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12-29-1968 Times (December 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 231) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (December 29, 1968, vol. 7, no. 231)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1929.

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L. \

" " ' , ' ,, " '·l'i· , " .' THE' ~UL TIMES "\ D~dEMBER28, -1968 • j ,.' ~P~AG~E~4~ __--;----'--~'-:""-~'------:--:--~~-~IKrihai:::nAbdul Ghaffar Khq,n's, Eid f$pl!ech . •• 'HI n . A ~ I'• '(. Following Is a speech by Khan oadeast ended a fr.iend,turnehd tO wWe arelglvMen nlames, ~dey~e~ ";.1U"'~ \ -'I:t---'r:I"""r'T'". ",' Airlines Prime Minister's speech I ~ h Kh d /1 d e and lIoted' "1 did not t tok e ar.e a so os ems, a ,r , A I,d,,/ G afta, an, ve~, on m. h' d f 11 J'k this" brothers. We have freed one co' ARIANA AFGHAN AIR- «'o/ltill'"d from I) Ihe soil is thc same soil and the her<",';' ,20 nil /';;.b:;~caS1ol1 "f th~ fa~dh~~::,s: ,,~o: th~r~ fs goo'd .untry, Islam constitutes brother- . , . poe' E~"/1.:t';r~na~~ ab'rOth~rs" LINES: be ensured In this country one day. climate i, 'he' same climate. It as well as bad in a people, But Ihood. Mpke us also your brothers. . - We nr~ on &"uanl aaainsl neah· lakes exertions to reconstruct the y s . t th pashtuns are now wholry co... 'l1nd grant us our rights, ARRIVAL Flight Time g",noe, le,hargy be~Bus" we are ac- greatness of the past o( this region ,A, ~e~ ~ay~ ago I 'iasb:l g~~: pa~le of telling one from the at- It is the same thing that Af- . K.hul counlable to the people. We are ful- which was the home or a glorious. lit ,a nen some 111 a ' - " ghanistan is also"dolng, The fact . , FG·1I2 1130 I Iy aware that 'hey wan an mve. n • dvllsa'ion, Bnd alsoI to. achieve0 der IWhat,:be well're' Were'Wemanyhappenedotherto gueststune theas heAr.noth~r thOmg wh'ch, I would that they ,'.'launch lIaried't A1propag-h Mazar, lory from us. We have a clear con~- the present requ res 10 r. 0 '~ - i·1 t d' P h war The like to say is that .you must try ~nda campaIgns ,agams g a~- , Kabul rall~ ues.·~· ckus. ho'wever. and are prepared for able to convince ourselves that we W re ess 0 be. to understand what I want and 'Istan and relate us to India. theIr VOL. VII, NO. 231 FG·241 1618 lhl befoJ'< the people and in Ihe have done whal we could to serve progr~::,e dC~' e~~ng ~~oad- whom.I want it for. I have ai- aim is to give us a ba.d n.ame, to ~ ~s~thm~~ty,D~CEMBER DEPARTURES .KAB__ULiiii,!!!,.. 29, 1968 (oIADI 8,1347 S.H.) li.~i of our belief.. the n.tion, tween en s was I ways said that we do not have a create a kind. of fear In y.ou and PRICE AFS.

pAGE n THE KABUL '1'IMES DECEMBER'' 29, 1968' , t~~;AGrc:E-;3i;::=:;",.-~---:--=-_~ I-~---:"~...... ;...... -:..._...... ,...... ;T:::.:HE:;;~fKA8T1L '['IMES DECEMBER 29, 1968 • or...... , ...... I ...,j.1o.. ,,

D~olonisation' /' • ! Food For 'Plrought,· Usta~d' a~,d • • Art in trance Kasim A,fgholn C folk, musIC ·m~vement , i' Satire shmrld, like a po/lShtd ra· l!J~ declaration re'ee~ worli opilti.,ne:\~~t By AmiD Salkal , Marseil1~ At thIS late stage m the deli. defy -the ·declslons of the General Assembly. :II .training a new lor kef'II. It was believed mat :the 'last beratlons of the 23rd sessIon of Assembly lU regrad 10 the Imp!". In particular the governments Years of the 19th century wouId the General Assembly on the quo mentation of the prOVISIons 01 of-SoutUIAtrica 'an¢o - E~al generation of~ art lovers Wouna w,th a 'nueh fhat' f scar- :Witltfthl!.-i-eQ~s mark the begmnmg of a bright eshon of the ImplementatIon of the Declarahon of Independence dilL not·,comply penod to Afghan mUSIcians and By Carol Cotler the Declar'!tton On Granting In· to Colomal Countries and Pea· which were-made. to_.theiii<-:tIli~· slOgem when U&Y.lQ Kasun" 01 e dependence to Colomal Countries pies pect to the territories under thc· of Ihe prominent Afghan sIDgers In Paris a lot of tlme, mon­ The fact that Marseilles has ra:: and Peoples, we are onCe agaIn Among other Colonial powe~ s Ir domInation. . Marv Worttt'\' Montag" at that time unexpectedly open. ey, and talk has been laVIshed on ken thIS encouraglUg step IS nght evaluating the achievements. fro the poliCies of the gavernn,,'nt Moreover, we find ,n the satd the problem of getting the French IU keepIDg Wllh the spml of ItS 'l~tratl~ns, cd a mUSIC schooJ 10 the Kharaba' and sho:teommgs of o( Saulh Af..ea, ,n regard 10 Na- report, that the sltuatlOl\ in other Kabul's bohemlen quartec ' to go to their own museums One museum dIrectIOn Free lnformll­ Ihe UDlted NatIOns m soIvmg one mlbla, and, the attitude of Por- dependent terntories is' not sat,;· reVtV~ solutIOn turns up cons1stently­ ttve sheets are to be found 10 th~ tmpo~tant KaSlm'6 school trIed to ,f die most and Jong- tugal toward Its African ternt,,· (actory The admlhisterlng Vow. slart with the young But while collectIOn rooms (another Ame~ sl~ndmg Afghan natIOnal tunes and b V"I\ 1""'1'" I 'Y'. jonty took a bold step toward the the will of thc subjugated peopb ch 0 slate of olTalrs IS Imp"edmg This Is as far as the Arabs can gO aDd II plum",. "'1',,1 I rl I" 1l1lSo,:iOIl) enhancement of llberahng the In colamal terntones and will the ,mplementatlon of the Dee. Born In 1383, he took hI' first IS absurd to expeel more of the Arab leaders con· smgmg lessons from hiS famous und The VNV' I,ml I r It 1.7" hard hOlNcver to expect the proponents of oppressed peoples of the world never be able to SUtVIVC In th· laratl~n ond IS contrary to the lJ I IIt'l cd ou a mInI! 111 II I n I'd I IJl'~rr ann Justice to dye a moment's thought to slderlng the suffering whlcb the israelis have Inf· ThlS measure, taken by the Gen- struggle of the people who clre alms and objectives of the Chaf­ father Ustad Satar J :'lnd corner Wllhll1 Ih,.. I, 'I A ' thiS kmd of reasonmg void or any substances. Is lieted on their peoples eraI, Assembly, was a reaffirma- f1ghtmg to bbtam their IOdepl'lI- ter went to India to complelc hi' Let "Tluslcal education undel the tute­ spurn h.ld to UP r," I The world In the meanwhile has waited In hon of the world pubhc opmtOn dence It IS therefore our firm It should ltke also to mentIOn ral'lI .lUthorthes have asserted '01at the two Arab ~Ingc' anv COlli' It,. ~ vain for a change of heart on the israeli side. for the attainment of the obJec conVIction that under these Just that the conlinuallon of some ~f lage of the noted Inchan patnots "ho wen' arrested in Athens fonowine: Ustad Plar Khan There he con­ ted on a 1,II,..:t I III 1 They stUi think that they should and can make tlve o( the United NattOns Char- pressures, the colomal powers wt'l the Colonial Cases In wlthout th(' mCldcnt had Lebanese travel documents centrated on learnmg the IndIan floor one I h~t I their aggression pay On Jerusalem they won t ter and therefore, by thIS hlsto- be forced to YIeld to the WIll c r any doubt a threat to mternatio­ llstad I{asim with Ustad Fiaz Khan and Asad Ali Khan,of,IDdG, rher. are hundreds of thousands of displaCed Pa claSSICS and was reputed to ha J..!:ht So 110\\ I II I !l I ,'r ncal DeclaratIOn, the General the people In the colonial te: 11 nal oeace and secunty talk Golan Helghls are necessary in view of se­ st long somuC'1 (I I , .. h'shman Arabs hVU1~ In Lebanon. and as stateless Assembly proclaimed rts beliefs tones ThIS asocct of Colomal rule Ve mastered 64 rages persons lhe~ are entitled to get travel rloclDnents curity The JonIan River makes a convenient na With old mastl'IS to Ie lch I. that colomal peoples haye the ThiS Year, the Spec..1 Commit· should be gIven due attention by sun-fJlled hav( n from the countr)· where they live in and go to turaI border When he returned to Kabul hI' undemable nghts to self-delerm- tee of Twenty Four prepared ,I' the Gencral Assembly and should As of now thl' Chdd'l'ns Mil· cfluntrJes of their ('holce. and 10 nations which It may be possible for israelIS to stick to ca InatlOn and mdependence . analytIcal reoort WIth regard to not be dismIssed lIghtly on the took hiS fiTSt senous sleps In J :lI­ Your se the prestIge of folk mUo.;.tC In seum consists 01 I ,I V lh fact IS that Arab nationalISts of Pales be possible to resort 10 aggression against Arah due to the unhnng efforts of to the Declaration and other C('I(' :> pf as hIS famp CI n I 11 \' Ihc hdllgln~ P ~III n ",h ('1 U\ lise of force they want to compel Arab states They have also been able to absorb these aggre.s· Ustad K l:-.lm I if I I los ly t/11/ L, lhtl j, 1 I ions. Israel can not Win every war, and It can af­ ty, for there are terntones 10c.l General Assembly of the Derl.. 1, ('ltd dlscnmlnatlOn conshtute iJ to "ullress Arab nationalists peoples who desolte theIr r..:nrl ratton of the Grantmg of InJr.>:J cnme agalOst humamty , of SIngers mdn y I \\ 111 clt!,''-n llJ d JLlVl' I\ In ThiS I'" sheer \ andalHml e-speclally when ford to lose only one eavours are sttll undel cololl endence to Colomal Countrtes anrl The Secl etary General In hiS well known and he \\'11' l 11'1"". thIng has bel 11 d( Ill:' II lilt Y lal dommatlOn Peoples there a1 C' colonIal power IcPOltS on the quesh6n of compil- sltlon after cnmppsillon to prove and not dIlute all apPlCli "1,)11 WIth much regret we can S~f' who ale members of the Umtl j dnCe has gIven the text of the Afghan musIC" had U lIT11 I ' " Fllst-rate WOI ks ot ~lrt weIe' scl~ yle and Ih;:\t modern ( .,,, s that there are governments Stll] NatiOns who have failed to fLll- member-states' reolles whIch ha ected from the museum s cnllu stubbornly presenting obstac1~s nIsh any InformatIOn to the :Scc- ve been received by hIm \Ve could follov. In thell n.ltl\l' II I tlOn, not reproductIOns but exp II:OME PRESS AT A GLANCE' dlttons mples that will Inshll and prop· to the w1ll of the World Com- I etary General regarding the f'X- have studied these reolIes, and On Jud~mC'nt mUOIty who persIstently Igno tent of theIr compliance With the cit one POInt WE." are not m agree- erly develop taste and y(.... lerda\ Isjuh and Heywud both A prospective stud('nt 11I .. t h'ld Ich was held yesterday at Kabul re world pubhc opInIOn and recommendatIOns of the Gene1,,1 ( Continued on PaRe 4 I The works are not even hUN' d('\ottd the.lI <--duonals to the SUI..:­ I;) an example Ustad Mohammad to hold a publIc celemonv ("I't'rl chrolonglcally, a treatment that unde~ UllIverslty for the Rraduates of the ~l''',lul ~lJlllpletlt)n of thc Apollo-g H USSIO who the superVIsIon Shakar and Gur ( ;tlld hfll\\n would smack too much o[ a le"­ 1Il,"~lun II bas been eight year ... tlf hiS father who was also a well· hl;;h schools Dema,cracy sugar cakes) In wOlch all the son Instad the chJ1dl en 31 e Qn­ "lll~(,' knoYoo vOLahst received propef tra­ The paper refers to the fact tha Ihl' hlg powers m their racE.' professional smgers In the Khar­ couraged to appreciate each Item I II tht IlHlIm have opened the wa\ IOlng at home and abroad thiS concorde system which has been used for the last few years has been abat were ,nVlted to display lhe" for Itself not as a piece of 111'0;­ ltlr hUlll.ln ht:lnJ~ tu space and the\­ 1 here IS no reason why he should Is parliamentary government suited to India? talent. tOry hd\1 1,l,,"en Important ",ePs towards not bE' ,gIven an academIC 'Itle Us­ very useful In seeIng that capable The world of Afghan riddles The whlc:h had many dtffi(;ult I..:OmmlJ ::I E ate (·f ,lny say III the govern­ youn~ 'itudent carryon their hIgher edu­ After they flmshed the Free.standlng X shaped stands thl" glloll \Hlle~ Islall lad Mohammad Hussm, says the s na I caste and hnqmstlc problems ment ot theIr Slate They are dl ,_ apprentice would sIng In t,t dC'r to c.ation at universIty level are spotted about the room I\. I hllugh Iht' paper wen l on to say writer has wntten several books 1 he foundmg fathers Ihen~fore abled to functIOn even 10 an ad.. show that he had talent and was This concorde adds the paper. From kerosense lamps to pomegranates chIld can move a hghtwelght sto­ llO musIc has trained a great num­ nll111011 ant.! Imlilon dollars are be­ t:ame 10 the conclUSIOn thai In la­ visory capa<:::lty and the result uf worthy of studymg under Usta.:! ol Into these nIches to corne face ~ln also gives aD opportunity to the Afghan riddles are tYPICal folk By Joan Kayeum double, In!.. srxll' the space ral..:e, any ber of people and has also taken ses of emergency the PreSident all thiS IS that Clt1zens 10 States Kasim to-face WIth a fine pIcture ann ,l~r education authonhes to a6SCSS the llt!ulcs 1 hClr merit lIes nol 1n theIr .:arth It Will lie From two holes emt"r~es WIth­ laken towards this end makes p,lrt 10 International musIc contest, should have the power of taklllg governed by the PreSident can be come under Its spell qUite natul· 4 jj:cneral education standard of Ihe sOphlsllcatIon but In the laughter, Like an old shaggy d02, It leaves ,Ill .... \..ppe 01 men s knowledee Wider Yesterday s Ams has an edl10r over the ~ovcrnment of a Stale deprived of their democratIc fights After he fimshed studY109 he out any trouble ally students l:'nIhuSlasm and mterest they cre.lle by and by Illd bflghler l,tI on the UnIversity entram::e wh· In wht~h a SItuation had aflsen In lor such lime as the Centre may held a SImilar rece~tlon, thIS tt­ Porcupines Cards With explpnatIons are hu I he p.lpcr believes that With the which the Government of the State choose Thus the ConslItuhon pla­ me to show how much he had Ie CllTIong people of all ages and walks Shoes A wonderful loy I found, News of lifc ng next to the palDtings The te­ '\1 t1C\I'!uplng tt..'(hnology the !lv- could not be carned on In al..:Cnr I..:e"i the Stale at the mercy of the alned from the Ustad Some of It walks and walks and walks On lonely desert ground xt IS uncomphcated, but not chl­ Ill);: ,1.11lt!.Jrd \\ III also be raised and d,lI1cc wlth 'he preVISions of the Un'on Cenlre these students are 5t111 alive such 1 hey were not purposely com- all day, A tlJousand arrows were shot id,sh and done lU a large. c1eor II lht' 'l:\..hlllllogical developments posed f0r publIcation Yet, they Constl tutlon Even 10 pre-1ndcpendence days as hiS eldest scm, Yakub Kaslm, deserve attention ntlsts lnd Icadcl'o Ilf IhI.: Nixon appears to want to get out UnIOn Government If It hnds thai through, nomination or throueh so­ 1l green? In.~:'lmLdatmg guards are W1S€" ficultles th('11 onglnallty llO"Ulshnl Ihem fhe federal povernment IS not n~essary Shalda. Rahim Gul cll1d N,lhl (illl Ikhmd .t kelly II fllg(' hl." IS st'CIl anylhlO~ Iher II IS to have a' pro­ It lIlcans Ihe fiubslltUtiOn of the Not even tomorrow. can thai be ..I hI.... plepanng senous In Pe- I hllllldl !,!udl\ III Ill'Hher SLIl nOr VISiOn which enables PreSident's rule!1..: oro\;('s" by d b~own whom he l..:onsl(Jers among lhL' I he d.IY afler that perc.:hanl..:c lilt \\ IItt:! IS III IIplllltll1 that a" kmg" dlrec'lOn-whether one finds 'Thls IS not least because of the \.. nnw keeplO~ 10 be Imposed for pertods of SIX hure.lucraq With no unuer"it.tlldmg best w the country I JI agree Ihl" In Wlth the confused lon(uSlon and uncertainties mto He s beheaul."d dnd kl1Jf('u (line r II I" Ihl h,l'" dud n ,lIonal music ~ltlialLnn or regrettable which Mao T&e-Ttina's cultural re- rnonths or mor<: It must be r~mem­ of whrlt'lll,;f'd volution' has plunged ChlOe S (or- bercd that the ImpOS1ll0n of Pre­ mtl~ r.lIl\.. nOVt;rlllllcnl m(',II1~ I do not however like Ustad 1hen you may smac.:k your lips nlLJ'I\..IIIl'" IIltl VIII.. 111'\1~ whu h,i\l" Hrandt merely repeated what was SIdent s rule deprives the CItizens uf I «()"Il",,~tl 011 PaRe 4 ) I)ural Log~n because he mixes Eyes "ll:-'IIII.I1I\ lIlHll I1I0rl" II hunw "ls that 1 he newspaper said that In the ChIna 'desplle the heavy setbacks another They have hit til m,ln I And even the IsraelI hC\}. Ii: a head In the MIddle East El\ner I ...... I'ke thl.: spruce rubbab 1.!hlJilK tambOlll .Ind ~1I1 FUlly partllions diVide rhl.: well cxpt'flent:t'd and lalented past West Germany had to conSI- It has suffered, tS the Chinese rea­ places lIlslde Israel. even l1C'clI Dayan now speaks of concesswns there Will be settlement accept­ - ." I tI ( nal, Afghan natiOnal mU~JC 11I ~ u('ll~ leaH~s Furly cells ~Ide by Side, Ill11SI(;WllS and vO\..dlisls !;ihould he del Its AmerIcan ally whO' appear:- lity Chiang Kal-Shek.·s Formosa JS able 10 the Palestlman freedom· \\' :.:i '( Ite In tllne It wdl L Tel AvIV the capital he said that the Soviet UnIOn a'lei dIe out Forty lamp I,ghts gUid. ~I\{'ll <.!(;,ldemll,; hIles He rne-nllons ed roused even by Brandt"s harm- a fOSSil" the Umted Stat~s mIght bnng pI· fighters or the J ehad of t:1e Pa­ ~bL ! '11111111 Itt 1111t"'HUI"t 111111 ".,1111110 ""1111I11I01 " III 1110"111' "111'" 1IIIIIItltlllll"lOlIl'l 111111111111111 I11111111111111111I1111 I11111111111111111111 IllllllllllllIllIllHllllIlIllltllll1 The lIme-bomb In the nealt essure On Israel and the'" Arabs to leshntans Will continue WIth 10­ AIllund d \ Illar S chah\.e, gulden Beams ClaSSIfIed per line, bald IIiPC At 20 = of the JeWish sector of JerL1~alpm reach a settlement I clOd rH.lPl; Without ewer lookmg behmd SHAFIE RAIIEL, Edttor "1 have ptoml"ed IHlt ttl lel .tny while the number of Je'},,> leav­ tlemenI w,lI .nol only be ,0 go of the Jarnng MISSion, whc'5e II" n hll~ ... 1\ '11'h "heers In an elephant totally dead, membe, of my Jamlly follow Iny Yearly Af 1000 109 the country ha. begun to 10' back to June 1967 posll1on" bo· h fe ha~ been extended, and on Pllt \,lll !In"~rs In II lIs m~iJde8 live 'tiS said Half Yearly A1 600 rei, 23821 crease cause the PalestinIans clmmlnq the Big Powers forCing a settlem· career because 1 am sure that the­ "Old II pl:lk up lis e,lts Ir work WIll be unre\\ aldc-d ciS Sinjet Quartely A1 308 The Impact of Ihe lDereaslDg their Inalienable rights have em ent They have not eared I'ven A Cane ' Edl/OTiml Ex 24, 58 erged as force to be reck/)Ocd p:1me. A house, In a house. In a hou'iC VIeI Cong·hke resistance un to conSIder how to jomtly co"fr' 'lUIUI I :111.1 afllunu ,Inu art.HlIld Jt (klh be

'. P - ~.::.,,.....,~.,,...... :...... ,....,,,,-..., .,.:.,- _.,..,...... ,.-'" ,--_.I e '

pAGE n THE KABUL '1'IMES DECEMBER'' 29, 1968' , t~~;AGrc:E-;3i;::=:;",.-~---:--=-_~ I-~---:"~...... ;...... -:..._...... ,...... ;T:::.:HE:;;~fKA8T1L '['IMES DECEMBER 29, 1968 • or...... , ...... I ...,j.1o.. ,,

D~olonisation' /' • ! Food For 'Plrought,· Usta~d' a~,d • • Art in trance Kasim A,fgholn C folk, musIC ·m~vement , i' Satire shmrld, like a po/lShtd ra· l!J~ declaration re'ee~ worli opilti.,ne:\~~t By AmiD Salkal , Marseil1~ At thIS late stage m the deli. defy -the ·declslons of the General Assembly. :II .training a new lor kef'II. It was believed mat :the 'last beratlons of the 23rd sessIon of Assembly lU regrad 10 the Imp!". In particular the governments Years of the 19th century wouId the General Assembly on the quo mentation of the prOVISIons 01 of-SoutUIAtrica 'an¢o - E~al generation of~ art lovers Wouna w,th a 'nueh fhat' f scar- :Witltfthl!.-i-eQ~s mark the begmnmg of a bright eshon of the ImplementatIon of the Declarahon of Independence dilL not·,comply penod to Afghan mUSIcians and By Carol Cotler the Declar'!tton On Granting In· to Colomal Countries and Pea· which were-made. to_.theiii<-:tIli~· slOgem when U&Y.lQ Kasun" 01 e dependence to Colomal Countries pies pect to the territories under thc· of Ihe prominent Afghan sIDgers In Paris a lot of tlme, mon­ The fact that Marseilles has ra:: and Peoples, we are onCe agaIn Among other Colonial powe~ s Ir domInation. . Marv Worttt'\' Montag" at that time unexpectedly open. ey, and talk has been laVIshed on ken thIS encouraglUg step IS nght evaluating the achievements. fro the poliCies of the gavernn,,'nt Moreover, we find ,n the satd the problem of getting the French IU keepIDg Wllh the spml of ItS 'l~tratl~ns, cd a mUSIC schooJ 10 the Kharaba' and sho:teommgs of o( Saulh Af..ea, ,n regard 10 Na- report, that the sltuatlOl\ in other Kabul's bohemlen quartec ' to go to their own museums One museum dIrectIOn Free lnformll­ Ihe UDlted NatIOns m soIvmg one mlbla, and, the attitude of Por- dependent terntories is' not sat,;· reVtV~ solutIOn turns up cons1stently­ ttve sheets are to be found 10 th~ tmpo~tant KaSlm'6 school trIed to ,f die most and Jong- tugal toward Its African ternt,,· (actory The admlhisterlng Vow. slart with the young But while collectIOn rooms (another Ame~ sl~ndmg Afghan natIOnal tunes and b V"I\ 1""'1'" I 'Y'. jonty took a bold step toward the the will of thc subjugated peopb ch 0 slate of olTalrs IS Imp"edmg This Is as far as the Arabs can gO aDd II plum",. "'1',,1 I rl I" 1l1lSo,:iOIl) enhancement of llberahng the In colamal terntones and will the ,mplementatlon of the Dee. Born In 1383, he took hI' first IS absurd to expeel more of the Arab leaders con· smgmg lessons from hiS famous und The VNV' I,ml I r It 1.7" hard hOlNcver to expect the proponents of oppressed peoples of the world never be able to SUtVIVC In th· laratl~n ond IS contrary to the lJ I IIt'l cd ou a mInI! 111 II I n I'd I IJl'~rr ann Justice to dye a moment's thought to slderlng the suffering whlcb the israelis have Inf· ThlS measure, taken by the Gen- struggle of the people who clre alms and objectives of the Chaf­ father Ustad Satar J :'lnd corner Wllhll1 Ih,.. I, 'I A ' thiS kmd of reasonmg void or any substances. Is lieted on their peoples eraI, Assembly, was a reaffirma- f1ghtmg to bbtam their IOdepl'lI- ter went to India to complelc hi' Let "Tluslcal education undel the tute­ spurn h.ld to UP r," I The world In the meanwhile has waited In hon of the world pubhc opmtOn dence It IS therefore our firm It should ltke also to mentIOn ral'lI .lUthorthes have asserted '01at the two Arab ~Ingc' anv COlli' It,. ~ vain for a change of heart on the israeli side. for the attainment of the obJec conVIction that under these Just that the conlinuallon of some ~f lage of the noted Inchan patnots "ho wen' arrested in Athens fonowine: Ustad Plar Khan There he con­ ted on a 1,II,..:t I III 1 They stUi think that they should and can make tlve o( the United NattOns Char- pressures, the colomal powers wt'l the Colonial Cases In wlthout th(' mCldcnt had Lebanese travel documents centrated on learnmg the IndIan floor one I h~t I their aggression pay On Jerusalem they won t ter and therefore, by thIS hlsto- be forced to YIeld to the WIll c r any doubt a threat to mternatio­ llstad I{asim with Ustad Fiaz Khan and Asad Ali Khan,of,IDdG, rher. are hundreds of thousands of displaCed Pa claSSICS and was reputed to ha J..!:ht So 110\\ I II I !l I ,'r ncal DeclaratIOn, the General the people In the colonial te: 11 nal oeace and secunty talk Golan Helghls are necessary in view of se­ st long somuC'1 (I I , .. h'shman Arabs hVU1~ In Lebanon. and as stateless Assembly proclaimed rts beliefs tones ThIS asocct of Colomal rule Ve mastered 64 rages persons lhe~ are entitled to get travel rloclDnents curity The JonIan River makes a convenient na With old mastl'IS to Ie lch I. that colomal peoples haye the ThiS Year, the Spec..1 Commit· should be gIven due attention by sun-fJlled hav( n from the countr)· where they live in and go to turaI border When he returned to Kabul hI' undemable nghts to self-delerm- tee of Twenty Four prepared ,I' the Gencral Assembly and should As of now thl' Chdd'l'ns Mil· cfluntrJes of their ('holce. and 10 nations which It may be possible for israelIS to stick to ca InatlOn and mdependence . analytIcal reoort WIth regard to not be dismIssed lIghtly on the took hiS fiTSt senous sleps In J :lI­ Your se the prestIge of folk mUo.;.tC In seum consists 01 I ,I V lh fact IS that Arab nationalISts of Pales be possible to resort 10 aggression against Arah due to the unhnng efforts of to the Declaration and other C('I(' :> pf as hIS famp CI n I 11 \' Ihc hdllgln~ P ~III n ",h ('1 U\ lise of force they want to compel Arab states They have also been able to absorb these aggre.s· Ustad K l:-.lm I if I I los ly t/11/ L, lhtl j, 1 I ions. Israel can not Win every war, and It can af­ ty, for there are terntones 10c.l General Assembly of the Derl.. 1, ('ltd dlscnmlnatlOn conshtute iJ to "ullress Arab nationalists peoples who desolte theIr r..:nrl ratton of the Grantmg of InJr.>:J cnme agalOst humamty , of SIngers mdn y I \\ 111 clt!,''-n llJ d JLlVl' I\ In ThiS I'" sheer \ andalHml e-speclally when ford to lose only one eavours are sttll undel cololl endence to Colomal Countrtes anrl The Secl etary General In hiS well known and he \\'11' l 11'1"". thIng has bel 11 d( Ill:' II lilt Y lal dommatlOn Peoples there a1 C' colonIal power IcPOltS on the quesh6n of compil- sltlon after cnmppsillon to prove and not dIlute all apPlCli "1,)11 WIth much regret we can S~f' who ale members of the Umtl j dnCe has gIven the text of the Afghan musIC" had U lIT11 I ' " Fllst-rate WOI ks ot ~lrt weIe' scl~ yle and Ih;:\t modern ( .,,, s that there are governments Stll] NatiOns who have failed to fLll- member-states' reolles whIch ha ected from the museum s cnllu stubbornly presenting obstac1~s nIsh any InformatIOn to the :Scc- ve been received by hIm \Ve could follov. In thell n.ltl\l' II I tlOn, not reproductIOns but exp II:OME PRESS AT A GLANCE' dlttons mples that will Inshll and prop· to the w1ll of the World Com- I etary General regarding the f'X- have studied these reolIes, and On Jud~mC'nt mUOIty who persIstently Igno tent of theIr compliance With the cit one POInt WE." are not m agree- erly develop taste and y(.... lerda\ Isjuh and Heywud both A prospective stud('nt 11I .. t h'ld Ich was held yesterday at Kabul re world pubhc opInIOn and recommendatIOns of the Gene1,,1 ( Continued on PaRe 4 I The works are not even hUN' d('\ottd the.lI <--duonals to the SUI..:­ I;) an example Ustad Mohammad to hold a publIc celemonv ("I't'rl chrolonglcally, a treatment that unde~ UllIverslty for the Rraduates of the ~l''',lul ~lJlllpletlt)n of thc Apollo-g H USSIO who the superVIsIon Shakar and Gur ( ;tlld hfll\\n would smack too much o[ a le"­ 1Il,"~lun II bas been eight year ... tlf hiS father who was also a well· hl;;h schools Dema,cracy sugar cakes) In wOlch all the son Instad the chJ1dl en 31 e Qn­ "lll~(,' knoYoo vOLahst received propef tra­ The paper refers to the fact tha Ihl' hlg powers m their racE.' professional smgers In the Khar­ couraged to appreciate each Item I II tht IlHlIm have opened the wa\ IOlng at home and abroad thiS concorde system which has been used for the last few years has been abat were ,nVlted to display lhe" for Itself not as a piece of 111'0;­ ltlr hUlll.ln ht:lnJ~ tu space and the\­ 1 here IS no reason why he should Is parliamentary government suited to India? talent. tOry hd\1 1,l,,"en Important ",ePs towards not bE' ,gIven an academIC 'Itle Us­ very useful In seeIng that capable The world of Afghan riddles The whlc:h had many dtffi(;ult I..:OmmlJ ::I E ate (·f ,lny say III the govern­ youn~ 'itudent carryon their hIgher edu­ After they flmshed the Free.standlng X shaped stands thl" glloll \Hlle~ Islall lad Mohammad Hussm, says the s na I caste and hnqmstlc problems ment ot theIr Slate They are dl ,_ apprentice would sIng In t,t dC'r to c.ation at universIty level are spotted about the room I\. I hllugh Iht' paper wen l on to say writer has wntten several books 1 he foundmg fathers Ihen~fore abled to functIOn even 10 an ad.. show that he had talent and was This concorde adds the paper. From kerosense lamps to pomegranates chIld can move a hghtwelght sto­ llO musIc has trained a great num­ nll111011 ant.! Imlilon dollars are be­ t:ame 10 the conclUSIOn thai In la­ visory capa<:::lty and the result uf worthy of studymg under Usta.:! ol Into these nIches to corne face ~ln also gives aD opportunity to the Afghan riddles are tYPICal folk By Joan Kayeum double, In!.. srxll' the space ral..:e, any ber of people and has also taken ses of emergency the PreSident all thiS IS that Clt1zens 10 States Kasim to-face WIth a fine pIcture ann ,l~r education authonhes to a6SCSS the llt!ulcs 1 hClr merit lIes nol 1n theIr .:arth It Will lie From two holes emt"r~es WIth­ laken towards this end makes p,lrt 10 International musIc contest, should have the power of taklllg governed by the PreSident can be come under Its spell qUite natul· 4 jj:cneral education standard of Ihe sOphlsllcatIon but In the laughter, Like an old shaggy d02, It leaves ,Ill .... \..ppe 01 men s knowledee Wider Yesterday s Ams has an edl10r over the ~ovcrnment of a Stale deprived of their democratIc fights After he fimshed studY109 he out any trouble ally students l:'nIhuSlasm and mterest they cre.lle by and by Illd bflghler l,tI on the UnIversity entram::e wh· In wht~h a SItuation had aflsen In lor such lime as the Centre may held a SImilar rece~tlon, thIS tt­ Porcupines Cards With explpnatIons are hu I he p.lpcr believes that With the which the Government of the State choose Thus the ConslItuhon pla­ me to show how much he had Ie CllTIong people of all ages and walks Shoes A wonderful loy I found, News of lifc ng next to the palDtings The te­ '\1 t1C\I'!uplng tt..'(hnology the !lv- could not be carned on In al..:Cnr I..:e"i the Stale at the mercy of the alned from the Ustad Some of It walks and walks and walks On lonely desert ground xt IS uncomphcated, but not chl­ Ill);: ,1.11lt!.Jrd \\ III also be raised and d,lI1cc wlth 'he preVISions of the Un'on Cenlre these students are 5t111 alive such 1 hey were not purposely com- all day, A tlJousand arrows were shot id,sh and done lU a large. c1eor II lht' 'l:\..hlllllogical developments posed f0r publIcation Yet, they Constl tutlon Even 10 pre-1ndcpendence days as hiS eldest scm, Yakub Kaslm, deserve attention ntlsts lnd Icadcl'o Ilf IhI.: Nixon appears to want to get out UnIOn Government If It hnds thai through, nomination or throueh so­ 1l green? In.~:'lmLdatmg guards are W1S€" ficultles th('11 onglnallty llO"Ulshnl Ihem fhe federal povernment IS not n~essary Shalda. Rahim Gul cll1d N,lhl (illl Ikhmd .t kelly II fllg(' hl." IS st'CIl anylhlO~ Iher II IS to have a' pro­ It lIlcans Ihe fiubslltUtiOn of the Not even tomorrow. can thai be ..I hI.... plepanng senous In Pe- I hllllldl !,!udl\ III Ill'Hher SLIl nOr VISiOn which enables PreSident's rule!1..: oro\;('s" by d b~own whom he l..:onsl(Jers among lhL' I he d.IY afler that perc.:hanl..:c lilt \\ IItt:! IS III IIplllltll1 that a" kmg" dlrec'lOn-whether one finds 'Thls IS not least because of the \.. nnw keeplO~ 10 be Imposed for pertods of SIX hure.lucraq With no unuer"it.tlldmg best w the country I JI agree Ihl" In Wlth the confused lon(uSlon and uncertainties mto He s beheaul."d dnd kl1Jf('u (line r II I" Ihl h,l'" dud n ,lIonal music ~ltlialLnn or regrettable which Mao T&e-Ttina's cultural re- rnonths or mor<: It must be r~mem­ of whrlt'lll,;f'd volution' has plunged ChlOe S (or- bercd that the ImpOS1ll0n of Pre­ mtl~ r.lIl\.. nOVt;rlllllcnl m(',II1~ I do not however like Ustad 1hen you may smac.:k your lips nlLJ'I\..IIIl'" IIltl VIII.. 111'\1~ whu h,i\l" Hrandt merely repeated what was SIdent s rule deprives the CItizens uf I «()"Il",,~tl 011 PaRe 4 ) I)ural Log~n because he mixes Eyes "ll:-'IIII.I1I\ lIlHll I1I0rl" II hunw "ls that 1 he newspaper said that In the ChIna 'desplle the heavy setbacks another They have hit til m,ln I And even the IsraelI hC\}. Ii: a head In the MIddle East El\ner I ...... I'ke thl.: spruce rubbab 1.!hlJilK tambOlll .Ind ~1I1 FUlly partllions diVide rhl.: well cxpt'flent:t'd and lalented past West Germany had to conSI- It has suffered, tS the Chinese rea­ places lIlslde Israel. even l1C'clI Dayan now speaks of concesswns there Will be settlement accept­ - ." I tI ( nal, Afghan natiOnal mU~JC 11I ~ u('ll~ leaH~s Furly cells ~Ide by Side, Ill11SI(;WllS and vO\..dlisls !;ihould he del Its AmerIcan ally whO' appear:- lity Chiang Kal-Shek.·s Formosa JS able 10 the Palestlman freedom· \\' :.:i '( Ite In tllne It wdl L Tel AvIV the capital he said that the Soviet UnIOn a'lei dIe out Forty lamp I,ghts gUid. ~I\{'ll <.!(;,ldemll,; hIles He rne-nllons ed roused even by Brandt"s harm- a fOSSil" the Umted Stat~s mIght bnng pI· fighters or the J ehad of t:1e Pa­ ~bL ! '11111111 Itt 1111t"'HUI"t 111111 ".,1111110 ""1111I11I01 " III 1110"111' "111'" 1IIIIIItltlllll"lOlIl'l 111111111111111 I11111111111111111I1111 I11111111111111111111 IllllllllllllIllIllHllllIlIllltllll1 The lIme-bomb In the nealt essure On Israel and the'" Arabs to leshntans Will continue WIth 10­ AIllund d \ Illar S chah\.e, gulden Beams ClaSSIfIed per line, bald IIiPC At 20 = of the JeWish sector of JerL1~alpm reach a settlement I clOd rH.lPl; Without ewer lookmg behmd SHAFIE RAIIEL, Edttor "1 have ptoml"ed IHlt ttl lel .tny while the number of Je'},,> leav­ tlemenI w,lI .nol only be ,0 go of the Jarnng MISSion, whc'5e II" n hll~ ... 1\ '11'h "heers In an elephant totally dead, membe, of my Jamlly follow Iny Yearly Af 1000 109 the country ha. begun to 10' back to June 1967 posll1on" bo· h fe ha~ been extended, and on Pllt \,lll !In"~rs In II lIs m~iJde8 live 'tiS said Half Yearly A1 600 rei, 23821 crease cause the PalestinIans clmmlnq the Big Powers forCing a settlem· career because 1 am sure that the­ "Old II pl:lk up lis e,lts Ir work WIll be unre\\ aldc-d ciS Sinjet Quartely A1 308 The Impact of Ihe lDereaslDg their Inalienable rights have em ent They have not eared I'ven A Cane ' Edl/OTiml Ex 24, 58 erged as force to be reck/)Ocd p:1me. A house, In a house. In a hou'iC VIeI Cong·hke resistance un to conSIder how to jomtly co"fr' 'lUIUI I :111.1 afllunu ,Inu art.HlIld Jt (klh be

'. P - , '. I.


~ ~ .' •• 'f. ~', : . '. ,--'~ , J. , ., "'-' . PAGE 4 DECEMBER 29/1968 ~ ...... I • j(. ' Airlines Pueblo capt. says threats to Mghan week i,n review: , ' MONDAY Arlana Afghan Airlines: life led to false confession. Nation celeblafes Eid festival ARRIVALS \ FLIGHT TIME WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, (AP).­ U.S. sourceS said the terror tactics AfghanJslan, the rest of the theIr history and culture arc stren· Union durmg the week was illso sig-' London, Frankfurt, Tbe Pueblo skIpper has reported agamst Bucher and his crewmen Mostem natIons, celebrated the feast gthened In accordance with the re­ nlficant. In the list of Alglien ex~· Istanbul, Beirut tbat threats to kill bJ.s crewmen onc began almost lJiuhedialely after the of Eidul Fetr, following a month of qultemenls of the present time and ports some induslrlal prodUcts sUCh Kabul • FG·702 0900 by one contr.1buted to hiS false COD­ Pueblo was seized lasl January 23 • fastms. His Majesty the K1lU( and for the creation of an atmosPliere of as cement and textiles Were Includ· Kandahar, Kabul FG-401 1100 lCSSlOn to violation of North Kor­ while on ·an InteWience mlsaion of Prime Minister Noor Ahmad Etcm. cooperatjon, brotherhood and love ed for he first hme. Mazar, Kabul ean waters, authorJtauvk: sources the North Korean coast. adi in'their me...... issued on the in a manner permitting tbe peoples Preserved ftillts, jillees have been FG-116 1500 dISclosed Saturday. On March 4 a North Korean ra­ occasion oolliratulated the whole of of the i"eilon 1<> acbieve economic, expoJled to the Soviet Union for DEPARTURES This and other detaIls of systema­ diO broadcast a so'-called "open,let­ the Islainic world In Jeavlng behind social, cultural and spiritual pro­ sevetal years now. Last year ano­ Kabul. Lahore, tic terror tactiCs are cODtwned 1D ter" addressed '" PreSident John­ this month' of IwoqJhlp and prayed gross". ther export jtetn natural gas U.S., Saitlbn Amritsar FG-304 1030 a detailed report submItted to Sec­ son. The letler saId the Pueblo bad for peace and prosperity of buman There were news dunng the week was added to the Itst., ~ Kabul, Mazar rCl3. v of State Dean Rusk by com­ mtruded Into territorial waters at kind.. ,. that two projects undert.ll.ken wIth Although only 30.000 tons of «­ FG-115 1130 mander llyod Bucher, captain \ of five dIfferent. points over a lO-day The Prime In his message Chltiese assislance namely the Bag­ ment w,ll be exported during the discuss Kabul, Mazar lhc intellIgence Ship, who was Creed period prior 10 its caplure. ' expressed his'rejret over unrestored ramt Textile Mills and the Kabul yeat, aDd the capacity for produc­ FG-1l5 1130 along With hiS 81 survlvmg crew­ The letter caned On the United right of a Moslem mass, namely tbe Serleullure centre WIll be completed hon and export IS much larger than Kabul, Tashkent men last Sunday Slates 1<> admIt the intrusion, apolar people of Pashtoonlstan. before the end of lhe year. that J Moscow FG-604 1130 fhe report was submitted In res­ glse and eive assurances that there "I feel deeply sad". said the Pn- So far the Agriculture and Irrl- Textile exports for the most pari differences Kabul, Kandahar ponse to PreSident Johoson's order would be ho repetitIon. me Minister in. the message that gatlon MinIstry In a bid to promote Will replace sales of raw cotton t.O • FG·I04 1400 for a thorough Invesllgatlon after The North Koreans rel",sed the Moslems are under pressure' in a sericulture has been Importing silk­ the SOViet Union TIus is due to ZARANI, Dee JO, (Bakhtur) -Pnme Mmister Etemadl ye­ PARIS, Dec 30 -Leaders and ~uchcr s firSt reports of beatings Pueblo crew after the United States Moslem country, and some of these, worms from abroad. The new_centre the failure of plans for IOcreaslng sterday visited lands on the bank of the Helmand River in Neem­ slaff aIdes of lh< UnIted Sta4es and Bakhtar Afghan Airlines: and IntImIdation at Ihe hands of the rcpudiaied In advance and then In. these holy days, are nOW kept In will produce 20,000 boxes of seeds production of cotton en-oueh for ex· ­ roz which sre threutaned by the rise in the water level lD spring. South VIetnamese delegations to ARRIVAL North Koreans dunn£: the AmerIca's sIgned a document which acknow· pnsons per year, enough for distnbutlon to ports as well as local textile lOdus­ The Prime MIOlst,>r In.tructed Public Works MIDister Eng the peace 1alks on Vietnam met ledged Violation of Korean waters, thiS w~ekend folt6wlne the retum Cltaghcharan, Bamian II-month CaptivIty UWe are convinced that the day silk producers in several provin. try Mohammad Hussein Masa, who is accompanying him on the triP, US olhclals said Saturday fur­ alTered an apolOiY and promlaed will come that our brother Moslem ces / JD­ • of alternatc US delegaUon leader Kabul BL-il2 1250 If supplies of cOUOll for local • to take immedIate (toad prevention messures ther det.llls Will be made pubhc af­ there would be no more such h1cj. nation of Pakistan will underst.ll.nd The Bagram, Textlle Mills wlll dustry is insuffiCient It IS unecotlo· Cyrus R Vance from consul:atui~nt? DEPARTURE dents The Prime Mmisto :.-esterday also IDspeCled the ZaranJ Kabul, Bamlan, ter the investigation has been com­ the realities of the situation and on produce 12 million metres of cloth mlcal to export it, however, an abl­ m Washmgton The Umted States Insisted both hospital and hotel now undel construction. The Prime Minister Taktng part 111 the consultahon at Cltaghcharan BL-OI 0830 pleted the basis of justice and fairness In per year. ThIs wlll be 25 per cent of Illy 10 export textllnn ,lI1d members of the new U S Democracy In India clval m Zaranj Fnday. after :IS­ admlt11stratlOn, Vance told news­ of a note to members of the Unl· Tass: Phantom Lemng to speeches by Neemmz enjoyable In thIS area but thIS TMA ted Nations WIll be pOSSIble only If and when men at the I:llrpl1rt march against ~) Governor Mir Armnuddm Ansa­ ~Olnf.' everyth~,,&, ARRIVAL In IJ statement tape-recorded al (Continued from page the people are educated Fortun­ We are to dn The question may well be asked a system of checks and balances sales encourage n 'I- digmtary of ZaranJ and a Within nUl power to brenk through Beirut, Kabul the San Dlceo naval base hosrlltal st~dent, ately the Government IS now able where. If there IS somethmg funda­ The Judiciary In those CIrcumstances said In answer thp r()~ch1Lks whlth arC' fa::lI1g us TL-203 1200 where he has been In seclUSIOn for NATO, Vatican "1 wished for a long tIme to VI­ to extend to more remote ']fea~ several days Bucher told hiS per­ mentally wrong with a State, the plays a vital role BUl assumlllg Israeli hawks sit here, and familiarise myself of the country the benefit o[ nnw sonal story Centre should do nothlDi and Just that the Amencan system js not su­ I hope that we c3n do thiS 7n With your problems. but the op­ schooling for chIldren Authorilles said It lOcJudes an LAGOS Dec 29. (AFP) -More allow the processes of dlslOtegrat.!on Ited to IndIan conditIons. IS there :he not too far dlst.'nt future MOSCOW. Dec 29, (AFP)-Tass portunity was not aJallable I .. An example of thJS was seen than J 000 persons yesterday jOloed to operate In the country It IS con­ no POSSlb1lity of a compromise so­ I .lm nOI ,:t0lnJ to make any pre­ Pharmacies aLcount of North Korean threats to news agency said yesterday that the and my col1eagues are very hap­ here 10 'he speech by a student who a demonstration march through do­ ceivable that the UniOn Centre too lution 10 thiS matter? To begm With dictions hut I LaO assure you we execute members of hiS u('w one U s. w4.eclslon to send 50 Phantom py for tltis opportunity now dISCUSsed the role of the youth In Shahab Zadah sUo Street wn town In a protest on:e-aDlsed by can act JO an arbitrary and uncons­ IS 11 not poSSible for Us to have the WIll do evervthmg we can so that at a tJlnc In hiS presence until he supersoOlc bombers to Israel prov­ You mentloned the adverse ro­ lhe development of the country Kabul Jade Maiwand Tel 20563 yielded to demands that a ~onfesSlOn left~wJng groups against "Jnterfer­ titutional manner A logical conclu­ Amencan system In the States, ed that Washll18ton was still encou­ w(" can ~et 'on 10 dlStllSS1l1g sub~· ad condlhons IO the prOVInces ''In the area of natural resour­ Anwar Karle Parwan he signed pm:e In lhe Nigenan crisis by Sion of arguments of thiS character, and leave the Centre as It IS With ragmg behngerency and extremIsm tantlve IssueS of peace ., We came by the same way In or­ ces God Almlg,hty has endowed Nasslm Karle Char N A. ro countnes and the Catholic Is that the President wo should have responSible government V.II1CC whose plane landed to- In an mlervl('w at MIdway Island of IsraelJ leaders despite ItS claims der to expenence the same dlf us generously One such resoure..... Nawi Jade Andarabi Tel 20587 church the risht of supersedmg the Union ward mldllIpht Fflday said he had last week while the crewmen were to the contrary ftculty that travel1ers to and IS the great Helmand River Util s­ • Malwand Labe Daria Te" 20580 Anti_riot police were out In full Centro and assuming power JD hiS ThIS Will ensure harmony bet­ not seen a report of PreSIdent Joht"­ <'nroute home, Bucher said the North Without Amencan support, It from thiS proVInce are facing atlon of the Helmand RIver as ,n Beirut Etefaque Jade Malwand K(lrCanS threatened to kill him year and carry1O£ shields and tear own hands and workin.: through the ween the Legislature and Execu­ s.lId, 'he Israelis would not have , son's mtormal press conference 9'at; "Problems of every Citizens aTe deSired IS an objective of us all ~wo freight carrYing planes of Nader Pasbtoon Jade Nader Pasb­ also gas Mounted pollee and officers with ''machmery of the serv1ces and the tive organs of government, and shown So openly their desire to You have mentioned the pro­ at over $ 50 mIllIon her In the day and '(elt It woufo'be: toon Tel 23262 police dogs guarded strategIC points Defence Forces, of which he IS the make It caSler for the latter to pur­ the problems of the Governm' Directly In front of the maIO 1 J ans-MedIterranean AIl"hnes con'lm~01 1 hey finally lold me they would keep the gams WOn by Ihelr aggres­ ent, and each problem faced by blem faclOg wate, shortages and Improper for him to on tt Nawl Hashemi Share Nau kllI me- And I wasn t partIcularly along the march. head. sue a pollcy whIch can be understood Sron termwal buJldlDg lay lhe almost ITMA) were destroyed Speak1l1g to newsmen In 'his offi­ the Government, IS every mdlv­ f100dings In nvers and canals and J~O damage was apparent to ha­ Afghan .lade Nader Pasbtoon upset about that', he said Dozens of not police were 8Wl:rd ... It IS suggested that there IS I" a and appreciated by foreign States unrecogmsable rematns of n ve­ ce the Presldent had expressed. hope By encouraging the Esbkol gov­ Idual's dIfficulty damages from them EliminatIOn ngers or other auport buIldings Tel: 24137 Bucher said the North Koreans Ing the Bnltsh High Commiss!on sense no difference between a State In any case, the time has ardved ernment to refuse to comply with of these dIfficulties reqUIre pro­ JO and a BoelOg 707 Also 00 lhe for progress on substanllve lS~ueS "The prospenty of thIS na· apart 110m several wmdows In Farid Asri Jade Malwand tned to tcrronse hIm by pretendmg and the American embassy located Government and the VOlOn Gov­ when some thought should be given the November Secunty Council res­ tarmac was a Cal avelle WI th Its toward settling the waf and aJ!,tWd tlon IS a subject of mterest to all longed studIes '!I'd huge IOvo,t­ thl! fmIlt of the maIn termwal bu~ Tel 22919 to fire empty weapons at him. at the racecourse. ernment m this particular matter. It to the type of democrcy that WIll nose, bl~off, " 10 the "dIlly-dallying'" ab'out ,11,{POj!, olution on the Middle East, Wash­ of us Poverty and backwardness ments Ildwg sllat(ered by machinegulls Babur Shah Goargah rhey put me through one of Cars In the demonstration carned has, therefore, become Imperative SUit the geniUs of tbe IndIan peo­ lOgton assumes the graVe respooSlbl­ The wont'dilmage was eviaent dural Issues whIch have been 'btaoK­ affect us al1 We al1 partake 10 ConstructIons must be haser: on ~evel al were rtddled by bul­ Mlr Wals Sare Chouk Tel 20583 lhose dnlls With an empty gun They slogans calhng On federal leaders to for all tbose who believe In demo­ ple It may be that a deeper study Illy for aggravahng the unstable ~clentiflc studies We als0 _need outSide the hangers of Middll 109 the openmg of the ne" 1alk .. Pasbtoonlstan Shahl Watt. the constructIOn of the country lets but still standtng did thiS tWice I held up pretty well WID the war The demonstration was cratic values to attack the entire of the Soviet systems.. wllI prOVIde Situation In that area Tass said the cooperatJon of all the nedple East A"hnes (MEA) and Leba­ since November () Tel. 20528 You have mentioned m your r.;yewttnesses reported that 1s­ "They deCided that wasn't gOing organised )OInliy by the NIgerian InstitutIon of PresidentIal rule. Ar­ some Ideas of area In overcommg these nese lnternatlonaj A,rways (LlA) But the wa'r mUSt be ended 'wlth speeches the glones of the pasl Hie I aeb helIcopters spraYed roads General Medieal Depot in Karte to be effective, so they threatened to Youlh SolIdarity Council and the oticle 356 with ItS WIde scope. IS a where the remaIns of eIght aIrcr­ honour' the Presldenl declared of thIS area, have enumeraled the problems leadlng to the aupotl. WIth ma­ Char Tel. 41252 commence shootlOg the most jUntor N,genan Braoch of the Afro-Asian menace to the democratic structure aft lay tn 'he parktng POSlt!O:lS Just running OUI won't do I' Un­ h IS monstrous to depnve people HONG KONG Dec 29 (AFP) present day problems and short­ I assure you that all of our chlnegunfire and grenades to bl­ members of the crew In my pre.:. Solldarlty Organ1S8tion. which our founding fathers envI· where they were hit less thll1~s are .settled honourably of the fundamental naht of having -Pekmg last nIght offiCIally an­ comings and perhaps believe endeavours are dIrected to ensur­ ock 011 troop remlorcements sence N Igenan newspapers, and It.ft. saged for tbis country. On the other Side the airport they are not settled' any say In tbe government of theIr nounced the successful explOSIon that WIth comIng of my collea­ Ing the orospenty of the Afghan FollOWIng the raId leapwg fl­ Bucher said hiS captors threatened wmg grouPs have aimed parhcuJarly nahon But the way we can ac­ it may be sa1d that In our States State Jor months and months It has of another hydrogen bomb over gues and myself here every thing ames lit the I1Ight sky 3endlO~ Important to kill fireman Howard Edward at France In the past weeks. accu­ complish this task does oot only there are far too many parties and become Jmperahve for political par­ her west regIOn on De.cember 23 WII1 be attended to and solved up a glow whtch could be ~een Bland, one of the youngesl persons Slng that country of aldmg Blatran depend on us Israel blames AI Fatah unit that they are Dot able to work In hes not to view thiS quesbOD from The offiCIal new ChlOa new'; "I want to pOInt out a reahty 101 miles on the ship "10 my presencc" seceSSIOn No matter how eXJlanslve our sc­ Telephones a cooperative SPlflt That can hap­ the point of view of their vested 111- agency saId in a press communi­ 10 you It is the objectIve of us The hres were hnally extmgUJ ope of WIshes and desnes are w~ pen also at the Centre, and Jf that terests I que that the explosion has enab· In coming here to firstly recogn' shed at l330 local (ll30 GMT I must realIstically assess our re­ Lebanon for shells Israeli Police Station -20 be so, is It not time for us to thmk (lNFA) led China to conduct a new the­ Ise the problems and then chart as troops and pohce cordoned off sources 1 can saY with certamty Traffle Department --41700 whether parhamentary democracy, rmo-nuclear test the aIrport Airport --21283--2087~ Hasrat's speech Malaysian PM as we know It, IS suited to the that all mherent problems here Athen's offair town 01 Beissan can not be solved as a result of A Bntlsh eyeWItness of the at- Fire Department 13 gent Us of the IndIan people? As a Kiesinger says JERUSALEM, Dec 30. (Reul find that there Stationary, laundry, coPPt!rdishes, toilet paper, rice, nlglit's massive retahation; 8g8i~i. "1 rushed out onto the balcony we-st banI\. (If Jordan a comm9nGlo .Weather Genel al Assembly no whIch they KUALA LUMPUR Dec. 29, (Reut~r) area BONN, Dec 30. Arab -aIrcraft at BeIrut's Jnterna-' and the first plane was gOIng liP communtque reported here It..·, r have not gJven an affirmatIve vo­ (ReuterJ.-Pnme MInISter Tun­ IS htlle pubhc oplOlon In thiS co­ In conclUSIon the Pnme MInIS­ SkIes In the northern, northea­ West German Chancellor Kurt tlonal aJrport , 10 flames." Eck~rt said The commul11que said the shelling le ku Abdul Rahmn saId yestPlday untry agatnst tbe very system of ter assured the people that all the stenl and central regions will be red beans, Pesbawari lentils. Herati chick peas, Badakh­ Georg KJeSInger yesterday saId A ForeIgn Ministry spok' uIlIOn, the ceotral Bone­ NEW YEAR'S EVE plymg SIX planes ,to those~not­ place shortly atter the debneflOgs (l 8 country next Wednesday mto se­ The workerp are threatening ta ml3n new~paper Svoboda. reported 109 the flight poss,ble" ~ ably the church group by csntas and on Janunry 8 _.- - Tehran, or wsh prizes up to Af. 158,808. Even if you aren't lucky you still win, yesterday The astronauts, gnnmng Widely, (31st. to 1st-) -who will obviously use' them parAle Czech and Slovak fedoraI re­ down tools If Slnrkovsky does not ARIANA CINEMA: head the new federal parhament Slovak support for Smrkovsky also were given the traditional danCe of At I, 4, 7 and 10 pm. AmerIcan for Tunning anns supplies to re­ pubhcs Your money adds up to the society's ability to do a better job' wherever aDd But he I~ a Czech and the post is appeared 10 be mounlIng The Slo­ welcome .by swaymg hula Blrls dres­ MAlMANA. Dec 30 (Bakht,!rJ colour ClDemascope fIlm dubbed bels,' was not seen by them to PreSident Ludwli Svobpda accep- (AT THE INTERNATIONAL CLUB) ted the resignations from Pnme designated for a Slovak. • 1/'ak academy of sCience and Ihe sed 10 'grass skirts an..d weanng flo­ -A landshde buned a house and 10 Farsi RAIN TREE COUNTRY have an obvious and direct link Mmister .. pldrlcb Cern\k but . Apart from the natlQnality ques­ Slovak aSSOCiatIOn of {I'm and tele­ wers 10 their haIr two of its occupants In MenJelab with Liz Taylor and Myntgomery whenever Its help Is needed. , to an arms tace to, Afrjeu, ,tile Durmg their fhght to Houston Village, near Malmana centre' of WILL BE askCjj ~Im 10 remain 10 office 4ntll tion, Smrkovsky _has become a ral­ VISion artist) are among the lalest CUlt Stlnday at 7 pm. In Eng­ U.S. govePlmel1t must reallY be­ Fanab prOVlOce Fariab Gover· ttl-: new fedcrC\1 government was lyIng ppint fpr proiresslves who see orgamsattons to Issue stateme(1ts In aboard a C-141' Jet the astronauts hsh lteve it can fool the world all the continued a debrlefmg seSSion which nor Mohammad EbrahIm Abasi A VERY JOLLY NIGHT t~e named, Prague Radio repoi-led his removal from polltic81 ·Ilfe as hIS favour .Buy Afghan Red Crescent Society Lottery hme". letter ¥Ull. con~m began shortly after they were taken VISited the area snd has lssued , i, Cerrnk an" many of his mlnlsl.ers one of the flnal blOws to the ietorm As the stnke threat grew, The professors all listed them­ also mouhted 10 Prague about pos~ on board by the Yorktown IOstructlons to move the peDple who J selves as from either the UnIVer­ are expected to retam their posts movement PARK CINEMA: PLEASE MAKE YOUR RESEVATION IN TIME The danger of large-scale stnkes More and more factones yester­ slble reacH On from the Sovlet Un­ After a brief meetlOf Wll-h their lIve 10 homes bUilt on the lower At 2, 4~. 'T and 9 pm IramBn • SIty of Thadan or the UniverSl­ fanllAtli, the ostronauts go lOtI) len- slopes of a dirt mound Ticket. They help. disrupting tranSition to a f~deratlOn day Jomed an the campaum to keep IOn film THREE INSANES WIth Go­ (ACC. GUESTS: AF. 200) ly of Lagos. gosh .'
