[email protected] GandAlf Sindarin Teleri Sindar Aman Thingol Noldor˜ Noldor˜ Quenya Noldorinwa˜ Doriath Mithrim Falathrim Falathrim Conlang Constructed Language Legendarivm Gnomish Noldorin The Book of Lost Tales The History of Middle-earth ******* At Mereth Aderthad many counsels were taken in good will, and oaths were sworn of league and friendship; and it is told that at this feast the tongue of the Grey-elves was most spoken even by the Noldor, for they learned swiftly the speech of Beleriand, whereas the Sindar were slow to master the tongue of Valinor. (The Silmarillion, ch. 13) Quenya Noldorinwa˜ Noldor˜ Beleriand Noldor˜ ******* Helge Kar˚ e Fauskanger Quenya http://www.ardalambion.com/qcourse.html Suomi Finnish Aman Quendi Kvener Noldor˜ http://www.sci.fi/˜alboin/finn_que.htm http://demo.ort.org.il/ortforums/scripts/ forum.asp?pc=471389549 ******* Ardalambion http://www.ardalambion.com/sindarin.html Gwaith-i-Phethdain http://www.elvish.org/gwaith/sindarin_intro.htm Ardalambion ******* Didier Willis Ryszard Derdzinski Willis mirror http://forums.ort.org.il/scripts/showsm.asp?which_ forum=18&mess=1042485 ELF Vinyar Tengwar http://www.elvish.org/VT Derdzinski http://www.uib.no/People/hnohf/gobeth.htm Willis http://www.geocities.com/almacq.geo/sindar http://my.ort.org.il/tolkien/gandalf2/sindarin.zip ******* Grimm’s Law :-) ******* Gnomish Arda Noldorin http://www.elvish.org E.L.F. :-( ******* Mircosoft Word LYX TEX/LATEX Word www.lyx.org www.latex-project.org www.tug.org LATEX