objectives Implementation progress

Objective/Stakeholder Progress Code: Completed Not yet planned Ongoing Not Applicable Planned Missing Data Late

Main Objectives

Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and General Air Traffic (GAT) Handling AOM13.1 Timescales: 97% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2012 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - Refer to REG, ASP and Mil Authority comments. 01/03/2020 REG (By:12/2018) The annual FUA report describes the status of the Completed BCAA Belgian implementation. No additional actions are - 100% 31/12/2011 considered as necessary. Mil. Completed - - 100% Authority 31/12/2011 ASP (By:12/2018) Mil. Completed - - 100% Authority 31/12/2011 Currently there is no requirement at skeyes for OAT Not SKEYES handling. The planning will depend on the completion - % Applicable of the actions of the regulator. - MIL (By:12/2018) The Belgian Air Force has implemented the EUROAT Late rules in 2011. The exceptions to these EUROAT rules are published via the "National Chapter" and published in Mil. the AIP Belgium & Luxembourg. Differences between - 95% Authority OAT and GAT handling with the civil ANSP's are clarified 01/03/2020 in the respective LOA's. Migration to EAD is partially implemented and is planned to be completely achieved by 01/03/20.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 43 Released Issue

ASM Support Tools to Support Advanced FUA (AFUA) Timescales: AOM19.1 92% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2011 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 Links: B1-FRTO, B1-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - LARA tool implemented and used to introduce civil booking since 07 March 2013. 31/12/2021 Improve planning and allocation of airspace booking will be tackled in 2020/2021. ASP (By:12/2018) The Belgian Air Force implemented LARA as client of the Completed Belgian cluster in April 2012, LARA being an airspace management tool that allows visualisation of MIL airspace bookings between not only the military users and service providers, but also towards the civil ANSP's to enhance FUA level 2 and 3. The FUA LOA describing working arrangements between the military and civil ANSP's and the working procedures for FUA L 2 and 3 was signed in June 2012, and applied since. On 1 December 2013, an update of this FUA LOA was signed by the Civil and Military ANSPs allowing an improvement for pre-tactical FUA Level 2 by promulgating on a daily basis on working days an AUP and a UUP 1. On the days were a military night flight is planned, also a UUP 2 will be published on the day of operations at 1400 L.

1. In 2016, the LARA V3 has been released and accepted. This new version includes the following improvements: - HMI and housekeeping ameliorations - New functionalities for the drafting of AUP/UUP Mil. - B2B service with the NM - 100% Authority 31/12/2015 2. As from the 13th of October 2016, a live trial is conducted between skeyes and Defense on the interface to connect the LARA tool to the ADIDS and EUROCAT system. This in order to automate the data input in the EUROCAT TSA window and the ADIDS interface, which in their turn can trigger an automated display of selected active military areas on the skeyes Controller Working Positions (CWPs) and provide airspace data on the ADIDS application (Aeronautical Data Information Display System). The trial is currently planned until 30 Jun 17.

3. As from the 25th of July 2016 a live trial is conducted between MUAC and Defense to release TRAS above FL365, for non-booked Mil airspace, at D-1 1700L, to MUAC for vectoring airspace (step 1). In step 2, the context of step 1 will be extended also to Reims UAC within its AoR. In a final step (step 3), the AMC Belgian can open routes to GAT, except if otherwise requested by the ANSPs. This trial is planned until 31 Mar 17. Late SKEYES - - 83% 31/12/2021

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 44 Released Issue ASM Management of Real-Time Airspace Data Timescales: AOM19.2 69% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/01/2017 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-FRTO, B1-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - Refer to ASP and Mil Authority comments 31/12/2021 ASP (By:12/2021) Belgian Defence implemented LARA as client of the Ongoing Belgian cluster in April 2012. Currently using LARA Mil. V.3.078. - 72% Authority Colocation of civil and military will improve ASM level 3. 31/12/2020 The use of SAS2 as a tool for ASM level 3 is under investigation. Ongoing SKEYES - - 66% 31/12/2021

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 45 Released Issue

Full Rolling ASM/ATFCM Process and ASM Information Sharing Timescales: AOM19.3 53% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/01/2014 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B0-FRTO, B1-FRTO, B1-NOPS, B2-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - Refer to ASP and Mil Authority comments 30/07/2020 ASP (By:12/2021) skeyes is using the LARA tool as client of the BE LARA Not yet SKEYES cluster. LARA supports a full rolling ASM/ATFCM - 50% planned process. - Belgian Defence implemented LARA as client of the Ongoing Belgian cluster in April 2012, LARA being an airspace management tool that allows visualization of MIL airspace bookings between not only the military users and service providers, but also towards the civil ANSP to enhance FUA level 2 and 3.

In 2016, the LARA V3 has been released and accepted. This new version includes the following improvements: - HMI and housekeeping ameliorations - New functionalities for the drafting of AUP/UUP - B2B service with the NMOC

The FUA LOA between Defense, skeyes and MUAC, describing working arrangements between the military and civil ANSP's and the working procedures for FUA L 2 and 3 was signed in June 2012, and applied since. On 1 December 2013, an update of this FUA LOA was signed by the Civil and Military ANSPs allowing an improvement for pre-tactical FUA Level 2 by promulgating on a daily basis on working days a AUP and a UUP 1. On the days Mil. were a military night flight is planned, also a UUP 2 will - 55% Authority be published on the day of operations at 1400 L. 30/07/2020

As from the 25th of July 2016 a live trial is conducted between MUAC and Defense to release TRAS above FL365, for non-booked Mil airspace, at D-1 1700L, to MUAC for vectoring airspace (step 1). In step 2, the context of step 1 will be extended also to Reims UAC within its AoR. In a final step (step 3), the AMC Belgian can open routes to GAT, except if otherwise requested by the ANSPs. As from step 3 (route opening), the airspace release will be translated in the relevant UUP.

Bel Mil received the official go from Air Component Commander to continue the rolling UUP progress. This is also part of the Belgian Airspace Vision 2030.

Live trial FL365+ allows now the opening of DCT via UUP (D-1 1700).

Procedures to approve Orange Slots from skeyes D-1 1700 have now been implemented.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 46 Released Issue Management of Pre-defined Airspace Configurations Timescales: AOM19.4 55% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-FRTO, B1-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - Refer to ASP comments 31/12/2021 ASP (By:12/2021) Project initiated with Mil partners through Ongoing SKEYES - 55% harmonization TF. 31/12/2021

Free Route Airspace

Not AOM21.2 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - Links: B0-FRTO, B1-FRTO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Refer to ASP and Mil Authority comments - ASP (By:12/2021) Some initiatives have been taken and implemented at Completed national and FABEC level, but there is up to now no overall BEL FRA concept. Defence participates to the FABEC FRA project especially Mil. for the discussions regarding FRA during Mil activities. Free Route 100% Authority The Military authority, as a member of the HLAPB can Airspace 31/12/2013 be consulted by the civil partners (CAA and ANSP's), in order to participate in the realisation of FRA. The Military authority does not take the initiative for the implementation of FRA. skeyes undertakes the necessary connectivity between Not Free Route SKEYES FRA and TMAs by implementing specific (direct) routes % Applicable Airspace by the PCP. -

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 47 Released Issue

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System A-SMGCS Surveillance (former Level 1) AOP04.1 Timescales: 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2007 Full operational capability: 31/12/2011 Links: B0-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport All surveillance equipment (SMRs and multilateration) is installed and operating. Vehicle tracking is fully operational since June 2015. Personnel has been trained on the installed SMR and multilateration equipment. Training for maintenance personnel of vehicle transponders 30/06/2015 and operational staff has been finalised. Verification by the BCAA takes place as part of the on- going oversight since June 2015. All MIL transport aircraft are Mode S equipped. REG (By:12/2010) Mil. Completed All transport aircraft are Mode S equipped - 100% Authority 31/12/2014 BCAA considers that an official mandating does not Completed BCAA appear to be necessary. Verification by the BCAA takes - 100% 30/06/2015 place as part of the on-going oversight since June 2015. ASP (By:12/2011) All surveillance equipment (SMRs and multilateration) is Completed installed and operating. Vehicle tracking is fully operational since June 2015. Personnel has been trained SKEYES - 100% on the installed SMR and multilateration equipment. 25/06/2015 Training for maintenance personnel of vehicle transponders and operational staff has been finalised. APO (By:12/2010) Installation of required surveillance equipment is done Completed by skeyes. For vehicle tracking, the training (technical SKEYES use and maintenance of transponder) will be handled by - 100% 30/06/2015 skeyes. Vehicle tracking is fully operational since June 2015. Brussels Completed Training of vehicle drivers is under the control of Airport - 100% Brussels Airport Company. 30/06/2015 Company Mil. Bel Defence ground vehicles operating on civil side of Completed - 100% Authority EBBR airport have been equipped by skeyes mid 2015. 30/06/2015

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 48 Released Issue

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A- SMGCS) Runway Monitoring and Conflict Alerting (RMCA) (former Level 2) AOP04.2 100% Completed Timescales: Initial operational capability: 01/01/2007 Full operational capability: 31/12/2017 Links: B0-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport - 01/02/2016 ASP (By:12/2017) The initial runway conflict detection was based on stop Completed bar control and triggered by ground radar data and flight plan clearance information. These tools have been gradually implemented in the Airport Movement System (AMS) system for use in EBBR Tower operations. The development and validation of a more advanced runway safety net by Electronic Flight Strips, in line with the related SESAR work packages, has been developed in 2011-2012 as a major AMS development project activity SKEYES - 100% for EBBR. 01/02/2016 Runway Safety Net evaluation tools were made available for operational use in January 2013. Vehicle tracking is fully operational since Q2 2015 (see AOP04.1). All aerodrome controllers are trained on the use of the new skeyes A-SMGCS Level 2 systems. Operational procedures were implemented together with the new tools. APO (By:12/2017) Brussels Not Airport Issue handled by and coordinated with skeyes. - % Applicable Company -

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 49 Released Issue

Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) Timescales: AOP05 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2004 Full operational capability: 31/12/2016 Links: B0-ACDM, B0-RSEQ | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport KPIs have been agreed. EBBR is a pilot project for A-CDM and local airport operations procedures have been implemented. A MoU has been signed in June 2008. Target-Off Block Time (TOBT) procedure is implemented and running on full scale locally. Airport performance is reviewed and measured every 6 months. Flight Update Messages (FUM) and Departure 30/11/2013 Planning Information (DPI) are operational. Adverse Conditions are implemented since 22 November 2013 where all stakeholders are involved in the process with clearly defined responsibilities for each partner. Adverse Conditions are evaluated and will be optimized in the frame objective AOP 11 Initial Airport Operations Plans. ASP (By:12/2016) EBBR was the second European airport to implement A- Completed CDM and local airport operations in that respect. Target- Off Block Time (TOBT) procedure is implemented and running on full scale locally. Airport performance is reviewed and measured every 6 months. Flight Update Messages (FUM) are received from CFMU and shared with the other airport stakeholders. Departure Planning Information Messages (DPI) are sent from the AMS system since 29 June 2010. The CDM MoU was signed in May 2008. From 2004 to 2009, A-CDM implementation SKEYES - 100% activities at EBBR have been mainly realized by the ANSP 30/11/2013 (skeyes). From 2009 onwards, the airport authority (BAC) started integrating additional functions within their domain of responsibility (turn-around process) on the existing CDM platform. Adverse Conditions are implemented since 22 November 2013 where all stakeholders are involved in the process with clearly defined responsibilities for each partner. Adverse Conditions are evaluated and will be optimized in the frame objective AOP 11 Initial Airport Operations Plans. APO (By:12/2016) KPIs have been agreed. EBBR is a pilot project for A-CDM Completed and local airport operations procedures have been implemented. A MoU has been signed in June 2008. Target-Off Block Time (TOBT) procedure is implemented and running on full scale locally. Airport performance is Brussels reviewed and measured every 6 months. Flight Update Airport Messages (FUM) and Departure Planning Information - 100% 30/11/2013 Company (DPI) are operational. Adverse Conditions are implemented since 22 November 2013 where all stakeholders are involved in the process with clearly defined responsibilities for each partner. Adverse Conditions are evaluated and will be optimized in the frame objective AOP 11 Initial Airport Operations Plans.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 50 Released Issue

Time-Based Separation Not AOP10 Timescales: % Applicable - not applicable - Links: B1-RSEQ, B2-WAKE | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport (Outside Applicability Area) Brussels National airport is outside the applicability area of this objective. - REG (By:12/2023) Not BCAA - - % Applicable - ASP (By:12/2023)

Initial Airport Operations Plan Timescales: AOP11 55% Ongoing Initial Operational Capability: 01/01/2015 Full Operational Capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-ACDM | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport Refer to ANSP and APO comments. 31/12/2020 ASP (By:12/2021) In 2019, the required MET info to be exchanged in Ongoing support of the initial AOP was agreed upon and an initial data exchange has been set up. In 2020 the MET data SKEYES - 75% exchange will be finalised and the exchange of flight 31/12/2020 data will be updated with the addition of some additional data elements. APO (By:12/2021) The AOP is managed in a complete and agile Ongoing programme. The objective is to deliver an AOP covering both terminal as well as airside processes. New demand- capacity balancing methodologies are continuously Brussels developed and integrated into one single platform Airport available to all stakeholders inside and outside of APOC. - 55% 31/12/2020 Company Some projects of this programme have already been completed, some are on-going, others need to be started. Close collaboration between skeyes and Brussels Airport Company is required

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 51 Released Issue

Improve Runway and Airfield Safety with Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) Detection and Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers (CMAC) AOP12 100% Completed Timescales: Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 Full operational capability: 31/12/2020 Links: B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport Refer to ASP and APO comments 31/12/2015 ASP (By:12/2020) Airport Safety nets as foreseen in the PCP for Completed 01/01/2021 were finalized in Feb 2016 (see also AOP04.2). Controllers have been trained for the usage of the safety nets in May 2014 and Nov 2015. Electronic strips have been in operational use since the early 2000s. ATC clearance monitoring has been SKEYES developed over the years (LND or T/O clearance with - 100% 31/12/2015 pending runway clearance). ATC clearances have also been included in the safety nets between Aug 2014 and Dec 2015. A feasibility study is being conducted in 2016-2017 to declare the cleared taxi route on the EFS in the frame of the PCP (due date 01/01/2024). The routing function is addressed in AOP13 so this objective can be closed. APO (By:12/2020) Mil. All 15W pilots (using Brussels National Airport) are Completed - 100% Authority trained according to ATPL or equivalent. 31/12/2015 Brussels Completed Airport - - 100% 31/12/2013 Company

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 52 Released Issue

Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface Movement Planning and Routing Not yet AOP13 Timescales: 0% planned Initial operational capability: 01/01/2016 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 Links: B1-ACDM, B1-RSEQ, B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport A feasibility study has been performed and completed in April 2017 (see INEA IP call 2014- #018AF2), to declare the cleared taxi route on the EFS in the frame of the PCP (due date 01/01/2024). This includes an extension of the safety nets to the movement area (route deviation alerts and restricted area infringements). However, the latter seems not part of this - objective. EUROCONTROL standards are under development. Operational implementation shall be done in the coming years taking on board this new standard. REG (By:12/2023) Not yet BCAA - - 0% planned - ASP (By:12/2023) A feasibility study has been performed and completed in Not yet April 2017 (see INEA IP call 2014-#018AF2), to declare planned the cleared taxi route on the EFS in the frame of the PCP (due date 01/01/2024). This includes an extension of the safety nets to the movement area (route deviation SKEYES - 0% alerts and restricted area infringements). However, the - latter seems not part of this objective. Meanwhile, EUROCONTROL standards have been developed. Operational implementation shall be done in the coming years taking on board this new standard.

Ground-Based Safety Nets Timescales: ATC02.8 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2009 Full operational capability: 31/12/2016 Links: B0-SNET, B1-SNET | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Refer to ASP and Mil. Authority comments 30/11/2009 ASP (By:12/2016) APW and MSAW were implemented in SEROS II. By the Completed Mil. implementation of SAS2 in December 2019, only APW is - 100% Authority 31/12/2008 still implemented but rarely used by the military. Completed SKEYES - - 100% 30/11/2009

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 53 Released Issue

Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) for TMAs Timescales: ATC02.9 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018 Full operational capability: 31/12/2020 Links: B0-SNET, B1-SNET | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Refer to ASP input - ASP (By:12/2020) skeyes has already a STCA function implemented that Completed technically complies with the EUROCONTROL standard referred to in this objective. Further analysis is required SKEYES - 100% to determine whether this specific objective applies to - skeyes and in which regard it does impact our current STCA. No plan for "enhancement".

AMAN Tools and Procedures Timescales: ATC07.1 53% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2007 Full operational capability: 31/12/2019 Links: B0-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services EBBR - Brussels Airport An AMAN (Maestro) was implemented with the new CANAC 2 system in November 2009. In November 2010, the Maestro software has been upgraded. The AMAN is currently used as an 31/12/2023 information tool. skeyes will set up a follow-on project aiming at fully implementing this objective. ASP (By:12/2019) An AMAN (Maestro) was implemented with the new Late CANAC 2 system in November 2009. In November 2010, the Maestro software has been upgraded. The AMAN is SKEYES currently used as an information tool. - 53% 31/12/2023 In conformity with the PCP Regulation, skeyes is investigating the implementation of Extended Arrival Management operations.

Automated Support for Conflict Detection, Resolution Support Information and Conformance Monitoring Not yet ATC12.1 Timescales: 0% planned Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-FRTO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - skeyes has implemented MTCD tool in the CANAC 2 Eurocat system. This function is however - inhibited by default but can be put into operation. Currently no precise planning exists. ASP (By:12/2021) skeyes has implemented MTCD tool in the CANAC 2 Not yet Eurocat system. This function is however inhibited by planned SKEYES - 0% default but can be put into operation. Currently no - precise planning exists.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 54 Released Issue

Information Exchange with En-route in Support of AMAN Timescales: ATC15.1 0% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2012 Full operational capability: 31/12/2019 Links: B1-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - The Eurocat system is partially compliant. System evolutions are required in the concerned ANSPs to comply with the required system level. Implementation planned together with SAS3 31/12/2024 (new ATM System). ASP (By:12/2019) The AMAN present in the Eurocat system (Maestro) Late faces several (technical) shortcomings and needs to be Extended upgraded. The upgrade constitutes a necessary pre- Arrival SKEYES 0% requisite for LSSIP objectives ATC15.1 & ATC15.2. Managemen 31/12/2024 Implementation planned together with SAS3 (new ATM t System).

Arrival Management Extended to En-route Airspace Timescales: Not yet ATC15.2 0% Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 planned Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 Links: B1-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Refer to ASP comments - ASP (By:12/2023) Not yet SKEYES At this stage, no plan has been elaborated. - 0% planned -

Electronic Dialogue as Automated Assistance to Controller during Coordination and Transfer ATC17 Timescales: 24% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2013 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - All messages have been technically implemented in the Eurocat system but not yet tested operationally. Following such tests adaptations could be necessary. The planning needs to be 31/12/2024 discussed at FABEC level. No firm planning exists however. ASP (By:12/2018) All messages have been technically implemented in the Late Eurocat system but not yet tested operationally. SKEYES Following such tests adaptations could be necessary. - 24% 31/12/2024 The planning needs to be discussed at FABEC level. No firm planning exists however.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 55 Released Issue

Migrate from AFTN to AMHS Timescales: COM10 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/12/2011 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - - 31/12/2013 ASP (By:12/2018) Defence has no plans to directly use AMHS End user Completed systems. Currently Defence interconnects to ISAAC Mil. system of skeyes, which offers translation between the - 100% Authority legacy AFTN connection and the AMHS. With the roll- 31/01/2011 out of EAD(2018) and SAS2(2020) this translation will deprecate. AMHS capability is implemented with the new ISAAC Completed switch (AFTN/CIDIN/AMHS switch) operational since January 2011. A technical file and a EC declaration of verification for the new COM centre was provided to the Belgian NSA before its start-up. Awareness and training has also been performed in the framework of the new SKEYES - 100% COM Centre. Extended AMHS capability has been 31/12/2013 implemented in the ISAAC switch in 2012. skeyes is participating in the AMC activities. skeyes is also participating in ATS messaging management activities as a co-operating COM centre (CCC) in the EUR/NAT Region.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in En-Route Timescales: COM11.1 40% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2013 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - - 31/12/2026 ASP (By:12/2021) Procurement of VoIP-capable VCS is completed Ongoing Installation of VoIP-capable VCS is completed. Mil. FOC of VoIP-capable VCS is completed for airbases . IOC - 80% Authority 30/06/2020 of VoIP-capable VCS is completed for enroute. IOC of VoIP-capable VCS is ongoing for CRC. skeyes plans to be G/G VoIP compliant by end 2023, and Late Implementa SKEYES A/G VoIP compliant by end 2026. 0% tion of VoIP 31/12/2026 The ultimate VCS will be VoIP enabled from end 2021.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 56 Released Issue

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in Airport/Terminal Timescales: COM11.2 0% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2013 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - - 31/12/2026 ASP (By:12/2023) skeyes plans to be G/G VoIP compliant by end 2023, and Late SKEYES A/G VoIP compliant by end 2026. - 0% 31/12/2026 The ultimate VCS will be VoIP enabled from end 2021.

New Pan-European Network Service (NewPENS) Timescales: COM12 52% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018 Full operational capability (33 ANSPs): 31/12/2020 Links: B1-SWIM | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - Refer to ANSP and APO input. Implementation date of 30/11/2019 is valid for ANSP, TBD for 30/11/2020 APO. ASP (By:12/2024) skeyes is part of INEA project 2015_174_AF5_A : New Ongoing PENS stakeholders contribution for the procurement SKEYES - 79% and deployment of new PENS - Part A : general call. All 30/11/2020 follow up can be tracked at the level of this IP project. APO (By:12/2024) Not yet Regional - - 0% planned Airports - Brussels Not yet Project not started, to be investigated if beneficial or Airport - 0% planned not. Company -

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 57 Released Issue

Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) Timescales: Not yet ENV01 0% Initial operational capability: 01/07/2007 planned Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 Links: B0-CDO, B1-CDO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services EBAW - Antwerp Airport EBAW is not in the applicability area for this objective. An initial scan of possibilities for CDO at the 5 airports where skeyes delivers ATS services, revealed no clear and significant potential to improve CDO for EBAW. For reasons of cost- efficiency, it was therefore decided to start projects on CDO for airports with a higher potential - for CDO-improvement. The CDO concept is integrated in the initial training for ATCOs. Implementation of CDO on EBAW is part of the skeyes 5-year strategic plan. The project has not yet started. ASP (By:12/2023) An initial scan of possibilities for CDO at the 5 airports Not yet where skeyes delivers ATS services, revealed no clear planned and significant potential to improve CDO for EBAW. For reasons of cost-efficiency, it was therefore decided to start projects on CDO for airports with a higher SKEYES - 0% potential for CDO-improvement. - The CDO concept is integrated in the initial training for ATCOs. Implementation of CDO on EBAW is part of the skeyes 5- year strategic plan. The project has not started yet. APO (By:12/2023) Not Regional - - % Applicable Airports -

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 58 Released Issue

Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) Timescales: ENV01 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/07/2007 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 Links: B0-CDO, B1-CDO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services EBBR - Brussels Airport Following the initial assessment of possibilities for CDO at the 5 airports where skeyes delivers ATS services, a dedicated project was started for EBBR. The EBBR project is performed in close cooperation with aircraft operators, Brussels Airport and other partners. 21/06/2015 The CDO concept is integrated in the initial training for ATCOs. CDO procedures were published in BE AIP on June 26th 2014 on PRS runways. Publication in BE AIP for all runways. ASP (By:12/2023) Following the initial assessment of possibilities for CDO Completed at the 5 airports where skeyes delivers ATS services, a dedicated project was started for EBBR. The EBBR project is performed in close cooperation with aircraft operators, Brussels Airport and other partners. SKEYES - 100% The CDO concept is integrated in the initial training for 21/06/2015 ATCOs. CDO procedures were published in BE AIP on June 26th 2014 on PRS runways. Publication in BE AIP for all runways. APO (By:12/2023) Brussels Completed Airport - - 100% 31/12/2012 Company

Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) Timescales: ENV01 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/07/2007 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 Links: B0-CDO, B1-CDO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services EBCI - Charleroi Airport Refer to ASP & APO comments 31/12/2017 ASP (By:12/2023) CDO procedure has been published on 9/11/2017 in the Completed SKEYES - 100% BE AIP. 31/12/2017 APO (By:12/2023) Regional Completed - - 100% Airports 31/12/2013

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 59 Released Issue

Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) Timescales: ENV01 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/07/2007 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 Links: B0-CDO, B1-CDO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services EBLG - Liege Airport Refer to ASP & APO comments 31/12/2017 ASP (By:12/2023) CDO procedure has been published on 9/11/2017 in the Completed SKEYES - 100% BE AIP. 31/12/2017 APO (By:12/2023) Regional Completed - - 100% Airports 31/12/2013

Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) Timescales: ENV01 12% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/07/2007 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 Links: B0-CDO, B1-CDO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services EBOS - Oostende Airport - 30/06/2021 ASP (By:12/2023) An initial scan of possibilities for CDO at the 5 airports Ongoing where skeyes delivers ATS services, revealed no clear and significant potential to improve CDO for EBOS. For reasons of cost-efficiency, it was therefore decided to start projects on CDO for airports with a higher SKEYES - 13% potential for CDO-improvement. 30/06/2021 The CDO concept is integrated in the initial training for ATCOs. Implementation of CDO on EBOS is part of the skeyes 5- year strategic plan. APO (By:12/2023) Regional Ongoing - - 10% Airports 30/06/2021

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 60 Released Issue

Collaborative Flight Planning Timescales: FCM03 45% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2000 Full operational capability: 31/12/2017 Links: B0-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - - 31/12/2024 ASP (By:12/2017) The processing of APL and ACH messages, and the Late transmission to IFPS of updates on airborne flights (AFP messages) has been implemented already since 2001. Provision of flight plan message processing in ICAO format, automatic processing of FPLs derived from RPLs and AFP messages in ADEXP format is also completed. Flight plan message processing in ADEXP format is SKEYES implemented with the new CANAC 2 Eurocat system. - 45% 31/12/2024 The provision of AFP messages for change of route, diversion, change of flight rules/type, change of requested cruise level and change of aircraft type and equipment, might be part of the list of the system evolutions for the CANAC 2 Eurocat system. The amount of GAT/IFR traffic does not justify the inclusion of the IFPLID in all messages to ETFMS.

Short Term ATFCM Measures (STAM) - Phase 2 Timescales: FCM04.2 30% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/11/2017 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - Ref to ASP comments 31/12/2021 ASP (By:12/2021) The use of STAM Phase 2 measures will be the result of Ongoing SKEYES the implementation of a traffic complexity tool (project - 30% 31/12/2021 TCAST).

Interactive Rolling NOP Timescales: FCM05 36% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/09/2013 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-ACDM, B1-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - Refer to ANSP and APO input. 31/12/2021 ASP (By:12/2021) Ongoing SKEYES - - 63% 31/12/2021 APO (By:12/2021) Brussels Ongoing Airport - - 10% 31/12/2021 Company

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 61 Released Issue Traffic Complexity Assessment Timescales: FCM06 30% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - skeyes launched a project in 2017 for the implementation of a traffic complexity assessment 31/12/2020 tool. Project will run until end 2020. ASP (By:12/2021) skeyes launched a project in 2017 for the Ongoing Traffic implementation of a traffic complexity assessment and SKEYES Complexity 30% analysis tool. The tool is currently into testing phase. 31/12/2020 Tool Project will run until end of 2020.

Extended Flight Plan Timescales: FCM08 0% Late Initial operational capability: 01/01/2016 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 Links: B1-FICE | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - skeyes will contribute to the FPFDE project of the NM and will elaborate its internal roadmap 31/12/2024 based on the outcome of this study. ASP (By:12/2021) Not yet Mil. Military Authority awaits the outcome of the FPFDE - 0% planned Authority project to set out its roadmap. - skeyes will contribute to the FPFDE project of the NM Late SKEYES and will elaborate its internal roadmap based on the - 0% 31/12/2024 outcome of this study.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 62 Released Issue

Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) Timescales: INF07 41% Late Initial operational capability: 01/11/2014 Full operational capability: 31/05/2018 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - National Policy and Implementation Programme was approved early 2017, but corresponding 31/12/2020 national regulations still need to be published. REG (By:05/2018) National TOD Policy and Implementation Programme is Late BCAA - 23% approved, the "Royal Decrees" are in development. 31/12/2020 ASP (By:05/2018) This topic is handled in collaboration between the BCAA Not and Belgian Defence. The final area 1 product is Applicable expected to be available as from 2018. Although not Mil. necessary for military use, the added value of having - % Authority high quality data is recognized by Belgian Defence, - which is why a collaboration between BCAA and Belgian Defence will be put in place in order to comply with this objective. skeyes will ensure the introduction of electronic terrain Late and obstacle data in EAD once the data are made SKEYES available by the data providers to skeyes and on - 79% 31/12/2020 condition EAD provides for this possibility (AIXM 5.1 feature). APO (By:05/2018) This topic is handled in collaboration between the BCAA Not and Belgian Defence. The final area 1 product is Applicable expected to be available as from 2018. Although not Mil. necessary for military use, the added value of having - % Authority high quality data is recognized by Belgian Defence, - which is why a collaboration between BCAA and Belgian Defence will be put in place in order to comply with this objective.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 63 Released Issue

Information Exchanges using the SWIM Yellow TI Profile Timescales: INF08.1 % Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018 Full operational capability: 31/12/2024 Links: B1-DATM, B1-SWIM | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - A project to implement iWXXM has been conducted in skeyes. This project was co-founded by INEA and was successfully implemented in 2017. skeyes participates also in the IP project, co-founded by INEA, SWIM common KPI, a pan- 31/12/2024 European initiative from SDM led by EUROCONTROL. For EBBR: Pre-study planned in 2020. ASP (By:12/2024) A project to implement iWXXM has been conducted in Ongoing skeyes. This project was co-founded by INEA and was successfully implemented in 2017. SKEYES - % skeyes participates also in the IP project, co-founded by 31/12/2020 INEA, SWIM common KPI, a Pan-European initiative from SDM led by EUROCONTROL. MIL (By:12/2024) Defence has integrated the AIS services within the AIS Not Mil. services of skeyes. All SLoAs of this objective follows the - % Applicable Authority ASP inputs from skeyes. - APO (By:12/2024) Brussels Planned No decision taken yet for the implementation. Airport - % Pre-study planned in 2020. 31/12/2024 Company

Aircraft Identification Timescales: ITY-ACID 80% Late Entry into force of the Regulation: 13/12/2011 System capability: 02/01/2020 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - Refer to ASP and MIL input 11/04/2020 ASP (By:01/2020) Multiple military radars are Mode S capable. Completed Mode S data (from Civ and Mil radars) is available and Mil. can be used in all Mil ATC units via the Civ-Mil radar - 100% Authority data network. 31/12/2014 All ATCOs and pilots have been trained in Mode S handling. FDP (Eurocat-E has been upgraded (2013). Late Tracker (ARTAS) has been upgraded (2013). Radar coverage: Multi Mode S coverage is ensured above 4500ft in Brussels FIR/UIR and in EBBR airspace volume below 4500ft. The objective is partly completed. SKEYES - 80% Additional Mode S Radar is required at EBLG to ensure 11/04/2020 full Mode S coverage below 4500ft in the FIR. Actions towards objective completion are planned. As requested by IR 1206/2011, the system capability must cover the whole UIR/FIR (i.e. UNL to GND).

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 64 Released Issue Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and Aeronautical Information Timescales: Entry into force of the regulation: 16/02/2010 Article 5(4)(a), Article 5(4)(b) and Article 6 to 13 to be implemented by: ITY-ADQ 90% Late 30/06/2013 Article 4, Article5(1) and Article 5(2), Article 5(3) and Article 5(4)(c) to be implemented by: 30/06/2014 All data requirements implemented by: 30/06/2017 Links: B0-DATM | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - SLAs have been signed with all regional airports, but no data has been delivered yet. 31/12/2020 SLA between skeyes and EBBR still needs to be signed. REG (By:06/2017) A status of the implementation of this regulation have Late been made in 2017 through an AIS audit of the civil BCAA - 70% ANSPs by the NSA, and through the certification of civil 31/12/2020 airports. ASP (By:06/2017) AIM Task Late Force / Some actions (e.g. the implementation of a quality FABEC AIM SKEYES 94% management system) are implemented. Task Force / 31/12/2020 FABEC AIM Task Force Defence has integrated the AIS services within the AIS Completed AIM Task services of skeyes All SLoAs of this objective, except for Force / ITY-ADQ-ASP02 concerning formal arrangements with Mil. FABEC AIM DGMR, follows the ASP inputs from skeyes. 100% Authority Task Force / 30/06/2019 SLA AIS has been signed in Apr 2015; the FABEC AIM implementation of TA COMMON AIP is in force since 15 Task Force SEP 2016. APO (By:06/2017) All processes and systems are in place and all involved Completed personnel is briefed / trained. Some minor elements are currently being finalized Brussels All documentation that describes our processes, Airport - 95% communication practices, checklists, quality 31/12/2018 Company organisation are in place and applied after a joint project with skeyes. The SLA between skeyes and EBBR is not signed yet.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 65 Released Issue

Initial ATC Air-Ground Data Link Services Timescales: ITY-AGDL Entry into force: 06/02/2009 100% Completed ATS unit operational capability: 05/02/2018 Aircraft capability: 05/02/2020 Links: B0-TBO | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - - 31/12/2013 REG (By:02/2018) Not Not in the scope of this LSSIPD (for Maastricht, see BCAA - % Applicable MUAC LSSIPD) - ASP (By:02/2018) Not Not applicable for skeyes since skeyes only controls SKEYES - % Applicable airspace up to FL 245. - MIL (By:01/2019) The new A400M aircraft as the replacement for the Completed C130H, will enter into operation around 2019-2020 and will be VDL M2 equipped. Replacement of other transport-type aircraft is not yet Mil. planned , but when the replacement involves new - 100% Authority aircraft these will be equipped to meet the 01/12/2013 requirements of civil aviation for operations in civil airspace. Of the current fleet, C130s are equipped, the rest of the transport fleet is exempted.

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8,33 kHz Air-Ground Voice Channel Spacing below FL195 Timescales: Entry into force: 07/12/2012 New and upgraded radio equipment: 17/11/2013 New or upgraded radios on State aircraft: 01/01/2014 ITY-AGVCS2 94% Late Interim target for freq. conversions: 31/12/2014 All radio equipment: 31/12/2017 All frequencies converted: 31/12/2018 State aircraft equipped, except those notified to EC: 31/12/2018 State aircraft equipped, except those exempted [Art 9(11)]: 31/12/2020 Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - The BCAA issued the letter related to conversion of frequencies to the 31/12/2020 on 15 December 2017. REG (By:12/2018) Mil. Completed - - 100% Authority 31/12/2018 A national circular (CIRC EQUIP-05) was revised Late (06/05/2014) to advise the operators and other users on the applicability of the Regulation. All aircraft owners/pilots and radio owners have been reminded of their obligations by a joint letter from the Belgian CAA and the Telecom Regulator and via a web page (letter dated December 2016). Same letter was also sent to aerodromes, heliports, ulmodromes and so on. A reminder letter was sent by the Belgian CAA and the Telecom Regulator in October 2017 to all radio BCAA owners. - 55% 31/12/2020 Radio upgrades by ANSP are monitored by the NSA as part of the change process. Inspection of airfields and radio operators are done in 2018 to ensure compliance. Additional test have been performed in 2019 (with BIPT/IBPT) to ensure there is no interference from adjacent channels. The SAFIR needs to be updated by the Belgian Frequency Manager.

ASP (By:12/2018) The installation of the new radio has been completed. A Late technical problem with the equipment at Brussels airport remains to be solved. Operational conversion to SKEYES - 94% 8.33 started from Q4/2018, and will be completed by 31/12/2020 end 2020, except for Brussels APP & EBBR TWR frequencies (due to the remaining technical problem). ICCW the BCAA (Belgian Civil Aviation Authority) and Completed Mil. skeyes, the 8,33kHz transition of BEL Mil and Civ VHF - 100% Authority 31/12/2018 frequencies has been completed on Dec 18. MIL (By:12/2020) 98% of the fleet is compliant or covered by Regulation Ongoing (EU) No 1079/2012 Art 9 (11) : 1 A109 (Agusta) is still Mil. not equipped but will be withdrawn by Sep 2020. B- - 98% Authority Hunter (RPAS) are not equipped with radios but the 30/06/2020 ground control station is. These stations are planned to be equipped by mid-2020.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 67 Released Issue APO (By:12/2018) Regional Completed - - 100% Airports 06/12/2018 Brussels Completed Project is finalized: all equipment has been adapted, all Airport - 100% personnel was trained. 06/12/2018 Company

Common Flight Message Transfer Protocol (FMTP) Timescales: Entry into force of regulation: 28/06/2007 All EATMN systems put into service after 01/01/09: 01/01/2009 ITY-FMTP 100% Completed All EATMN systems in operation by 20/04/11: 20/04/2011 Transitional arrangements: 31/12/2012 Transitional arrangements when bilaterally agreed between ANSPs: 31/12/2014 Links: B0-FICE, B1-FICE | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - Refer to ASP and MIL input 28/02/2015 ASP (By:12/2014) Mil. Completed FMTP FOC achieved end Feb 2015. - 100% Authority 28/02/2015 The objective is completed. IPv6 connections Completed SKEYES - 100% operational with all ANSPs except DSNA (not ready yet). 30/06/2011 MIL (By:12/2014) Mil. Completed FMTP FOC achieved end Feb 2015. - 100% Authority 28/02/2015

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 68 Released Issue

Surveillance Performance and Interoperability Timescales: Entry into force of regulation: 13/12/2011 ATS unit operational capability: 12/12/2013 ITY-SPI 89% Ongoing EHS and ADS-B Out in transport-type State aircraft : 07/06/2020 ELS in transport-type State aircraft : 07/06/2020 Ensure training of MIL personnel: 07/06/2020 Retrofit aircraft capability: 07/06/2020 Links: B0-ASUR | Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure - - 01/06/2020 REG (By:02/2015) Completed BCAA - - 100% 31/12/2012 ASP (By:02/2015) All data exchanged with other ANSPs use the Completed Eurocontrol Asterix format. For all new systems, including new radar sensors, the Eurocat ATC system, etc. safety assessments were developed and delivered to the NSA. Skeyes does however need to check whether all legacy systems are also covered by these assessments. For each change a safety assessment is SKEYES made and the change is only taken into operation after - 100% 04/06/2014 the approval of the BSA. IR1207/2011 is taken into account for these safety assessments. The requirements on training expressed in IR 1207/2011 are already covered by the existing skeyes training plan and an update is therefore not required. During the development of changes, training needs are analyzed and included in the skeyes training plan. MIL (By:06/2020) Mil. Modifications of the transport fleet are ongoing and the Ongoing - 70% Authority timescales will be met. 01/06/2020

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 69 Released Issue

RNAV 1 in TMA Operations Timescales: NAV03.1 Initial operational capability: 01/01/2001 85% Ongoing One SID and STAR per instrument RWY, where established: 25/01/2024 All SIDs and STARs per instrument RWY, where established: 06/06/2030 Links: B0-CCO, B0-CDO, B1-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Refer to ASP and MIL input 31/12/2023 REG (By:06/2030) Not yet BCAA - - % planned - ASP (By:06/2030) A phased introduction of RNAV1 procedures is planned Ongoing for EBBR and regional airports starting after finalization of the national PBN implementation plan for Belgium. It is estimated that there is no need for additional terrestrial navigation infrastructure as it is considered to have sufficient DME coverage for RNAV1 procedures. Every new RNAV procedure is verified against PANS-OPS infrastructure requirements. General RNAV procedures are instructed at the ATC Training Centre supplemented with specific ad-hoc lessons planned prior to SKEYES implementation of RNAV arrival and departure - 85% 31/12/2023 procedures. Procedure designers are trained in RNAV capabilities. The execution of a WGS-84 survey according to the EUROCONTROL standard 006 is not found necessary and not planned. Adaptation of ATS automated systems is covered by CANAC 2. The safety case is an integral part of the development and implementation of each new RNAV1 procedure. Therefore the Safety Case will be developed for each airport application during the development of the local RNAV1 procedures. RNAV arrival procedures are completed, while RNAV Completed Mil. departure procedures have not due to lack of military - 100% Authority 31/12/2015 need.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 70 Released Issue

RNP 1 in TMA Operations Timescales: Start: 07/08/2018 Not yet NAV03.2 0% All SIDs and STARs per instrument RWY, at PCP airports: 25/01/2024 planned One SID and STAR per instrument RWY, where established: 25/01/2024 All SIDs and STARs per instrument RWY, where established: 06/06/2030 Links: B1-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - BE is confident that the new implementation dates will be met. - REG (By:06/2030) Not yet BCAA - - 0% planned - ASP (By:06/2030) skeyes has received no instruction from MoT to develop Not yet and implement RNP1 procedures. planned SKEYES There is a discrepancy between the PCP and the final - 0% version of the Implementing Rule regarding PBN - navigation strategy whereas RNP1 are optional.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 71 Released Issue

RNP Approach Procedures to instrument RWY Timescales: Initial operational capability: 01/06/2011 Instrument RWY ends without precision approach in EU SES States, at NAV10 Non-PCP airports: 03/12/2020 94% Ongoing Instrument RWY ends served by precision approach (including PCP airports): 25/01/2024 Instrument RWY ends without precision approach in EU SES States, at PCP airports: 25/01/2024 Links: B0-APTA | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Refer to BCAA and ASP input 31/12/2020 REG (By:01/2024) BCAA issued the PBN Implementation Strategy for Ongoing Belgium (PBNISB) in March 2011.The PBN Implementation Group (PBNIG) allocated the priorities and plan for implementation. RNAV procedures inbound EBAW are implemented at EBAW since DEC 2015. Since 13 October 2016 RNP approach procedures are available for runway 23L/23R at Liege airport. The RNP approach procedures for Charleroi runways 07/25 are available as of 16 November 2016.The RNP procedures for runways 25R/L and 01 at Brussels National have been approved are published since 19 January 2017 to become effective on 2 March 2017. Status remains "Ongoing" because all RWYs are not yet compliant. BCAA - 80% Since 09 NOV 2017 an RNAV 1 operations approval or 31/12/2020 equivalent authorization are required according to AIC 001/2016 for all IFR GAT flights inbound and outbound to/from the following aerodromes:• Brussels Airport (EBBR),• Charleroi/Brussels South Airport (EBCI) and Liège Airport (EBLG). From winter 2019 onwards, skeyes, and the aerodromes referenced above, will establish an RNAV1-only route network consisting of STARs, transitions to Final Approach and SIDs. The currently existing conventional routes and procedures associated with the introduction of RNAV1 will be progressively phased out to complete the transition to a PBN-compliant environment. ASP (By:01/2024) Ongoing SKEYES - - 98% 31/12/2020 Mil. APV/Baro procedures have been developed and Completed - 100% Authority published. 31/12/2015

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 72 Released Issue ATS IFR Routes for Rotorcraft Operations Timescales: Rotorcraft RNP0.3, RNP1 or RNAV1 ATS routes above FL150, where established.: 03/12/2020 One rotorcraft RNP0.3, RNP01 or RNAV1 SID and STAR per instrument Not yet NAV12 0% RWY, where established.: 25/01/2024 planned Rotorcraft RNP0.3, RNP1 or RNAV1 ATS routes below FL150, where established.: 25/01/2024 All rotorcraft RNP0.3, RNP01 or RNAV1 SIDs and STARs per instrument RWY, where established.: 06/06/2030 Links: B1-APTA | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - No instruction received from MoT. - REG (By:06/2030) Not yet BCAA - - 0% planned - ASP (By:06/2030) Not yet SKEYES - - 0% planned -

Improve Runway Safety by Preventing Runway Excursions Timescales: SAF11 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/09/2013 Full operational capability: 31/01/2018 Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations - Refer to REG, APO and MIL input 05/12/2016 REG (By:01/2018) Monitoring of runway excursions is carried out in Completed particular via the Flight Data Monitoring Program (FDM), BCAA part of the Belgian Plan for Aviation Safety (Systematic - 100% 05/12/2016 Action SA03). No runway excursion for Commercial Air Transport has been reported in the last 5 years. ASP (By:12/2014) Completed SKEYES - - 100% 30/06/2016 Not Mil. Implemented at EBBR/EBMB for Mil Tpt aircraft - % Applicable Authority - APO (By:12/2014) Not Mil. Implemented at EBBR/EBMB for Mil Tpt aircraft - % Applicable Authority - Brussels Applicable recommendations of the Action Plan have Completed Airport been implemented by the Belgian Defence Air - 100% 01/01/2013 Company Component.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 73 Released Issue

Additional Objectives for ICAO ASBU Monitoring

Direct Routing Timescales: Not AOM21.1 % Initial Operational Capability: 01/01/2015 Applicable Full Operational Capability: 31/12/2017 Links: B0-FRTO, B1-FRTO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Refer to ASP and Mil Authority comments - ASP (By:12/2017) skeyes undertakes the necessary connectivity between Not FRA and TMAs by implementing specific (direct) routes Applicable by the PCP. SKEYES - % The PCP requirement for DCT is from FL 310: this - objective is not applicable to skeyes, so the progress is not applicable. The Military Authority is not implemented in provision Not Mil. of Direct Routing to GAT; the ANSP and Air Defence - % Applicable Authority systems do allow direct routings of OAT. -

Implement ground based safety nets - Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) - level 2 for en-route operations ATC02.2 Timescales: 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2008 Full operational capability: 31/01/2013 Links: B0-SNET | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - - 31/05/2009 ASP (By:01/2013) The STCA of the Eurocat system is in line with the Completed current (valid since May 2009) EUROCONTROL requirements on STCA. ATCOs are informed, and the operational training is done on the job. For skeyes, all is Completed.

For the military, STCA is currently deactivated in SEROS SKEYES - 100% II as it cannot handle high manoeuvring OAT traffic. A 31/05/2009 study has been made by EUROCONTROL to verify if STCA can be tuned to handle this kind of traffic (EUROCONTROL Guidance Material for Short Term Conflict Alert Appendix D-1: Optimisation of STCA for ATCC Semmerzake, but this project has finally been cancelled.

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Implement ACAS II compliant with TCAS II change 7.1 Timescales: ATC16 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/03/2012 Full operational capability: 31/12/2015 Links: B0-ACAS | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - - 31/12/2016 REG (By:12/2015) Completed BCAA Activity is considered as an on-going one. - 100% 31/12/2012 ASP (By:03/2012) The development of the training plan and package and Completed SKEYES the training of all concerned personnel has been - 100% 30/04/2014 completed. MIL (By:12/2015) The theoretical training of pilots, ATCO's and Air Completed Mil. Defense controllers is part of the basic instruction at the - 100% Authority Royal Military Academy. 31/12/2016 All transport aircraft are ACAS II upgraded.

Implement enhanced tactical flow management services Timescales: Not yet FCM01 67% Initial operational capability: 01/08/2001 planned Full operational capability: 31/12/2006 Links: B0-NOPS | Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services - - - ASP (By:07/2014) CANAC is sending the FSA (First System Activation) Not yet message and standard correlated position data. Also planned receiving and processing ATFM data from CFMU as well as the transmission of Departure Planning Information to the CFMU is completed. For re-routings and aircraft SKEYES holding this is part of the list of the system evolutions - 67% for the CANAC 2 Eurocat system to be realized (Eurocat - software version V3 to be implemented). For the remaining ASP (No Plan) : part of the list of the system evolutions for the CANAC 2 Eurocat system to be realized.

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Implementation of ground-ground automated co-ordination processes Timescales: Entry into force of Regulation: 27/07/2006 For putting into service of EATMN systems in respect of notification and ITY-COTR initial coordination processes: 27/07/2006 73% Late For putting into service of EATMN systems in respect of Revision of Coordination, Abrogation of Coordination, Basic Flight Data and Change to Basic Flight Data: 01/01/2009 To all EATMN systems in operation by 12/2012: 31/12/2012 Links: B0-FICE | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - Refer to ASP & Mil comments 31/12/2020 ASP (By:12/2012) Flight data processing and exchange systems are Late implemented at skeyes. The notification and initial coordination process are implemented and operational. Revision of coordination and abrogation of coordination have been implemented in the Eurocat system but are not yet operational. Tests have been performed with Maastricht UAC in 2011. With the other neighbouring SKEYES centres a planning has been defined within the FABEC - 67% 31/12/2020 OLDI coordination body. The basic and change to basic flight data processes are implemented in CANAC 2. Their operational use depends however on the neighbouring centres. Similar flight data exchange processes (sending of CPL, CHG) are currently implemented with the military centre at Semmerzake. MIL (By:12/2012) Basic Flight Data as well as changes to Basic Flight Data Completed are implemented in SEROS II in ICAO format (CPL, CHG). Mil. CPL and CHG messages are received from MUAC and - 100% Authority 31/12/2012 Brussels ACC. Military CPLs and CHG messages on military CPLs can be sent but are not activated.

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Local Objectives

Note: Local Objectives are addressing solutions that are considered beneficial for specific operating environments, therefore for which a clear widespread commitment has not been expressed yet. They are characterised with no deadline and voluntary applicability area.

Remote Tower Services Not yet AOP14 % Applicability and timescale: Local planned Links: B1-RATS | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBB - BRUSSELS (COM CENTRE) No current plans to implement this functionality. -

Enhanced traffic situational awareness and airport safety nets for the AOP15 vehicle drivers % Planned Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport Information from EBBR: planned in 2022 at the earliest 31/12/2022

Guidance assistance through airfield ground lighting Not yet AOP16 % Applicability and timescale: Local planned Links: B1-RSEQ, B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBB - BRUSSELS (COM CENTRE) Not planned yet as AOP13 is also not planned yet. -

Provision/integration of departure planning information to NMOC Not AOP17 % Applicability and timescale: Local Applicable Links: B1-ACDM, B1-NOPS | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport EBBR is a CDM airport. -

Runway Status Lights (RWSL) Not AOP18 % Applicability and timescale: Local Applicable Links: B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport Information from EBBR: compliant with EASA Aerodrome Certification and have all infra, - equipment in place as such to help in avoidance of RWY incursions.

Multi-Sector Planning En-route - 1P2T Not ATC18 % Applicability and timescale: Local Applicable Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - No current plans to implement this functionality -

Enhanced AMAN-DMAN integration Not yet ATC19 % planned Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B2-RSEQ | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - No current plans to implement this functionality -

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 77 Released Issue

Enhanced STCA with down-linked parameters via Mode S EHS Not yet ATC20 % planned Applicability and timescale: Local Links: B1-SNET | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services - No current plans to implement this functionality -

Airport Collaborative Environmental Management ENV02 100% Completed Applicability and timescale: Local Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations EBBR - Brussels Airport Starting March 2011 skeyes and Brussels Airport agreed to have bilateral meetings on environment each quarter. A noise monitoring system is in place which provides relevant performance information. Infrastructure and procedures are in place to mitigate pollution due to de-icing activities. 30/09/2018 The CEM as defined by Eurocontrol has been implemented in June 2018. The formal CEM agreement has been signed in September 2018 with Eurocontrol, Brussels Airport, skeyes, TUI Fly, DHL and Brussels Airlines. A quarterly meeting is taking place.

Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) Not ENV03 % Applicability and timescale: Local Applicable Links: B0-CCO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services EBBB - BRUSSELS (COM CENTRE) Not relevant because CCO are not measured at EBBR. -

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 78 Released Issue 6. Annexes

A. Specialists involved in the ATM implementation reporting for Belgium

LSSIP Co-ordination

LSSIP Focal Points Organisation Name

LSSIP National Focal Point BCAA/ BSA-ANS A. Vincent LSSIP Focal Point for NSA/CAA BCAA/ BSA-ANS M. Van Opstal LSSIP Focal Point for ANSP skeyes B. Gallez LSSIP Focal Point for Airport Brussels Airport Company K. Defever / G. Georgiev LSSIP Focal Point for Military Belgian Defence G. Léonard

Other Focal Points Organisation Name

Focal Point for U-space BCAA Q. Van Coppenolle Focal Point for NETSYS None

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 79 Released Issue

B. National stakeholders organisation charts

BCAA Organisation Chart

See also and

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skeyes Organisation Chart

The corporate governance structure of skeyes is as follows:

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 81 Released Issue

Belgian Defence / Air Component Organisation Chart

Minister of Defence (MOD) Mr Philippe Goffin

Chief Of Defence (CHOD) Generaal Marc COMPERNOL

Air Component Commander (ACC) Generaal-Majoor Vlieger Frederik VANSINA

Chief of Staff (COS) Tactical Flying Ops Support Air Safety Directorate Colonel Aviateur Units Units (ASD) Geert DE DECKER ASD/ATM Capitaine d'Avi Audrey Division Division BRANELLEC Operations Logistics

Air Operations Support v/h Vlw Nancy LESIRE

Air Traffic Management

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 82 Released Issue

Brussels Airport Company Organisation Chart

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 83 Released Issue C. Implementation Objectives’ links with SESAR KF, ASBU blocks and more

The table below (extracted from the MPL3 Progress Plan 2019) shows for each implementation objective, the links with the SESAR Key Features, Major ATM Changes, SESAR 1 Solutions, Deployment Program families, ICAO ASBU, EASA EPAS and AAS TP milestones.

SESAR Major ATM SESAR DP ICAO ASBU Level 3 Implementation Objectives Key EPAS AAS TP change Solution family B0, B1, B2 Feature AOM13.1 - Harmonise OAT and GAT handling FRA & A-FUA - - - - -

B1-FRTO B1- AOM19.1 - ASM tools to support A-FUA FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.1 - AM-1.8 NOPS AOM19.2 - ASM management of real-time airspace B1-FRTO FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.2 - AM-1.8 data B1-NOPS B1-FRTO AOM19.3 - Full rolling ASM/ATFCM process and ASM FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.3 B1-NOPS - AM-1.8 information sharing B2-NOPS AOM19.4 – Management of Pre-defined Airspace B1-FRTO FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.4 - - Configurations B1-NOPS FCM03 - Collaborative flight planning ATFCM - 4.2.3 B0-NOPS - AM-1.14

*FCM04.1 – STAM phase 1 ATFCM - 4.1.1 - - -

FCM04.2 - STAM phase 2 ATFCM #17 4.1.2 - - AM-1.11

4.2.2 B1-ACDM B1- - FCM05 - Interactive rolling NOP NOP #20, #21 AM-1.12 4.2.4 NOPS - FCM06 - Traffic Complexity Assessment ATFCM #19 4.4.2 B1-NOPS AM-1.13

FCM07 - Calculated Take-off Time (CTOT) to Target 4.3.1 - ATFCM #18 B1-NOPS AM-1.9 Times for ATFCM Purposes 4.3.2 - FCM09 - Enhanced ATFM Slot swapping ATFCM #56 - B1-NOPS -

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 84 Released Issue SESAR Major ATM SESAR DP ICAO ASBU Level 3 Implementation Objectives Key EPAS AAS TP change Solution family B0, B1, B2 Feature 3.2.1 B0-FRTO - *AOM21.1 - Direct Routing Free Route #32 - 3.2.3 B1-FRTO - AM-1.6 3.2.1 AOM21.2 - Free Route Airspace Free route #33, #66 B1-FRTO AM-1.10 3.2.4 AM-5.1 B0-SNET - ATC02.8 - Ground based safety nets ATM Systems - 3.2.1 - B1-SNET B0-SNET ATC02.9 – Enhanced STCA for TMAs ATM Systems #60 - MST.030 - B1-SNET Enhanced - ATC07.1 - Arrival management tools - 1.1.1 B0-RSEQ - Arrival Seq #27, - AM-1.15 ATC12.1 - MONA, TCT and MTCD ATM Systems 3.2.1 B1-FRTO #104 AM-5.1 Enhanced - ATC15.1 – Initial extension of AMAN to En-route - 1.1.2 B1-RSEQ - Arrival Seq Enhanced - ATC15.2 - Extension of AMAN to En-route #05 1.1.2 B1-RSEQ AM-1.3 Arrival Seq - ATC17 - Electronic Dialog supporting COTR Free Route - 3.2.1 - AM-1.3

- AM-4.3 ATC18 – Multi Sector Planning En-route – 1P2T Free Route #63 - - AM-5.1 Enhanced - ATC19 - Enhanced AMAN-DMAN integration #54 - B2-RSEQ - Arrival Seq ATC20- Enhanced STCA with down-linked parameters - ATM Systems #69 - B1-SNET - via Mode S EHS B0-CDO - ENV01 – Continuous Descent Operations PBN - - - B1-CDO - ENV03 – Continuous Climb Operations PBN - - B0-CCO -

B0-CDO RMT.0639 NAV03.1 – RNAV1 in TMA Operations PBN #62 - B0-CCO - RMT.0445 B1-RSEQ

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 85 Released Issue SESAR Major ATM SESAR DP ICAO ASBU Level 3 Implementation Objectives Key EPAS AAS TP change Solution family B0, B1, B2 Feature 1.2.3 RMT.0639 NAV03.2 – RNP1 in TMA Operations PBN #09, #51 B1-RSEQ - 1.2.4 RMT.0445 RMT.0639 1.2.1 NAV10 - RNP Approach Procedures to instrument RWY PBN #103 B0-APTA RMT.0445 - 1.2.2 RMT.0643 NAV12 – ATS IFR Routes for Rotorcraft Operations PBN #113 - B1-APTA MST.031 -

- AOP04.1 - A-SMGCS Surveillance (former Level 1) Surface mgt #70 2.2.1 B0-SURF -

- AOP04.2 - A-SMGCS RMCA (former Level 2) Surface mgt - 2.2.1 B0-SURF -

Collaborative 2.1.1 B0-ACDM - AOP05 - Airport CDM #106 - Apt 2.1.3 B0-RSEQ Enhanced ops - B1-RSEQ AOP10 - Time Based Separation in vicinity of #64 2.3.1 - B2-WAKE rwy Collaborative - AOP11 - Initial Airport Operations Plan #21 2.1.4 B1-ACDM - Apt AOP12 - Improve RWY and Airfield safety with CATC 2.1.2 - Surface mgt #02 B2-SURF - detection and CMAC 2.5.1 B1-ACDM - AOP13 – Automated assistance to Controller for #22 Surface mgt 2.4.1 B1-RSEQ - Surface Movement planning and routing #53 B2-SURF Remote #12, #71, AOP14 – Remote Tower Services - B1-RATS RMT.0624 - Tower #52, #13 AOP15 - Enhanced traffic situational awareness and - Surface mgt #04 - B2-SURF - airport SNET for the vehicle drivers AOP16 - Guidance assistance through airfield ground B1-RSEQ - Surface mgt #47 - - lighting B2-DURF AOP17 - Provision/integration of departure planning Collaborative B1-ACDM - #61 - - information to NMOC Apt B1-NOPS

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 86 Released Issue SESAR Major ATM SESAR DP ICAO ASBU Level 3 Implementation Objectives Key EPAS AAS TP change Solution family B0, B1, B2 Feature - AOP18 - Runway Status Lights (RWSL) Surface mgt #01 - B2-SURF -

ENV02 – Airport Collaborative Environmental Collaborative - - - - - Management Apt Enhanced ops - NAV11 - Implement precision approach using GBAS in vicinity of #55 - B1-APTA - CAT II/III based on GPS L1 rwy MST.007 SAF11 - Improve runway safety by preventing runway Surface mgt - - - RMT.0570 - excursions RMT.0703 - COM10 - Migration from AFTN to AMHS CNS rat. - - - -

COM11.1 - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in En- - CNS rat. - 3.1.4 - AM-1.3 Route COM11.2 - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in - CNS rat. - - - - Airport/Terminal Pre-SWIM & 5.1.2 - COM12 - NewPENS - B1-SWIM - SWIM 5.2.1 Pre-SWIM & - FCM08 – Extended Flight Plan #37 4.2.3 B1-FICE AM-1.4 SWIM RMT.0703 Pre-SWIM & INF07 - Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (e-TOD) - 1.2.2 - RMT.0704 - SWIM RMT.0722 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, INF08.1 - Information Exchanges using the SWIM Pre-SWIM & B1-DATM #35, #46 5.2.3, - AM-1.5 Yellow TI Profile SWIM B1-SWIM 5.3.1, 5.4.1, 5.5.1, 5.6.1

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 87 Released Issue SESAR Major SESAR DP ICAO ASBU Level 3 Implementation Objectives Key ATM EPAS AAS TP Solution family B0, B1, B2 Feature change 5.1.3, 5.1.4, INF08.2 - Information Exchanges using the SWIM Blue Pre-SWIM 5.2.1, B1-DATM #28, #46 - AM-9.1 TI Profile & SWIM 5.2.2, B1-SWIM 5.2.3, 5.6.2 Pre-SWIM B1-DATM - INF09 - Digital Integrated Briefing #34 - - & SWIM B1-SWIM - ITY-ACID - Aircraft identification CNS rat. - - - -

ITY-ADQ - Ensure quality of aeronautical data and Pre-SWIM RMT.0722 - 1.2.2 B0-DATM - aeronautical information & SWIM RMT.0477 6.1.1 ITY-AGDL - Initial ATC air-ground data link services Data link - 6.1.3 B0-TBO RMT.0524 AM-1.1 6.1.4 ITY-AGVCS2 – 8.33 kHz Air-Ground Voice Channel - CNS rat. - - - - Spacing below FL195 ITY-FMTP - Apply a common flight message transfer Pre-SWIM B0-FICE - - - AM-1.3 protocol (FMTP) & SWIM B1-FICE RMT.0679 ITY-SPI - Surveillance performance and interoperability CNS rat. - - B0-ASUR - RMT.0519 * AOM21.1 was achieved in 2017 and FCM04.1 was achieved in 2018, therefore they were removed from the Implementation Plan 2018/2019. They are kept in this table for traceability purposes. Legend: Objective’s link to SESAR Key Feature:

Optimised ATM Network Services High Performing Airport Operations

Advanced Air Traffic Services Enabling Aviation Infrastructure

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 88 Released Issue

D. Implementation of U-Space Services

This annex provides an overview of the current implementation progress and short to medium term planning information on the main elements underlying the provision of the 16 U-Space services enabling Very Low Level drones operations. Those elements are expected to be available in phases U1 (2019) to U3 (2025) as described in the European ATM Master Plan add-on: Roadmap for the safe integration of drones into all classes of airspace.

Phase Service Service Progress Implementation Comment Element Date U1 e-Registration Registration Not yet contact with police planned enforcement Planned (drone council WG4) implemented U1 e-Registration Remote Not yet not understood Identification Planned system add-on registration service available (i.e. device physical serial number) U1 e-Registration UA online Completed 01-09-2019 registration Loket/main/home?lang=fr service available U1 e-Registration UAS operator Ongoing 01-07-2020 online registration service available U1 e-Registration UAS operator Ongoing 01-07-2020 registration procedure implemented (e.g. national registration number) U1 e- Authority in Planned 15-04-2020 Royal decree ongoing to Identification charge of designate BCAA issuing and managing identification numbers (i.e. code allocation and coordination) established U1 e- E-identification Not yet responsibility WG4 of Identification enforcement Planned Belgian Civil Drone Council implemented

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 89 Released Issue Phase Service Service Progress Implementation Comment Element Date U1 e- The Not yet Identification identification Planned service includes the localisation of the drones (i.e. position and time stamp) U1 Pre-tactical Geo-limitation Missing waiting for EASA AMC for geo-fencing database Data art 15 of 2019/947 available U1 Pre-tactical Pre-defined Ongoing 01-07-2020 in collaboration with skeyes geo-fencing restricted areas & BCAA implementation U1 Pre-tactical User access to Not yet geo-fencing AIP and NOTAM Planned provided (i.e. to feed drones embedded geofencing features) U2 Tactical geo- Geo-awareness Ongoing 01-07-2020 probably via droneguide+ fencing information KML file available (e.g. geofence and flight restriction information provided up to the moment of take-off) U2 Tactical geo- Real-time pre- Ongoing 01-07-2020 probably via NOTAM in fencing defined Droneguide restricted areas information data feed available U2 Tactical geo- Restricted area Not yet fencing infringement Planned notification implemented (based on ownership data) U2 Flight planning Airspace Ongoing 01-07-2020 management authorisation and flight planning approval processes available

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 90 Released Issue Phase Service Service Progress Implementation Comment Element Date U2 Flight planning Automated Not yet management flight plan Planned validation capability available U2 Flight planning Digital Planned 01-07-2020 management notification (i.e. digital NOTAM) capability available U2 Flight planning Flight plan Not yet management preparation/op Planned timisation capabilities available U2 Flight planning Flight planning Not yet management support Planned publications available (e.g. obstacles maps; population density maps; risk reduction) U2 Weather Collection of Not yet information weather Planned information from different stakeholders implemented (including return of weather info drone to UTM) U2 Weather Hyperlocal Not yet information weather Planned information available U2 Weather Low-altitude Completed 01-09-2019 skeyes provides as hourly information wind forecast of wind at 10 forecasting meters and 2000 ft. information available U2 Weather Predictive Not yet information weather hazard Planned alerts at planned drone mission sites available

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 91 Released Issue Phase Service Service Progress Implementation Comment Element Date U2 Weather Real-time low- Ongoing 01-07-2020 The information is not information altitude wind available on real-time, actual except for the airports. information available U2 Tracking Cooperative Not yet UAS positioning Planned infrastructure available U2 Tracking Non- Planned 01-12-2025 planned to protect main cooperative airports in Belgium by end UAS tracking 2025 capabilities available (e.g. at airports; high value assets) U2 Tracking Real-time Not yet ongoing discussions tracking Planned capabilities available (e.g. location reports; data fusion from multiple sources) U2 Tracking Surveillance Not yet data exchange Planned interface available (i.e. capability to exchange data among the tracking service and other services/system s) U2 Tracking Tracking data Not yet recording Planned capability implemented U2 Monitoring Air situation- Not yet Not all drones have monitoring Planned transponders; therefore, the capability ANSP cannot easily track available them. (depending on the level of tracking available. See U2 Tracking capabilities) U2 Monitoring Alert/Report Not yet line available Planned

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 92 Released Issue Phase Service Service Progress Implementation Comment Element Date U2 Monitoring Flight non- Not yet There are occasionally conformance Planned controls of the effective detection flight followed by BCAA capability inspection directorate available U2 Monitoring Non- Not yet cooperative Planned drones identification capability available to law enforcement, regulatory authority and service providers U2 Monitoring Provision of Not yet ongoing discussions traffic Planned information to UAS operators implemented U2 Monitoring Restricted area Not yet infringement Planned detection capability available (based on surveillance data) U2 Drone UTM-relevant Completed 31-12-2018 The droneguide website aeronautical dynamic (link) already includes the information aeronautical NOTAMs. management data available (i.e. provision of information to geofencing and mission planning services) U2 Drone UTM-relevant Completed 31-12-2018 The low-level areas aeronautical static inaccessible to drones is information aeronautical published on the management data available droneguide website (link). U2 Procedural ATC/UAS Completed 31-12-2018 There is a coordination interface with coordination between drone operators ATC procedures and the ANSP through the defined Belgian CAA. according to airspace classification

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 93 Released Issue Phase Service Service Progress Implementation Comment Element Date U2 Procedural Emergency and Completed 31-12-2018 Drone operators are interface with contingency requested to call the ATC procedures relevant control tower, or a implemented suitable ATS unit, in case of emergency. U2 Procedural Flight Completed 31-12-2016 Notification is carried out interface with notification when the drone flies within ATC procedures to 1.5 NM of the airport. nearby airports operators (i.e. AFIS; ATC; FIS) implemented U2 Procedural Pre-tactical Completed 31-12-2016 interface with controlled ATC airspace access coordination processes available U2 Procedural Rules Completed 31-12-2018 droneguide interface with awareness ATC service adapted to specific areas, time, type of operations U2 Procedural UAS access Planned 01-07-2020 interface with conditions ATC prescription (for specific volumes of airspace) implemented U2 Emergency Emergency Completed 31-12-2018 Drone operators are management alert line requested to call the available relevant control tower, or a suitable ATS unit, in case of emergency. U2 Emergency Provision of Not yet discussions ongoing management assistance Planned information to UAS operator in case of emergency implemented U2 Strategic de- Manned- Not yet discussions ongoing confliction unmanned Planned aircraft deconfliction capability available

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 94 Released Issue Phase Service Service Progress Implementation Comment Element Date U2 Strategic de- Pre-flight Not yet confliction information Planned provision involving de- confliction management function U2 Strategic de- Strategic de- Not yet confliction confliction Planned capabilities based on mission plans analysis (e.g. conflicts identification; solution proposal) available U3 Dynamic geo- Datalink Not yet SAFIR project fencing connectivity to Planned geofencing function implemented (e.g. through dedicated web service) U3 Dynamic geo- Live dynamic Not yet SAFIR project fencing restricted areas Planned information data feed available for real-time flight path adjustments U3 Dynamic geo- Up-to-date Not yet fencing guidance Planned information including safety concerns (e.g. forest fires; major events; VIP travel) provided U3 Collaborative ATC alert Ongoing 01-01-2025 Drones of less than 150 kg Interface with notification have no transponders, ATC implemented therefore are not followed by ATCOs. U3 Collaborative Global air Completed 01-01-2020 Declared drones will be Interface with situation visible to the ATCOs. ATC monitoring capabilities available

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 95 Released Issue Phase Service Service Progress Implementation Comment Element Date U3 Tactical de- de-confliction Not yet confliction management Planned information transmission from the USSP to the UAS U3 Tactical de- de-confliction Not yet confliction management Planned information transmission in real-time U3 Dynamic Airspace Not yet capacity capacity Planned management monitoring capability available U3 Dynamic Management Not yet capacity for capacity due Planned management to non-nominal occurrences, such as weather hazards or emergency situations U3 Dynamic UAS traffic Not yet capacity complexity Planned management assessment capability available U3 Dynamic demand and Not yet capacity capacity Planned management management implemented U3 Dynamic near-real-time Not yet capacity flight Planned management authorization capability available

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 96 Released Issue E. SESAR Solutions implemented in a voluntary way4

These SESAR Solutions are not included yet in the ATM MP L3 Plan. EUROCONTROL is tasked by the SJU to identify the implementation progress of functionalities corresponding to validated SESAR Solutions published in the SJU Solutions Catalogue ( publications/sesar-solutions-catalogue), for which there is no implementation Objective (yet) in the ATM MP L3 Plan. This will allow to identify early movers and to gauge the interest generated by some of these functionalities, with the view of potentially addressing them with new Implementation Objectives in the ATM MPL3 Plan. A facilitated questionnaire using the existing ATM MP L3 / LSSIP methodology is added to capture information on non- committed SESAR solutions. For practical reasons, since the LSSIP 2017 cycle the questionnaire is included in the LSSIP Annex. Are there implementation plans in your State for the Has the SESAR SESAR Solution? (Y-N- Solution been N/A) SESAR SESAR implemented in - If “Yes” please report Solution Solution Solution Description your State? (Y-N) when and where Code Title - if “Yes” please implementation is report where planned - If “N/A” please provide justification

High Performing Airport Operations

Use of data link communications between D-TAXI the Tower Controllers and the flight crew service for during surface movement. controller- It is based on the D-TAXI service from the pilot CPDLC application, as standardised by #23 datalink N RTCA SC214/EUROCAE WG78 (DO-350 & communic DO-351). It also includes the access to this ations service for end users, through the Tower (CPDLC) CWP for the ATCO and through the application aircraft DCDU for the flight crew. In low visibility conditions, the tower controller working positions are provided with Virtual Stop Bars (VSB) to improve Virtual low visibility operations and enhance block controllers¿ situational awareness. control in Virtual Stop Bars can be used by the #48 low controller to reduce block-sizes once N visibility procedural control applies. Additional procedures controller safety nets will be available to

(LVPs) indicate violations of Stop Bars (including Virtual Stop Bars) and to monitor aircraft for any kind of unauthorised movement (Watch Dog).

4 Referred as ‘Non-committed’ SESAR solutions in the MP L3 Report.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 97 Released Issue Has the SESAR SESAR SESAR Are there implementation Solution been Solution Solution Solution Description plans in your State for the implemented in Code Title SESAR Solution? your State?

The solution increases the accuracy of information related to when the procedure is going to take place, how long it will take and when the aircraft will be ready to taxi for departure, which is currently calculated by predetermined estimates. The solution means that air traffic controllers no longer need to work without situational awareness of de-icing activities and needing to make their own estimates of when aircraft are ready for departure. The solution envisages that de-icing operations are no longer characterised by the A-CDM concept as ‘adverse conditions’, i.e. a state that is in De-icing Implementation is ongoing of need of collaborative recovery #116 manageme N a de-icing dispatching tool at procedures, but rather a part of normal nt tool EBBR operations in the winter period. The DIMT allows for the scheduling and monitoring of de-icing operations. It is an internet browser-based tool that addresses three distinct procedures for de-icing: - Remote de-icing, which occurs at a specific location on the airport away from the parking stand; - On-stand de-icing, which occurs just before the aircraft leaves its stand; and - After-push de-icing, which occurs after the aircraft has pushed back from the stand and is positioned to start taxiing after de-icing. The SESAR Solution “Reducing landing minima in low visibility conditions using enhanced Flight vision systems (EFVS)” is intended for flight crews, and corresponds to the use of EFVS visual based technologies displayed in HUD or an equivalent display system. The Reducing objective is to provide operational credit Landing in approach as permitted per EASA EU Minima in 965/2012 and its coming amendments Low (NPA 2018-06 AWO) to face to Low Visibility visibility conditions. Demonstration flights of EFVS Conditions was performed at EBAW #117 N using Enabling EFVS operations with airport in 2019 following Enhanced operational credits provides a greater approval of the BCAA. Flight availability of suitable destination and Vision alternate aerodromes during periods of Systems reduced visibility. (EFVS) This effectively reduces the number of weather-related delays, cancellations or diversions of flights to CAT II/III aerodromes, permits shorter routings and reduced fuel costs, a faster return to scheduled operations, and less passenger inconveniences.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 98 Released Issue Has the SESAR SESAR SESAR Are there implementation Solution been Solution Solution Solution Description plans in your State for the implemented in Code Title SESAR Solution? your State?

A unique advantage of the EFVS on board solution is that it is mainly supported by the aircraft system instead of airports and the need of complex and costly ground infrastructures as those implemented in CATII/III airports.

From a global ATM network standpoint, the EFVS operation allows to retain traffic at most of secondary aerodromes by providing operational credit at most of runway ends with precision or non- precision landing minima (LPV, LNAV/ VNAV, ILS CAT1,…). The operational credit provided by EFVS is particularly important regarding secondary aerodromes because they usually have CAT1 or higher than CAT 1 RVR ¿ DA/DH minima and are therefore potentially more frequently impacted by adverse weather conditions.

In addition, EFVS capability is a key operational advantage more especially for the business aviation community that is mainly composed of small/ medium operators with limited resources and operating frequently at small/ medium airports. Beyond operational credit, the Vision Systems such as the EFVS improves situational awareness in all weather conditions for all operators at all airports contributing supporting decision-making and increasing safety margin all the time.

Advanced Air Traffic Services

The CTA (Controlled Time of Arrival) is an ATM imposed time constraint on a defined point associated with an arrival Controlled runway, using airborne capabilities to time of improve arrival management. When a arrival time constraint is needed for a flight, the (CTA) in ground system may calculate a CTA as medium- #06 part of the arrival management process, N density/me and then it may be proposed to the flight dium- for achievement by avionics within complexity required accuracy. Airborne information environme may be used by the ground system in nts determining the CTA (e.g. ETA min/max) and in monitoring the implementation of the CTA.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 99 Released Issue Has the SESAR SESAR SESAR Are there implementation Solution been Solution Solution Solution Description plans in your State for the implemented in Code Title SESAR Solution? your State?

The system provides support to coordination of traffic flows into multiple airports to enable a smooth delivery to the runways. The 'Center Manager' (CMAN) which accompanies the AMANs of the airports generates a combined planning for several arrival streams into Arrival different airports by calculating the manageme sequence of aircraft flying towards an #08 nt into N area where their routes intersect. By multiple imposing an adequate spacing of the airports aircraft in that area, a Time To Lose (TTL) for the appropriate upstream E-TMA sector is calculated to meet this constraint. Both AMAN-TTL for the runway and TTL for the E-TMA sector are superimposed and presented to the upstream en-route sector controllers. Based on Advanced-RNP navigation Optimised specification, design of optimised routes route e.g. spaced parallel routes, Fixed Radius network Transition (FRT) and Tactical Parallel #10 N using Offset (TPO) further enhanced by advanced onboard performance monitoring and

RNP alerting and the execution of more predictable aircraft behaviour Continuous Progressive implementation of descent procedures for Continuous Descent operations Operations (CDO) and Continuous Climb CDO yes but no point #11 (CDO) Operations (CCO) in higher density traffic merge using point or to higher levels, optimised for each

merge airport arrival/departure procedure Enhanced New altitude capture laws aim to reduce airborne unnecessary ACAS alarms and reduce the collision risk of mid-air or near mid-air collisions avoidance between aircraft as a last-resort safety system net, by automatically reducing the vertical #105 N/A (ACAS) rate at the approach of the selected flight operations level (only when a Traffic Advisories-TA using the occurs), leading to less traffic autoflight perturbation, while not increasing flight

system crew workload. This new procedure design builds upon Point precision navigation technology (P-RNAV merge in concept) for merging traffic into a single #107 complex entry point, which allows efficient N terminal integration and sequencing of inbound

airspace traffic together with Continuous Descent Approaches (CDA). Point Merge in high density environment Arrival and complex Extended TMA (E-TMA) Manageme sectors replaces radar vectoring with a #108 nt (AMAN) more efficient and simplified traffic N and Point synchronisation mechanism that reduces

Merge communication workload and increases collective traffic predictability.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 100 Released Issue Has the SESAR SESAR SESAR Are there implementation Solution been Solution Solution Solution Description plans in your State for the implemented in Code Title SESAR Solution? your State?

The basic Extended ATC Planner aims at bridging the gap between Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) and (ATC) providing real- time and fine-tuning measures to solve ATFCM hotspots and to perform early measures to alleviate complexity closest to ATC activities.

The solution consists of an automated Basic EAP tool and associated procedures No such project (Extended supporting the basic communication mentioned during the #118 ATC between the Local DCB position and the N Planning) Controllers' Work Positions allowing the ATFCM audit, and not part function EAP and the ATC team in identifying, of skeyes roadmaps assessing and resolving local complexity situations. The basic EAP relies on a real time integrated process for managing the complexity of the traffic with capability to reduce traffic peaks through early implementation of fine-tuned solutions to solve workload imbalances at the local level, compatible with the short-term timeframe of execution phase of the flights.

Optimised ATM Network Services

Airspace Users are allowed to change among themselves (via the pre-departure User- management process in CDM airports) driven the priority order of flights in the pre- prioritisati departure sequence. The departure time #57 N on process will be automatically (UDPP) communicated/coordinated with the

departure Network Management Function (NMF) via the DPI message as described in the A- CDM concept.

Enabling Aviation Infrastructure

Europe’s vision to achieve high- performing aviation by 2035 builds on the idea of trajectory-based operations – meaning that aircraft can fly their preferred trajectory while minimising AOC data constraints due to airspace and service increasing configurations. SESAR has introduced an #67 trajectory early version, which makes use of flight N prediction planning data sourced from airline

accuracy operational control (AOC) to help controllers optimise aircraft flight paths. This solution represents an initial step towards the extended flight plan solution and flight and flow information for a collaborative environment (FF-ICE).

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 101 Released Issue Has the SESAR SESAR SESAR Are there implementation Solution been Solution Solution Solution Description plans in your State for the implemented in Code Title SESAR Solution? your State?

The ACAS provides resolution advisories (RAs) to pilots in order to avoid collisions. Controllers rely on pilots to report RAs by ACAS radio as they occur in accordance with Ground ICAO regulations. However these reports Monitoring can come late, incomplete or are, absent #100 NA and in some instances. This solution consists Presentatio of a set of monitoring stations and a

n System server system, which enable the continuous monitoring and analysis of ACAS RAs and coordination messages between airborne units from the ground. This solution consists of an enhanced TCAS capability, adding passive Extended surveillance methods and reducing the hybrid need for active Mode-S interrogations. By #101 NA surveillanc making fewer active interrogations, this

e solution allows the aircraft to significantly reduce the usage of the 1090 MHz frequency. The aeronautical mobile airport communication system (AeroMACS) offers a solution to offload the saturated VHF datalink communications in the airport environment and support new services. The technical solution Aeronautic AeroMACS is based on commercial 4G al mobile technology and uses the IEEE 802.16 airport (WiMAX) standard. Designed to operate communic #102 in reserved (aeronautical) frequency N ation bands, AeroMACS can be used for ANSPs, system airspace users and airport authority (AeroMACS communications, in compliance with ) SESAR’s future communication infrastructure (FCI) concept. AeroMACS is an international standard and supports globally harmonised and available capabilities according to ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP). The Iris Precursor offers a viable option for ATS datalink using existing satellite Air traffic technology systems to support initial services four-dimensional (i4D) datalink capability. (ATS) #109 The technology can be used to provide N datalink end-to-end air–ground communications using Iris for i4D operations, connecting aircraft Precursor and air traffic management ground systems. The SESAR solution consists of the ADS-B ground station and the surveillance data ADS-B processing and distribution (SDPD) surveillanc functionality. The solution also offers e of mitigation techniques against deliberate #110 aircraft in N spoofing of the ground system by outside flight and agents. These techniques can also be used on the to cope with malfunctioning of avionics surface equipment. SESAR has contributed to the relevant standards, such as EUROCAE

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 102 Released Issue Has the SESAR SESAR SESAR Are there implementation Solution been Solution Solution Solution Description plans in your State for the implemented in Code Title SESAR Solution? your State?

technical specifications, incorporating new functionalities developed for the ADS-B ground station, ASTERIX interface specifications as well as to the SDPD specifications.

By allowing the use of ADS-B data that has been validated against data derived in parallel by a WAM system, the system can help to reduce the number of interrogations and number of replies and therefore reduce the 1030/1090 MHz RF load and improve spectrum efficiency. It achieves this through the integration of validated data items into the WAM Composite channel, thereby preventing a need to re- Surveillanc interrogate the data item. #114 N e ADS-B / Since the two surveillance layers share

WAM hardware components, the system offers improved cost efficiency. Furthermore, the use of the system contributes to an improved security by successfully mitigating associated ADS-B threats. SESAR has contributed to the relevant standards, such as EUROCAE technical specifications for WAM and ADS-B that are implementing this “composite” concept.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 103 Released Issue F. Military Organisations Infrastructure

This Annex is not produced in 2019. It will be updated every second year, therefore it will be produced as part of the LSSIP 2020 document.

In case information is sought on military infrastructure, previous LSSIP may be made available upon request to the respective Focal Point and/or Contact Person.

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 104 Released Issue G. Glossary of abbreviations

This Annex mainly shows the abbreviations that are specific to the LSSIP Document for Belgium. Other general abbreviations are in the Acronyms and Abbreviations document in:

Term Description

AAIU (be) Air Accident Investigation Unit (Belgium) A-ENV BCAA environment department AF ATM Functionality A-POR BCAA airport department AMS Airport Movement System ARSA Areas Requiring Special Attention ASD Aviation Safety Directorate A-SPA BCAA airspace department AUP Airspace Use Plan BAC Brussels Airport Company BATA Belgian Air Transport Association BCAA (Belgian) Civil Aviation Authority BELANC Belgian Air Navigation Committee BEMILFLIPs Belgian Military Flight Information Publications BSA-ANS Belgian Supervisory Authority for Air Navigation Services CANAC Computer Assisted National ATC Centre CISM Critical Incident Stress Management CBT Computer Based Training CADF Central Airspace Data Function CDR Conditional Route CHOD Chief of Defence DIRCOM Committee of Directors EBAW Antwerp Airport EBBR Brussels Airport EBCI Charleroi Airport EBKT Kortrijk Airport EBLG Liège Airport EBOS Oostende Airport FPS Mobility and Transport Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport FT Fast Track LVC Luchtverkeerscommissie of The Netherlands = the “BELANC” of The Netherlands) MCG Maastricht Co-ordination Group MIL ATCC (Semmerzake) Military ATC Centre (Semmerzake) MoD Ministry of Defence

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 105 Released Issue PCP Pilot Common Project PDP Preliminary Deployment Programme RIMCAS Runway Incursion Module S-AF Sub ATM Functionality

LSSIP Year 2019 Belgium - Level 1 106 Released Issue