
Quenya FromWikibooks,theopencontenttextbookscollection. isanartificiallanguagecreatedbytheEnglishphilologistandauthor of“TheLordoftheRings”,“The”,etc.,J.R.R.Tolkien(18921973).The nativelanguageoftheHighElves,QuenyawasinspiredbyFinnishand.It has nine cases (nominative, genitive, , dative, allative, ablative, locative, instrumental,respective) and five verbal tenses (includingthe , basedupontheGreektensewiththesamename).

1. Quenya


1.1 Quenyahas5vowels: a, e, i, o, u. TheyarepronouncedintheGermanorSpanishfashion,i.e.: • a=[a] • e=[e] • i=[i] • o=[o] • u=[u] Each of these vowels has a long version, that is denoted by an acute accent mark: á, é, í, ó, ú(pronouncedas[a:],[e:],[i:],[o:],[u:]).


A long can never appear before a consonant cluster.

(butnote: ry , ny , ly , ty donotcountasconsonantclusterswhenapplyingthis rule;seebelow). 1.1.1

Quenyahas7diphthongs: ai , oi , ui , au , eu , iu , ei . Thelastthreearequiterare.


1 • ai =[a:j] • oi =[o:j] • ui =[u:j] • ei =[e:j] • au =[au:] • eu =[eu:] • iu =[ju:] Any other group of two or more sequential vowels cannot form a . Thesevowelsconsequentlyalwaysbelongtoseparatesyllables: oa “away”→ o-a tië “path”→ ti-e

lëo “shade”→ le-o 1.1.2

In Quenya spelling in certain situations a diaeresis is used, but it makes no difference topronunciationatall. Itissimply usedtodenotea pronunciation thatisnotliketheEnglishpronunciation. The use of the diaeresis is thus not obligatory, so that is why some authors neveruseit.


• finalë

• thecombinations ëa , ëo Note:thediaeresismovestothenextvowelifthe eiscapitalized: Eärendil

• thecombination oë intheword Loëndë “midyear’sday”

1.2 Consonants 1.2.1 Single consonants

Theseare: t, p, c, s, f, h, n, m, r, v, y, w, l.

Thepronunciationofmostoftheseiseasyastheycorrespondtothestandard pronunciationoftheseconsonants.Butlet’shavealookatthemonebyone: • t=[t] • p=[p]

2 • c=[k]:Thispronunciationdoesn’tdependonthefollowingvowel(e.g. asinEnglishorFrench).Soeventhoughsomeactorssay[si:rdan]for Círdan ,itshouldalwaysbepronounced[ki:rdan]. • s=[s] • f=[f] • h=[h]:butthepronunciationcanbedifferentwhenitispartofa consonantgroup(seebelow) • n=[n] • m=[m] • r=[r]:itshouldalwaysbea‘trilled’r • v=[v] • y=[j]:consequentlythisletteralwaysdenotesaconsonant • l=[l] Ancientconsonants: TheprecursorlanguagesofQuenyacontainedtheconsonants and th . InmodernQuenyatheyarenolongerpronouncedwithaseparatesound butcoincidewith[n]and[s].SeealsoQuenya. 1.2.2 Double consonants

Theseare: cc , ll , mm, nn , pp , rr , tt , ss . Theyshouldbepronouncedlongerthantheirsinglecounterparts,soitshould bepossibletohearacleardifferencebetweene.g. cc and c. 1.2.3 Consonant clusters forming a unit

Eventhoughthesegroupsareconsideredunits,whenwewanttodeterminethe lengthofasyllabletheycountasaconsonantcluster: • nd , rd , ld :[nd],[rd],[ld] InQuenyatheletter dcannotappearbyitself. • mb :[mb] Again bcannotappearbyitself. • ng :[N] And gisathirdletterthatcannotappearbyitself. • qu :[kw] Thisisalwaysusedinsteadof cw . • x:[ks] Thisisalwaysusedinsteadof cs . • ht :[xt,Ct]


3 • hw :[Gw] • hl , hr :[l],[r] IntheprecursorlanguagesofQuenyatheywerepronouncedunvoiced, butinmodernQuenyatheyarepronouncedasordinary land r. • hy :[C] • nw :[nw] When nw isfoundinthemiddleofawordissimply[n]followedby[w].


• ry , ny , ly , ty :[rj],[J],[L],[c] Theseareslightlydifferentastheyalwayscountasasingleconsonant whenprecededbyalongvowel,butasaconsonantclusterwhen determiningsyllablelengthwithashortvowel. 1.2.4 Other consonant groups

Quenya is very restrictive in the use of consonants as only certain combinationsareallowed.

Following list contains the consonant groups that are allowed but aren’t consideredasaunit:

hty,lc,lm,lp,lqu,lt,lv,lw,mn,mp,my,nc,ngw,nqu,nt,nty,nw,ps, pt,rc,rm,rn,rqu,rt,rty,rs,rw,sc,squ,st,sty,sw,ts,tw.

Fromthislistwee.g.conludethat np isn’tallowedandhastobeconvertedinto mp .

Thesearetheonlyconsonantsthatcanbefoundattheendoftheword: t, r, l, n, s.Andinthedativedualtheconsonantclusternt .


Toknowwhichsyllableisstressed,wefirsthavetounderstandthelengthofa syllable: Asyllableiscalledlong ifitcontains:

• alongvowel

• adiphthong

• ashortvowelfollowedbyaconsonantcluster Sothestressrulesare:

4 • amonosyllabicwordisstressedonthatsyllable

• adisyllabicwordisstressedonthefirstsyllable exception: avá “don’t”isstressedonthefinal á

• a word with more than two syllables is stressed on the penultimate (onebutlast)syllableifitislongandonthethirdsyllablefrombehind otherwise.

Intheseexamplesthepenultimatesyllableisshort: vestalë “marriage”→ ves -ta-le

laurëa “golden”→ lau -re-a Yavannië “september”→ Ya-van -ni-e

Intheseexamplesthepenultimatesyllableislong: Elentári “Starqueen”→ E-len-tá -ri hastaina “marred”→ has-tai -na

Valarauco “”→ Va-la-rau -co

Elendil “”→ E-le -ndil Theconsonants xand qu countasaconsonantcluster( cs and cw ):

Helcaraxë “Helcaraxë”→ Hel-ca-ra -xë

ciryaquen “sailor”→ ci-rya-quen Thespecialconsonantclusters ry , ly , ny , ty areconsideredconsonantclusters whendeterminingstress(seeabove): Elenya “Sunday”→ E-le -nya

Theserules also implythat it is not always a syllable with long vowel that is stressed (in some languages like Swedish this is always true, so speakers of theselanguageshavetobeextracarefulwhenstressingsuchwords): Úlairi “Nazgûl”→ Ú-lai -ri

palantír “seeingstone”→ pa-lan -tír

5 2. Quenyahas3typesofverbs.Inthewordlisttheycanberecognizedbythefinal letterofthestem:

• primitiveverbs,endingonaconsonant

• Averbs

• Uverbs

Somespecialverbscanbefoundunderaseparateheading. AQuenyahas5tenses:Present,Aorist,Past,Perfect,Future. Theverbalforms(infinitive,participle,gerund)andtheimperativeareeach discussedunderaseparateheading.

2.1 Endings

ToconjugateaQuenyaverbisratherspecialbecauseitcanhavesubjectand objectendings,e.g. hautanyel canbedecomposedasfollows:

hauta nye l.

Theverbis hauta “stop”,thefirstendingnye isasubjectendingandmeans “I”, the second ending l is an object ending and means “you”. So the translationis“Istopyou”. In theform hautalyen object andsubjectarereversed,soit means“youstop me”.

Whenonlyoneendingispresentitisalwaysasubjectending: hautan and hautanyë bothmean“Istop”

hautal and hautalyë bothmean“youstop”


• 1st person singular:n ornyë (both can be used as subjectending, onlynasobjectending)

• 2nd personsingularand:lorlyë (bothcanbeusedassubject ending,onlylasobjectending)

• 3rd personplural:torntë (ntë isalwaysusedassubjectending,

6 andtalwaysasobjectending): hautantë “theystop”, hautanten “theystopme”, hautanyet “Istop them”,...

Theother2personsaremorecomplicated:The1 st personpluralhas3different subjectendingsandnoobjectendings.Sowhenanobjectisinthe1 st person plural it is always a separate (see ). The 3 subject endings are:

• lmë :thisiscalledthe‘exclusivewe’,becauseitisusedwhenthe listenerisnotincludedinthegroupthatismeantby“we”: hautalmë means“westopbutyoudon’t”

• lvë :thisiscalledthe‘inclusivewe’,becauseitisusedwhenthe listenerisalsoincludedinthegroupthatismeantby“we”: hautalvë means“westopandyoutoo”

• mmë :thisisusedwhen“we”containsexactly2persons,soitis mostlytranslatedas“bothofus”: hautammë “bothofusstop”

The3 rd personsingularalsohasmorethanoneending:

• s:thisendingisusedasanobjectendingorasasubjectending whennoobjectendingispresent: hautanyes “Istophim/her/it”, hautas “he/she/itstops”

• rye :thisendingisonlyusedassubjectendingwhenanobjectending ispresent: hautaryel “he/she/itstopsyou”

This is however still not all: there are also nonpronominal endings that are usedwhenthesubjectissomethingelsethanapronoun.Inthiscasetherecan benoobjectending,theobjectisthusalwaysrepresentedbyaseperatewordor pronoun.

• The singular nonpronominal form is endingless: i aran hauta “the kingstops”

• Thepluralnonpronominalendingisr: i eldar hautar “theelvesstop”

Thepluralnonpronominalendingisalsousedwhenthesubjectisinthedual orpartitiveplural: i eldu hautar “bothelvesstop”

eldali hautar “someelvesstop” Inthethirdpersonsingularthereexisttwoalternativeendingsforrye that

7 canexpressgender:ro foramalesubjectandre forafemalesubject:

tirirot “heseesthem” tiriret “sheseesthem”

2.2 Aorist Tense

The easiest tense is the Aorist as it is formed by the verbal stem from the dictionaryandtheendingswediscussedbefore.Soinfactallformsaboveare .Itisusedasanalternativepresenttense(seebelow),andsoitisn’ta pasttenseasitsGreeknamesake. The formation of this tense can be seen in the next table. Only the non pronominal formsare includedasthe otherscanbe constructed byreplacing therofthepluralnonpronominalformwiththerightpronominalending.

NotethattheendinglessformshaveavowelchangeinthePrimitiveverbsand theUstems. The Aorist Tense

Primitive A-stems U-stems

stem hir hauta allu

meaning find stop wash

singular hirë hauta allo

plural hirir hautar allur

NotethatsomeverbshavealongvowelinthestemsotheirAoristsalsocontain alongvowel: cúna “bow”→aorist: cúna súya “breathe”→aorist: súya móta “labour”→aorist: móta

2.3 Present Tense

ThistenseisalsocalledtheContinuativetense.Theusageanditscontrastwith theAoristTenseareexplainedbelow.

The major principle behind this tense is the central vowellengthening. The

8 centralvowelisthevowelinthefinalsyllableofaprimitiveverb,orthevowelin the one but last syllable in a Astem or Ustem verbs. Of course this lengtheningcanonlyhappenifthesyllableisn’tlongbyitself.


• asyllablewithadiphthong,e.g. hauta “stop”

• asyllablewithalongvowel,e.g. súya “breathe”

• asyllableinwhichthevowelisfollowedmorethanoneconsonant,e.g. harna “wound”

Furthermore,theprimitiveandUstemsgetanextraaattheendofthestem andthefinalaoftheAstemschangesintoëa .Sothisgives:

The Present Tense


Primitive A-stems U-stems

stem hir cava palu

meaning find dig spread

singular híra cávëa pálua

plural hírar cávëar páluar

The Present Tense


Primitive A-stems U-stems

stem miqu súya nurru

meaning kiss breathe grumble

singular miqua súyëa nurrua

plural miquar súyëar nurruar

There is one verb with an irreguar Present Tense: ten “indicate, show”. Its presenttenseisformedwiththestem tëa : tëan “Ishow”, tëantë “theyshow”, i sairon tëa “thewizardshows”,...

9 2.3.1 Usage of Aorist and Present tenses

Mostofthetimebothtensescanbeusedinterchangeably.Butthereareafew casesinwhichoneofthemisclearlypreferred:

• ThethePresenttenseindicatesduration,whiletheAoristindicatesa laworcustom: i máma máta salquë “thesheepiseatinggrass”

i máma matë salquë “thesheepeatsgrass”

Thefirstsentencemeanssomethinglike“thesheepyouseeover thereisatthismomenteatinggrass”andthesecondsentence “sheepeatgrasstostayalive”.

• TheAoristcanbeusedtoindicateanactioninwhichthemomenton whichtheactionisperformedisirrelevant:

elen silë “thereshinesastar” lala “someonelaughs”

• The Aorist can indicate sudden change while the Present tense indicatesthataconditionistrueforacertainlengthoftime: i nér ortëa “theisstanding”(hestoodthereandheisstill standing)

i nér orta “themansstands”(hewassittingdownandgetsup)

• The Aorist can also be used to denote a custom or something recurring: i ohtar súca sí “thesoldierisdrinkingnow”

i ohtar sucë ilya aurë “thesoldierdrinkseachday”

2.4 Future Tense

Quenya has only one future tense, so it is used to indicate both near and distantfuture: cenuvas Isil “heshallseethemoon/heisgoingtoseethemoon”

This tense can be recognized by the ending uva . The Primitive verbs simply addit,withtheAverbsitrecplacesthefinala,andwiththeUverbsthefinal uchangesuva intoúva :

10 The Future Tense

Primitive A-stems U-stems

stem hir hauta allu

meaning find stop wash

singular hiruva hautuva allúva

plural hiruvar hautuvar allúvar

Theverb quat “fill”isirregularasitsFutureTenseis quantuva /quantuvar .

2.5 Past Tense

It is used to denote a past action that still continues or that has finished without consequenses. So it can be translated by either a Simple Past or a PresentPerfect: fautanë aqua i aurë “itsnowed/itwassnowing/ithassnowedthewhole day” 2.5.1 Regular formation

ThebasicendingtoformthePastTenseisnë . Followingverbsfollowtheregularformation:

• Astemverbswithalongcentralsyllablethatdonotendonya : hauta “stop”→ i elda hautanë “thestopped” lussa “whisper”→ lussanemmë “webothwhispered” móta “labour”→ mótanelyë “youlaboured”

• Ustemverbswithalongcentralsyllable:

nurru “grumble”→ nurrunen “Igrumbled”

• Primitiveverbsonr,norm: tir “watch”→ tirnes “hewatched” tam“tap”→ tamnentes “theytappedit” cen “see”→ cennen i alda “Isawthetree” 2.5.2 Primitive verbs with nasal inversion

The primitive verbs thatend int, c,p,l,qu undergothe so called nasal

11 inversionbecausethenofthepastendingisplacedbeforetheseconsonants (thereasonisthattheclusters:tn,cn,pn,ln,cwnarenotallowedinQuenya): mat “eat”→ mantë “ate” hat “break”→ hantë “broke” tac “fasten”→ tancë “fastened” pequ “comb”→ penquë “combed”

When a primitive verb ends in p Quenya phonology demands that np is changedinto mp :

top “cover”→ tompë “covered” and nl changesinto ll : wil “fly”→ willë “flew”

Thereisonefinalgroupthatundergoesnasalinversion,thesearetheverbson d.ButinmodernQuenyaasingle dchangesinto r.Sowehavetobecareful when we meet a primitive verb onr, because when this r came from a d its past tense changes this into nd (and otherwise the pasttense is regular, see above). Followingverbsbelongtothisgroup: har “sit”→ handë “sat” hyar “plough”→ hyandë “ploughed” nir “press”→ nindë “pressed” quir “stir”→ quindë “stirred” quor “choke”→ quondë “choked” rar “peel”→ randë “peeled” rer “sow”→ rendë “sowed” ser “rest”→ sendë “rested” sir “flow”→ sindë “flowed” 2.5.3 Primitive verbs with vowel lengthening Theprimitiveverbsthatendinvorsdonotgettheregularendingnë ,but insteadtheygetëandlengthenthecentralvowel: tuv “find”→ túvë “found” tyav “taste”→ tyávë “tasted” sis “fry”→ sísë “fried”

12 2.5.4 A-stems/U-stems with short central syllable

Theseverbscanbeconjugatedbytheregularformation,butmostofthetime theirfinalaoruisdroppedandtheyareconjugatedasiftheywereprimitive verbs: capa “jump”→ campë “jumped”(or capanë ) cava “dig”→ cávë “dug”(or cavanë ) maca “forge”→ mancë “forged”(or macanë ) lala “deny”→ lallë “denied”(or lalanë ) (donotconfusewith lala “laugh”) naqua “steal”→ nanquë “stole”(or naquanë )

hlapu “blow”→ hlampë “blew”(or hlapunë ) lutu “float”→ luntë “floated”(or lutunë )

Thesetwoverbscanneverbeconjugatedbytheregularending: papa “tremble”→ pampë “trembled” pata “rap”→ pantë “rapped” Theverbsonwa onlyapplyinthiscase: fawa “forge”→ fangwë “forged”(or fawanë ) rawa “run”→ rangwë “ran”(or rawanë )

Andverbsonha arealwaysregular:

nyeha “weep”→ nyehanë “wept”

Note:thecentralsyllablein maxa “cook”and ruxa “crumble”islongas xis shortfortheconsonantcombination cs . 2.5.5 A-stem verbs on -ya

These verbs have two different past tenses which are used depending on whetheritisusedtransitivelyorintransitively.

Averbisusedtransitivelywhenithasadirectobject,andintransitivelywhenit doesn’thaveadirectobject.

• whenaverbonya isusedtransitively ithasaregularpasttense,

• when averb onya isused intransitively itspasttense isformedby dropping the ending ya and conjugating it as if it were a primitive

13 verb.


• transitiveverbswhichrequireadirectobject,thesearealwaysregular: harya “have,possess”→ haryanë “had,possessed” haryanes rocco “hehadahorse”

• intransitiveverbs(thesecannothaveadirectobject),theyarealways conjugatedasprimitiveverbs: lamya-“sound”→ lamnë “sounded” i nyelli lamner “thebellssounded”

• transitiveverbsthatcanbeusedintransitively,theseverbshavetwo formsinthepasttense: ulya-“pour,overflow”→ ulyanë “poured”and ullë “overflowed” i nís ulyanë nén “thewomanpouredwater” i sírë ullë “theriveroverflowed”

yerya-“wearout,getold”→ yeryanë “woreout”and yernë “got old” i nér yeryanë i colla “themanworethecloakout” i nér yernë “themangotold” 2.5.6 Irregular Past Tenses

Someverbsarecompletelyirregular: anta “give”→ ánë “gave” caw “bow”→ caunë “bowed” ista “know”→ sintë “knew” lala “laugh”→ landë “laughed” lelya “go”→ lendë “went” lenna “go”→ lendë “went” lesta “leavebehind”→ lendë “leftbehind” lom“hide”→ lombë “hid” onta “create”→ ónë “created” serta “tie”→ sérë “tied” ten “show”→ tengë “showed”

14 vinta “fade”→ vintë “faded”

Twoverbshavebothanirregularandaregularform: atalta “collapse”→ atalantë /ataltanë “collapsed” orta “stand,getup”→ orontë/ortanë “stood,gotup”


2.6 Perfect Tense

The Perfect Tenseis usedtoexpressanaction thathasfinished but still has someconsequenses,soitcanbeusedfortheEnglishPresentPerfectandPast Perfect:

amátien “Ihaveeaten”(andIamstillnothungry) nó ecénienyes, oantes “afterIhadseenhim,hewentaway”


• repeatthecentralvoweloftheverbandputitinfrontofit

• lengthenthecentralvowel,ifpossible

• addtheendingië (ier intheplural)

Sowefinde.g. mat “eat”: amátië tec “write”: etécië not “count”: onótië TheAverbsandUverbslosetheirfinalvowelbeforeaddingië : mapa “take”: amápië palu “spread”: apálië

Verbsonya evenloseboththeseletters: hanya “understand”: ahánië tulya “lead”: utúlië

Verbswithacentralvowelthatcannotbelengthened: menta “send”: ementië nasta “prick”: anastië

15 nurru “grumble”: unurrië

Whenthecentralvowelislong,weputashortversionofthisvowelinfrontof thestem: móta “labour”: omótië

Whenthecentralvowelisadiphthong,weaddthefirstvowelofthediphthong: hauta “stop”: ahautië poita “cleanse”: opoitië vaita “wrap”: avaitië suila “greet”: usuilië tiuta “fatten”: itiutië

Whentheverbstartsinavowel,wedon’taddanextravoweltothebeginningof thestem: anta “give”: antië allu “wash”: allië urya “burn”: úrië 2.6.1 Historical influences

A number of changes in modern Quenya seem rather irregular at first sight, whenwelookattheevolutionfromOldElvishtoQuenyahowever,theycanbe explained.Let’slookatanexample: aran / arani “king” elen / eleni “star” talan / talami “floor”

Whyhas talami an mintheplural?Furtheroninthechapteraboutit is said that talam was the stem of talan and we find this word as talan (talam-)inthewordlists.

WhenwelookatthiswordinanOldElvishwordlistwefindsimply talam .The stemform is thus nothing else than the original OldElvish form of the word andthenominativeform talan istheirregularone. ThereasonforthisirregularityisthatmodernQuenyanolongerallowsan mto appear at the end of a word. So during the evolution of the language this m turned in the nominative into an n, in the other cases it however remained unchanged.

SowherecanwefindtheseinfluencesfromOldElvish?Itseemsthereare3 placeswheretheseinfluencescanstillbebeseen:

16 • theperfecttense(andalsothepassiveinfinitive)

• thesuperlative

• thestemforms 2.6.2 Old-Elvish influences on the perfect tense


Theproblemcanbefoundintheprefixedvowel.Quiteafewlettersareallowed in the middle of a word but not in the beginning, so they have evolved differently in the perfect tense (note: the passive Infinitive shows the same irregularitiesasaprefixed ahasthesameeffect). Theverb tul “come”has utúlië “hascome”asperfecttense.InOldElvishthis verbwas tul andthereisnoproblemherebecause tisallowedatthebeginning ofaword. Verbs with d

Takenow theOldElvish verbs dant “fall”and dab “allow”.Theletter d isno longeraseparateletterinQuenya,neitherinthebeginningnorinthemiddleof aword.Intheevolutiona dinthebeginningofawordchangedintoan landin themiddleofaworditchangedinto r.

SotheseverbsevolvedintotheQuenyaverbs lanta “fall”and lav “allow”(the bchangedinto v butherethere is no problem asthis letter neverappears at theendofaword).

Butintheperfecttensethe dchangedinto r: lanta “fall”→ arantië Ifweapplythisto lav wegetaniceconsequence:OldElvishalsohadaverb lab “lick”. In Quenya this verb alsoevolved into lav , buttheir perfect tenses haveremaineddifferent: lav “allow”→ arávië lav “lick”→ alávië Verbs with mb/nd/ng

These verbs are however not the only ones, in OldElvish we had verbs that began with the consonantclusters mb , nd or ng . In Quenya these are no longerallowedinthebeginningofaword,butinthemiddleofwordstheyare stillallowed. The verbs namba “hammer” and núta “set (of sun and moon)” haveevolved fromtheOldElvishstems ndam and ndú .Sointheperfecttensewefind:

17 namba “hammer”→ andambië núta “set”→ undútië

Thenextverbshadoriginallyastembeginningwith mb : mar “dwell”( mbar ), manca “trade” ( mbakh ), martya “destine” ( mbarat ) and masta “bake” (mbas ).Sowefindfollowingperfecttenses: mar “dwell”→ ambárië manca “trade”→ ambancië martya “destine”→ ambartië masta “bake”→ ambastië Theverbsbeginningwith ng caninTengwarstillberecognizedasthey are even now written with the Tengwa ñoldo or ngoldo (Tengwa 19). In pronunciationthereisnodifferencebetween ñoldo andthenormal n( númen ).

At the moment we know two verbs in this category: nol “smell” ( ngol ) and nanda “harp”( nganad ): nol “smell”→ ongólië nanda “harp”→ angandië

Verbs with h Verbsbeginningwith hcanshowthesameproblemsbecausethis hcanhave evolvedfromboth kh and sk .ThislastcombinationgivesinQuenyatheletter hatthebeginningofawordandan xinthemiddleofaword.

Herewehavefollowingverbs: halya “hide”( skal ), harna “wound”( skar ), hat “split”( skat )and helta “undress”( skel )andfollowingperfecttenses: halya “hide”→ axálië harna “wound”→ axarnië hat “split”→ axátië helta “undress”→ exeltië

Whenthisstarting happearsinthecombinations hy , hl of hr thenwefind followingforms(atthismomentnoverbsin hr areknown): hyar “cleave”→ aryárië hlar “hear”→ allárië

Inthecombination hw thechangesarelikethese: hwesta “breathe”→ eswestië hwinya “swirl”→ iswínië

18 Verbs with s

The final irregularity is found with verbs starting in s. This s can either be a pure s(Tengwa29 silmë )orhaveevolvedfrom th (Tengwa9 súlë ).

In OldElvish the pure s was the letter z. In the beginning of a word this z became s,butinthemiddleitchangedinto r.

Words with súlë however are not influenced (they are still written with súlë eveninmodernQuenyaTengwar). salpa “sip”→ aralpië ser “rest”→ erérië sil “shine”→ irílië sir “flow”→ irírië suc “drink”→ urúcië

Other influences

AfewverbshavechangestoOldElvishformsthatshowunderinfluenceofthe endingië : feuya “feeldisgust,abhor”→ efévië mauya “compel”→ amávië tiuya “swell,growfat”→ itíwië

Probablyallotherverbsthatendinavowel+ ya haveconnectingconsonant w:

aya “honour,revere”→ áwië

2.7 Negation of verbs Quenyahastwowaystonegateasentence:

• when the sentence contains a verb without object ending or a modalverbwithaninfinitive,theverb um“nottobe”ispreferred

• inallothercasesweusetheparticle lá

Conjugation of um: PresentTense: úma (úman,úmas,...) AoristTense: umë (umin,umis,...)

19 PastTense: úmë(úmen,úmes,...) PerfectTense: úmië (úmien,úmies,...) FutureTense: úva (úvan,úvas,...)

Tonegateaverbweusethecorrespondingconjugatedformof umfollowedby theinfinitiveoftheoriginalverb: cennen i alda “Isawthetree”→ úmen cenë i alda “Ididn’tseethetree”

Withamodalverb,thenegationisexpressedbytwoconsecutiveinfinitives: i híni polir capa “thechildrencanjump”→ i híni umir polë capa “the childrencannotjump”

Theverb umisalsousedtonegateasentencewith ná : i aran ná taura “thekingismighty”→ i aran umë taura “thekingisnot mighty”

Whenaverbhasanobjectending(andthusalsoasubjectending)wenever use umbecauseitnormallydoesn’tgetobjectendings.Inthiscasetheverb formisunchangedbutprecededbytheparticle lá : hirnenyes “Ihavefoundit”→ lá hirnenyes “Ihaven’tfoundit”

Theverb ëa isalsoalwaysnegatedbyusing lá : ëa huan i coassë “Thereisadoginthehouse”→ lá ëa huan i coassë “thereisnodoginthehouse”

20 3. Verbal forms 3.1 Infinitive


• Theverbs pol “can”and mer “wish,want”:

polin quetë “Icantalk” i naucor merner matë “thedwarveswantedtoeat”

i seldo pollë hlarë ilya quetta “theboycouldheareachword”

merin cenda i parma “Iwanttoreadthebook”

• Verbsthatindicatethatanactionstarts,endsorchanges: i nissi pustaner linda “thewomenstoppedtosing”

i neri yestaner matë “themenbegantoeat”

Note: the word “to” that sometimes precedes an English infinitive is never translatedintoQuenya.

Formation : Thisiseasybecausetheinfinitiveisalwaysequaltotheendinglessformofthe aorist:

• forAverbsthisisequalsthedictionarystem: linda “sing”→ linda

• forprimitiveverbswefinstheendingë: quet “speak,talk”→ quetë

• forUverbsthefinaluofthestembecomeso: palu “spread”→ palo 3.1.1 Long Infinitive

OneofthemostdistinguishingpropertiesofQuenya isthepresenceofobject endings. So when an infinitive takes a personal pronoun as object then the infinitiveislengthenedandtheobjectendingisadded. i mól veryanë cenë i aran ar i tári “theslavedaredtolookattheking andqueen”

Whenwereplace“thekingandqueen”byapersonalpronounthisischanged into: i mól veryanë cenitat “theslavedaredtolookatthem”

21 Thelonginfinitiveisformedbyaddingta tothestemofAverbsandUverbs, andita tothestemofprimitiveverbs: car “make,do,build”→ carita mapa “take,catch”→ mapata palu “spread”→ paluta

Thelonginfinitiveneverappearswithoutobjectending,e.g. polin ortatas “Icanliftit” i ohtari úvar mapatat “thesoldierswillnotcatchthem”

The long infinitive can also be used with possessive endings, butthis can be foundinthechapteronpossessivepronouns. 3.1.2 Passive Infinitive

Thereisacomplicationwhenwewanttouseaninfinitiveinapassivesentence. Lookatthefollowingsentence: i naucor polir matë i apsa “thedwarvescaneatthefood” Theverb mat “toeat”isintheinfinitivebecauseitappearsbehindthemodal verb pol “can”.

Whenwemakethissentencespassive,theinfinitivegetstheprefix a: i apsa polë amatë i naucoinen “thefoodcanbeeatenbythedwarves”

Verbsthatbegininavowel,getahyphenbetweentheprefixedaandthestem: i corma polë a-anta atarinyan “theringcanbegiventomyfather”

Insomeverbsverylikelythehistoricalstemsappearwhenweapplytheprefix: i massa polë ambasta “thebreadcanbebaked”

Theverb masta “tobake”hasahistoricalstem mbasta thatreappearswhena prefixisputinfrontofit: ambasta .


3.2 Participles


22 3.2.1 Active participle


• asan :inthiscaseitisalwaysputbehindthe: i seldo mátala “theeatingboy”

• asamainverb inasubsentencethatinEnglishbeginswith“while”:

mátala marin, i nér cendanë parma “while(hewas)eatinganapple,the manreadabook”

Theactiveparticipledoesn’thaveaplural: i seldor mátala “theeatingboys”

But it can be declined in all 9 cases because it follows the rule of the last declinableword (seethechapteroninflected): isilmë ilcalassë “ingleamingmoonlight”(locativeending)

Whenthenounisintheplural,dualorthepartitivepluralthecaseendingof theparticipleisplural: vendi lindalaiva “ofsinginggirls”(possessivepluralending)

When an Active participle has a direct object, this object always immediately followstheparticiple: nauco tírala elda “aanelfwatching”/”adwarfthatis/was watchinganelf”

Note:theActiveparticipleisneverusedpredicativelyorasanoun.Insteadof boththeseusesQuenyausesthepresenttenseinstead.

Whenusedasanoun,itbecomesapresenttenseprecededbythe(this correspondstotheuseofthearticleasarelativepronounwithoutantecedent): i cendëa “he/shewhoisreading”

i mátar “theywhoareeating”

Formation : TheAstemsandUstemsformtheiractiveparticiplebylengtheningthecentral vowelandaddingthela :

23 mapa “take”→ mápala “taking” lala “laugh”→ lálala “laughing” hlapu “blow”→ hlápula “blowing”

Whenthesyllableofthecentralvowelisalreadylong(seePresentTense),this vowelcannotbelengthened: hauta “stop”→ hautala “stopping” píca “diminish”→ pícala “diminishing” nurru “grumble”→ nurrula “grumbling”

Theprimitiveverbsalsohavealengthenedcentralvowelandtheygetthe endingala : tir “watch”→ tírala “watching” hac “yawn”→ hácala “yawning” mat “eat”→ mátala “eating” 3.2.2 Passive participle

ThepassiveparticipleisinQuenyaonlyusedasanadjectiveasitisn’tneeded toformtheperfecttenses.Itiscalledthiswaybecausewithatransitiveverbit canbeusedpredicativelytoformthepassivevoice(moreonthisinthechapter aboutSyntaxis): i atani harnainë “thecollectedmen”→ i atani nar harnainë

i ondo ortaina “theliftedstone”→ i ondo ná ortaina

Foranintransitiveverbitcanonlybeusedwithanounandinthatcaseitis usedtodenotecompletionoftheaction:

i nér lantaina “thefallenman”

Fromtheseexamplesitshouldalreadybeclearthatthepassiveparticiplehasa pluralformonë,infactitbehaveslikeanordinaryadjectiveona(soitalso cangetcaseendingswhenfollowingitsnoun;seeInflectedadjectives).

Formation : The Astems and Ustems form their passive participle by adding the suffix ina . This suffix merges withthe finala oru intothe diphtongsai and ui . According to the stress rules (see Phonology), these diphtongs are always stressed. anta “give”→ antaina “given” perya “halve”→ peryaina “halved”

24 mapa “take,catch”→ mapaina “taken,caught” moru “conceil”→ moruina “conceiled”


• verbs ending on c, p, t, v, s also get the ending ina but in these verbsthecentralvowelislengthened: rac “break”→ rácina “broken” top “cover”→ tópina “covered” not “count”→ nótina “counted” lav “allow”→ lávina “allowed” sis “fry”→ sísina “fried”

• verbs in qu also follow this rule, but the central vowel cannot be lengthened(and qui doesn’tcontainadiphtongasitpronounced cwi ):

miqu “kiss”→ miquina “conceiled”

• verbsendingonr,m,nreceivetheendingna : mer “want”→ merna “wanted” nam“judge”→ namna “judged” cen “see”→ cenna “seen”

— verbsonlgetda asending: mel “love”→ melda “loved”

Note:Verbscanalsoformaverbaladjective.Theseadjectivesalwaysdenotea staticconditionwhilepastparticiplealwaysdenoteaconditioninevolution: harna “wound” harna “withawound” harnaina “wounded”

quat “fill” quanta “full” quátina “filled”

25 3.3 Gerund

Thegerundisacombinationofaverbandanoun.InEnglishithasthesame formasthepresentparticiple,e.g.“walkingishealthy”.Thenoun“walking”is calledthegerundoftheverb“walk”.

Asanexamplelet’slookatsomeQuenyasentences: harië malta úva carë nér anwavë alya “havinggolddoesn’tmakeaman reallyrich” matië ná i analta alessë ilyë Naucoron “eatingisthegreatestjoyofall dwarves” Agerundcanalsohaveadirectobject: hirië harma caruva nér alya “findingatreasureshallmakeamanrich”

tirië aiwi anta i vendin alta alassë “watchingbirdsgivesagirlgreat pleasure” (note:the objectofthegerund isinthenominative and notinthegenitive as withaverbalnoun), andanindirectobject: antië malta i aranen ná lai manë “givinggoldtothekingisverygood”

Inalltheseexamplesthegerundreplacesthesubjectoftheoriginalsentence,it canhoweveralsoreplacethedirectobject:

melin tirië aiwi “Ilovewatchingbirds”

There is a clear difference between infinitives (see above) and gerunds, as infinitivescannotbereplacedbyanormalnoun: polin quetë “Icantalk”

In this sentence you cannot replace talk by e.g. “nature”, because *”I can nature”isnotagoodEnglishsentence.But“Ilovenature”isagoodsentence, so tirië hastobeagerund,and quetë aninfinitive.

Formation : Theendingofthegerundisië .

Gerundsofprimitiveverbsaremadebysimplyaddingthisending: quet “say,speak”→ quetië

26 AverbsandUverbsdroptheirfinalvowelbeforeaddingtheending: orta “stand,getup”→ ortië naina “lament”→ nainië

Notethatthisformisidenticaltotheverbalnounnainië .Thisisoftenthecase, analysisofthecontexthastodecidewhetheritisagerundoraverbalnoun. Verbsonya dropthisendingcompletelybeforeaddingië : harya “have,possess”→ harië verya “dare”→ verië 3.3.1 Cases of the gerund


• Genitive: This case appears when a gerund is dependant on a verbal noun: i carmë teciéo “theartofwriting”

• Dative:Weusethedativetoexpress“inorderto”: mótas cuinien “heworksinordertolive”

ButinEnglishthewords“inorder”aremostlyimplicitelyunderstood,so to use this case properly you will have to be careful when meeting an English“to”+infinitive: utúlientë cenien i aran “theyhadcometoseetheking”

• Instrumental:Weusetheinstrumentaltoexpress“through,by”: nolles mahta tirienen i ohtari “helearnedtofightthrough/by watchingthesoldiers”

3.4 Negation All verbal forms treated so far are negated by use of the particle lá (see also NegationinthechapterVerbs).

• Infinitives:Herewefindadifferenceinmeaningbetweennegationwith lá andwith um:

saila ná lá caritas “itiswisenottodoit”

saila umë caritas “itisnotwisetodoit”

27 • Participles:

i soldor hácala “theyawningboys”→i soldor lá hácala “thenot yawningboys” i harma halyaina “thehiddentreasure”→i harma lá halyaina “thenothiddentreasure”

• Gerund: quetië ná telpë “speakingissilver”→lá quetië ná malta “not speakingisgold”

3.5 The imperative 3.5.1 Ancient Imperative

Theancientformoftheimperativeisonlyusedwithprimitiveverbs. Itisformedbyaddingatothestemwithoutlengtheningthestemvowel(soit islikethepresenttensebutwithashortcentralvowel):

tira! “watch!”

Thisimperativeisverydirect,soyoushouldn’tuseitwhenyouwanttobe polite. 3.5.2 Standard Imperative

Thisisformedbyplacingtheparticle ábeforetheinfinitive: á tirë! “watch!” á ! “rule!”

Whenthecentralvoweloftheinfinitiveislong,adiphtongorfollowedbymore thanoneconsonantweusetheparticle ainsteadof á(butthisisnotobligatory, sousing áisneverwrong): a caima! “liedown!” a móta! “work!” a linda! “sing!”

Thecombinations ry , ly , ny , ty donotcountasadoubleconsonant,sowhen thecentralvowelisimmediatelyfollowedbyanyoneoftheseweuse á: á lelya! “go!” but

28 a mintya! “remember!”

The particle is pronounced as a unit with these infinitives, so the stress is normally on the particle á and not on a (the exceptions are verbs with an infinitiveofmorethantwosyllables). 3.5.3 Negative imperative

Aprohibitionornegativeimperativeisformedbytheparticle áva .Itisthesame forallverbs: áva lelya! “don’tgo!” áva tirë! “don’tlook!”

Itcanalsobeusedonitsown,butthenthelongvowelisshifted: avá! “don’t!”

(note:thisistheonlytwosyllablewordthatisstressedonthefinalsyllable;see Phonology) 3.5.4 Personal pronouns with the imperative

Whenaverbisintheimperativeitcanhavepersonalpronounsthatrefertothe subject,thedirectobjectortheindirectobject. subject pronouns

A reference to the subject is not very frequent, only when it is absolutely necessarytospecifytowhomthecommandisdirected:“Listenyou!” TheQuenyaendingsaretinthesingularandlintheplural: a lindat! “singyou!”(singular) a lindal! “singyou!”(plural) Withaprimitiveverbtheconnectingvowelisiasusual: á tirë! “watch!” á tirit! /á tiril! “watchyou!”

Theseendingscanalsobeusedinthenegativeimperative: áva tulë! “don’tcome!” áva tulit! /áva tulil! “don’tcomeyou!” direct object pronouns

To indicate the direct object we can use the nominative of the independant personalpronouns: a laita te! “blessthem!”

29 á tirë nye! “watchme!”

Itishoweverpreferredtoaddthisnominativeasendingtotheparticle á(inthis situationwealwaysuse ánever a): átë laita! “blessthem!” ányë tirë! “watchme!”

Alsowiththenegativeimperativebothformsarepossible: ávamë tirë! “don’twatchus!” áva tirë me! “don’twatchus!” Butagaintheformwheretheendingme isappliedto áva ispreferred. indirect object pronouns

Withanindirectobjectweobviouslyusethedativeformsofthepronouns: ámen linda! “singforus!”

When a verb has both a direct and an indirect object, you have the choice whichisappliedtotheparticle áor áva andwhichisusedaseparateword: ánin carë ta! “doitforme!” áta carë nin! “doitforme!”

30 4. Special verbs 4.1 to be QuenyahastwoverbsthatcorrespondtotheEnglishverb“tobe”: ná and ëa .

Ná isusedinthefollowingcases:

• toconnecttwonouns: sambë sina ná caimasan “thisroomisabedroom”

• toconnectanounandanadjective: sambi sinë nar pityë “theseroomsaresmall” Eä isusedtodenoteexistenceatalocation:

i harma ëa i sambessë “thetreasureisintheroom”

ëan tauressë “Iaminawood” Thenonpronominalformsof ëa canbeusedwithoutsubjecttodenote“there is”( ëa )or“thereare”( ëar ): ëa elda as quinga “thereisanelfwithabow”

ëar narmor i ostossë “therearewolvesinthecity”

Conjugation : These verbs have no Perfect tense and the Present and Aorist tenses are identical. Theverb ná ThePresent/Aoristtenseof ná isformedwiththestem na ,sowefinde.g.:

nan “Iam”,nalyë “youare”, nantë “theyare”,... ThePasttenseisformedwiththestem ne ,theendlessformis né ,e.g.: nes “he/she/itwas”, nelmë “wewere(excl.)”,...

TheFuturetenseisregularwithstem nauva : i nissi nauvar nairë “thewomenwillbesad” nauvan aran “Ishallbeking”

31 Theverb ëa

ThePresent/Aoristtenseof ëa isregularwiththestem ëa ,sowefinde.g.: ëan “Iam”, ëalyë “youare”, ëantë “theyare”,... ThePasttenseisformedwiththestem enge ,e.g.:

enges “he/she/itwas”, engelmë “wewere(excl.)”,... TheFuturetenseisregularwithstem euva :

i roccor euvar i malcoressë “thehorseswillbeinthecastle”

euvalmë sinomë “weshallbehere” ThisverbhasaPresentParticiple ëala :

i ostor ëala “theexistingcities”

4.2 Impersonal verbs These verbs have the special property of lacking an explicit subject. In most languages only verbs that denote a condition or weather are of this type: “it rains”,“itfreezes”,... SuchverbsarealsoimpersonalinQuenya: lipta “itdrips” uquë “itrains” fauta “itsnows” hilca “itfreezes”

Note:theseverbsdon’tgettheendingseventhoughwetranslateitinto Englishwiththepersonalpronoun“it”.

AsecondgrouparetheimpersonalverbsthatarealsoimpersonalinEnglish andhaveanindirectobjectthatindicatestowhomtheactionmatters.In Quenyathisindirectobjectisputinthedativecase: marta “happen”→ marta sen “ithappenstoher” mauya “compel”→ mauya nin “itcompelsme” naya “grieve”→ naya son “itgrieveshim” onga “pain”→ onga men “itpainsus” vilda “matter”→ vilda len “itmatterstoyou”

32 Alongerexample:

mauya nin lelya ostonna “Iamcompelledtogototown”

Quenya also has a few verbs that get an explicit subject in most other languages: itisya “itch,irritate” loya “bethirsty” óla “dream” sahta “behot” sitta “beusedto” or /ora “urge,impel”

TheoriginalEnglishsubjectchangesintoadativeinQuenya: orë nin caritas “itimpelsmetodoit”=“Iwasimpelledtodoit”

Itisalsopossibletouseadativesubjectthatisnotapersonalpronoun: oranë i eldan lelya “theelfwasimpelledtogo”

Withtheverb óla “dream”wefindanaloguously:

óla i venden eldaron “thegirldreamedaboutelves(genitive)”

In Quenyawe considerthedreamer(thegirl)notasthe agent(subject)ofthe dreambutasthereceiver(indirectobject).Soliterallywecouldsay“itdreams tothegirlaboutelves”. Sometimestheverb ná canalsobeusedimpersonallywhenthepredicateisan adjective:

ná ringa nin “itiscoldtome”=“Iamcold” ná mára son “itisgoodtohim”=“heisgood”


4.3 verbs

Theseverbsoriginatewithanadjectiveandtheirmeaningisthatoneacquires thepropertyexpressedbytheadjective. Theycanbeformedbyaddingta totheadjective:

33 alya “rich”→ alyata “becomerich”

Adjectivesonëchangethisfinalletterintoi: airë “holy”→ airita “becomeholy,hallow” ninquë “white”→ ninquita “becomewhite,whiten”


• whenanendingisaddedtotheverbthatcontainsexactlyonesyllable, wechangeta intotá : i aran airitánë “thekinghallowed” but alyatanelmë “webecamerich”

• thisphenomenonalsoappearsinthepresentparticiple: airitálë “hallowing”

• inthepassiveparticipletaina changesintonta :

ninquinta “whitened”

4.4 the verb equë Theverb quet canmean“say”or“speak”dependingonthecasewithwhichit isused(dativeorallative). With direct or indirect speech (see Syntaxis) the verb equë is preferred. The conjugation of this verb isextremely simple: it has only one form that is usedforalltensesandallnumbers.Itisonlyusedwhenthesubjectisaproper nounorapersonalpronoun(soitcannotbeusedwithanordinarynounlike “father”,“king”,etc.) equen: ‘cé’ “Isay/said:‘maybe’”

Even the word order is uncommon as it is always placed right before its subject:

equë Elendil: ‘utúlien’ “Elendilsays/said:‘Ihavecome’” equë Altariel ar Teleporno: ‘namárië’ “andCeleborn say/said:‘farewell’”

Itishoweverneverreallywrongtouse quet :

34 quetin: ‘cé’ “Isay:‘maybe’”

Elendil quentë: ‘utúlien’ “Elendilsaid:‘Ihavecome’” Altariel ar Teleporno quenter: ‘namárië’ “Galadrieland Celebornsaid:‘farewell’” Andwhenweuseadifferentsubject quet isobligatory:

i nís quéta: ‘aiya’ “thewomanissaying:‘hello’”

Alsowhenthesubjectfollowsthedirectspeechweuse quet : ‘utúlien’, quentë Elendil “‘Ihavecome’,saidElendil”

4.5 the verb auta-

Thisverbhasthreeconjugationswhichdependonthemeaningoftheverb.The three conjugations coincide in following tenses and verbal forms: Present, Aorist,Future,PresentParticiple,Gerund,Imperative. 1. passaway

ThismeaningisonlyusedinofficialtextsandonlyinthePasttense: i aran anwë “thekingpassedaway”

2. goaway ,depart

Thismeaningisalwaysassociatedwithadirection.Sothisconjugationis generallyaccompaniedbyanallativenoun: i nér oantë i ëanna “themandepartedforthesea”/”themanwent awaytothesea”

Thedirectionalcomplementcanofcoursebeimplied: i nauco oantië “thedwarfhasdeparted”/”thedwarfwentaway”

Thecompleteconjugationis: Pasttense: oantë , Perfecttense: oantië , Infinitive: auta , Pastparticiple: autaina .

35 3. leave ,disappear

In this meaning no direction is present, so we cannot have an allative complement:

yéni avánier “centurieshavedisappeared,havegoneby” i seldo vánë “theboydisappeared”/”theboyleft” (note:themeaning“leavebehind”isnotexpressedby auta butby lesta ).

The past participle is also used with the meaning “lost” (i.e. “cannot be regained”): Valimar ná vanwa “Valimarislost”

Thecompleteconjugationis: Pasttense: vánë , Perfecttense: avánië , Infinitive: vanwë , Pastparticiple: vanwa .

36 5. The article Quenyaonlyhasadefinitearticle ianditisunchangeable.

Awordinthesingularwithoutarticleistranslatedwithanindefinitearticle. elen “astar”;i elen “thestar” eleni “stars”;i eleni “thestars”

Withthedualnumberthearticleistranslatedas“both”: hyapat “apairofshoes”;i hyapat “bothshoes”


• nounsthathaveapronominalending: coanya “myhouse”

• nounsinthepartitiveplural: aldali “sometrees”

• nounswithapronoun: macil sina “thissword”

• propernames: Anar “thesun”

• namesofpeoples:

Eldar “theElves” (butnote i eldar ispossiblewhenreferingtoaparticulargroup ofelves)

• when a noun is accompanied by a noun in the genitive case or in the possessive case (or both) it normally shouldn’t get the article (for examplesseethegenitiveorpossessivecases). Thearticle icanalsobeusedasarelativepronoun,butthisistreatedinthe chapteronpronouns.

37 6. Nouns Quenyanounscanbedeclinedinto9casesand4numbers,soeachnounhas 36forms. ParadigmsofthestandardofanouncanbefoundinAppendix1.

6.1 The plural of nouns Thereare2possibleendingsthatindicatetheplural:rand i.

• Wordsendingina,i,o,u,ië getr: alda → aldar (tree) tári → tárir (queen) ondo → ondor (rock) heru → herur (lord) tië → tier (path)

• Wordsendinginaconsonantgeti: aran → arani (king) macil → macili (sword)

• Wordsonëbutnotië changethefinalëintoi: aurë → auri (day) lassë → lassi (leaf)


• onë: mallë → maller (street) rotsë → rotser (pipe) tyávë → tyáver (taste) tyellë → tyeller (grade,incline)

• ona hína → híni (child) ónona → ónoni (twin)


6.2 The dual

The Quenyadual is usedforexpressingnatural pairs. Sowhentalkingabout thetwoeyesofoneperson,weusethedual.Butwhenwetalkabouteyesfrom differentpersonsweusetheordinaryplural.

So that’s why we translatethe dual not simply by the number two but by “a pairof”: pé “lip”→ peu “apairoflips” alda “tree”→ aldu “apairoftrees” but atta pér “twolips” atta aldar “twotrees” Whenthedualisprecededbythearticle iwetranslateitby“both”: i peu “bothlips” i aldu “bothtrees”

Formation : The ending u is used when the word contains a d or t sound or when it denotesabodypart: sarat “sign”→ saratu “apairofsigns” lár “ear”→ laru “apairofears”

Whenthesewordsendonaoro,theuoftheendingreplacesthese vowels: alda “tree”→ aldu “apairoftrees” tiuco “thigh”→ tiucu “apairofthighs”

Whenthenounendsoniorë(withpluraloni)wefindfollowing diphthongsinthedual: tári “queen”→ táriu “apairofqueens” tanwë “device”→ tanweu “apairofdevices”

Allotherwordsusetheendingt: cirya “ship”→ ciryat “apairofships” lassë “leaf”→ lasset “apairofleaves”

39 Whenthewordendsonaconsonantthisendingbecomeset :

aran “king”→ aranet “apairofkings” Somewordscannottaketheuending,theyalwaystaket:

• wordsonu: cundu “prince”→ cundut “apairofprinces”

• wordsonië : tië “path”→ tiet “apairofpaths”

• wordsonëthatformtheirpluralonr: rotsë “pipe”→ rotset “apairof pipes”

Theword veru “marriedcouple”isalwaysdual.

6.3 The partitive plural Thepartitivepluralreplacesthewords‘some’or‘afew’.Theordinarypluralhas theadditionalimpliedmeaning‘allIamtalkingabout’. i ciryar nar fánë “theshipsarewhite”

Thismeansinfact‘alltheshipsI’mtalkingabout,arewhite’. Butthepartitiveplural impliesthattherearealsoshipsthat havea different colour: i ciryali nar fánë “some/afewshipsarewhite”

Thepartitivepluralcanalsodenotesomethingthatispartofabiggerentity. i cirya rancë ondolissë “theshipbrokeuponsome/afewrocks”

Thismeansthattherearemorerocks,buttheshipdidn’tsailintothem. Sometimesitisusedforagroupthatbelongstoalargergroup. eldali nar altë “some/afewelvesarelarge”

Sowemeanthattherealsoareelvesthatarenotsolarge.Butintheordinary plural... eldar nar altë “elvesarelarge”


Whenanouninthepartitivepluralisaccompaniedbyanadjective,the adjectivehasthenormalpluralform. wenyë lasseli “some/afexgreenleaves”

40 Butinthepartitivepluraltheruleofthelastdeclinablewordisnotapplied.So thecasesuffixisalwaysappliedtothenounevenwhenthereareadjectivesor pronounsfollowingbehindthenoun(seeadjectives): rimbalissen hallë “onsome/afewhighwalls”

Formation : Thebasicruleistoaddthesuffixli tonounsendinginavowel: lassë “leaf”→ lasseli cirya “ship”→ ciryali

Whenthenounendsonl,thesamesuffixisadded. macil “sword”→ macilli

Thefinallettersr,nandschangeintol. atar “father”→ atalli elen “star”→ elelli cos “quarrel”→ colli

Note:becauseofthisruleitispossiblethattwoentirelydifferentnounshavean identicalpartitiveplural: atar “father”/ atan “man”→ atalli “somefathers/men”

Nounsendingin tgetanadditionale. sarat “sign”→ sarateli

6.4 Stem-forms

Lots of Quenya nouns have a stemform that is used in almost all cases and number except the nominative singular. These forms can be found in the dictionaryandhavetobelearnedbyheart.

Let’slookatfollowingexamples: hen, hend-“eye”→ hendi “eyes”→ hendu “apairofeyes” tál, tal-“foot”→ tali “feet”→ talu “apairoffeet” laman, lamn-“animal”→ lamni “animals”→ lamnet “apairofanimals”

Notethattheendingsofthepluralanddualarebaseduponthestemformand notonthenominativesingular:

41 pilin, pilind-“arrow”→ pilindi “arrows”→ pilindu “apairofarrows”

Aseparateappendixisdedicatedtoanoverviewofstemforms. 6.4.1 I-stems

Istemsarenounswithanominativesingularonëbutthatuseastemoniin all other cases. In this document they are grouped together with four other classesofrelatednouns: TheQuenyanounsinë/icanbedividedintothesegroups: • nounsinëwithpluralonr( mallë , rotsë , tyávë , tyellë ) • nounsinëwithpluralonibutthatkeeptheëinthesingular • nounsinëwithastemoni(realIstems) • nounsini • nounsinië

MoreaboutthesecanbefoundinAppendix1. 6.4.2 U-stems

Inthesamewaywecandividethenounsino/uintoseveralgroups: • nounsthatkeeptheoinallcases • nounswithastemonubutwithanominativesingularono(the realUstems) • nounsthatkeeptheuinallcases


6.5 Cases 6.5.1 The

InQuenyatheNominativecaseisusedfor: • thesubject • thepredicate • thedirectobject • aftermostprepositions(only et , arwa , rá and útakeanothercase)


42 dualandpartitivepluralofthiscasecanbefoundearlierinthischapter.

The use of the nominative for the direct object has implications for the word order:inanormalsentencethewordorderissubjectverbobject :

i nér roita i rocco “themanchasesthehorse” i rocco roita i nér “thehorsechasestheman”

Allotherpartsofthesentencecanbeinanyorder: i aran anta rocco i roquenen “thekinggivesahorsetotheknight” i aran anta i roquenen rocco i aran i roquenen anta rocco i roquenen i aran anta rocco



InBookQuenya(thisisanancientprecursor ofQuenya)thereexistedaseparateAccusative casethatwasusedforthedirectobjectandafterprepositions.ButintheQuenyaatthetimeof theLordoftheRingsthiscasehaddisappeared.

Itwasformedasfollows: • when the Nominative singular ends in a consonant, the Accusative singular is identicaltotheNominative,theAccusativepluralendsiní • when the Nominative singular ends in a vowel, this vowel is lengthened in the Accusativesingular,intheAccusativepluralweaddi • butwhentheNominativesingularendsiniorië ,theAcc.pluralendsiní • whentheNominativedualendsinu,this uislenghtenedto ú;whenitendsint, theAccusativedualisidenticaltotheNominativedual • intheAccusativepartitivepluralwealwaysfindí alda (tree) sing. aldá ,plural aldai ,dual aldú ,part.plural aldalí

macil (sword) sing. macil ,plural macilí ,dual macilet ,part.plural macillí

lië (people) sing. lié ,plural lí ,dual liet ,part.plural lielí 6.5.2 The

Quenya has 2 cases that together form the traditional genitive case of an inflected language (e.g. Latin, German or Greek): the genitive and the possessive.Soitisimportanttoknowwheneachisappropriate.

43 Usage Thereisquiteanextensivelistofsituationsinwhichthegenitiveisused: 1.origin

Theplacewheresomethingismadeorsomeoneisbornisinthegenitive: cirya Tiriono “theshipofTirion” seldo Alqualondëo “theboyfromSwanhaven”

Ithasnoimplicationofmovement,sotheboywasborninSwanhavenbutwe don’tmeanthathejustarrivedfromSwanhaven.

2.previousowner rocco arano “thehorseofaking”

This means that the horse once belonged to the king, but now belongs to someoneelse. 3.partitivegenitive

Weusethistodenotesomethingthatispartofsomethinggreater: i elenion ancalima “thebrightestofthestars” ranqui i arano “thearmsoftheking”

4.familyrelations i arano yondor “thesonsoftheking”

indis ohtaro “thebrideofasoldier”

5.whereatitlebelongsto aran Sindaron “thekingoftheSindar”

heru i cormaron “thelordoftherings”


Frequentlythepreposition“about”isreplacedby“of”inEnglish,sowehaveto becarefulaboutthemeaningofthis“of”: i naucor quetir altë harmaron “thedwarvesspeakof(about)great

44 treasures”

quenta Silmarillion “thetaleof(about)the” quentalë Noldoron “thehistoryof(about)the” equessi arano “thesayingsabouttheking”

(formoreaboutthis,seealsoVerbalnouns). 7.compositenamesofplantsoranimals asëa aranion “kings’weed”

8.thewordfollowing quanta “full”

quanta masso “fullofbread”

9.theprepositions ú“without”andtheadjective arwa “with,having” ú calo “withoutlight” aran arwa ohtarion “akingwith/havingsoldiers”

The adjective arwa has arwë as plural, this is used whenthere is morethan oneowner: neri arwë collo “menwith/havingamantle”

Word order

Thegenitivecanbeplacedinfrontorbehindthenountowhichitbelongs: i nórëo aldar “treesoftheland”

aldar i nórëo “treesoftheland”


• whenthenounisprecededbyapreposition: ve osto aran “likethekingofacity” nu tirino tópa “undertheroofofatower”

• whenthenounhasbothawordinthegenitiveandinthepossessive case:

45 i eldaron macil atarwa “father’sswordof(comingfrom)theelves”

Agenitivecanalsobeusedpredicatively: i corma ná Saurondo “theringis(originally)’s”

Use of the article

Anounthatisaccompaniedbyanouninthegenitivecasenormallyshouldn’t getthearticle i(howeverthearticleissometimeswrittenforpoeticreasons).

Sowehavetotakeintoaccountthatanouninthegenitivecanbetranslated witheitheranindefiniteoradefinitearticle: indis ohtaro “abrideofasoldier”/”thebrideofasoldier”

ohtaro indis “abrideofasoldier”/”thebrideofasoldier” i ohtaro indis “abrideofthesoldier”/”thebrideofthesoldier”

indis i ohtaro “abrideofthesoldier”/”thebrideofthesoldier”

Formation Wediscusseachofthenumbersseparately: Singular: Thebasicendingiso.Mostwordssimplyaddthisending: aran “king”→ arano tári “queen”→ tário vendë “girl”→ vendëo

Wordsthathaveastemformusethisstemform: nís “woman”→ nisso curo “device”→ curuo lómë “night”→ lomio

Words on o have a genitive singular that is identical to the nominative singular: rocco “horse”→ rocco Inwordsonathisfinalletterisreplacedbyo:

máma “sheep”→ mámo

46 Wordsonië lengthenthefinalë: mornië “darkness”→ morniéo lië “people”→ liéo

Plural: Thepluraladdson tothenominative plural (thisisexceptionalasallother casesofthepluralarebaseduponthenominativesingular): aldar “trees”→ aldaron (nom.sing.:alda) eleni “stars”→ elenion (nom.sing.:elen) rávi “lions”→ rávion (nom.sing.:rá) nissi “women”→ nission (nom.sing.:nís)

Wordsonië lengthenthefinalë: mornië “darkness”→ morniéron lië “people”→ liéron

Dual: Inthedualtheendingisalsoo: ciryat “apairofships”→ ciryato (nom.sing.:cirya) aldu “apairoftrees”→ alduo (nom.sing.:alda) rávet “apairoflions”→ ráveto (nom.sing.:rá)

When the noun has a tdual and the nominative singular ends in a vowel followedbyaconsonant(l,n,r,s),theeofthenominativedualdisappears inthegenitivedual: aranet “apairofkings”→ aranto (nom.sing.:aran) macilet “apairofswords”→ macilto (nom.sing.:macil) ëaret “apairofseas”→ ëarto (nom.sing.:ëar)

Wordsonië lengthenthefinalë: mornië “darkness”→ morniéto lië “people”→ liéto

Partitive Plural: Wealwaysaddon tothenominativepartitiveplural:

ciryali “someships”→ ciryalion (nom.sing.:cirya)

47 6.5.3 The possessive case

It is important to know the contrast with the genitive case as these two are closelyrelated. Usage Thereare4situationsinwhichthepossessiveisused: 1.presentowner rocco i aranwa “theking’shorse”

This means that the horse at this moment belongs to the king. It has no implicationsoforiginorpreviousownership.


Of course this ownership is always related to the tense of the verb: it is the presentowneratthemomentindicatedbytheverb: ná coa i eldava “it’stheelf’shouse”

Sothishouseisatthismomentthepropertyofthatelf. né parma i vendeva “itwasthebookofthegirl”

In this casethe girl was the present owner ofthe book atthe moment of the sentence,butitisquitepossiblethatatthismomentshenolongerownsit. 2.properties Thepossessivecaseisalsousedtodenoteapropertyofapersonorobject: huinë i taureva “thegloomofthewood” altarë i nerwa “thelengthoftheman”

3.substance Wealsousethiscasetodenotethesubstancefromwhichsomethingismade: rië telpeva “a/thecrownofsilver”

Thismeaningisofcourserelatedtousinganadjective: i telpina rië “thesilvercrown”

Whenweuseapossessivecasethematerialfromwhichthecrownismadeis emphasized(justascanbeseenbytheEnglishtranslations).

48 4.subjectofnounswithan“about”noun

In situation 6 of the usage of the genitive case we have seen that the words afterthepreposition“about”are inthegenitive.Thesubject ofthesewords is howeverinthepossessivecase.Thiscanagainbetranslatedby“of”butinthis case“of”isequivalenttothepreposition“by”: quentalë atarwa “thestoryof(i.e.by)father” equessi i naucoiva “thesayingsof(i.e.by)thedwarves”


Word order Thepossessiveisalwaysputbehindthenountowhichitbelongs: míri i naucova “thedwarf’sjewels” tári i eldaiva “theelves’queen”

Apossessivecanalsobeusedpredicatively: i corma ná Saurondeva “theringisSauron’s”

Use of the article Anounthatisaccompaniedbyanouninthepossessivecasenormally shouldn’tgetthearticle i(howeverthearticleissometimeswrittenforpoetic reasons).

Sowehavetotakeintoaccountthatanouninthepossessivecanbetranslated witheitheranindefiniteoradefinitearticle:

coa ohtarwa “ahouseofasoldier”/”thehouseofasoldier” coa i ohtarwa “ahouseofthesoldier”/”thehouseofthesoldier”

Formation Wediscusseachofthenumbersseparately: Singular: Thebasicendingisva aftervowelsandwa afterconsonants.Mostwords simplyaddtheseendings: elda “elf”→ eldava aran “king”→ aranwa


49 • words that end on a vowel and of which the penultimate syllable is short,lengthenthefinalvowelbeforeaddingva : tyalië “play”→ tyaliéva oromë “hornblower”→ oroméva tano “crafstman”→ tanóva

• words of two syllables that contain the diphthong ui in the first syllable and that end in a vowel, also lengthen this vowel before addingtheending: huinë “gloom”→ huinéva tuima “sprout”→ tuimáva

Wordsthathaveastemforminavowel(IstemsandUstems)usethisstem form: curo “device”→ curuva lómë “night”→ lomiva

Wordsthathaveastemforminaconsonantusetheirbasicformandnotthe stemform: fion “hawk”→ fionwa (stem fiond ) tirios “burg”→ tirioswa (stem tiriost ) amil “mother”→ amilwa (stem amill ) toron “brother”→ toronwa (stem torn ) seler “sister”→ selerwa (stem sell ) henet “window”→ henetwa (stem henets ) talan “floor”→ talanwa (stem talam )


• wordswithastemformonss : nís “window”→ nisseva (stem niss ) lis “honey”→ lisseva (stem liss )

• wordswithastemformonc: filit “littlebird”→ filiqua (stem filic ) nelet “tooth”→ nelequa (stem nelc ) quesset “pillow”→ quessequa (stem quessec )

• wordswithalongvowelthatisshortenedinthestemform:

50 tál “foot”→ talwa (stem tal ) nér “man”→ nerwa (stem ner )

Plural: Theendingisiva : macil “sword”→ maciliva elda “elf”→ eldaiva



• wordsendinginëdropthisëandhaveíva asending: lassë “leaf”→ lassíva

• wordsendinginië dropthisië andhaveíva asending: mornië “darkness”→ morníva

• wordsendingini(orwithastemformini)alsogetíva : tári “queen”→ táríva lómë “night”→ lómíva

Dual: Thedualisregular:udualsgetva ,tdualsgetwa : ciryat “apairofships”→ ciryatwa (nom.sing.:cirya) aldu “apairoftrees”→ alduva (nom.sing.:alda)

Partitive Plural: Whenthenominativepartitivepluralendsinlli ,thepossessiveendsinlliva : toron “brother”→ torolli → torolliva macil “sword”→ macilli → macilliva

Whenthenominativepartitivepluralonlyhasasingle lbeforethefinal ithen thepossessiveendsinlíva : cirya “ship”→ ciryali → ciryalíva sarat “sign”→ sarateli → saratelíva

51 6.5.4 The Usage Thedativeisusedfortheindirectobject. i nér anta i parma i eldan “themangivesthebooktotheelf”

Thewordorderisfreebecausewecanalwaysrecognizetheindirectobjectby itsending: i nér anta i eldan i parma “themangivestheelfthebook” i eldan i nér anta i parma “totheelfthemangivesthebook” i nér i eldan anta i parma

Someverbscanhaveanindirectobjectwithoutadirectobject: i vendi liltar i aranen “thegirlsdancefortheking” Theverb apsen “remit,forgive”hasadirectobjectinthedative:

i aran apsenë i neren “thekingforgivestheman”

Thepreposition rá “onbehalfof,for”isusedwiththedative: i orco tullë rá Sauronden “thecameonbehalfofSauron”

Impersonal verbs Thedativeisalsousedfortherecipientofcertainimpersonalverbs: i seldon óla aiwion “theboydreamsaboutbirds”


Formation Wediscusseachofthenumbersseparately: Singular: The basic ending is n after vowels and en after consonants. Most words simplyaddtheseendings: aran“king”→ aranen tári “queen”→ tárin vendë “girl”→ venden

52 Wordsthathaveastemformusethisstemform: nís “woman”→ nissen curo “device”→ curun lómë “night”→ lomin

Plural: Theendingisin : macil “sword”→ macilin elda “elf”→ eldain (note:thisendingformsadiphthongwhenthenounendsina,ooru).


• wordsendinginëdropthisëandhaveín asending: lassë “leaf”→ lassín

• wordsendinginië dropthisië andhaveín asending: mornië “darkness”→ mornín

• wordsendingini(orwithastemformini)alsogetín : tári “queen”→ tárín lómë “night”→ lómín

Dual: Thedualisregular:

• udualsgetn: aldu “apairoftrees”→ aldun (nom.sing.:alda)

• intdualsthefinaltisreplacedbynt : ciryat “apairofships”→ ciryant (nom.sing.:cirya) aranet “apairofkings”→ aranent (nom.sing.:aran)

(note: these words are the only Quenya words that end in more than one consonant).

Partitive Plural: Wealwaysaddntothenominativepartitiveplural:

ciryali “someships”→ ciryalin (nom.sing.:cirya)

53 6.5.5 The Usage Theablativecorrespondstothepreposition“from”.Soitisusedfororiginsthat involvemotion: tuluvan i ciryallo “Ishallcomefromtheboat” orfortheoriginatorofsomethinggiven: tuvunes i malta i cundullo “hereceivedthegoldfromtheprince”


• theverb ruc “fear”,toexpresswhatis“feared”:

i hína runcë i huinello “thechildfearedtheshadow”

• thepreposition et “out,outof”: i fëa tullë et i olpello “thespiritcameoutofthebottle”

Formation Wediscusseachofthenumbersseparately: Singular: The basic ending is llo after vowels and ello after consonants. Most words simplyaddtheseendings: sarat “sign”→ saratello tári “queen”→ tárillo vendë “girl”→ vendello

Wordsthathaveastemformusethisstemform: nís “woman”→ nissello curo “device”→ curullo lómë “night”→ lomillo


• wordsendinginlcontractwiththeending: menel “heaven”→ menello

• wordsendinginr,n,slosethisfinalconsonantbeforeaddingllo :

54 aran “king”→ arallo atar “father”→ atallo tavas “woodland”→ tavallo

When using these rules you have to look at the final letter of the stemform (andnotatthefinalletterofthenominative): talan “floor”→ talamello (stemform talam-) nén “water”→ nello (stemform nen-)

Theablativeofcontractedstems(seeAppendix2:Stemforms)doesn’tusethe stemformbutthenominativesingular: toron “brother”→torollo (stemform torn-)

DoubledLstemsalsousethenominativesingular: amil “mother”→ amillo (stemform amill-)


Plural: Theendingisllon aftervowelsandillon afterconsonants. mindon “tower”→ mindonillon elda “elf”→ eldallon

(note:sometimesthepluralendingsllor andillor areseen,butthesearenot preferred). Exceptions:

• wordsendinginlcontractwiththeending: macil “sword”→ macillon

• doubledLstemsusethenominativesingular: amil “mother”→ amillon (stemform amill-)


• udualsgetllo : aldu “apairoftrees”→ aldullo (nom.sing.:alda)

• intdualsthefinaltisreplacedbylto : ciryat “apairofships”→ ciryalto (nom.sing.:cirya)

55 aranet“apairofkings”→ aranelto (nom.sing.:aran)

Partitive Plural: Weaddllon orllo tothenominativepartitiveplural: ciryali “someships”→ ciryalillon /ciryalillo (nom.sing.:cirya)

(buttheendingllon ispreferred,andagainsometimesllor isseen).

6.5.6 The Usage Theallativecorrespondstothepreposition“towards”(andthisisfrequently abreviatedto“to”). Soitisusedfordestinations: lelyuvan i ciryanna “Ishallgoto(wards)theboat” orforadirectioninwhichtheactionisperformed: quentes Elendilenna “hespoketo(wards)Elendil” lenden ostonna “Iwenttotown”

Thepreposition“into”istranslatedby mir followedbyanominative:

lenden mir osto “Iwentintotown”


• caita “lie”,toexpresswhereuponthesubject“lies”: i cirya caita i falmannar “theshipliesuponthewaves”

• tulya “lead”,toexpresswhereintothesubject“islead”:

tulyan i nér i taurenna “Ileadthemanintotheforest”

Formation Wediscusseachofthenumbersseparately:

56 Singular: Thebasicendingisnna aftervowelsandenna afterconsonants.Mostwords simplyaddtheseendings: aran “king”→ aranenna tári “queen”→ tárinna vendë “girl”→ vendenna

Wordsthathaveastemformusethisstemform: nís “woman”→ nissenna curo “device”→ curunna lómë “night”→ lominna


• wordsendinginncontractwiththeending: mindon “tower”→ mindonna

• wordsendinginlchange l+ nna into lda : menel “heaven”→ menelda

When using these rules you have to look at the final letter of the stemform (andnotatthefinalletterofthenominative): talan “floor”→ talamenna (stemform talam-) nén “water”→ nenna (stemform nen-)

The allativeof contractedstems (see Appendix2:Stemforms) doesn’tusethe stemformbutthenominativesingular: toron “brother”→ toronna (stemform torn-)

DoubledNstemsalsousethenominativesingular: olwen “branch”→ olwenna (stemform olwenn-)

Plural: Theendingisnnar aftervowelsandinnar afterconsonants: macil “sword”→ macilinnar elda “elf”→ eldannar


• wordsendinginncontractwiththeending:

57 mindon “tower”→ mindonnar

• doubledNstemsusethenominativesingular: olwen “branch”→ olwennar (stemform olwenn-)


• udualsgetnna : aldu “apairoftrees”→ aldunna (nom.sing.:alda)

• intdualsthefinaltisreplacedbynta : ciryat “apairofships”→ ciryanta (nom.sing.:cirya) aranet “apairofkings”→ aranenta (nom.sing.:aran)

Partitive Plural: Weaddnnar ornna tothenominativepartitiveplural: ciryali “someships”→ ciryalinnar /ciryalinna (nom.sing.:cirya)

(buttheendingnnar ispreferred).

6.5.7 The Usage Thelocativecorrespondstotheprepositions“in”,“on”and“upon”. Itisalwaysusedforplaces: ëan coassë “Iaminahouse”

i ciryamo ëa i ciryassë “thesailorisontheship” i aiwi háma olwassë “thebirdsitsuponabranch” orforamomentorperiodintimewhensomethinghappens: utúlien i lómissë “Ihavecomeinthenight”


• Thepreposition“into”istranslatedby mir followedbyanominative: nér vantanë mir i mallë “amanwalkedintothestreet”

58 • Thepreposition“in”canalsobeusedtodenoteaconditionorfeeling someone has, in that case we use the preposition mi (or mí , this is shortfor mi + i):

nér vantanë mi mornië “amanwalkedindarkness”

nér vantanë mí ringa “amanwalkedinthecold”

Formation Wediscusseachofthenumbersseparately: Singular: The basic ending isssë aftervowelsandessë after consonants.Mostwords simplyaddtheseendings: aran “king”→ aranessë tári “queen”→ tárissë vendë “girl”→ vendessë

Wordsthathaveastemformusethisstemform: sar “pebble”→ sardessë (stemform sard-) curo “device”→ curussë lómë “night”→ lomissë


• wordsendinginscontractwiththeending: arquilis “desert”→ arquilissë

• wordsendingintonlygetsë asending: ecet “shortsword”→ ecetsë

• wordsendinginlchange l+ ssë into ldë : menel “heaven”→ meneldë

• wordsendinginnchange n+ ssë into ndë : cemen “earth,soil”→ cemendë

Wordsthat in the nominativeend on ssë don’t have a locative case, when a locativewouldbeneededtheyusethepreposition mi : Víressë “April”→ mi Víressë

59 Stemformsshowquitealotofexceptionsinthiscase(seeStemforms):

• The locative of contracted stems doesn’t use the stemform but the nominativesingular: toron “brother”→ torondë (stemform torn-)

• DoubledSstemssimplyaddëtothestemform: falas “beach”→ falassë (stemform falas-)

• Tstemsthataddsalsofollowthisrule: henet “window”→ henetsë (stemform henets-)

• Cstemsarechangedasfollows: quesset “pillow”→ quessexë (stemform quessec-)

but nelet usestheruleoftheTstemsinthiscase: nelet “tooth”→ neletsë (stemform nelc-)

• Mstemsusethenominativeinsteadofthestemform: talan “floor”→ talandë (stemform talam-)

Plural: Theendingisssen aftervowelsandissen afterconsonants. macil “sword”→ macilissen elda “elf”→ eldassen

Exceptions: In the plural the different exceptions generally aren’t used, only whenawordwouldendonsissen (orcissen )istheendingshortened:

• Wordsendingins: arquilis “desert”→ arquilissen

• DoubledSstems: falas “beach”→ falassen (stemform falas-)

• Tstemsthatadds: henet “window”→ henetsen (stemform henets-)

• Cstems: quesset “pillow”→ quessexen (stemform quessec-) nelet “tooth”→ neletsen (stemform nelc-)

60 Dual:

• udualsgetssë : aldu “apairoftrees”→ aldussë (nom.sing.:alda)

• tdualsgetsë : ciryat “apairofships”→ ciryatsë (nom.sing.:cirya) aranet “apairofkings”→ aranetsë (nom.sing.:aran)

Partitive Plural: Weaddssen orssë tothenominativepartitiveplural: ciryali “someships”→ ciryalissen /ciryalissë (nom.sing.:cirya) (buttheendingssen ispreferred).

6.5.8 The Usage Theinstrumentalcorrespondstothepreposition“with”: técantë tecilden “theyarewritingwithapen”

Butnotallusesofthepreposition“with”correspondtoaninstrumental,only whentheunderlyingmeaningis“withthehelpof”or“bymeansof”thiscaseis used. Forexamplethesentence: cennenyet as elda “Isawthemwithanelf”

Inthissentencewemeanthattheyweretogetherwithanelf,notthattheywere usinganelftoseebetter.

SometimestheinstrumentalcorrespondstotheEnglishpreposition“through”: lassi lantar i súrinen “leavesfallthroughthewind”

In thepassive voice(see Syntaxis)the instrumental is also usedfortheagent andinEnglishtheagentisexpressedbythepreposition“by”.

Except for the instrumental the preposition “with” can be translated into Quenyainseveralways:

• ownership: arwa /arwë withagenitive:

61 nauco arwa harmo “adwarfwithatreasure”

• “togetherwith”: as (usedwithasingular)/ yo (usedwithplural,dual): quetin as atarinya “Ispeakwithmyfather” quetin yo nildonyar “Ispeakwithmyfriends”

• alsointhismeaningtheprefix óisusedwithpersonalpronouns:

óni “withme”, ólë “withyou”, ómë “withus”, ótë “withthem”, óta /ót “withit”, óso /ósë /ós “withhim/her”

Formation Wediscusseachofthenumbersseparately: Singular: Thebasicendingisnen .Sowithvowelsthiscaseisequaltothedativewithan extraen tári “queen”→ tárinen vendë “girl”→ vendenen

Whenanounendsonrorn,weaddnen : atar “father”→ atarnen elen “star”→ elennen orhasastemformonm,rorn: talan “floor”→ talamnen (stemform talam-) olos “dream”→ olornen (stemform olor-)

The instrumental of contracted stems doesn’t use the stemform but the nominativesingular: toron “brother”→ toronnen (stemform torn-)

When a noun or its stemformends on p,c ort, we apply nasal inversion (seealsthepasttenseoftheverbs): ecet “shortsword”→ ecenten filit “littlebird”→ filincen (stemform filic-) Whenanounendsinl,theendingbecomesden : macil “sword”→ macilden

Othernounsendingonaconsonanthaveenen asending:

62 arquilis “desert”→ arquilisenen nís “woman”→nissenen (stemform niss-)

Plural: Inthepluralwealwaysadden tothedative: macil “sword”→macilin→ macilinen elda “elf”→eldain→ eldainen


Theexceptionsareregularonceyouknowthedative: lassë “leaf”→lassín→ lassínen mornië “darkness”→mornín→ mornínen tári “queen”→tárín→ tárínen lómë “night”→lómín→ lómínen

Dual: Inthedualwealsoadden tothedative: aldu “apairoftrees”→aldun→ aldunen (nom.sing.:alda) ciryat “apairofships”→ciryant→ ciryanten (nom.sing.:cirya) aranet “apairofkings”→aranent→ aranenten (nom.sing.:aran)

Partitive Plural: When the nominative partitive plural ends in lli , the instrumental ends in llinen : toron “brother”→ torolli → torollinen macil “sword”→ macilli → macillinen Whenthenominativepartitivepluralonlyhasasingle lbeforethefinal ithen theinstrumentalendsinlínen : cirya “ship”→ ciryali → ciryalínen sarat “sign”→ sarateli → saratelínen

63 6.5.9 The respective case Usage Thiscaseissometimescalledthemysterycasebecausesolittleisknownofit. WeonlyhaveafewexamplesbyTolkienhimself,sodifferentauthorshaveused itindifferentways.ButasHelgeFauskangernotes:‘astheseauthorsdidn’tget nightlyvisitsfromTolkien,wecanregardtheseusesasacceptable’.


• Toreplacetheproposition“by”whenitusedtodescribeaplace: i coa i taures “thehousebytheforest”

Thismeans“thehousenexttotheforest”,alocativehasaslightly differentmeaning: i coa i tauressë “thehouseintheforest”

• Toreplacetheproposition“at”whenitusedtodescribeaplace: i calta i rambas “thepictureatthewall”

Thismeans“thepicturehangingonthewall”,alocativeagainhasa slightlydifferentmeaning: i calta i rambassë “thepictureon(topof)thewall”

Formation Theformationishoweverwellknown,becauseTolkienexplainedinaletterto Mr. Plotz: therespectivecanbe formedby changingthefinal–n ofthedative intoan–s: ciryas “byaship”(dative: ciryan ) ciryais “byships”(dative: ciryain ) ciryalis “bysomeships”(dative: ciryalin )

Theudualsareformedinthesameway: aldus “byapairoftrees”(dative: aldun )

Thetdualshoweverhaveaspecialending–tes : ciryates “byapairofships”

64 6.6 Special types of nouns 6.6.1 2-letter words

Quenyahasanumberofwordsthatendinalongvowel,buttheyallhaveonly twoletters: cú “crescent,arc” hó “owl” lú “moment” má “hand” pé “lip” ré “day(of24hours)” sú “rushing(ofthewind)”

Thefollowingwordsalsohavethisform,butinmodernQuenyatheysoundold fashioned,sotheyarereplacedmostofthetimewiththewordnexttothem: cá “jaw”, better: anca ló “night”, better: lómë ní “woman”, better: nís sá “fire”, better: uru wá “wind”, better: vaiwa yó “son”, better: yondo


• When the case ending contains a double consonant, the vowel is shortened: ressë “onaday”(locative) i mannar “tothehands”(allative)

• Intheudualsthe–ujoinswiththefinalvoweltomakeadiphthong: mau “apairofhand” peu “apairoflips” (cau )“(apairofjaws)”

• Inthepluralthe–ialsojoinswiththefinalvowel: cuinen “witharcs”(instrumental) maiva “ofhands”(possessive)

In the words in –é this gives us the diphtong –ei – that is very rare in

65 Quenya: pein “tolips”(dative)

• Thegenitivesingularisnotknownformostnouns.Onlywordsoné don’tgiveanyproblemsbecause éo isacceptable: ré “day”→ réo pé “lip”→ péo

Thecompletedeclinationfor hó “owl”canbefoundinnexttable:

part. singular plural dual plural

nominative hó hór hót hóli

genitive hóron hóto hólion

possessive hóva hoiva hotwa hólíva

dative hón hoin hont hólin

ablative hollo hollon(r) holto hólillo(n)(r)

allative honna honnar honta hólinna(r)

locative hossë hossen hotsë hólisse(n)

instrumental hónen hoinen honten hólínen

respective hós hois hótes hólis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse pé “lip”): Nom. peu ,Gen. peuo ,Poss. peuva ,Dat. peun , Abl. peullo ,All. peunna ,Loc. peussë ,Instr. peunen ,Resp. peus .

Thebehaviourofthefinallongvowelbeforepossessiveendingsisdiscussedin thechapteraboutpossessivepronouns. 6.6.2 Verbal nouns

Thesearenounsthatareconstructedoutofverbs. Themaintypesare:

1. Theendingmë isusedforabstractthings: mel “love”→ melmë “love”

66 car “make,build,do”→ carmë “art”

2. The ending ië is used for a noun that indicatesthat the action is still goingon: tyal “play”→ tyalië “aplay” perya “halve”→ perië “ahalving”

3. Verbsonta canbeusedasnounswithoutchanginganything: vanta “walk”→ vanta “awalk” lanta “fall”→ lanta “afall” 4. The ending ë together with a lengthened stemvowel are used to make nounsthatdescribeaconsequenceoftheverb: ser “rest”→ sérë “peace” lir “sing”→ lírë “asong” 5. Tomakenounsthatdenoteconcretethingsweusetheendinglë withA verbsandUverbs: nurta “hide”→ nurtalë “ahiding” perya “halve”→ peryalë “ahalf” nurru “grumble”→ nurrulë “agrumble”

andforprimitiveverbsweaddalë tothepasttensestem: quet “talk”→ quentalë “astory”

Thisfifthtypeofnounsisthetypemostfrequentlyfound. Todenotesomeonewhoperformsanactionwehavetheendings:ro /rë and indo /indë .Theendingsonoaremasculine,andthoseonëarefeminine.

ThefirsttwoendingsareappliedtoAverbsandUverbs: masta “bake” mastaro “baker”(m.) mastarë “baker”(f.) andtheothertwotoprimitiveverbs: car ‘make,build,do” carindo “maker,builder”(m.) carindë “maker,builder”(f.) Sometimestheendingro isreplacedby theshortformr,e.g. istar “wizard”

67 from ista “know”.

To make the of the masculine form on ro I would personally always preferthisshortenedform:

mastari insteadof mastaror

Usage of cases

The connectionofaverbalnounto averb meansthat itis often acondensed sentence,sothatiswhysuchnounscanhaveasubjectandanobject: Altariello nainië “thelamentofGaladriel”


Whenaverbalnounhasanobjectweusethepossessivecase: laitalë Oroméva “honourforOrome”

Bythiswemeanthat Orome ishonoured, so itistheobjectof“honour”,and thisiscalledanobjectpossessive.

Ofcoursebothcanbepresentwiththesameverbalnoun: Eruo melmë ataniva “theloveofGodformen”

atanion melmë Eruva “theloveofmenforGod”

68 7. Adjectives 7.1 Introduction


• adjectivesina: alta “big” corna “round” larca “swift,rapid” raica “bent” farëa “enough”

• adjectivesinë: leucë “sick” ninquë “white” carnë “red”

• adjectivesinn;mostendinin butsomeinen : marin “ripe” qualin “dead” peren “patient”

Adjectivesaremostlyplacedinfrontofthenountowhichtheybelong: larca sírë “arapidriver” i ninquë fanya “thewhitecloud”

Itisemphasizedbyputtingitafteritsnoun: mallë raica “abent(andnotstraight)road”

Withapropernounadjectivesarealwaysputbehindthenoun: Elendil Voronda “Elendil(the)Faithful,FaithfulElendil”

Adjectivescanalsobeusedpredicativelywiththeverb ná : i parma ná carnë “thebookisred”

Insuchshortsentences ná (or nar )isoftenomitted: i parma carnë “thebookisred”

69 7.2 Plural

Adjectiveshaveonlyonepluralform;itisusedwheneverthenounitbelongsto isnotsingular(sodual,plural and partitive pluralmakeno difference forthe adjective): carni parmar “redbooks” carni parmat “apairofredbooks” carni parmali “someredbooks”

Predicatively used adjectives are in the plural whenever the subject refers to morethanonepersonorthing: i ciryar nar ninqui “theshipsarewhite”

i aran ar i tári nar altë “thekingandqueenarebig”

Formation of the plural :

• adjectivesinabutnotinëa : alta → altë “big” corna → cornë “round” raica → raicë “bent”

• adjectivesinëa : farëa → farië “enough” laurëa → laurië “golden”

• adjectivesinë: leucë → leuci “sick” ninquë → ninqui “white”

• adjectivesinnhavetwopossibleforms: marin → marini /marindi “ripe” qualin → qualini /qualindi “dead” peren → pereni /perendi “patient”

Oneadjectiveisirregular: maitë → maisi “handy”

70 7.3 Inflected adjectives


• whentheadjectiveisusedasanoun,

• whentheadjectiveimmediatelyfollowsitsnoun.

In all other places an adjective only has 2 forms: singular and plural (see above). 7.3.1 Usage adjectives used as a noun:

WetranslatethisinEnglishbyusingtheword“one”withtheadjective: laica “akeenone”;i laica “thekeenone”

carnë “aredone”;i carnë “theredone”

hwarin “acrookedone”;i hwarin “thecrookedone”

Inthiscasetheadjectiveisinflectedwiththenounendings: laicar “keenones”;carni “redones”;hwarindi “crookedones”

Dualandpartitivepluralarealsopossible: laicat “apairofkeenones”;carnit “apairofredones”; i hwarindu “bothcrookedones” laicali “somekeenones”;carnili “someredones”; i hwarindeli “somecrookedones”

Thesenounscanofcoursetakeallcaseendings,e.g. laicaron (genitiveplural);carnillo (ablativesingular); i hwarindun (dativedual)... adjectives following the noun:

Whentheadjectiveisputbehinditsnoun,theruleofthelastdeclinableword applies. This means that the adjective takes the case endings and the noun losesthem: coa carninna “toaredhouse”(allative) coa carnillo “fromaredhouse”(ablative)

71 Inthepluraltheadjectivehasthepluralcaseendingsandthenounisinthe nominativeplural: coar carninnar “toredhouses”(allative)

Inthedualtheadjectivehasthedualcaseendingsandthenounisinthe nominativedual:

coat carnilto “fromapairofredhouses”(ablative)

Note:adjectivesonlyhavetdualseveniftheycontainadortsound: i aldu tiucatsë “inboththicktrees”(locative)


• participleswhentheyfollowthenoun

• demonstrativepronouns

• titlesalsoalwaysfollowthenoun,soitisalsothetitleandnotthe nounitselfthatisinflected: Elendil Voronda “ElendiltheFaithful” Elendil Vorondan “toElendiltheFaithful”(dative) Elendil Vorondallo “fromElendiltheFaithful”(ablative)


• Whenthenounisinthepartitiveplural,thecaseendingremainswith thenounandtheadjectivehasitsoriginal(plural)form: coalissë carni “insomeredhouses”(locative)

• The adjectives on–ëa onlyhave aplural formandnoothercases so theendingremainswiththenoun: coanna laurëa “toagoldenhouse”(allative) coannar laurië “togoldenhouses”(allative)

7.3.2 Paradigms


• The forms of the plural can only be used when the adjective follows thenoun,notwhenitisusedasanoun.Butinthatcaseitfollowsthe

72 ordinaryrulesofnoundeclensionparadigms(appendix1).

• Adjectivesonëa cannotbeinflectedsotheyaren’tincludedinthese tables.Theycanbeusedasnounsbutinthatcasetheyareinflected likethenouns ampa “hook”or alda “tree”.

• Thepartitivepluralcanonlybeusedwhentheadjectiveisusedasa nounsoitisn’tincludedinthetable.

Adjectivesona(butnotëa )areinflectedasfollows( anda “long”):

singular plural dual

nominative anda andë andat

genitive ando andëon andato

possessive andava andeiva andatwa

dative andan andein andant

ablative andallo andellon(r) andalto

allative andanna andennar andanta

locative andassë andessen andatsë

instrumental andanen andeinen andanten

respective andas andeis andates

Adjectivesonëareinflectedasfollows( ninquë “white”):

singular plural dual

nominative ninquë ninqui ninquit

genitive ninquio ninquion ninquito

possessive ninquiva ninquíva ninquitwa

dative ninquin ninquín ninquint

ablative ninquillo ninquillon(r) ninquilto

allative ninquinna ninquinnar ninquinta

locative ninquissë ninquissen ninquitsë

instrumental ninquinen ninquínen ninquinten

respective ninquis ninquís ninquites


Adjectivesonnareinflectedasfollows( melin “dear”):

singular plural dual

nominative melin melini/melindi melindet

genitive melindo melindion melindeto

possessive melinwa melindiva melindetwa

dative melinden melindin melindent

ablative melindello melindillon(r) melindelto

allative melindenna melindinnar melindenta

locative melindessë melindissen melindetsë

instrumental melindenen melindinen melindenten

respective melindes melindis melindetes

7.4 Comparative

Quenyausestwodifferentcomparatives:relativeandabsolute. 7.4.1 relative comparison

Whenweuseanadjectiveinarelativecomparison,itisprecededby lá butits formdoesn’tchange: Oromë ná halla lá Mandos “OromeislongerthanMandos”

Anar ná calima lá Isil “Thesunisbrighterthanthemoon”

Note: lá isalsousedtonegateaverb,soitcanappearwithbothmeaningsin onesentence: macilenya ná lá maica lá macilerya “myswordisnotsharper thanyoursword” 7.4.2 absolute comparison

If on the other hand the comparison is used absolutively, we have a special ending–lda :

Oromë ná hallalda “Oromeislonger” Sothesecomparativesarealwaysadjectiveson–aandfollowtherulesofthese

74 adjectives:

laiqualdë peleri “greenerfields” Toapplytheendingtoadjectiveson–ëweusetheirIstem: ninquë “white”→ ninquilda andadjectiveson–in /en gettheending–ilda : melin “dear”→ melinilda

Finally,afewareirregular: mára /manë “good”→ malda “better”

vanya “beautiful,fair”→ valda “morebeatiful,fairer” ulca “bad”→ ulda “worse”

faica “bad”→ felda “worse” limba “many”→ lilda “more”

olya “much”→ olda “more” andthediminutive: manca “few”→ mitsa “less”

7.5 Superlative

Thesuperlativeisformedbyapplyingtheprefix an totheadjective: calima “clear”→ ancalima “clearest” vinya “new”→ anvinya “newest”

This prefix cannot be applied to every adjective as otherwise unallowed consonantclusterscouldappear.Itcanbeprefixedtoadjectivesbeginningin:a vowel, c, n, qu , t, v, w, y, f, h. alta “big”→ analta “biggest” nindë “fragile”→ annindë “mostfragile” quenta “full”→ anquanta “fullest” wilwa “vague”→ anwilwa “vaguest” yelwa “loathsome”→ anyelwa “mostloathsome”

75 furin “hidden”→ anfurin “mosthidden” halla “long”→ anhalla “longest”

Whenanadjectivebeginsin ptheprefixbecomes am:

pitya “small,little”→ ampitya “smallest ”

Before l, m, r, sthe nof an changesintoandoubleconsonant: lauca “warm”→ allauca “warmest” ringa “cold”→ arringa “coldest” sarda “hard”→ assarda “hardest” marin “ripe”→ ammarin “ripest”

7.5.1 Old-Elvish influences on the superlative

Wehavemettheprefix an forthesuperlative.Wealsosaidthatthisprefixcan changeunderteinfluence ofthebeginningconsonant oftheadjective. But in allthesecasesthechangesareintheprefix an itself,theoriginaladjectiveis notinfluenced.

But when we look at the historical development of Quenya, a large group of adjectivesmusthave‘historical’irregularities,e.g. vanya “beautiful”→ ambanya “mostbeautiful”

WiththeOldElvishinfluenceshoweverwearegettingtheoriginalformsofthe adjectives back inthe superlative. Most of these forms are analoguousto the changesintheperfecttense.

Adjectives with mb/nd/ng

Let’s first look at adjectives that started with the combinations mb , nd and ng inOldElvish: • mb : marta “fated”→ ambarta merya “festive”→ amberya • nd : nulla “obscure”→ andulla númenya “western”→ andúmenya • ng : nóla “learned”→ angóla nwalca “cruel”→ angwalca

76 Adjectives with d

Alsoan lthathasevolvedfrom dhassuchinfluences: laira “shady”→ andaira lára “flat”→ andára lómëa “gloomy”→ andómëa lóra “dark”→ andóra lumna “oppressive”→ andumna

Adjectives with b/w Alargenumberofadjectivesthatbeginin vinQuenya,hada binOldElvish. Herewefindthat an + vgivesrisetotheoriginal amb : vanya “beautiful”→ ambanya valaina “divine”→ ambalaina valya “powerful”→ ambalya vanima “fair”→ ambanima varna “safe”→ ambarna varnë “brown”→ ambarnë verca “wild”→ amberca verya “bold”→ amberya vorima “continual”→ amborima voronwa “enduring”→ amboronwa

Insomethe vevolvedfrom w: vára “dirty”→ anwára vëa “manly”→ anwëa véra “personal”→ anwéra vindë “bluegrey”→ anwindë

Theadjective wenya “green,fresh”hasevolvedfrom gwen ,soithasfollowing superlative: wenya “green,fresh”→ angwenya

77 8. Adverbs AsinalllanguagesQuenyahas2typesofadverbs:

• basicadverbs

• adverbsderivedfromadjectives

The basic adverbs are separate words that aren’t derived from another word, e.g. sí “now” aqua “full,completely”



• anadjectiveonagetstheendingvë anda “long”→ andavë “longly” tulca “firm”→ tulcavë “firmly” saila “wise”→ sailavë “wisely”

• inanadjectiveonëthisletterisreplacedbyivë : morë “black”→ morivë “blackly” nindë “thin”→ nindivë “thinly” mussë “soft”→ mussivë “softly”

• the adjectives on n cannot take the normal ending ( nv is not allowedinQuenyaphonology),sothisfinalletterischangedinto mbë : firin “dead”→ firimbë “deadly” teren “slender”→ terembë “slenderly”

Finally,afewareirregular: mára /manë “good”→ vandë “well” limba “many”→ lia“many” lilda“more”→ lil “more” olya “much”→ olë“more” olda“more”→ oldo“more” manca “few”→ micë “few” mitsa“less”→ mis “less”

78 9. Pronouns 9.1 Personal pronouns 9.1.1 Personal pronoun endings

Mostpersonalpronounsareusedasendingswithaconjugatedverb.Thesecan befoundinthechaptersaboutVerbsandabouttheImperative.

One special use of these endings exists: they can be added to a preposition. Let’susethepreposition ara “against”asanexample: nyë : aranyë “againstme” lyë : aralyë “againstyou” lmë : aralmë “againstus”(exclusive) lvë : aralvë “againstus”(inclusive) mmë : arammë “againstbothofus”(dual) ntë : arantë “againstthem” ryë : araryë “againsthim/her/it” Whentheprepositionendsinaconsonantweusetheconnectingvowel e(and asalways iinthefirstpersonsingular): asinyë “withme” aselyë “withyou” asentë “withthem”,...

9.1.2 Independent personal pronouns

Theseareusedwhennoendingispossibleorwhenthepersonalpronounhas tobeinacaseotherthanthenominative,e.g. nin antalyes “yougiveittome”

Here“to me” has to be in the dative case so we usethe personal pronoun ni withthedativeendingn.

The nominative of these independent pronouns is used in the following situations:

• whentheverbhasadirectobjectthatisapersonalpronounanda subjectthatisn’t: i lië te latuva “thepeoplewillblessthem”

79 Notethedifferencewith:

i lië latuvantë “theywillblessthepeople”

• when agerundora presentparticiple has apersonalpronounas directobject: utúlien le cenien “Ihavecometoseeyou” me cénala vánes “whilehesawus(seeingus),heleft” i elda se suilala “thehergreetingelf”

• afterprepositions (butinthatcase wemostly applytheendingto thepreposition): ve nye “likeme”

• with the ná the verb can be omitted and replaced by a personalpronoun: nye aran “Iamking” le halla “youarelong”

The word order is again quite free, but in principle the nominative always immediatelyprecedestheverb(exceptofcoursewhenusedwithprepositions). Theothercaseseitherimmediatelyprecedetheverborimmediatelyfollowthe verb: órenya quéta nin / órenya nin quéta “myheartsaysme”

3rd 3rd 3rd 1st 1st 1st 3rd 2nd pers. pers. pers. pers. pers. pers. pers. pers. singular singular singular singular plural dual plural male female neuter nominative nye me met le so se ta te dative nin men ment len son sen tan tien ablative nillo mello melto lello sollo sello tallo tiello allative ninna menna menta lenna sonna senna tanna tienna locative nissë messë metsë lessë sossë sessë tassë tiessë instrumental ninen menen menten lenen sonen senen tanen tienen respective nis mes metes les sos ses tas ties

80 Note: • theformsofthe3rdpersonsingulardependonthegender: Oromë sonna lendë “Oromewenttohim” Oromë senna lendë “Oromewenttoher”

• thecasesof ta cannotbetranslatedlitteraly,i.e. tallo isn’ttranslated by“fromit”butby“fromthere”,... Oromë tanna lendë “Oromewent(over)there” Oromë tassë hamë “Oromesitsthereupon/therein”

• thedifferencebetweenthe1stpersonpluralanddualistranslatedby using“both”withthedual: imbë me “betweenus” imbë met “betweenusboth”

9.1.3 Emphatic personal pronouns

Sometimes we want to emphasize the personal pronoun and in that case we don’tuseendingsbutseparatewords.

Let’slookatanexample,nonemphaticweuseendings: hiruvalyes “youshallfindit”

Whenwewanttoemphasizethat“you”foundit,wechangethisinto: elyë ta hiruva “evenyoushallfindit”

Note: ta isanordinaryindependentpronounbecauseitcannotstayanobject endingifnosubjectendingispresent. Anexampleinthefirstperson:

inyë tye méla “evenIloveyou”

Theseformscanalsobeusedasdirectobject: mélalyë inyë “youloveevenme”

Anoverviewoftheemphaticpersonalpronouns: inyë “evenI,evenme” elyë “evenyou” eryë “evenhe/she/it,evenhim/her/it” elmë “evenwe,evenus”(excl.)

81 elwë “evenwe,evenus”(incl.) emmë “evenwe,evenus”(dual) entë “eventhey,eventhem”

When we use an emphatic pronoun we do not add a personal ending to the verb: elyë lala “evenyoulaugh”


elmë lalar “evenwelaugh”

So emphatically we can see a difference between singular “you” and plural “you”: elyë matë “evenyoueat”(singular) elyë matir“evenyoueat”(plural)

Thenegationofaverbwithanemphaticpronounalwaysuses lá insteadof um (seeVerbs): elyë lá linda “evenyoudon’tsing”

Note:Theemphaticpronounscanbedeclinedinallcases,e.g.: elmen “evenforus”(dative) inyenna “eventowardsme”(allative)

9.1.4 The informal second person

ThereisapoorlyattestedforminQuenyathatisusedfortheinformalsecond person singular (in English we see no difference, but someexamples of other languages are French “tu”, German “du”, Dutch “jij”). The normal second person is in the singular always formal (French “vous”, German “Sie”, Dutch “u”).

The informal forms are only used when the person spokento is very close, a brother,sisterorverygoodfriend. Thepersonalpronounsubjectendingisccë : maticcë “youeat”

Theobjectendingdoesn’thaveaninformalform,sowealwaysusel: ceninyel “Iseeyou”

82 Theindependentformsarebasedonthestem ce : Dative: cen ,Ablative: cello ,Allative: cenna ,

Locative: cessë ,Instrumental: cenen ,Respective: ces .

Anexamplewiththedative: antan cen lótë “Igiveyouaflower”

Thenominativehasanexceptionalform: tye . atar tye canë “fathercommandsyou”

Theemphaticformis: eccë “evenyou”

9.2 Possessive pronouns

Mostofthetimeweusepossessiveendings insteadofindependentpossessive pronouns. Theseshouldnotbeconfusedwiththeendingsofthepossessivecase(e.g.“my prince’s horse” would become rocco cundunyava where cundu both gets a possessivepronounending nya todenote“my”andapossessivecaseending va todenotetheEnglishgenitiveending). 9.2.1 Possessive endings

Theycanbeformedbychangingthefinalëofthesubjectendingsoftheverbs (seeVerbs)intoa:

verb ending translation possessive translation

nyë I nya my

lyë you lya your

lvë we(incl.) lva our(incl.)

lmë we(excl.) lma our(excl.)

mmë we(dual) mma our(dual)

ryë he/she/it rya his/her/its

ntë they nta their

83 Theyareusedasendingsofnouns: coanya “myhouse” roccolya“yourhorse” nórenta “theircountry”

Thedifferentendingsfor“our”correspondtothedifferentendingsfor“we”: coalva “ourhouse(andalsoyours)” coalma “ourhouse(butnotyours)” coamma “thehouseofthetwoofus”

Whenapossessiveending and acaseending areaddedtothesamenounwe alwaysapplythepossessiveendingfirstandonlyafterwardsthecaseending:

Anar caluva tielyanna “theSunwillshinetowardsyourpath” Sowefind tielyanna = tië + lya (possessive)+ nna (allative).

Infactiseasiesttolookuponanounwithacaseendingasanewnounthatis declined according to the rules of the different cases and numbers. Let’s e.g. lookat sambelya “yourroom”:

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative sambelya sambelyar sambelyat sambelyali

genitive sambelyo sambelyaron sambelyato sambelyalion

possessive sambelyava sambelyaiva sambelyatwa sambelyalíva

dative sambelyan sambelyain sambelyant sambelyalin

ablative sambelyallo sambelyallon(r) sambelyalto sambelyalillo(n,r)

allative sambelyanna sambelyannar sambelyanta sambelyalinna(r)

locative sambelyassë sambelyassen sambelyatsë sambelyalissë(n)

instrumental sambelyanen sambelyainen sambelyanten sambelyalínen

respective sambelyas sambelyais sambelyates sambelyalis Note:

• theendingnta isalsotheendingofthedualallative.So ciryanta can mean“theirship”aswellas“towardsbothships”.Ofcourse“towards boththeirships”is ciryantanta .

• nounswithpossessiveendingsalwayshavetduals,neveruduals.

84 • thereisalsoaninformalsecondpersonpossessiveending:cca :

macilecca “yoursword”

Adding possessive endings to nouns Whenthenounendsonaconsonantwehavetoaddanextravowelbeforewe canaddthepossessiveending.Whenthenounhasastemformweusethe stemformbeforeaddingtheseendings:

• inthepluralorbeforenya thisvowelisi macilinya “mysword”(nom.macil) masinyar “myhomes”(nom.mar) tecilintar “theirpens”(nom.tecil)

• inthesingularitise(exceptwithnya ) atarelya “yourfather”(nom.atar) amillenta “theirmother”(nom.amil)

• inthedualitisu(exceptwithnya ) maciluryat “bothhis/herswords”(nom.macil) fiondulmat “bothourhawks”(nom.fion) (butnote: alda “tree”has aldu asdual,butwhenapossessiveendingisadded wedon’tfindtheuasitendsinavowel: aldaryat ).

When the noun ends in a vowel no extra vowel is needed (so in the partitive pluralthereisnoneedforanextravowel). IstemsandUstemsaddpossessiveendingstotheirstemforms: angulya “yoursnake”(nom. ango ) lingwintar “theirfishes”(nom. lingwë )

NounsendinginëthatarenotIstemsalwaysaddpossessiveendingstothe singular,whenweneedapluralendingweadditafterthepossessiveending: lassenya “myleaf”(nom. lassë ) lassenyar “myleaves”

Anoptionalruleisusedwheneverthenounendsonthesameconsonantasthe firstconsonantofthepossessiveending.Inthatcasenoextravowelisadded andthetwoidenticalconsonantsmergeintoone: aranyar “mykings”(butaraninyar isalsoacceptable) macilya “yoursword”(but macilelya isalsoacceptable)

85 The expressions “my son”, “my daughter” and “my child” have irregular contractionswiththeendingnya : yondo + nya = yonya “myson”

yeldë + nya = yenya “mydaughter” hína + nya = hínya “mychild”

Whenthepossessiveendingsnya ,lya orrya areappliedto2letternouns thefinallongvowelofthesenounsisnotshortenedasthecombinations ny , ly and ry arenotseenasdoubleconsonants(seeQuenya/Phonology):

máryat “bothhis/herhands”(nom. má ) hónya “myowl”(nom. hó )


pentat “boththeirlips”(nom. pé )

9.2.2 Infinitives with possessive endings

Inthepageonverbalformsthelonginfinitivecanbefound.Itisusedwhenthe infinitivehasadirectobject: merin caritas “Iwanttodoit”

Itisalsopossibletoexpressadifferentsubjectfortheinfinitivebyaddinga possessiveending: merin caritalyas “Iwantyoutodoit”

mernelyë tiritanyat “youwantedmetolookatthem”

Thisconstructioncanalsobeusedwhenthedirectobjectissomethingelse thanapersonalpronoun:

merin tiritalya i seldor “Iwantyoutolookattheboys”

9.2.3 Independent Possessive pronouns

Whenyoulookatthe independent personal pronouns,it isapparentthatthe possessiveandgenitivecasesaremissing.

86 Whenthepossessivepronounisnotemphasizedweusethepossessiveendings asdiscussedabove,butsometimeswedowanttostressthesepronounsandin thatcaseweusetheindependentforms.Theyareusedasadjectives: lenya parma “yourbook(andnooneelses)” andcanalsobeusedpredicatively: i parma ná lenya “thebookisyours”

Thesepronounsareformedbyaddingya tothedativeoftheindependent personalpronouns,thisgivesfollowingoverview:

pronoun translation

ninya mine

lenya yours

menya ours

mentya ours(dual)

sonya his

senya hers

tanya its,thereof

tienya theirs

This last word of course also means “my path”, but normally these two meaningsshouldn’tbeconfused. Note:therealsoexistsaninformalsecondperson: cenya “yours”.

9.3 Relative pronouns Quenyacontainstworelativepronouns ya and i.

Thepronoun icannotbedeclined,itisonlyusedwhenitisthesubjectofthe subsentenceandtheantecedentisapersonoragroupofpersons:

i eldar i tirir i naucor, enger i tauressë “theelveswhoarelooking atthedwarveswereinthewood” Bycontrast,thenumberof ya equalsthenumberoftheantecedent(thenoun towhichitrefers):

87 i harma ya hirnelyë, ná alta “thetreasure(that)youfoundisbig” i harmar yar hirnelyë, nar altë “thetreasures(that)youfoundarebig” i harmat yat hirnelyë, nar altë “bothtreasures(that)youfoundarebig”

Anditcanbeusedtoreplacebothsubjectandobject.Sothefollowingsentence hastwomeanings:

i eldar yar tirir i naucor, ... “theelveswhoarelookingatthedwarves... /thatthedwarvesarelookingat...”

Incontrastto i,itisneverwrongtouse ya althoughsometimesthecontexthas tobeusedtodecidewhichmeaningisactuallyintended.

The pronoun ya is declined depending on the function it has in the sub sentence. When ya is used instead of noun in a certain case, it has to be declinedinthatcase: i coar yassen marilmë, nar carnë “thehousesinwhichwelivearered” isdecomposedof:

i coar nar carnë + i coassen marilmë “thehousesarered”+“welivein thehouses” So ya isusedtoreplace i coassen ,soitbecomes yassen .


singular plural dual

nominative ya yar yat

genitive yo yaron yato

possessive yava yaiva yatwa

dative yan yain yant

ablative yallo yallon(r) yalto

allative yanna yannar yanta

locative yassë yassen yatsë

instrumental yanen yainen yanten

respective yas yais yates

88 Inarelativesubsentencethewordorderisnotasfreeasinanormalsentence astheverbalwaysimmediatelyfollowstherelativepronoun.Andsointhiscase thesubjectfollowsitsverb: i osto yassë marë i nér, ... “thecityinwhichthemanlives...” i tol yanna círar i ciryar, ... “theislandto(wards)whichtheshipsare sailing...”

i nóri yallon tuller i ohtari, ... “thecountriesfromwhichthesoldiers came...”

Theadvantageofthisisthatthereisneveranyconfusionbetweentheuseof i asarticleandasrelativepronoun,astherelativepronounisalwaysfollowedby aconjugatedverb: i nissi i lindëar, ... “thewomenwhoaresinging...”

Remark:Thecaseendingof ya canbeomittedwhentheantecedenthasthesamecaseinthe mainsentenceas ya hasinthesubsentence:

lómissë yassë cennenyes = lómissë ya cennenyes “inthenightinwhichIsawit”

9.3.1 Relative pronouns without antecedent

The relative pronoun i can be used without antecedent, it then means “the one(s)who”: i lindëa, ná nís “theonethatissingingisawoman” i hirner i malta, nar alyë “theonesthatfoundthegoldarerich”

Suchsubsentencescanalsoappearasdirectobjectofthemainverb: hiruvan i suncer limpenya “Ishallfindtheonesthatdrankmywine”

Therelativepronoun ya canalsobeusedinthisway,butitmeans“that which”:

ecénien, ya túla “Ihaveseenthatwhichiscoming” ya merin, ná limpë “thatwhichIwantiswine”


9.4 Demonstrative pronouns

Quenyadistinguishesthreedistances:close,away,faraway.Wealsohavetwo demonstrative pronouns that indicate that something is in the past or in the future. close :thisdemonstrativepronounis sina “this” elda sina “thiself” coa sina “thishouse” andintheplural: nissi sinë “thesewomen” Note: sina isrelatedto sí “now”and sinomë “here”

away :thisdemonstrativepronounis tana “that”

nauco tana “thatdwarf” rocco tana “thathorse” andintheplural: vendi tanë “thosegirls”

faraway/future :thisdemonstrativepronounis enta “yonder”,itisalsousedto denotesomethinginthefuture: coa enta “yonderhouse,thefuturehouse” andintheplural: cundur entë “yonderprinces,thefutureprinces”

past :thisdemonstrativepronounis yana “former,earlier” aran yana “theformerking,theearlierking” andintheplural: arani yanë “theformerkings,theearlierkings”

90 Note:

• Wordswithademonstrativepronoundon’thavethearticle.

• Demonstrativepronounsalwaysfollowtheirnounsotherulesofthelast declinablewordhavetobefollowed: nér sinanen “bythisman”(instrumental) neri sinínen “bythisman”(instrumental)

9.4.1 independant demonstrative pronouns

Thepronouns sina and tana canalsobeusedassubjectwithoutaccompaning noun: sin ná coa “thisisahouse” ta ná nér “thatisaman”

Theseindependantformsdon’tchangewhenusedintheplural: sin nar coar “thesearehouses” ta nar neri “thosearemen”

9.5 Interrogative pronouns

In English most interrogative pronouns begin with a “w”: who, what, where, when,why,...InQuenyatheyanalogouslystartinma .

Sowefindthat“who”correspondsto man :

man tiruva? “whoshalllook?”

And“what”correspondsto mana : mana ná coimas? “whatislembas?”

This interrogative pronoun can also be used with the meaning “which”, but thenitisn’tputatthestartofthequestionbutfollowsthenoun:

cirya mana cenil? “whichshipdoyousee?”

The other English interrogative pronouns correspond to the inflected forms of man and mana :

91 man meaning mana meaning

nominative man who? mana what?

genitive mano whose?

dative manan towhom?

ablative mallo wherefrom?

allative manna whereto?

locative massë where? manassë when?

instrumental manen how? mananen withwhat?

respective manas whereby?

Thefinalinterrogativepronoun ma isusedtoaskyes/noquestions.Theword orderdoesn’tchange,wejustadd ma tothebeginningofthesentencetomake itintoayes/noquestion: tences i parma “hewrotethebook” → ma tences i parma? “didhewritethebook?” ëa malta i orontessë “thereisgoldinthemountain” → ma ëa malta i orontessë? “istheregoldinthemountain?”

Theverb ná (or nar )isusuallydroppedwhenchangingthesentenceintoa yes/noquestion: nís enta ná elda “thatwomanisanelf” → ma nís enta elda? “isthatwomananelf?”

Inaninterrogativesubsentence,wealsouse ma :

umin ista ma utúlies “Idon”tknowwhetherhehascome”

9.6 Indefinite pronouns When you want to be vague about who performs an action we use “one” or “someone”inEnglish.InQuenyaweusethepronounquen :

quen rancë yulma “someonebrokeacup”

92 Itsdeclinationisinallcasesexceptthenominativeequaltothedeclinationof thenoun quén , quen “person”:

matië yávë ná mára quenen “eatingfruitisgoodforsomeone” Thepronoun ilya means“each”whenusedinthesingularand“all”inthe plural: ilya parma “eachbook” ilyë parmar “allbooks”


• limba withadverb lil (usedforcountablethingsthatdonotinvolve time)

• rimba withadverb rimbavë (usedwithmeaning“frequent,numerous”)

• olya withadverb olë /oltë (“much”)

Theotherindefinitepronounsare: ilquen “everyone” úquen “nobody,none” qua “something” ilqua “everything” úqua “nothing,none”

The English indefinite pronouns “some” and “few” do not exist in Quenya as theyarerenderedbythePartitivePlural(seeNouns).

9.7 Reflexive pronouns The reflexive pronoun is expressed by the ending co . It replaces the object endingoftheverb: ceninyes “Iseehim/her/it” becomes ceninyeco “Iseemyself” meliryeco “he/she/itloveshimself/herself/itself”

93 10. Number words Thefirst11numeralsare: minë (1) atta (2) neldë (3) canta (4) lempë (5) enquë (6) otso (7) tolto (8)

nertë (9) cainen (10) minquë (11)

Astheelvesoriginallyusedtheduodecimal(base12)numbersystem,theyhad needfor12differentdigits.Thisisthereasonthatthesymbolsfor10and11 areincludedinthistable.Thenumberzerois munta .


12 rasta /yunquë Theword rasta meanssomethinglike“adozen”, yunquë isusedforcounting.

The numbers13to19aremadewiththesuffix–cëa afterthefirstsyllable of thenumberwordsfor3to9: 13 nelcëa 14 cancëa 15 lencëa 16 encëa 17 occëa 18 tolcëa 19 nercëa

Themultiplesof10,thus20to90,areconstructedwiththesuffix–cainen : 20 yucainen 30 nelcainen 40 cancainen 50 lemincainen 60 eneccainen 70 otsocainen 80 tolcainen 90 nercainen 100 tuxa

94 Tomakeanumberthatisnotamultipleof10,wefirstwritetheunitsandthen afterwards the multiple of 10 (to speakers of German or Dutch, this is very common): 54 canta lemincainen

Thenumbersbetween100and200canbemadeinthesamefashion: 140 cancainen tuxa 172 atta otsocainen tuxa

Justasfor12,thenumbers110and120canbewrittenintwodifferentways: 110 cainen tuxa /minquecainen 120 yucainen tuxa /yunquecainen

Towritethenumbers200to900weusethesameprefixesasthemultiplesof 10,butthistimewiththesuffix–tuxa : 200 yutuxa 300 neltuxa 400 cantuxa etc.

Wealsoknowthenumberwords: 1000 húmë 1million mindóra

Thereisstillonestrangefeatureofthenumberwordsfrom20upwards,when thesenumberwordsarefollowedbyanoun,thenounisinthepartitiveplural: nelcainen roccoli ”thirtyhorses”

tuxa ciryali ”onehundredships”

10.1 Ordinals

Thefirstthreeordinalsareirregular: first: minya second: tatya

95 third: nelya

Fromfouruntilnineweremovethelastvowelofthecardinalnumberandadd– ëa : four: canta →fourth: cantëa five: lempë →fifth: lempëa six: enquë →sixth: enquëa seven: otso →seventh: otsëa eight: tolto →eighth: toltëa nine: nertë →ninth: nertëa

Tenisagainirregular: ten: cainen →tenth: quainëa

Butelevenandtwelvealsofollowthenormalrule: eleven: minquë →eleventh: minquëa twelve: yunquë →twelfth: yunquëa

For“half”wehavetheword perya .

10.2 Quotientials

Therealsoexistsquotientalsthatareusedwhensomethinghashappeneda certainnumberoftimes.Theyareusedasadverbs: eru once yú twice nel thrice(orthreetimes) can fourtimes

Thehighernumbersareformedwiththesuffix–llumë : lemillumë fivetimes enquellumë sixtimes cëallumë tentimes tuxallumë onehundredtimes

96 11. Syntaxis This article isn’t really an overview of Quenya syntaxis, but rather a list of topicsthathavetodowithsyntaxisandthatdidn’treallyfitonanyotherpage.

11.1 Passive voice

The passive participle can in addition to being an adjective, also be used to formpassivesentences.

Inanormalsentenceintheactivevoice,thesubjectistheoneperformingthe action of the verb: “he reads the book”. But we can make the object of the sentence(thebook)thesubjectofannewsentence“thebook isread”or“the bookhasbeenread”.Thesesentencesbelongtothepassivevoicebecausetheir subjectundergoestheactionoftheverb.

InEnglishwerecognizethesesentencesbytheuseof“tobe”asauxiliaryverb. Themainverbischangedintoapastparticiple.

Inthechapteronverbalformsyoucanfindhowtoformthepassiveparticiple andhowtouseitasanadjective: i coa carna “thebuilthouse”

Quenyadoesn’thavearealpassivevoicebutusesaconstrutionwiththeverb ná andusesthepassiveparticipleasapredicate: i coa ná carna “thehouseisbuilt”

Inthepluralthisbecomes: i coar nar carnë “thehousesarebuilt” Bychangingthetenseof ná wecanformthePassivePastandPassiveFuture tenses: i coa né carna “thehousewasbuilt”

i coa nauva carna “thehousewillbebuilt”

But sometimes it is better to avoid a passive construction by using the indefinitepronounquen :

quen cára i coa

97 Literally“someoneisbuildingahouse”,thiscanbeusedasanalternativefor“a houseisbeingbuilt”.

Apassivesentenceisrelatedtoanactivesentenceinthefollowingway: i elda tencë i parma “theelfwrotethebook” Theobject i parma becomesthesubjectandtheoriginalsubject i elda becomes theagent : i parma né técina i eldanen “thebookwaswrittenbytheelf”


Thisalsoimplies that in one passivesentencetwonounsin theinstrumental casecanappear:anagentandanormalinstrumental: i parma né técina i eldanen i quessenen “thebookwaswrittenbythe elfwithafeather” Whenapassiveparticipleisusedasanadjectiveitcanalsohaveanagent: i parma técina i eldanen né carnë “thebookwrittenbyanelfwasred”

i nerinen carnë coar ataltier “thehousesbuiltbythemenhave collapsed”

11.2 Wish contructions Sometimes you only want to express a wish or a hope that something would happen.InQuenyathisisexpressedbyasentencebeginningwiththeparticle nai .

InEnglishwethisisexpressedbysentencesbeginningwith“may”,butthisnot veryfrequentlyusedinmodernEnglish: nai hiruvalyes “mayyoufindit”


nai tiruvantes “Ihope(that)theyseeit/Iwish(that)theyseeit”


98 Inthisway,wecanmakeanysentencewithafuturetenseintoawish: hiruvan i malta “Ishallfindthegold” → nai hiruvan i malta “IhopeIshallfindthegold”

caruvantes “theywilldoit” → nai caruvantes “Ihopetheywilldoit”

elda tuluva “anelfwillcome” → nai elda tuluva “IhopeanElfwillcome”

Theword nai hasanadditionalmeaningof“probably”,sowhenyouuseit,you assumethatsomethingwillverylikelyhappen. Therealsoexistsaword cé thatisverysimilarto nai ,butithastheadditional meaning“maybe”.Itisalsousedwithafuturetense: cé caruvantes “theywillmaybedoit” So by using cé , we express that we have strong doubts whether they will actuallydoit.

11.3 Conditional sentences

AconditionalsentencebeginsinEnglishwith“when”or“if”. TheQuenyaconjunction írë means“when”,soaconditionalsentencewith írë expressesacertaintythatsomethingwillhappen: írë ceninyel, nan alassë “whenIseeyou,Iamhappy”

Whenwearenotsosure,weuse mai (or ai )toexpress“if”:

mai ceninyel, nán alassë “ifIseeyou,Iamhappy”


Itisalsopossibletoexpressdoubtsovertheotherpartofthesentence,butin thiscaseweuse nai or cé asthefinalwordofthepartofthesentencewithout mai or írë : írë ëar lumbor, liptuva nai “whenthereareclouds,itwillprobablyrain”

tuluvan cé, mai ëal coassë “Ishallmaybecome,ifyouarehome”

99 11.4 Postpositions In Quenya we have at least two postpositions, they are the equivalent of prepositionsbutareputbehindthenountowhichtheybelong. InEnglishthisalsohappenswiththepostposition“ago”,e.g.“threeyearsago”. InQuenyatheword yá “ago”isusedinthesameway:

neldë loar yá “threeyearsago”

Anotherpostpositionis pella “beyond”,inEnglishthisishoweverapreposition:

Númen pella “beyondthewest”


elenillor pella “frombeyondthestars”

InOldElvishapparentlymorepostpositionsexisted,butthesewereassimilated intothecases(seeQuenya/Nouns),e.g.thepostposition ana changedintothe caseendingnna .

11.5 Indirect speech

Indirect speech is the construction with “that” that is used after verbs that expressthatsomethingissaid,thought,hopedorwished,e.g.“Ithinkthathe comes”,“youwishthathewashere”.InEnglishtheconjunction“that”isoften omittedbutthisisnotallowedinQuenya,soEnglishspeakershavetobevery carefulwhentranslatingsuchsentencesintoQuenya.

Theconjunction“that”istranslatedby sa :

merin sa haryalyë alassë “Iwish/want(that)youarehappy”

istan sa ëalyë sinomë“Iknow(that)youarehere”

The indirect speech can also be the subject of the sentence. In following exampletheentirewordgroup sa ëalyë sinomë isthesubjectofthesentence:

ná manë sa ëalyë sinomë “thatyouarehere,isgood”


Indirectspeechcanalsoappearwith equë (seeQuenya/SpecialVerbs): equë Elendil sa tulles “Elendilsaidthathecame”

101 Appendix 1: Noun declension paradigms 1. nouns in -a

Weuse ampa “hook”:

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative ampa ampar ampat ampali

genitive ampo amparon ampato ampalion

possessive ampava ampaiva ampatwa ampalíva

dative ampan ampain ampant ampalin

ablative ampallo ampallon(r) ampalto ampalillo(n)(r)

allative ampanna ampannar ampanta ampalinna(r)

locative ampassë ampassen ampatsë ampalisse(n)

instrumental ampanen ampainen ampanten ampalínen

respective ampas ampais ampates ampalis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse alda “tree”): Nom. aldu ,Gen. alduo ,Poss. alduva ,Dat. aldun , Abl. aldullo ,All. aldunna ,Loc. aldussë ,Instr. aldunen ,Resp. aldus .

Note:nounsonoa probablyhaveagenitivesingularinó: coa “house”→ có andalwayshaveatdual. 2. nouns in -l

Weuse macil “sword”:

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative macil macili macilet macilli

genitive macilo macilion macilto macillion

possessive macilwa maciliva maciletwa macilliva

102 dative macilen macilin macilent macillin

ablative macillo macillon(r) macilelto macillillo(n)(r)

allative macilda macilinnar macilenta macillinna(r)

locative macildë macilissen maciletsë macillisse(n)

instrumental macilden macilinen macilenten macillinen

respective maciles macilis maciletes macillis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse sutil “slime”): Nom. sutilu ,Gen. sutiluo ,Poss. sutiluva ,Dat. sutilun , Abl. sutilullo ,All. sutilunna ,Loc. sutilussë ,Instr. sutilunen ,Resp. sutilus . 3. nouns in -n

Weuse aran “king”:

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative aran arani aranet aralli

genitive arano aranion aranto arallion

possessive aranwa araniva aranetwa aralliva

dative aranen aranin aranent arallin

ablative arallo aranillon(r) aranelto arallillo(n)(r)

allative aranna arannar aranenta arallinna(r)

locative arandë aranissen aranetsë arallisse(n)

instrumental aralden araninen aranenten arallinen

respective aranes aranis aranetes arallis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse atan “human,man”): Nom. atanu ,Gen. atanuo ,Poss. atanuva ,Dat. atanun , Abl. atanullo ,All. atanunna ,Loc. atanussë ,Instr. atanunen ,Resp. atanus .

103 4. nouns in -r

Weuse luxor “swamp,bog”:

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative luxor luxori luxoret luxolli

genitive luxoro luxorion luxorto luxollion

possessive luxorwa luxoriva luxoretwa luxolliva

dative luxoren luxorin luxorent luxollin

ablative luxollo luxorillon(r) luxorelto luxollillo(n)(r)

allative luxorenna luxorinnar luxorenta luxollinna(r)

locative luxoressë luxorissen luxoretsë luxollisse(n)

instrumental luxornen luxorinen luxorenten luxollinen

respective luxores luxoris luxoretes luxollis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse tasar “willow”): Nom. tasaru ,Gen. tasaruo ,Poss. tasaruva ,Dat. tasarun , Abl. tasarullo ,All. tasarunna ,Loc. tasarussë ,Instr. tasarunen ,Resp. tasarus . 5. nouns in -s

Weuse cos “quarrel,dispute”:

part. singular plural dual plural

nominative cos cosi coset colli

genitive coso cosion costo collion

possessive coswa cosiva cosetwa colliva

dative cosen cosin cosent collin

ablative collo cosillon(r) coselto collillo(n)(r)

allative cosenna cosinnar cosenta collinna(r)

104 locative cossë cossen cosetsë collisse(n)

instrumental cosenen cosinen cosenten collinen

respective coses cosis cosetes collis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse tavas “woodland”): Nom. tavasu ,Gen. tavasuo ,Poss. tavasuva ,Dat. tavasun , Abl. tavasullo ,All. tavasunna,Loc. tavasussë ,Instr. tavasunen ,Resp. tavasus . 6. nouns in -t

Weuse sarat “sign”(thisgrouponlycontainsuduals):

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative sarat saratu sarateli

genitive sarato saration saratuo saratelion

possessive saratwa sarativa saratuva saratelíva

dative saraten saratin saratun saratelin

ablative saratello saratillon(r) saratullo saratelillo(n)(r)

allative saratenna saratinnar saratunna saratelinna(r)

locative saratsë saratissen saratussë saratelisse(n)

instrumental saranten saratinen saratunen saratelínen

respective sarates saratis saratus saratelis

7. Nouns in -ë with plural in -er

Thisgrouponlycontainsfournouns: mallë “street”, rotsë “pipe”, tyávë “taste”, tyellë “grade”.Allnounshavetduals,noudualsarepossible. Theyaredeclinedasfollows(weuse mallë “street”):

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative mallë maller mallet malleli

genitive mallëo malleron malleto mallelion

105 possessive malleva mallíva malletwa mallelíva

dative mallen mallín mallent mallelin

ablative mallello mallellon(r) mallelto mallelillo(n)(r)

allative mallenna mallennar mallenta mallelinna(r)

locative mallessë mallessen malletsë mallelisse(n)

instrumental mallenen mallínen mallenten mallelínen

respective malles mallís malletes mallelis

8. Nouns in -ë without I-stem Thesenormalnounsase.g. aurë “day”keepthis–ëinallcasesofthesingular and in ablative, allative and locative in the plural. In the other cases of the pluralthis–ëchangesintoan–i(weuse aurë “day”):

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative aurë auri auret aureli

genitive aurëo aurion aureto aurelion

possessive aureva auríva auretwa aurelíva

dative auren aurín aurent aurelin

ablative aurello aurellon(r) aurelto aurelillo(n)(r)

allative aurenna aurennar aurenta aurelinna(r)

locative auressë auressen auretsë aurelisse(n)

instrumental aurenen aurínen aurenten aurelínen

respective aures aurís auretes aurelis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse tanwë “device”): Nom. tanweu ,Poss. tanweuva ,Dat. tanweun , Abl. tanweullo ,All. tanweunna ,Loc. tanweussë ,Instr. tanweunen , Resp. tanweus .

Note:theGenitivedualisalwaysformedwiththetdual: tanweto .

106 9. Nouns in -ë with I-stem

Thesenouns use–iinallcases exceptthenominative singular (we use porë , pori “flour”):

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative porë porir porit porili

genitive porio poriron porito porilion

possessive poriva poríva poritwa porilíva

dative porin porín porint porilin

ablative porillo porillon(r) porilto porilillo(n)(r)

allative porinna porinnar porinta porilinna(r)

locative porissë porissen poritsë porilisse(n)

instrumental porinen porínen porinten porilínen

respective poris porís porites porilis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse lohtë “blossom”): Nom. lohtiu ,Gen. lohtiuo ,Poss. lohtiuva ,Dat. lohtiun , Abl. lohtiullo ,All. lohtiunna ,Loc. lohtiussë ,Instr. lohtiunen ,Resp. lohtius .

SomeIstemshaveacompletelyirregularnominativesingular,inallother casestheyfollowthedeclensionof lohtë : lapattë , lapatsi “rabbit” mahtë , maxi “hold,grip” ohtë , oxi “egg” suhtë , suxi “resin,gum”


• The noun ethë “spear” can be inflected as an Istem or as a noun withoutIstem.

• The noun lingwë has an alternative nominative singular linwë . All othercasesareformedwiththestem lingwi .

• Theadjectivesin–ëalsobelongtotheIstems,butonecanonlynotice thiswhentheadjectivetakescaseendings(seeinflectedadjectives).

107 10. Nouns in -i

Thesenounsmostlydenotefemalepersonsoranimals(weuse lopsi “mare”):

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative lopsi lopsir lopsit lopsili

genitive lopsio lopsiron lopsito lopsilion

possessive lopsiva lopsíva lopsitwa lopsilíva

dative lopsin lopsín lopsint lopsilin

ablative lopsillo lopsillon(r) lopsilto lopsilillo(n)(r)

allative lopsinna lopsinnar lopsinta lopsilinna(r)

locative lopsissë lopsissen lopsitsë lopsilisse(n)

instrumental lopsinen lopsínen lopsinten lopsilínen

respective lopsis lopsís lopsites lopsilis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse tári “queen”): Nom. táriu ,Gen. táriuo ,Poss. táriuva ,Dat. táriun , Abl. táriullo ,All. táriunna ,Loc. táriussë ,Instr. táriunen ,Resp. tárius . 11. Nouns in -ië

Allnounshavetduals,noudualsarepossible(weuse tië “path”):

part. singular plural dual plural

nominative tië tier tiet tiéli

genitive tiéo tiéron tiéto tielion

possessive tiéva tíva tietwa tielíva

dative tien tín tient tiélin

ablative tiello tiellon(r) tielto tielillo(n)(r)

allative tienna tiennar tienta tielinna(r)

locative tiessë tiessen tietsë tielisse(n)

108 instrumental tiénen tínen tienten tielínen

respective ties tís tiétes tiélis

12. Nouns in -o that keep -o in all cases

Theyaredeclinedasfollows(weuse carpo “frog”):

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative carpo carpor carpot carpoli

genitive carpo carporon carpoto carpolion

possessive carpova carpoiva carpotwa carpolíva

dative carpon carpoin carpont carpolin

ablative carpollo carpollon(r) carpolto carpolillo(n)(r)

allative carponna carponnar carponta carpolinna(r)

locative carpossë carpossen carpotsë carpolisse(n)

instrumental carponen carpoinen carponten carpolínen

respective carpos carpois carpotes carpolis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse ondo “stone”): Nom. ondu ,Gen. onduo ,Poss. onduva ,Dat. ondun , Abl. ondullo ,All. ondunna ,Loc. ondussë ,Instr. ondunen ,Resp. ondus . 13. Nouns in -u that keep -u in all cases

Therealsoexistwordsthatendinthenominativein–u,thesearehowevernot Ustems. They differ from the Ustems in the nominative and the genitive plural.Theyalsoalwayshaveatdual. Theyaredeclinedasfollows(weuse heru “lord”):

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative heru herur herut heruli

genitive heru heruron heruto herulion

possessive heruva heruiva herutwa herulíva

109 dative herun heruin herunt herulin

ablative herullo herullon(r) herulto herulillo(n)(r)

allative herunna herunnar herunta herulinna(r)

locative herussë herussen herutsë herulisse(n)

instrumental herunen heruinen herunten herulínen

respective herus heruis herutes herulis

14. Nouns in -o with a U-stem

ThesearetherealUstems.Buttherearetwoexceptionalcategories:thenouns inco andthenounsingo .

The others are declined as follows (we use malo , malu “pollen”). Note that these nouns don’t follow the normal rule forthe formation of the plural:they getiasextensioninsteadoftherthatordinarilyfollowsvowels.

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative malo malui malut maluli

genitive maluo maluion maluto malulion

possessive maluva maluiva malutwa malulíva

dative malun maluin malunt malulin

ablative malullo malullon(r) malulto malulillo(n)(r)

allative malunna malunnar malunta malulinna(r)

locative malussë malussen malutsë malulisse(n)

instrumental malunen maluinen malunten malulínen

respective Malus maluis malutes malulis

Theudualsinthisgrouparedeclinedasfollows(weuse sito , situ “habit”): Nom. situ ,Gen. situo ,Poss. situva ,Dat. situn , Abl. situllo ,All. situnna ,Loc. situssë ,Instr. situnen ,Resp. situs .


110 The noun tuo “muscle” behaves rather strangely because its OldElvish stem was túu . Thislong ú appears whentheendingbeginsinasingle consonant; whentheendingstartsinaconsonantclusteroravowel,wefind uinsteadof ú,e.g. Dativesingular: tún Ablativesingular: tullo U-stems in -co

The special feature here is that the combination cui changes in qui . As an examplewelookat urco , urcu “bogey”:

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative urco urqui urcut urculi

genitive urcuo urquion urcuto urculion

possessive urcuva urquiva urcutwa urculíva

dative urcun urquin urcunt urculin

ablative urcullo urcullon(r) urculto urculillo(n)(r)

allative urcunna urcunnar urcunta urculinna(r)

locative urcussë urcussen urcutsë urculisse(n)

instrumental urcunen urquinen urcunten urculínen

respective urcus urquis urcutes urculis

The uduals are just as inthe example of sito ,except forthe nominative, all equaltothesingular. Twonounsbehaveirregularly:

• rauco “demon” is only a Ustem inthe singular, partitive plural and dual.Thepluralisformedwiththestem rauca .

• telco “leg, stem” is only a Ustem in the plural and the dual. The singular and partitive plural are formed with the stem tulco (see abovefornounsthatendino). U-stems in -go

The special feature here is that the combination gui changes in gwi . As an examplewelookat ango , angu “snake”:

111 singular plural dual part. plural

nominative ango angwi angut anguli

genitive anguo angwion anguto angulion

possessive anguva angwiva angutwa angulíva

dative angun angwin angunt angulin

ablative angullo angullon(r) angulto angulillo(n)(r)

allative angunna angunnar angunta angulinna(r)

locative angussë angussen angutsë angulisse(n)

instrumental angunen angwinen angunten angulínen

respective angus angwis angutes angulis

The uduals are just as inthe example of sito ,except forthe nominative, all equaltothesingular.

112 Appendix 2: Stem-forms

Stemforms can be explained as remnants of OldElvish. The original Old Elvishwordfor“floor”was talam .Butastheletter m isno longerallowed at theendofQuenyawords,itevolvedinto talan with talamasstemform.

Allnounswithaudualthatbelongtooneofthecategoriesonthispage,use theirstemformsbutareotherwiseregular(weusetoron , torn “brother”): Nom.tornu ,Gen. tornuo ,Poss. tornuva ,Dat. tornun , Abl. tornullo ,All. tornunna ,Loc. tornussë ,Instr. tornunen ,Resp. tornus . 1. d/t-stems

The first group of words ends in –n, –r or –l. Their stemforms are made by addinga–d–.


AlistoftheknownQuenyawordsbelongingtothisgroupcanbefoundhere: d-stems aldëon , aldëond “avenue” arëan , arëand “wilderness” amun , amund “hill” andon , andond “gate” culuin , culuind “goldfish” falmarin , falmarind “seanymph” fan , fand “dog” fion , fiond “hawk” hen , hend “eye” hón , hond “(physical)heart” 1 hwan , hwand “sponge” laucien , lauciend “vegetablegarden” lin , lind “melody” lon , lond “noise” malicon , malicond “amber” meren , merend “feast” min , mind “bit,piece” morion , moriond “sonofthedark” morwen , morwend “daughterofthedark”

113 nan , nand “woodland” nin , nind “blueness” nindon , nindond “lapislazuli” óman , omand “vowel” 1 perian , periand “hobbit” pilin , pilind “arrow” pimpilin , pimpilind “tassle” pirin , pirind “rod,pin” purin , purind “hearth” quan , quand “ear(ofanimal)” salyon , salyond “hero” samin , samind “silk” serin , serind “wreath” silwin , silwind “birch” sorin , sorind “throne” talan , taland “burden” tambin , tambind “cauldron” tiquilin , tiquilind “thaw,slush” tirin , tirind “turret” tirion , tiriond “mightytower” tolipin , tolipind “mannakin” túrion , túriond “palace” tusturin , tusturind “match(tolightfire)” uin , uind “whale” voron , vorond “vassal” wen , wend “virgin” werilin , werlind “whirligig” wilwarin , wilwarind “butterfly”

1notethatthe óvowelsbecomeshortinthestemform.

car , card “property,building” cosar , cosard “soldier” curuvar ,curuvard “(good)wizard” lalar , lalard “laughter” lávëar , lávëard “glutton” mámar , mámard “sheperd” mar , mard “grit” nar , nard “odour,fragrance” nyar , nyard “tale,saying”

114 palasar , palasard “greattable” sar , sard “pebble” talar , talard “beastofburden” tyur , tyurd “cheese” mul , muld “powder” nal , nald “dell,dale” neltil , neltild “triangle” niquetil , niquetild “snowcap” tel , teld “roof” tyel , tyeld “end” vil , vild “matter,business” wingil , wingild “nymph” Therearealsoafewpropernameswithsuchstemforms:

Laurelin , Lórien , Solonel , Taniquetil , Ancalimon , Sauron . t-stems oron , oront “mountain” ambar , ambart “doom” umbar , umbart “fate” ais , aist “goodname” alas , alast “marble” calarus , calarust “copper” ciris , cirist “cleft,crack” coimas , coimast “lembas” 2 hos , host “folk,people” iquis , iquist “requirement” lairus , lairust “verdigris” liquis , liquist “transparence,clarity” lis , list “grace,blessing” maxilis , maxilist “lordship” mis , mist “urine” naus , naust “suspicion” nes , nest “food,feed,fodder” nierwes , nierwest “hive” nus , nust “smell”

115 nyas , nyast “scratch,score” os , ost “cottage” pus , pust “boil” tirios , tiriost “walledtown,burg” urus , urust “redcopper”

2alsohasthestemform coimass . Thepropernamesinthisgroupare:

Turambar , Mandos . Theadjectiveson–nprobablyalsobelongtothe dstems(PE14pg.77): i hwarindi “thecrooked(ones)” hwarindi neri “crookedmen”

When they are used as final declinable words, they get the vowels –e– or –i– betweenthestemandthecaseending: harma furindessë “inaconcealedtreasure” urur úrindinen “withblazinghotfires”

Thedeclensionof dand tstemsisregularexceptinthepossessivesingular.In this case we use the suffix –wa with the nominative (all nouns in this group haveuduals):

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative fion fiondi fiondu fiondeli

genitive fiondo fiondion fionduo fiondelion

possessive fionwa fiondiva fionduva fiondelíva

dative fionden fiondin fiondun fiondelin

ablative fiondello fiondillon(r) fiondullo fiondelillo(n)(r)

allative fiondenna fiondinnar fiondunna fiondelinna(r)

locative fiondessë fiondissen fiondussë fiondelisse(n)

instrumental fiondenen fiondinen fiondunen fiondelínen

respective fiondes fiondis fiondus fiondelis

116 2. Contracted stems

Anothergroupofstemslosethevowelofthesecondsyllable.Sothestemform isacontractedformofthenominative.

Followingnounsbelongtothisgroup: coron , corn “ball” feren , fern “beech” haran , harn “leader” huan , hún “dog” laman , lamn “animal” soron , sorn “” toron , torn “brother” In quite a number ofcasesofthe singularthese wordsusethe nominativeto producethesecases.Inthepartitivepluraltheyalsousethenominative:

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative haran harni harnet haralli

genitive harno harnion haranto harallion

possessive haranwa harniva harnetwa haralliva

dative harnen harnin harnent harallin

ablative harallo harnillon(r) harelto harallillo(n)(r)

allative haranna harninnar harnenta harallinna(r)

locative harandë harnissen harnetsë harallisse(n)

instrumental harannen harninen harnenten harallinen

respective harnes harnis harnetes harallis

Thereisasecondgroupthathavelostthefinalvowel+ ninthenominative calmar , calmarn “childoflight” halatir , halatirn “kingfisher” mëar , mëarn “gore,blood” pur , purn “(artificial)fire” tavar , tavarn “dalesprite” andalso

117 seler , sell “sister” Theyhaveinthesingularonlytwoexceptionalcases:

part. singular plural dual plural

nominative seler selli sellet selli

genitive sello sellion selerto sellion

possessive selerwa selliva selletwa selliva

dative sellen sellin sellent sellin

ablative sellello sellillon(r) sellelto sellillo(n)(r)

allative sellenna sellinnar sellenta sellinna(r)

locative sellessë sellissen selletsë sellisse(n)

instrumental selernen sellinen sellenten sellinen

respective selles sellis selletes sellis

3. Doubled stems

Therearealsowordsintthathaveadoubledstembuttheycanbefoundin thechapteraboutExceptionalstems. doubled stems in ss

Anumberofstemsdoubletheirfinals: calas , calass “brass” coimas , coimass “lembas” 1 eques , equess “saying” falas , falass “shore,beach” indis , indiss “bride” inwilis , inwiliss “fairy” is , iss “lightsnow” itis , itiss “flybite” lis , liss “honey” nes , ness “mead,valley,land” niquis , niquiss “frostpattern”

118 nís , niss “woman” 2 oinalis , oinaliss “ointment” olos , oloss “snow” 3 sintilis , sintiliss “sparkling(ofcrystal)” tiris , tiriss “watch” tolos , toloss “knob,lump” tyos , tyoss “cough” Thepropername Tulcas alsobelongstothisgroup.

1coimas alsohasthestemform coimast .

2Thelong íshortensbeforeadoubleconsonant.

3Thiswordalsohasthenominative olossë .Itshouldnotbeconfusedwith olos “dream”whichhasanirregularstemform(seeExceptionalstems).

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative falas falassi falasset falasseli

genitive falasso falassion falasto falasselion

possessive falasseva falassiva falassetwa falasselíva

dative falassen falassin falassent falasselin

ablative falassello falassillon(r) falasselto falasselillo(n)(r)

allative falassenna falassinnar falassenta falasselinna(r)

locative falassë falassen falassetsë falasselisse(n)

instrumental falassenen falassinen falssenten falasselínen

respective falasses falassis falassetes falasselis

Theword solor “surf”hasstemform soloss andusesthesameformsasthese wordsexceptthepossessivesingularwhichis solorwa . doubled stems in ll/nn Final land ncanalsobedoubled: amil , amill “mother” aranel , aranell

119 horinel , horinell “pineneedle” miril , mirill “jewel” riel , riell “flowergirl” sil , sill “moon” tol , toll “island” 1 ailin , ailinn “lake” cailen , cailenn “throat” calimban , calimbann “barbarianland” campin , campinn “hips” colman , colmann “summit” elwen , elwenn “heart” helin , helinn “pansy” irin , irinn“town” irmin , irminn “inhabitedworld” latúcen , latúcenn “tin” licin , licinn “horn” mindon , mindonn “turret” olwen , olwenn “branch,wand” onin , oninn “anvil” pequen , pequenn “comb” tamin , taminn “forge” túrin , túrinn “province” wilin ,wilinn “bird” Thepropername Silmaril alsobelongstothesewords.

1 The cases of tol are formed with an –o– between stem and ending (see Exceptionalstems).

The exceptional cases are: the possessive singular, the allative or ablative in singularandplural,andallcasesofthepartitiveplural.

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative amil amilli amillet amilli

genitive amillo amillion amilto amillion

possessive amilwa amilliva amilletwa amilliva

dative amillen amillin amillent amillin

ablative amillo amillon(r) amillelto amillillo(n)(r)

120 allative amillenna amillinnar amillenta amillinna(r)

locative amillessë amillissen amilletsë amillisse(n)

instrumental amillenen amillinen amillenten amillinen

respective amilles amillis amilletes amillis

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative olwen olwenni olwennet olwelli

genitive olwenno olwennion olwento olwellion

possessive olwenwa olwenniva olwennetwa olwelliva

dative olwennen olwennin olwennent olwellin

ablative olwennello olwennillon(r) olwennelto olwellillo(n)(r)

allative olwenna olwennar olwennenta olwellinna(r)

locative olwennessë olwennissen olwennetsë olwellisse(n)

instrumental olwennenen olwenninen olwennenten olwellinen

respective olwennes olwennis olwennetes olwellis doubled stems in rr condor , condorr “warrior” hostar , hostarr “tribe” indor , indorr “groom” lamandar , lamandarr “herdsman” lar , larr “place,region” maquar , maquarr “(human)jaw” milnar , milnarr “sownfield” neldor , neldorr “beech” Theyaredeclinedasfollows:

part. singular plural dual plural

nominative lar larri larret lalli

121 genitive larro larrion larto lallion

possessive larwa larriva larretwa lalliva

dative larren larrin larrent lallin

ablative larrello larrillon(r) larrelto lallillo(n)(r)

allative larrenna larrennar larrenta lallinna(r)

locative larressë larrissen larretsë lallisse(n)

instrumental larrenen larrinen larrenten lallinen

respective larres larris larretes lallis

4. m-stems As told in the introduction, the letter m is no longer allowed at the end of a wordandhaschangedinto ninthenominative: artan , artam“hammer” ilin , ilim“milk” men , mem“nose,beak” quin , quim“female” ran , ram“noise” talan , talam“floor”


singular plural dual part. plural

nominative men memi memet melli

genitive memo memion mento mellion

possessive memeva memiva memetwa melliva

dative memen memin mement mellin

ablative memello memillon(r) memelto mellillo(n)(r)

allative memenna meminnar mementa mellinna(r)

locative mendë memissen memetsë mellisse(n)

122 instrumental memnen meminen mementen mellinen

respective memes memis memetes mellis

Thewordswithstemonng alsobehavelikethesewords: falaswin , falaswing “wavecrest” fen , feng “reed” The locative is fendë and the partitive plural felli (but the instrumental is regular: fengenen ).

5. c-stems Fourwordsoriginallyendedinc,andthisletterisalsonotallowedattheend ofaword: filit , filic “littlebird” nelet , nelc “tooth” oryat , oryac “badger” quesset , quessec “pillow”

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative filit filici filicu filiceli

genitive filico filicion filicuo filicelion

possessive filiqua filiciva filicuva filicelíva

dative filicen filicin filicun filicelin

ablative filicello filicillon(r) filicullo filicelillo(n)(r)

allative filicenna filicinnar filicunna filicelinna(r)

locative filixë filicissen filicussë filicelisse(n)

instrumental filincen filicinen filicunen filicelínen

respective filices filicis filicus filicelis

The locative of nelet is neletsë , but otherwise it is declined the same as the otherthreenouns.

123 6. Words with misguiding final letter Followingwordslookaswordsonrbuttheyareinfactwordsons: cár , cas “head” cor , cos “war” fandor , fandos “monster” mar , mas “home,dwelling” nier , nies “honeybee” Theyonlyhaveafinalrinthenominativesingular,inallothercasestheyare declinedas cos . Andthesewordslookaswordsonsbuttheyarereallywordsont: ceres , ceret “earthenware” hes , het “sibling” palis , palit “sward,lawn” Theyonlyhaveafinalsinthenominativesingular,inallothercasestheyare declinedas sarat . 7. Doubled t-stems doubled stems in ts Whenthewordsendintwedon’tfindagenuinedoublingbutratheraddan extra s: helet , helets “furcoat” henet , henets “window” orot , orots “cave” quelet , quelets “corpse” Alsosomewordsinsbelongtothisgroup: aris , arits “daughter” cangaris , cangarits “weaver” fas , fats “tassel” nos , nots “damp” oaris , oarits “mermaid” Andoneexceptionalwordinë: vitë , vits “sap”

124 Thesewordshaveaspeciallocativeandpossessivesingular,andtheyallhavea udual:

singular plural dual part. plural

nominative helet heletsi heletsu heletseli

genitive heletso heletsion heletsuo heletselion

possessive heletwa heletsiva heletsuva heletselíva

dative heletsen heletsin heletsun heletselin

ablative heletsello heletsillon(r) heletsullo heletselillo(n)(r)

allative heletsenna heletsinnar heletsunna heletselinna(r)

locative heletsë heletsissen heletsussë heletselisse(n)

instrumental heletsenen heletsinen heletsunen heletselínen

respective heletses heletsis heletsus heletselis Exceptional stem-forms doubled stems in tt calumet , calumett “lamp” cehtecet , cehtecett “cuckling” lat , latt ,“flap,lid” lequet , lequett “joint” mat , matt “meal” nat , natt “thing” tecet , tecett “letter” Thesewordaredeclinedas henet , henets .

doubled stems in ht cecet , ceceht “pheasant” met , meht “mark,aim” mut , muht “dirt,filth” sarat , saraht “plank” teret , tereht “auger,gimlet” tet , teht “spot,mark” welet , weleht “boil,tumour” yat , yaht “neck”

125 Thesewordarealsodeclinedas henet , henets .

Vowel shortening

Insomenounsalongvowelisshortenedinthestemform,butotherwisethey aredeclinedasiftheydidn’thavethatlongvowelinthenominativesingular. lár , lar “ear” nén , nen “water” nér , ner “man” quén , quen “person” tál , tal “foot” yár , yar “blood” 1

1Thenormalwordforbloodis sercë . Theword yén “Elvishyear”isanexception,asitsstemformalsohasalong é: yéni .

Vowel lengthening

Inafewwordswefindthereversesituation.Buttheyareallpropernames: Eruhin , Eruhín “ChildofEru” Valatar , Valatár “Valarking” Atanatar , Atanatár “Forefather” Casar , Casár “Dwarf”

Vowel changing

Insomewordsthevowelcompletelychanges.Themostfrequentwordsarethe UstemsandtheIstems. Thereare2wordsthathaveastemformsin–abutanominativein–o: rauco , rauca “demon” sundo , sunda “root” Note: rauco isinsingularanddualaUstem.

Therearealso2wordson–awithastemformon–i: hína , híni “child” ónona , ónoni“twin”

126 Words with exceptional connecting vowels

Aswehaveseen:whenacaseendingthatbeginswithaconsonant,isapplied toanounendinginaconsonantweaddan–e–betweenthestemandthe ending,e.g. macilen “toasword”(dative) anarenna “toaking”(allative) Therearehoweverfourwordsthathaveadifferentconnectingvowel: With–o– tol , toll “island” Mandos , Mandost “Mandos” sowefinde.g. tolossë “onanisland”(locative) Mandostonna “toMandos”(allative) With–a– tál , tal“foot” umbar , umbart “fate” sowefinde.g. talan “toafoot”(dative) umbartanen “withfate”(instrumental) Irregular stem-forms Firstagroupofconnectedwords:Allwordsthatdenotea“room”endon–san . Thisisderivedfrom sambë “room”,e.g.:

caimasan , caimasamb “bedroom” Thesetwowordsalsobelongtothisgroup: han , hamb “ground” san , samb “chamber”

Butsomewordsaretotallyirregular: cilapi , cilapinc “robin” hyar , hyarm“plough” las , lax “snare”

127 lencë , lenqu “limb” nó , nów “idea” oito , oiont “lack” olos , olor “dream” pat , papt “smallleaf” peltas , peltax “pivot” piet , piecc “pin” rá , ráv “lion” sat , sapt “hole” silit , siliqu “flint” sincë , sinqu “mineral,metal” taran , taramb “buffet” telin , telimb “roof,covering” tó , tów “wool” tyus , tyux “cud” ulun , ulump “camel”