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TheNEW YORK DIVISION BULLETIN - APRIL, 2004 Bulletin New York Division, Electric Railroaders’ Association Vol. 47, No. 4 April, 2004 The Bulletin NYC TRANSIT’S REHABILITATION PROGRAM Published by the New While surfing the Internet, our Production ADA ACCESSIBILITY — JUNCTION BOULEVARD York Division, Electric Manager found a list of proposed new con- STATION: Three ADA compliant elevators will Railroaders’ Association, Incorporated, PO Box tracts. The following are of interest to our be installed at the Junction Boulevard station 3001, New York, New readers: on the Flushing Line. Platform edge modifica- York 10008-3001. NEW SOUTH FERRY TERMINAL: NYC Transit tions and warning strips will be provided. would like to build a new station to replace ADA-required signage and an automated For general inquiries, the century-old South Ferry station, which fare access system will be installed. ST contact us at was opened on July 10, 1905. This station ADA ACCESSIBILITY — 231 STREET STA- [email protected] or by cannot accommodate a full-length train and TION: NYC Transit would like to install two phone at (212) 986-4482 is located on a sharp curve. NYC Transit ex- ADA-compliant elevators from the street to (voice mail available). ERA’s website is pects to build a new tunnel diverging from the the northbound and southbound control st www.electricrailroaders. existing tunnel at Greenwich Street and Bat- houses at the 231 Street station of the org. tery Place and continuing under Battery Park Broadway-Seventh Avenue Line. The con- to a new station under Peter Minuit Plaza. A tractor will reduce the gap between the plat- Editorial Staff: new mezzanine with direct access to the form edge and the door sill and provide plat- Editor-in-Chief: south mezzanine of the Whitehall Street sta- form edge warning strips and ADA- Bernard Linder tion would be built above the proposed new accessible turnstiles. News Editor: South Ferry station. Work includes facilities REHABILITATE BEACH 116 TH STREET STATION: Randy Glucksman Contributing Editor: for ADA access from Peter Minuit Plaza at This project includes refurbishing the Station Jeffrey Erlitz street level. Duration of the contract is 27 Agent’s booth, furnishing new ADA-compliant months. entrance doors and ramps, installing new Production Manager: MODERNIZE 12 R-52 DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES: lighting, and replacing the roof on the control David Ross Twelve R-52 diesel locomotives will be mod- house. ernized. A prototype will be fitted with a new, REHABILITATE FIVE STATIONS AND ELEVATED cleaner diesel engine, traction alternators, STRUCTURE — JAMAICA LINE: NYC Transit traction motors, compressors, and gauges. A expects to rehabilitate the Alabama Avenue, ©2004 New York cab with associated gauges and controls with Van Siclen Avenue, Cleveland Street, Nor- Division, Electric various systems will create a specification wood Avenue, and Crescent Street stations Railroaders’ compliant refurbished locomotive. and to rehabilitate 1.9 miles of elevated Association, PURCHASE DUAL-MODE CWR HANDLER/FLAT structure from east of the Broadway-Eastern Incorporated CARS: The contractor is required to design, Parkway station to east of the Cypress Hills furnish, test, and deliver 36 thirty-ton live load station. The contractor must repair structural In This Issue: capacity dual-mode continuous welded rail deficiencies throughout the station, upgrade Fourth Avenue vehicles. Sixteen vehicles will form two 8- communications, electrical service, and light- vehicle consists, and the remaining 20 will ing systems, and provide new, fully equipped Subway — have provisions to mount rail handling equip- Station Agents’ booths and fare arrays as Track Plans ment. required. ...Page 2 1 NEWNEW YORK YORK DIVISION DIVISION BULLETIN BULLETIN OCTOBER, - APRIL, 2004 2000 FOURTH AVENUE SUBWAY TRACK PLANS Fourth Avenue Subway South Portion 1937-Present Prospect Ave A A 25th St Sea Beach Line Crossovers moved north c.1970 due to platform extensions Previous Layout Bay Ridge Ave 36th St 77th St West End Line Original Layout 86th St 86th St 45th St 53rd St 95th St 59th St Drawing: B. Linder A A Layout: J. Erlitz (Continued on page 3) 2 NEW YORK DIVISION BULLETIN - APRIL, 2004 Fourth Avenue Subway Track Plans (Continued from page 2) Fourth Avenue Subway North Portion 1937-Present Except as Noted Temporary crossover removed Abandoned Court 2/20-22/60 platform St Crossover installed 2/20-22/60 DeKalb Ave Relocated Lawrence Crossover crossover St in service in service 12/19/58 1/17/70 Third rail Crossovers energized out of service 1/4/59 1/16/70 Movable In service platform 11/14/58 edges To Brighton Line Formerly Pacific S Myrtle Ave Closed 7/16/56 Crossovers removed 11/15/58 11/13/58 1/14/59 1/17/59 DeKalb Union S Ave T o B righ ton L Drawing: B. Linder ine Layout: J. Erlitz 9th St 3 NEWNEW YORK YORK DIVISION DIVISION BULLETIN BULLETIN OCTOBER, - APRIL, 2004 2000 LAWRENCE STREET STATION...AT THE BEGINNING photographs from the Bernard Linder collection Willoughby Street near Lawrence Street, Lawrence Street at Willoughby Street, looking north, at opening of station, June 11, looking west, during station construction. 1924. Lawrence Street at Willoughby Street, Lawrence Street at Willoughby Street, looking south, at opening of looking north, at opening of station, June station, June 11, 1924.. 11, 1924. (Continued on page 13) 4 NEW YORK DIVISION BULLETIN - APRIL, 2004 TECH TALK by Jeffrey Erlitz Returning to the 74th Street station on the Flushing 4A, the connection from the Jerome Avenue Line. Line, I neglected to mention last month that the cano- Lastly, the signals on southbound Track 2 (including the pies over the platforms are being extended to the north connection to the Jerome Avenue Line, Track 1A) were end of each platform. When completed, these platforms placed in service over the weekend of April 17-18. With will be completely covered from end to end. In addition, the completion of this work, this contract has reached the steelwork used on these new canopies matches beneficial use. Removal of the old signal equipment and exactly the original 1917 style of the original canopies. possible punch list work are all that remain to be done. On the Jerome Avenue Line, the stations at Mount On the Nassau Street Line, the new switch from Track Eden Avenue and 167th Street are being bypassed from J1 to Track J4 south of Canal Street was installed over March 27 to June 25, in both directions. This is to facili- the weekend of March 20-21. tate station rehabilitation work under contract A-35843. Continuing my new series of track diagrams of sub- On the Lenox Avenue-White Plains Road Line, the last way lines that were never built, we take a look at the of the new signals to be placed in service under con- extension of the Queens Boulevard Line south of Van tract S-32309-R were done so over three weekends. Wyck Boulevard. Apparently, only one section, contain- This was the section from north of 142nd Street Junction ing one station, was designed. According to my source to north of Third Avenue-149th Street. Over the weekend drawing, Board of Transportation Engineering Depart- of March 20-21, new switch machines were installed on ment Drawing #784.9, this extension would have been the two single crossovers north of 149th Street-Grand approximately 3,050 feet, or 0.58 miles, in length. The Concourse. US&S Model M-3 electric machines re- ramps that were built in 1936 as a provision for this line placed the original US&S A-10 electro-pneumatic ma- were then used for the Archer Avenue Extension in the chines. Over the weekend of March 27-28, the new sig- 1980s. nals were placed in service on northbound Tracks 3 and (Continued on page 6) Van Wyck Boulevard Extension Route 108-Section 9A 9-12-31 To Sutphin Blvd D1 D3 D4 D2 D1 D5 To D3 Union D4 Turnpike D6 D2 Van Wyck Blvd D7 Original construction Hillside & included ramps to this point. Jamaica Ave's Subsequently used for Archer Avenue Line. 3,050' 5 NEWNEW YORK YORK DIVISION DIVISION BULLETIN BULLETIN OCTOBER, - APRIL, 2004 2000 Tech Talk signal contract S-92 around 1961 or so, it became a (Continued from page 5) separate interlocking. At the same time, however, Canal Street became a part of City Hall Interlocking and is no longer considered separate. In typical BMT fashion, Ca- In my continuing series of historic interlocking dia- nal Street used to be slightly more flexible than it is to- grams, we travel one station farther south on the Broad- day. Moves could be made southbound on Tracks A2 way Line to Canal Street. As is now usual, only the sig- and A4 past dwarf signals 5 and 6 as well as nals and switches controlled by this tower are shown. northbound on Tracks A1 and A3 past dwarf signals 17 The orientation of this diagram, with north to the left, is and 18. Today, these moves are prevented with stop- the same as what used to be on the actual model board and-stay marker signals. at this tower. As you can see from the diagram, Prince Next month, we’ll travel down to City Hall Interlocking, Street was not a separate interlocking in those days. which was a much smaller interlocking than it is today. When City Hall took control over Prince Street under Jeff may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected]. BMT BROADWAY LINE CANAL ST CONTROL NORTH TK A4 WAY AD O TK A3 BR ION T STA PRINCE ST 21 22 CANAL ST 47 48 48 15 (14) 37 (36) TK A2 TK B2 6 19 20 28 45 39 (34) TK A4 TK B4 13 (16) 35 (38) 5 18 TOWER 27 44 11 (10) 29 (32) TK A3 TK B3 33 (40) 3 4 17 26 43 TK A1 TK B1 9 (12) 31 (30) STATION 12 24 STATION 25