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VOL. X NO. 55 , SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1971 (JAWZA 9, 1350 S.H.) PRICE AF. 4

Batnyan colossi HOUSE COMMITTEE Prince Ahmad I STUDIES TREATY Shah returns restoration to Kabul KABUL. .May, 30, (Bakhtar- )-, work resumes ON EDUCATION His Royal - Highness Prince Ah- mad Shah who went to Europe early in April for medical check KABUL, May 30, (Bakhtar).-T- he KABUL, May 30, (Bakhtar). The on Elimina- Conventl6n up treatment returned home Deputy Minister of Informa- - ' tion of Discrimination in Education which has been signed and at 11:20 a.m. this morning. tion and Culture Mohammad Kh-ali- d by and has been sent to the House of the People He was welcomed at the air- - Roashan, arrived Bamyan for ratification was considered by the Cultural Education- in and port by HRH Princess Belqis, yesterday to inspect the condi- al Affairs Committee of the House yesterday. The Commit- HRH Marshal Shah Wall Khan" living of Indian ex-per- ts tee has already considered some parts of the convention in tion of the Ghazi, HRH General Sardar Ab--! who are helping in the im- some of its earlier meetings. ' dul Wali, some other members of plementation of historical ' the the Royal Family, Prime Min-- The meeting decided to invite Mansouri should i monuments preservation' and to attend the next ister Noor Ahmad Etemadi, Co- the Deputy Foreign Minister for meeting solve any problems they may of the Committee on Minister Ali Mohammad, Se- Far-ha- urt have. Affairs di Political Dr. Ravan Wednesday to answer questions cond Deputy Prime Minister and, to attend its next fteefing on the budget, organisation and Education Minister Dr, Abdul A group experts ar- to answer the deputies' ques- developmental activities of LDD. of Indian " Kaxeum, Interior Minister Enij, ;' rived here last, week, and after tions. ..V" The Petitions Committee in its Mohammad Basheer Lodin, Chief ' ' ' paying a courtesy call on Roashan The committee also considered" meeting considered of I f'?' - - ', - J a number nf' Staff General Ohnlam Farnnn Bamyan re- newly open--' ' v left for to resume issues related to the petitions and sent "them to the "Generals of the Royal Army, Ca- - y'-'- " ) novation and repair work on the high schools and middle sch- rPtak-pr- l . ed secretariate of the house 1UI MavM rrf Kahnl an.--I agreement ools. The Committee decided to consideration by the ses- monuments under the plenary high ranking officials. Afghanistan India. ask this question from the Mi- sion. between and nistry of Education: despite the ; of project's fin- fact that teachers and equipment Affairs Committee considered the Almonds yield doubles Some part the opened high - ancing is being done rirom the needed for the newly issuance .of banknotes in Afghan- , . development budget of the Mi- schools and middle schools m ; istan and inspection of bankno--, m Labol nistry of Information and Culture, 1349 (previous Afghan year) were , tes printing. This issue had been province while the remaining is being , not adequate, why did it open an- referred to this committee by KALAT, May '30, (Bakhtar). borne out by the Government of other .fifty such schools during the the plenary session; The commit- Yield of alrriond in province " Zabol agreement which Afghan '. India under the current year? tee five months, ago asked several has doubled during the current Prime Minister Etemadi welcoming His Royal Highness Another ' parliamentarian, a is valid for five years. questions on this issue from the Afghan year, in comparison to Prince Ahmad Shah at Kabul airport this morning. member of the committee made Central Bank of Afghanistan (de the year before. a proposal on the Islamic Resear- Afghanistan Bank) but so far This is mainly due to' chemicals ch Centre, the consideration "of the answers have not come forth. spraying done by teams from the discusses food prices - Senate committee which was postponed to the next The meeting yesterday in the Agriculture Ir- Ministry of and ; Committee ot " ).- The Special meeting. light of delay decided to in- ;.! KABUL, May 30, (Bakhtar- this rigation, Ghulam. Rabani the Committee '" president the tQ an and members of the Agriculture and Irrigation. was presid The Agriculture and Cattle Ra- -' vite the 'of bank director of agriculture and irriga- meeting yesterdaySJSiSffmSnlJ It convened Its ; an- by plenary meeting of the Senate ising Committee considered the attend , its next meeting , to tion of the province said. the ' uorajmiu. petition of some farmers from swer related questions. Almond is one of the most im- ed over by Senator unuiam tiazrai Takhar, and Baghlan pr- The committee also started con- portant products of the province. Ahmad each spoke on the issue The committee decided that The Chairman of the meeting, on the rice seeds. The sideration of the new draft .law Spraying of the chemicals against Ebrahi-m- by turn. ovinces representatives of the Senator Ghulam Hazrat i Deputy Minister of Public Health on the land taxation. tn its almond diseases was started at before the The Ministers of Agriculture government are called to partici- first called on those Senators is- Irrigation and Finance and Dr. , Abdullah Omar and Pre-- afternoon session, the. committee the beginning of the current and the Be-hra- ih to speak on the pate in the- - session, Senator who wanted the Agriculture Exten- considered the delay in send- year.. ;.. th President of the Food Procu- "sident of the Mehrabi, Senator Mohamm- sue. Senator Mohammad Asghar, Department Agri- ing of the annual bud- "At least.''.;100,000 almond rement Department answered the sion in the national trees n' Mir Aminuddin Ansari, ad Asghar, Senior Mir Aminud-di- Senator raised by these senators culture and ' Irrigation Miiiistry get from the Senate. It consider- have been protected against rust', Senator Mohammad Karim Kohi, questions Ansari, Senator Nour Ahmad some questions with participated , ed the letter of the Senate on he added. Stanekzai, and took Abdul Ghafour in the - Nour Ahmad Stanekzai,- - Senator- Habibullah Senator answers later. to the The teams Maj-roo- h, to provide Committee meeting and answer- the issue and decided ask have also shown and Senator Nader Ali Senator Sayed Shamsuddin them of the House of to the and gardeners Helmand The meeting continued till five in ed the deputies' questions. After plenary session farmers Jaghori should prepare the ques- Senator Aqa Mohammad People to immediately how spray chemi- ' the evening. the officials left, the committee the themselves to which were to be asked Farahi. Senator Helmand. Sena - protect tions took soiii& decisions on the peti- consider the Senate letter. cals and to their trees, from the government officials on tor Mehrabi and Senator Abdul ' V v tions. ... the shortage of food grains in the' The Interior and Municipalities provinces of Afghanistan in gene- Affairs Committee considered the Afghanistan national day ral and shortage of wheat in par- Deputies tour Nangarhar expansion of Local Development ticular. Department, the situation of traf- Tokyo, Finance Minister Dr. Moham- Development project farms fic in the country, the attitude of observed in Jakarta Agriculture Ir- mad Amman, and The delegation of the de police toward the people, the KABUL, May 30, (Bakhtar) On the occasion of the 53rd Abdul Hakim, JAL ALA AD, May 30, (Bakhtar). -- rigation Minister People harvest problem of the people as emanat- independence anniversary of Afghanistan, a reception was tho Prpsirfpnt nf the Food Procu-- puties from the House of the wtodIwheat Tokyo by Afghan Ja-- Nangarhar Development Authority Project farms ing from the existence of admi- held in Nivatani Hotel in Ambassador in rement Department Dost Moham- - ing in the Authori sub-divisi- were invited by the nistrations at the , pan Sayed Qasim Rishtya on May 27 which was attended by mad Fazel, the President of the yesterday. The parliamentarians (alaqadari) level, of high ranking officials diplomats residing there, In-th- e Departm- uie project. the attitude and the Parliamentary. Mains ty to visit Moham--ma- d Gha-ziab- ad Development Authority against people Department Foreign Ministry Moh-amm- The deputies visited the the officials the' in formation of Minisrysaid. ent in the Prime NaservOmar Keshawarz and Afghanistan, and the work of the Yasin Nasimi, the Presi- and Haddah mechamsed ' the experts. inspection department of the In- A similar reception was held in . said. , and Property Set- state farms, the progress of work dent of Land At the. end of their visit, the terior Ministry. After some de- Jakarta's Indonesia Hotel by Meanwhile, the chairman of tlement Department in the Inte- on the project area, the cattle " Af' members of the parliament ex- postponed ghan embassador Ghulam Hasan the Soviet-Afgha- n Friendship So- Mohammad breeding and poultry centres, the bate the committee rior Ministry Fateh pressed their appreciation for the further consideration to the next Safi which was attended by In- ciety. Antonov in a telegram to Khatgar and the President of the forestation, the grain storages la- efforts exerted by the experts cabinet members, mem- Chairman of the Afghan-Sovi- et Development Bank of and the levelling of reclaimed meeting. It was also decided that donesian the Agriculture and workers. They prayed for parliament of Indo-- Friendship Society nds area. ' the president of the Local Deve bers of the Professor Afghanistan Abdul Ahad Afzal in the their further success. ' Asghar congratu-(Continue- d special com- The deputies were familiarised lopment Department of the high ranking officials and Mohammad has participated in the Later the deputies' visited the tenor Ministry Abdul Wahid diplomats there, the department on page 4) mittee meeting held in. the after- with the project's activities by the President of the Nangarhar museum in Haddah. noon yesterday. The director of excavations in the J Afghan Archaeology Institute, Smirnov holds talks with Yaftali, Farhadf Amtri, familiarised the deputies Majid Serai honoured with with the excavations carried out so far, and the finds from the French government medal area. On their way back to Kabul KABUL, Mav 30, (Bakhtar). The Officer de la Legion dho yesterday, the deputies visited by of France to Public the nneur medal awarded theGovernment hydro-eleitri- c power station in Moham-ma- d was Health Minister Dr. Ibrahim Majid SeraJ' Darunta and the headwork of presented to him by the Am-bassad- or of France to the court the Nangarhar Canal. of Eugene Wemert, in a reception held last evening ' Kabul, , A source of the Nangarhar De- in the French embassy. ... velopment Authority said that The Minister while thanking this year 324 acres of land government in Ambassador Wemert in a speer the of France for the the project area was planted with ch elaborated on the services of award recalled with appreciation high yielding wheat and corn. the Health Minister to the Ka-- the role of the French teachers in This year's yield will amount to Isteqlal High School of :jrtjxjLa University, the Public Health and the 3.200 tons wheat arid 370 tons J m gpiLtf nstitutes of the Kabul Univer- French experts in public health corn. this morning. sity, and his efforts for expand- services. Citrus fruits and olive groves Afghan and Soviet deputy foreign ministers at their talks public He considered the participation ing cultural and health are being developed in the Ghazi-aba- d chil- the French institutes. of the French experts in the fa--r- KABUL, May 30, (Bakhtar). and cultural ties and internatio- ftali in his office yesterday mor- ties with and Haddah mechanised ' ' He also touched on the role of dren's seminar as a manifesta- which The Deputy Foreign Minister of nal situation. . ning. were visited by the . Isteqlal High School train- of the Franco-Afgha- n friend- Soviet Union, A.A. Smirnov The Director General of the Dr. Farhadi and Mrs. Farhadi the in tion parliamentarians yesterday. Po- the Afghan personalities the ship and thanked the French held talks with the Deputy Mi- Political Affairs Department in held a reception in the Foreign ing and ultry and cattle breeding centres Mons. MomaL a for- for assistance. The nister for Political Affairs in the Foreign Ministry Dr. Abdul Ministry last night in honour of services of the have also been established in Deputy Ministers for Af- the Foreign Ministry Dr. Ravan Wahid Karim and the Soviet Am- Smirnov and his wife which waa mer principal of the school. Political these farms. Farhadi in the Foreign Ministry bassador in Kabul Kiktev were attended by the Deputy Minister fairs and Administrative Affairs Converting of 2555 hectares into re- Foreign Ministry, officials, this morning. also present, the Information De- fbr Administrative Affairs in The French ambassador of tea- citrus fruits gardens and 1700 Hamidul-la- h called with admiration the ex- chers and professors of the Ka- . partment of. the Foreign Ministry ,the Foreign Ministry hactares into olive gardens have Af- i 1 rank- isting between bul University and the particip- The talks centred on issues of said. - , : Enayat Sero, high friendly ties been planned. Out of this, so far interest to the two countries, in- Smirnov "met the First Depu- ing Forepgn Wmjstry officials ghanistan and France. He 'then ants in the children seminar we- 1130.7 hectares has been planted ' cluding expansion of economic ty Prime Minister Abdullah Ya and Ambassador Kiktev.- - bestowed the medal on Dr. Seraj. re present at the function. (Continued on pace 4) PAGE 2

I , , i .S Indian budget ruuu r ui . i ,wy Mi fnvnt on nrnnosed , e avoinrvfinria frnm Ho carments., - class and china, dxp- - "H... cnuuu';., iA "i . ,o diaTglSS; P'Ued taduslrlf, would lead . h..t ot other tX gr.l consumer k.ndcoods. I have found you an argument. , massive fresh taxation totalling rioo in nrires Presenting 59,830,000,000 ru- "The concentration of the ad- 1,770 million rupees (85,102,000 the " sterling) bud- ditional tax effort, to the .extent obliged to. find ' you an in to bridge an pees (3,223,550,000 I am not sterling) a bid feasible, should be on direct ta- expected deficit in its annual bud- get, Chavan said he had to raise resources to create xes, particularly on the affluent get fiscal 1971-7- 2. additional for reduce econo-- groups, and ton such categories of understanding. budget - pre-sprit- ed more employment, But the detailed taxes as lux- to parliament Friday by mic disparities and aid the Ben- indirect affect the near-luxu- ry commodit--, Yeshwantrao gali refugees pouring in from East ury and Finance Minister Minister said. Samuel Johnson uncovered a ies", the Finance Chavan still left In the! corporate sector,, the vawnine can of 2.200 million ru The budget made a tentative THE KABULTIMES ' rupees special tax exemption enjoyed by pees (122,210,000 sterling), which provision of 600 million the ref- industries listed as producing pr. can lead to inflation, (33,330,000 sterling) for is hoped part Jority items has been brought i" Most of the:iresh, direct , taxa- ugees! But'it that a come-fro- co- rom-eight per cent to five fell on the upper and middle of ifwould other tion ' of their profits. While untries. . per cent classes. and. businessmen. ' of .priority industries :. The detailed budget; has been The list levies on several Items : . were bysstratch-ir.- g mo-- has - been 4 shortened PROBLEMS OF EDUCATION put uo, many new products ha-- presented in parliament two, l iuZ 'ii budget was aluminium, motui" trucks n .,, nthc -- an interim out De-e- ner ve auueu.jjj w me va w " buses,; cement soda ash pet- able introduced immediately after the and IN ECAFE REGION items which gave rochemicals ad. autom oUe flilSp The tax burden should be dis-- March national poll conference on edu- rrp,iinp flip, number of illiterates too is fast Gandhi a The regional ECAFE in such a way that "th- - Prime Minister Indira of Afghan- goinf up. If the adult literacy rate can not '.keep tributed pledge The surtax oh company pro-- ;. cation in which the representatives is an appreciable scalling do-- massive mandate on her sit- ere ; frtom 25 istan are also taking part comes in wake of pace with the population growth, then the tn 'remove poverty fits . has been raised re- items for . per to 30 per cent, tcrbulance in learning in the whole world, es- uation in ten years will be worse. This will nnmic nower and reduction in the " Among the important cent , much government is expected to sult in the creation of a kind of social discri- income and weal' nrhixh Indiana will DIV The pecially in Asia. ineaualities in hefnrp is, DetroL ItS get a revenue ot lou million rup-- eigh- mination and apartheid in education, the grad- said his intro- than A survey carried out by the UNESCO in th", Chavan in nearly (8,888,000 sterling) from stru- - : been put up by ees ECAFE region, includ- uates wanting previleges. ductory speech. tirice.has teen countries of the - uuu ' ; ciAiiiiKcs. m ; n ront trt nrinff in huuul ciurai wie iivivv...v was adopted by , He also said he had fram released week shows The Karachi Plan which that - ing Afghanistan and last million rupees (16,665,000 sterL- nf comoanv taxation. (has nations of ECAFE in 1960 calls ed me Duagex piouusais "ra- that the number of Asian students doub- the member .cetis ing) of additional money'BV for the Import duties have been of in mind that it should not lead ... for, the introduction compulsory and free , tionalised" from nil till now. it led in the past decade. a price spiral as far as possible, govermex. for a minimum to 40, per cent on wool raw The survey also covers other important education for all the children increased They will also pay Snore for will be eigh- But it is feared that tops, 30 per on to education such as illite- of seven years. This means tjhat, if these like petrol, trac- - cigarettes textiles and wool cent problems related levies on items luetics, ' ) of) ECAFE to meet com- products, (Continued on page . racy, unemployment rise among the educated, teen countries are their i tors and trucks and withdrawal; soaps,. rubber compulsory education relations bet- mitment in another nine years, they have to de- role of and ' ween the standard of living and educational vice ways from now. ... nature is problems.... Discussion of the of education dollar devaluation Asia's educational problems are gigantic, as another important issue. Emphasis of study of Connolly rules out is clear from the student population. Today,' science over humanities should become clearer. develop- no- - - By B. Uonaiiy, u more than 160 million students go to school in While vocational training is good, the TWnrv Secretary, served JoJhn Z ' 7u.4 TTnitmt fit Mia receiving counter as wonteo""1Z"aout w is ing countries of Asia can not afford to neglect ' at. frm ca- - the ECAFE region alone. And the number . tnma.;r.a .,, na a nnsh from the eaDital Dinsmg w cpfonfific seem to es-na- s no m -- increasing by seven million annually. traininsr. Industrial countries TJ" tHos" But W as., (Continued"nt on pace 4) - """V"- popu- be promoting the concept of local handicrafts- eiiiier w ii.ii nc i i .. - r . To meet the demand of such vast a of handlooms in the developing the official gold price, and toic. lation, teachers, school buildings, textbooks, and revival Europe and Japan v they By this, they want the developing Western stationary and labs are needed. Financial re- countries. must be ready to pay more for on industries. sources are required, and jobs hare to be plan- countries to stay dependent their "free world" defence. we think ned for employing the millions of graduates, While we are fo vocational training, Conally also said the U.S. had quite a few of whom in the countries of the the concept should not be stretched to extremes. a 'right to expect more equitab- em- arrangements now that region are present unemployed.- ... Only through proper industrialisation can le tradinn at wpstprn Eurooe arid Japan had is distressing is the fact that ployment opportunities be diversified and mul- What most regained their economic strent,'th of educated is fast in-- tiplied. while the number the - and vigour, Thp U S minister was address ing thp final session of the four-- day international banking confe- rence sponsored jointly by the and mimhpr rpmnin nnemDloyed. Afghanistan, it said, has been American banking association Ypstprdav's Anis earned an counterpart, ana of the unem- launching two distinct types of its West German editorial on the third conference Thus the number attended bv some 20 senior mon EC- leading un- projects to improve agriculture. of education ministers of the ployed increases to officials and bankers irom degradations. To- The first type is to bring new etary AFE region. It said: the conferen- rest and moral leading financial powers. ' major tar- land under cultivation and the ce organised in cooperation day one of the most of the second is to provide water, for The President u.t. fe with the UNESCO and held in gets of education is to enable the Reserve System, recognised to land ' already under cultivation deral Singapore at the invitation of youth who receive education the monetary crisis at the they in but lacking sufficient water for that government wilul deliberate apply what have learnt ' of that irrigation. ' hecinnine this month had leit on aspects of education. a useful manner in the society among various pro-ip- "a residue of resentment which they belong. The Khanabad irrigation rt advancement of education to European countries and towaias The is a eood mix because it both accordance with well laid pl- already the U.S." However, he said in The youth are expected to use will bring water to land responsibility for i ans, making better use of grad- will make sides must share their education as a weapon in under cultivation and ot terni uates, the quality and quantity possible for new land to be the large shilTts snortf fighting for' their own as well it by .' ra of education, organising the tea- rpplaimed. capital triggered interest for social well being. . technology, as expressed appre- te differentials. ching of science and Afghanistan which id attending The editorhl fenmp unemployment are granted by "T of vou feel that eradication of hopes that she ciation for the loan excessively on topics of the conference Development thp ITS. denended. among the important re-- nf the International will greatly benefit from the more monetary- - ease in the past discussions. Association to finance the pro-- the conference year, there are surely . grounds Heads of delegations will also ject as well as international assistance holding European coun.-- - report to the conference on the With thp imDlementation of the for that inaNCt n rvrw tn overcome these prob excessively on mone of recommendations said, a notable change ries relied - Bmird Bernard . results the project, it -r .JU"- lems which are associated with tary stringency during this P- Her mama of second conferen- will undoubtedly yette watch you battle with old man time? the first and the advancement of modern edu- for the better od", he argued, sucn nows oi "Can Y ces. be introduced in the lives of the result of "a pull doesn't have to do It" cation. coun- ccpital were the Since most of the ECAFE mem- Yesterday's Heywad carried an people in that part of the bers are developing countries try and the national economy as editorial on the Khanabad . irri md since all of them have simi- ' a whole. gation project. v lar problems as regards popula- Asian Students double in ten years risation of education, struggle ag- Number, of part n ' illiteracy and unemploy- 10 years. . ainst sponsoring . ment and putting their manpow- UNESCO, which is In I960, 35 per cent of the stu- conference, says it is being 105,000.000. use. the - population at all levels were er resources to better However,- the annual rate of dent will held against a background of is only 37 per cent Therefore the conference primary level has . girls, while, it importance stu- steadily rising industrial econo--. increase at the be of utmost in end, President Anwar a under four today. making The world press comments . . development in Asia, and as droped to little dying these problems and c th r ro newsDaner Al mic 6.4 per cent ine numDer oi women this-ther- e per centr today from recommendations as regards th- a result of is ' Asian region has ris TTnitpH Dy Ahmm writes, is a realistic ref 1960. imthe Arah KeDUDllC disciplines in the-pas- t solution. Soviet-Eyp1)ia-n stress the scientific during 10 years. eir of lection of the character of UNESCO exDerts estimate that en The conference provides an President of the Presidium developing in the coming decade However, the increase in the Soviet N.V. (relation opportunity for representatives of the USSR Supreme foundation". t feature on a firm and stable spe S SS21 -s various countries to exchange NewsDaners Al Rm UNESCO education R?S,"A has not ti- pace with student sign- - Annthpr Ctiro newsoaDer.. attend school on how they have tackled prominently reports on, the cialists warn that a shift in the do in fact number of teachers rose views m ,1 a i... nt n 1 - . "The results oi TTivn region need. The OI treaty innur . iniintrlP9 m the some of these problems and thus ins. in Cairo ine ui 7 . n...u.., a - of education system Qn to about 4,700,000 in 1970 from bet- - the talks between r mCi po- - have a p, mary rf learn from one another's expe- Sfned with economic and rtotuntn 2,700,000 in 1950 but UNESCO and'the UARand risked producing per cent and over, five rience. uShTsuJS Dulation arowth 60 and 0 estimates that this is still only S?MSoviet-Egyptia- com- - between nn th mint n and explosive sit- have rates A considerable number of stu- .JX have pro- a mounting countries are about 65 per cent of. the number N.V. Podgorny Soviet per cent, and four ' dents graduate from secondary inuumuc. , of imperialism uation of education. " needed. friendship and ved that the hooes con- below. 50 per cent ' schools and colleges in the mem- The treaty of . deterioration of The conference will also Soviet and Israeli for a deve- These figures do not include ber countries. Some of these gra- cooperation between the the UAR sider rural education and The dramatic increase in edu- UAR signed by the relations between two Asian giants China and are absorbed in governm- Union and the lopment keeping in mind that ch- cation all levels over the duates of and the Soviet Union are not to these countries all at or the President of the Presidium Asians live in rural area. Japan. In past 10 years government ental and true most between the ages of six reflects a the USSR Supreme m i;,,,,;,T...... """""" Secondary enrollment in the ildren at- to try and meet manpo- ganisations buf considerable ' 20 obliged to policies .hii.iihhhhiim.imi ,m,...MH.... and have been middle-lev- .MiiiinMiiiMM nnm 18 nations in the Karachi plan ' wer needs for skilled, el - tru.lM T?Unv1nnnifT 36 million today tend school gradua- has jumned to of girls attending technicians as all as ADS. RATES Tel: 24047. I960, while .. The number - from 16.7 million in - tes in scientific fields, accord- of has also increased, aim- Classified: 150 per insertion 42365 enrollment at the. third level - to UNESCO experts. Residence: trippled 100 education has nearly to I Display : Column inch, Af. 9 Shafie Rahel. Editor fiTW WOX IW. m , TVCi m ox , fa ' tua wiw w subscription rates nMX m I aa)! I ton 23821 TKfVUHTVOIT'2pU'SIta-tfu Af. 1000 TelJ toxrtneooioM,iu "U Yearly Aa 1 KNOW: nhbi Af. 600 4 Half Yearly Residence : 42538 Quarterly Af. 300 For other switchboard FOREIGN n8,1!58 Editorial Ex. 24, mm 40 Yearly and Advertising " 23 Circulation Half Yearly Extension 59 1 -r """ Quarterly ...... ,...,,.,., i Zmmm mum - (Page 3) THE KABUL' TIMES MAY 30, 1971 PASHTOr. A LANGUAGE A WAY OF LIFE

and import- - negation - The Sounds of Pashto by Jens the hard northeastern (Pakh B.C.), It has. however, By Our Reporter particle verb.- Remove Of fervour and enthusiasm only Envoldsen, University Book Ag to) varying mainly jn the pro- ant iJaatuces t ; in common '. with or ,inthev language. There exist- the hyphens and make it .; one displayed at soVne spectacular ency, Peshawar, 1970? pp. 92. nunciation on the letter kh. . the as well, ed for many ye,ars a political word, and you see what happen- sporting event eleswhere. highly reveal- how strong j so-- a. ed The proverb is. a Just and intimate most notably the retroflex division among the tribes called in the simplification process of Following are a few samples of ing window on the life, and th- position this language holds in; unds.d.t.r,. .and , nr... The. passive Gabr and Samil, in which some the most sophisticated of Europ- the proverbs;. Pa-- people and culture of er ought ,of any and nation. the life the i constrvictioriilof transitive verbs will 'find a corruption of ean languages, the classical One studies and becomes a What could be ab-- khtoons may be realised from i in the past and 'perfect tenses and Greek. In ,the spiritual field not learned buddhist. the teacher, another studies and es out the Pashtuns from studying the fact, that , the word for the j appears on . the other 4 hand to It .is disappearing now. but the same process of simplification a nuisance. tribal honour) i their proverbs is bound to be.fo- - ancient code of have been common to both Iran- - perhaps one is allowed in these is at work in the creation of pro- - They were showing the horse und in the Landais (tappas). A with its law of revenge (badal), ian and Indo-Arya- n at, an early appellations to hear a faint echo verbs and tappas, Both have this and the toads also lifted their Pa- - asylum (nanamate) and of j stage or a form of poetic, expression to of of their development. clash between the only two 'n common, that they are ..ultra feet. You can not beat a horse out shirt lanoiifluu hospitality (melmastia) is the In view of the accepted, histo- - religion founders ever emerging short stories, that they are abony-- of a donkey same the name .the langua- - j among , Mr. Jens Enevoldsen, a Danish' as of rical fact that the Aryan tribes the Aryan people, Zara mous and that they are univer- - The cat has become a aint. exp- - It scholar who has a great insight Pashto. logether they migrating east in the early half thustra and Gautama Budda. sduy appiicaoie. 1 ne difference no longer catches "mice, ; Pashto you ' - in Pashto language and Pashtun' ress fls wy of life: if of the second millennium B.C. The key to Pashtoon culture between them is, that proverbs Community is not created by Many - ; a for- - - -- has. are Pashtun! are the sor made stopover perhaps se today is Pashto. a strong are prose, tappas culture included a number of ' It is and are poetry, pro- - force. - rows 1 : haVe endured through virile language both- irthis- - collection. veral generations in the area now well befitting the verbs as a rule express a com- - A dog's tail doesn't become strai-- Pashto. Modern Pashto scholars inhabited by the Pashtoons and speakers of Considering : t. . . Instead of collecting as many it. its mon experience of unchangeable gni, even 11 11 is Kept in a pipe j s me mum tuue cvmcuw age ODVIOUS V0-a- proverbs as he could lay a hand miu in ui composed ineir religious 'nymns ana shortage of n.' human nature and 'is therefore for a. hundred years. Islamic way of life before Is-- j now embodied in Rigveda be- - i.cabulary on he has attempted to include the some people would re-la- practical wisdom, while tappas A river is not polluted by the and when the beginning of fore-'the- eventually invaded In- - gard . those which express peculiar Pa- it as a rough and simple are concentrated expressions ' of mouty of a dog. 11th century the new faith dia (about 1500 B.C.) one tongue. shtun j thoughts, and illuminate the would Nothing could be more emotion, sighs of the heart. The The master of the house gave j ; s certainly did seem to .fit the think that a nucleus of the Pash- - wrong. distinguishing traits of Pashtun The sophistication of a Pashtoons love a good story, and an order to his dog, and the dog people like hand in glove and j toon tribes stayed over and na-- language life and culture. . is not decided by the they are great story tellers. Quiet gave the order to its tail. V 11 iicucsauiy vu nere ever tney uiu uui itiiu w c?en since, ana mere' number of words but bv often they will, answer your re-- He who has the power to fight The collection comes in two - . ''wft1- ., une; uuw men nai.uiaiijr iuua j poetise expression in the shor- - mark by simply telling a story. doesn't negotiate. languages Pashto and English, woras m , The tribal code is the old Ar-- lt,r iko test possible form. There are in Pnchtn .hi It's like weighing toads: when and thus is hot only enjoyable re- vocaouiary. xnere are sucn anc-- r van cnA of honour which one ine common characteristic of of proverbs, which are common you put two on the scales, four ading to the layman who is in- w. Rigveda the may find in force in the early entire family of the Indo- - human property and whose trans-Europe- jump off. terested to get a glimpse of life not in classical San-Deool- es stages of all Indo - European : but the later languages is inflection lation in English your high you in the land of the Pashtoons but knt- example parosa would simply Make door if Take the old Scandinav-- ! - 0ne is which means a steady process' of be an English keep ' can also Dy scho- un-- proverb. These camels. be used Pashto , sagas geograDhi- - which is used simplification. By ian ana change " this have to. a great to Sample lars, and students of institutions changed in Pashto today.' standard extent been landais: cal and personal names and you is as sophisticated as any oided and this is the reason why Give me my gun and call for where PasKto is taught. an-ep- Birbotai is overrun by guests, mve ic tribal history of: lausuaae. uaice one exam-- the natjve speakers the dogs. The illustrations in the book One just will look in the; Pashtuns. Particularly in vain m the selectidn some' of Two partridges on the chest are of poor production quality, as and this year another one- - has for sit the tappas which are. mostly co--' Tn,FZ,Zi the most ' commonly used prov of my beloved. is the rest of printing, but 1 come. "7 the jnposed by women We find des-- ! -,"' l,u"e at Ieasi "ve woras 'X was erbs in Pashto. Your eyes are like two loaded still provide an impression of criptions of VWhen they accepted the Ur.ICOnO- ,,hn,,t 4. . .(T .. ideal manhood, and ' t,.j In : ha-- a wider sense literary quo- pistols, places such as Hujra the xi . clastic faith, , he-- apparently ! where . me, vjnues nonour, oravery, my mmar go good-dea- to tations from the classical Pashto Poised in a watch tower they Pashtuns spend a l of young wo-- justice whicft the girl ! TC. t u aZ- - Pflshto one word only: "tlum", Doets miv acauire the aualitv are firing from time to time. time entertaining their ; guests, look for beloved, uu"uu'i uid in her are' The Pashto speaker loves a i and authority of proverbs. More People are shootting me ' - at or of the national dance of the the old Aryan am? b,e?re that , virtues . short cut in his spoken language. - than anyone else the best loved with your languishing eyes. Pashtuns, the attan. In any ev- and follower, of In ; The faith of Islam is a strong' Zarajhustra. In this one sees process of Classical poets My f the ct, greatest the of the Abdur Rah friend is like a star in the ent it is the proverb , and the common bond between the Pash-- 1 view that the Buddh-fait- simplification at work. man, used in sense. sky. - revival history of h is this Landai that are meant to introd- toon tribes, and Islam,- being aj in the Example: place-hereo-o, "He did not give up Someone who finds himself at Everyone has a rendezvous uce the land and the people to which demands all, body' ?snw teok result-an-d with Mahaya-custom- enmity'' would in the stage odds with a very likely his fair countenance. the reader. soul, naturally pervades" inS .the birth of the s first friend all! be :. may quote Rahman's poem: Tomorrow I shall climb the The purpose of selecting these and traditions of the! nan faith m which. Buddha ;3S "Hago- dukhmoni no prekhaud-dola- ". Everybody has a purpose with poplar. Pashto proverbs and tappas and people as Well as language and! worshipped, as,,a God .and Jus im- - w . - 1 appeanng-- friendship, And ask the morning breeze translating them is to .convey to literature - age carved stone by In the second stage would I found none who a friend what my friend has to tell me. a reading public already interest- ; The language itself is,.. how- - the' tens of thousands all over. it was . a e 1 1 thr. orpa m tno nmv famniis tinnrlL ' be: dukhmoni ye prenokhaudola. for the 'sake of God. My ffiend, you must hurry and ed in the Pashto speaking peo- ever, ueciueaivj.jj.ji.. Arvan 01 me k T -. and the course of Pashtoons and Pa- get up, ples an impression however faint Eastern Iranian group allo- nara; iscnooiyoi'.aBt- in conversation love poetry and wnen oDject The caravan, of the flavour and beauty of wing for sound changes according from and Buddhistic content), tne is known, it shto is eminently given to poetry. is passing, you ap-- wo"ld be simply: Mushayera, symposiums of poets will be left, my love. their moBt striking mark of iden-- i to accepted phonetic laws a dir- one certainlywonders that nnrcntlv no tracp is left in the QOia. reading aloud their own ' works, If I release a sigh from my tification the language. . ect descendant of the language - - m ...... There are two main dialects, of Avesta (not 600 living culture of Pashtoons today mai is: prenxpersonai pronoun are great events among Pash- mouth. later than I the soft southwestern , (Pashto) toons. One may ask where else, Then shall set all the nearby in the world hundreds sometimes villages on fire. thousands of people would sit for My dear friend in a distranrt Folldoric singer makes comeback hours listening to poetry, and country, ' of not just listening, but comment- Your face is fadding, your na- - (Afghan-amat- eur -- Our Reporter jCarim was in charge the An vocalist "Karim Shawqi recalls fhat he By ing from the floor with the kind me is keeping me alive. who Jias been singing for almost was onlv spven vears old whpn helD his uncle to make their hv-- offset section at the Government disas- iJjalf century and is well known his father. died.-- His uncle, - who ing Karim had to leave the school Printing Press when that a place. among the old and the young at the time lived in accep- after primary education and be trous incident took "Another thing which bothered alike isJCarim Shawqi. ted to look after his nephew. Ka-- t gan working. While working at while in prison", After-te- n years of absence whi- - entered the school Herat the Dawnish printing house in me very much rim in problem ch he spent in jail, for the, past and from the first grade because Herat Karim continued singing Karim recalls, was the few months ;Karim Shawqi:has of his greatdnterest imsinging he Herati songs. of homelessness. "My family had moving made a comeback. This was ti- was chosen to head the chorous Upon returning to Kabul Ka- to takfe the trouble of way Ra- from olje house to anothe. This mely: for Radio. Afghanistan whi- of his .class..- . '' rim worked his towards me", says ch had n a pro- During his-earl- life inHerat dio Afghanistan. He sang his problem still bothers gramme .of recording folkloric he Dicked. up the Herati music first famous song, "Meergula Karim. ,: The famous folklore singer is songs ifor which i Karim Shawqi rand 'tone which he.'claimwas to Jan" which is still popular. is famous among its listeners. his taste and suited his voice. To On leaving the prison Karim married twice and has five sons went straight to Radio Afghanis- and three daughters. One of his ' tan where he was welcomed. He sons is a civil servant," who help- French monuments, is grateful to the treatment and ed his famlily JinancJIally, by arts sympathy by the Radio authori- working haVd and', sometimes ties and his fellow singers and singing over Radio Afghanistan in tabainvcntbried musicians. He was invited to re- imitation of his father. However, paratory of descriptive dossiers of cord some of his old folklore he no longer sings, said Karim. mmmmi invento- songs and to also record some Recording and collecting folk- . A General Inventory' is being, each work listed in the songs, which great ad- out historical bui- ry. This is the really scientific new ones. For the listners of loric has carried of all' "Si i ldings and art treasures in Fran and "original part of the underta the Radio generally and for those mirers in the cquntry is a cons- welcome step Begun years ago at king,(for the regional commiss-- t who have been looking forward tructive and taken ce. six the reviving instigation of the then Minister ions responsible for this task are to hear once more Karini it was by Radio Afghanistan in genuine Afghan music, be- of Culture, Andre Malraux, the required to follow standard rules a surprise to hAr his refined the . Invenory is not likely to be com designed to ensure uniformity in voice. lieves Karim. pleted for decades. the descriptions of monuments While talking about the inter When asked whoyhe likes best I '. several profes- as, say, . of years his sing among the amateur and The object Inventory is com areas as far afield ruption, ten in of the Aquitaine. his suddenly be sional, singers," Karim said each provide a documentary record Alsace and ing career, tone to 11 r one hte own meritXand charm. great came, sad and looked us he has of the whole of the country's art- The standardisation is of The only thing is that in some heritage, both monuments for will enable, the was struck by, thunder. istic of importance, it I instances the tastes differ. of art. be mecha- "It was a family strife. don't and notable works The material collected to happened. I The only development, after is nically processed. The application exactly recall what task, enormous in itself, made temper. I ten years of his absence from painstaking by need of 'information processing tech- vcould not control my more the doing. I the music world, Karim Isees is to be standardised and sui- niques to Inventory is being still think what I was for it the was the project of recording folkloric computerisation. 1s special computer ce- xstill think what happened table for It studied at a myself songs which is presented m an completely different from a list ntre in Marseille for the analysis 3 dream. When I came to cell. improved way by the big orches of "classified monuments", for it' of archaeological data, and trials I found myself in prison expressed it tra of Radio Afghanistan. tie-i- n with the pr- have already been made with do- When I remorse but has no direct ' Karim believes that besidesthe otection of the national herita- cumentation relating to 100 reli- was tod late Karim said in an of Radio other'departments suchas A ge, and the legal' status of the gious buildings and the same me- IntervieWxwith the reporter - the Art and Culture should take particularise snot af- mber of vseoular buildings. ' the monthly Pashtun Zhagh ma- items it' i towards improving g in any way. (Owners of Despite tha availability of mot gazine, an organ of Radio Afgha- steps the fected Afghan music. "classified" property in France . dern techniques. the Inventory nistan. nuine suggests "we are subject (to toeftrictions of still represents a huge amount Karim was accused of murder- He that this time have proper school for various kinds). of work. Thus the Regional Com ing one relative and injuring so should in-la- greater of The first stage of the operation, mission for Brittany, beginning me of hi3 He spent ten music where number - voungsters good wo- - already underway in 73 out of its investigations in a district .re- years in orison where he contin- with talent basic training and the 95 Departments, takes the puted to be region's poorest in ued his singing to entertain his uld receive field". Karim, the folk singer form of a spotting survey, the artistic treasures, has still ma- inmates. education in the purpose beipg to put together a naged to find enough material to card-inde- x of all the buildings fill some 500 separate dossiers. and art works in a given district. The publication of --this vast All works prior to 1900 are being body of information will be the listed, with a series of studies third and final phase of the ope- covering rural architecture, han- ration. The first volume, which dicrafts and folk art. From 1900 appeared in January this year, onwards, the commissions are ob- deals with the district of Carh-ai- x, viously far more selective and in Brittany. It is in three snly accept those items consider- chapters:- - historaaal background; ed as fully representative of con- local styles and features; and the. temporary stylistic trends. inventory proper, presented pa- The first census, which is ex- rish by parish. Photographs and pected to be complete within 20 diagrams are issued in a separa- years, will be followed by a se- te volume cond stage consisting of the pre (UNESCO features) PAGE 4 THE KABUL TIMES MAY 30, 1971

Shortfall in U.S. I Nangarhm project

Rising of foodstuff, prices top week's news share impells ILO (Continued from page 1) By A Staff Writer with citrus fruits saplings and 624 hectares with olive saplings. The rising price of foodstuff, ed, as a rule, and the steeper rise lood-stu- The source added that work on especially wheat which constitu- our is now sold in the main li of this year is only a result of to borrow money the building of the main establi- tes the staple in Afghanistan has market in Kabul for as much the last years draught. shments' of the project been been the subject of lengthy dis- as af. 100 per seer (over seven Harvesting has already start id have completed. The Wh- both kilos). The cost be higher and and GENEVA, May 30, (Reuter).-T- he diversion dam cussion in the House as well mltr in Nangarhar ich has be-fu- ie the capacity for storing as in the Senate during the week. in certain remote areas hit by dr- il is only a matter of weeks governing body 40,000 million cubic metres wat-e- r. High ranking government offic- aught last year. .The Deputies it staits in neater part it of the International Labour Or- Ag- gra- ganisation (ILO) au- the main canni whirh is w. Lufthansa ials heading the Ministry of. and the Senators have shown the country, . yesterday 30509. 32511 venty kilometres long and which Telefon riculture and Irrigation, the Ag- ve concern over consequences in Until such time, the parliam- thorised ILO Director-Gener- al has the capacity for fifty cubic ricultural Development Bank of the event the prices continue to entarians were assured the Food Wilfred Jenks-.t- o borrow money metres water per wh- Afghanistan, the Food Proc- go up. Department will to help' offset a shortfall in the second and and Procurement ich supplies hec- urement Department have testi- They, have been reassured how- sel1 flour United States contribution to the water to 31,000 continue t tares, and the workshops needed fied in the Parliament on the is- ever by the government official'! wheat at reduced rates organisation's budget. and for the project and the residential Saussage sue. that there is no shortage anywh- in nil provinces in a bid to the-'- k The decision to borrow is sub- Hashmat quarters have been built. The last two months have wi- ere in the country and that food the rise in prices. More stern me- ject the approval of the an- to Tlie project was taken under tnessed a steady rise in the pri- privis go, up at this time of the asures are also being taken eg- - nual conference here next month procu- implementation ten vears nen ce of wheat and wheat flour. Fl-- year, until the wheat is harvest anist hoarders. The Food of the 121-nati- organisation. New sales shop opened at The source added that so out Department with the co- ILO. said the conference far Share Nau rement sources of 42,000 hectares 12,900 near British of the Interior Minis- of land, operation was expected to vote in favour. hectares lands Share Now near British only makes sure that the have been levelled Two weeks seminar on try not have to and reclaimed flour it sells goes The conference will and out of this, Council premises. wheat and to ILO 12,300 hectares being to consumers, but niso in vote for an amendment are utilis- Saussages and all varieties regulations permit ed for cultivation. The Ghazi-aba- d mother, child health ends pursuing those who hoarJ wheat financial to the borrowing. This will be the farm occupies 7500 hectar- of meet for discriminating KABUL, May 30, (Bakhtar) . In the two weeks seminar p.nd flour acquired from other ; ' organisation has es. .... consumers. on children's health which was concluded yesterday the possi- sources. first time the bility of establishing affiliation between the Mother and Child During the week Afghanistan borrowed money, governing body also deci-- I : Cae Centre of Afghanistan and its Paris counterpart was con- concluded two agreements for j The HOUSE FOR RENT the end of tin-roof- areed led to continue until A two ed bed-roo- ms sidered. ... - storey five modern extend to Afghanitsan 1,25 mil j this year economy measures aim- alsp child- to organise training courses on to building behind the American Embassy with: The seminar studied whicp. will De usee, three said. lion dollars bath-room- s, ren's health care, children's feed- children's health', he ' STOL planes $1,250,000 per quarter. . two kitchens, large basement, pressure undernourishment is for purchasing of ing and undernourishment. He said country to be used by The economy measures, which tank, servant quarter as proper feeding from that and garage. There were more than sixty as important country's domestic air carrier began on January 1 this year, whi-- are aware the Available July 1st. , participants in the sefninar . by mothers who not Afghan Airlines. .The include postponment of certain help of the feeding problems. Bakhtar Tel: Office 21951 ch was organised with the airlines already has two Canad- technical cooperation projects, Contact of Paris centre. The doctors and seminars, research, a halt in re- Residence 30763. added despite finan- ian planes. nurses participating in the . sem- He that Development cruitment of staff, postponment and shortage of The International inar 'learned new technique on cial difficulties an affiliate of the of some publications and reduc- Ministry was doing Association, nourishing children, social and personnel the WnrlH Rank ncrpprl to extend to ed administrative expenditure. WAZIR AKBAR KUAN can expand child economic conditions, providing of whatever it to a loan of five mill- activities in Afghanistan. Afghanistan drinking water and creating of care dollars to finance the Khan He thanked the French experts ion healthy environment. abad irrigation project. closing the seminar, the and the World Health Organisa- Husak reflected While organis- BIDS WANTED Public Health Minister. Dr. Ma-ji- d tion for cooperating in. minalo tho threat of flooding Seraj in a speech said that ing the seminar. canals, turn- Dr. which damages the role of children's health was nomitv Health Minister i'n the the speech outs, and headworks arn head of Czech most significant in Afghanistan. Abdullah Omar in his to year. ot pud every With .this understanding the uched ori the importance Nearly sixty thousand residents... Radio Afghanistan wants to install a 20 and child care. Publci Health Ministry , decided lie health nt tViP jirpn will benefit from the Communist party project which will cost around six kwmedjumwave transmitter with a million dollars, upon completion bulging budget nf thp nrniect. ' the investment India's Dr. yearly return of PRAGUE, May. 30, (Reuter).-- small stadio and relaying station in will have an Gustav Husak was yesterday 1.7 dollars. (Continued from pac! 2) spending. million head of the Czechoslo- space pro- news related to agri- unwrought copper, 40 per cent on Atomic energy and In other vak communist party. Retaining Mazare Sharif; Balkh province. grammes been alloted culture released during the week ingots, pigs and , scrap, 40 have v. he lead the Ministry of the post he has held since per cent on unwrought zinc and 1,057,222,000 rupees (58,790,000 it was noted that replaced Alexander Dubcek A in Agriculture and Irrigation has 38 per on agricultural trac- sterling).. April 1969. cent up markedly during the Foreign and local firms which and parts. The budget also provides 100 stepped Dr. was ' chosen by can supply tors year the sowing of high Husak, Import duty on staple fibre, million rupees (5,550,000 sterling) current acclamation by the 115 members yielding seed wheat. Improved excluding yarn, has been raised for a nutrition Drogramme and of a new party central commit- and wheat which was being im- the equipment, undertake building 25 precent to 100 per cent, 220 million rupees (13,880,000 ster- seed tee, selected yesterday morning from ported only a few years ago is 27-1- ling) for a scheme to provide from 2 per cent to 30 per , by the 14th party congress, as unemploy- now produced in quantities that and installation work should on iron and steel and from jobs to the educated Soviet party leader Leonid Bre- contact cent will be sufficient to sow most of 60 to 100 per cent on motor ve- ed. : zhnev looked on. the wheat farms in the country. hicle parts. The central committee was pur- the Technical Department of Radio ged of several prominent conse- Changes in the wealth tax The Ministry also announced higher tax rvatives, including Henrych, structure and income Afghanistan day a substantial part of the Jiri 25 govern- that Chief Ideologist for former, Stal- Afghanistan by June for obtaining are expected to net the 'in northern Afghanistan farm Antonim y. ment 345 million rupees (19,160, by has been inist Party Leader threatened locust Only 26 people elected 000 sterling). (Continued 1) anti-locu- from page sprayed with st chemi- further information and studying the at the 13th party congress in Among new proposals is one lated him and 'the society mem- cals. 1966, N.ovotny's direction, to curb foreign travel by Indians. bers on the 53rd anniversary of From time to time these lands under ; retained their seats." conditions and terms of the contract. 20 per cent valorem charge is the country's independence an- attacked by Moroccan and de- - " are '.' 1 Brezhnev walked almost side to be levied on all tickets paid niversary. serf varieties of locust. go by. side with Dr. Husak as the lor in Indian currency to On the same occasion, the ch- ! Th? Agriculture and Irrigation China-Afghanist- Czechoslovak emerg- abroad. Only 'some students and airman of the Ministry during years party leader the recent ed on platform of the cong- scientists are to be exempted. Friendship Society has sent a te- has acquired new equipment and the to own re- Notional Refrigerators The biggest single head of ex- legram of congratulations to the supplies and personnel to step up ress hall announce his election. ' penditure is defence as stated al- Chairman of the Afghanistan-Ch- ina its fight freeing the Afghan far- As the congress ended in ch- ready in the interim budget. It friendship society recalling ms from locust invasions. The ants of "long live the Soviet Un- is estimated at 12,416,600,000 ru- the traditional friendship bet- department in charge of this has ion", Brezhnev walked between liifllT"n pees (689,700J)00 sterling) a ween nations and expres- beep assisted by Food and f the two the Dr. Husak President Ludvik hike of 588,300,000 rupees (32, sing the hope further expan- Agriculture Organisation and and for the Svoboda and held their hands al- 663,000 sterling) over the 1970-7- 1 them. Soviet Union. sion of ties between oft in a victory walk. The congress, which began on Tuesday marked the formal end of the battle against Dubcekism, Cholera hits Pak refugee camps in India wifh Brezhnev announcing that his battle had been won. CALCUTTA, May 30, (Reuter) At least 300 East Pakistani refugees have died of cholera and gastro-enteriti- s In the teeming camps housing in India's West Bengal slate, the state's health minister said here yesterday. World briefs i 1 1 Dr. Abed 150 peo- been banned in The West Bengal yes- Jainul in said soft drinks had cabinet CAIRO, May 30, (Reuter). i ple had died in cholera outbreaks the Karimpur area with fear mor terday decided to recruit a large Egyptian-Lebanes- e official talks refugee camps ne- the epidemics could number of social workers to in at Kraipur, unting that run on 'the Middle East crisis, the ar the West Bengal town of take a turn for the worse with the refugee camps with the pro- sj. 'j Arab and bilateral be- i monsoon, ex- apparently becoming too relations north of Calcutta. the onset of the blem big gan night. July. for the rehabilitation ministry here last According to the chief medic- pected in early The between Egyptian government spokesman said staff to handle alone. talks al officer of India district, of A Premier Dr. Mahmoud Fawzi which Krishnagar is the headqu- that approximately3.700,000 refu- A report from Rawalpindi said and his Lebanese counterpart Sa NR-7180- (6.0 cu. ft.) arters, the exact death toll in the gees had arrived in West Bengal the Pakistan government yester- PF il eb Salam, lasted one and a half filthy, overcrowded camps may alone since the army action be- day called on all bona fide Pak- (6.0 pc) - hours. ' ' be higher. gan in East Pakistan last March. istani refugees who crossed the A separate freezer compartment with its own to ho- Dr. Fawzi was understood to The Health Minister told repor- He said it would be difficult for border into India return exra-powerf- ul zero-degr- ee have briefed Salam on the re- door and ,is own cooler-provi- des ters that over 3,300 cases of chol- the state to handle the situation me. era gastroenteritis been unless immediate arrangements An official spokesman, reiterat- sults of Soviet President Nikolai extra shopping economy, long-ter- storage and had 15-ye- Podgorny's and ar reported so far in the tempora- w?re made to move some of the ing President Yahya Khars call Visit the convenience. The refrigerator cooler features special Soviet-Egyptia- n friendship and ry border camps West Bengal. refugees to other states from the on Monday said all genuine Pak- fan-typ- in signed during e cold circulation. The news of the deaths came border. istanis who were forced to leave cooperation treaty by year-roun- d as the state government said the About 50,000 of them, mostly East Pakistan under duress or we- the visit. Backed up automatic temperature exodus of refugees from East Pa- old men and women and child- re forcibly driven out by rebels control National thin wall foam construction, scrat- NEW YORK, May 30, (Reuter). kistan has assumed an alarming ren, wiuld be sent to the vast, and miscreants were welcome to ch-free no-tou-ch A Air- ABS inner liner, defrost and drai- 100,000 nt refugee camp in return to their homes. Pan American World proportion with more than nage system. ... crossing over in the past 24 ho- central India shortly. "Thev will permitted to re- ways jetlineY on a flight from , - urs. - Only 1.600,000 of the refugees enter Pakistan after routine che- Caracas to Miami was hijacked Sturdy magnetic door seal and years-durab- le ac-ryi- ng The minister appealed to ma- in West Bengal have been regis- cks simply to ensure .their Pak- and diverted to Havana yester- day, enamel finish. nufacturers for the immediate su- tered and given shelter in the te- istani nationality," he said. a spokesman for the airline Eshan pply of 100.000 bottles of saline mporary camps mostly huge tar- The spokesman said that .while reported. Mohammad water to. treat the gastro-enterit- is paulin sheets spread on bamboo there was no questioning of deny- The Boeing 707 airliner with Shop' cas?s. polps and surrounded by muddy ing Pakistanis permission to re- 60 passengers and nine crew ab- NATIONAL Eff e Officials said widespread pools and Open , gutters. turn to their homeland, steps wo- oard was taken over-whil- the Mohammad campaigns had been The rest are believed to be in uld bp taken to ensure the desti- plane was flying over Curacao REFRIGERATORS Jan Khan launched in the border areas and th open and some with friends tute Indians from West Bengal at about 2010 GMT, the spokes-tita- n Wat, Kabul. the sale of fruit, ice cream and' and relatives. did not enter East Pakistan. said. Tel: 26632.