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THE DAILY NEWS Torla.B-C', N VOL .•*** THE DAILY NEWS TORlA.B-C', _n_ VOL. 3 J. 0.. FKIDAY, JUNE 24. 1904 that Mr. McGoldrick intends to employ during that day and may do so, the jury a battery of artillery and a considerable able to leave the harbor and are oc­ Chinamen or to open a company store, to hear the evidence during the after­ number of infantry was observed advanc­ cupied fn removing mines. Thirty new and if he does not, I -should think he noon. Coroner Berry * acceded to the ing In the direction of Senu Chen. Other forts, armed with guns from the ships, M'GOLDRICK would have no objection to having it so request and declared the court adjourn­ PROGRESS OF strong columns of the enemy appeared have been erected in order to strengthen REPUBLICAN stated In the agreement. I wrote the ed until Monday. and the Japanese occupied Senucjien to­ the land defences. There Is nothing to letter complained of after discussing The canvass to determine as nearly as wards evening with over a division of In­ indicate an Intention on tbo part of the the matter with Mr. McGoldrick and at possible the exact number of persons fantry, a brigade of cavalry and 32 guns. Russians to make a sortlo with the his request, and if he objected to any who lost their lives in the General Slo; According to Information received from squadron. Apparently general Stoessel OBJECTS of the suggestions made, he could at cum disaster will be even more thorough THEWAR our scouts and the inhabitants, the en­ Is relying altogether on his capacity to TICKET least have said so, and consulted'with us .than at first intended. Not only will emy, over a division strong, is concen­ resist a Japanese assault, and if he falls in the matter. It may he necessary for every home in the Greater City, which trated southward of Chapon pass." he will blow up the remains of the me to call a special meeting of the coun­ Is thought to have been directly affected squadron. Meanwhile, owing to the cil as I do not care to settle such a ques­ by the disaster, be visited by the special A BATTLE EXPECTED. system pursued in Tokio, of withholding Thinks the Council Wants tion on my own authority." detail of patrolmen appointed by the Japanese Evidently Intend Intelligence of all preliminary move­ Party's Standard Bearers police commissioner, but the investiga­ General Kouropatkln's Speech to Troops ments until the attainment of the im­ tion will be extended to oilier cities and to Take the Town of Thought to Mean Something. mediate objective, there is no news of in Campaign Roosevelt Strings on Bonus Voted towns in this state and Pennsylvania, St. Petersburg, June 23.—The expecta­ the Japanese operations. THEY WENT TO PIECES from whence have come reports of per­ tion of a great battle has been Intensi­ sons believed to have gone on the ill- Kai Chou by the People fied by general Kouropatkln's speech to RUSIAN FORCE FACES KUROKI and Fairbanks SLOCUM LIFE PRESERVERS WERE fated boat and who are missing. Such general Stalkenberg's corps on Monday General Kuroki's Headquarters in the instances will be investigated. It Is ROTTEN AND USELESS. at Kal Chou, when the commander In Field, Via Fusan, June 22.—(Delayed in estimated that a week or more will be chief said he would see the troops again required to complete the canvass and transmission).—The Russians are still The Desire is to Detain as Many Rus­ soon; that they must battle the Japan­ occupying the towns on the main road Nominations Made Amid Much Enthusi­ Mayor tfomilton States the City's Side of A WOMAN WHO TRUSTED TO ONE get the final list of dead, missing and eso promptly and that they were not WAS DROWNED NEAR SHORE. saved, Lost night's searching for bod­ sians as Possible in Northern Part in front of general Kuroki's army, with asm and Without a Dissenting the Question and Says There is going home until this had been done. a considerable force of men, but during ies of victims was more barren of results of Llao Tung Peninsula The general is understood to have No Need of Trouble and had less events than has been the the past few days there has been no Voice Being Raised New York, June 23.—Assistant district meant that he would return from Llao encounter of Importance. Now the case during nny night since the burning Yang with a large force and give battle. attorney Garvin, who has heen the ex­ of Ihe steamer. The alertness and vig­ heavy rains have ceased nnd the country amining attorney at the coroner's in­ It Is pointed out lhat he can Afford to ilance of the searchers was unrelaxed, St. Petersburg. June 23.—General leave a comparatively small garrison at is drying up quickly. Chicago, June 23-The swift sure current Tlio lei ler from Mr. McGoldrick to quest into the General Slocum disaster, but only one body was taken from the Kouropatkln's latest official despatch said loday that he believed the inquest Liao Yang In view of the absence of ot public opinion for tbe second timo fn mayor Hamilton refusing to comply with river during the night. does not carry the military situation any direct advance from Feng Wang APPOINTED SUPREME COMMANDER the history of republican conventions to­ lite suggest Ions sought to be inserted in would be completed before Monday further than the advices the Associated Toklo, June 23.—Tlie marquis Oyama, day resulted In the selection of a national night. His work was nearly done, he Cheng, and the concentration of the the agreement between himself and the Press have already indicated save that Japanese forces south. In the opinion formerly marshal and chief of the gen­ ticket without a dissenting voice. Tho city over the sawmill bonus matter, said, and he believed that when captain it shows the Japanese to be active north eral staff, has been appointed to the order was Roosevelt for president nnd VanShnick and the chief pilot of the of many conservative military men, gen­ Which appeared iu yesterday's issue of CAME UP IN THE HOUSE of Feng Wang Cheng. The movement eral Kouropatkln's massing of an army supreme command of the imperial army Charles W. Fairbanks for vice-president, The Daily News, fairly divided public excursion boat had given their evidence, In this direction Is interpreted both as In the field. and each received every vote In the con­ sufficient facts would be on hand to en­ at Kai Chou does not necessarily mean iittention locally yesterday with lhe LEADER OF OPPOSITION SPEAKS ON a threat to detain as many Russians as that he is giving battle merely to check vention. Regardless of the fact thnt the wnr iu the far east. able the jury to fix the responsibility for possible in the northern part, of the nomination of lhe ono had been assured tbe disaster, and to render their formal DUNDONALD INCIDENT the Japanese advance and defer the oc­ MASONIC GRAND LODGE. Liao Tung peninsula and as a protection cupation of New Chwang, the possession for months and the other for days, tho verdict. of the Japanese flank against a counter announcement of the choice wns necom- The McGoldrick syndicate's view of of which would be of great advantage to Its Thirty-Third Annual Communication panled by a resounding- demonstration, at­ WHAT HE SAID WAS AN ATTACK ON move on the part of general Kouropat­ the Japanese during the rainy season, the matter, and an explanatory state- When the inquest was resumed today Began Yesterday. testing tho universal popularity of tho menl from his worship mayor Hamil­ Martin Craght, of Brooklyn, a deckhand FISHER, WHO WILL REPLY kln in case the opposing armies should affording the enemy housing accommo­ become seriously engaged in the vicinity Rossland, B. C, June 23.—The thirty- candidates. The cheering was led by ton are appended: on the Slocum, said he was on the hur­ dation and enabling them to land sup­ figures known throughout the length nnd .!. P, McGoldrick. George A. Lemmers, ricane deck when he saw the fire. No of Hai Cheng. plies, and harass the Russians. The third annual communication of the grand [Specinl to The Daily News.] lodge of the Masonic order in British breadth of Uie land and echoed by a and Alex Johnson, of the McGoldrick one gave any notice of the tire. He Ottawa, June 28—Mr. Borden, leader of Emperor Nicholas has received the occupation of Siting Yo Shan by a Jap­ mighty throng of enthusiastic men nnd Lumber syndicate, wbo hns been nego­ pulled down some life preservers and the opposition, lu the house today brought anese detachment Indicates that the con­ Columbia commenced here this morning radiant women, assembled in the coli­ following despatch from general Kouro­ at the Masonic temple. About one hun­ tiating for the constructon of a sawmill jumped overboard. He said he did not up the lord Dundonald affair, on motion patkin under date of June 21: "A Jap­ nection between the enemy's armies is seum to witness the crowning feature as in this eity, left last evening for Min­ see the captain until he reached the tto go into supply. He made a long, dull practically assured. Slung Yo Shan is dred delegates and visitors are in atten­ well as tbe close of the national convention anese army from Kai Chou is gradually dance. Today's proceedings were devot­ neapolis, via Revelstoke.
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