MONETERS of the LATE ANGLO-SAXON COINAGE 1016-1042 by Veronica J. Smart, M. A. Thesis Submitted to the University of Nottingham
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MONETERSOF THE LATE ANGLO-SAXON COINAGE 1016-1042 by Veronica J. Smart, M. A. Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophyp October 19B1. ST COPY AVAILA L Poor text in the original thesis. Some text bound close to the spine, CONTENTS BIBLIOGRAPHT and ABBREVIATIONS' i-x INTRODUCTION Scope and method I Dating 8 Localisation of dies 19 Double names 24 PHONOLOGY 33 ALPHOLTIC, AL NAME LIST 61 , RMIONAL ANALYSES 191 Western mints 193 York 200 The Five Boroughs 203 Southern Danelaw 210 Lonclon 218 Southern Englancl 223 General Summary 243 Acknowledgments xi -Xii 0 Abstract the late Anglo- previous study of the moneyer-s' names on the death Saxon coinage by the same writer concluded with of Il. This study continues the survey to the accession ,Ethelred the of Edward the Confessor. The Introduction summarises sources for the coins of this period, current research on their dating and die-cutting, and the function of double names which appear on the coins. A section on Phonology discusses in detail the spellings used in the coin-legendsp showing how the numerous forms are not due to carelessness or illiteracy on the part of the die-cutters, but reflect sound-changes and spelling conventions-which are also found in documentary sources. Several sound-changes which have hitherto been attributed to Anglo-Norman influence appear on the coinsp reinforcing the evidence for their having in fact taken place in native Old English. The individual names are then examined in an Alphabetical Name List for their derivation, and in the final section this information is used towards assessing the composition of the pop- ulation in the towns where mints were situatedp region by region, with regard to the density of Scandinavian settlement and the presence of other non-English groups. The Scandinavian ruling dvnasty had little effect on the manning of the mints) the proportions of Scandinavian to English names being very similar to those under Ethelred. There are small changes in the southern Danelawp which it is suggested may be a legacy of Ethelred's anti-Anglo-Scandinavian policy in the early years of the eleventh century. The coin-evidence reflects the general geo- graphical patterns of settlement to be inferred from place-naze than that the and other material., rather suggesting mint- towns, because of their commercial status, had attracted a more cosmopolitan population. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS SoUrces: puhlished collections of coins BER j3. E. Hildebrand, Ani,-Iosachsiska Mynt funna i Sveriges jord 2nd edn. Stockholm k1881). ý catalogue of the Systematic Collection of the Royal Coin Cabinet, Stockholm) B14C H. A. Grueber and C. F. Keary, A catalogue of English coins in the British Huseum, Anglo-Saxon series, Londlon U893) Brettel Catalogue of the R. M. Brettel Collection of coins of ter, sold by Glendinning and Co. London 28th October 1970, with an introduction by B. H. I. H. Stewart. CITS Corpus Nummorum, Sa3culorum IX-XI qui in Suecia reýerti sunt ed. N. L. Rasmusson and B, Kalmerv Stockholmk1975- 1: Gotland (2 vols. parishes A-B published) 16: Dalarna FEJ Catalogue of the collection of Anglo-Saxon silver pennies formed by F. Elmore jones Esq. sold by Glendinning-and Co. I; ondon 12th and 13th May 1971 SCBI Sylloge of Coins of the British Islest published for the british Academy, Lond7n' U958-) 1. Fitzwilliam. Museum, Cambridge, by P. Grierson (IM) 2. Hunterian and Coats Collection, Glasgow, by A. S. Robertson (1761) 4t, 7 13-15,1B. Royal Danish Collectiong Copenhagen, by .. G. Galster (19&4*? Z) 5. Grosvenor 14useum,Chester, by E*J*E. Pirie (1944) 6. National Museum of Antiquities of Scotlandt Edinburgh, by H. B. K. Stevenson (19&&) 8. Hiberno-Norse coins in the British Ifluseum, by R. H. H. Doýley (iqt4) 9. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, by J. D. A. Thompson (1947) 11. Reading Univeroityq by C. E. Blunt and R. H. N. Dolley (oq&q) 16. Mrs. Emery May Norweb collection, by C. E. Blunt, F. Elmore Jones and R. P. Mack (1971) 17. Midland Museums, by A. J*II. Gunstone (1971) 19. Bristol and Gloucester Museums, by L. V. Grinsell, C. E. Blunt and N. Dolley 20. H. P. Mack collection, by R. P. Nack (1973) 21. Yorkshire collections, by E. J. E. Pirie(197S) 24. West Country Nuseumst by A. J. H. Gunstone (177) 2ý1,*. National Huseum, Helsinkip by Tuukka Talvio (117S) Vols. 1-20 are indexed in vol. 28, Cumulative Index, by (lial) V. JO'Smartk, where all forms of the moneyers' names are ;i given with volume and plate references. References to coins in vol. 21- are given here with volume and plate-numbers added. Uppsala Studier ofver Uppsala Universitats Anglosaxiska Mynt sammling, by digurd Holm, Uppsala U917) Unpublished material B14 British Museum collection, a large proportion of which has been assembled since the publication of BNC Swedish hoatda: CNS has only just begun to publish the vast material from the Viking Age coin-hoards found in Sweden and the great majority of these finds are still unpublished in detail. Instances known only from this source are cited with find-spot, parish and province, e. g. Stora Sojdeby find, Fole parish, Gotland. 46 Other Works Consulted ------------------- Migard de4Gautries,, J. Les noms de personnes -schndinaves en Hormandie de 911-1066,, Lund (1954) ASC The Amdo-Saxon Chronicle: Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel, ed. C. Plummer and j. Earle, Oxford (1892-99), also in trans. G. N. Garmonsway, EverymarisLibrary 1960. ASCoins Anglo-Saxon Coins. studies Presented to Sir Frank Stenton, ed. R. H. H. Dolley, London (1961) ASE Arglo-Saxon Enpland C'Lrnbri I Blick, H. The synonyms for Child. Boy Girl in Old English, Lund (193-4T(Lond 544145 lr% En5lit-h 2. ) Bede Ecclesiastical History of the-En, -,lish People, ed. B. Colgrave and R. A. B. Hynors, Oxford (1969) Biddle, 14. (ed. ) Winchester in the'Early Middle Ages, Oxford (1976) BjUkman, E. Scandinavian-Loanwords in Middle English, (19021 ONAAitxv Halle xur erw!f scýsrqw. pvm: 1014P. ýtt. '71,11) Nordische Personennamen in Enrland in alt- frÜhmittelengliacher (1910) und Zeit, Halle &%06.r- entä'C%tchtt%Philolotte 'ß7) Zur enZlischen Namenkunde (ZEN), Halle (1912) Blackburn, 14.A. S. "The mint of Watehet" BNJ XLIV (1974) 19-22 Blunt, C. E. "The St. Edmund Memorial Coinage" Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archmologry XXXI (1968) 227-33 A V06. BCS Birch, W. de G. Cartularium Saxonicum, London, ', 1883-99) BITJ British Numismatic Journal Bosworth-. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. based on the 14S collect and J. Bonworth, edited by T. N. Toller, Oxford (1898T. Toller Supplement and addenda by A. Campbell (1972) Brooke, C. N. L. The Saxon and Norman kings, London (i963) . London 800-1216. the shaping of a citv,, London (1975) Brooke, G. C. A catalogue of English coins in the British Huseum. Norman kings, London (1916) -the (1955) Englif3h Coins, 3rd edn. London Butler, V. J. "The metrology of the late Anglo-Saxon pennyt the reigns of Athelred and Cnut", ASCoins 195-214 Smart, i. act also V. iv "A Age ----- and Dolley, R. H. M. note on the Viking hoard from Lindores" NC (1961) 59 Campbell., A. Old English Grammar, Oxford (1959) Carlyon-Britton, P. "Uncertain Anglo-Saxon mints and some new attributions" BNJ VI (1909) 49-54 Carson, R. A. G. "The mint of Thetford" NC IX (1949) 189- 257 Cleasby., R. and Vigfusson, G.. An Icelandic-English diction- aryv initiated by R. Cleasby, revisedp enlarged and complet- ed by G. Vigfusson, 2nd edn. Oxford (1957) Comment- Commentationes de nummis smculorum IX-XI in Suecia reperti 0104fle ationes Stockh olm, 1 (1961), 11 ' 1968)4K%jo%it f('5XOL %NtLc, -hLt* OcK Re..WKVl. I L&tA ri k -aevv%Inv% rLtlz%: sarlq. - 90 19ý CTM See Smart, V. J. "Cnut's Tork moneyers'l- Danson, E. W. "The Anglo-Saxon and Norman mint of Tamworth Staffordshire" Transactions of the South Stafforaahire Archmological and Historical Societ V XI (1969-70) -1-32-56 DGP See Knudsen and Kristensen Dinneeng P. S. An Irish-English dictionaryDablin and Lon- don (1904) Dolley, R. H. M. "The Jewel Cross coinage of Elfgifu-Emmall BNJ XXVII (1953) 266-2;. 5 "The ------ sack of Wilton and the chronology of the Long Cross. and-Helmet types of Ethelred IVI VNM (1954) 152-6 "A note on the mints of Sudbury and Southwark at the end of the reign of Ethelred III' BNJ XXVIII (1955) 264- 9 ------ "A Severn variety of cnutts Quatrefoil 'type" SNC (1956) 321-5s 373-6. Some Reflections on Hildebrand Type A of Nth 11 (Antikvariskt Arkiv-! -x-) Stockholm (1958). ------ "The mints of North-ana Southampton" SNC (1955) 159-61 "An unpublished Chester penny of Harthacnut" ILC (1960) 191-3 "Some misattributed Fleur-de-lis coins of Harold III BNJ XMII (1964-) 45-7 110E*Christthegn - an unsuspected instance of early Middle Irish influence on OE name-giving" BNJ XXVI (1967) 40-5 "Some Irish-evidence for the date o;. the Crux coins of Athelred III' ASE 11 (1973)145-54 V r "An introduction to the coinage of Athelred II" Athelresithe-Unready, papers from the millenary conference, ýBritish Archreological Reports# British Series LIX (1978) "Roger of Wendover's date for Eadgar's coinage reform" BXJ XLIX (1979) 1-11 Blunt, C. E. and van der Meer, G. "The Anglo-Saxon element in the 1967 Burge hoard from Lummelunda parish, Gotland" BITJ XXXVI (1967) 81-5 -- and Butler, V. J. "Tre engelska mynt funna pR Gotland" MIUM (1961) 1-4 --- Elliott, D. J. and Elmore Jones, F. "The Buckingham mint" BNJ =V (1965) 46-52 ind ------ Elmore'Jones, F.