Shimush Pesukim
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ECLECTIC TORAH COMPILATIONS PRESENTS SSHHIIMMUUSSHH PPEESSUUKKIIMM A Comprehensive Index to the Liturgical and Ceremonial Usages of Biblical Verses and Passages Second Edition Compiled and © 2013 Reuven Brauner, Raanana, Israel [email protected] Cover Designs in this series by Avromie Brauner - [email protected] SSHHIIMMUUSSHH PEESUUKKIIMM INDEX OF LITURGICAL AND CEREMONIAL USES OF BIBLICAL VERSES AND PASSAGES LINKING TORAH TO TEFILLAH The intention of this work is to provide an extensive index showing where Biblical verses and chapters have been employed throughout Jewish liturgy and ceremonial practices. Beginning with the Scriptural reference the student and scholar can now trace how a verse, phrase, passage or section from the Torah, Prophets and Writings has been used, in whole or part, in our common and not-so-common prayers, public Torah and Haftara readings, and our many other rites and blessings. Our Sages' selection of a particular verse or passage for prayer was surely never random, but was chosen because it was deemed the absolutely most perfect expression of the specific religious and spiritual message or emotion required for that unique time, event, circumstance or ceremony. In this regard, this index should help facilitate a better understanding of their choices by making more evident the greater Biblical context wherein which that particular verse or passage resides. WHAT IS COVERED HEREIN This work covers verses or portions thereof from each of the three daily Prayers, the Shabbos, Yom Tov and Yomim Noraim prayers and the Musafim, verses recited when putting on the Tallis and Tefillin, Seder Korbonos (order of the offerings), Tachanun (including Viduy and Nifilas Appayim), verses said corresponding to the first and last letter of a person's name with alternatives as added to his Amidah as per Sefer Kitzur Hashlah, verses said when the Torah is taken from or returned to the ark, all Public Torah and Haftara readings in accordance with the common Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Yemenite (Teimoni) customs, Shir Shel Yom (Psalm of the Day) including those for the Holidays and other special days in accordance with the custom of the Vilna Gaon (Gra) and as accepted by Ashkenazim in Eretz Yisroel, as well as those found in Dr. Seligmann Baer's Siddur Avodas Yisroel (AY), the Ma'amodos for each day of the week, the Six Zechiros (things a person must always remember), the Ten Commandments, Psalms said on each Sabbath corresponding to that week's Sidra in accordance with Siddur Avodas Yisroel, Birkas Hamozone (Grace after Meals), Eishes 1 SSHHIIMMUUSSHH PEESUUKKIIMM INDEX OF LITURGICAL AND CEREMONIAL USES OF BIBLICAL VERSES AND PASSAGES Chayil, Seudah Shelishis (the third meal on the Sabbath), Pirkei Ovos (mostly fragments), Havdala and verses of blessing said on Motzoei Shabbos, particularly those in the collection beginning with the words Viyiten Lechoh and Ribbon HaOlamim, Kiddush Levonah (blessing of the New Moon), Krias Shema Al Hamitah (at bedtime), Hallel, the Five Megillahs, most of the various Selichos including Viduy, many of the prayers of Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur, Seder Tashlich of Rosh Hashanna, Seder Kapporos before Yom Kippur, Tefilah Zakkah, the Ushpizin of Succos, the Yehi Rotzon before taking the Lulav and Esrog, Seder Hoshannos, Attoh Horaisoh of Simchas Torah, the Pesach/Passover Hagaddah (mostly fragments), Seder Sefiras Ha'omer, Perek Shirah, Seder Hatavas Chalom (order of making good a bad dream), prayers said on Yom Kippur Koton, Seder Bris Miloh (circumcision), Seder Pidyon Haben (redeeming the firstborn son), random blessings upon seeing unusual things, Psalms for the ill in accordance with the Chasam Sofer (CS) and Siddur Sfas Emes [Heidenheim] (SE), Tziduk Hadin, passages customarily said at the cemetery in Eretz Yisroel, and after learning Mishnayos for the deceased, and verses added by some to the traditional Yizkor service. It should be noted that collections of verses are particularly found in prayers known as Hodu, Yehi Kovod, U'voh Letzion, and Viyiten Lechoh. WHAT IS NOT COVERED HEREIN This work does not cover Shabbos and Motzoei Shabbos Zemiros, groupings of verses recited on Motzoei Shabbos including Pisukei Eliyohu Hanovi, verses of Three Words, eleven verses beginning with the letter Nun, ten verses of the Ramban, three verses of Rabbeinu Yehuda Hachosid, seven verses from Isaiah beginning and ending with the letter Chof, prayers from the Zohar, Tikun Chatzos (including Tikun Rochel and Tikun Leah), Shirei Hayichud and many of the Selichos which contain mostly fragments of verses, alternative Psalms for the ill, Psalms recited during a drought, and the plethora of different Piyyutim such as Yotzros, Ofanim, Zulos, Siluk, Krovetz for Purim, Musafim, etc. As a rule, this work also does not include those verses from where a single word or a small handful of words are used in the Tefillah. 2 SSHHIIMMUUSSHH PEESUUKKIIMM INDEX OF LITURGICAL AND CEREMONIAL USES OF BIBLICAL VERSES AND PASSAGES FINAL WORD It was beyond the scope of this current edition to cover all provincial customs which have evolved among Jews over the centuries, many of which are still in current use; although I have attempted to include a great number of variations. Undoubtedly, there are numerous local customs which are absent herein, such as alternatives in Haftara readings as in the Italian and Romanian rites, the variants in Minhag Ashkenaz, particularly the hallowed customs of Frankfurt am Main, the many Sephardic prayers for special occasions such as Chanukas Habayis or Zeved Habas, etc., prayers which have been adopted by all the various Chassidic courts, and so forth. Still, readers are encouraged to inform me of key omissions and errors for future editions which may include the full verses and usages in Hebrew. Finally, in preparing this work, I found it most curious that all the books of Tanach are represented in our liturgy with the singular exception of the book of Nachum. Reuven Brauner Elul 5772 Raanana, Israel Abbreviations : AY = Siddur Avodas Yisroel, Dr. Seligmann Baer, Rodelheim CS = Chassam Sofer SE = Siddur Sfas Emes, Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim, Rodelheim NOTE : A hyphen (-) separating chapters , e.g., Genesis 1:1 – 6:8, indicates that the verses therein are, in fact, used in that order in the liturgy. However, if a hyphen only separates verses , e.g., Genesis 22:16-18 for Selichos, it only means that verses from this group are somewhere used, but not necessarily in same order as they are in Scriptures. Cover page is a map of Rodelheim, Germany, 1800, contemporaneous with the time that R' Wolf Heidenheim, pioneer publisher and exegete of Mahzorim, Siddurim, Pentateuchs and other basic Jewish texts, was establishing his famous printing press at this location. Cover pages in this series have been prepared by Avromie Brauner [email protected] 3 SSHHIIMMUUSSHH PEESUUKKIIMM INDEX OF LITURGICAL AND CEREMONIAL USES OF BIBLICAL VERSES AND PASSAGES CHAPTER/ VERSES WHERE IS IT USED? TORAH בראשית - GENESIS Genesis 1:1 - 6:8 Weekly Torah portion - Bere ishis Genesis 1:1 -13 Mincha, Shabbos , Monday, Thursday Torah reading - Bereishis Genesis 1:1 -5 Ma'amad - Sunday Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 Choson Bereshis on Simchas Torah Genesis 1:6 -8 Ma'amad - Monday Genesis 1:9 -13 Ma'amad - Tuesday Genesis 1:14 -19 Ma'amad - Wednesday Genesis 1:20 -23 Ma'amad - Thursday Genesis 1:24 -31 Ma'amad - Friday Genesis 1:31 – 2:3 Kiddush, Friday night Genesis 2:1 -3 Ma’ariv , Friday night ► Ma'amad - Friday Genesis 6:8 Upon leaving the synagogue Genesis 6:9 - 11:32 Weekly Torah portion - Noach Genesis 6:9 -22 Mincha, Shabbos , Monday, Thursday Torah Reading - Noach Genesis 8:1 Musaf Rosh Hashanna Genesis 9:6 Pirkei Ovos 3:18, Shabbos afternoon Genesis 12:1 - 17:27 Weekly Torah portion – Lech Lechoh Genesis 12:1 -13 Mincha, Shabbos , Monday, Thursday Torah reading – Lech Lechoh Genesis 14:19 Pirkei Ovos 6:10, Shabbos afternoon Genesis 15:13 -14 Pesach Haggadah Genesis 17:1 Seder Bris Miloh Genesis 18:1 - 22:24 Weekly Torah portion – Vayeroh Genesis 18:1 -14 Mincha, Shabbos , Monday, Thursday Torah reading - Vayeroh Genesis 18:25 Selichos 1 Genesis 21:4 Seder Bris Miloh – Krias Hashem (naming the baby) Genesis 21:1 -34 Torah reading for 1st day of Rosh Hashanna 1 Verses in the various Selichos are often truncated, fragmentized and modified: typically the first-person original has been converted into the plural form (I to we). 4 SSHHIIMMUUSSHH PEESUUKKIIMM INDEX OF LITURGICAL AND CEREMONIAL USES OF BIBLICAL VERSES AND PASSAGES CHAPTER/ VERSES WHERE IS IT USED? Genesis 22:1 -24 Torah reading for 2nd day of Rosh Hashanna Genesis 22:1 -19 Parshas Akeidoh : Birchos Hashachar, Shacharis ► Ma'modos - everyday Genesis 22: 16 -18 Selichos Genesi s 23:1 - 25:18 Weekly Torah portion – Chayyei S oro h Genesis 23:1 -16 Mincha, Shabbos , Monday, Thursday Torah reading – Chayyei Soroh Genesis 24:1 After Hallel Genesis 25:19 - 28:9 Weekly Torah portion – Toldos Genesis 25:19 - 26:5 Mincha, Shabbos , Monday, Thursday Torah reading – Toldos Genesis 27:28 -29 Motzoei Shabbos - Viyiten Lechoh 2 Genesis 28:3 -4 Motzoei Shabbos - Viyiten Lechoh Genesis 28:10 - 32:3 Weekly Torah portion – Vayeitzei Genesis 28:10 -22 Mincha, Shabbos , Monday, Thursday Torah reading – Vayeitzei Genesis 32: 2 Tefi llas Haderech (pray er for the traveler) Genesis 32:4 - 36:43 Weekly Torah portion – Vayishlach Genesis 32:4 -13 Mincha, Shabbos , Monday, Thursday Torah reading – Vayishlach Genesis 35:5 Tefilas Haderech Genesis 37:1 - 40:23 Weekly Torah portion