Negotiating an Armistice 12 Dead In
• mmiltOut btonietc. • W. H. TROXELL, Editor & Publisher. Established by Samuel Motter in 1879. TERMS-$1.00 a Year in AdvsGet VOL. XXVII. EMMITSBURG-, MARYLAND, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1905. -.1•7() peace resulted. Sentiment among the A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSSD. Corks For fettle Stoppers. NNING, army, navy and nobility, however, is The application of cork as a bottle AN'INDIAN'S q- NEGOTIATING 12 DEAD IN WRECK ON Wednesday, September 8. MANY KILLED IN understood to be more conservative. stopper for liquid vessels is said to be An epidemic of typhoid fever pre- Six newspapers have been suspended. of great antiquity. The earliest record THE IlLACKFEETS' /MR* vails at Nanticoke, Pa., over 100 cases Martial law probably will continue for EXPLOSION extant of its use in Europe is that men- GREAT WHITE HORSE. AN ARMISTICE NEW YORK "L" ROAD having been reported. POWDER some time, thus insuring quiet. Mean- tioned by Horace, who asserts that the • Fire destroyed one of the finest busi- Romans had cork as stoppers for their while the legation guard of 12 sol- Disaster at Fairchance, Pa., Spread Daring Strategy by Which? This' Crowded Train Derailed and Car ness blocks of Madisonville, Ky., en- wine amphorae. Certain oi the uses Gen. Oyama Asks Gen. Linevitch to diers will continue." Fleetest of All Steeds Was S"ilred tailing a loss of $200,000. Death and Ruin. of cork were known to the aecient Into Street. For Ills Own Tribe by tbre Sulkirtest Appoint Plenipotentiaries. _ BAKU SITUATION WORSE Pitched Dr. William M. Late, a prominent Greeks and Egyptians, but whether -Tiller Among the Crows.
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