Bulletin 83-84

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Bulletin 83-84 bulletin 83-84 International Sociological Association Association Internationale de Sociologie Asociación Internacional de Sociología Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology University Complutense 28223 Madrid, Spain Tel: (34)913527650 Fax: (34)913524945 Ernail: isa@sis.ucm.es http://www.ucm.es/infolisa ~~~ lJY!J ~@[J~@ ~@[fü~[J@~~ @iÍ ~@~o@~@~w ~ [J@ ~o[ITfDo[fü@ ~ ~ [J@~ [J@[ITfD[ITfD@ o ISA XV World Congress of Sociology Brisbane, Australia, July 7-13,2002 Preliminary Programme 1 O Primera Conferencia Regional en América Latina 53 O In Memoriam: Deirdre Mary Boden 54 O Research Committees involvement in publishing 55 O Inclusion of South in Research Committees activities 55 O Archives of Alienation Theory and Research 57 O Search for a new editor for Current Sociology 57 O Elections of ISA Officers 2002-2006 58 O Publications of the ISA Summer 2001 Published by the Intemational Sociologkal Association ISSN0383-8501 Editor: lzabela Barlinska. Lay-out: José 1. Reguera. Printed by PowerPrint EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Fa 111998 - Summer 2002 President: Jan Marie FRITZ Jorge A. González, Jennifer Platt, Alberto MARTINELLI University of Cincinnati Gilles Pronovost, Peter Weingart University of Milano Cincinnati, USA EC representatives: Claus Offe, Milano, ltaly Sujata Patel, Shujiro Yazawa Jorge GONZÁLEZ SÁNCHEZ Vlce-President, Research Universidad Iberoamericana Publlcations Committee Arnaud SALES Mexico D.F., Mexico Chair: Christine Inglis Université de Montréal EC representatives: Bemadette Montréal, Canada Bert KLANDERMANS Bawin-Legros, Roberto Briceño- Free University Leon Vlce-President, Programme Amsterdam, The Netherlands RCC representative: Peter Piotr SZTOMPKA Weingart Jagiellonian University ClausOFFE cuaem Sociology: Susan McDaniel (Editor),2 Cracow, Poland Humboldt University representatives tba Berlin, Germany Intemational Sociology. Said Vice-President, Publlcations Arjomand (Editor), Orlando Fals- Christine INGLlS Sujata PATEL Borda, Ina Wagner University of Sydney University of Pune Book Review: Jennifer Platt Sydney, Australia Pune, India Sage Studies in Intemational Socio/ogy:Julia Evetts (Editor) Jennifer PLATT Vice-President, Membership & SAGE Publications:Leo Walford Rnance University of Sussex Juan DIEZ-NICOLÁS Brighton, United Kingdom Membership & Flnance Universidad Complutense Commlttee Madrid, Spain Gilles PRONOVOST Chair: Juan Díez-Nicolás Université de Québec Members: Vincenzo Ferrari, Jan- Past Presldent 1994-98 Trois-Rivieres, Canada Marie Fritz, Bert Klandermans, Ari 1mmanuel WALLERSTEIN Sitas Yale University Ari SITAS New Haven, USA University of Natal ISA Representatlves to Durban, South Africa UNESCO-ISSC Members Delegate: Bemadette Bawin- Bernadette BAWIN-LEGROS GoranTHERBORN Legros Université de Liege SCASSS Altemate: Peter Weingart Liége, Belgium Uppsala, Sweden ISA Representatlves to United Roberto BRICEÑO-LEÓN Peter WEINGART Nations Lacso, Universidad Central de University of Bielefeld New York: Delegate: Jan-Marie Venezuela Bielefeld, Ge~many Fritz Caracas, Venezuela Altemate: Linda Christiansen- Shujiro YAZAWA Ruffman Linda CHRISTIANSEN- Hitotsubashi University Geneva & Vienna: Alberto RUFFMAN Tokyo,Japan Martinelli Saint Mary's University Halifax, Canada Executive Secretary ISA Representatlve to WHO Izabela BARLlNSKA Eugene B. Gallagher, RC15 Layi ERINOSHO Ogun State University Research Coordinating ISA Representative to Oñati Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria Committee International Instltute of Sociology 01 Law Chair: Amaud Sales Vincenzo Ferrari, Italy Vincenzo FERRARI Members: Linda Christiansen- University of Milano Ruffman, Vincenzo Ferrari, Jan Milano, ltaly Marie Fritz, Bert Klandermans, International Sociological Association Bulletin 83-84/1 ISA XV World Congress of Sociology Brisbane, Australia July 7-13, 2002 The Social World in the Twenty First Century: Ambivalent Legacies and Rising Challenges Welcome to the Congress From the President of the Interna- From the President of the Australian From the Chair of the Local Organis- tional Sociological Association Sociological Association ing Committee Dear Friends and Colleagues, ISA World Congresses are the most This Congress will add a fun and party You are all heartily invited to our 2002 significant international events in the theme to the usual strong academic Congress in Australia. sociological calendar, with an impact programo The welcome reception will The International Sociological Associa- that extends well beyond the bound- be held at the Southbank parklands on tion has chosen a forward-Iooking aries of the discipline. I am proud that the Brisbane River adjoining the Con- theme: The social world in the twenty TASA has been chosen to cooperate ference Centre. Delegates will have the first century: ambivalent legacies and with the ISA in hosting the XV World opportunity of participating in an Aus- rising challenges, a theme that is ap- Congress in Brisbane from 7th - 13th tralian barbeque including distinctively propriate to the beginning of the new July 2002. Australian music, with an indigenous century and millennium. The rising theme and an opportunity to go swim- challenges are those stemming from The decision to hold the XV Congress ming. An extensive range of social the global interconnectedness, the new in Australia will have two conse- activities, tours and visits to various technologies of the net, the growing quences that are particularly gratifying parts of Australia has also been organ- hybridization of cultures. These are to me as an Australian sociologist. ised for the enjoyment of Congress challenges both to our scientific para- First, it will provide an opportunity for delegates. digms and analytical tools, and to our sociologists from many parts of the projects for a better social world of world to reflect on the global signifi- The Congress site is on the Brisbane equitable and sustainable development cance of developments in the River less than one kilometre from the and of enhanced opportunities for all. Asia-Pacific region and I hope as many city centre. There are numerous res- The ambivalent legacies come to us sociologists as possible from the region taurants, coffee shops and gardens from the complex multi-paradigmatic will participate in the Conqress. Sec- adjoining the Congress venue. There is scientific culture of sociology, an al- ond, on a more parochial note, the a wide range of accommodation op- ways controversial and at the same Congress will allow colleagues from tions available, presenting exceptional time necessary set of theories and around the world to become a little value to Congress delegates. methods on the social world. more familiar with Australian society and Australian sociology. Our commitment is to a Congress that In the age of globalization, ISA has is not only intellectually stimulating but chosen Brisbane in Australia, for the In conclusion, Ilook forward to seeing also socially rewarding and which first time a city in the geographical you in Brisbane in 2002. gives delegates an experience of Aus- South of the world, close to South-East tralian life. Asia, as a symbolic effort to look at the Stephen Crook world from a different perspective, and We look forward to welcoming you to in order to underline its character of a Brisbane as a gateway to the rest of truly international scientific association Australia. and to stress its comitment to the quest for universality coupled with the re- Jake Najman spect of specific identities and cultures. Alberto Martinelli 2/lnternational Sociological Association Bulletin 83-84 Introduction to the Congress Programme by Piotr Sztompka, ISA Vice-President for Prograrnme I Oear Colleagues and Friends, members of the international replace the continuing struggle to safeguard this kind of I sociological community, balance not only at the sociological congresses, but much more importantly - in contemporary society. Since I was elected a Vice-President for Program at the Montreal Congress in 1998, I have made it my priority to The fourth emphasis to which I attach great importance is present to you a developed program of the next Congress at the recognition that the World Congress is primarily an least one year ahead of our meeting at Brisbane. With the academic event, intended to present the research and great help from the Program Committee, I have been able reflection at the cutting-edge of the discipline, marked by to deliver on this promise. In this issue of the ISA Bulletin highest level of quality and sophistication. But this is not you will find the program of the Brisbane Congress as it something that even the best organization can provide. This stands now, allowing of course for some modifications and is entirely up to you, the participants: conveners, chairs, but additions before it actually goes to print as a fat congress preeminently the paper-givers and discussants. You have a catalogue in the spring of next year. year ahead to brush up your papers. You have a world-wide forum opened to you. Use this opportunity to show the best Let me draw your attention to some features of this programo of your work, and to share it with others. The most obvious is diversity, perhaps greater than at any congress before. There are faurteen types ot formats, in Because the Congress is not only for these high-sounding which sessions are organized. They include: two plenary general purposes, like world-wide exchange, integration, presidential sessions, five thematic symposia in fifteen solidarity, development of sociological discipline. It is also sessions
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