July-SeptemberSeptember-December 2014 2007 5768 5774 -5767 Dear Gabbai hddee xxyy aaeeh iidd aa zz r i by Ira Rabin i r iy p i y i p i r r e c e c xyanlewxyanlew Dear Gabbai, I often get confused as to when we say things in Shabbat davening like “Av Hara- chamim,” “Tzidkatcha Tzedek” (at Shab- KK MM SS KolMevaSerKolMevaSer bat Mincha) and Vi’hi Noam on Saturday THE NEWSLETTER OF KEMP MILL SYNAGOGUE night. Is there is an easy way to remember? A PUBLICATION OF THE KEMP MILL SYNAGOGUE Confused Congregant Dear CC, These prayers are the source of much “Hineini”: The First Annual confusion for gabbaim as well as con- gregants. Though not 100% straightfor- Gordon Lederman z"l ward, there are some ways to keep track of when these are omitted. Memorial Chesed Weekend 1) Vi’hi Noam: This is probably the by Lisa Schopf, Aviva Janus, and Fran Kritz simplest of those you mention. At Ma’ariv on Motzei Shab- n May 31 and June 1, 2014, with Gordon’s wife, Lisa, his children, bat Vi’hi Noam is said every KMS members and the greater Mitchell, Kyle, and Morgan, and his week after the Amidah unless Ocommunity came together for parents, David and Naomi, for a special there is a work-prohibiting holi- the fi rst annual Gordon Lederman z”l lunch to kick off the Chesed Weekend. day (Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot, Memorial Chesed Weekend. Gordon, Participants heard from a number of Shemini Atzeret, Rosh Hasha- who passed away last year, left behind inspirational speakers about many nah, Yom Kippur) during the a legacy of engaging in acts of chesed, different opportunities to do chesed in upcoming week, not including or lovingkindness.
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