
Coronavirus & By R. Joe Dieleman, WCS Bible Teacher

So here we sit in our own homes vacillating between fear and peace, foreboding and faith. We read and watch all about Coronavirus and wonder where it will strike next and what its ramifications will be for our beloved families, for our dear WCS community, our nation, and the world. In the midst of all this angst, we as disciples of Christ should turn our inward eyes deeper to the Holy Spirit of within us for his counsel.

For each of us, the counsel of the Counselor is different and especially suited to our needs by our Father who knows each of us intimately. But, one thing rings true for all of us; Christ is still on the ! Our God is sovereign! He wears the of the universe and everything is under his authority including the Coronavirus. So, here's a thought.

It is not just coincidence that this virus we are dealing with is called Corona. As most of you know, the Spanish word "corona" is translated "crown" in English. We should therefore be reminded, every time we think of the Coronavirus, that Jesus wears as the of over all things including our present apocalyptic experience with this virus.

But more than that, especially during this time of Lent, let us contemplate the day that Jesus Christ laid aside his crown of glory for a crown of thorns. Jesus wore that crown of pain not just to suffer the judgement of God's wrath in our place, for our sins. Jesus wore that crown of thorns also to suffer all the consequences of sin, the brokenness of his creation, including pandemic viruses. Jesus died wearing a crown of thorns and rose from the dead wearing a crown of glory so that we too might look forward to our resurrection into a world without suffering and pain of any kind when he returns. In that blessed world, we as followers of Jesus Christ will receive our own crowns as Jesus declared in James 1:12, "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the has promised to those who love him."

Trials come in various forms and each of us have had and will have our share of them, including the one we share in common now. But the Corona/Crown virus is nothing compared to the Corona/Crown that Christ wore, suffering for the virus of our sin and certainly nothing compared to the crown he now wears and shares with those who stand firm during this viral trial and experience his peace now and until he returns when these viruses will be just a distant memory of a forgettable past.

So, brothers and sisters, come what may, be at peace in the Heavenly Crowned King who declared to his disciples then and now, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27