Application of 34 Indonesian Special Culinary As a Learning Media of Entrepreneurship in the University PGRI of Palembang

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Application of 34 Indonesian Special Culinary As a Learning Media of Entrepreneurship in the University PGRI of Palembang International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426 Application of 34 Indonesian Special Culinary as a Learning Media of Entrepreneurship in the University PGRI of Palembang Nova Pratiwi1, Chandra Kurniawan2, Neta Dian Lestari3 1, 2, 3PGRI University of Palembang, Jl. Jend. A. Yani, Palembang, Indonesia Abstract: This study aims to introduce 34 Indonesian culinary specialties to the community, foster entrepreneurial spirit and student motivation in preserving the culture and creating young entrepreneurs in the culinary field. This research is a qualitative study with data collection techniques documentation, questionnaire, and observation. The results of the analysis gave rise to the 4 themes discussed here; 34 Indonesian culinary as learning media, student entrepreneurial activities, entrepreneurial interests, and entrepreneurial learning outcomes. The four themes are very useful for understanding the optimal way to foster an entrepreneurial spirit among students. Keywords: Indonesian Special Culinary, Learning Media, Entrepreneurship 1. Introduction Entrepreneurial Learning Media at PGRI Palembang University. The Special Purpose that researchers want to Making a variety of Indonesian dishes from Sabang to achieve in this research is to introduce and preserve 34 Merauke, which has unique and distinctive flavors from Indonesian culinary specialties to the local, national and each province is not easy. However, along with the international community, foster entrepreneurial spirit and development of technology and high student creativity, it is student motivation in preserving Indonesian special cuisine not uncommon for students to combine the special dishes of and creating young entrepreneurs in the Indonesian culinary each Province into one new dish that is no less delicious. field. Recognizing the fact that the modern era has made our This research is not to change the taste and specialties of society very close to fast food and western food, so this various Indonesian dishes, but the researchers intend to research is very important to do, considering that students preserve these dishes so that they are better known by the are millennials who will assume the responsibility of the local, national and international community. Indonesian State later. As Indonesian Citizens (WNI), of course, we are very proud The Beginner Lecturer Research Scheme is a form of our to live in a land that has fertile land with a variety of love for the Indonesian cash culinary research team, a biodiversity and agricultural products, as well as living in a conscious effort to maintain and develop Indonesian cuisine friendly environment with a variety of ethnic and cultural to the global market and is a training facility for Palembang diversity. This is what makes this country has many culinary PGRI University students, especially accounting education variations and unique flavors from an area that makes it study programs to become young entrepreneurs in the different from other cuisines. As proof of the existence of culinary field. Research activities are also intended to the taste of Indonesian specialties in the face of the world, support government programs that students can graduate namely the rendang rendered as the most delicious food in with an independent and creative spirit so that they can open the world according to the CNN survey. On the other hand, jobs with creative and innovative ideas. Indonesian culinary is also famous for the nutritional value contained in the composition of the food served and the raw Based on the above background the researcher needs to materials used are also easy to find. guide the students in making a typical Indonesian cuisine and take the time to make the special cuisine of each Students who have so many ideas and have never had a province so that it can be liked by the public, therefore the crisis with creativity as the most important object as a researcher gives the title "Application of 34 Indonesian prospective entrepreneur or the best target to help and Culinary Specialties as Entrepreneurial Learning Media at expedite the spirit of easy entrepreneurship that is PGRI University Palembang ". successful. Entrepreneurship courses as one of the future investments of students in business, through the integration 2. Literature Review of experience, skills and knowledge are important to develop and expand a business. Entrepreneurship activities 2.1. Indonesian Culinary Specialties originating from 34 can also increase the interest of students to choose the world provinces of entrepreneurship as a career choice in addition to being an employee. According to Marcel Danesi in Sumarni (2011: 223) food is a sign that is infiltrated by meaning. In the social The problem that will be examined in this study is how the environment, food gains significance beyond that function Application of 34 Indonesian Culinary Specialties as and influences the perception of whether something is eaten. Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Paper ID: ART20203269 DOI: 10.21275/ART20203269 679 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426 From typical cuisine, we can find out what certain groups of c) Distributive capability means that the media can reach people eat, how to make it, and what is revealed from typical large audiences in one presentation at the same time, for dishes about them. example, TV or radio broadcasts. As is known by the people of Indonesia that Indonesia has a Sudjana (2010: 21) mentions the benefits of learning media variety of regional cuisine, ranging from Sabang to as follows: Merauke, following 34 typical dishes from 34 provinces in a) Teaching will attract more attention from students so that Indonesia, according to Chandra (2019); Aceh (mIE Aceh), it can foster motivation to learn. South Sumatra (Pempek), West Sumatra (Rendang), West b) The teaching material will be clearer in meaning so that Nusa Tenggara (Ayam Bakar Taliwang), Riau (Gulai it can be better understood by students and allows Belacan), Central Java (Lumpia), Riau Islands (Otak-Otak), students to better master teaching objectives. Banten (Sate Bandeng), East Nusa Tenggara (Catemek c) Instructional methods will be more varied so that Jagung), West Kalimantan (Bubur Pedas Sambas), East students are not bored. Papua (papeda), Central Sulawesi (Sup Ikan Jantung d) Students do more learning activities. Pisang), Central Kalimantan (Juhu Singkah), Gorontalo (Binte Biluhuta), Jakarta (Kerak Telor), West Java (Serabi), Based on the opinions above, it can be concluded that Central Papua (Bagea), North Kalimantan (Kepiting Soka), learning media are all tools and materials that can be used North Sulawesi (Bubur Manado), South Kalimantan (Soto for educational purposes such as radio, television, books, Banjar), Yogyakarta (Nasi Gudeg), East Java (Rujak newspapers, magazines, and so on. Cingur), South Sulawesi (Sup Konro), East Kalimantan (Ayam Cicane), Maluku (Ikan Asar Cakalang), North 2.3. Entrepreneurship Course Maluku (Gohu Ikan), North Sumatra (Bika Ambon), Lampung (Seruit), Jambi (Gulai Ikan Patin), Bengkulu This entrepreneurship course students will gain knowledge (Pendap) , Bali (Ayam Betutu), Bangka Belitung (Mie about entrepreneurship theory and practice. Students must Bangka), Southeast Sulawesi (Lapa-lapa) and West Papua be able to design a place of business, type of business, (Ikan Bakar Manokwari). commodity plan, carry out a pioneer and develop an entrepreneurial profession. A student is given a debriefing 2.2. Instructional Media form of planting attitudes and behavior as an entrepreneur who has ethics determine booster development of a business, In general, the media is the plural word of '' medium '', as well as know stories of success and failure of the which means an intermediary or introduction. The term entrepreneurs in the field, to encourage the maha students to media is also used in the field of teaching or education so further pursue this profession or as eco-entrepreneurs that the term becomes the medium of education or learning themselves. media (Wina Sanjaya, 2006: 42). Learning media by Munadi (2008: 23) is defined as anything that can convey and The aim of the lecture is that students can understand the channel messages from a planned source to create a meaning, development of Indonesian and world conducive learning environment where the recipient can entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial carry out the learning process efficiently and effectively. conceptions, characteristics, soul, spirit, entrepreneurial personality, efforts made by entrepreneurs and factors NEA (Educations Association) is defined as objects that can detrimental to entrepreneurs. The main subjects of the be manipulated, seen, heard, read or discussed along with Entrepreneurship Lecture are as follows : instruments that are used well in teaching and learning 1) Understanding entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship activities that can affect the effectiveness of instructional 2) Entrepreneurship development programs. Teaching media is defined as an impersonal (non- 3) Characteristics of entrepreneurship human) means used or provided by teaching staff, who play 4) Entrepreneurial quality a role in the teaching and learning process, to achieve 5) Excess entrepreneurship instructional goals (Winkel, 2009: 36). Association of 6)
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