Nea L Ir Ma Kius8 Tla^'G 1^1996 I Atma Ji Ay Fail ~

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Nea L Ir Ma Kius8 Tla^'G 1^1996 I Atma Ji Ay Fail ~ J ^ r-.; ■ ^ . / / 1 ’ / ’ ' ■ 'A = •:i T t r. C; ^n :i . TT- M m E L 1 L i : 1 T y 'J ’1 ■ 1 . 7 Goofl3 m o r n i n g aTma Today’s forf o r e c a s t : ay fa il ~ clouds with 0 slight chanceice ^ Karen Tollddnenien- freedom ammd rights, he here is protci•otecting children." low showers. Light variableble Times-News staff wrw riter said. 5 40 to 45 degrees. Lov/s25 * L aw yers.TS. insurance agents and public H e d he would -hotaries alre . BOISE - IdahoIO ’school•! officials ac* already have to get fingerprinted support a Id P i ^ A 2 1^1996 I law that did to go througl5ugh criminal background chccks, i2 knowledge their bonK>rders a r e wide open to <^9 V the backgroiround checks she said, ' '.:..l“ chers o r counselor:lora convicted.of crimes ■ ,in o th o ’ stalcs.' ~S ' i fingiigcrprinting. Under FoxFox ^k proposal, the suite could re* — — “ But FoxI saids such a ject teaching I - Unlike neighboringing stotes Uuh, Nevada, ling licenses for applicants whose .. k m ove is neaeariy impos- background Oregon and W ashing[ngton, th e y have little o r ind check reveal convictions' on ' M sible. S he hash already sexual orph> ■ CO w ay o f checkingg thtl e tiackgrounds o f ap- 'do o m ed to failure this yea:'ear l>eeause o f one physical abuse ofo child. u n s o l v e d i i | ^ H watered dovown her last An applicaUcant could also get turned down plicants to find outIt if prospective employ- 'elem en t - fingerprinting; prospectivepi teach- y e a r ’s propt'posal in or- for a conv'tciviction II h a d it’c lo c a c c d . a n y o nne e ees'iwere ever conviiwicted o f offenses that . ere., counselors o r administilistrators. involving "moral turpi* F o x — d e r ’to g e tI'something s tudc." delivei was missing testiclcs. A seset t w ould prevent themm froml becoming certi- Moscow RepublicanI GoryG Schroeder. ivcry. mnnufucture or production - passed, andtd w ith o u t a o f c o n tro3llod llo sub.stanccs. involuntary ver- the weekend in Twin>D fied;in this state. chairman of the ScnoteJ EducationE Com- stote I e law, districts can’t occcss:ss statew id e m anslaughterhter. kidnapping :i child or sell* , ■ Ypt a proposal frofrom state Schools Su- tm ittec, said he would killill any proposal to criminnmol databases. Pag*C1 perifitenaent Anne C. Fox that would moke ingorbarttfriiterinj: a child. fingerprinti applicants. I w o u ld hope (Schroeder) wcwould revisit Mary Lu I such checks nfond .u Barry, an English tcacher at mdatory Is virtually Such a step would infrinjtinge on individual that in his ftiind," she said. “Thehe real Issue fcharee founders__ Please s ee CHECKS/A2 Idents may not hove much Legislature in their tax re* ic-eollege-of-Sou thero' !d al=J:=jCanKO ~ on Imiiacfc■ r S i t e ¥OF^ees-^ P a g e C l ■ i , dis^{agree j i n d i w w a y ■ J T > ' ' ■“ ' • lers look strong ogain in divorce alls program works on im> L J a ® ^ i P « 9 * B 1 brm law softball fees ...................... J , . ■ ji City Council voted to in- , j ByKariaiToUroU ddncn _ ___ irged to four categones o f " Times-Newsvs writerv ' , • forthe 1996 season. P a g * B l BO ISE - TheT Idaho Legislature could make divorcesrccs tougher to get if it endorses.' ' one lawmokeriker's effort to strengthen Idaho h t f a n s . ' families. »ill available for the Col- Both spouseluscs would have to conscnt bc- ern Idaho rodeo team’s fore being gragranted a divorce on "irrecon- Saturday. cilablc differererence.s’* under a bill filed Mon- P a g e B I I day by Republ)ublican Rep. Tom Don-of Post Falls. T hat wouldwoi allow a cooling-off time . that could sa\save marriages, said Dorr, a ■ m em ber o f■ the conservative Christian or^ ganization IdalIdalio Family Forum, t show biz The idea has its critics, though, rdon't belong in Idaho’s “I don’t knowkno that that does the public 4y.’s;editorial says. ■ aiiy good becaiecause when people want a di- P ageX e^ -" ' vorce, they'll^'11 get- a divorcc.”..said Leon ^ t . t h e s i t e In J o h n Evansr,8 Sm ith, a T wwin in Falls attorney whojs di- n e s s voned. -- ---------------------- S lo w in g -lr IrarM ^ s T i^ '^ r M«iUilldd:p(ty M bndayliip^ r ln J o w n - w lll- J tis n m in H c n i---------- • n e a p angty,” h e Said,;aid. :>■' - ■ ' ' I ” R ®apbrters'and'sherifTs P ofo.fRders; below, gather n n e a r -j-he law mmight ig save few families, but it a c k t r a d c s le 100*yar^long araa.whWhich burned after the would bring; backba the days of legal wran- JamCllntorigave'some -.........- igling. finger-pcr-pointirig and private investi- /hite Jlou« travel office _ n eair M atla^ 'g ____________ gators, criticsrssa Si id ._____ _____ _____ ______ oh'doy, 'coriceding aides' - If the bill b^cb^coniies law. Smith foresees a jconltrued her remarks future where•e spousesSj have to find other gs. • grounds fo r dlv<divoree - alleging mental cm* P a g * A 3 city, other abuseSuse o r infidelity. -----“I ’d hate to:o s< see it go back to gamesman- ; • ■ kiUs8 - TV------- ship,^'-he said.—d.------------------------------------------------ s l i e ^ e -----------------------D ia n a -R o)lig-of-Twin-Falls-said'shc lig uid moderate Democrats Tbo Associated Press;S8S'.................. Idy racoi^ . H ^ would have wcwelcomed such a law when taking centcr stag e in the Cloud B ||^ she went througrough her divorce three years [ Republicans a re n ’t sure MALAD .CITYr - The .. for Ccraft- l C2 . ■ - ' ' crosh o f a twin*englne '• ago. iey will line up agaihist line p la n e in — ' ............. “I didn't wanivant the divorce," she said. "It I. .1 ,.-moun|oinous e a r l y yards lo n g aiaifd 75 yards wide. _ _ Mnn^iny l/ifle^ nil Clgt _____wasjust-too-csj_casy-to-go_Tii&,jind-nousil---------- ---------^ ~ P a g * - A 3 — people— A-cralpr-alk>iout-^-feet'deep'ond— ■ ' aboord, wipiiig out.tlt.the upper;. ‘12 feet-acros;>ss marked the spot' -W Bi E t H down ond .say.y. ‘Let’s‘1 talk about it.”' • 'm anogem ent, o f 0 .St.Salt Lake where authoilorities'believe the H |^ DIvorees nndind separations surrounded by ibei^ Cityrbosed Coca-Cola.ola,l>6ttJer. elght<passensngci^lane'struck.'— H H tunnoil couldd lead.tolc impaired judgement and hasty decisi< ton stands at the pulpit The twin turbo-'pr:prop_Mit- A portion1 o< r a propeller, an visions, shc said, ^ “Myfeeling o uther King's church in subishi MU-2B-3'6/^16A disap- engine and a large scction of ?'V-i ‘ffj*' - lg o f w hat it w ould do is forec /s the message today . peared from radarar screens: . the fuselogeJ were\ all that were *>/ '■ ■" • couples to workork it out,” shc said, 've stiU got a ways to shortly ofter the.pilotlot radioed distlnguishrhable amid the • IM**** H er ex -husbaisband. Twin Falls attorney there was' an unspispecificd wreckage. i JefTrey Rolig,g. ssaid he wouldn’t want to P a g e A 4 emergency at 6:17 a.ia.m. "MST Oneida Qo;ounty Sheriff Bill -Jf** tighten the dividivorce laws in the manner on the flight' from SaitSs Lake Neal s?id it oppbarcdai thc.planc__ Dorr suggestsIs becauscb it would give one City to Pocatcllo,.. -• person trcmcndcndous veto power over the n N orth K orea nbsc-dived intoI the ground. “A s far as a w reckk g oes, th is . He said th at b a se d on the point -. , ■■ other. CiQls,soy_lhcy_bclicyc____------—is-about-aS-bod-BS'-iis'-it-getsy*''-tof-impactratiauttionties-BreTis=~^ ^ 5 ^ Thcre-'s-ali^iTOdy-a-wairing-processrhe“ . * " )ldiers who defected in T Im .othy M a so n , a FederalI sirniing the pi.p la n e w as attem pt- said. living In N orth K orea. W ^ i '/ ^ The intent ofo f th e propo.sal Is to correct Aviation Ad'ministraitratl6n in -. ihg,totumaniround, away from P a g a A 4 spector said after a tourtou ofthe Pocatcllo. an inequity byy givinggl both spouses a say in crosh site. “Usually ycyo u se e a "it had to hovehi been a horn- ^ y the divorce proc)roceedings. D o rr soid. Cur* • wing.” . ble impact.”’ Neal: said. “I've >-'^J . rently only oneme person is needed to dis* M ason sold it w oulduld be dif. been in law/ enforcement in solve the m arriagriage. ficult to detcm ilne thle e causec of Oneida Couninty for 20 yeors ^ '3 Dorr wasn’tt suresi how .many cases the 85;' law would affciffcct. Iri the eight-county ailing , the crosh bccouse thereicre w a sn ’t and thcre’v e: beent three crash- S w m much left.of theplone.le. H e s a id cs In that timne. e And this is the ■jlH south-central IdahoIdal region, there were 865 /.
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