
בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt

~ P’zukei D’zimrah–פְסּוקֵי דְ זִמְרָ א–Lesson 29 (Verses of Praise)

בֹּאּו שְ עָרָ יו, בְ תֹודָ ה--חֲצֵרֹּתָיו בִתְהִ לָ ה “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise” (Tehillim— 100:4)

Pezukei D’Zimra ~פְ סּוקֵי דְ זִמְרָ א THE BASICS—A Brief Overview of

 Praise before prayer

דרש רבי שמלאי: לעולם יסדר אדם שבחו של הקדוש ברוך הוא ואחר כך יתפלל. “R. Simlai taught: ‘One should always first recount the praises of the Holy One, blessed by He, and then pray.’ (b. Berachot 32a)

 Instructions of Prayer o “Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to G-d, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.” (Letter to the Hebrews 13:15; also see Hosea 6:6)


בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt o “Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the L-rd” (Letter to the Ephesians 5:17-8)


Ashkenazi order:   Baruch She’amar  Songs of thanksgiving

 Hodu—Divrei Hayamim I—1 Chronicles 16:8-36  Pesukei D’rachamei—Verses of Mercy (collection of Tehillim— Psalms)   Yehi Chevod  () ( and psalms 145-150)  Baruch Hashem L'Olam  Vayeivarech  Ata Hu Hashem L'Vadecha  Az Yashir 


בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt


A psalm of thanksgiving; call out to AD-NAI מִ זְמֹור לְ תֹודָ ה; הָרִ יעּו ל יְיָ , כָ ל־הָאָרֶ ץ. all the earth. Serve AD-NAI with joy; come עִבְ דּו אֶ ת־יְיָ בְשִמְ חָ ה; בֹּאּו לְ פָ נָיו, before Him with song. Know that AD-NAI is God, it is He Who made us, we are His בִרְ נָנָה. דְ עּו, כִ י־יְיָ הּוא אֱֹלהִ ים הּוא־ people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter עָשָנּו וְ לֹו אֲנ חְ נּו; ע ּמֹו, וְ צֹּאן מ רְ עִ יתֹו. into His gate with thanksgiving, His ,courtyards with praise; give thanks to Him בֹּאּו שְ עָרָ יו בְ תֹודָ ה, חֲצֵרֹּתָיו בִתְהִ לָ ה; bless His Name. For AD-NAI is good and הֹודּו־לֹו, בָרֲכּו שְ מֹו. כִ י־טֹוב יְיָ His kindness is everlasting; His faithfulness לְ עֹולָם ח סְ דֹו; עוְ ד־דֹּ ר וָדֹּר, אֱמּונָתֹו. is from generation to generation.


May the glory of AD-NAI endure forever, let יְהִי כְ בֹוד יְיָ לְ עֹולָם, יִשְמח יְיָ AD-NAI rejoice in His works. Blessed be the בְמעֲשָיו. יְהִ י שֵם יְיָ מְ בֹּרָ ְך, מֵ עתָ ה Name of AD-NAI, from this time and forever. From the rising of the sun to its וְע ד עֹולָם מִּמִ זְר ח ששֶמֶ ע ד מְ בֹואֹו setting, AD-NAI’s Name is praised. High מְ הֻלָל שֵם יְיָ רָ םע ל כָלּגֹויִם, יְיָ, above all nations is AD-NAI, above the על ה שָמ יִם כְ בֹודֹו. יְיָ שִמְ ָך heavens is His glory. ‘AD-NAI’ is Your Name forever. ‘AD-NAI’ is Your memorial לְ עֹולָם, יְיָ זִכְרְ ָך לְ דֹּר וָדֹּר. יְיָ throughout the generations. AD-NAI has בשָמ יִםהֵכִ ין כִסְ אֹו,ּומ לְ כּותֹו ב כֹּל established His throne in the heavens, and מָשָלָה. יִשְמְ חּו ה שָמיִם וְתָ גֵל His kingdom reigns over all. The heavens will be glad and the earth will rejoice, they הָאָרֶ ץ,וְ יֹּאמְ רּוב ּגֹויִם יְיָ מָלְָך. יְיָ will proclaim among the nations, ‘Adonai מֶלְֶך יְיָ מָלְָך יְיָ יִמְֹלְך לְ עֹּלָ ם וָעֶד. has reigned’, ‘Adonai reigns’, ‘Adonai יְיָ מֶלְֶךעֹולָ םוָעֶד, אָבְ דּו גֹויִם shall reign for all eternity.’ Adonai reigns forever and ever, even when the nations מֵא רְ צֹו. יְיָ הֵפִ יר עֲצ תּגֹויִם, הֵנִ יא will have perished from His earth. Adonai מ חְשְ בֹות ע ּמִ ים. ר בֹות מ חֲשָ בֹות annuls the counsel of nations, He balks the בְ לֶ ב אִ יש, ו עֲצת יְיָ הִ יא תָ קּום. designs of peoples. Many designs are in —man’s heart, but the counsel of Adonai עֲצת יְיָ לְ עֹולָ ם ת עֲמֹוד, מ חְשְ בֹות


בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt only it will prevail. The counsel of Adonai לִבֹו לְ דֹּרוָדֹּר. יכִ הּוא אָמר ויֶהִ י, will endure forever, the designs of His heart throughout the generations. For He הּוא צִ ּוָה ו י עֲמֹּד. כִי בָחר יְיָ בְצִ יֹון, ,spoke and it came to be; He commanded אִ ּוָּה לְ מֹושָב לֹו. כִ יי עֲקֹּב בָח ר לֹו ,and it stood firm. For God selected Zion יָּה, יִשֹּרָ אֵל לִסְ גֻלָ תֹו. כִ י, לֹּא יִּטש He desired it for His dwelling place. God selected Jacob as His own, Israel as His יְיָ ע ּמֹו, וְ נ חֲלָ תֹולֹּא י עֲזֹּב. וְ הּוא treasure. Adonai will not cast off His ר חּום יְכ פֵרעָֹון וְ לֹּא ישְחִ ית, .people, nor will He forsake His heritage וְהִרְ בָה לְהָשִ יב א פֹו, וְ לֹּא יָעִ יר כָ ל Chazzan - He, the Merciful One, is חֲמָ תֹו. יְיָ הושִ יעָה,ה ּמֶלֶ ְך י עֲנֵנּו forgiving of inquity and does not destroy; frequently He withdraws His anger, not בְ יֹום קָרְ אֵ נּו. arousing His entire rage. Adonai, save! May the King answer us on the day we call.

1. Psalm 104:31 10. :10 2. Psalm 113:2-4 11. Proverbs 19:21 3. :13 12. Psalm 33:11 4. :19 13. Psalm 33:9 5. Chronicles I: 16:31 14. Psalm 132:13 6. :16 15. Psalm 135:4 7. :1 16. Psalm 94:14 8. Exodus 15:18 17. Psalm 78:38 9. Psalm 10:16 18. :09