First Nations Reserves and Metis Settlements

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First Nations Reserves and Metis Settlements A B C D E NATION RESERVES Alexander First Nation Alexander No. 134A B-5 Alexander First Nation Alexander No. 134 C-5 Tsu Túe In dian Ch arles Reserve B Alexander First Nation Alexander No. 134B C-5 u Thabacha Náre In dian K' I Túe Lake No . 196G f f Reserve No. 196A a l o Indian Reserve No . 225 R Thebathi Indian No . 196D . Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation Alexis Cardinal River No. 234 B-6 Reserve No. 196 C h a r l e s Li Dezé Ind ian L a k e A n d r e w L a k e Tthe Jere Ghaili Reserve Tsu K'adhe Tú e Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation Alexis Elk River No. 233 B-6 Indian Reserve B i s t c h o L a k e Indian Reserve No. 196B No . 196C S No . 196F Jackfish la v Poin t No. e Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation Alexis No. 133 C-5 Ho ked he Túe Co rn wall Co llin 214 R i Indian Reserve Lake v Lake Bistcho e No . 196E Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation Alexis Whitecourt No. 232 B-5 r No . 224 No . 223 Lake No . 213 Tsu Nedehe Tue No. 196H ?EJeré Athabasca Chipewyan First 1 K' eln i Kue 1 Chipewyan No. 201 D-2 No . 196I Nation Wood Athabasca Chipewyan First Chipewyan No. 201A D-2 ,E2 Nation Buffalo Athabasca Chipewyan First r y C r Chipewyan No. 201B-G D-2 e r e e k B National Park Nation Peace Poin t Up per Hay No . 222 Beaver First Nation Boyer No. 164 B-2 River No . 212 Beaver First Nation Child Lake No. 164A B-2 Sandy Poin t Bigstone Cree Nation Jean Baptiste Gambler No. 183 D-4 Amb er No . 221 River No . 211 Bigstone Cree Nation Wabasca No. 166 C-3 M a r g a r e t Devil's L a k e Hay Lake Gate Bigstone Cree Nation Wabasca No. 166A-B C-4 No . 209 No . 220 . Zama Lake y R Ha No . 210 All ison Bay Bigstone Cree Nation Wabasca No. 166C C-3 Z a m a B a r i l No . 219 L a k e L a k e Bigstone Cree Nation Wabasca No. 166D C-4 Do g Head Ch ipewyan r No . 218 e Ri v e No . 201B Blood Tribe Blood No. 148 C-8, D-8 a c e P M a m a w i L a k e A Ch ipewyan UV58 Jo hn D'Or t Bu sh e h No . 201A River Prairie a Blood Tribe Blood No. 148A C-8 b No . 207 Ch ild Lake Beaver Ranch No . 215 Fox Lake a No . 164A No . 163B No . 162 s Bo yer No. Ch ipewyan c Chipewyan Prairie First Nation Cowper Lake No. 194A E-4 H a y R . UV58 a . 164 Beaver No . 201 R Ch ipewyan Bu sh e Beaver Ranch R i c h a r d s o n No . 201C River Ranch Ch ipewyan Chipewyan Prairie First Nation Janvier No. 194 E-3, E-4 No . 163 No . 163A L a k e No . 207 Bu sh e Old Fo rt No . 201D H a y R . Ch ild Lake River No . 217 Ch ipewyan Chipewyan Prairie First Nation Winefred Lake No. 194B E-4 No . 164A Ft. Fox Lake No . 207 No . 201E Vermil ion No . 162 No . 173B Cold Lake First Nations Cold Lake No. 149 E-5 Cold Lake First Nations Cold Lake No. 149A-C E-4 2 UV35 2 Dene Tha' First Nation Amber River No. 211 A-1 Tall Cree Ch ipewyan TREATY 8 No . 173A No . 201F Dene Tha' First Nation Bistcho Lake No. 213 A-1 Ch ipewyan Dene Tha' First Nation Bushe River No. 207 B-2 No . 201G Paddle Tall Cree Dene Tha' First Nation Hay Lake No. 209 A-1 (1899) Prairie No . 173 Dene Tha' First Nation Jackfish Point No. 214 A-1 Wadlin L ake Dene Tha' First Nation Upper Hay River No. 212 B-1 No . 173C a R . ik w M k R . B i r c h Dene Tha' First Nation Zama Lake No. 210 A-1 Driftpile Cree Nation Drift Pile River No. 150 B-4 B i Duncan's First Nation Duncans No. 151A B-3 r c h B u f f R Namur River Duncan's First Nation William McKenzie No. 151K B-4 a l . o R . No . 174A . a g a R Enoch Cree Nation No. 440 Stony Plain No. 135 C-5 c h C h i n Namur L ake Fort McKay Fort Enoch Cree Nation No. 440 Stony Plain No. 135A C-5 No . 174B No . 174C McKay No . 174 Fort McKay Ermineskin Cree Nation Ermineskin No. 138 C-6, D-7 No . 174D Lubicon Lake Band Ermineskin Cree Nation Pigeon Lake No. 138 C-6 Fort McKay No. W ab a Fort McKay First Nation Fort McKay No. 174 D-3 s c a 174 R t ik ew . o i n R. N Fort McKay First Nation Fort McKay No. 174C D-2 Fort McKay First Nation Fort McKay No. 174D D-3 Lubicon Lake Band Fort McKay First Nation Namur Lake No. 174B D-2, D-3 Loon Prairie UV63 Fort McKay First Nation Namur River No. 174A D-2 No . 237 FORT MCMURRAY ! Fort McMurray First Nation No. C l e a r wa t e r R . Clearwater No. 175 D-3 3 3 468 Clearwater No . 175 Clear Hills Wo odland . P e e r l e s s L a k e R Fort McMurray First Nation No. A t a No . 152C Wo odland Cree h a b a s c Greg oire Wo odland Peerless G o r d o n Gregoire Lake No. 176 D-3 Cree No . 227 Greg oirLeake No. Cree Trou t No. L a k e No . 226 Lake No1.76B 468 No . 228 238 (Area 3) Loon L ake 176A No . 235 Fort McMurray First Nation No. Wo odland Lubicon Swampy L ake Gregoire Lake No. 176A-B D-3 Cree No. Lake Band Swampy Greg oire No . 236 468 226 Lake Lake No . 236 No . 176 Frog Lake First Nation Puskiakiwenin No. 122 E-5 Ho use River C a r d i n a l Indian Cemetery Frog Lake First Nation Unipouheos No. 121 E-5 L a k e No . 178 Heart Lake First Nation Heart Lake Indian Reserve No. 167A D-4 Wabasca No . 166C Utikoomak UV63 Heart Lake First Nation Heart Lake No. 167 D-4 William Lake No. Du ncans No. 151A McKenzi e 155B N o r t h W a b a s c a L a k e Janvier Co wper Lake Horse Lake First Nation Clear Hills No. 152C A-3 No . 151K Wabasca No . 194 t i n Utikoomak r i s a No . 194A No . 166B C h Lake Wabasca R Utikoomak . No . 166A Horse Lake First Nation Horse Lakes No. 152B A-4 Lake No. 155 No . 155A W Wabasca No . a b a s c a 166D R . Peavine U t i k u m a S o u t h House River Indian Cemetery House River Indian Cemetery No. 178 D-3 L a k e Gift Lake W a b a s c a L a k e Wabasca No . 166 t i n a R . C h r i s Kapawe'no First Nation No. 150B Winefred Kapawe'no First Nation B-4 Lake No. (Freeman 150B) Kapaw e' no First Nation Kapaw e' no First Nation 194B No . 150D (Pakashan 150D) No . 150B (Freeman 150B) Kapaw e' no First Kapawe'no First Nation No. 150C Kapaw e' no First Nation Nation No. 229 (Grouard 229) W i n e f r e d Kapawe'no First Nation B-4 L a k e No . 150C (Halco 150C) Kapaw e' no First Nation Kapaw e' no First (Halco 150C) Ho rse Lakes No . 230 (Grouard 230) Nation No. 231 (Grouard 231) No . 152B Kapawe'no First Nation No. 150D L e s s e r S l a v e Kapawe'no First Nation B-4 L a k e Assineau 2 (Pakashan 150D) Sucker Creek UV River No. 150F UV2 No . 150A Swan River Jean Baptiste Drift Pile No . 150E Gambler Kapawe'no First Nation No. 229 River Sawridge No . 183 Kapawe'no First Nation B-4 UV43 GRANDE No . 150 No . 150H Sawridge C a l l i n g (Grouard 229) 4 L a k e 4 ! No . 150G PRAIRIE S i m o Kapawe'no First Nation No. 230 ne Heart L ake No. t East Prairie t Stu rg eon Lake e 167 Kapawe'no First Nation B-4 R No . 154A . (Grouard 230) Heart L ake Stu rg eon Indian Reserve Kapawe'no First Nation No. 231 Lake No. 154 TREATY 10 Kapawe'no First Nation C-4 Stu rg eon Lake No . 167A No . 154B (Grouard 231) Kehewin Cree Nation Kehiwin No. 123 E-5 (1906) Co ld Lake No . 149C Little Red River Cree Nation Fox Lake No. 162 C-2 UV63 Little Red River Cree Nation John D'Or Prairie No. 215 C-2 Beaver Lake No. 131 C o l d L a k e Co ld Lake Loon River First Nation Loon Lake No.
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