Zoologische Mededelingen Uitgegeven Door Het
ZOOLOGISCHE MEDEDELINGEN UITGEGEVEN DOOR HET RIJKSMUSEUM VAN NATUURLIJKE HISTORIE TE LEIDEN (MINISTERIE VAN CULTUUR, RECREATIE EN MAATSCHAPPELIJK WERK) Deel 53 no. 13 25 oktober 1978 THE MARINE MOLLUSCAN ASSEMBLAGES OF PORT SUDAN, RED SEA by M. MASTALLER Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Spez. Zoologie Bochum, West-Germany With one text-figure and one table ABSTRACT This study summarizes field observations and collections of the molluscan fauna of the coastal and offshore reefs in the area of Port Sudan, Central Red Sea. In spite of the fact that some families of this group were described from several areas of the Red Sea, there exists only little information on the entire faunal composition of this region. 282 species of Amphineura, Gastropoda, and Bivalvia, collected and studied in nine localities are listed according to their habitats. Moreover, descriptions of the prominent members of typical molluscan assemblages are given for 13 habitats and microhabitats which differ in their morphological structures and in their hydrographic and physiographic conditions. Emphasis is placed on further studies on the trophic interactions within certain habitats. INTRODUCTION Although there is a considerable number of taxonomie literature on some molluscan families in the Indo-West-Padfic (Abbott, i960; Burgess, 1970; Cernohorsky, 1967; Habe, 1964; Kira, 1962; Powell, 1964; Rosewater, 1965), there is comparatively scarce information for the Red Sea. After the exten• sive surveys and descriptions of Issel, 1869, Hall & Standen, 1907, Jickeli, 1874, Shopland, 1902, and Sturany, 1901, 1903, in more recent times only a few studies were published on the entire faunal composition of molluscs in this region. Most of these publications deal with certain families, sometimes they also give information about their zoogeographical distribution in the Red Sea: Thus the cypraeids seem to yield the best information on their occurrence throughout the region (Foin, 1972; Mienis, 1971b; O'Malley, 1971; Schilder, 1965).
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