Ceaselire Begins Invietnam. but U.~. Reports Incidents
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University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 12-25-1968 Kabul Times (December 25, 1968, vol. 7, no. 228) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (December 25, 1968, vol. 7, no. 228)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1932. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1932 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " I,' " ," "\ '1 j', .. J' '• . " '. " . , u . , :. " .' ) . ' . , . \ ., , . ~, .", ': , " " " " '; , t.. ' . , r: .. .. , . " , . '. ~ If'·',~ ,• , .... , .•.•• ' ", '., "L '\'/"\_'j" . ,' ;:;I ,'. '\. ... "I' •' I ~ ~- "t:.L'" , , .'..l ',t lI~~;,"~IJV~" -.·1·" 1 " .', ", JI :• ,. " ",' f'" " ... 'THJl"'KAB~: OECEMBER'l!4~ll68------'" " r'·· PAGEl' 4 ., ", , ,.,!:,.: TIMES "1 .:....--'-'---~_..• .' ,: f. _.._.-.- --'-,-\~; ----'-----~·------P-olyteC-·H-"ni~: -. " .. , , .:Efom~.· ~,:. --'~;De-'lid w1I;~eaI buy~ mor~ ~. \ . l\.AOUL, uce,' ~'t', \D,UDUlC).- '" . :Little people 'NallQlMlls ,..... ~ :.. (Continued from pa,;. I) U"~e .)~ I.:J.1hUlCll "ISH li1e 'JD.10r.. 529 square metres and several games IIlCHUJIl alit! \..WLUre NUIllSLry'S r'bUUl . «:oon",,1# from ptJIl_ 2) t:' tratisfonn Itself"i~t() .a fU~Ied~ the; are "w6rking ~.. res«lll? " 'i:an be ,played there at the. same .... Iull;') WilJ.y, .' ftrtnly with PO/Ilpidou's blqe.t mIstake was '. lied party, '. It Is 'nli~'!let serloia;' ,bllt there ..I time. The auditorIum has a rotaUng I ut! 1.:1UOS are run b,Y the 4ibra. wtprllDi..,:toe? ::blJ/,p\akilli' .th.e But t.he lop; .GaulllSt • leaders Is already10pen 'tillk of fltllCism a' ., ~. , stage. The auditorium holds 900. flo:'> Llt:pUNIkD' OI UJe It1IWS~Y., . '"... g!!De~ 'feel.ln'~~ )loth':9A!lie- a~' aaying extraordlnl\!ily·'.UQPle.: a w~ ;qilt· .' :,' r: ' a~Mn;lIea1:-.waa audience. n viii ttt'll.lnt!S at we C!UO inClUde 111m Nags tribesman l'l1us/al\d lIlM",elJart.- to keep asant things about'·.each other ms,de ,lasi. we. -[ t' . The kitchen. food storaee. and din 3"',)";'). S~UI':V nours, uJsl.:usSJons. iec blin' oli. B~~ ~t '~"a,P ,m ,tilat. publiclY tina privately:' The Ga- eken\! 'bn~~\Vave of 'plailtlc bo~' ,-, I ing room are located in a rolanda. Iu,t:'::t, SillO 1\l10Qttmmao' eoraIUm S\lch ·.a .b!lJ· e1,~\ . ~~ was, , uWats: and their. hated "illly". Va- mb' blasts against banks end bu- 1 tber~ There are cold storaee and modern r'Iro.JH'I'U""UUJt:, preSlocn .. ut 'lnC; lhJra NEW.DELlil, Dec. 24, (Reuter) also a·danaer.,to .er81:.hlD\-., leQ'·.Glsciud d·Estalng,.,' are pu- sinesses,. in ,paris. T.be,Wblicity 1968 (JA DI 4, 1347 S.H.) PRICE AFS. 4 I kitchen {acilities. ' ~ Tl.'!!i~ ~urrounding:".the'· • 1.1:'.:) uepdf"UJt:nt. -An lndian minister yeSterday self: Gsu1llat, . l!r feel bUe!>' sniping'at each otilet ag- sul1lieQilerit pol- ; Student dormitories are located in ,-Uue... L,On.s 01 bOOks 01 interest to assured parliament thlIt ·the"iOV- the ~e..Deedf;fol'.;P8J' ., .. tarY "In, He was ,only . voicing what Ice mea-ures seemed to be r ino~ goven:une~r t~ five four storey buildings. Each YVl.IW anu l:UI.l.01"en cUe"' atso ~t \be ,ernment was· determined to:;:deal· dliiciP.11iili· ail )vheil theY,' tlo' ' GauWsts. feel privatelY' last reminde;' :by 'the ~r:D. orth",~~ly'·. '!~'I f~~ Nigeria cuts off building has 60 rooms with adequate U'(,Ji'U3U; 0'1 lU~ t:J,UO. "Ul speCJat r~a firmly. and effectively with b",- • Suitday When 'he,;called on Gen. its middle-class voters of the ~ ~- Li,qulds\1on"~f space for 240 students. The entire \,.l.1I!i 100111;'), -lie sa1U.· J\. VlirtelY oa. aches of law aDd'Qrder by.. the leftlat:opP<:l- ' de Gilil1le to .recognise the'dang- ar of 'an'arcIIY they liild In Mat: (Jormi~ory Cr~s. capacity is lioo. Ano. &~UICS die u~o a\lill.laDle lor VISItors. dependence-seeking tribeSDleD' of siUon' as s, parllamentai':v,\force er of defeat if ne does not reno- But the explosions were soon 'fe>- Red flights , ther 300 students live off campus. Nagilland. .", : I,:. • ," only ez(couragta,:i:he . 'Gau111l118 to' unce holding a ,natlonal referen- rgotteq'as the. Gatillists themsel- There is n basic health centre also l\./'\I... Uru1!\.j(, vet. ~..., (liakhtar) The Nallas. campaigning 'with a~ .ll~;·ft)i,ell);*. '!J1ruly aiII~~~.. ~,wn vote fn th\l:' ,lii}tig . on reg- ves, cOIltinuild to vOiCe reproach the'r5-Gaii,IL'~:llb,ience:of :.~ But~, to Biafran areas . included in the project. All buJld .-.~l"e K.hUK'·cUIlS o~ "plum were foreign aid for Independence fr.·1 "QUai 'refonn. t.he Gaullist .es at the government: "'?~t. 4~g· " • inKs are built to withstand earth ... ollll~a~eQ at. .frtrr..andaoar airport last om Indian rule, ''wiij not .be'per- owlishl!,n: a!and, P!U1Y organ 4' Nlltl0l\" acc\"'ed . As Giseard d'Estalng .'Illiid In .'.' LAGOS. Dec, 25. (AFP).-Fede- quakes, The polytechnic was built o.;dl.Urouy. I ue opium WdS being \u mitted to carry out anti-social and tlie. ~Ia':.of the franc seeflla: to him of trying 'to' ahal<e c!onflden- May. "the' party of fear" can be ral Col.. Benjamin ."black scorpion" lI\d~ate. Jef~: b~ei! :Jt\rilel~' with "redit and technical assitance 1'I.t:11 a ...l1oao oy un rtl'\.J toutlSt. anti-national activities under 'the that. the' bill! ce aitel said' he was' resp- victoriotltl. but it ia fickle and Adekunle has halted all International d~royt;d·.:as.,a epunterw.!!lg~t ~_Ji!Cli~.~Cpnnm~c from the Soviet Union. l-I\"V lour.S(. cover of the ag'reement on' swipen- .. to....0!tSible,for.: the nothing lasting can Iii! built by Red Cross flights from Lagos 10 sian of opera~ons;l' Ball Ram tlie'~Ove~~t':'~the'. co'¥l.try'(~t·,.·.:trqu,bles .~cati~.-Ii' fl".~~ .minl- it once the fear has subsided. Port Harcourt. Calabar amI Enugu, Bhagat 'minis\4ir"of state for ex- l\?$'.1aU.. o~'!les"O~"a s\rug~te \ 0" a~~ri·.'-he"iPut. the brakes: on exp- Red Cross sources said the third Airlines ApOlI0-8 ternal affairs. tOld' ·q!iestlonel'll. to., PosItI~ri '~r~tl!e, gener!! ~!!::;.;"~..~Op:ba~k 1Ii,.~~,' ' .. The government ,has at least marit* commando division chief aveil- As tdili!atlon .M!niSt& ·Ed-;:'." ·"'.i.il!t;wlni, Galillls~, David ROu- . one strong cons,olatlon: .The cold stopped the flights Monday. Relia WEDNESDAY l(,..QII1",u~. JrUm /lQg~ J) Bhagat said Some ·ate of Chine- Few G.~tS'·"t4.':oy,~~\~, set'.-~,tQICl! ,the assemb~~ week weatber is upon France' and Ill ble witnesses in Port Harcourt qu work. se origin were captured earlter conc~r'ned wllln' ",~ 1i7:-electl~., that Oen 'de. Gaulle" "tOld him most no' .Ft!enchman will· loilg st Ariana Afghan Airliltes: il~~ ;.lii?l;~I¢I/j.\ 't~}4aY oted Col. Adkunle who is apparently , Belrut-Tehran-Kabul 'lne author writes that such a this month in a raid on a Naga lliit ..SUQda1.': .. ' even: before: .·Crisls that and for' unrest if It raises· the in urgent need of communications camp Mozema. from the eaildidste'.48 ·per.~ilii~Ul:te and "capttalism, \imi1St:,.~\eonaemned threat of, his going without beat. Arrlvill 1045 system 01 control lV}d 0.150 pre" 1,P lmis. arid transport faclUties. as saying iiffi1llary tes"ung of tile entire p~o· Nagaland state capital of Kohl- 38 ..~"ceDt ..lli~'.#~i explicitly:I' , Th~\t':'{ConBervative There IS no. lnstance in recent the moon reported it looks greY, .. the "Red Cross could go to heU", Kandahar-Kabul Invo~d-~sii~(:~~~U1I still,'~~ Frencb Iilstory of a crise de re RadiO contact with the Apol· Arrivill-llOO grd.m.m~ tnrough launclllng auto rna. Its if 'Gaullists are' from no eolour...like plaste~ of paris. Col. Adekunle expressed no in~ ComiiI~ta:,b«o gime' ~n the dead of wiitter. But 10 was hist at 0542 GMT as ·It Kbost-Kabul mattc statiOns Delore undertak!ng He refused to dlscloae details the' .' the'.opi,:v . what they, aee 'as" an', attempt to disappeared behind the moon. Astronauts Frank Bpiman, JB 'terest in permitting Red Cross fli.. manned 1JJgIllS ensure greater sa of tbe c~ptured weapons, but' ad- eff~i~;;oilJl!:i~C111f<f",f,il,U/I'l1!1<P."' :. esta~'isl\ "the. P!Jli~ -Of Ga,lillism's . If winter c.omes can spring be ghts within his jurisdiction. they Arrival 1400 'socia~ ~ The Apollo broke out of its lun mes Lovell and William Anders retY. ded that generally they were am- Iy.. e<le1it;',!1'Ij4!; , unBt,.,.e· leftist doctrine at ex far behind? picked out lalldmarks on the lu added. Malmana-Mazar-Kabul derilticiD!llh¥~': ,:~tile "'P~ f ar orbit three minutes 22 seconds It should be hOPed. academic all_ arms. :"" 9. t!\e' bUsiDess .Cbnfldence 'nar surface as their spacecraft The red cross was flying emer Arrlval-1610 ...;. ... .;.. ...;.......;;'..."I..\• ~ !J ,.*,,~\\ 'f'~ ,"{.. _ ..or.. , '.:," ~ ••• 1 after the rocket was fired te~lS .:.'''':r..r•••_':.::''....••'.........., .. Kabul. Mazar. MaLmaua' ian l;Jetrov writes tbat of " . It was ten minutes after 'f!ting akimmed -the moon in an orbit gency food and drug supplies into Departure 0900 the systems ot tile Apollo II spa before radio contact was reesta ranglne from '60,5 to 169 nautical the Port HarcourtwCalabar area ab 'Kabul, Kbost ceship oil an orbit near the earU>.