
Gigolo Choreographed by Lisen Persson Description:40 count, 4 wall, intermediate line Muziek:Gigolo (English Version) by

SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH, ROCK, RECOVER, KICK, STEP, ROCK, RECOVER, KICK, STEP, ROCK, RECOVER, KICK, STEP 1&Step right to side, touch left next to right 2&Step left to side, touch right next to left 3&Rock right back, recover weight to left 4&Kick right forward, step right forward 5&Rock left to left (turn head and look to left), recover weight to right 6&Kick left forward, step left forward 7&Rock right to right (turn head and look to right), recover weight to left 8&Kick right forward, step right forward Restart here on your 3 wall

MAMBO, MAMBO, STEP, TURN ½ RIGHT, STEP, FULL TURN LEFT 1&2Rock left forward, recover weight to right, step left next to right 3&4Rock right back, recover weight to left, step right next to left 5&6Step left forward, turn ½ right (weight on right), step left forward 7&8Make a full turn left (traveling forward) on right, left, right

SHUFFLE, HITCH, TURN ¼ RIGHT, KICK, BACK, HOOK, STEP, TOUCH, STEP, TOUCH, VINE, HITCH 1&2Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward &3Hitch right knee, turn ¼ right and step right to side &4&Kick left forward, step left back, hook right on front of left 5&Step right diagonally forward, touch left next to right 6&Step left diagonally forward, touch right next to left 7&Step right to right, cross left behind right 8&Step right to side, hitch left knee

SIDE, TURN ¼ RIGHT, TURN ¼ RIGHT, CHASSE, ROCK & SIDE, ROCK & SIDE 1-2Step left to left, turn ¼ right and step right to right 3&4Turn ¼ right and step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left 5&6Rock right back, recover weight to left, step right to right 7&8Rock left back, recover weight to right, step left to left

OUT, OUT, IN, TOUCH, OUT, OUT, IN, TOUCH, MAMBO, ROCK, KICK, STEP 1&Step right to right, step left to left 2&Step right back to center, touch left next to right 3&Step left to left, step right to right 4&Step left back to center, touch right next to left 5&6Rock right to right, recover weight to left, step right next to left &7Rock left back, recover weight to right &8Kick left forward, step left next to right &Touch right next to left REPEAT RESTART

On your third (3) wall you dance the first 8 counts and touch right next to left. The start the dance from the top END On your ninth (9) wall you dance the first 24 counts. Then turn ¼ left and step left forward Contactinformatie choreograaf: Lisen Persson | [Email]

Lisen Persson | Email: [email protected]

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