We pray every week for the leaders of the Jewish Ministry, Shalom Newsletter Resources: Shabbat — Tsav • Website: https://jewishadventist-org.gcnetadventist.org wAx A must website. To subscribe to our newsletter. To download some resources (Hebrew Sabbath School, 674 and other documents). To order the book “Comfort, Comfort my people…” and many other things. 26 March / 16 Adar II 2016 / 5776 • Shalom Adventure Magazine online: www.ShalomAdventure.com If you would like to read articles, watch videos, learn things about and Israel, this website is just for you. • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WJAFC: If you would like to share with people, this Weekly This issue forum on facebook is a good place for that. News P.1 Professional Urban • Photos on Google+: http://picasaweb.google.com/jewishadventist: Jewish-Adventist We have posted a lot Parasha’s comments P.2-4 Development: of pictures on Internet during the last years. Don’t hesitate to look at them. Journal of Information Haftara P.4-5 The WJAFC provides: • WebRadio: www.shema-israel-radio.com If you would like to listen Jewish or Messianic songs. If you want to be used to ear modern Hebrew of the Apostolic Writings P.5 - Professional Urban Apostolic Writings, it is the right radio to listen on the web. Stories P.6 training for Jewish • Adventist Mission Website: http://wjafc.adventistmission.org/ We pray every Ministry This website is the new Inspirational Corner P.6,7 resource provided by the Office of Adventist Mission of the General Conference of the Seventh-day - Teaching for Adventists. week for lead- Color Sheet for Kids P.7 theological students • Russian Website: http://www.boruh.info/ This website is in Russian, many articles and the - Help to plant new parasha are posted on it every week. ers of the congregations. - Support for Adventist- Jewish Ministry, Jewish dialogue with WJAFC NEWS Paris scholars and rabbis A weekly Journal of information and training published by the According to Contextualized Jewish Adventist Friend- World Jewish Adventist Friendship Center our list of prayer aSabbath School in Portuguese a ship In New Zealand Under the umbrella of the The beginning of a quarter is always It will be a very exciting and an inter- General Conference —Office of Adventist Mission for 2016, I sug- the time to start a new Bible Study. In our esting week for Richard Elofer the direc- midst we study the Sabbath School, but tor of the world Jewish Adventist Friend- this Sabbath School lessons are not always ship Center who is in New Zealand since Journal of Information and Training — Issue 674 — 26 March 2016 / 16 Adar II 5776 gest that our contextualized for our Jewish friends, that March 23 till March 30. After two days partners pray is why the Jewish Adventist group in Brazil of travel the first meeting was with the have decided to contextualize the lesson to officers of the New Zealand Union in from March 27 be Jewish friendly. Auckland on the 23rd, it is important that I have just received the new lesson which our ministry be supported by the leaders to April 2, 2016, will start on April 1. The topic is the Be- of the Seventh-day Adventists. Then the sorat Mattityahu in Portuguese. Anyone very busy day is the 24th with a meeting for Alexander who would like to study this contextual- with the officers of the North New Zea- ized version of the Sabbath School in Por- land Conference in Auckland. But we tuguese can download it at the following Jael Wells Cuellar Carlos Muniz Orfonidiy remember that March 24 is the starting dropbox: http://adv7.in/zy. day of Purim, that is why there is a pub- English Edition: lic meeting on the evening as it was an- Richard-Amram Elofer Emails: the leader of nounced previously. Then the next public Russian Edition: English: [email protected] Alexandra Obrevko our Jewish Richard Amram Elofer Alexandra Obrevko meetings will be on Friday, Shabbat and French Edition: Russian: [email protected] . knowing that a radio program Sabine Baris French: [email protected] Adventist con- will be broadcasted for 1 hour on Shab- Spanish Edition: bat morning. The intention of these meet- Jael Wells Cuellar Spanish: [email protected] gregation in ings is to strengthen the existing Jewish Portuguese Edition: Portuguese: [email protected] Carlos Muniz Boston. Let’s adventist Community in Wellington but Dutch Edition: Dutch: [email protected] also to start a new group and congregation Hubert Paulleta pray for his min- in Kapiti, that is why Pastor Roger Lang Credit photos: will continue this meetings by his own Richard Elofer, Alexandra Obrevko, Jael Wells Cuellar istry. public gathering in the topic: “Jesus-Christ, Hubert Paulleta, Laurent Baris and Advent Digital Media decoding the most influenctial man ever” de- Hubert Paulleta for more information: contact us at www.jewishadventist.org Sabine Baris veloped in a three part series. 8 This is the law of the burnt offering. The burnt offering shall be on the hearth Par asha for on the all night until the morning, Parasha Overview: and the fire of the altar shall be kept Tsav this Week burning on it. And the priest shall put as are the laws of slaugh- Tsav on his linen garment and put his linen he address- undergarment on his body, and he shall tering and sprinkling the es Aharon and wAx take up the ashes to which the fire has blood of the asham (guilt- his sons to teach reduced the burnt offering on the altar ). them additional laws Leviticus 6: 8 - 8:36 and put them beside the altar.” The details of shelamim, T (Leviticus 6:8–10) (various peace korbanot), are relating to their service. Rabbi Pakouz said that sons... in a holy place... I this high position, it would The ashes of the korban described, including the “an arrogant person always have given it to them as their be a distortion and mockery prohibition against leaving olah (the offering burnt on from G-d, the time of day able for his thoughts as well. wants to have everything portion of my fire-offerings; of the concept of the High the altar throughout the Good is not the only time related Yeshua said “You have heard his own way”. The person’s it is holy...” (Leviticus 6:16- Priest. Therefore, nothing uneaten until morning the Knowledge to G-d, the psalmist affirms … ‘Do not murder, and any- thoughts are focused only 17) Today, a person’s table may be done to create such remains of the todah, (the night) are to be removed he preceding para- “Yours is the day, yours also the one who murders will be sub- on what he/she wants. He is comparable to the altar in animosity. And likewise we, thanks-korban). from the area by the sha described the night;” ( 74:16). At the ject to judgment.’ But I tell you is totally self-centered and the Holy Temple. (The Tal- too, should strive to prevent various kinds of All sacrifices must be (priest) after he changes creation time, He created (Or) that anyone who is angry with inconsiderate of others. This mud, Chagigah 27b) animosity. offering, free-will offer- his special linen clothing. T light for the day and (choshech) his brother will be subject to trait causes much strife in in- burned after they may no ings, peace offerings, meal darkness for the night, day and judgment.” (Matatyahu 5:21- terpersonal relationships. If longer be eaten. Theolah (burnt offering) offerings, obligatory of- We Should Don’t Cause night belong to the L-rd. Israel 22). He said also: “You have two people in a relationship is brought by someone ferings that atone for sin Prevent Discomfort No sacrifice may be eaten had a time to offer offerings heard that it was said, ‘Do not both demand that things he Torah states: and explained the Halachot Animosity if it was slaughtered with who forgot to perform a and to pray in the Temple and commit adultery.’ But I tell must be their way, they will he Torah states: “And the L-rd (laws) connected to these positive commandment of they had also time to pray per- you that anyone who looks at quarrel all the time. If such “This is the offering spoke to Moshe the intention of eating it offerings. It was vital for the Torah. sonally at home. a woman lustfully has already a person finds someone who of Aharon and of saying: Speak to Aharon too late. Once they have the ancient Israel to get a committed adultery with her is submissive to him, he will T his sons, which they shall of- and his sons, saying: This become ritually impure, Thekohen retains the skin. good knowledge of these in his heart. (Matatyahu 5:27, get his way, but at the heavy T is the Law of the transgres- fer to G-d on the day when laws in order to serve G-d Accountable korbanot (sacrifices) may The fire on the altar must 28). price of causing another hu- he is anointed...” (Leviticus sion Offering, in the place in a proper way and to draw for Thought not be eaten and should be be kept constantly ablaze. he Parasha begins with This is why in the “Al Chet” man being pain and anguish. 6:19-20) Why does the To- where the Burnt Offer- closer to G-d the people in burned. One may not eat a Thekorban (after- the laws of the Olah prayer which we recite on Yom What to do? Each of us rah specify the words “on ing is slaughtered shall the their worship. That is why Kippur asking G-d to forgive has a certain degree of ar- the day when he is anoint- transgression Offering be korban (sacrifice) when he is noon sacrifice) is a meal sacrifice (burnt-offer- G-d continues with this ing), which was completely us for our sins, we also ask rogance in us. Be aware of ed” rather than “on the day slaughtered before the L-rd; ritually impure. offering of flour, oil and laws which are very relat- T forgiveness for the sin of “im- the needs and feelings of burnt on the altar. “Command of anointment”? it is most holy.” (Leviticus Blood and chelev, (forbidden spices. ed to the ordination of the and his sons, saying: This proper thoughts.” others. Be willing to com- The (Yerushalmi 6:24-25) High Priest. animal fats), are prohibited A handful is burned on is the law of the burnt-offering: It promise on your demands Yoma 1:1) comments on this The Talmud (Yerushalmi is the burnt-offering that stays on of how things should be. verse that we learn that only Yevomot 8:3) explains that to be eaten. the altar and a kohen eats An Arrogant Laws for the flame, on the altar, all night Person While you need not always one High Priest is anointed they were offered in the Aharon and his sons are the remainder before it until the morning, and the fire of he Torah states, “This give in to others, when you at a time, not two. The Tal- same place in the Sanctuary Cohanim granted the breast and becomes leaven. n the next chapters the the Altar should be kept aflame is the law of the burnt take someone else’s needs mud cites Rabbi Yochanan to save from embarrassment laws given concern pri- into consideration, you gain shank of every korban TheParasha describes the on it.” (Leviticus 6:8) Accord- offering.” (Leviticus who explains that this is to those people bringing a kor- marily the Cohanim ing to the Jewish tradition the 6:9). The verse can alter- spiritually more than you prevent animosity. ban, an offering, to atone for shelamim. special korbanot to be of- (Priests) who are in charge T would have by demanding I Olah atoned for sins commit- nately be read as: “This is the Rabbi Zelig Pliskin ex- their wrongdoings; anyone The inauguration ceremony fered by the Kohen Gadol of the offerings korbanot( ). ted through “thoughts.” Most principle of the arrogant per- that only your wishes should plains that the essence of witnessing the event could (high priest) each day, These instructions start with people commonly think that son” (the one who looks upon be met. the High Priest is the attri- assume that the korban was for Aharon, his sons, the and by Aharon’s sons and the laws pertaining to the thoughts won’t hurt anybody. himself as — in the Hebrew, bute of peace. Aharon, the brought as a donation and Mishkan and all of its ves- night, which is the time when future descendants on the So one can think anything as ha’olah (an exalted person.) The Table an first High Priest, was re- not necessarily as an atone- sels is detailed. the Sanctuary is entrusted long his thoughts don’t enter The arrogant person constant- Altar nowned as a lover and pur- ment for a transgression. day of their inauguration. exclusively to the priests and the realm of deeds. ly demands “This” He wants he Torah states: suer of peace. We must be very careful Thechatat , (korban) closed to the rest of the na- However, according to the To- things to be done his way, im- “And the remainder The High Priest must not to cause someone em- brought after an accidental tion. However the night time rah and Yeshua HaMashiach, mediately and without consid- of the offering shall unite the entire nation. If barrassment or discomfort one is responsible and account- transgression, is described, of human life is not distant eration of the needs of others. beT eaten by Aaron and his there would be animosity in because of past misdeeds. 2 3 Haftara Overview ““Speak to Aaron and his sons, say- ing, This is the law of the sin offer- fields to conquerors” (Jer- Jeremiah 7:21-9:23 ing. In the place where the burnt emiah 8:10). -d speaks to the offering is killed shall the sin offer- The Almighty contin- prophet Jeremiah ing be killed before the LORD; it is ues his reproaches towards just before the de- most holy.” (Leviticus 6:25) Israel, “Oppression upon struction of Jerusalem, say- oppression, deceit upon de- Ging to the people of Israel Apostolic Writings — Romans 12:9-15 ceit! They refuse to know that he prefers obedience me, says the L-RD” (Jer- rather sacrifice: “Thus says Thanksgiving and did not thank him. He was served. But G-d’s plan could ne of the sacri- parts, two tables. While on less one. Three times I was emiah 9:6). the L-RD of hosts, the G-d Offering then given a small measure of have been equally fulfilled if the fice offered by the the first table the command- beaten with rods. Once I The consequences are of Israel: Add your burnt ne of the sacrifices unconsecrated grain, and he fourth son born to Leah had priests in the text ments one to four were writ- was stoned. Three times I clear, here is what the L-rd offerings to your sacrifices, was the Korban thanked the donor. Said the been born to any of her sisters. Oof the parasha is the shela- ten about our relationships was shipwrecked; a night declared about Jerusalem and eat the flesh. For in Toda (Thanksgiving first individual to the Kohen: Thus Leah felt his birth was to- mim, sacrifice of well-being with G-d, illustrating the and a day I was adrift at and Judah, “I will the day that I brought your offering).O “If he shall offer it “I gave you a large amount, tally unearned, and required the or peace, the word shelamim commandment: “You shall sea; on frequent journeys, in make Jerusalem a heap of ancestors out of the land of for a thanksgiving offering, and you did not thank me; he full measure of gratitude. come from the same root as love the L-rd your G-d with danger from rivers, danger ruins, a lair of jackals; and Egypt, I did not speak to then shall he offer unleav- gave you a very small amount Since the coming of the shalom. It is important for all your heart and with all from robbers, danger from I will make the towns of them or command them ened loaves mixed with oil, and you thanked him. [Why?]” Mashiach who fulfilled the G-d that His children feel your soul and with all your my own people, danger from Judah a desolation, with- concerning burnt offer- unleavened wafers smeared The Kohen replied: “You gave commandment of sacrifices by well and in peace. might.” (Deuteronomy 6:5). , danger in the city, out inhabitant.” (Jeremiah ings and sacrifices. But this with oil, and loaves of scalded me what rightfully belonged to being (himself) sacrificed in Je- To get this peace, the Then the commandments danger in the wilderness, 9:11). believer should go to the command I gave them, fine flour mixed with oil...” me, so I saw no reason to thank rusalem and since the destruc- five to ten were written on danger at sea, danger from It is difficult to be the you. He gave me what belonged tion of the Temple, nobody temple and ask G-d to give the second table to define ‘Obey my voice, and I will (Leviticus 7:12) The Talmud false brothers;” (2 Corinthi- people of G-d, it gives (Berachot 7b) relates that to him and upon which I had no longer offered sacrifices. it to him. In the second part our relationships with oth- ans 11:23–26). Therefore the be your G-d, and you shall them responsibilities, they from the day G-d created the no claim. Therefore I thanked Instead, Rabbi Yéhouda said of the Bible Yeshua is the ers illustrating the com- advice to love one another be my people; and walk are accountable for their world, no one thanked Him him.” (Bereishis Rabba 71:4). In on behalf of Rav, four group f one who gives this peace, mandment: “You shall love was very strong in his writ- only in the way that I com- actions, and because of until Leah thanked Him for the Bible time, the Korban Toda people have to recite a prayer at various occasions Yeshua your neighbor as yourself” ings. When Shaul wrote mand you, so that it may be their disobediences the the birth of her fourth son was offered by an individual to of thanksgiving to G-d called healed or blessed people and (Leviticus 19:18). this portion of his letter to well with you.’” (Jeremiah punishment is terrible, “I Yehudah. At first glance, this express gratitude and thanks to HaGomel if someone is 1) freed said to them: “Your faith The Jewish tradition said the believers who were liv- 7:21-23). will scatter them among defies understanding. Didn’t G-d. from prison, 2) recovers from a has saved you; go in peace” that if the Temple was de- ing in Rome, he said: “Let nations that neither they G-d’s appreciation of Is- Adam, , , Thanksgiving is a recognition serious illness, 3) travels over the (Luke 7:50). stroyed two thousand years love be genuine; hate what nor their ancestors have rael is strong “Yet they did Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, of receiving something unde- ocean, 4) or the desert (Tractate Reading the Haftara of this ago, it is because of hatred is evil, hold fast to what is known; and I will send the not obey or incline their ear and Rachel have countless served and feeling indebted to Shabbath 54b). This blessing is week, especially Jeremiah’s and lack of love for one an- good; love one another with … For the people of Judah reasons and opportunities to repay the giver with gratitude. usually recited at the end of the invective to Israel we under- other. It is interesting to mutual affection; outdo one sword after them, until I have done evil in my sight” thank G-d? And why didn’t The more one feels that the on Shabbat. stand why it was difficult for study the story of Israel and another in showing honor. have consumed them” (Jer- (Jeremiah 7:24; 30). Leah herself thank G-d for bounty received was indeed In fact thanksgiving prayer is Israel to get or to feel this what the Rabbis and Jew- (Romans 12:9-10) emiah 9:16). Israel is full of illusion, her first three children? The earned or deserved, the less a basic attitude in Judaism Each peace. However, after read- ish scholars says about vari- He even adds “Contribute What about us today? it they don’t see their exact matriarchs knew that Jacob necessary the show of gratitude. day (except for Shabbat and ing what G-d reproached to ous period of G-d’s people to the needs of the saints; ex- is good to read what hap- spiritual situation: How would have twelve sons, and A laborer does not owe his boss holidays) during the morning his people, it is time to look at history, we learn a lot, and tend hospitality to strangers. pened three thousand years can you say, “We are wise, each one of the four matri- a thank-you for paying him his prayers, recite “A Psalm our own actions and to evalu- it helps us not to renew the Bless those who persecute ago but only if we receive and the law of the L-RD archs expected three sons. previously agreed-upon wages, of Thanksgiving” (Psalm 100). ate our own situation. Are we same mistakes. Rabbi Shaul you; bless and do not curse the lessons that the L-rd is with us,” when, in fact, Therefore, when Leah had but for an unexpected bonus a It reminds them to appreciate in peace with G-d? knew exactly what was the them. Rejoice with those wanted to give us for to- the false pen of the scribes her fourth son, she thanked thank-you is appropriate. the many miracles which G-d A commitment to the situation of his loving broth- who rejoice, weep with those day. Are we faithful to our has made it into a lie?” (Jer- G-d, for she had received From the time the world was performs for them daily. They L-rd has two components ers according to the flesh, he who weep.” (Rom. 12:14- covenant and our commit- emiah 8:8) more than her portion. It created, no one ever felt that the are day-to-day and minute- a vertical one, relationship himself suffered this lack 15). Shaul invites us to love, ment? It is a question for That’s why G-d allows is also explained that way: bounty given to them by G-d to-minute miracles, many of between G-d and his peo- of brotherhood love, as he to hold what is good, to have each one of us. Babylon to come and to Rabbi Berachiah said in the was totally undeserved. Even which we do not even notice, ple and a horizontal one, wrote to the Corinthians: affection for one another punish Israel for her sins name of Rabbi Levi, “This the greatest people thought that for they are concealed in what which relates to others. It is “with countless beatings, etc… it is the only way to “Therefore I will give their can be compared to a Kohen what was given to them was part we call “nature.” But in truth, certainly one of the reasons and often near death. Five enjoy peace with our breth- wives to others and their who was given a large amount of G-d’s plan for the world, and “nature” itself is one of the that the Ten Command- times I received at the hands ren and to get peace in our of by one individual therefore not completely unde- greatest miracles of all. ments can be divided in two of the Jews the forty lashes heart. 4 5 Stories and Traditions Kids Parasha Tzav Carrying out related expenses. As the man calf and ate them both.” The in need was a scholar, so the case was deliberated and the wAx Garbage treasurer, a very compassion- parable told by Rabbi verdict came back, “Not guilty! Mordecai Kamenetz- ate person, gave him more It killed because it was hungry Inspirational ky An aspiring young than the normal amount. and that is the way of a wolf.” At the next board of directors One after the other each ani- Corner scholar once came to the home v A meeting, the members angrily mal came forward relating After the dedi- of the Rosh Yeshiva (Rabbini- cal school director) to discuss berated the treasurer for giving of their killing and maiming cation of the tab- what the young man held to so much. Some even demand- people and animals and each ernacle, the priests be a serious problem. His ed that he be removed from his was found not guilty. wife, busy with the important position. Rabbi Bunim, who The last to come forward with were consecrated to task of raising a family had couldn’t stand the anger ex- its confession was a little lamb. their sacred office. often chided him for not tak- pressed against the wonderful It got up and said, “My L-rd, ing out the garbage. “Rebbe,” treasurer, said, “My friends, king of the animals, I have the These services oc- complained the Young man before you make any decision, following confession to make. cupied seven days, I want to tell you a story.” “It is below my dignity to be Once on a bitter cold night, my each marked by carrying out garbage, when Once a plague broke out in master had pity on me and took Inspirational people look at me as a future the forest and thousands of me into the house for the night. special ceremonies. Rosh Yeshiva.” animals died. The animals That night, while my master was On the eight day Corner The elderly sage nodded quiet- gathered to see what could asleep, I saw that the holes of be done to stop the plague. ly, his expression showed deep his shoes were filled with straw. they entered upon “The plague must be the result concern. “I will deal with this I was very hungry and couldn’t their ministration. v The L-rd had of a sin committed by one of issue tomorrow.” The next day, resist the temptation. I pulled us. We must find and pun- Assisted by his sons, conferred upon the not long after the young cou- the straw from the shoes and ish the sinner, so the plague ple had finished dinner, there ate it. The next day, my master Aaron offered the family of Aaron the would stop!” The lion, king of was a knock on the door. The had to walk with those shoes the animals, called together a sacrifices that G-d office of the priest- couple was startled to see the through the puddles and got his panel of friends to act as judg- hood, and had ho- sage standing in the threshold feet wet. I confess and feel ter- required, and he of their apartment. What he es and every animal of the for- ribly sorry for what I did.” lifted up his hands nored him with the said to the young mother of est was to come forward and “You wicked animal,” they all the house startled them even confess their sins. and blessed the sacred consecration screamed at the little lamb! more. First, the leopard came and “It is because of your sin that people. All had of high priest. (PP “Being that it is below your made his confession, “My the plague befell us!” They husband’s dignity to remove L-rd, king of the animal, I been done as G-d 426) immediately attacked the lit- the garbage, I have come to was once very hungry, when commanded, and assist you with that task.” I saw a human in the forest. tle lamb as punishment for it’s Leviticus 6:1 - 8:36 horrendous crime. He accepted the There is no small work in the I killed him and ate him.” “If anyone sins and commits a breach of faith against the L-rd by deceiving his service of G-d, that is why The judges debated the case “All of you here are acting just sacrifice, and re- the same as the animal-judg- neighbor in a matter of deposit or security, or through robbery, or if he has oppressed the mitzvah of sweeping the and ruled, “The leopard is not vealed His glory in Altar is introduced with the guilty! He killed only due to es” concluded Rabbi Bunim. his neighboor has found something lost and lied about it, swearing falsely—in any word Tzav and placed next to his hunger pangs and that is “Some of you may be guilty of of all the things that people do and sin thereby— if he has sinned and has realized a remarkable man- the Korban olah. normal for a leopard...” violating the laws against tak- his guilt and will restore what he took by robbery or what he got by oppression or ner; fire came from Next came the wolf, “My L-rd, ing interest. Others may have the deposit that was committed to him or the lost thing that he found or anything Who is Guilty king of the animals, I was false weights. Still others may about which he has sworn falsely, he shall restore it in full and shall add a fifth to it, the L-rd and con- nce, a poor man who once very hungry. I hadn’t had be mistreating your workers. and give it to him to whom it belongs on the day he realizes his guilt. . . . And the sumed the offering was a distinguished a morsel of food all day long. Each person knows his own priest shall make atonement for him before the L-rd, he shall be forgiven for any of faults. Yet, you can only see upon the altar. (PP Torah scholar had to I was about to give up on eat- the things that one may do and thereby become guilty.” (Leviticus 6:2–7) Omarry off his daughter. He ap- ing that day, when I noticed a the sin of the charity director 359) proached the charity treasurer cow and it’s calf grazing in the who distributed a little extra for help with the wedding and field. I killed the mother and to help a poor man!” http://www.bnai-tikkun.org.nz 6 7