High- rail Kereta kecepatan tinggi From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "High speed " redirects here.

Automotrice à grande vitesse (AGV) being tested in Velim , Czech Republic Automotrice à grande Vitesse (AGV) yang diuji dalam Velim , Republik Ceko

E5 Series in Japan Seri E5 Shinkansen di Jepang German designed third generation ICE on Cologne-Frankfurt high-speed rail line Jerman dirancang generasi ketiga ICE di Cologne-Frankfurt kecepatan tinggi jalur rel High-speed rail (HSR) is a type of passenger that operates significantly faster than the normal speed of rail traffic. Kereta kecepatan tinggi (HSR) adalah jenis kereta api angkutan penumpang yang beroperasi secara signifikan lebih cepat dari kecepatan normal lalu lintas rel. Specific definitions by the European Union include 200 km/h (120 mph) for upgraded track and 250 km/h (160 mph) or faster for new track. [ 1 ] In Japan , Shinkansen lines run at in excess of 260 km/h (160 mph) and are built using standard gauge track with no at-grade crossings. [ 2 ] In China , high-speed conventional rail lines operate at top speeds of 350 km/h (220 mph), [ 3 ] and one Line in reaches speeds of 431 km/h (268 mph). definisi khusus oleh Uni Eropa mencakup 200 km / h (120 mph) untuk melacak ditingkatkan dan 250 km / h (160 mph) atau lebih cepat untuk trek baru. [1] Di Jepang , Shinkansen baris dijalankan pada kecepatan lebih dari 260 km / h (160 mph) dan dibangun menggunakan jalur ukuran standar tanpa-kelas penyeberangan di. [2] Di Cina , kecepatan tinggi jalur rel konvensional beroperasi pada kecepatan puncak 350 km / h (220 mph), [3] dan satu Maglev Line di Shanghai mencapai kecepatan 431 km / h (268 mph). The for conventional high-speed rail is held by the V150 , a specially configured version of Alstom's TGV which clocked 574.8 km/h (357.2 mph) on a test run. Rekor dunia untuk jalan rel kecepatan tinggi konvensional dipegang oleh V150 , sebuah dikonfigurasi khusus versi dari Alstom TGV yang clock 574,8 km / jam (357,2 mph) pada uji coba. The world for Maglev is held by the Japanese experimental MLX01 : 581 km/h (361 mph). [ 4 ] Kecepatan rekor dunia untuk Maglev dipegang oleh eksperimental Jepang MLX01 : 581 km / h (361 mph). [4]

While high-speed rail is usually designed for passenger travel, some high-speed systems also carry some kind of freight service. Sementara kereta api berkecepatan tinggi biasanya dirancang untuk perjalanan penumpang, beberapa kecepatan sistem yang tinggi juga membawa beberapa jenis barang jasa. For instance, the French mail service La Poste owns a few special TGV for carrying postal freight. Misalnya, layanan mail Perancis La Poste memiliki beberapa khusus kereta api TGV untuk membawa barang pos.

[ edit ] HistorySejarah

The Italian ETR 200 in 1938 was the first high speed service train. The ETR Italia 200 pada tahun 1938 adalah layanan pertama kereta api berkecepatan tinggi. It achieved the world mean speed record in 1938, reaching 203 km/h (126 mph) near Milan Ini mencapai rekor kecepatan rata-rata dunia pada tahun 1938, mencapai 203 km / h (126 mph) di dekat Milan Shinkansen First High speed train design in 1964, the 0 Series at Fukuyama Station, April 2002 (retired). Shinkansen Pertama kereta kecepatan tinggi desain pada tahun 1964, Seri 0 di Stasiun Fukuyama, April 2002 (pensiunan). The first Shinkansen trains ran at speeds of up to 210 km/h (130 mph), soon after increased to 220 km/h (140 mph). Yang pertama kereta Shinkansen berlari pada kecepatan hingga 210 km / h (130 mph), segera setelah meningkat menjadi 220 km / h (140 mph).

Railways were the first form of mass transportation on land and until the development of the motorcar in the early 20th century had an effective monopoly on land transport. Kereta Api adalah bentuk pertama transportasi massal di darat dan sampai perkembangan Motorcar di awal abad 20 memiliki monopoli efektif pada angkutan darat. Both streamlined steam and high-speed EMUs were used for high speed services. Kedua lokomotif uap efisien dan kecepatan tinggi emu digunakan untuk layanan kecepatan tinggi.

The modern high-speed rail era started 6 October 1903. Era rel modern berkecepatan tinggi mulai 6 Oktober 1903. An electrical from & Halske sped away at 203 km/h (126 mph) on the military railway track between Marienfeld and Zossen in Germany. Sebuah railcar listrik dari Siemens & Halske melesat jauh di 203 km / h (126 mph) di jalur kereta api militer antara Marienfeld dan Zossen di Jerman. It showed that high-speed rail was possible, and that the future was electrical. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kereta api berkecepatan tinggi adalah mungkin, dan bahwa masa depan adalah listrik. For scheduled trains, however, such a speed still was more than 60 years away. Untuk kereta dijadwalkan, bagaimanapun, kecepatan seperti itu masih lebih dari 60 tahun lagi. For rail speed records, see for rail vehicles . Untuk rekor kecepatan kereta api, lihat Tanah rekor kecepatan untuk kendaraan rel .

[ edit ] The high-speed interurbansThe kecepatan tinggi

The electrical streetcar ( ) was born as an urban transportation medium, but already before 1890 the first urban lines or networks were connected. The listrik trem ( tram ) lahir sebagai media transportasi perkotaan, tetapi sudah sebelum 1890 baris kota pertama atau jaringan yang terhubung. The , the remarkable hybrid between a streetcar and a conventional train, was created. Para antar kota , hibrida yang luar biasa antara trem dan kereta konvensional, telah dibuat. Interurbans were built (and do still exist) both in Europe and Asia, but the high-speed interurban was a US invention, and their constructors were the first to implement several HSR technologies. Interurbans dibangun (dan masih ada) baik di Eropa dan Asia, tapi antar kota kecepatan tinggi adalah penemuan Amerika Serikat, dan konstruktor mereka adalah yang pertama untuk menerapkan teknologi beberapa HSR. Interurbans were especially popular in the Midwest (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin). Interurbans sangat populer di Midwest (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin). Another stronghold was the area. kubu lain adalah daerah Philadelphia. Two essential HSR properties – streamlining to reduce air resistance, and tracks with no grade crossing – were introduced more than hundred years ago on the interuban scene. Dua sifat HSR penting - perampingan untuk mengurangi hambatan udara, dan trek tanpa grade persimpangan - lebih dari seratus tahun yang lalu diperkenalkan pada adegan interuban. In 1903 the officials of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition organized the Electric Railway Test Commission to conduct a series of tests to develop a carbody design that would reduce wind resistance at high speeds. Pada tahun 1903 pejabat dari Louisiana Pembelian Pameran diselenggarakan Electric Railway Test Komisi untuk melakukan serangkaian tes untuk mengembangkan desain carbody yang akan mengurangi hambatan angin pada kecepatan tinggi. After a couple of years' research with speeds up to 70 mph (above 110 km/h), several were built – but for the service speeds and heavy equipment of this era, no significant operating economies were realized, and streamlining was soon discarded for another quarter century. Setelah beberapa tahun penelitian 'dengan kecepatan hingga 70 mph (di atas 110 km / jam), beberapa streamliners dibangun - tetapi untuk kecepatan pelayanan dan alat berat dari era ini, tidak ada ekonomi operasi yang signifikan adalah menyadari, dan perampingan segera dibuang selama seperempat abad. In 1907 Philadelphia & Western Railroad (P&W) opened their double-track Strafford–Upper Darby line without a single grade crossing, and the first absolute block signal system ever installed on an interurban. [ 5 ] Pada tahun 1907 Philadelphia & Western Railroad (P & W) membuka jejak mereka double-Strafford-line Upper Darby tanpa kelas satu persimpangan, dan sinyal sistem mutlak blok pertama yang pernah diinstal pada sebuah antar kota. [5]

The interurban development culminated with high-speed like the Red Devils (which were inaugurated in 1929), the Bullets from JG Brill Company (1931), and the which in 1941-63 ran between and Milwaukee and in 1963–1976 in the Philadelphia area. Pembangunan antar kota memuncak dengan kecepatan tinggi seperti railcars Red Devils (yang diresmikan pada tahun 1929), yang Bullets dari JG Brill Perusahaan (1931), dan Electroliners yang pada 1941-1963 berlari antara Chicago dan Milwaukee dan pada 1963-1976 di Philadelphia area. These lightweight constructions weighed only about 500 kg per seat; today's high-speed trains are heavier. Konstruksi ini ringan beratnya hanya sekitar 500 kg per kursi; kecepatan tinggi saat ini kereta lebih berat. Their commercial top speed was about 145 km/t (90 mph), but they able to about 160 km/t in test runs – the Electroliners even almost 180 km/h (110 mph), a respectable speed for a “tram”. kecepatan komersial atas mereka adalah sekitar 145 km / t (90 mph), tetapi mereka mampu sekitar 160 km / t dalam tes berjalan - yang Electroliners bahkan hampir 180 km / h (110 mph), kecepatan terhormat untuk "trem". Station- to-stations speeds at 70 mph (more than 110 km/h) were not infrequently attained on Samuel Insull 's interurbans in the Chicago area. [ 5 ] The Bullets were the first rail equipment made after windtunnel research to reduce the air resistance; [ 6 ] they are called 'very first high-speed “Super” trains; ancestors of the TGV , ICE, Shinkansen, and the Express'. [ 7 ] Stasiun-stasiun kecepatan-di 70 mph (lebih dari 110 km / h) tidak jarang dicapai pada Samuel Insull interurbans s 'di daerah Chicago. [5] The Peluru peralatan rel pertama dilakukan setelah windtunnel penelitian untuk mengurangi udara resistensi; [6] mereka disebut 'pertama tinggi kecepatan "Super" kereta api, nenek moyang dari TGV , ICE, Shinkansen, dan Express Acela '. [7]

[ edit ] The diesel-electric hegemonylistrik hegemoni diesel

In most of the US, the rail passenger transport deteriorated because of the fierce competition from and buses, which ran on subsidized streets and highways – at many places also because of infiltration from the automaker companies ( Great American streetcar scandal ). Pada sebagian besar AS, angkutan penumpang kereta memburuk karena persaingan ketat dari mobil dan bus, yang berjalan pada jalan bersubsidi dan jalan raya - di banyak tempat juga karena infiltrasi dari perusahaan mobil ( Great American skandal trem ). The electrical (streetcars) and interurbans were especially sensitive to the competition, partially because the were clogged in the streets' jams. Trem listrik (trem) dan interurbans yang terutama sensitif terhadap kompetisi, sebagian karena itu tersumbat dalam mobil kemacetan jalan-jalan '. Yet the P&W survived, and survived very well; their successor SEPTA serves the Philadelphia area very well even today. Namun P & W bertahan, dan bertahan dengan sangat baik; penerus mereka Septa melayani area Philadelphia sangat baik bahkan hari ini. After the Electroliners' introduction, however, the interurbans didn't contribute to the high-speed development. Setelah pengantar Electroliners ', bagaimanapun, interurbans tidak memberikan kontribusi terhadap perkembangan kecepatan tinggi.

In addition to their own Bullets, P&W bought the used Electroliners and made the Philadelphia area a refugium for old interurbans. Selain Peluru mereka sendiri, P & W membeli Electroliners digunakan dan dibuat area Philadelphia sebuah refugium untuk interurbans tua. They held a couple of Bullets almost 60 years in a commuter service; the last Bullets were phased out after surviving six generations of «modern» buses. Mereka mengadakan beberapa Bullets hampir 60 tahun di sebuah layanan komuter, Bullets terakhir dihilangkah setelah bertahan enam generasi dari bus «modern».

Some few years, diesel-electrics dominated among the high-speed trains, or proto-high-speed trains if the HSR limit is set to 200 km/h (in 1931, Franz Kruckenberg's gasoline-driven Schienenzeppelin reached 230 km/h, but didn't come into regular service). Beberapa beberapa tahun, diesel-listrik didominasi antara kecepatan kereta tinggi, atau tinggi kecepatan kereta proto jika batas HSR diatur ke 200 km / jam (pada tahun 1931, Franz Kruckenberg's bensin-driven Schienenzeppelin mencapai 230 km / h, tetapi tidak datang ke layanan reguler). In 1933, Germany's Fliegender Hamburger – a train with two wagons and 102 seats – sped at 160 km/h in commercial traffic on the route . Pada 1933, Jerman Fliegender Hamburger - kereta api dengan dua gerbong dan 102 kursi - melaju di 160 km / jam dalam lalu lintas komersial pada rute Hamburg-Berlin. The average speed, 124 km/h, was faster than the interurbans, mostly because the train ran non-stop and without running at snail's pace through congested city streets – though not much faster. Kecepatan rata-rata, 124 km / jam, lebih cepat daripada interurbans, terutama karena kereta lari non-stop dan tanpa berjalan pada kecepatan siput melalui jalan-jalan kota sesak - meskipun tidak jauh lebih cepat. A few similar trains were inaugurated on other mainlines. Sebuah kereta api serupa sedikit yang diresmikan pada mainlines lain. However, the Nazi regime preferred motorways and planes to railways. Namun, jalan raya rezim Nazi disukai dan pesawat untuk kereta api.

The US railways still have not given up the race. Kereta api AS masih belum menyerah perlombaan. In 1934, a diesel-electric , the legendary from the , was inaugurated on the Kansas City (Missouri)–Omaha–Lincoln (Nebraska) route. Pada tahun 1934, sebuah kereta api cepat diesel-listrik, yang legendaris Pioneer Zephyr dari Perusahaan Budd, diresmikan di Kansas City (Missouri)-Omaha-Lincoln (Nebraska) rute. It had 72 seats (later expanded to 112). Itu 72 kursi (kemudian diperluas menjadi 112). It was one of the first articulated trains with Jacobs and was followed by several similar Zephyrs, which served US railways till about 1960. Itu adalah salah satu kereta diartikulasikan pertama dengan Jacobs dan diikuti oleh beberapa Zephyrs serupa, yang melayani kereta api US sampai sekitar tahun 1960. In 1939, the Wisconsin people could say good morning to the first train reaching the 100 mph mark (161 km/h) in regular service. Pada tahun 1939, orang-orang Wisconsin bisa mengatakan selamat pagi dengan kereta pertama mencapai tanda 100 mph (161 km / h) dalam pelayanan reguler. Its name was Morning Hiawatha – the last steam engine in the record books. Namanya adalah Morning Hiawatha - mesin uap terakhir di buku rekor. This record should survive a quarter of a century. Catatan ini harus bertahan hidup seperempat abad. Yet the Italian ETR 200 sped at up to 203 km/h between Florence and Milan, but only on a test run. Namun ETR Italia 200 melesat sampai dengan 203 km / jam antara Florence dan Milan, tetapi hanya pada uji coba.

[ edit ] The stagnationstagnasi

In the USA, the passenger traffic by rail became marginalized, at least outside the (–Washington) and the Chicago area. [ citation needed ] Not so in Europe, even if the high-speed development stagnated here, too, and many rural branch lines were given up. [ citation needed ] Yet the sluggish steam locomotives were substituted by not-so-sluggish diesels; a few countries like Switzerland, Sweden and Norway also electrified their mainlines. [ citation needed ] This brought the journey times down. [ citation needed ] In 1957, some countries introduced the TEE ( Trans- Europe Express ) international service, but none of the trains on that network surpassed Fliegender Hamburger's speed until much later. [ citation needed ] Di Amerika Serikat, lalu lintas penumpang dengan kereta api menjadi terpinggirkan, setidaknya di luar Koridor Timur Laut (Boston-Washington) dan daerah Chicago. [ rujukan? ] Tidak demikian di Eropa, bahkan jika kecepatan tinggi mengalami stagnasi pembangunan di sini, juga, dan banyak jalur cabang pedesaan diberikan Facebook [. rujukan? ] Namun lokomotif uap lamban yang digantikan oleh- begitu-lesu mesin diesel tidak; beberapa negara seperti Swiss, Swedia dan Norwegia juga listrik mainlines mereka [. rujukan? ] Hal ini menyebabkan waktu perjalanan bawah. [ rujukan? ] Pada tahun 1957, beberapa negara memperkenalkan TEE ( Trans-Europe Express ) layanan internasional, tetapi tidak ada kereta api di jaringan yang melampaui kecepatan Hamburger's Fliegender sampai lama kemudian. [ rujukan? ] [ edit ] The turbotrain sidingTurbo train

In the 1960s, several jet-powered and gas turbine trains appeared on the high-speed scene. Pada tahun 1960, beberapa jet bertenaga dan turbin kereta api gas muncul di adegan kecepatan tinggi. These sorts of engines had a much higher power-to-weight ratio than diesels, and the fuel was cheap – which made them well fit to nonelectrified service. Ini macam mesin memiliki rasio power-to-weight jauh lebih tinggi dari mesin diesel, dan bahan bakar yang murah - yang membuat mereka juga cocok untuk layanan nonelectrified.

In 1966, the M-497 Black Beetle was born. Pada tahun 1966, M-497 Black Kodok lahir. Two second-hand General Electric J47-19 jet engines (designed as boosters for the Convair B-36 intercontinental bomber) were mounted atop an existing body which had received a streamlined front cowling. Dua bekas mesin jet General Electric J47-19 (dirancang sebagai pemacu bagi pembom B-36 Convair antarbenua) yang dipasang di atas sebuah badan yang ada Budd Diesel Rail Car yang telah menerima penutup mesin dr baja depan efisien. On an arrow-straight track in Indiana and Ohio this “Jet Zephyr” set a still valid North American speed record at 296 km/h (183 mph) – but with exception of the record books, both the train and the data were ignored. Pada sebuah trek lurus panah di Indiana dan Ohio ini "Jet Zephyr" rekor kecepatan Utara masih berlaku Amerika di 296 km / h (183 mph) - tetapi dengan pengecualian dari buku-buku catatan, baik kereta dan data diabaikan. In 1970, a similar train was built in the USSR. Pada tahun 1970, sebuah kereta api serupa dibangun di Uni Soviet.

The most innovative gas turbine train was the UAC TurboTrain made by the United Aircraft Corporation in Canada. Kereta turbin gas yang paling inovatif adalah TurboTrain UAC dibuat oleh United Aircraft Corporation di Kanada. It was a sleek, articulated train with Jacobs bogies like the Pioneer Zephyr and the Electroliners, with an alumium carbody, and with a tilting mechanism. Itu adalah diartikulasikan, kereta ramping dengan bogie Jacobs seperti Zephyr Pioneer dan Electroliners, dengan carbody alumium, dan dengan miring mekanisme. The turbines were small and light compared to diesel engines, too. Turbin kecil dan ringan dibandingkan dengan mesin diesel juga. The turbines were downrated from 600 to 300 hp or 447 to 224 kW (probably because the noise from a turbine usually increases much more than the rotation speed) and weighed only 136 kg; each had up to six turbines for propulsion, and one which run a generator for lighting etc. On a high-speed stretch in the Northeast Corridor it sped away at 275 km/h, still US record for any commercial train. Turbin itu downrated 600- 300 hp atau 447-224 kW (mungkin karena suara dari turbin biasanya meningkat lebih dari kecepatan rotasi) dan beratnya hanya 136 kg; setiap mobil ada kekuatan yang sampai dengan enam turbin untuk propulsi, dan satu yang menjalankan generator untuk penerangan dll Di hamparan kecepatan tinggi di Koridor Timur Laut itu melesat jauh di 275 km / jam, masih US rekor untuk setiap kereta api komersial. More important, the train was able to run at high speed on mediocre tracks – in theory. Yang lebih penting, kereta mampu berjalan pada kecepatan tinggi pada trek biasa-biasa saja - dalam teori. Canadian and US railroads bought five and two, respectively, and they were inaugurated in 1968 though the Canadian ones paused till 1973 after problems during the cold winter 1969. Kanada dan rel kereta api US membeli lima dan dua, masing-masing, dan mereka diresmikan pada 1968 meskipun orang-orang Kanada berhenti sampai 1973 setelah masalah selama musim dingin 1969. In service, they were limited to 161 km/h (100 mph). Dalam pelayanan, mereka terbatas untuk 161 km / h (100 mph). They reduced the journey time from about five to about four hours on the –Montreal line; with an availability rate of over 97% they offered two departures each way a day in the years 1973-82. Mereka mengurangi waktu perjalanan dari sekitar lima sampai sekitar empat jam pada garis Toronto-Montreal, dengan tingkat ketersediaan lebih dari 97% mereka menawarkan dua cara keberangkatan setiap hari di tahun-tahun 1973-1982. After that, the last UAC TurboTrain was parked. Setelah itu, UAC terakhir TurboTrain diparkir.

The more mundane French turbotrains and their derivatives ( etc.) were the most successful of all passenger turbotrains, both in and in itself. Prancis turbotrains duniawi lebih dan turunannya ( Turboliners dll) yang paling berhasil dari semua turbotrains penumpang, baik di Amerika Utara dan di Prancis sendiri. The French RTG Turbotrain ran till 2005 and survived all other turbotrains in regular service. Prancis RTG Turbotrain berlari sampai 2005 dan selamat semua turbotrains lain dalam layanan regular. Their commercial speed didn't surpass 160 km/h, but their follow-up, the very first TGV , reached 318 km/h, which is still world record for turbotrains. SNCF got valuable experiences with this experimental train, and the commercial were very similar to the TGV-001 – but rising oil prices made SNCF switching to electricity. kecepatan komersial mereka tidak melampaui 160 km / h, tetapi mereka tindak lanjut, yang sangat pertama TGV , mencapai 318 km / jam, yang masih rekor dunia untuk turbotrains. SNCF mendapat pengalaman berharga dengan kereta ini eksperimental, dan TGVs komersial sangat mirip dengan-TGV 001 - tetapi naiknya harga minyak dibuat SNCF beralih ke listrik. The turbotrains were noisy, too, especially when starting at the stations. Para turbotrains itu berisik juga, terutama ketika mulai di stasiun.

In 2002, Bombardier tried to breathe new life into the turbotrain technology with its JetTrain . Pada tahun 2002, Bombardier mencoba untuk menghidupkan kembali teknologi turbotrain dengan yang JetTrain . As of 2010, it has yet to amount to anything more than an experimental train. Pada 2010, belum berarti apa-apa lebih dari sebuah kereta eksperimental.

[ edit ] ShinkansenShinkansen

The true HSR breakthrough started in Japan. Terobosan HSR benar dimulai di Jepang. In this densely populated country, especially the 45-million-people area between Tokyo and Osaka, the traffic during the 1950s congested to reach maximum capacity. [ citation needed ] Both the roads and the narrow-gauge railways were jammed. [ citation needed ] In 1957, the in Greater Tokyo area had launched its Romancecar 3000 SE. Di negara berpenduduk padat, terutama-juta-orang daerah 45 antara Tokyo dan Osaka, lalu lintas padat selama tahun 1950 mencapai kapasitas maksimum. [ rujukan? ] Baik dan jalan-gauge kereta api yang sempit itu macet. [ rujukan? ] Pada 1957, Odakyu Electric Railway di daerah Tokyo Greater telah meluncurkan Romancecar 3000 SE. Again the train designers were inspired by the US interurbans, [ who? ] in this case the last of them – the Electroliners. Sekali lagi desainer kereta diilhami oleh interurbans AS, [ siapa? ] dalam hal ini terakhir dari mereka - yang Electroliners. The Romancecars set a world record for narrow gauge trains at 145 km/h (90 mph), giving Japanese designers [ who? ] confidence they could safely and reliably build even faster trains at standard gauge. [ citation needed ] The idea of high speed rail was born. The Romancecars rekor dunia untuk kereta gauge sempit di 145 km / jam (90 mph), Jepang memberikan desainer [ siapa? ] keyakinan yang mereka bisa dengan aman dan terpercaya membangun kereta cepat bahkan pada ukuran standar. [ rujukan? ] Ide kecepatan tinggi rel lahir. Yet a new, dedicated high-speed line was calculated to be very expensive. Namun baru yang berdedikasi tinggi kecepatan line dihitung sangat mahal. But it would be even more expensive not to build it. Tapi akan lebih mahal tidak untuk membangunnya. The construction started in April 1959, and test runs in 1963 hit top speeds at 256 km/h. Konstruksi dimulai pada bulan April 1959, dan uji berjalan pada tahun 1963 mencapai kecepatan tertinggi pada 256 km / jam And in October 1964, just in time for the Olympics, they opened the first Shinkansen, Tōkaidō Shinkansen , between the two cities. [ 8 ] Dan pada bulan Oktober 1964, tepat pada waktunya untuk Olimpiade, mereka membuka Shinkansen pertama, Tokaido Shinkansen , di antara dua kota. [8]

The first Shinkansen trains, the 0 Series Shinkansen , built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries [ 8 ] – in English often called '''' Trains – outclassed the earlier fast trains in commercial service. Yang pertama kereta Shinkansen, dengan 0 Seri Shinkansen , dibangun oleh Kawasaki Heavy Industries [8] - dalam bahasa Inggris sering disebut''''Bullet Trains - kalah cepat kereta sebelumnya dalam layanan komersial. They ran the 515 km distance with a top speed at 210 km/h and an average speed at 162.8 km/h with stops at Nagoya and Kyoto; the records before Shinkansen were 161 and 132.8 km/h, respectively. [ citation needed ] But the speed was only a part of the Shinkansen revolution. Mereka lari jarak 515 km dengan kecepatan tertinggi pada 210 km / jam dan kecepatan rata-rata pada 162,8 km / jam dengan berhenti di Nagoya dan Kyoto, catatan sebelum Shinkansen adalah 161 dan 132,8 km / jam, masing-masing [. rujukan? ] Tapi kecepatan hanya merupakan bagian dari revolusi Shinkansen. The earlier high-speed or proto- high-speed trains and railcars were few and far between (ten Red Devils, 15 Brill Bullets, a few Zephyrs with different forenames, two Elelectroliners, one Morning Hiawatha, one Fliegender Hamburger, etc., each with 150 seats at best). Sebelumnya kecepatan tinggi atau kereta proto- tinggi kecepatan dan railcars sangat sedikit dan jauh antara (sepuluh Red Devils, 15 Brill Bullets, sebuah Zephyrs beberapa dengan forenames berbeda, dua Elelectroliners, satu Pagi Hiawatha, satu Fliegender Hamburger, dll, masing-masing dengan 150 kursi di terbaik). While these services were initially limited, Shinkansen offered HSR for the masses. Sementara layanan ini pada awalnya terbatas, Shinkansen HSR ditawarkan untuk massa. The first Bullet trains had 12 cars; later versions have up to 16, and there are double-deck trains too, to increase the capacity. [ citation needed ] Bullet pertama kereta memiliki 12 mobil; versi kemudian memiliki hingga 16, dan ada-dek ganda kereta juga, untuk meningkatkan kapasitas [. rujukan? ]

After three years, more than 100 million passengers had used the trains, and the first billion was passed in 1976. [ citation needed ] Later, the Shinkansen system has grown to a 2459 km network, and the Tōkaidō Shinkansen still is the world's busiest high-speed rail line. Setelah tiga tahun, lebih dari 100 juta penumpang telah menggunakan kereta api, dan miliar pertama disahkan pada tahun 1976. [ rujukan? ] Kemudian, sistem Shinkansen telah berkembang ke jaringan km 2459, dan Shinkansen Tokaido masih tersibuk di dunia tinggi kecepatan jalur rel. Up to ten trains per hour with 16 cars each (1,300 seats capacity) run in each direction with a minimum of 3 minutes between trains. [ citation needed ] Though largely a long-distance transport system, the Shinkansen also serves commuters who travel to work in metropolitan areas from outlying cities. [ citation needed ] But it doesn't only replace car travel; it also substitutes much of the air traffic. [ citation needed ] Sampai sepuluh kereta per jam dengan mobil masing-masing 16 (1.300 kursi kapasitas) berjalan dalam arah masing-masing dengan minimal 3 menit antara kereta api. [ rujukan? ] Meskipun sebagian besar sistem transportasi jarak-panjang, Shinkansen juga melayani penumpang yang bepergian untuk bekerja metropolitan dari daerah-daerah terpencil. kota di [ rujukan? ] Tapi itu tidak hanya menggantikan mobil travel; juga pengganti banyak udara. lalu lintas itu [ rujukan? ]

[ edit ] Introduction in EuropePendahuluan di Eropa

Japan's Shinkansen success contributed to a revival for the HSR idea in Europe – together with rising oil prices, a growing environmental interest, and rising traffic congestions on the roads. Jepang Shinkansen sukses memberikan kontribusi bagi pembaharuan untuk ide HSR di Eropa - bersama dengan meningkatnya harga minyak, suatu kepentingan lingkungan tumbuh, dan meningkatnya Kemacetan lalu lintas di jalan.

In Europe, high-speed rail started during the International Transport Fair in in June 1965, when DB Class 103 hauled a total of 347 demonstration trains at 200 km/h between Munich and Augsburg . Di Eropa, kereta api berkecepatan tinggi dimulai pada Transportasi Internasional Fair di Munich pada bulan Juni 1965, ketika DB Kelas 103 mengangkut total 347 kereta demonstrasi di 200 km / jam antara Munich dan Augsburg . The first regular service at this speed was the TEE "" between Paris and Toulouse with specially adapted SNCF Class BB 9200 locomotives. Layanan reguler pertama dengan kecepatan ini adalah TEE "Le Capitole" antara Paris dan Toulouse khusus disesuaikan dengan SNCF Class BB 9200 lokomotif.

Great Britain introduced Europe's first regular above-200 km/h-service, albeit with a small margin, and without building new lines. Inggris diperkenalkan pertama reguler Eropa di atas-200 km / jam-service, meskipun dengan margin kecil, dan tanpa bangunan baris baru. In the years 1976-82 they made 95 dieselecetric train sets of the type InterCity 125 – called so because of their maximum speed at 125 mph (201 km/h), compared to 100 mph (161 km/h) for their forerunners. Pada tahun-tahun 1976-1982 mereka membuat 95 set kereta dieselecetric dari jenis Intercity 125 - disebut demikian karena kecepatan maksimum mereka di 125 mph (201 km / h), dibandingkan dengan 100 mph (161 km / jam) untuk pendahulu mereka. Their acceleration was better, too. percepatan mereka lebih baik, juga. Thus journey times were reduced, eg by an hour on the , and the passenger numbers soared. Jadi kali perjalanan berkurang, misalnya dengan satu jam di East Coast Main Line , dan jumlah penumpang melonjak. The IC 125 was planned to be followed by a , APT, to maximize the speed on twisted lines from the Victorian times – but the tilting mechanism brought on nausea in some of the passengers, and the APT project was shelved. IC 125 ini direncanakan akan diikuti oleh kereta miring, APT, untuk memaksimalkan kecepatan pada jalur memutar dari zaman Victoria - tetapi mekanisme miring dibawa mual pada beberapa penumpang, dan proyek APT ini ditangguhkan. This prolonged the IC 125's lifetime, and even today they serve the nonelectrified mainlines. Hal ini memperpanjang masa IC 125, dan bahkan hari ini mereka melayani mainlines nonelectrified.

In the Continental Europe, several countries started to build new high-speed lines during the – Italy's ''Direttissima'' between Rome and Florence, Western Germany's Hannover– Würzburg and Stuttgart–Mannheim lines, and France's Paris–Lyon TGV line (LGV Sud-Est). Di Eropa Kontinental, beberapa negara mulai membangun jalur baru berkecepatan tinggi selama tahun 1970-an - Italia''Direttissima''antara Roma dan Florence, Barat Jerman Hannover- Würzburg dan garis Stuttgart-Mannheim, dan Paris-Lyon Perancis line TGV (LGV Sud-Est). The latter was the world's fastest when it was fulfilled in 1983 (the Paris–Dijon partition was opened in 1981), with a maximum speed at 260 km/h and average at 214 km/h. Yang terakhir ini tercepat di dunia saat itu dipenuhi pada tahun 1983 (partisi Paris-Dijon dibuka pada 1981), dengan kecepatan maksimum 260 km / jam dan rata-rata 214 km / jam Fares were affordable and the line became very popular; the air route between these cities was practically de-invented when the trains' journey times shrunk from about 3½ to two hours. Tarif yang terjangkau dan garis menjadi sangat populer, rute udara antara kota-kota itu praktis de-diciptakan ketika kali perjalanan kereta api 'menyusut dari sekitar 3 ½ sampai dua jam. France went on building an extensive high-speed network. Perancis terus membangun jaringan berkecepatan tinggi yang luas. In combination with the Belgian and British lines, the Paris-Lille-Calais line allowed to open the fist HSR international services: Paris-London (1994), London-Brussels (1994), both via the Channel Tunnel , [ 9 ] and Brussels-Paris (1995). [ 10 ] Germany followed up with its own high- speed network, and after Germany was re-united in 1990, the Hamburg–Berlin line again became a mainline. Dalam kombinasi dengan garis Belgia dan Inggris, yang-Lille-Calais line Paris diizinkan untuk membuka tinju HSR layanan internasional: Paris-London (1994), London- Brussel (1994), baik melalui Terowongan Channel , [9] dan Brussels -Paris (1995). [10] Jerman diikuti dengan jaringan sendiri berkecepatan tinggi, dan setelah Jerman bersatu kembali pada tahun 1990, Berlin-line Hamburg lagi menjadi sebuah arus utama.

Spain's first high speed line opened in 1992 between Madrid and Seville. baris kecepatan tinggi pertama Spanyol dibuka pada tahun 1992 antara Madrid dan Sevilla. In 2005 the Spanish Government elaborated an ambitious plan of infrastructures (PEIT 2005-2020) [ 11 ] - it is envisioned that by 2020, 90 percent of the population will live within 50 km of a station served by AVE -. Pada tahun 2005 Pemerintah Spanyol diuraikan rencana ambisius infrastruktur (PEIT 2005-2020) [11] - itu adalah membayangkan bahwa pada tahun 2020, 90 persen penduduk akan tinggal di dalam 50 km dari stasiun dilayani oleh AVE -. Spain is thenceforth building the largest HSR network in Europe: four new lines have been opened (Madrid-Zaragoza-Lleida-Tarragona- Barcelona, Córdoba- Malaga, Madrid-Toledo, Madrid-Segovia-Valladolid) and another 2219 km are currently under construction. [ 12 ] Spanyol sejak itu membangun jaringan HSR terbesar di Eropa: empat baris baru telah dibuka (Madrid-Zaragoza-Lleida-Tarragona-Barcelona, Córdoba- Malaga, Madrid-Toledo, Madrid-Segovia-Valladolid) dan lainnya 2.219 km sedang dalam konstruksi . [12]

[ edit ] High speed rail in ChinaRel kecepatan tinggi di Cina Chinese designed CRH380A train leaving Shanghai's Hongqiao Station . Cina dirancang CRH380A kereta meninggalkan Shanghai Hongqiao Stasiun .

In the middle of the 1990s, China's trains used to travel at a top speed of around 60 km/h. [ 13 ] To increase railway transportation speed and capacity, The Ministry of Railways (MOR) has continuously increased the speed of its commercial train service on existing lines. Di tengah tahun 1990-an,'s melatih Cina digunakan untuk melakukan perjalanan pada kecepatan puncak sekitar 60 km / jam [13] Untuk meningkatkan kecepatan transportasi kereta api dan kapasitas, The Departemen Kereta Api (MOR) telah terus meningkatkan kecepatan kereta api komersial layanan pada garis yang ada. From 1997 to 2007, the speed of China's railways increased six times, boosting passenger train speed on 22,000 km of tracks to 120 km/h, on 14,000 km of tracks to 160 km/hr, on 2,876 km of tracks to 200 km/h and on 846 km of tracks to 250 km/h. [ 14 ] Dari tahun 1997 hingga 2007, kecepatan kereta api Cina meningkat enam kali, meningkatkan kecepatan kereta penumpang pada 22.000 km trek ke 120 km / jam, pada 14.000 km trek ke 160 km / jam, pada 2876 km trek ke 200 km / jam dan pada 846 km trek ke 250 km / jam [14]

The state plan to develop high speed railways in China first began in the early 1990s. Rencana pemerintah untuk mengembangkan kereta api berkecepatan tinggi di China pertama dimulai pada awal 1990-an. The Ministry of Railways submitted a proposal to build the Beijing - Shanghai high speed railway to the National People's Congress in December 1990. [ 15 ] In 1995, Premier Li Peng announced that preparatory work on the Beijing Shanghai HSR would begin in the 9th Five Year Plan (1996–2000). Para Menteri Perkeretaapian mengajukan proposal untuk membangun Beijing - tinggi kereta api berkecepatan Shanghai ke Kongres Rakyat Nasional pada Desember 1990. [15] Pada tahun 1995, Perdana Menteri Li Peng mengumumkan bahwa persiapan di Beijing Shanghai HSR akan dimulai dalam Lima Tahun 9 Rencana (1996-2000). The MOR's initial design for the Jinghu high-speed line was completed and led to a suggestion report for state approval in June 1998. desain awal yang MOR untuk garis kecepatan tinggi Jinghu telah selesai dan menyebabkan laporan saran untuk persetujuan negara pada bulan Juni 1998. The construction plan finally been determined at 2004 beginning after five years' debate on whether to use rail track or the maglev technology. [ 16 ] [ 17 ] konstruksi Rencana akhirnya telah ditentukan pada awal 2004 setelah tahun perdebatan lima pada apakah akan menggunakan jalur kereta api atau teknologi maglev. [16] [17] On 7 January 2004, at a regular meeting of the State Council chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao, the nation's "medium-and-long term plan of railway network" was discussed and passed in principle. Pada tanggal 7 Januari 2004, pada pertemuan rutin Dewan Negara dipimpin oleh Perdana Menteri Wen Jiabao, "rencana jangka menengah dan panjang jaringan kereta api" bangsa dibahas dan disahkan pada prinsip. The plan comprised a high-speed railway network consisting of four north-south lines and four west-east lines, with the Beijing-Shanghai railway placed at the top. [ 17 ] Rencana tersebut terdiri dari jaringan kereta api kecepatan tinggi yang terdiri dari empat baris utara-selatan dan timur empat baris barat, dengan kereta api Beijing-Shanghai ditempatkan di bagian atas. [17]

When China first decided to develop high speed rail, the original idea was to research and develop domestic technology to reach a world standard. Ketika Cina pertama kali memutuskan untuk mengembangkan rel kecepatan tinggi, ide awalnya adalah untuk meneliti dan mengembangkan teknologi dalam negeri untuk mencapai standar dunia. In 1998, China started the construction of its first high speed rail, the Qinhuangdao-Shenyang Passenger Dedicated line (Qinshen PDL), which was opened in 2003, with a designed speed of 200 km/h, and several manufacturers' prototypes meant to reach 300 km/h were tested here. Pada tahun 1998, Cina memulai pembangunan rel kecepatan tinggi pertama, Penumpang Shenyang Qinhuangdao-line Dedicated (Qinshen PDL), yang dibuka pada tahun 2003, dengan kecepatan yang dirancang dari 200 km / jam, dan prototipe beberapa produsen 'dimaksudkan untuk mencapai 300 km / jam yang diuji di sini. They are "", "Pioneer" and latterly "Changbai Mountain". Mereka adalah "China Star", "Pioneer" dan belakangan "Changbai Mountain". However, the fastest operating speed achieved by "Changbai Mountain" is only 180 km/h. Namun, kecepatan operasi tercepat yang dicapai oleh "Changbai Mountain" hanya 180 km / jam

As the development of domestic technology was not as successful as expected, in order to realize the high speed railway service as soon as possible, the MOR decided to import HSR trains and technology from Europe and Japan. Sebagai perkembangan teknologi dalam negeri tidak berhasil seperti yang diharapkan, dalam rangka mewujudkan pelayanan kereta api kecepatan tinggi sesegera mungkin, MOR memutuskan untuk mengimpor kereta HSR dan teknologi dari Eropa dan Jepang. Most of the trainsets are manufactured by Chinese companies as technology transfer agreements contracted as part of the deals with foreigner companies. Sebagian besar trainsets ini dibuat oleh perusahaan Cina sebagai perjanjian transfer teknologi dikontrak sebagai bagian dari kesepakatan dengan perusahaan asing. In April 2007, China launched the sixth "speed up" campaigns. Pada bulan April 2007, Cina meluncurkan "mempercepat" keenam kampanye. CRH ( High-speed) service firstly opened at some 6,003 km of tracks, 52 CRH trainsets ( CRH1 , CRH2 and CRH5 ) were put into operation, service as 280 train numbers. CRH (China Railway High-speed) pelayanan pertama dibuka di beberapa km 6.003 lagu, 52 CRH trainsets ( CRH1 , CRH2 dan CRH5 ) dimasukkan ke dalam operasi, layanan sebagai nomor kereta api 280.

By 2007, the top speed of Qinshen PDL was increased to 250 km/h, on 19 April 2008 China opened its second High Speed Rail, the Hening (Hefei-Nanjing) PDL, also with a top speed of 250 km/h, on 1 August 2008, the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity line (Jingjin ICL) was opened, and its top speed reached 350 km/h. Pada tahun 2007, kecepatan puncak Qinshen PDL meningkat menjadi 250 km / jam, pada tanggal 19 April 2008 Cina membuka perusahaan kedua High Speed Rail, yang Hening (Hefei-Nanjing) PDL, juga dengan kecepatan tertinggi 250 km / jam, pada 1 Agustus 2008 Beijing-Tianjin Intercity line (Jingjin ICL) dibuka, dan kecepatan tertinggi mencapai 350 km / jam A new trainset, CRH2C and CRH3C , with designed top operating speed 350 km/h, were first put into commercial service. Sebuah trainset baru, CRH2C dan CRH3C , dengan kecepatan operasi yang dirancang atas 350 km / jam, pertama kali dimasukkan ke dalam layanan komersial. Currently the fastest CRH Service is at the Wuguang (Wuhan-Guangzhou) PDL, opened by 26 December 2009. Saat ini CRH Layanan tercepat di Wuguang (Wuhan- Guangzhou) PDL, dibuka oleh 26 Desember 2009. It travels 968 kilometres (601 mi) in 3 hours reaching top speeds of 350 kilometres per hour (220 mph) and averaging 310 kilometres per hour (190 mph). Ini perjalanan 968 kilometer (601 mil) dalam 3 jam mencapai kecepatan puncak 350 kilometer per jam (220 mph) dan rata-rata 310 kilometer per jam (190 mph).

On 26 October 2010, China opened its 15th High speed rail, the Shanghai-Hangzhou PDL , and the CRH380A trainset manufactured by CSR Sifang started regular service. Pada tanggal 26 Oktober 2010, China membuka 15 rel kecepatan tinggi nya, Shanghai-Hangzhou PDL , dan CRH380A trainset diproduksi oleh CSR Sifang memulai layanan regular. the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway is set to open by July 2011, The railway line is the first one in the world with designed top speed of 380 km/h in commercial service. di Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Kereta Api diatur untuk membuka pada bulan Juli 2011, Garis kereta api adalah yang pertama di dunia dengan kecepatan tertinggi yang dirancang 380 km / jam dalam layanan komersial. and will use the new CRH380B train made by Changchun Railway Vehicle and Tangshan Railway Vehicle . [ 18 ] [ 19 ] dan akan menggunakan kereta CRH380B baru yang dibuat oleh Changchun Kereta Api Kendaraan dan Kendaraan Kereta Api Tangshan . [18] [19]

Currently China has the world's longest high-speed rail network with about 7,431 km (4,618 mi) [ 20 ] of routes capable for 200+ km/h running in service as of October 2010, including 2,197 km (1,365 mi) of rail lines with top speeds of 350 km/h (220 mph). [ 21 ] According to the MOR's “Mid-to-Long Term Railway Network Plan (revised in 2008)”, the National High-Speed Rail Grid is composed of 8 high-speed rail corridors, 4 north-south corridors and 4 east-west corridors; together with some less important lines the total length will be about 12,000 km (7,456 mi). Saat ini Cina memiliki dunia terpanjang jaringan rel kecepatan tinggi dengan sekitar 7.431 km (4.618 mil) [20] rute mampu untuk 200 + km / jam berjalan dalam pelayanan per Oktober 2010, termasuk 2.197 km (1.365 mi) dari rel baris dengan kecepatan puncak 350 km / h (220 mph). [21] Menurut MOR's "Mid-to-Jangka Panjang Kereta Api Jaringan Rencana (revisi tahun 2008)", National High-Speed Rail Grid terdiri dari 8 tinggi koridor rel kecepatan, 4 koridor utara-selatan dan timur-barat 4 koridor; bersama-sama dengan beberapa baris kurang penting total panjang akan menjadi sekitar 12.000 km (7.456 mi). [ edit ] Definition of high-speed railDefinisi Kereta kecepatan tinggi

See also: Passenger rail terminology There are a number of different definitions for high-speed rail in use worldwide and there is no single standard, however there are certain parameters that are unique to high-speed rail. Ada beberapa definisi yang berbeda untuk jalan rel kecepatan tinggi digunakan di seluruh dunia dan tidak ada standar tunggal, namun ada parameter tertentu yang unik untuk rel kecepatan tinggi. UIC (International Union of Railways) and EC Directive 96/58 define high-speed rail as systems of and infrastructure which regularly operate at or above 250 km/h on new tracks, or 200 km/h on existing tracks. [ 1 ] However lower speeds can be required by local constraints. [ 1 ] A definitive aspect of high speed rail is the use of continuous welded rail which reduces track vibrations and discrepancies between rail segments enough to allow trains to pass at speeds in excess of 200 km/h (120 mph). UIC (International Union of Kereta Api) dan Directive 96/58 EC define rel kecepatan tinggi sebagai sistem rolling saham dan infrastruktur yang teratur beroperasi pada atau di atas 250 km / jam pada trek baru, atau 200 km / jam pada trek yang ada. [1 ] lebih rendah kecepatan Namun dapat diminta oleh kendala lokal. [1] Sebuah aspek definitif dari rel kecepatan tinggi adalah penggunaan rel dilas terus menerus yang mengurangi getaran melacak dan perbedaan antara segmen kereta api cukup untuk memungkinkan kereta lewat dengan kecepatan lebih dari 200 km / h (120 mph). Depending on design speed, banking and the forces deemed acceptable to the passengers, curves radius is above 4.5 kilometers, and for lines capable for 350 km/h running, typically at 7 to 9 kilometers. Tergantung pada kecepatan desain, perbankan dan pasukan dianggap diterima oleh penumpang, kurva radius di atas 4,5 kilometer, dan untuk baris mampu untuk 350 km / jam berjalan, biasanya jam 7 hingga 9 kilometer. There are also a number of characteristics common to most high-speed rail systems but not required: almost all are electrically driven via overhead lines and have in-cab signalling as well as no level crossings . Ada juga sejumlah karakteristik umum sistem rel kecepatan tinggi kebanyakan, tetapi tidak diharuskan: hampir semua digerakkan oleh tenaga listrik melalui saluran udara dan di dalam kabin sinyal serta tidak ada penyeberangan level . Advanced switches using very low entry and frog angles are also often used. trains fall under the category of high-speed rail due to their association with track oriented vehicles; however their inability to operate on conventional 'rails' often leads to their classification in a separate category. Advanced switch menggunakan entri paling rendah dan katak sudut juga sering digunakan. levitasi magnetik kereta api jatuh di bawah kategori Kereta kecepatan tinggi karena hubungan mereka dengan berorientasi rel, namun ketidakmampuan mereka untuk beroperasi pada 'konvensional' rel sering menyebabkan klasifikasinya dalam kategori terpisah.

In the United States, high-speed rail is defined as having a speed above 110 mph (180 km/h) by the United States Federal Railroad Administration [ 22 ] Di Amerika Serikat, rel kecepatan tinggi didefinisikan sebagai memiliki kecepatan diatas 110 mph (180 km / h) oleh Amerika Serikat Federal Railroad Administration [22]

In Japan, high speed Shinkansen lines use standard gauge track rather than narrow gauge track used on most other Japanese lines. Di Jepang, Shinkansen kecepatan tinggi baris menggunakan ukuran standar lagu bukan lagu gauge sempit digunakan pada kebanyakan jalur Jepang lainnya. These travel at speeds in excess of 260 km/h (160 mph) without level crossings. [ 2 ] Ini bergerak pada kecepatan lebih dari 260 km / h (160 mph) tanpa penyeberangan tingkat. [2]

In China, there are two grades of high speed lines: Firstly, slower lines running at speeds of between 200 and 250 km/h (120 and 160 mph) which may comprise either freight or passenger trains. Di Cina, ada dua nilai dari garis kecepatan tinggi: Pertama, garis lambat berjalan pada kecepatan antara 200 dan 250 km / jam (120 dan 160 mph) yang dapat terdiri dari salah satu kereta api barang atau penumpang. Secondly, passenger dedicated high speed rail lines operating at top speeds of up to 350 km/h (220 mph). [ 23 ] Kedua, penumpang berdedikasi jalur rel kecepatan tinggi beroperasi pada kecepatan puncak hingga 350 km /) h 220 (mph. [23]

[ edit ] RationaleDasar Pemikiran

500 Series Shinkansen in Japan 500 Series Shinkansen di Jepang

Siemens Velaro in Barcelona , Spain di Barcelona , Spanyol

In both Japan and France the initial impetus for the introduction of high speed rail was the need for additional capacity to meet increasing demand for passenger rail travel. Dalam kedua Jepang dan Perancis dorongan awal untuk pengenalan rel kecepatan tinggi adalah kebutuhan kapasitas tambahan untuk memenuhi permintaan yang semakin meningkat untuk perjalanan penumpang kereta api. By the mid-1950s, the Tōkaidō Main Line in Japan was operating at full capacity, and construction of the first segment of the Tōkaidō Shinkansen between Tokyo and Osaka started in 1959. Pada pertengahan tahun 1950, di Jalur Utama Tōkaidō di Jepang beroperasi pada kapasitas penuh, dan konstruksi dari segmen pertama dari Shinkansen Tokaido antara Tokyo dan Osaka mulai tahun 1959. The Tōkaidō Shinkansen opened on October 1, 1964, in time for the Tokyo Olympics . The Tokaido Shinkansen dibuka pada tanggal 1 Oktober 1964, dalam waktu untuk Olimpiade Tokyo . The situation for the first line in Japan was different from the subsequent lines. Situasi untuk baris pertama di Jepang berbeda dari baris berikutnya. The route was already so densely populated and rail oriented that highway development would be extremely costly and one single line between Tokyo and Osaka could bring service to over half the nation's population. Rute ini sudah begitu padat penduduknya dan rel berorientasi bahwa pembangunan jalan raya akan sangat mahal dan satu jalur tunggal antara Tokyo dan Osaka bisa membawa pelayanan kepada lebih dari setengah populasi bangsa. In 1959 that was nearly 45 million people; today it is well over 65 million. Pada tahun 1959 yang hampir 45 juta orang, hari ini adalah lebih dari 65 juta. The Tōkaidō Shinkansen line is the most heavily traveled high speed line in the world and still transports more passengers than all other high speed rail lines in the world combined. Garis Tokaido Shinkansen adalah garis kecepatan yang paling banyak bepergian tinggi di dunia dan masih mengangkut penumpang lebih dari semua jalur rel kecepatan tinggi lainnya di dunia digabungkan. Subsequent lines in Japan had a rationale more similar to situations in Europe. baris berikutnya di Jepang memiliki alasan yang lebih mirip dengan situasi di Eropa.

In France the main line between Paris and Lyon was projected to run out of capacity by 1970. Di Perancis garis utama antara Paris dan Lyon diproyeksikan akan kehabisan kapasitas pada 1970. In both cases the choice to build a completely separate passenger-only line allowed for the much straighter higher speed lines. Dalam kedua kasus pilihan untuk membangun jalur penumpang- hanya benar-benar terpisah diperbolehkan untuk garis lurus kecepatan jauh lebih tinggi. The dramatically reduced travel times on both lines, bringing cities within three hours of one another, caused explosions in ridership. [ 24 ] It was the commercial success of both lines that inspired those countries and their economies to expand or start high speed rail networks. Perjalanan kali turun drastis pada kedua saluran, membawa kota dalam waktu tiga jam satu sama lain, menyebabkan ledakan di ridership. [24] Ini adalah sukses komersial dari kedua baris yang terinspirasi negara-negara dan ekonomi mereka untuk memperluas atau memulai jaringan rel kecepatan tinggi.

In post-World War II United States, improvements in automobiles and aircraft made those means practical for a greater portion of the population than previously. Dalam pasca-Perang Dunia II Amerika Serikat, perbaikan mobil dan pesawat terbang membuat mereka cara praktis untuk sebagian besar dari populasi dari sebelumnya. In Europe and Japan, emphasis was given to rebuilding the railways after the war. Di Eropa dan Jepang, penekanan diberikan untuk membangun kembali kereta api setelah perang. In the United States, emphasis was given to airports and an extensive national interstate highway system . Di Amerika Serikat, penekanan diberikan kepada bandara dan ekstensif nasional sistem jalan raya antar negara bagian . The US railway had been less competitive as a means of transportation. Kereta api AS kurang kompetitif sebagai alat transportasi. The lower population density in North America allowed easier construction of a national highway network, but mass highway construction would not have been as easy in the high population densities of the European nations and Japan. Kepadatan populasi lebih rendah di Amerika Utara diijinkan pembangunan lebih mudah dari jaringan jalan raya nasional, tapi konstruksi jalan raya massa tidak akan semudah dalam kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi dari negara-negara Eropa dan Jepang. Presently, however, as energy costs continue to increase, rail ridership is now increasing across the United States. [ 25 ] Saat ini, bagaimanapun, karena biaya energi yang terus meningkat, penumpang kereta api kini meningkat di seluruh Amerika Serikat. [25]

In China, the plans for the largest high-speed railway network in history were driven by a combination of capacity constraints on existing lines and a desire to shorten journey times across the nation, whilst promoting development along the route. Di Cina, rencana untuk jaringan kereta api berkecepatan tinggi terbesar dalam sejarah didorong oleh kombinasi kendala kapasitas pada garis yang ada dan keinginan untuk mempersingkat waktu perjalanan di seluruh bangsa, mempromosikan pembangunan sementara di sepanjang rute. The construction schedule was significantly accelerated due to additional funding in the 4 trillion CNY stimulus package of 2008 and a number of lines are due to be completed by 2013. Jadwal konstruksi signifikan dipercepat karena dana tambahan dalam 4 triliun CNY paket stimulus tahun 2008 dan sejumlah baris yang akan selesai pada tahun 2013. Travel by rail becomes more competitive in areas of higher population density or where gasoline is expensive, because conventional trains are more fuel efficient than cars when ridership is high, similar to other forms of mass transit. Perjalanan dengan kereta api menjadi lebih kompetitif di daerah-daerah yang lebih tinggi kepadatan penduduk atau di mana bensin mahal, karena kereta api konvensional adalah bahan bakar yang lebih efisien daripada mobil ketika ridership tinggi, mirip dengan bentuk-bentuk angkutan massal. Very few high-speed trains consume diesel or other fossil fuels but the power stations that provide electric trains with power can consume fossil fuels. Sangat sedikit kereta api berkecepatan tinggi mengkonsumsi solar atau bahan bakar fosil , tetapi pembangkit listrik yang menyediakan kereta listrik dengan daya dapat mengkonsumsi bahan bakar fosil. In Japan and France , with very extensive high speed rail networks, a large proportion of electricity comes from nuclear power . [ 26 ] Even using electricity generated from coal or oil, high speed trains are significantly more fuel efficient per passenger per kilometer traveled than the typical automobile because of economies of scale in generator technology. [ 27 ] For example, on the , emissions from travelling by train from London to Paris are 90% lower than by flying. [ 28 ] Rail networks, like highways, require large fixed capital investments and thus require a blend of high density and government investment to be competitive against existing capital infrastructure for aircraft and automobiles. [ citation needed ] Urban density and mass transit have been key factors in the success of European and Japanese railway transport, especially in countries such as the Netherlands , , Germany , Switzerland , Spain and France . Di Jepang dan Perancis , dengan sangat luas jaringan rel kecepatan tinggi, sebagian besar listrik berasal dari tenaga nuklir . [26] Bahkan dengan menggunakan listrik yang dihasilkan dari batubara atau minyak, kereta api berkecepatan tinggi secara signifikan lebih efisien bahan bakar per penumpang per kilometer perjalanan dari mobil khas karena skala ekonomi dalam teknologi generator. [27] Sebagai contoh, pada Eurostar, emisi dari bepergian dengan kereta dari London ke Paris adalah 90% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan terbang. [28] Rail jaringan, seperti jalan raya, memerlukan besar tetap modal investasi dan dengan demikian memerlukan campuran kepadatan tinggi dan investasi pemerintah untuk menjadi kompetitif terhadap infrastruktur modal yang ada untuk pesawat dan mobil. [ rujukan? ] kepadatan Perkotaan dan angkutan massal merupakan faktor utama dalam keberhasilan transportasi kereta api Jepang dan Eropa, terutama di negara seperti Belanda , Belgia , Jerman , Swiss , Spanyol dan Perancis . [ edit ] TechnologyTeknologi Alstom's TGV has been adapted for use in South Korea Alstom TGV telah diadaptasi untuk digunakan di Korea Selatan

KTX-Sancheon , a South Korean high-speed train at Seoul Station . KTX-Sancheon , seorang Korea Selatan kereta berkecepatan tinggi di Seoul Station .

Much of the technology behind high-speed rail is an improved application of mature standard gauge rail technology using overhead electrification. Banyak teknologi di belakang rel kecepatan tinggi adalah sebuah aplikasi peningkatan teknologi gauge rel jatuh standar menggunakan listrik overhead. By building a new rail infrastructure with 20th century engineering, including elimination of constrictions such as roadway at-grade (level) crossings, frequent stops, a succession of curves and reverse curves, and not sharing the right-of-way with freight or slower passenger trains, higher speeds (250–320 km/h) are maintained. Dengan membangun infrastruktur rel baru dengan teknik abad ke-20, termasuk penghapusan constrictions seperti jalan raya di-grade (tingkat) penyeberangan, sering berhenti, suksesi kurva dan kurva reverse, dan tidak berbagi hak-of-way dengan barang atau lambat penumpang kereta api, kecepatan tinggi (250-320 km / jam) diselenggarakan. Total cost of ownership of HSR systems is generally lower than the total costs of competing alternatives (new highway or air capacity). Japanese systems are often more expensive than their counterparts but more comprehensive because they have their own dedicated elevated guideway, no traffic crossings, and disaster monitoring systems. Despite this the largest of the Japanese system's cost is related to the boring of tunnels through mountains, as was in Taiwan . Recent advances in wheeled trains in the last few decades have pushed the speed limits past 400 km/h, among the advances being tilting trainsets, aerodynamic designs (to reduce drag, lift, and noise), air brakes, regenerative braking, stronger engines, dynamic weight shifting, etc. Some of the advances were to fix problems, like the Eschede disaster. European high-speed routes typically combine segments on new track, where the train runs at full commercial speed, with some sections of older track on the extremities of the route, near cities.

In France, the cost of construction (which was €10 million/km (US$15.1 million/km) for LGV Est ) is minimised by adopting steeper grades rather than building tunnels and viaducts. However, in mountainous Switzerland, tunnels are inevitable. Because the lines are dedicated to passengers, gradients of 3.5%, rather than the previous maximum of 1–1.5% for mixed traffic, are used. Possibly more expensive land is acquired in order to build straighter lines which minimize line construction as well as operating and maintenance costs. In other countries high- speed rail was built without those economies so that the railway can also support other traffic, such as freight. Experience has shown however, that trains of significantly different speeds cause massive decreases of line capacity. As a result, mixed-traffic lines are usually reserved for high- speed passenger trains during the daytime, while freight trains go at night. In some cases, night- time high-speed trains are even diverted to lower speed lines in favour of freight traffic. [ citation needed ] High-speed railways by region Operational high-speed lines in Europe 320–350 km/h 300 km/h 250–280 km/h 200– 230 km/h

High-speed lines in East Asia 300+ km/h 250–299 km/h 200–249 km/h Under Construction Other railways

The following table shows all high speed dedicated lines (speed over 250 km/h) in service and under construction, listed by country. Based on UIC figures (International Union of Railways), it has been updated with other sources (see discussion). Since the purpose is to convey updated information with unified criteria, planned lines are not included.

Country In operation (km) [ 29 ] Under construction (km) [ 29 ] Total Country (km) Negara China Cina 4326 6696 (approx.) 10025 (approx.) Spain Spanyol 1525 1525 2219 2219 3744 Japan Jepang 1986 [ 30 ] 510 510 2496 2496 France Perancis 1872 1872 234 234 2106 Germany Jerman 1032 1032 378 378 1410 Italy Italia 923 923 0 0 923 Turkey Turki 235 235 510 510 745 745 South Korea 330 330 82 82 412 412 Korea Selatan Taiwan Taiwan 345 345 0 0 345 345 Belgium Belgia 209 209 0 0 209 209 The Netherlands 120 120 0 0 120 120 Belanda 113 113 0 0 113 113 United Kingdom Switzerland 35 35 72 72 107 107 Switzerland

Maximum speed records

MLX01 maglev train 581 km/h (current world record holder) World speed record holding (574.8 km/h/357mph) TGV — the V150

The reaches top speeds of 431 km/h, the fastest high-speed train in service in the world.

The term "maximum speed" has many meanings here. It can reflect:

• maximum average speed between two scheduled stops based on the running times in timetables - daily operation.

• maximum speed at which a train is allowed to run safely as set by law or policy on a straight section in daily service with minimal constraints (MOR)

• the maximum speed at which an unmodified train is proved to be capable of running

• the maximum speed a specially modified train is proved to be capable of running.

A one time specially modified system and trainset record (see land speed record for railed vehicles ) was set by the manned TGV 's 574.8 km/h run. This run was for proof of concept and engineering, not to test normal passenger service. The record for railed vehicles is 10,325 km/h (6,416 mph) by an unmanned sled by the United States Air Force .

The maximum speed an unmodified train is capable of running was set by the non-wheeled 581 km/h JR-Maglev MLX01 run in 2003. However, even this is not necessarily suitable for passenger operation as there can be concerns such as noise, cost, deceleration time in an emergency, etc.

The Shanghai Maglev Train reaches 431 km/h during its daily service between Longyang Road and International Airport, holds the speed record of any commercial train services. Besides maglev, the fastest maximum operating speed (MOR) of any segment of any high speed rail line is currently 350 km/h (221 mph), a record held by multiple lines in China, first achieved by the Beijing–Tianjin Intercity Railway in August 2008. In October 2010, the trains on Shanghai–Hangzhou High-Speed Railway have shown an unmodified capability of running 416.6 km/h in tests, and thus have been set to run 350 km/h in normal operation. [ 3 ]

The highest scheduled average speed between two scheduled stops is held by China Railway High-speed service on Wuhan-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway . [ 31 ] Starting from December 26, 2009, until January 29, 2010, non-stop trains on this line cover the 922-km journey in 2 hours, 57 minutes, at an average speed of 312.5 km/h from Wuhan to Guangzhou North . The average speed slowed down to 309 km/h for a longer 968 km journey when Guangzhou South, the new terminal of the line, was opened on January 30, 2010. Since July 1, 2010, all non-stop trains were canceled and the fastest trains run at an average speed of 296 km/h with one stop in Changsha South . The trains cover Guangzhou South and Changsha South section in 02h02m, hold the speed record at 305 km/h. Records in trial runs

• 1963 - Japan - Shinkansen - 256 km/h (First country to develop HSR technology)

• 1965 - West Germany - Class 103 locomotives - 200 km/h (Second country to develop HSR technology)

• 1967 - France - TGV 001 - 318 km/h (Third country to develop HSR technology)

• 1972 - Japan - Shinkansen - 286 km/h

• 1974 - West Germany - EET-01 – 230 km/h

• 1974 - France - Aérotrain - 430.2 km/h (high speed train) • 1975 - West Germany - - 401.3 km/h (steam rocket propulsion)

• 1978 - Japan - HSST -01 - 307.8 km/h (Auxiliary rocket propulsion)

• 1978 - Japan - HSST-02 – 110 km/h

• 1979 - Japan - Shinkansen - 319 km/h

• 1979 - Japan - ML-500R (unmanned) - 504 km/h

• 1979 - Japan - ML-500R (unmanned) - 517 km/h

• 1981 - France - TGV - 380 km/h

• 1985 - West Germany - InterCityExperimental - 324 km/h

• 1987 - Japan - MLU001 (manned) - 400.8 km/h

• 1988 - West Germany - InterCityExperimental - 406 km/h

• 1988 - Italy - ETR 500-X - 319 km/h (Fourth country to develop HSR technology)

• 1988 - West Germany - TR-06 - 412.6 km/h

• 1989 - West Germany - TR-07 - 436 km/h

• 1990 - France - TGV - 515.3 km/h

• 1992 - Japan - Shinkansen - 350 km/h

• 1993 - Japan - Shinkansen - 425 km/h

• 1993 - Germany - TR-07 - 450 km/h

• 1994 - Japan - MLU002N - 431 km/h

• 1996 - Japan - Shinkansen - 446 km/h

• 1997 - Japan - MLX01 - 550 km/h

• 1999 - Japan - MLX01 - 552 km/h

• 2002 - Spain - AVE S-102 ( 350 ) - 362 km/h (Fifth country to develop HSR technology)

• 2002 - China - China Star - 321 km/h (Sixth country to develop HSR technology)

• 2003 - Germany (train)- China (line) - Siemens 08 – 501 km/h

• 2003 - Japan - MLX01 - 581 km/h (current absolute world record holder) • 2004 - South Korea - HSR-350x - 352.4 km/h (Seventh country to develop HSR technology)

• 2006 - Germany (train) - Spain (line) - AVE S-103 ( Siemens Velaro ) - 404 km/h (unmodified commercial trainset)

• 2007 - France - V150 - 574.8 km/h (current world record holder on conventional rails)

• 2007 - Japan (train) - Republic of China (Taiwan) (line) - 700T series train - 350 km/h

• 2008 - Germany (train,manufactured in China) - China (line) - CRH3 - 394.3 km/h

• 2010 - China - CRH380A - 416.6 km/h

• 2010 - China - CRH380AL - 486.1 km/h (current world record holder for unmodified commercial trainset) Target areas for high-speed trains

Density of High-speed railway in Europe. km per million inhabitants.

Density of High-speed railway in East-Asia. km per million inhabitants. Taiwan's Japanese-built 300 km/h operating, 350 km/h capable 700T series train

The early target areas, identified by France, Japan, and the US, were connections between pairs of large cities. In France, this was Paris – Lyon , in Japan, Tokyo – Osaka , and in the US the proposals are in high-density areas. The only rail service at present in the US using high-speed trains is the Acela Express in the Northeast Corridor between Boston , New York and Washington, DC ; it uses tilting trains to achieve speeds of up to 240 km/h (150 mph) on existing tracks. Chicago , with its central location and metropolitan population of approximately 10 million people, is envisioned as the hub of a national high-speed rail network in the US The beginning Midwest phases study a Minneapolis - Milwaukee - Chicago - link; a Kansas City - St Louis -Chicago link; and a Chicago- Indianapolis - Cincinnati - Columbus, OH link.

In Europe, South Korea, and Japan, dense networks of city subways and railways connect seamlessly with high speed rail lines. Some argue [ who? ] that cities lacking dense intra-city rail infrastructure, like some cities in the USA, would find low ridership for high speed rail. The argument is that it is incompatible with existing automobile infrastructure. (People will want to drive when traveling in city, so they might as well drive the entire trip). However, others contend that this does not square with the high use of rail transport currently in the Northeast Corridor, where many people living in cities outside the rail link, drive to the commuter train and then commute by train the rest of the way, similar to the way many people drive to an airport, park their cars and then fly to their final destination. Car rentals and taxis can also supplement local public transportation. Increased commercial development is also projected near the destination stations.

Since in Japan intra-city rail daily usage per capita is the highest, [ citation needed ] it follows naturally that ridership of 6 billion passengers [ 32 ] exceeds the French TGV of 1 billion (until 2003), the only other system to reach a billion cumulative passengers. [ 33 ] For comparison, the world's fleet of 22,685 aircraft carried 2.1 billion passengers in 2006, according to International Civil Aviation Organization.

The California High-Speed Rail Authority is currently planning lines from the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento to Los Angeles and Irvine via the Central Valley, as well as a line from Los Angeles to San Diego via the Inland Empire. The Texas High Speed Rail and Transportation Corporation strives to bring Texas an innovative high-speed rail and multimodal transportation corridor. The Corporation developed the Texas T-Bone and Brazos Express corridors to link Central Texas . [ 34 ] New York State Senator Caesar Trunzo announced a long-term plan to bring high-speed rail service between Buffalo and New York City, via Albany, to under three hours. [ 35


Later high speed rail lines, such as the LGV Atlantique , the LGV Est , and most high speed lines in Germany, were designed as feeder routes branching into conventional rail lines, serving a larger number of medium-sized cities.

A side effect of the first high-speed rail lines in France was the opening up of previously isolated regions to fast economic development. Some newer high-speed lines have been planned primarily for this purpose, such as the Madrid – Sevilla line and the proposed Amsterdam – Groningen line. Cities relatively close to a major city may see an increase in population, but those farther away may actually lose population (except for tourist spots), having a ripple effect on local economies.

Five years after construction began on the line, the first Japanese high-speed rail line opened on the eve of the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo , connecting the capital with Osaka . The first French high-speed rail line, or Ligne à grande vitesse ( LGV ), was opened in 1981 by SNCF , the French rail agency, planning starting in 1966 and construction in 1976.

'Market segmentation has principally focused on the business travel market. The French original focus on business travelers is reflected by the early design of the TGV trains, including the bar car. Pleasure travel was to be a secondary market; now many of the French extensions connect with vacation beaches on the and Mediterranean , as well as major amusement parks and also the very popular Alpine ski resorts in France or Switzerland. Friday evenings are the peak time for TGVs ( train à grande vitesse ) (Metzler, 1992). The system has lowered prices on long distance travel to compete more effectively with air services, and as a result some cities within an hour of Paris by TGV have become commuter communities, thus increasing the market while restructuring land use .' (Levinson, D.)

On the Paris - Lyon service, the number of passengers grew to impressive numbers justifying the introduction of double-decks coaches on the TGV trainsets.

Other target areas include freight lines, such as the Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia , which would allow 3 day Far East to Europe service for freight as opposed to months by ship (but still slower than air), and allow just in time deliveries. High speed north-south freight lines in Switzerland are under construction, avoiding slow mountainous truck traffic, and lowering labour costs.

In South America, Argentina has already assigned the construction of a high speed railway connecting the cities of Buenos Aires, Rosario and Cordoba . [ 36 ] The Brazilian government is currently studying a high speed rail line connecting the cities Campinas and São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro. This high speed rail line will also connect these airports: Viracopos (Campinas), Guarulhos (São Paulo) and Galeao (Rio de Janeiro). [ 37 ] Road rail parallel layout

Road Rail Parallel Layout is an approach that uses the land around the road to pass the railway lines, like the HSR line from Paris to Lyon started in 1981 with 15% of its stretch along highway and Cologne to Frankfurt with 70%. [ 38 ] Comparison with other modes of transport Construction of the route through the Kösching forest, north of Ingolstadt, had a large environmental impact but with Road-Rail Parallel Layout this would be less than using multiple routes.

High speed rail is often viewed as an isolated system and simply as advantageous or disadvantageous as compared to other transport systems, but all transport systems must work together to maximize benefits. A good HSR system has capacity for non-stop and local services and has good connectivity with other transport systems. HSR, like any transport system, is not inherently convenient, fast, clean, nor comfortable. All of this depends on design, implementation, maintenance, operation and funding. Operational smoothness is often more indicative of organizational discipline than technological prowess.

Due to current infrastructure designs in many nations, there are constraints on the growth of the highway and air travel systems. Some key factors promoting HSR are that airports and highways have no room to expand, and are often overloaded. High-speed rail has the potential for high capacity on its fixed corridors (double decked E4 Series Shinkansen can carry 1,634 seated passengers, double that of an Airbus A380 in all economy class, and even more if standing passengers are allowed), and has the potential to relieve congestion on the other systems. Well- established high speed rail systems in use today are more environmentally friendly than air or road travel. This is due to:

• displaced usage from more environmentally damaging modes of transport.

• lower energy consumption per passenger kilometer

• reduced land usage for a given capacity compared to motorways [ edit ] Automobiles

High-speed rail has the advantage over automobiles in that it can move passengers at speeds far faster than those allowed by car in most countries. The lower limit for HSR (200 km/h, 125 mph) is substantially faster than the highest road speed limit in most countries. Ignoring the few countries without a general speed limit, the speed limit is rarely higher than 130 km/h (80 mph). For journeys that connect city centre to city centre, HSR's advantage is increased due to the lower speed limits within most urban areas. Generally, the longer the journey, the better the time advantage of rail over road if going to the same destination.

Moreover, train tracks permit a far higher throughput of passengers per hour than a road the same width. A high speed rail needs just a double track railway, one track for each direction. A typical capacity is 15 trains per hour and 800 passengers per train (as for the Eurostar sets), which implies a capacity of 12,000 passengers per hour in each direction. By way of contrast, the Highway Capacity Manual gives a maximum capacity for a single lane of highway of 2,250 passenger cars per hour (excluding trucks or RVs). Assuming an average vehicle occupancy of 1.57 people, [ 39 ] a standard twin track railway has a typical capacity 13% greater than a 6-lane highway (3 lanes each way), while requiring only 40% of the land (1.0/3.0 versus 2.5/7.5 hectares per kilometer of direct/indirect land consumption). This means that typical passenger rail carries 2.83 times as many passengers per hour per meter (width) as a road. Some passenger rail systems, such as the Tokaido Shinkansen line in Japan , have much higher ratios (with as many as 20,000 passengers per hour per direction). Congested roadways tend to be commuter – these carry fewer than 1.57 persons per vehicle (Washington State Department of Transportation, for instance, uses 1.2 persons per vehicle) during commute times. Congestion also causes the maximum throughput of a lane to decrease. Spanish high speed, AVE Talgo-350 . Maximum speed: 330 km/h (210 mph)

The ETR 500 "Frecciarossa" of the Italian Railways . Maximum speed: 300 km/h (190 mph) Takes 1 hour from downtown Milan to the centre of Bologna , while a plane+taxi takes an hour and a half to do the same distance.

While commercial high-speed trains have maximum operating speeds much slower than jet aircraft, they have advantages over air travel mostly for relatively short distances, and can be an integral part of a transportation system. They also connect city centre rail stations to multiple other city centre rail stations (with an intermediate stop passenger loading/unloading time of one or two minutes), while air transport necessarily connects airports outside city centres to other airports outside city centres (with a stop time for intermediate destinations of 30 minutes to 1 hour). Both systems complement each other if they are well designed and maintained.

HSR is best suited for journeys of 2 to 3 hours (250–900 km or about 150–550 miles), for which the train can beat both air and car in this range. When traveling less than about 650 km (400 mi), the process of checking in and going through security screening at airports, as well as the journey to the airport itself makes the total air journey time no faster than HSR. However, anecdotally, competition authorities in Europe treat HSR for city pairs as competitive with passenger air at 4 to 4.5 hours, allowing a 1 hour flight at least 40 minutes at each point for travel to and from the airport, check-in, security, boarding, disembarcation, baggage retrieval, and other waits.

However, unless air travel is severely congested, merely providing a comparable service is often not a compelling financial basis for building an HSR system from scratch. As a rule of thumb, rail journeys need to be four hours or thereabouts to be competitive with air travel on journey time. One factor which may have a further bearing on HSR's competitiveness is the general lack of inconvenience when using HSR: For example the lack of a requirement to check baggage, or repeated queuing for check in, security and boarding as well as a typically high on-time reliability as compared to air. Separately, from a business traveler's perspective, HSR can offer amenities such as cellular phone network availability, booth tables, more elaborate power outlets (AC mains outlet vs DC 12 V outlet), more elaborate food service, no low altitude electronics ban, self service baggage storage area at end of car (eliminating checked baggage ), and on for example Franco-German TGV-Est wireless internet broadband.

There are routes where high-speed trains have totally beaten air transport, so that there are no air connections any more. Examples are Paris-Brussels and Cologne-Frankfurt in Europe, as well as Tokyo-Nagoya, Tokyo-Sendai and Tokyo-Niigata in Japan. If the train stops at a big airport, like Paris and Frankfurt, these short distance airplanes lose an extra advantage for the many travelers who want to go to the airport for a long-distance journey. Airplane tickets can include a train segment for the journey, with guaranteed rebooking if the connection is missed, like normal air travel.

HSR is also competitive with cars on shorter distances, like 50–150 km for example for work commuting if there is road congestion or for people who have expensive parking fees at their work. For large cities this is common. Not every HSR route has such regional high speed trains, but it is common. Introduction of them enlarges the labour market around a large city.

China Southern Airlines, China's largest airline, expects the construction of China's high speed railway network to impact on 25% of its route network in the coming years. [ 40 ]

Market shares

Statistics from Europe indicate that air traffic is more sensitive than road traffic (car and bus) to competition from HSR, at least on journeys of 400 km and more – perhaps because cars and buses are far more flexible than planes (on the shortest HSR journeys, like Augsburg–Munich, which is served by four ICE routes, air travel is no alternative). TGV Sud-Est reduced the travelling time Paris–Lyons from almost four to about two hours. The rail market share rose from 49 to 72 %. For air and road traffic, the market shares shrunk from 31 to 7 % and from 29 to 21 %, respectively. On the Madrid–Sevilla relation, the AVE connection rose the rail market share from 16 to 52 ; air traffic shrunk from 40 to 13 %; road traffic from 44 to 36 %. [ 41 ] According to Peter Jorritsma, the rail marked share y compared to planes approximately can be computed as a function of the travelling time in minutes x by the formula [ 42 ] y = 1 / (0.031*1.016^x + 1)

According to this formula, a journey time of three hours gives 65 % market share. However, market shares are also influenced by ticket prices, so some air carriers have regained market shares by price slashing. [ 43 ] In the US Northeast Corridor the rail market share between New York and Washington is lower than the formula indicates, 47 % even if the journey time by the Acela Express is only about 2h 45min.

Other considerations

Although air travel has higher speeds, more time is needed for taxiing, boarding (fewer doors), security check, luggage drop, and ticket check. Also rail stations are usually located nearer to urban centers than airports. These factors often offset the speed advantage of air travel for mid- distance trips.

Construction costs

Weather Rail travel has less weather dependency than air travel. If the rail system is well-designed and well-operated, severe weather conditions such as heavy snow, heavy fog, and storms do not affect the journeys; whereas flights are generally canceled or delayed under these conditions. Nevertheless, snow and wind can cause some issues and can delay trains.

Comfort Although comfort over air travel is often believed to be a trait of high speed rail because train seats are larger and it is easy for passengers to move around during the journey, the comfort advantage of rail is not inherent; it depends on the specific implementation. For example, high speed trains which are not subject to compulsory reservation may carry some standing passengers. Airplanes do not allow standing passengers, so excess passengers are denied boarding. Train passengers can have the choice between standing or waiting for a bookable connection.

Larger number of target areas From the operator's point of view, a single train can call at multiple stations, often far more stops than aircraft, and each stop takes much less down time. One train stopping pattern can allow a multitude of possible journeys, increasing the potential market. This increase in potential market allows the operator to schedule more frequent departures than the aircraft, and hence create another good reason for preference.

[ edit ] SafetyKeselamatan From the point of view of required traffic control systems and infrastructure, high-speed rail has the added advantage of being much simpler to control due to its predictable course, even at very high passenger loads; this issue is becoming more relevant as air traffic reaches its safe limit in busy airspaces over London, New York, and other large centers. However, it must be noted that high speed rail systems reduce (but do not eliminate [ 44 ] [ 45 ] ) the possibility of collisions with automobiles or people, while other lower speed rail systems that a high speed train uses to reach high speed tracks may have level crossings . Narrow gauge

Narrow gauge trains tend to be slower than standard gauge trains for two main reasons:

• firstly, the narrower is inherently a little less stable at hight speed.

• secondly, narrow gauge lines tend to have very sharp (say 100m) and low speed curves as saving money is the prime rational for having narrow gauge in the first place.

Tunisia is reputed to have the fastest metre gauge trains. [ 46 ] The Acela Express , currently the only high-speed rail line in the US, with a top speed of 150 mph (240 km/h)