Si3 PI •«*****«**CAR-RT L0T**C015 I 3 WESTFIELD MEMORIAL LIBRARY 550 E BROAD SI WESTFIELD MJ 07090-2116 07090211650 96 {topulos. flan 9t*tu*. fVrbtmmui rsMaarS ISO rswiae, Stan Siftwwfcir V law OUR 115th YEAR - ISSUE NO. 30-2005 I SPS 6*0020 Thursday. July 28, 2005 (908) 232-1407 Periodical - Postal Paid at Westfield, N J. www.gotradtr.coni
[email protected] SIXTY CENTS Hearing Begins For Police Officer With an Unusual Public Forum By PAUL J. PEYTON for 11 a.m. on Wednesday, August 17. Chambers. Specialty Written /ttr The WetlfielJ leader The hearing was made public at the The police department’s case was WESTFIELD - In an unusual pub insistence of Detective Chambers, presented by James Plosia, Jr. of the lic forum, the Westfield Police De which is within her rights according law firm of Apruzzese, McDermott, partment began its disciplinary hear to written procedures for departmen Mastro & Murphy of Liberty Comer, ing last Thursday at noon against tal disciplinary hearings. Detective which represents the town in labor Detective Sandra Chambers, suppos Chambers was the first woman hired matters. edly charged with fixing a $20 park by the department when she joined Attorney Hassan Abdellah of Eliza ing ticket and covering up the matter. the force in 1995. beth represented Detective Cham Detective Chambers has been sus Held in the Community Room of bers. pended with pay since March. Dur the municipal building, approxi James Damato, a Morris County attorney, conducted the hearing. He said his role was, “to determine what the facts are and to listen to all of the evidence.” His recommendations are non-binding.