of ATM Implementation Reporting 25YEARS in

LSSIP 2018 - Local Single Sky ImPlementation Level 1 - Implementation Overview

Document Title LSSIP Year 2018 for Armenia

Infocentre Reference 19/02/05/03 Date of Edition 19/03/19 Samvel Baghdasaryan - [email protected] – LSSIP Focal Point ARMATS Octavian Cioară - [email protected] LSSIP Contact Person EUROCONTROL / DECMA/ACS/PRM Status Released Issue Intended for Agency Stakeholders Available in http://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/lssip

Reference Documents LSSIP Documents http://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/lssip LSSIP Guidance http://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/lssip Material Master Plan Level 3 – http://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/european-atm-master-plan-level-3- Plan Edition 2018 implementation-plan Master Plan Level 3 – http://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/european-atm-master-plan-level-3- Report Year 2018 implementation-report European ATM Portal https://www.eatmportal.eu and http://www.atmmasterplan.eu/ STATFOR Forecasts http://www.eurocontrol.int/statfor Acronyms and https://www.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/content/documents/official- abbreviations documents/guidance/Glossaries.pdf National AIP http://armats.com/eng/aviation/aip.htm National Performance Request should be send to e-mail: [email protected] Plan National Business Plan Request should be send to e-mail: [email protected] (In Armenian)

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia Released Issue


The following authorities have approved all parts of the LSSIP Year 2018 document and their signatures confirm the correctness of the reported information and reflects their commitment to implement the actions laid down in the European ATM Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Plan – Edition 2018.

Stakeholder / Name Position Signature Organisation

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia Released Issue


1. National ATM Environment ...... 10

2. Traffic and Capacity ...... 19

3. Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Report conclusions ...... 24 4. Implementation Projects ...... 25

5. Cooperation activities ...... 26

6. Implementation Objectives Progress ...... 27

Annexes Specialists involved in the ATM implementation reporting for Armenia National stakeholders’ organisation charts Implementation Objectives’ links with SESAR, ICAO and DP Glossary of abbreviations

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia Released Issue

Executive Summary

National ATM Context

The following was done in 2018: - The agreement was signed and the testing was done for the implementation of the basic OLDI via FMTP with FIR (North). The connection is operational since January 2019. - The AMHS operation was done. - Armenia implemented 24h Free Route airspace above FL195 starting from 06.12. 2018. - A new ILS-DME CAT II was installed at “Shirak” . - ECAA agreement was also planned to be signed. The first round of negotiations was held in in the spring of 2017. The delay is connected with the BREXIT. - The reconstruction of “Zvartnots” international airport was finished and “Zvartnots” aerodrome was certified as Class “E” by the Civil Aviation Committee.

The following is planned to be implemented in 2019: - Modernization of ATC contingency room: acquisition and installation of the new ATC and VCS systems. - The Cross-border 24h FRA with between FL195-FL660 is planned to be implemented starting from 07.11.2019. - The runway lighting system is planned to be modernized at “Zvartnots” airport in 2019. - A new Armenian Aviation Law is planned to be adopted in 2019. - General aviation activities are started and the new regulations are planned to be implemented in 2019, DRONE regulation activities are launched.

Traffic and Capacity

Traffic in Armenia increased by a robust 21.5% during Summer 2018 (May to October inclusive), when compared to Summer 2017. It follows a 45% increase (Summer 2017 compared to Summer 2016) compensating for the previous 5 consecutive years of decreases (between 3% and 13.9%).The EUROCONTROL Seven-Year forecast predicts an average annual traffic growth between 4.5% and 8.8% for the planning period, with an average baseline growth of 6.4%.

Progress per SESAR Phase The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the SESAR baseline and the PCP elements. The percentage is calculated as an average of the relevant objectives as shown in Chapter 6.1 (PCP objectives are marked as such, the rest are considered SESAR baseline); note that two objectives – AOM19.1 and FCM05 – are considered as both part of the SESAR baseline and PCP so their progress contributes to the percentage of both phases.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 6 Released Issue The objectives declared ‘Achieved’ in previous editions (up to, and including, ATM MP L3 Edition 2011-2017) are also taken into account for as long as they were linked to the Level 2 of the ATM Master Plan and implemented by the State.

Pre-SESAR 2010 2019 Implementation 93%

PCP 2015 2023 Implementation 55%

Progress per SESAR Key Feature and Phase

The figure below shows the progress made so far, per SESAR Key Feature, in the implementation of the SESAR baseline and the PCP elements. The percentages are calculated as an average, per Key Feature, of the same objectives as in the previous paragraph.

Advanced Air Enabling Aviation Optimised ATM Traffic Services High Performing Infrastructure

Network Services Airport Operations

100 100 100 % % % 92%

50% 50% n/a 14%


ICAO ASBUs Progress Implementation

The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the ICAO ASBUs Blocks 0 and 1. The overall percentage is calculated as an average of the relevant Objectives contributing to each of the relevant ASBUs; this is a summary of the table explained in Chapter 6.1.

2010 2018 Block 0 96%

2015 2022 Block 1 70%

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 7 Released Issue

ATM Deployment Outlook

State objectives

- Free Route Airspace Deployed in 2017-2018: [AOM21.2] 100% progress - OAT and GAT handling [AOM13.1] 100% progress - AMHS [COM10] 100% progress - Collaborative Flight Planning [FCM03] 100% progress

By 12/2019 By 12/2020 By 12/2021 2022+

- Coordination and transfer (in Jan 2019) [ATC17] 100% progress - Mandatory Coordination and transfer (in Jan 2019) [ITY-COTR] 100% progress - FMTP (in Jan 2019) [ITY-FMTP] 100% progress - Voice over IP [COM11] 83% progress - Data Link [ITY-AGDL] 53% progress - Aeronautical Information [ITY-ADQ] 72% progress

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 8 Released Issue


The Local Single Sky ImPlementation (LSSIP) documents, as an integral part of the Master Plan (MP) Level 3 (L3)/LSSIP mechanism, constitute a short/medium term implementation plan containing ECAC States’ actions to achieve the Implementation Objectives as set out by the MP Level 3 and to improve the performance of their national ATM System. This LSSIP document describes the situation in the State at the end of December 2018, together with plans for the next years.

Chapter 1 provides an overview of the ATM institutional arrangements within the State, the membership of the State in various international organisations, the organisational structure of the main ATM players - civil and military - and their responsibilities under the national legislation. In addition, an overview of the Airspace Organisation and Classification, the ATC Units, the ATM systems operated by the main ANSP are also provided;

Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive picture of the situation of Air Traffic, Capacity and ATFM Delay per each ACC in the State. It shows the evolution of Air Traffic and Delay in the last five years and the forecast for the next five years. It gives also the achieved performance in terms of delay during the summer season period and the planned projects assumed to offer the required capacity which will match the foreseen traffic increase and keep the delay at the agreed performance level;

Chapter 3 provides a set of conclusions extracted from the MP L3 Implementation Report 2018, which are relevant to the State/stakeholders concerned. The State reports how they have handled those conclusions and the actions taken during the year to address the concerns expressed by those conclusions;

Chapter 4 provides the main Implementation Projects (at national, FAB and regional level) which contribute directly to the implementation of the MP Operational Improvements and/or Enablers and Implementation Objectives. Level 1 document covers high level list of the projects showing the applicable links. All other details like description, timescale, progress made and expected contribution to the ATM Key Performance Areas provided by the State per each project are available in Level 2 document;

Chapter 5 deals with other cooperation activities beyond Implementation Projects. It provides an overview of the FAB cooperation and also all other regional initiatives which are out of the FAB scope. The content of this chapter generally is developed and agreed in close cooperation between the States concerned;

Chapter 6 contains aggregated information at State level covering the overall level of implementation, implementation per SESAR Key Feature and implementation of ICAO ASBUs. In addition the high-level information on progress and plans of each Implementation Objective is presented. The information for each Implementation Objective is presented in boxes giving a summary of the progress and plans of implementation for each Stakeholder. The conventions used are presented at the beginning of the section.

Level 1 document is completed with a separate document called LSSIP Level 2. This document consists of a set of tables organised in line with the list of Implementation Objectives. Each table contains all the actions planned by the four national stakeholders to achieve their respective Stakeholder Lines of Action (SLoAs) as established in the European ATM Master Plan L3 Implementation Plan Edition 2018. In addition it covers detailed description of the Implementation Projects for the State as extracted from the LSSIP Data Base.

The information contained in Chapter 6 is deemed sufficient to satisfy State reporting requirements towards ICAO in relation to ASBU (Aviation System Block Upgrades) monitoring.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 9 Released Issue

1. National ATM Environment

Geographical Scope

International Membership

Armenia is a Member of the following international organisations in the field of ATM:

Organisation Since ECAC  December 1996 EUROCONTROL  1 March 2006  EASA  Working Arrangement 2009, Annex 1 ATM 2011 ICAO  18 June 1992 NATO  ITU  30 June 1992

Geographical description of the FIR(s)

The geographical scope of this document addresses the YEREVAN FIR in Armenia. The Yerevan FIR is bordered by the following FIRs: ECAC FIR: Georgia: Tbilisi FIR (North), : Ankara FIR (West), and : Baku FIR (East). Non ECAC FIRs: Iran: FIR (South) The way across North to South is ~340Km and East to West is ~200Km.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 10 Released Issue

Airspace Classification and Organisation

Armenian airspace consists of a single FIR, which is divided into lower and upper airspace. The Division Flight Level (DFL) separating upper from lower ATS airspace is FL 195. Classification of the airspace is Class “C” between FL 195 and FL 660 according with the EUROCONTROL requirements.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 11 Released Issue ATC Units

The ATC units in the Armenian airspace, which are of concern to this LSSIP, are the following:

ATC Unit Number of sectors Associated FIR(s) Remarks En-route TMA YEREVAN ACC 1 YEREVAN FIR 3 is the total number of sectors of Yerevan ATC (including TWR) YEREVAN APP 1 YEREVAN FIR TWR 1 YEREVAN FIR

National Stakeholders

The main National Stakeholders involved in ATM in Armenia are the following: - Civil Aviation Committee (CAC); - Armenian Air Traffic Services (ARMATS); - Armenian International (AIA); - Air Force; - The Aviation Meteorological Centre (Ministry of Nature Protection). The Civil Aviation Committee activities are detailed in the following subchapters and their relationships are shown in the diagram below.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 12 Released Issue Civil Regulator(s)

General Information

Civil aviation in Armenia is the responsibility of the CAC (Civil Aviation Committee). The CAC adjunct to the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies. The different national entities having regulatory responsibilities in ATM are summarised in the table below. CAC is further detailed in the following sections.

Activity in ATM: Organisation Legal Basis responsible Rule-making CAC Aviation Law, Charter and structure of GDCA N202-N 13.02.2003 (updated in 2016) Safety Oversight CAC Government Order N744-N 19.06.2008 (Establishing procedure for granting permission of ANSPs) (updated in 2013). GDCA DG order 238A/06.10.2014 on Safety oversight of ANSPs was updated in 2016, Enforcement actions in case of CAC Aviation Law, Government Order N744-N 19.06.2008/ non-compliance with safety “Establishing procedure for granting permission of regulatory requirements ANSP”, (updated in 2013) GDCA GD order 238A/06.10.2014 updated in 2016. Safety oversight of ANSP. Airspace CAC Aviation Law and Government Order №825N 03.07.2003/updated in 2017 ”Airspace management regulation” Order 56N-N11.04.2007 on “Procedure for the implementation of training and special flights in the Republic of Armenia” (updated in 2016). Economic CAC Aviation Law Environment CAC and Ministry of Aviation Law. Nature protection

Security CAC Order N1307-N 02.10.2003/updated in 2017 (Civil Aviation Security in Republic of Armenia). Accident investigation CAC An agreement signed between Armenia and on the creation of an international bureau for the investigation of aviation accidents and serious incidents.


By the order of 9 July 2018 the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies of Armenia the CAC (a State Regulatory body in the field of civil aviation) charter has been established. CAC directly reports to the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies. The main tasks and responsibilities of the CAC (last update in 2016) are established according to the Aviation Law. The Civil Aviation Committee implements the State policy, State regulatory and economic regulatory functions and exercises State administration and supervision with regard to the use of the airspace and civil aviation operations in Armenia. The CAC is the National Supervisory Authority.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 13 Released Issue The CAC adjunct to the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies is a republican body of executive authority, financed from the State budget. The ANSPs are institutionally separated from the GDCA (current CAC). The ANSPs were certified by GDCA in 2013 according to the SES package requirements and continuously oversight is implemented. CAC regulates: - the operational activities of air transport field, civil aviation and non-military state aviation, as well as the air traffic service, - implementation of state control of safety, aviation security and technical regulation of that field, the management of civil aviation and non-military state aviation activities, air traffic service, as well as the regulation and supervision of the safety and security provision of ground facilities, - during peacetime regulation of the provision of air traffic services as well as aeronautical telecommunication services and aeronautical information services for civil aviation, - definition of the use of airspace restrictions and prohibitions. CAC implements: - study and analysis of air transport policy, development and prospective trends; - development, implementation and running of aviation security and flight safety programs in the field of civil aviation in the Republic of Armenia, - oversight of the operating staff, works being performed, services and their quality provided for the flight safety and aviation security in the civil aviation system. Further information is available on the CAC web-site www.aviation.am


Services provided

Governance: Joint Stock Company Ownership: 100% State Services provided Y/N Comment ATC en-route Y ATC approach Y ATC Aerodrome(s) Y AIS Y CNS Y MET N Provided by the Aviation Meteorological Centre, a Joint Stock Company reporting to the Ministry of Nature Protection ATCO training Y General and aviation English trainings in UK. Refresh trainings in Prague. Others N Additional information: Provision of services in N other State(s): Annual Report published: Y http://armats.com/arm/activity/reports.htm This is the annual report covering yearly activities of the ANSP.

Further information is available on the ARMATS web-site: http://www.armats.com

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 14 Released Issue ATC systems in use

Main ANSP part of any technology alliance1 N -

FDPS Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: AZIMUT (Russian Company) Upgrade2 of the ATC system is performed or planned? Performed in 2013 Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned? ATC Unit Yerevan ACC, Yerevan APP, Yerevan TWR, Gyumri TWR

SDPS Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: AZIMUT (Russian Company) Upgrade of the ATC system is performed or planned? Performed in 2013 Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned? ATC Unit Yerevan ACC, Yerevan APP, Yerevan TWR, Gyumri TWR

The new generation ATM system “GALAXY” deployed by the Russian company “AZIMUT” in 2013 is installed at Yerevan ATC centre. The system “GALAXY” has a modular architecture according to the EUROCONTROL requirements and uses “ASTERIX inside”. All subsystems are linked via redundant LAN, SDPS and FDPS servers have triple redundancy (Active, Hot-standby and Cold-standby). Surveillance Data Processing System combines all traditional RDP functions and ability of connecting with different sensors PSR, (M) SSR, mode S, multilateration (MLAT) and ADS-B. Aircraft derived data is used for surveillance data processing and presentation of additional information in track labels (Indicated Airspeed, Selected Altitude and QNH , Magnetic Heading, Rate of Climb or Descent). All calculations are carried out in WGS-84 model of the Earth FDP system uses real time data from SDPS instead of static FPL route to update aircraft trajectory. Safety Nets processing is compatible with EUROCONTROL Specification for Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA), Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW), Area Proximity Warning (APW) and Approach Path Monitor (APM). MONA, MTCD, flexible vector, possibility of OLDI with adjacent FIRs, CPDLC, separate QNH areas for flights below transition level, automated update of flight plans and sending of DEP, ARR messages to CFMU are also engaged in the system. The system is also interfaced with European Aeronautical Database EAD (AIXM). Controller Working Position provides an integrated representation of the air situation, combining actual surveillance sensor data and FPL information. Being ready scalable it can act as a separate working position directly interfacing with sensors (PSR, SSR, mode-S, ADS-B, MLAT, ADF, weather systems and AFTN network) or be a part of ATC system interfacing with SDPS and FDPS modules. “GALAXY” simulator is used as a back-up system as well. The new IP Voice Communication System (VCS) ( Company, ) was installed at Yerevan ATC centre. The radio and telephone VCS fully integrates new IP Network requirements and latest technological achievements with user-friendliness needs at Operator and Maintenance levels. The VCS system combines all up-to-date interfaces such as MFC R2, ATS QSIG, E1 QSIG and VoIP.

1 Technology alliance is an alliance with another service provider for joint procurement of technology from a particular supplier (e.g. COOPANS alliance) 2 Upgrade is defined as any modification that changes the operational characteristics of the system (SES Framework Regulation 549/2004, Article 2 (40))

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 15 Released Issue Airports

General information

There are two civil international airports in Armenia: • Yerevan “Zvartnots” International Airport, the main gateway to Armenia, located 12 km southwest of Yerevan; • “Shirak” International Airport in Gyumri, located at about 100 km northwest of Yerevan. “Zvartnots” and “Shirak” International Airports are certified by GDCA in accordance with ICAO standards. Given the fact that Armenia is completely landlocked, the country relies heavily on its international airports as the main point of entry for both passengers and cargo. “Zvartnots” International Airport is the main International Airport of Armenia, it provides full airport services. “Zvartnots” and “Shirak” International Airports are operated by “Armenia International Airports” CJSC Company. Further information is available on the AIA web-site: http://www.aia-zvartnots.aero

Airport(s) covered by the LSSIP

Referring to the List of Airports in the European ATM Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Plan Edition 2018 – Annex 2, it is up to the individual State to decide which additional airports will be reported through LSSIP for those Objectives.

Based on this, Yerevan “Zvartnots” International Airport is the only Armenian airport covered by the LSSIP Year 2018. Military Authorities

The Military Authorities in Armenia are composed of: - Air Force, - Air Defence. They report to the Ministry of Defence. Their regulatory, service provision and user role in ATM are detailed below.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 16 Released Issue

Regulatory role

Regulatory framework and rule-making

OAT GAT OAT and provision of service for OAT governed by Y Provision of service for GAT by the Military governed N national legal provisions? by national legal provisions? Level of such legal provision: Aviation Law, Rules of the Air Level of such legal provision: NA and Air Force Regulations. Authority signing such legal provision: Minister of Defence Authority signing such legal provision: NA and Chief of Air Force These provisions cover: These provisions cover: Rules of the Air for OAT Y Organisation of military ATS for OAT Y Organisation of military ATS for GAT NA OAT/GAT Co-ordination Y OAT/GAT Co-ordination Y ATCO Training Y ATCO Training NA ATCO Licensing Y ATCO Licensing NA ANSP Certification Y ANSP Certification NA ANSP Supervision Y ANSP Supervision NA Aircrew Training Y ESARR applicability NA Aircrew Licensing N Additional Information: Military provides only flight control Additional Information: Military do not provide air traffic in TSAs control service to GAT flights. Means used to inform airspace users (other than military) Means used to inform airspace users (other than military) about these provisions: about these provisions: National AIP Y National AIP Y National Military AIP NA National Military AIP NA EUROCONTROL eAIP Y EUROCONTROL eAIP Y Other: National VFR Manual NA Other: National VFR Manual NA


OAT GAT National oversight body for OAT: National Supervisory Authority (as per SES reg. 550/2004) for GAT services Ministry of Defence Air Force provided by the military: CAC (there is no Military NSA). Additional information: nil Additional information: nil

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 17 Released Issue Service Provision role

OAT GAT Services Provided: Services Provided: En-Route NA En-Route Y Approach/TMA NA Approach/TMA Y Airfield/TWR/GND NA Airfield/TWR/GND Y AIS NA AIS Y MET Y MET Y SAR Y SAR Y TSA/TRA monitoring Y FIS Y Other: Other: Additional Information: nil Additional Information: nil

Military ANSP providing GAT NA If YES, since: Duration of the services SES certified? Certificate: Certificate issued by: If NO, is this fact reported to the EC in accordance with SES regulations? Additional Information: Armenia is not an EU member State.

User role

IFR inside controlled airspace, Military aircraft can OAT only N GAT only Y Both OAT and GAT N fly?

If Military fly OAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify the available options: Free Routing N Within specific corridors only Y Within the regular (GAT) national route network Y Under radar control Y Within a special OAT route system Y Under radar advisory service N

If Military fly GAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify existing special arrangements: No special arrangements N Exemption from Route Charges N Exemption from flow and capacity (ATFCM) measures N Provision of ATC in UHF Y CNS exemptions: RVSM Y 8.33 Y Mode S Y ACAS Y Others:

Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA)

Military in Armenia applies FUA requirements as specified in the Regulation No 2150/2005: Y FUA Level 1 implemented: Y FUA Level 2 implemented: Y FUA Level 3 implemented: Y

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 18 Released Issue 2. Traffic and Capacity

Evolution of traffic in Armenia

Armenia - Annual IFR Movements

120.000 Armenia - Distribution (Ref. year 2017)

100.000 Overflights 59% 80.000

60.000 Domestic flights 0% International IFR flightsIFR IFR movements - Actuals Dep/Arr 41% 40.000 IFR movements - Baseline forecast

IFR movements - High forecast 20.000 IFR movements - Low forecast A = Actual F = Forecast 0 2014 A 2015 A 2016 A 2017 A 2018 F 2019 F 2020 F 2021 F 2022 F 2023 F 2024 F

EUROCONTROL Seven-Year Forecast (September 2018) IFR flights yearly growth 2015 A 2016 A 2017 A 2018 F 2019 F 2020 F 2021 F 2022 F 2023 F 2024 F H 23.5% 14.2% 8.8% 7.6% 7.6% 7.3% 7.3% Armenia B -16.5% -7.6% 39.9% 23.2% 12.4% 5.5% 5.2% 5.2% 4.9% 5.0% L 22.9% 10.7% 3.1% 3.4% 3.6% 3.1% 3.3% ECAC B 1.6% 2.8% 4.0% 3.7% 3.0% 2.6% 2.1% 1.9% 2.0% 2.1%

2018 Traffic in Armenia increased by 21.5% during Summer 2018 (May to October inclusive), when compared to Summer 2017.

2019-2024 The EUROCONTROL Seven-Year forecast predicts an average annual traffic growth between 4.5% and 8.8% for the planning period, with an average baseline growth of 6.4%.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 19 Released Issue ACC Yerevan

Traffic and en-route ATFM delays 2016-2024

UDDDACC - Traffic and en-route ATFM delays

350 1.0

0.9 300 0.8

250 0.7

0.6 200 0.5

IFR flights (Daily Average) (Daily flights IFR 150 0.4 Enroute Delay (minutes per flight) per (minutes Delay Enroute

100 0.3

0.2 50 0.1

0 0.0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Peak Day Traffic 162 210 235 Summer Traffic 104 151 185 Yearly Traffic* 96 136 169 Summer Traffic Forecast 201 211 221 232 242 252 High Traffic Forecast - Summer 204 220 235 253 273 292 Low Traffic Forecast - Summer 198 204 210 216 224 231 Summer enroute delay (all causes) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yearly enroute delay (all causes) * 0.00 0.00 0.00

*From 01/01/2018 to 31/10/2018

Performance summer 2018

En-route Delay (min/flight) - Summer Capacity Traffic Evolution 2018 Capacity Baseline Ref value Actual gap +22.7% 40 (0%) 0.01 0.0 No The average en-route delay per flight remained at zero in Summer 2018. Capacity Plan: Sufficient Capacity to meet demand Achieved Comments 24H FRA 24H FRA will be implemented on Yes 06.12.2018 Maximum configuration: 1 sector Yes Summer 2018 performance assessment The ACC capacity baseline was estimated at 40. During the measured period, the average peak 1 hour demand was 20 and the average peak 3 hour demand was 15.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 20 Released Issue Planning Period 2019-2024

The planning focuses on the Summer season to reflect the most demanding period of the year from a capacity perspective. This approach ensures consistency with the previous planning cycles. Following the inputs provided by the at the ad-hoc NMB on 25 October 2018, en-route delay reference values and capacity requirement profiles have been calculated for RP3 (2020-2024) based on the proposal made by the PRB to the European Commission.

En-route ATFM delay breakdown En-route ATFM delay breakdown NETWORK PRB proposal RP2 Reference Values RP3 Reference Values

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Annual 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5

Final en-route delay reference values and capacity requirement profiles will be provided after the final decision on RP3 targets.

Summer Capacity Plan 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Planned to implement cross-border Free Route Airspace operations FRA with Georgia on 07.11.2019 Airspace Management

Advanced FUA Airport & TMA Network

Integration Cooperative Traffic

Management Airspace Procedures Staffing Technical Capacity Significant Events Max sectors 1 1 1 1 1 1

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 21 Released Issue Planned Annual Capacity Sufficient capacity to meet expected demand Increase Reference Profile Annual % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Increase Difference Capacity Plan v. Sufficient capacity to meet expected demand Reference Profile Annual Reference Value (min) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Summer reference value 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 (min) Additional information 2020-2024: Indicative RP3 Reference Values

Sectors available - Summer 2019 2



00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 22 Released Issue

UDDDCTA - Reference capacity profile and alternative scenarios 45







Capacity profile (movements per hour) per (movements profile Capacity 10


0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2019 Reference Capacity Profile 40 40 40 40 40 40 2020-2024 Indicative Reference Capacity Profile Capacity Profile - Current Routes 40 40 40 40 40 40 Capacity Profile - High 40 40 40 40 40 40 Capacity Profile - Low 40 40 40 40 40 40 Capacity Baseline 40 40 2019 - 2024 Plan 40 40 40 40 40 40 Capacity Profile - Shortest Routes (Open) 40 40 40 40 40 40

2019-2024 Planning Period Outlook No problems are foreseen for Yerevan ACC in the coming planning cycle.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 23 Released Issue 3. Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Report conclusions

Conclusions issued from the European ATM Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Report 2018 applicable to Armenia for all items that require corrective actions and improvements.



State’s action planned for this conclusion: YES

Description of the planned action: ATC system is able to receive and process flight plan data from IFPS in ADEXP format. Objective completed.


State’s action planned for this conclusion: South FREE ROUTE AIRSPACE (FRASC)

Description of the planned action: The Cross-border 24h FRA with Georgia between FL195-FL660 is planned to be implemented starting from 07.11.2019.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 24 Released Issue 4. Implementation Projects

The table below presents the high-level information about the main projects currently ongoing in Armenia. The details of each project are available in Chapter 2 of the Level 2 - Detailed Implementation Status document.

National projects

Name of project: Organisation(s): Schedule: Status: ATM MP Links: AIS_1 ARMATS (AM) From: Sep 2014 Started L3: ITY-ADQ To: Dec 2019 Contingency room ARMATS (AM) From Jan 2019 Planned - To Dec 2019 Free Route ARMATS (AM) From: Jan 2016 Finished L3: AOM21.2 To: Dec 2018 (with initial deployment in 2017) General aviation CAC (AM) From Jan 2019 - - To Dec 2019 Runway lighting YEREVAN Zvartnots From Jan 2019 Planned - system Airport (AM) To Dec 2019

Regional projects

Name of project: Organisation(s): Schedule: Status: ATM MP Links: Cross-border ARMATS (AM), From Jan 2018 Started L3: AOM21.2 SAKAERONAVIGATSIA (GE) To Nov 2019 OLDI ARMATS (AM), From: Jan 2016 Completed L3: ATC17, ITY-FMTP SAKAERONAVIGATSIA (GE) To: January 2019

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 25 Released Issue 5. Cooperation activities

Regional cooperation Regional cooperation initiatives

To facilitate the harmonization process within the different ANS Domains in the Caucasus region with the objective of meeting global and European standards and directives, Armenia has for several years enhanced and developed ANS co-operation. The harmonization approach is based on the assumption that regional and sub- regional planning, development and management is a necessity in order to establish and maintain the future CNS/ATM systems at a safe, productive and cost-effective level, which will be accepted by the airspace users.

Operational Letters of Agreement (LoAs) have been signed between Yerevan ACC and all neighboring countries, non ECAC ACC - Tehran ACC and ECAC ACCs - Tbilisi ACC, Ankara ACC and Baku ACC. They take into account the implementation of RVSM in European region of ICAO and RNAV Routes.

The agreement has been signed and the testing has been done for the implementation of the basic OLDI (ABI, ACT, REV, PAC, MAC, LAM) via FMTP with Tbilisi FIR (North). The connection is operational since January 2019.

The South Caucasus Free Route Airspace (FRASC) operational concept prepared and distributed to both States by EUROCONTROL NM in AUG 2018 and for the implementation of Cross-border 24h FRA with Georgia between FL195-FL660 starting from 07.11.2019.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 26 Released Issue 6. Implementation Objectives Progress

State View

Overall Objective Implementation

Progress distribution for applicable Implementation Objectives

In 2018 the sustained progress in the implementation of objectives continued with the achievement of not less than 6 objectives (AOM13.1, ATC17, COM10, FCM03, ITY-COTR and ITY-FMTP). The technical capabilities associated to some of these objectives (ATC17, ITY-COTR, ITY-FMTP) were already implemented in the system since a long time (2013) however the operational use was not possible due to the incapacity of the neighbouring centres. These functionalities have now been operationally implemented through the connection with Tbilisi FIR in January 2019. The readiness of neighbouring centres remains an issue for the ITY-SPI objective (the ground- ground interoperability via the ASTERIX protocol) which is not yet operationally deployed, despite the ARMATS system having the necessary capability. Based on the current planning, 3 more objectives should achieve completion during 2019: COM11, ITY-ADQ and ITY-AGDL.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 27 Released Issue

Objective Progress per SESAR Key Feature

Note: The detailed table of links between Implementation Objectives and SESAR Key Features is available in Annex Implementation Objectives’ links with SESAR, ICAO and DP.


 ## % = Expected completion / % Progress

= Implementation Objective timeline (different colour per KF)  100% = Objective completed = Completion beyond Implementation Objective timeline

Optimised ATM Network Services

<15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ≥25 Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and 100% AOM13.1  General Air Traffic (GAT) handling

AOM19.1 (PCP) ASM Support Tools to Support AFUA n/a

AOM19.2 (PCP) ASM Management of Real-Time Airspace Data n/a Full rolling ASM/ATFCM Process and ASM AOM19.3 (PCP) Information Sharing n/a Management of Pre-defined Airspace AOM19.4 (PCP) Configurations n/a 100% FCM01 Enhanced Tactical Flow Management Services 

100% FCM03 Collaborative Flight Planning 

FCM04.1 STAM Phase 1


FCM04.2 (PCP) STAM Phase 2 n/a

FCM05 (PCP) Interactive Rolling NOP n/a 100% FCM06 (PCP) Traffic Complexity Assessment 

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 28 Released Issue Advanced Air Traffic Services

<15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ≥25

AOM21.1 (PCP) Direct Routing n/a 100% AOM21.2 (PCP) Free Route Airspace 

100% ATC02.2 STCA En-Route 

100% ATC02.8 Ground-Based Safety Nets 

100% ATC02.9 Enhanced STCA for TMAs 

ATC07.1 AMAN Tools and Procedures UDYZ - Yerevan Airport

n/a (Outside Applicability Area) Automated Support for Conflict Detection, Resolution 100% ATC12.1  Support Information and Conformance Monitoring Information Exchange with En-route in Support of ATC15.1 AMAN n/a Arrival Management Extended to En-route ATC15.2 (PCP) Airspace n/a 100% ATC16 ACAS II Compliant with TCAS II Change 7.1 

Electronic Dialogue as Automated Assistance to 100% ATC17  Controller during Coordination and Transfer Local objective ATC18 Multi Sector Planning En-route - 1P2T n/a

ENV01 Continuous Descent Operations  UDYZ - Yerevan Airport 100%

ENV03 Continuous Climb Operations Local objective  UDSG - Gyumri Airport 100%  UDYZ - Yerevan Airport 100% Ground-Ground Automated Co-ordination 100% ITY-COTR  Processes 100% NAV03.1 RNAV 1 in TMA Operations 

NAV03.2 (PCP) RNP 1 in TMA Operations n/a 100% NAV10 APV procedures 

Optimised Low-Level IFR Routes in TMA for Local objective NAV12 Rotorcraft n/a

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 29 Released Issue High Performing Airport Operations

<15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ≥25

AOP04.1 A-SMGCS Level 1 UDYZ - Yerevan Airport

n/a (Outside Applicability Area)

AOP04.2 A-SMGCS Level 2 UDYZ - Yerevan Airport

n/a (Outside Applicability Area)

AOP05 Airport CDM UDYZ - Yerevan Airport

n/a (Outside Applicability Area)

AOP10 (PCP) Time-Based Separation UDYZ - Yerevan Airport

n/a (Outside Applicability Area)

AOP11 (PCP) Initial Airport Operations Plan UDYZ - Yerevan Airport

n/a (Outside Applicability Area) Improve Runway and Airfield Safety with ATC

AOP12 (PCP) Clearances Monitoring UDYZ - Yerevan Airport

n/a (Outside Applicability Area) Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface

AOP13 (PCP) Movement Planning and Routing UDYZ - Yerevan Airport

n/a (Outside Applicability Area) Local objective AOP14 Remote Tower Services

UDYZ - Yerevan Airport n/a

ENV02 Collaborative Environmental Management Local objective  UDYZ - Yerevan Airport 0% Improve Runway Safety by Preventing Runway 100% SAF11  Excursions

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 30 Released Issue Enabling Aviation Infrastructure

<15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ≥25 100% COM10 Migrate from AFTN to AMHS 

83% COM11 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 

0% COM12 (PCP) NewPENS 

0% FCM08 (PCP) Extended Flight Plan 

100% INF07 Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) 

Information Exchanges using the SWIM Yellow TI 0% INF08.1 (PCP)  Profile 100% ITY-ACID Aircraft Identification 

Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and 72% ITY-ADQ  Aeronautical Information 53% ITY-AGDL Initial ATC Air-Ground Data Link Services 

8,33 kHz Air-Ground Voice Channel Spacing ITY-AGVCS2

below FL195 n/a 100% ITY-FMTP Common Flight Message Transfer Protocol 

82% ITY-SPI Surveillance Performance and Interoperability 

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 31 Released Issue ICAO ASBU Implementation

The following table shows, for each of the ASBU Block 0, the overall status, the final date foreseen for completion and the percentage of progress achieved in the current cycle. These results were determined using the LSSIP Year 2018 declared statuses and progress of the relevant Implementation objectives in accordance with the mapping approved by ICAO EUR EANPG/60 (European Air Navigation Planning Group).


= Completed (during 2018 or before) = Missing planning date

= Progress achieved in 2018 = Not applicable

<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ≥25

100% B0-APTA Optimization of Approach Procedures

including vertical guidance

B0-SURF Safety and Efficiency of Surface Operations

(A-SMGCS Level 1-2) 100% B0-FICE Increased Interoperability, Efficiency and

Capacity through Ground-Ground Integration 100% B0-DATM Service Improvement through Digital

Aeronautical Information Management 72% 100% B0-ACAS ACAS Improvements

100% B0-SNET Increased Effectiveness of Ground-Based

Safety Nets

B0-ACDM Improved Airport Operations through

B0-RSEQ Improved Traffic flow through Runway

sequencing (AMAN/DMAN)

100% B0-FRTO Improved Operations through Enhanced En-

Route Trajectories 100% B0-NOPS Improved Flow Performance through

Planning based on a Network-Wide view 100% B0-ASUR Initial capability for ground surveillance

82% 100% B0-CDO Improved Flexibility and Efficiency in Descent

Profiles (CDO)

100% B0-TBO Improved Safety and Efficiency through the

initial application of Data Link En-Route 53%

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 32 Released Issue

Detailed Objectives Implementation progress

Objective/Stakeholder Progress Code: Completed Not yet planned Ongoing Not Applicable Planned Missing Data Late

Main Objectives

Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and General Air Traffic (GAT) Handling AOM13.1 Timescales: 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2012 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 - There are established OAT/GAT handling rules and procedures; they are based on EUROAT. 31/12/2018 REG (By:12/2018) Completed CAC - - 100% 31/12/2018 Mil. There are established OAT/GAT handling rules and Completed - 100% Authority procedures; they are based on EUROAT. 31/12/2018 ASP (By:12/2018) Mil. There are established OAT/GAT handling rules and Completed - 100% Authority procedures; they are based on EUROAT. 31/12/2018 Completed ARMATS - - 100% 31/12/2018 MIL (By:12/2018) Mil. There are established OAT/GAT handling rules and Completed - 100% Authority procedures; they are based on EUROAT. 31/12/2018

ASM Support Tools to Support Advanced FUA (AFUA)

Not AOM19.1 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - There is flexible use of airspace based on procedures. - ASP (By:12/2018) Not ARMATS There is flexible use of airspace based on procedures. - % Applicable -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 33 Released Issue ASM Management of Real-Time Airspace Data

Not AOM19.2 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - There is flexible use of airspace based on procedures. - ASP (By:12/2021) Not ARMATS There is flexible use of airspace based on procedures. - % Applicable -

Full Rolling ASM/ATFCM Process and ASM Information Sharing

Not AOM19.3 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - There is flexible use of airspace based on procedures. - ASP (By:12/2021) Not ARMATS There is flexible use of airspace based on procedures. - % Applicable -

Management of Pre-defined Airspace Configurations

Not AOM19.4 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - There is flexible use of airspace based on procedures. - ASP (By:12/2021) Not ARMATS - - % Applicable -

Free Route Airspace Timescales: AOM21.2 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 - Armenia has implemented 24h Free Route airspace above FL195 since 06.12. 2018. 07/12/2017 ASP (By:12/2021) Cross- Completed Armenia has implemented 24h Free Route airspace ARMATS border / 100% above FL195 since 06.12. 2018. 07/12/2017 Free Route

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 34 Released Issue

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System A-SMGCS Surveillance (former Level 1) Not AOP04.1 % Timescales: Applicable - not applicable - UDYZ - Yerevan Airport (Outside Applicability Area) There is in average 15 days of bad visibility per year. Due to the level of traffic, the deployment of A-SMGCS Level 1 is not yet justified therefore UDYZ is not considered to be within the - applicability area of the objective. The installation of a primary surveillance is not foreseen REG (By:12/2010) When the ANSP and the Airport have decided to Not CAC implement an A-SMGCS system, the regulator will take - % Applicable the required actions. - ASP (By:12/2011) Not ARMATS There is in average 15 days per year of bad visibility. - % Applicable - APO (By:12/2010) YEREVAN There is in average 15 days per year of bad visibility for Not Zvartnots CAT II conditions and less than 10 days per year for CAT - % Applicable Airport III conditions. -

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A- SMGCS) Runway Monitoring and Conflict Alerting (RMCA) (former Not AOP04.2 Level 2) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - UDYZ - Yerevan Airport (Outside Applicability Area) In average per year bad visibility is about 15 days for CAT II conditions and less than 10 days for CAT III conditions. Due to the level of traffic, the deployment of A-SMGCS Level 2 is not yet - justified therefore UDYZ is not considered to be within the applicability area of the objective. ASP (By:12/2017) Due to the level of traffic, the deployment of A-SMGCS Not Level 2 is not yet justified therefore UDYZ is not Applicable ARMATS - % considered to be within the applicability area of the - objective. APO (By:12/2017) YEREVAN Armenia is not part of the applicability area; however, Not Zvartnots this objective is under review for its possible - % Applicable Airport implementation. -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 35 Released Issue

Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) Not AOP05 Timescales: % Applicable - not applicable - UDYZ - Yerevan Airport (Outside Applicability Area) Zvartnots Airport is not a busy airport and the number of involved stakeholders is very limited. - Therefore there is no operational need to deploy complex A-CDM process. ASP (By:12/2016) Not ARMATS Armenia is not part of the applicability area. - % Applicable - APO (By:12/2016) YEREVAN Not Zvartnots Armenia is not part of the applicability area. - % Applicable Airport -

Time-Based Separation Not AOP10 Timescales: % Applicable - not applicable - UDYZ - Yerevan Airport (Outside Applicability Area) UDYZ is not within the applicability area of the objective and there are no operational needs - for implementation due to the levels of traffic. REG (By:12/2023) Not CAC - - % Applicable - ASP (By:12/2023) Not ARMATS - - % Applicable -

Initial Airport Operations Plan Not AOP11 Timescales: % Applicable - not applicable - UDYZ - Yerevan Airport (Outside Applicability Area) "Zvartnots" Airport is not a busy airport and the number of involved stakeholders is very - limited. ASP (By:12/2021) Not ARMATS No operational need has been identified - % Applicable - APO (By:12/2021) YEREVAN Not "Zvartnots" Airport is not a busy airport and the number Zvartnots - % Applicable of involved stakeholders is very limited. Airport -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 36 Released Issue Improve Runway and Airfield Safety with Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) Detection and Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers Not AOP12 (CMAC) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - UDYZ - Yerevan Airport (Outside Applicability Area) UDYZ is not within the applicability area of the objective and there are no operational needs - for implementation due to the levels of traffic. ASP (By:12/2020) Not ARMATS - - % Applicable - APO (By:12/2020) YEREVAN Not Zvartnots - - % Applicable Airport -

Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface Movement Planning and Routing Not AOP13 % Timescales: Applicable - not applicable - UDYZ - Yerevan Airport (Outside Applicability Area) UDYZ is not within the applicability area of the objective and there are no operational needs - for implementation due to the levels of traffic. REG (By:12/2023) Not CAC - - % Applicable - ASP (By:12/2023) Not ARMATS - - % Applicable -

Ground-Based Safety Nets Timescales: ATC02.8 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2009 Full operational capability: 31/12/2016 - The ground based safety nets (former Objectives ATC02.5 on APW, ATC02.6 on MSAW and ATC02.7 on APM) were implemented in the new ATM System Galaxy and are in operational 31/12/2013 use. ASP (By:12/2016) The ground based safety nets (former Objectives Completed ARMATS ATC02.5, ATC02.6 and ATC02.7) were implemented in - 100% 31/12/2013 the new ATM System Galaxy and are in operational use.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 37 Released Issue

Enhanced Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) for TMAs Timescales: ATC02.9 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018 Full operational capability: 31/12/2020 - Taking into account the traffic levels the same parameters/algorithm is used as for the ACC and TMA and there is no operational need for more advanced, multi-hypothesis, algorithms in the 31/12/2013 TMA. ASP (By:12/2020) Taking into account the traffic levels the same Completed parameters/algorithm is used as for the ACC and TMA ARMATS - 100% and there is no operational need for more advanced, 31/12/2013 multi-hypothesis, algorithms in the TMA.

AMAN Tools and Procedures Not ATC07.1 Timescales: % Applicable - not applicable - UDYZ - Yerevan Airport (Outside Applicability Area) Taking into account the forecast traffic levels over the LSSIP timeframe, no need to implement - this Objective has been identified. No benefits identified for the foreseeable future. ASP (By:12/2019) Not ARMATS Armenia is not part of the applicability area. - % Applicable -

Automated Support for Conflict Detection, Resolution Support Information and Conformance Monitoring ATC12.1 Timescales: 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2015 Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 - The ATM system has the MTCD and MONA functions implemented and operational. Taking into account the low traffic level in Armenian airspace there is no need to implement 31/12/2013 the conflict resolution (CORA). ASP (By:12/2021) The ATM system has the MTCD and MONA functions Completed implemented and operational. ARMATS Taking into account the low traffic level in Armenian - 100% 31/12/2013 airspace there is no need to implement the conflict resolution (CORA).

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 38 Released Issue

Information Exchange with En-route in Support of AMAN

Not ATC15.1 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - Taking into account the forecast traffic levels, no need to implement this Objective has been - identified. ASP (By:12/2019) Not Taking into account the forecast traffic levels, no need ARMATS - % Applicable to implement this Objective has been identified. -

Arrival Management Extended to En-route Airspace

Not ATC15.2 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - Taking into account the forecast traffic levels, no need to implement this Objective has been - identified. ASP (By:12/2023) Not Taking into account the forecast traffic levels, no need ARMATS - % Applicable to implement this Objective has been identified. -

Electronic Dialogue as Automated Assistance to Controller during Coordination and Transfer ATC17 Timescales: 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2013 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 - The Basic Procedure Messages ABI, ACT, REV, PAC, MAC and LAM are implemented in the new ATC system since 2013.The agreement has been signed and the testing has been done for the implementation of the basic OLDI via FMTP with Tbilisi FIR (North). The connection is operational since Feb 2019. 01/02/2019

Out of the OLDI messages identified in ATC17, only PAC is being implemented. For the rest of the messages, no operational need has been identified yet. ASP (By:12/2018) The Basic Procedure Messages ABI, ACT, REV, PAC, MAC Completed and LAM are implemented in the new ATC system since 2013. The agreement has been signed and the testing ARMATS - 100% has been done for the implementation of the basic OLDI 01/02/2019 via FMTP with Tbilisi FIR (North). The connection is operational since Feb 2019.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 39 Released Issue

Migrate from AFTN to AMHS Timescales: COM10 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/12/2011 Full operational capability: 31/12/2018 - The ATM system has an AMHS capability. Procurement, installation and testing of AMHS 31/12/2018 system has been done. Full operational use is planned for early 2019. ASP (By:12/2018) ARMATS upgraded the COM centre to implement Completed ARMATS - 100% AMHS. 31/12/2018

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Timescales: COM11 83% Ongoing Initial operational capability: 01/01/2013 Full operational capability: 31/12/2020 - The new VCS system has capability to use Voice over IP. It will be used if the neighboring 31/12/2019 centers have such capability. ASP (By:12/2020) The ARMATS new VCS system has capability to use Voice Ongoing ARMATS - 83% over IP. 31/12/2019

New Pan-European Network Service (NewPENS) Timescales: Not yet COM12 0% Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018 planned Full operational capability (Other stakeholders): 31/12/2024 - No decision has been taken yet. - ASP (By:12/2024) Not yet ARMATS No decision has been taken yet. - 0% planned - APO (By:12/2024) YEREVAN Not yet Zvartnots - - 0% planned Airport -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 40 Released Issue

Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) Timescales: ENV01 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/07/2007 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 UDYZ - Yerevan Airport CDA is implemented for 24 hours. All airport arrivals are achieving a CDA profile. All airlines are applying CDA. There is no monitoring. 13/12/2012 All procedures including SIDs and STARs are designed aiming at minimising the environmental impact. CDA approaches are published in the AIP. ASP (By:12/2023) Completed ARMATS BCDA procedures are applied in Armenia. - 100% 13/12/2012 APO (By:12/2023) YEREVAN Completed Zvartnots BCDA procedures are applied in Armenia. - 100% 31/12/2009 Airport

Collaborative Flight Planning Timescales: FCM03 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2000 Full operational capability: 31/12/2017 - Armenia is in the IFPS Zone. Currently the connection with CFMU is ensured through the FMP, the ATC system is not 31/12/2018 connected to CFMU. ATM system is able to receive and process flight plan data from IFPS in ADEXP format. ASP (By:12/2017) Completed ARMATS The processing of ADEXP format is implemented. - 100% 31/12/2018

Short Term ATFCM Measures (STAM) - Phase 1

Not FCM04.1 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - Armenia is not in the applicability area of the objective. - ASP (By:10/2017) Not ARMATS Armenia is not in the applicability area of the objective. - % Applicable -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 41 Released Issue

Short Term ATFCM Measures (STAM) - Phase 2

Not FCM04.2 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - Armenia is not in the applicability area of the objective and there are not many ATFCM - regulations in Armenia. ASP (By:12/2021) Not ARMATS There are not many ATFCM regulations in Armenia. - % Applicable -

Interactive Rolling NOP

Not FCM05 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - Due to the level of traffic and airspace configuration, there is no operational need for ASM systems (e.g. AOM19.x) therefore there is nothing to integrate with NM related to data - exchanges in AIXM5.1 ASP (By:12/2021) Not ARMATS - - % Applicable - APO (By:12/2021) YEREVAN Not Zvartnots - - % Applicable Airport -

Traffic Complexity Assessment FCM06 Timescales: 100% Completed Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 - The ATM system has the Sector Load Monitor (with graphic presentation for ACC, APP, and 31/12/2013 TWR and en- route TLM presentation) and Point TLM functions. ASP (By:12/2021) The ATM system has the Sector Load Monitor (with Completed ARMATS graphic presentation for ACC, APP, and TWR and en- - 100% 31/12/2013 route TLM presentation) and Point TLM functions.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 42 Released Issue

Extended Flight Plan Timescales: Not yet FCM08 0% Initial operational capability: 01/01/2016 planned Full operational capability: 31/12/2021 - There are no plans to move the capabilities of ATM system towards FF-ICE/1. - ASP (By:12/2021) Not yet There are no plans to move the capabilities of ATM ARMATS - 0% planned system towards FF-ICE/1. -

Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) Timescales: INF07 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/11/2014 Full operational capability: 31/05/2018 - The ATM system-Galaxy- has the TOD implemented and operational in 15/11/2013. In accordance with ICAO requirements the TOD policy and implementation programme is 31/12/2016 established. REG (By:05/2018) In accordance with ICAO requirements the TOD policy Completed CAC - 100% and implementation programme is established. 31/12/2016 ASP (By:05/2018) The Terrain Data and Obstacles for all Areas were Completed ARMATS published in Nov of 2015 according to ICAO Annex 15 - 100% 31/12/2016 and are used in ATM system. APO (By:05/2018) YEREVAN The Terrain Data and Obstacle for all Areas were Completed Zvartnots published in Nov of 2015 according to ICAO Annex 15 - 100% 31/12/2016 Airport and are used in ATM system.

Information Exchanges using the SWIM Yellow TI Profile Not yet INF08.1 Timescales: 0% planned Full operational capability: 31/12/2024 - Objective not reviewed yet. - ASP (By:12/2024) Not yet ARMATS Objective not reviewed yet. - 0% planned - MIL (By:12/2024) Not yet Mil. - - 0% planned Authority - APO (By:12/2024) YEREVAN Not yet Zvartnots - - 0% planned Airport -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 43 Released Issue Aircraft Identification Timescales: ITY-ACID 100% Completed Entry into force of the Regulation: 13/12/2011 System capability: 02/01/2020 - Armenia is not part of the applicability area. Hoverer, the ATM system -Galaxy- has the aircraft identification implemented and operational. As the Armenian Mode S airspace is not yet contiguous to the Mode S airspace of the core area 15/11/2013 of Europe, the activation of the Yerevan FIR as Mode S airspace in the NM ENV Data Base would have detrimental operational effects to both Armenia and to the Network in general. Therefore the airspace has not been declared yet to NM as Mode S. ASP (By:01/2020) ARMATS has implemented the aircraft identification Completed ARMATS - 100% using WAM and ADS-B. 15/11/2013

Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and Aeronautical Information

ITY-ADQ (Outside Applicability Area) 72% Late Timescales: - not applicable - - Armenia is outside the applicability area of the objective, Voluntary implementation started in 2007; the data integrity guidance material in local 31/12/2019 working and quality procedures/processes as well as the service level agreements with main actors are implemented. REG (By:06/2017) The regulator is adopting required documentations for Late CAC - 10% the implementation of ADQ 31/12/2019 ASP (By:06/2017) ARMATS implemented end-to-end integrity of Late ARMATS aeronautical data during 2009. AIS_1 87% 31/12/2019 The implementation of ADQ has started. APO (By:06/2017) YEREVAN Completed Airport has quality management system, and is Zvartnots - 100% implementing ADQ 31/07/2013 Airport

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 44 Released Issue

Initial ATC Air-Ground Data Link Services Timescales: ITY-AGDL 53% Late ATS unit operational capability: 05/02/2018 Aircraft capability: 05/02/2020 - Armenia is not in the applicability area of the objective. However, the -Galaxy- ATM system installed In Yerevan ATC centre, has the Data Link capability. The full benefits of the operational use remains dependent on the neighbouring ACCs- capabilities. Moreover the 31/12/2019 contract with the data link communications service provider is not signed yet. The implementation is on hold pending clarification of the technical solutions. There is no urgency in the deployment of Data Link due to the levels of traffic. REG (By:02/2018) The CAC will conduct oversight once the system is Late CAC installed - 33% 31/12/2019 REG02 has been delegated to EUROCONTROL. ASP (By:02/2018) ARMATS plans to implement Air/Ground data link Late ARMATS services. The -Galaxy- ATM system installed In Yerevan - 63% 31/12/2019 ATC centre, has the data link capability. MIL (By:01/2019) Not Mil. There is no intention to equip the transport-type State - % Applicable Authority aircraft with data link equipment -

8,33 kHz Air-Ground Voice Channel Spacing below FL195

Not ITY-AGVCS2 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - Armenia is not in the applicability area of the objective. However, the radios installed In Yerevan com centre have the 8.33 capability. For the time being there is no operational need - for 8.33 kHz implementation. REG (By:12/2018) Not CAC Armenia is not in the applicability area of the objective. - % Applicable - ASP (By:12/2018) Not ARMATS Armenia is not in the applicability area of the objective. - % Applicable - MIL (By:12/2020) Not Mil. Armenia is not in the applicability area of the objective. - % Applicable Authority - APO (By:12/2018) YEREVAN Not Zvartnots Armenia is not in the applicability area of the objective. - % Applicable Airport -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 45 Released Issue

Common Flight Message Transfer Protocol (FMTP) Timescales: Entry into force of regulation: 28/06/2007 All EATMN systems put into service after 01/01/09: 01/01/2009 ITY-FMTP 100% Completed All EATMN systems in operation by 20/04/11: 20/04/2011 Transitional arrangements: 31/12/2012 Transitional arrangements when bilaterally agreed between ANSPs: 31/12/2014 - The new 'Galaxy' ATM system has the capability and is fully FMTP ready. Connectivity and operational use has to be addressed at regional level. The agreement has been signed and the testing has been done for the implementation of the basic OLDI (ABI, ACT, 01/02/2019 REV, PAC, MAC, LAM) via FMTP with Tbilisi FIR (North). The connection is operational since Feb 2019. ASP (By:12/2014) The connection with Tbilisi FIRis operational since Feb Completed ARMATS OLDI 100% 2019. 01/02/2019 MIL (By:12/2014) Not Mil. Military do not provide ATC service to civil flights - % Applicable Authority -

Surveillance Performance and Interoperability

ITY-SPI (Outside Applicability Area) 82% Ongoing Timescales: - not applicable - - The upgrading of TMA and En-route radars (CAT-001, CAT -002) and MLAT (CAT-19, CAT-20, CAT-21, CAT-034, CAT-048) with time stamping, ATM system by ASTERIX protocols (CAT-62) 31/12/2013 was implemented within the period of 2008-2015. The operational use remains dependent on the neighbouring ACCs- capabilities. REG (By:02/2015) Done in the context of the deployment of the new ATM Completed CAC - 100% system. 31/12/2013 ASP (By:02/2015) The upgrading of TMA and En-route radars (CAT-001, Ongoing CAT -002) and MLAT (CAT-19, CAT-20, CAT-21, CAT-034, CAT-048) with time stamping, ATM system by ASTERIX ARMATS - 78% protocols (CAT-62) was implemented within the period 31/12/2013 of 2008-2015. The operational use remains dependent on the neighbouring ACCs- capabilities. MIL (By:06/2020) Not Mil. Equipage of military fleet is not economically justified. - % Applicable Authority -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 46 Released Issue

RNAV 1 in TMA Operations Timescales: NAV03.1 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2001 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 - The implementation was done in 2012. In summer 2007, B-RNAV was implemented in the upper airspace (Above FL 195) of Armenia. All co-ordinates for the publication in the AIP are prepared in WGS-84 format, in line with the 31/12/2016 accuracy and integrity requirements specified in ICAO Annex 15.The implementation of RNAV 1 was completed in 2012 in Yerevan TMA and in 2016 in Gyumri TMA. ASP (By:12/2023) All co-ordinates for the publication in the AIP are Completed prepared in WGS-84 format, in line with the accuracy ARMATS and integrity requirements specified in ICAO Annex 15. - 100% 31/12/2016 The implementation of RNAV 1 was completed in 2012 in Yerevan TMA and in 2016 in Gyumri TMA.

RNP 1 in TMA Operations

Not NAV03.2 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - No operational/business needs. - ASP (By:12/2023) Not ARMATS No operational/business needs. - % Applicable -

RNP Approach Procedures with Vertical Guidance Timescales: NAV10 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/06/2011 Full operational capability: 31/12/2023 - The APV Baro-VNAV procedures at Zvartnots airport is already implemented, the safety case 30/09/2012 was developed and submitted to NSA, the subsequent approval has been given. REG (By:12/2023) In 2011 the GDCA (now CAC) has published national Completed CAC regulatory APV procedures, and approved APV safety - 100% 31/03/2011 case and APV operations. ASP (By:12/2023) The APV Baro-VNAV procedures at Zvartnots airport is Completed already implemented, the safety case was developed ARMATS - 100% and submitted to NSA, the subsequent approval has 30/09/2012 been given.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 47 Released Issue

Improve Runway Safety by Preventing Runway Excursions Timescales: SAF11 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/09/2013 Full operational capability: 31/01/2018 - The EAPPRE recommendations applicable to ARMATS and Zvartnots airport are implemented 31/12/2016 (RWY information, meteo data, AIP publications, ATS operations and so on). REG (By:01/2018) Completed CAC Implementation planned. - 100% 31/12/2016 ASP (By:12/2014) The EAPPRE recommendations are implemented (RWY Completed ARMATS information, meteo data, AIP publications, ATS - 100% 31/12/2014 operations and so on). APO (By:12/2014) YEREVAN Completed The applicable EAPPRE recommendations are Zvartnots - 100% implemented 31/12/2014 Airport

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 48 Released Issue

Additional Objectives for ICAO ASBU Monitoring

Direct Routing

Not AOM21.1 (Outside Applicability Area) % Applicable Timescales: - not applicable - - All ATS routes are direct in Armenian airspace. Armenia has implemented 24h Free Route - airspace above FL195 since 06.12. 2018. ASP (By:12/2017) Not ARMATS All ATS routes are direct in Armenian airspace. - % Applicable -

Implement ground based safety nets - Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) - level 2 for en-route operations ATC02.2 Timescales: 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/01/2008 Full operational capability: 31/01/2013 - ATM system -Galaxy- has the STCA level 2 implemented and operational in Yerevan ACC and Yerevan TMA. 31/12/2013 Implementation of procedures and training of controllers is done. ASP (By:01/2013) In Yerevan FIR, the ATM system -Galaxy- has the STCA Completed ARMATS - 100% level 2 implemented and operational. 31/12/2013

Implement ACAS II compliant with TCAS II change 7.1 Timescales: ATC16 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/03/2012 Full operational capability: 31/12/2015 - It has been implemented in 2016 according to ICAO Annex 6 and Annex 10. For more details, 31/12/2016 see the comments at Stakeholder level. REG (By:12/2015) Has been implemented in 2016 according to ICAO Annex Completed CAC - 100% 6 and Annex 10. 31/12/2016 ASP (By:03/2012) Completed ARMATS It is implemented. - 100% 31/03/2012 MIL (By:12/2015) Not applicable as the retrofit is not justified in term of Not Mil. benefits. The pilots are trained and know what to expect - % Applicable Authority from the equipped aircraft, if they fly in their vicinity. -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 49 Released Issue Implement enhanced tactical flow management services Timescales: FCM01 100% Completed Initial operational capability: 01/08/2001 Full operational capability: 31/12/2006 - Armenia is in the IFPS Zone. The new ATC system is connected to the NM. The installation of 31/12/2015 the Entry Node was done in 2015.The FSA and CPR messages are sent to the NM. ASP (By:07/2014) Armenia migrated to the IFPS Zone on the 21 December Completed 2006. ARMATS The new system is connected to the NM. The installation - 100% 31/12/2015 of the Entry Node was done in 2015.The FSA and CPR messages are sent to the NM.

Implementation of ground-ground automated co-ordination processes

ITY-COTR (Outside Applicability Area) 100% Completed Timescales: - not applicable - - Armenia is not in the applicability area of the Objective so it is not bound by the regulated implementation date. The new -Galaxy- ATM system, installed in 2013, has the OLDI capability. The operational use remains dependent on the neighboring ACCs- capabilities (therefore the 01/02/2019 "Ongoing" status). The agreement has been signed and the testing has been done for the implementation of the basic OLDI with Tbilisi FIR (North). The connection is operational since Feb 2019. ASP (By:12/2012) The new -Galaxy- ATM system has the capability. Completed The operational use remains dependent on the neighbouring ACCs- capabilities. The agreement has ARMATS - 100% been signed and the testing has been done for the 01/02/2019 implementation of the basic OLDI with Tbilisi FIR (North). The connection is operational since Feb 2019. MIL (By:12/2012) Military do not provide ATC service to civil flights Not Mil. The "Galaxy" CWPs are installed in Military and Air - % Applicable Authority defence. -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 50 Released Issue

Local Objectives

Note: Local Objectives are addressing solutions that are considered beneficial for specific operating environments, therefore for which a clear widespread commitment has not been expressed yet. They are characterised with no deadline and voluntary applicability area.

Remote Tower Services Not AOP14 % Applicability and timescale: Local Applicable UDYZ - Yerevan Airport There is no need for the implementation. No efficiency/economic benefits identified. -

Multi-Sector Planning En-route - 1P2T Not ATC18 % Applicable Applicability and timescale: Local - There is only one ACC sector in Yerevan FIR. -

Airport Collaborative Environmental Management ENV02 % Completed Applicability and timescale: Local UDYZ - Yerevan Airport The Collaborative Environmental Management (CEM) team meets regularly. The team is composed by representatives of the Airport, the ANSP and the major aircraft operator. The team does not have a formal status and a TOR, it meets only when needed to address specific 31/12/2009 issues. The main task of the Environment unit is the noise abatement and airfield fuel and emissions reduction.

Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) ENV03 100% Completed Applicability and timescale: Local UDSG - Gyumri Airport CCO is implemented for 24 hours. All airport departures: CCO profile. All airlines apply CCO. There is no monitoring. All procedures including SIDs and STARs are designed aiming at minimising the environmental - impact. CCO despatches are published in the AIP.

Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) ENV03 100% Completed Applicability and timescale: Local UDYZ - Yerevan Airport CCO is implemented for 24 hours. All airport departures: CCO profile. All airlines apply CCO. There is no monitoring. All procedures including SIDs and STARs are designed aiming at minimising the environmental 30/12/2016 impact. CCO despatches are published in the AIP.

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 51 Released Issue

Optimised Low-Level IFR Routes in TMA for Rotorcraft Not NAV12 % Applicable Applicability and timescale: Local - There are no many Rotorcraft flying low level IFR routes in Yerevan TMA -

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 52 Released Issue


Specialists involved in the ATM implementation reporting for Armenia

LSSIP Co-ordination

LSSIP Focal Points Organisation Name

LSSIP National Focal Point ARMATS Mr. Samvel BAGHDASARYAN LSSIP Focal Point for NSA/CAA CAC Mr. Galust POGOSYAN LSSIP Focal Point for ANSP ARMATS Mr. Samvel BAGHDASARYAN Zvartnots and Gyumri LSSIP Focal Point for Airport Mr. Sergey NALBANDYAN International Airports LSSIP Focal Point for Military MIL Mr. Alik SARGSYAN


Function Directorate Name

LSSIP Contact Person DECMA/ACS/PRM Mr. Octavian CIOARĂ

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 53 Released Issue

National stakeholders’ organisation charts

Aviation Joint Stock Companies

Aviation Training Avia-medical Air Operators Armenia ARMATS MET Centre State Centre State (ARM Reg) International Enterprise Enterprise Airports


General council of Company Stakeholders

Management Board

General Director Collegial Executive Body

ATS Director Technical Director Financial Director Director of Personnel Flight Safety and and Affairs Quality Management Management Communication Service Department “Yerevan” ATC Accountancy Human Recourses Center Management Aeronautical Financial Navigation Service Department Information Economical Service Service “Yerevan” ATC General Office Tower Surveillance Service Aviation Security Planning and Department Procurement Affairs “Gyumri” ATC Service ATM Systems ManagementBoard Legal Service Tower Management Service

IT Department ATS planning “Gyumri” ATS Service Service

Power Supply Service

Technical Monitoring Department

Operational Control Department


General Manager

Maintenance Manager Operation Manager Security Manager

Safety & Quality Control Manager

Ground Handling Manager Training & License Shift Manager & Land Side Check in Manager

Resource Allocator Radio Ground

Ramp Control & Follow Me Operative Information Office

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 55 Released Issue Implementation Objectives’ links with SESAR, ICAO and DP

SESAR ICAO ASBU Objective DP Family Key Feature B0 and B1 AOM13.1 - -

B1-FRTO AOM19.1 3.1.1 ASM Tool to support AFUA B1-NOPS B1-FRTO AOM19.2 3.1.2 ASM management of real time airspace data B1-NOPS B1-FRTO 3.1.3 Full rolling ASM/ATFCM process and ASM AOM19.3 B1-NOPS information sharing B1-FRTO 3.1.4 Management of dynamic airspace AOM19.4 B1-NOPS configurations AOM21.1 B0-FRTO -

3.2.1 Upgrade of ATM systems to support Direct Routing and Free Routing AOM21.2 B1-FRTO 3.2.4 Implement Free Route Airspace

AOP04.1 B0-SURF 2.2.1 A-SMGCS level 1 and 2

AOP04.2 B0-SURF 2.2.1 A-SMGCS level 1 and 2

B0-ACDM 2.1.1 Initial DMAN AOP05 B0-RSEQ 2.1.3 Basic A-CDM

AOP10 B1-RSEQ 2.3.1 Time Based Separation (TBS)

AOP11 B1-ACDM 2.1.4 Initial Airport Operations Plan (AOP)

2.1.2 Electronic Flight Strips (EFS) AOP12 - 2.5.1 Airport Safety Nets associated with A-SMGCS level 2 2.5.2 B1-ACDM AOP13 2.4.1 A-SMGCS Routing and Planning Functions B1-RSEQ


ATC02.2 B0-SNET -

B0-SNET ATC02.8 3.2.1 Upgrade of ATM systems to support Direct Routing and Free Routing B1-SNET B0-SNET ATC02.9 - B1-SNET ATC07.1 B0-RSEQ 1.1.1 Basic AMAN

ATC12.1 B1-FRTO 3.2.1 Upgrade of ATM systems to support Direct Routing and Free Routing

ATC15.1 B1-RSEQ 1.1.2 AMAN upgrade to include Extended Horizon function

ATC15.2 B1-RSEQ 1.1.2 AMAN upgrade to include Extended Horizon function


ATC17 - 3.2.1 Upgrade of ATM systems to support Direct Routing and Free Routing

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 56 Released Issue ATC18 - No direct link, although implementation is recommended in Family 3.2.1

COM10 - -

3.1.4 Management of Dynamic Airspace Configurations COM11 - 3.2.1 Upgrade of systems (NM, ANSPs, AUs) to support Direct Routings (DCTs) and Free Routing Airspace (FRA) 5.1.2 NewPENS: New Pan-European Network Service COM12 B1-SWIM 5.2.1 Stakeholders Internet Protocol Compliance


ENV02 - -

ENV03 B0-CCO -


FCM03 B0-NOPS 4.2.3 Interface ATM systems to NM systems

FCM04.1 - 4.1.1 STAM phase 1

FCM04.2 B0-NOPS 4.1.2 STAM phase 2

B1-ACDM 4.2.2 Interactive Rolling NOP FCM05 B1-NOPS 4.2.4 AOP/NOP Information Sharing FCM06 B1-NOPS 4.4.2 Traffic Complexity tools

4.3.1 - Target Time for ATFCM purposes FCM07 B1-NOPS 4.3.2 - Reconciled target times for ATFCM and arrival sequencing FCM08 B1-FICE 4.2.3 Interface ATM systems to NM systems



INF07 - 1.2.2 Geographical database for procedure design

B1-DATM 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.3.1, 5.4.1, 5.5.1, INF08.1 B1-SWIM 5.6.1 B1-DATM INF08.2 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.6.2 B1-SWIM ITY-ACID - -

ITY-ADQ B0-DATM 1.2.2 Geographical database for procedure design

6.1.1 ATN B1 based services in ATSP domain 6.1.3 A/G and G/G Multi Frequency DL Network in defined European ITY-AGDL B0-TBO Service Areas 6.1.4 ATN B1 capability in Multi Frequency environment in Aircraft Domain ITY-AGVCS2 - -



LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 57 Released Issue B0-CDO NAV03.1 B0-CCO - B1-RSEQ 1.2.3 RNP 1 Operations in high density TMAs (ground capabilities) NAV03.2 B1-RSEQ 1.2.4 RNP 1 Operations (aircraft capabilities) 1.2.1 RNP APCH with vertical guidance NAV10 B0-APTA 1.2.2 Geographic Database for procedure design NAV12 B1-APTA -

SAF11 - -


Objective’s link to SESAR Key Feature:

Optimised ATM Network Services High Performing Airport Operations

Advanced Air Traffic Services Enabling Aviation Infrastructure

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 58 Released Issue Glossary of abbreviations

This Annex mostly shows only the Abbreviations that are specific to the LSSIP Armenia. Other general abbreviations are in the Acronyms and Abbreviations document in: https://www.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/content/documents/official- documents/guidance/Glossaries.pdf

Term Description

AIA Armenia International Airports ARMATS Armenian Air Traffic Services CAC Civil Aviation Committee GDCA General Department of Civil Aviation

LSSIP Year 2018 Armenia 59 Released Issue