Bulletin 83-84
bulletin 83-84 International Sociological Association Association Internationale de Sociologie Asociación Internacional de Sociología Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology University Complutense 28223 Madrid, Spain Tel: (34)913527650 Fax: (34)913524945 Ernail: isa@sis.ucm.es http://www.ucm.es/infolisa ~~~ lJY!J ~@[J~@ ~@[fü~[J@~~ @iÍ ~@~o@~@~w ~ [J@ ~o[ITfDo[fü@ ~ ~ [J@~ [J@[ITfD[ITfD@ o ISA XV World Congress of Sociology Brisbane, Australia, July 7-13,2002 Preliminary Programme 1 O Primera Conferencia Regional en América Latina 53 O In Memoriam: Deirdre Mary Boden 54 O Research Committees involvement in publishing 55 O Inclusion of South in Research Committees activities 55 O Archives of Alienation Theory and Research 57 O Search for a new editor for Current Sociology 57 O Elections of ISA Officers 2002-2006 58 O Publications of the ISA Summer 2001 Published by the Intemational Sociologkal Association ISSN0383-8501 Editor: lzabela Barlinska. Lay-out: José 1. Reguera. Printed by PowerPrint EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Fa 111998 - Summer 2002 President: Jan Marie FRITZ Jorge A. González, Jennifer Platt, Alberto MARTINELLI University of Cincinnati Gilles Pronovost, Peter Weingart University of Milano Cincinnati, USA EC representatives: Claus Offe, Milano, ltaly Sujata Patel, Shujiro Yazawa Jorge GONZÁLEZ SÁNCHEZ Vlce-President, Research Universidad Iberoamericana Publlcations Committee Arnaud SALES Mexico D.F., Mexico Chair: Christine Inglis Université de Montréal EC representatives: Bemadette Montréal, Canada Bert KLANDERMANS Bawin-Legros, Roberto Briceño- Free University Leon Vlce-President, Programme Amsterdam, The Netherlands RCC representative: Peter Piotr SZTOMPKA Weingart Jagiellonian University ClausOFFE cuaem Sociology: Susan McDaniel (Editor),2 Cracow, Poland Humboldt University representatives tba Berlin, Germany Intemational Sociology.
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