

PROGRAMNR: 100289/ra1

Pop Quiz 1 Script


Fern Scott Olsson: Hello everyone and welcome to pop quiz with music from the last few years! This is the way to play; you will hear six questions and every question has three right answers. If you know all three answers you get five points, if you have two right answers you get three points and for one correct answer you get one point.

So grab a pen and a paper and let’s get started!

First question: You’ll now hear a mix of three different songs and I’m looking for three animals. You’ll get the animals from the name of the artists.


Here comes question number two: From what countries do the following artists come from: Mattafix, Sean Paul and the Rasmus?


Third question: Robyn had her breakthrough in 1995 with the single “Do you really want me?”, Britney Spears’ first hit single “Baby, one more time” came in 1999 and this singer, Anna Ternheim, had her breakthrough in 2004. Who is the oldest and who’s the youngest of the three? The correct answer is their names in order from oldest to youngest.


Question number four: Now you need to stay alert! You’ll hear three intros from three different songs and I want you to write down the name of the artists!


Well was that a little too fast for you? Well, here’s another chance!


Question number five: This band started in 1997. But they really became famous when their songs were featured in a TV series in 2003. The question is what TV series am I talking about, what is the name of the band and from what country do they come from?




PROGRAMNR: 100289/ra1

Now it’s time for the last question: A cover song is a song that was originally recorded by another artist. You will hear pieces from five songs: Blue Lagoon with “Do you really want to hurt me?”, Robyn with “Who’s that girl”, West End girls with “Domino Dancing”, Titiyo with “Feels like heaven” and with “”. Three of them are cover songs. Which ones?


Ok, that was it folks! Are you ready for the correct answers? Remember, five points if you get it all right, three points if you have two correct answers and one point for one correct answer:

Question number one. The artists in the mix were The Pussycat Dolls, Gorillaz and Crazy Frog. So the right answer is cat, gorilla and a frog.

Number two: Mattafix are from England, Sean Paul is from Jamaica and the Rasmus are from .

Third question: The correct order is Anna Ternheim who was born in 1978, Robyn in 1979 and Britney Spears in 1982.

Number four: The artists were Amy Diamond, Alcatraz and Chemical Brothers.

Question number five: The name of the TV series is OC. The band is Death Cab for Cutie and they are from the US.

And now the last question: We were looking for three cover songs. The first was “Do you really want to hurt me” which was originally sung by Culture Club in 1982. In 1988 the group released “Domino Dancing”. “Feels like heaven” was a hit back in 1983 by Fiction Factory.

And that’s it for now, till the next time.