University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 12-25-1968 Kabul Times (December 25, 1968, vol. 7, no. 228) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (December 25, 1968, vol. 7, no. 228)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1932. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1932 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " I,' " ," "\ '1 j', .. J' '• . " '. " . , u . , :. " .' ) . ' . , . \ ., , . ~, .", ': , " " " " '; , t.. ' . , r: .. .. , . " , . '. ~ If'·',~ ,• , .... , .•.•• ' ", '., "L '\'/"\_'j" . ,' ;:;I ,'. '\. ... "I' •' I ~ ~- "t:.L'" , , .'..l ',t lI~~;,"~IJV~" -.·1·" 1 " .', ", JI :• ,. " ",' f'" " ... 'THJl"'KAB~: OECEMBER'l!4~ll68------'" " r'·· PAGEl' 4 ., ", , ,.,!:,.: TIMES "1 .:....--'-'---~_..• .' ,: f. _.._.-.- --'-,-\~; ----'-----~·------P-olyteC-·H-"ni~: -. " .. , , .:Efom~.· ~,:. --'~;De-'lid w1I;~eaI buy~ mor~ ~. \ . l\.AOUL, uce,' ~'t', \D,UDUlC).- '" . :Little people 'NallQlMlls ,..... ~ :.. (Continued from pa,;. I) U"~e .)~ I.:J.1hUlCll "ISH li1e 'JD.10r.. 529 square metres and several games IIlCHUJIl alit! \..WLUre NUIllSLry'S r'bUUl . «:oon",,1# from ptJIl_ 2) t:' tratisfonn Itself"i~t() .a fU~Ied~ the; are "w6rking ~.. res«lll? " 'i:an be ,played there at the. same .... Iull;') WilJ.y, .' ftrtnly with PO/Ilpidou's blqe.t mIstake was '. lied party, '. It Is 'nli~'!let serloia;' ,bllt there ..I time. The auditorIum has a rotaUng I ut! 1.:1UOS are run b,Y the 4ibra.­ wtprllDi..,:toe? ::blJ/,p\akilli' .th.e But t.he lop; .GaulllSt • leaders Is already10pen 'tillk of fltllCism a' ., ~. , stage. The auditorium holds 900. flo:'> Llt:pUNIkD' OI UJe It1IWS~Y., . '"... g!!De~ 'feel.ln'~~ )loth':9A!lie- a~' aaying extraordlnl\!ily·'.UQPle.: a w~ ;qilt· .' :,' r: ' a~Mn;lIea1:-.waa audience. n viii ttt'll.lnt!S at we C!UO inClUde 111m Nags tribesman l'l1us/al\d lIlM",elJart.- to keep asant things about'·.each other ms,de ,lasi. we. -[ t' . The kitchen. food storaee. and din­ 3"',)";'). S~UI':V nours, uJsl.:usSJons. iec­ blin' oli. B~~ ~t '~"a,P ,m ,tilat. publiclY tina privately:' The Ga- eken\! 'bn~~\Vave of 'plailtlc bo~' ,-, I ing room are located in a rolanda. Iu,t:'::t, SillO 1\l10Qttmmao' eoraIUm S\lch ·.a .b!lJ· e1,~\ . ~~ was, , uWats: and their. hated "illly". Va- mb' blasts against banks end bu- 1 tber~ There are cold storaee and modern r'Iro.JH'I'U""UUJt:, preSlocn .. ut 'lnC; lhJra­ NEW.DELlil, Dec. 24, (Reuter) also a·danaer.,to .er81:.hlD\-., leQ'·.Glsciud d·Estalng,.,' are pu- sinesses,. in ,paris. T.be,Wblicity 1968 (JA DI 4, 1347 S.H.) PRICE AFS. 4 I kitchen {acilities. ' ~ Tl.'!!i~ ~urrounding:".the'· • 1.1:'.:) uepdf"UJt:nt. -An lndian minister yeSterday self: Gsu1llat, . l!r feel bUe!>' sniping'at each otilet ag- sul1lieQilerit pol- ; Student dormitories are located in ,-Uue... L,On.s 01 bOOks 01 interest to assured parliament thlIt ·the"iOV- the ~e..Deedf;fol'.;P8J' ., .. tarY "In, He was ,only . voicing what Ice mea-ures seemed to be r ino~ goven:une~r t~ five four storey buildings. Each YVl.IW anu l:UI.l.01"en cUe"' atso ~t \be ,ernment was· determined to:;:deal· dliiciP.11iili· ail )vheil theY,' tlo' ' GauWsts. feel privatelY' last reminde;' :by 'the ~r:D. orth",~~ly'·. '!~'I f~~ Nigeria cuts off building has 60 rooms with adequate U'(,Ji'U3U; 0'1 lU~ t:J,UO. "Ul speCJat r~a­ firmly. and effectively with b",- • Suitday When 'he,;called on Gen. its middle-class voters of the ~ ~- Li,qulds\1on"~f space for 240 students. The entire \,.l.1I!i 100111;'), -lie sa1U.· J\. VlirtelY oa. aches of law aDd'Qrder by.. the leftlat:opP<:l- ' de Gilil1le to .recognise the'dang- ar of 'an'arcIIY they liild In Mat: (Jormi~ory Cr~s. capacity is lioo. Ano. &~UICS die u~o a\lill.laDle lor VISItors. dependence-seeking tribeSDleD' of siUon' as s, parllamentai':v,\force er of defeat if ne does not reno- But the explosions were soon 'fe>- Red flights , ther 300 students live off campus. Nagilland. .", : I,:. • ," only ez(couragta,:i:he . 'Gau111l118 to' unce holding a ,natlonal referen- rgotteq'as the. Gatillists themsel- There is n basic health centre also l\./'\I... Uru1!\.j(, vet. ~..., (liakhtar) The Nallas. campaigning 'with a~ .ll~;·ft)i,ell);*. '!J1ruly aiII~~~.. ~,wn vote fn th\l:' ,lii}tig . on reg- ves, cOIltinuild to vOiCe reproach­ the'r5-Gaii,IL'~:llb,ience:of :.~ But~, to Biafran areas . included in the project. All buJld­ .-.~l"e K.hUK'·cUIlS o~ "plum were foreign aid for Independence fr.·1 "QUai 'refonn. t.he Gaullist .es at the government: "'?~t. 4~g· " • inKs are built to withstand earth­ ... ollll~a~eQ at. .frtrr..andaoar airport last om Indian rule, ''wiij not .be'per- owlishl!,n: a!and, P!U1Y organ 4' Nlltl0l\" acc\"'ed . As Giseard d'Estalng .'Illiid In .'.' LAGOS. Dec, 25. (AFP).-Fede- quakes, The polytechnic was built o.;dl.Urouy. I ue opium WdS being \u­ mitted to carry out anti-social and tlie. ~Ia':.of the franc seeflla: to him of trying 'to' ahal<e c!onflden- May. "the' party of fear" can be ral Col.. Benjamin ."black scorpion" lI\d~ate. Jef~: b~ei! :Jt\rilel~' with "redit and technical assitance 1'I.t:11 a ...l1oao oy un rtl'\.J toutlSt. anti-national activities under 'the that. the' bill! ce aitel said' he was' resp- victoriotltl. but it ia fickle and Adekunle has halted all International d~royt;d·.:as.,a epunterw.!!lg~t ~_Ji!Cli~.~Cpnnm~c from the Soviet Union. l-I\"V lour.S(. cover of the ag'reement on' swipen- .. to....0!tSible,for.: the nothing lasting can Iii! built by Red Cross flights from Lagos 10 sian of opera~ons;l' Ball Ram tlie'~Ove~~t':'~the'. co'¥l.try'(~t·,.·.:trqu,bles .~cati~.-Ii' fl".~~ .minl- it once the fear has subsided. Port Harcourt. Calabar amI Enugu, Bhagat 'minis\4ir"of state for ex- l\?$'.1aU.. o~'!les"O~"a s\rug~te \ 0" a~~ri·.'-he"iPut. the brakes: on exp- Red Cross sources said the third Airlines ApOlI0-8 ternal affairs. tOld' ·q!iestlonel'll. to., PosItI~ri '~r~tl!e, gener!! ~!!::;.;"~..~Op:ba~k 1Ii,.~~,' ' .. The government ,has at least marit* commando division chief aveil- As tdili!atlon .M!niSt& ·Ed-;:'." ·"'.i.il!t;wlni, Galillls~, David ROu- . one strong cons,olatlon: .The cold stopped the flights Monday. Relia­ WEDNESDAY l(,..QII1",u~. JrUm /lQg~ J) Bhagat said Some ·ate of Chine- Few G.~tS'·"t4.':oy,~~\~, set'.-~,tQICl! ,the assemb~~ week weatber is upon France' and Ill­ ble witnesses in Port Harcourt qu­ work. se origin were captured earlter conc~r'ned wllln' ",~ 1i7:-electl~., that Oen 'de. Gaulle" "tOld him most no' .Ft!enchman will· loilg st­ Ariana Afghan Airliltes: il~~ ;.lii?l;~I¢I/j.\ 't~}4aY oted Col. Adkunle who is apparently , Belrut-Tehran-Kabul 'lne author writes that such a this month in a raid on a Naga lliit ..SUQda1.': .. ' even: before: .·Crisls that and for' unrest if It raises· the in urgent need of communications camp Mozema. from the eaildidste'.48 ·per.~ilii~Ul:te and "capttalism, \imi1St:,.~\eonaemned threat of, his going without beat. Arrlvill 1045 system 01 control lV}d 0.150 pre" 1,P lmis. arid transport faclUties. as saying iiffi1llary tes"ung of tile entire p~o· Nagaland state capital of Kohl- 38 ..~"ceDt ..lli~'.#~i explicitly:I' , Th~\t':'{ConBervative There IS no. lnstance in recent the moon reported it looks greY, .. the "Red Cross could go to heU", Kandahar-Kabul Invo~d-~sii~(:~~~U1I still,'~~ Frencb Iilstory of a crise de re­ RadiO contact with the Apol· Arrivill-llOO grd.m.m~ tnrough launclllng auto­ rna. Its if 'Gaullists are' from no eolour...like plaste~ of paris. Col. Adekunle expressed no in~ ComiiI~ta:,b«o gime' ~n the dead of wiitter. But 10 was hist at 0542 GMT as ·It Kbost-Kabul mattc statiOns Delore undertak!ng He refused to dlscloae details the' .' the'.opi,:v . what they, aee 'as" an', attempt to disappeared behind the moon. Astronauts Frank Bpiman, JB­ 'terest in permitting Red Cross fli.. manned 1JJgIllS ensure greater sa­ of tbe c~ptured weapons, but' ad- eff~i~;;oilJl!:i~C111f<f",f,il,U/I'l1!1<P."' :. esta~'isl\ "the. P!Jli~ -Of Ga,lillism's . If winter c.omes can spring be ghts within his jurisdiction. they Arrival 1400 'socia~ ~ The Apollo broke out of its lun­ mes Lovell and William Anders retY. ded that generally they were am- Iy.. e<le1it;',!1'Ij4!; , unBt,.,.e· leftist doctrine at ex­ far behind? picked out lalldmarks on the lu­ added. Malmana-Mazar-Kabul derilticiD!llh¥~': ,:~tile "'P~ f ar orbit three minutes 22 seconds It should be hOPed. academic­ all_ arms. :"" 9. t!\e' bUsiDess .Cbnfldence 'nar surface as their spacecraft The red cross was flying emer­ Arrlval-1610 ...;. ... .;.. ...;.......;;'..."I..\• ~ !J ,.*,,~\\ 'f'~ ,"{.. _ ..or.. , '.:," ~ ••• 1 after the rocket was fired te~lS .:.'''':r..r•••_':.::''....••'.........., .. Kabul. Mazar. MaLmaua' ian l;Jetrov writes tbat of " . It was ten minutes after 'f!ting akimmed -the moon in an orbit gency food and drug supplies into Departure 0900 the systems ot tile Apollo II spa­ before radio contact was reesta­ ranglne from '60,5 to 169 nautical the Port HarcourtwCalabar area ab­ 'Kabul, Kbost ceship oil an orbit near the earU>.
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