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TheNEW YORK DIVISION BULLETIN - JANUARY, 2004 Bulletin New York Division, Electric Railroaders’ Association Vol. 47, No. 1 January, 2004 The Bulletin INCREASED PATH SERVICE Published by the New By Randy Glucksman York Division, Electric Railroaders’ Association, One week in advance of the reopening of tember 11, 2001, there was an obvious re- Incorporated, PO Box the World Trade Center station, PATH issued duction in service to lower Manhattan. In 3001, New York, New a brochure about this event. Appropriate 2001, peak hour service from Newark to York 10008-3001. ceremonies were held on Sunday, November World Trade Center ran on a 4-minute head- 23 (see December, 2003 Bulletin), and new way, while now 5 minutes is the norm. Our timetables were issued. When I compared Editor-in-Chief, Bernard Linder, provided the For general inquiries, contact us at the current schedules with those dated April following details about the peak hour head- [email protected]. 29, 2001, and which were in effect in Sep- ways since 1988: Editorial Staff: NEWARK TO WORLD TRADE CENTER HOBOKEN TO WORLD TRADE CENTER Editor-in-Chief: Date Trains Headway Date Trains Headway Bernard Linder March 6, 1988 18 3 News Editor: March 6, 1988 9 3 Randy Glucksman April 30, 1989 17 3 minutes for 36 min- April 30, 1989 8 3, 4 Contributing Editor: utes, then 4 minutes Jeffrey Erlitz April 29, 1990 16 3 minutes for 21 min- utes, then 4 minutes April 29, 1990 7 4 Production Manager: April 27, 1997 15 4 November 23, 2003 6 5 David Ross November 23, 2003 12 5 Because of the shift of jobs to midtown, below shows the number of trains required there is more service to 33rd Street. The table during the AM and PM peaks: ©2004 New York NOVEMBER 23, 2003 OCTOBER 27, 2002 APRIL 29, 2001 Division, Electric Line AM Rush PM Rush AM Rush PM Rush AM Rush PM Rush Railroaders’ Association, Newark to 33rd Street — — 19 19 — — Incorporated Newark to World Trade Center 12 12 — — 15 15 Hoboken to World Trade Center 6 6 — — 7 7 In This Issue: Journal Square to Hoboken — — 5 5 — — Fourth Avenue Journal Square to 33rd Street 13 12 — — 11 9 Subway — rd Schedule Hoboken to 33 Street 6 6 8 7 6 5 Changes Total Trains 37 36 32 31 39 36 ...Page 2 Total cars* 259 252 224 217 288 267 Newark to World Trade Center, April 29, 2001, 8 cars; all others, 7 cars (Continued on page 14) 1 NEW YORK DIVISION BULLETIN - OCTOBER,JANUARY, 20002004 FOURTH AVENUE SUBWAY SCHEDULE CHANGES by Bernard Linder Following is a complete record of schedule changes. When the new 57th Street station of the Sixth Avenue On November 17, 1949, Fourth Avenue Locals oper- Subway was opened on July 1, 1968, the schedules ated via tunnel between 95th Street and Astoria at all were revised again. RJ service between Jamaica or hours. During the PM rush, several trains ran from City Eastern Parkway and 95th Street was discontinued. In- Hall to 95th Street and from Canal Street to Astoria. After stead, RR trains ran in the direction of heavy traffic be- the evening rush, several trains ran light from 95th Street tween 95th Street and Chambers Street. One train from to 36th Street, where they were placed in service as Astoria was laid up at Canal Street after the AM rush West End Expresses or West End-Nassau Street Lo- and was put in there northbound for the PM rush. Dur- cals. Starting June 29, 1950, one train was placed in ing the AM rush, several trains from 95th Street were laid service as a Culver Local. One morning rush and one up north of Queensboro Plaza and were put in service evening rush hour train from 95th Street to Astoria re- there for the PM rush. Effective January 2, 1973, AM turned as a Brighton Local to Coney Island rush hour trains were no longer laid up north of (discontinued December 1, 1955). One PM rush hour Queensboro Plaza, but PM rush hour trains were still put-in from 36th Street to Astoria was discontinued No- put in service there. vember 27, 1967. After the evening rush, there were Starting January 19, 1976, several post-morning rush two trains from 95th Street to Times Square (one train hour trains from Astoria discharged passengers at 36th after June 28, 1951) that returned as West End Ex- Street and operated light to Coney Island Yard. Before presses to Coney Island (discontinued January 2, the evening rush, several put-ins from Coney Island 1961). Starting June 29, 1950, one train ran from As- Yard or 36th Street Yard carried passengers from 36th toria to Canal Street after the AM rush (discontinued Street to Astoria. May 28, 1959). Effective November 29, 1951 before the Effective April 28, 1986, all trains ran between Astoria morning rush, one train operated from Canal Street to and 95th Street. Chambers Street service and all other Astoria (discontinued December 10, 1953) and one short-turns were discontinued. early evening Brighton Local from Coney Island to As- Starting May 24, 1987, the designation was changed toria returned as a Fourth Avenue Local to 95th Street. from RR to R and trains operated to Continental Avenue Schedules were revised on January 1, 1961. Fourth at all times. Alternate AM rush hour trains ran from Con- Avenue Locals operated to Continental Avenue during tinental Avenue to Whitehall Street or 36th Street and weekday midday and rush hours and to 57th Street at alternate evening rush hour short-turns ran in the oppo- other times. After the AM rush, several trains ran from site direction. Effective May 16, 1988, PM rush hour Continental Avenue to Whitehall Street, then light to short-turns started from Canal Street instead of White- Canal Street. After the PM rush, several trains ran from hall Street and three early morning southbound trains 95th Street to Canal Street. These trains were put in ser- started from City Hall. vice at Canal Street, operating to Continental Avenue Starting December 12, 1988, trains operated to 179th before both rush hours. Street at all times. Short-turns were the same as previ- The most extensive schedule changes in many years ously and several AM rush hour trains ran from 95th were made when the Chrystie Street Subway opened Street to Continental Avenue. Five early morning put-ins on Sunday, November 26, 1967. Most RR trains ran from Chambers Street carried passengers from DeKalb between Astoria and 95th Street. Several morning rush Avenue to 95th Street. hour trains operated from 95th Street to Queensboro From June 10 to September 29, 1990, midnight trains Plaza and from Astoria to 59th Street-Fourth Avenue, ran from 179th Street to 34th Street-Sixth Avenue and after which they ran light to Coney Island Yard. Several from 36th Street-Fourth Avenue to 95th Street seven PM rush hour put-ins operated from 36th Street to As- days a week. Several early morning put-ins ran from toria and from Queensboro Plaza to 95th Street. Rush 57th Street-Seventh Avenue to 95th Street every day. hour trains were designated RJ and were through- During transition periods, trains were put in service or routed with Broadway Brooklyn trains. Before the morn- laid up at Canal Street or Whitehall Street. ing rush, several trains ran from Jamaica to 95th Street. Effective September 30, 1990, trains operated to During the morning rush, trains operated from 95th 179th Street during extended rush hours, Continental Street to Eastern Parkway or Jamaica. Evening rush Avenue during weekday middays and evenings, and hour put-ins from Eastern Parkway ran to 95th Street. 36th Street during midnights. Weekend trains ran to 36th After the evening rush, several trains ran from 95th Street during the midnight hours and Continental Ave- Street to Jamaica, replacing QJ trains that did not oper- nue at other times. Short-turns were similar to the short- ate northbound for about 45 minutes in the evening turns in the 1988 schedules. 36th Street shuttles made rush. (Continued on page 3) 2 NEW YORK DIVISION BULLETIN - JANUARY, 2004 Fourth Avenue Subway EVENING RUSH TO 95TH STREET Date Northbound North- Manhattan South- (Continued from page 2) Leave bound Destination bound th th express stops from 59 Street to 36 Street northbound. June 29, 1950 Coney Island Yard X-VT Nassau Loop VB-X Weekend service was cut back from Continental Ave- (light) nue to 57th Street-Seventh Avenue on May 26, 1991 December 1, Coney Island Yard X-VT Nassau Loop VB-X and was extended back to Continental Avenue on July 1955 or 36th Street Yard 26, 1992. (light) th Extended rush hour service was cut back from 179 December 1, East New York — Broad Street VB-X Street to Continental Avenue on October 26, 1992. 1955 Yard (light) Effective September 8, 2002, midnight service was May 28, 1959 62nd Street (light) X-VB Nassau Loop VT-L extended to Pacific Street seven days a week, with trains making express stops in both directions between January 3, Ninth Avenue L-VT Nassau Loop VB-L 36th Street and Pacific Street. 1961 At the present time, trains operate from 95th Street to Pacific Street during the midnight hours and to Conti- NOTES: nental Avenue (now called 71st Avenue) at other times. VB — Via Bridge th VT — Via Tunnel There is one early morning southbound put-in from 57 X — Fourth Avenue express stops th Street-Seventh Avenue and from 59 Street-Fourth Ave- L — Fourth Avenue local stops nue every day.