nZZ – for cost-effective fi nancial market advertising

2010 target groups, offers and prices for clients outside 2 Contents

Page 3 NZZ – Your number 1 choice for financial market advertising Page 4 Added value for financial market advertisers Page 12 Overview of services for the financial sector in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” Page 16 Overview of services for the financial sector in “NZZ am Sonntag” Page 20 Overview of services for the financial sector in NZZ BusinessCombi Page 24 Overview of services for the financial sector on NZZ Online Page 31 Crossmedia Page 32 Contact

All prices are in Swiss francs, gross, and apply to customers outside Switzerland. The terms and conditions of NZZ and “NZZ am Sonntag” and/or the NZZ Online rate apply. NZZ – Your number 1 choice for fi nancial market advertising

Advertise in the leading All fi nancial market advertisements in NZZ now also appear 3 business media on nZZ Online

“Neue Zürcher Zeitung” is Switzerland’s A large number of statutory and commer- conducted by company name, ISIN/ leading daily business paper. Together with cial fi nancial advertisements appear daily security, publication date or a number of “NZZ am Sonntag” and NZZ Online, its in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. This information other categories. Online fi nancial market editorial services provide blanket coverage is highly relevant and sometimes of great advertisements make such information of the three target groups – banks, institu- legal signifi cance to readers and market easily accessible for other purposes – tional investors and private investors. This observers alike. such as printouts, links to other sites or is its unique selling point over competing e-mail forwarding. All fi nancial market advertisements products and makes the NZZ portfolio an published in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” are This means that you, as a fi nancial sector extremely attractive option for cost-effec- archived and available free of charge advertiser, gain added value for any tive fi nancial market advertising. to users of NZZ Online. Searches may be advertisements placed in “Neue Zürcher This brochure is designed to give you an Zeitung” at no extra cost. overview and also provide detailed infor- mation about all the options and rates for successful fi nancial market advertising in NZZ media. Free publication of fi nancial market advertisements on nZZ online added value for fi nancial market advertisers

4 The most important - iMPOrtant BUsinEss rEaDinG in GErMan-rEaDinG sWitZErlanD

papers for the workplace Title Positive responses 39.7% Neue Zürcher Zeitung “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” is by far the most 32.2% important work-related newspaper in 24.6% German-speaking Switzerland. It is the tages-anzeiger 23.1% most widely read by opinion leaders 19.4% and top executives. handelszeitung 12.5%

17.1% Finanz und Wirtschaft 11.9%

15.8% NZZ am Sonntag 13.5%

13.6% sonntags-Zeitung 11.6%

12.8% 8.6%

9.6% 9.9%

6.9% 6.5%

4.9% 4.3% top leaders

Source: MA Leader 2009, German-speaking Switzerland (basis: 80,000 top leaders, 233,000 leaders). leaders

With our advertising combination iMPOrtant BUsinEss rEaDinG in FrEnCh-sPEaKinG sWitZErlanD NZZ BusinessCombi, we can offer you sound coverage in French-speaking Title Positive responses 41.5% Switzerland. This is because our partner Le Temps newspaper “Le Temps” is also the most 34.5% widely consulted by opinion leaders 28.2% Bilan and top executives in French-speaking 22.3%

areas of the country. 19.9% L’Agefi 12.6%

17.8% PME Magazine 16.0%

14.3% L’Hebdo 18.3%

13.3% 24 heures 14.3%

10.9% Tribune de Genève 11.3%

8.5% Neue Zürcher Zeitung 5.6%

6.1% Private Banking 3.5% top leaders

Source: MA Leader 2009, French-speaking Switzerland (basis: 23,000 top leaders, 69,000 leaders). leaders Added value for fi nancial market advertisers

top earners consult COMParativE rEaCh, rEaDErshiP anD aFFinitY 5

NZZ media Title Reach Readership Affi nity Neue Zürcher Zeitung 46.5% 19,000 169 When you advertise in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and “NZZ am Sonntag” you gain NZZ am Sonntag 46.4% 19,000 140 exposure to a target group with above- sonntags-Zeitung 44.3% 18,000 116 average purchasing power. This is because tages-anzeiger 34.4% 14,000 111 both papers are most likely to be read by people with annual gross incomes of more Bilanz 31.4% 13,000 168 than 180,000 francs. handelszeitung 28.6% 11,000 169

Weltwoche 27.4% 11,000 121

Finanz und Wirtschaft 22.0% 9,000 196

Berner Zeitung 12.7% 5,000 79

Basler Zeitung 6.3% 3,000 85

Source: MA Leader 2009, German-speaking Switzerland (basis: people with personal gross income over 180,000 francs, 40,000 people).

You can reach this target group cost- COMParativE COst PEr thOUsanD effectively with our attractive rates, as this cost per thousand comparison shows. Title Cost per thousand readers in Swiss francs Neue Zürcher Zeitung 936.60

NZZ am Sonntag 1,123.10

handelszeitung 1,184.40

Bilanz 1,187.25

Weltwoche 1,400.35

Finanz und Wirtschaft 1,483.20

sonntags-Zeitung 1,522.35

tages-anzeiger 1,642.05

Berner Zeitung 5,204.00

Basler Zeitung 6,339.05

Source: MA Leader 2009, German-speaking Switzerland (basis: people with personal gross income over 180,000 francs, 40,000 people). Added value for fi nancial market advertisers

6 nZZ readers are interested COMParativE rEaCh, rEaDErshiP anD aFFinitY

in private investments Title Reach Readership Affi nity and investment strategies Neue Zürcher Zeitung 51.7% 14,000 188

NZZ am Sonntag 50.3% 13,000 152 Placing advertisements in both papers allows you to pinpoint and address sonntags-Zeitung 44.7% 12,000 117 your target group cost-effectively in the Bilanz 38.1% 10,000 204 lucrative fi nancial markets. tages-anzeiger 35.4% 9,000 114

handelszeitung 33.4% 9,000 197

Finanz und Wirtschaft 28.4% 8,000 253

Weltwoche 28.1% 7,000 124

Berner Zeitung 9.9% 3,000 62

Basler Zeitung 6.0% 2,000 81

Source: MA Leader 2009, German-speaking Switzerland (basis: people with strong/fairly strong interest in private investments and investment strategies, with incomes over 180,000 francs, 27,000 people). . What’s more, you also benefi t from our COMParativE COst PEr thOUsanD attractive rates, as confi rmed by the cost per thousand comparison. Title Cost per thousand readers in Swiss francs Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1,263.60

Bilanz 1,471.85

handelszeitung 1,518.35

NZZ am Sonntag 1,554.00

Finanz und Wirtschaft 1,728.75

Weltwoche 2,050.10

sonntags-Zeitung 2,269.10

tages-anzeiger 2,397.95

Berner Zeitung 9,997.60

Basler Zeitung 10,065.35

Source: MA Leader 2009, German-speaking Switzerland (basis: people with strong/fairly strong interest in private investments and investment strategies, with incomes over 180,000 francs, 27,000 people). Added value for fi nancial market advertisers

The newspapers preferred COMParativE rEaCh 7 by decision makers Title Reach NZZ am Sonntag 48.5% Decision makers in executive manage- ment, or fi nance, equity and investment Neue Zürcher Zeitung 47.1% fi rms are most likely to read “Neue sonntags-Zeitung 46.3% Zürcher Zeitung” and “NZZ am Sonntag”. tages-anzeiger 35.8%

handelszeitung 30.3%

Weltwoche 30.1%

Finanz und Wirtschaft 23.7%

Source: MA Leader 2009, German-speaking Switzerland (basis: sole or joint decision makers in executive management or fi nance, equity and investment fi rms with incomes over 180,000 francs, 27,000 people).

Benefi t from our extremely attractive COMParativE COst PEr thOUsanD offers and reach the decision makers at favourable rates. Title Cost per thousand readers in Swiss francs Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1,377.60

NZZ am Sonntag 1,601.35

handelszeitung 1,665.90

Die Weltwoche 1,898.60

Finanz und Wirtschaft 2,055.15

sonntags-Zeitung 2,171.60

tages-anzeiger 2,351.10

Source: MA Leader 2009, German-speaking Switzerland (basis: sole or joint decision makers in executive management or fi nance, equity and investment fi rms with incomes over 180,000 francs, 27,000 people).

Widely consulted rEaDinG haBits OF GErMan BUsinEss lEaDErs outside switzerland Title Ranked by reach AR AR1 in 1,000 AR in % WR 2 in 1,000 WR in % “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” is also highly Overall 2,396 100 2,396 100 regarded by German business leaders. Financial Times 106 4.4 357 14.9 Neue Zürcher Zeitung 74 3.1 290 12.1 Time 65 2.7 286 11.9 Wall Street Journal Europe 59 2.4 183 7.6 International Herald Tribune 40 1.7 163 6.8 Die Weltwoche 36 1.5 108 4.5 Newsweek International 35 1.4 171 7.1 USA Today 35 1.4 192 8.0 The Economist 33 1.4 123 5.2 Business Week 32 1.3 136 5.7 Forbes 31 1.3 137 5.7 Le Figaro 24 1.0 97 4.1 Fortune 15 0.6 56 2.3 L’Express 14 0.6 50 2.1

Source: LAE 2009 (reader analysis of decision makers in business and administration 2009). 1AR = average readership (people who read “every/almost every” or “about every second” or “about every third or fourth issue” of the title in question). 2WR = widest readership (people who read “every/almost every” or “about every second” or “about every third or fourth issue” of the title in question, or who read it “less frequently”) (not identical with WR used in Switzerland). Added value for fi nancial market advertisers


Which editorial team in your opinion does the best job overall? In February 2008, when “Schweizer Jour- nalist” and “news aktuell” asked commu- Title Rating nication professionals in the top 200 Neue Zürcher Zeitung 5.5 companies of Switzerland to rank the edi- Finanz und Wirtschaft 5.4 torial work of key Swiss business papers, NZZ am Sonntag 4.9 “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” was the undis- reuters 4.8 puted favourite. sDa 4.8 “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” is not only Drs 4.7 compulsory reading for communication handelszeitung 4.7 professionals – it is the opinion leader. aWP 4.6 Bilanz 4.4 tages-anzeiger 4.3 sonntag 4.1 sonntags-Zeitung 4.1 sF 4.1 Stocks 3.9 Cash daily 3.9 Weltwoche 3.7 Sonntags- 3.5 Blick 3.2

Source: “Schweizer Journalist” and “news aktuell”, February 2008.


In which media does publication of information about your company have the greatest impact?*

Title Rating Neue Zürcher Zeitung 5.3 sDa 4.9 tages-anzeiger 4.8 sF 4.8 NZZ am Sonntag 4.7 handelszeitung 4.6 sonntags-Zeitung 4.6 Finanz und Wirtschaft 4.6 Drs 4.5 reuters 4.3 aWP 4.3 Blick 3.9 Bilanz 3.7 Sonntags-Blick 3.7 Cash daily 3.6 sonntag 3.5 Weltwoche 2.9 *The full question was: “In which media does publication of information about your company and Stocks 2.5

your sector have the greatest impact/consequences Source: “Schweizer Journalist” and “news aktuell”, February 2008. (positive and negative)?” Added value for fi nancial market advertisers

rElEvanCE tO sECtOr 9

Which business media/business section is especially relevant to your sector? Title Rating Neue Zürcher Zeitung 5.4 handelszeitung 4.9 sDa 4.9 Finanz und Wirtschaft 4.7 reuters 4.7 NZZ am Sonntag 4.6 tages-anzeiger 4.6 aWP 4.4 sonntags-Zeitung 4.4 sF 4.1 Drs 4.1 Cash daily 3.8 Bilanz 3.7 sonntag 3.5 Sonntags-Blick 3.2 Stocks 2.8 Blick 2.8 Weltwoche 2.8

Source: “Schweizer Journalist” and “news aktuell”.


Journalists of which medium/business editorial team understand your business?*

Title Rating Neue Zürcher Zeitung 5.6 Finanz und Wirtschaft 5.4 NZZ am Sonntag 4.9 reuters 4.9 handelszeitung 4.8 sDa 4.7 Drs 4.6 aWP 4.6 tages-anzeiger 4.4 Bilanz 4.4 sF 4.3 sonntag 4.2 Stocks 4.0 sonntags-Zeitung 3.9 Weltwoche 3.9 Cash daily 3.7 Sonntags-Blick 3.4

Blick 3.3 *The full question was: “Journalists of which medium/

Source: “Schweizer Journalist” and “news aktuell”. business editorial team understand your business and write with care and attention to detail?” Added value for fi nancial market advertisers

10 Preferred source of information nEWsPaPErs anD MaGaZinEs as inFOrMatiOn sOUrCE FOr thE sWiss BanKinG sECtOr for shareholders BY aGE GrOUP (MUltiPlE rEsPOnsEs POssiBlE) Title Total Total Respondents by age groups in % “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” is ranked number 2008 2006 18–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–74 one, and 28% of Swiss investors use it as Neue Zürcher Zeitung 28.1 28.5 25.5 30.3 30.9 31.8 20.5 a source of information. Tages-Anzeiger 22.0 26.0 25.5 15.1 24.3 25.8 20.5 Finanz und Wirtschaft 13.0 10.9 <1 12.6 13.2 20.6 8.2 Cash daily 10.6 12.8 25.5 12.6 5.9 13.9 6.2 Handelszeitung 7.8 4.2 <1 17.7 2.2 6.7 8.2 Le Temps 5.7 5.3 <1 5.3 9.2 4.1 5.7 Stocks 5.1 4.2 <1 12.6 4.4 4.0 2.1 Bilanz 4.8 5.9 <1 2.5 6.6 6.7 4.1 Sonntags-Zeitung 4.1 7.2 8.5 2.5 <1 7.9 4.1 20min 4.1 2.9 <1 5.0 6.6 2.0 4.1 Financial Times 3.6 4.4 <1 4.3 3.7 4.0 3.5 24 heures 3.4 3.5 <1 <1 3.1 6.2 4.3 Newspapers and magazines with 1–3%: Heute, News, .ch, , Wall Street Journal, Blick, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Le Matin édition de la semaine, Tribune de Genève, Sonntags-Blick, Time, Beobachter, NZZ am Sonntag, L’Agefi , Le Monde

Source: “Equity Ownership in Switzerland 2008”, Swiss Banking Institute of the University of Zurich (Theodoro D. Cocca, Rudolf Volkart, Stefan Schmid).

Preferred source of information Print MEDia as an inFOrMatiOn sOUrCE BY hOlDEr GrOUP for structured products All data shown as percentages (%) Title Total Holders Ex-holders Non-holders to date Holders and ex-holders of structured Neue Zürcher Zeitung 32.6 41.6 44.1 20.6 products regard “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” as Tages-Anzeiger 22.0 20.1 14.0 27.0 Finanz und Wirtschaft 12.9 21.4 14.0 5.9 their preferred print medium. Cash daily 10.2 13.6 14.0 5.9 Handelszeitung 6.0 11.0 8.6 1.0 Stocks 4.3 7.8 4.3 2.0 NZZ am Sonntag 4.2 4.5 4.3 3.9 Payoff-Magazin 0.6 2.2 0.0 0.0 Other print media 58.5 55.8 57.0 61.3

Source: Swiss Banking Institute of the University of Zurich, study of structured products in Switzerland 2008. Added value for fi nancial market advertisers

nZZ Online users nZZ OnlinE UsErs (in %) Number 11

NZZ Online is also preferred by those with Men higher education and higher incomes. nZZ Online 62.7 406,000 people In the second quarter of 2009, NZZ Online Women succeeded in increasing its number of nZZ Online 37.3 242,000 people unique users compared with its Net- Metrix-Profi le 2008-2 by 4.7% or from Source: Net-Metrix-Profi le 2009-2, all Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein (UUpM). 618,000 to 647,000.

rEaCh PEr Main CatEGOriEs (in %) Number

20 to 29 years of age Overall 18.3 nZZ Online 20.4 132,000 people

30 to 39 years of age Overall 23.7 nZZ Online 26.1 169,000 people

40 to 49 years of age Overall 19.9 nZZ Online 19.1 124,000 people

50 to 59 years of age Overall 15.8 nZZ Online 14.7 95,000 people

Higher education Overall 38.9 nZZ Online 56.3 365,000 people

University Overall 18.2 nZZ Online 32.7 212,000 people

Management level Overall 3.1 nZZ Online 5.3 34,000 people

Monthly gross income over Fr. 10,000.– Overall 17.1 nZZ Online 27.2 176,000 people

Source: Net-Metrix-Profi le 2009-2, all Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein (UUpM). Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”

12 section overview

1st section 2nd section 3rd section International Business (nZZ international, Features Switzerland 1st section) Radio/TV Zurich and Region Stock Exchanges and Markets Weather Zurich Culture Investment Funds (published Special Topics Opinion & Debate tue–sat) Miscellaneous Sport (back page) Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”

range of editorial services Media data 13

“Neue Zürcher Zeitung” provides extensive Stock Exchanges and Markets section Print run and factual reporting of the events of the The same team that writes for the Business Total 139’732 copies day along with backgrounders on busi- section also reports on the fi nancial mar- Switzerland 125’228 copies ness, stock exchanges and fi nancial mar- kets. Their reports appear in the Stock Ex- Outside Switzerland 14’504 copies kets both in and beyond Switzerland. Our change section on the “Stock Exchanges readers journalism is noted for its sophisticated and Markets” pages and are just as German-speaking style, objective analysis and intelligent strongly focused on the share and bond Switzerland 306’000 Readers commentary. markets and on derivative products as they are on developments in the raw ma- Reach Business section terials and foreign exchange markets. Daily German-speaking Our business section provides extensive updates are complemented by a variety Switzerland 7.1% reporting of all aspects of business life. of special supplements and by the weekly Over 15 editors and almost as many cor- page “Money and Investments”. A range of respondents – exclusive to NZZ – describe, columns, from the “Eurobond Report” on analyse and provide commentary on all Monday and “Wall Street Notices” on that happens in business and economic Tuesday, to “Funds of Hedge Funds” on policy. The focus is not only on facts and Wednesday, and Saturday’s weekly review fi gures, but also on the decision makers of the Swiss share market, shed light on themselves, along with their strategies the happenings of the various markets. and motives. A variety of daily refl ections This wealth of information is complemented or weekly articles such as and “Focus on by daily market commentaries and de- Business” (Tuesday to Saturday), along tailed information about exchange rates with the traditional Saturday editorial, in markets like Zurich, New York, London, provide in-depth analysis of current af- Tokyo, Frankfurt and Chicago. fairs.

Special supplements 2010

Financial Year 2009 Investment Funds Asset Management Derivative Products 5 January 3 February 16 June 25 August Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”

14 Advertising rates – fi nancial sector

Recommendations and classifi eds

total edition Fixed formats b/w colour 2/1 pages 43,160.– 56,550.– 1/1 page 21,580.– 28,280.– 1/2 page 10,800.– 16,690.– 1/4 page 5,400.– 8,550.– 1/8 page 2,695.– 4,275.– Millimetre rates b/w colour Up to 400 mm 5.01 7.82 401 mm or more 5.49 7.82

Text-adjacent advertisements

total edition Fixed formats b/w colour 2/2 pages1 28,320.– 35,640.– 2/4 pages2 14,160.– 20,540.– 1/2 page 14,160.– 17,820.– 1/4 page (291×108 mm) 7,070.– 10,270.– Fixed formats Business/Stock Exchanges b/w colour 1/2 page 18,210.– 21,580.– 1/4 page (291×108 mm) 9,080.– 12,150.– Millimetre rates b/w colour Standard (min. height = 60 mm, 1st section = 80 mm) 6.69 9.47 Business/Stock Exchanges (min. height = 80 mm) 8.57 11.40

1Half-page panorama advertisement 2Quarter-page panorama advertisement Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”

Advertising rates – fi nancial sector 15

Financial advertisements total edition Millimetre rates b/w colour Annual general meetings, dividend, coupon, fi nancial and statutory notices, issue announcements, capital market information, listings 5.01 6.62

Advertisements total edition Millimetre rates section column min. height max. height b/w publication Business 2nd section 54 mm 80 mm 35.69 Mon–Sat Lead item Stock Exchanges and Markets1 2nd section 54 mm 80 mm 100 mm 35.69 Tue–Sat Stock Exchange (centre pages)1 2nd section 54 mm 60 mm 80 mm 28.43 Tue–Sat Stock Exchange pages1 2nd section 54 mm 60 mm 80 mm 23.02 Tue–Sat SIX fund pages1 2nd section 47 mm 30 mm 16.23 Tue–Sat Colour surcharge colour Up to 440 mm 5,580.– 441 mm or more 6,960.–

Special placements

Fixed format recommendations Placement format columns widthheight b/w colour publication First advertisements page, total edition recommendations 10 291×440 mm 31,100.– Mon–Sat Page two recommendations 10 291×108 mm 7,780.– 11,300.– Mon–Sat Weather recommendations 10 291×108 mm 7,070.– 10,270.– Mon–Sat Fixed format advertisements Front page ad 1 54× 76 mm 9,280.– Mon–Sat Weather panel 1 54×100 mm 2,300.– 5,860.– Mon–Sat Fixed format panorama advertisements Centre panorama I ad 4 257×218 mm 25,020.– 29,840.– Mon–Sat Centre panorama II ad 6 375×268 mm 38,610.– 43,050.– Mon–Sat Centere panorama page-high ad 4 257×409 mm 47,770.– 52,210.– Mon–Sat Fixed format monolith advertisements Monolith I Business ad 1 54×409 mm 14,990.– 18,110.– Mon–Sat Monolith II Business centre panorama ad 2 113×409 mm 29,980.– 36,210.– Mon–Sat Fixed format Junior Page advertisements Junior Page Business ad 3 172×236 mm 18,870.– 23,300.– Mon–Sat Junior Page Maxi Business ad 4 231×318 mm 21,240.– 25,670.– Mon–Sat

1Only published in the Swiss edition Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in “NZZ am Sonntag”

16 Overview of sections

1st section 2nd section 3rd section 4th section Topics of the day Background Sport Business

5th section 6th section 7th section 8th section Culture Science Society Style Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in “NZZ am Sonntag”

range of editorial services Media data 17

Once a week, “NZZ am Sonntag” business The investment section also follows this Print run section focuses on major developments in approach – its easily understood, practical Switzerland 128’516 copies the markets, business world, stock ex- articles on all money-related matters are readers change and companies. “NZZ am Sonntag” designed to help readers make informed German-speaking sheds light on the background and broader decisions on their fi nances. Switzerland 492’000 Readers context of events and puts them into The stock exchange page provides a clear perspective. In addition, it highlights key Reach overview of the preceding week’s key fi - issues uncovered by in-house research, German-speaking nancial indicators – share prices, exchange checking behind the scenes and question- Switzerland 11.5% rates, and market trends. ing the motives of the major players. A mainstay of the “NZZ am Sonntag” busi- While Switzerland is the key focus, the ness section is Switzerland’s most popular main overseas markets also come in for business column. Here, Beat Kappeler’s regular analysis. The editors make every hard-hitting, original analysis and thought- effort to ensure that Sunday readers with provoking commentary on current events an interest, but not necessarily a career, add new impetus to the debate. in business issues are able to follow the articles as well as the experts.

Special supplements 2010

Investing and Planning Ahead Derivative Products Investing and Planning Ahead 23 May 17 October 14 November Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in “NZZ am Sonntag”

18 Advertising rates – fi nancial sector

Recommendations and classifi eds

Placement in 1st section Fixed formats b/w colour 2/1 pages 37,780.– 53,740.– 1/1 page 18,890.– 26,870.– 1/2 page 9,440.– 15,990.– 1/4 page 4,735.– 8,150.– 1/8 page 2,365.– 4,140.– Placement in sections 2 to 8 Fixed formats b/w colour 2/1 pages 34,330.– 48,840.– 1/1 page 17,170.– 24,420.– 1/2 page 8,580.– 14,540.– 1/4 page 4,295.– 7,410.– 1/8 page 2,150.– 3,760.– Millimetre rates b/w colour Up to 400 mm 3.97 7.19 401 mm or more 4.31 7.19

Text-adjacent advertisements

Placement in 1st section Fixed formats b/w colour 1/2 page 16,820.– 23,160.– 1/4 page (291×108 mm) 8,400.– 13,350.– Millimetre rates b/w colour Min. height = 80 mm 8.28 12.76 Placement in sections 2 to 8 Fixed formats b/w colour 2/2 pages1 30,580.– 42,090.– 2/4 pages2 15,290.– 24,620.– 1/2 page 15,290.– 21,050.– 1/4 page (291×108 mm) 7,640.– 12,320.– Millimetre rates b/w colour Min. height = 60 mm, Business section = 80 mm 7.51 11.62

1Half-page panorama advertisement 2Quarter-page panorama advertisement Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in “NZZ am Sonntag”

Advertising rates – fi nancial sector 19


Placement in 1st section Millimetre rates b/w Column width = 55 mm Min. height = 80 mm 26.89 Placement in sections 2 to 8 Millimetre rates b/w Column width = 55 mm Min. height = 30 mm Business = 80 mm 24.42 Centre page Millimetre rates b/w Column width = 55 mm Placement in Sport section possible 31.71 Colour surcharges Millimetre rates colour Up to 440 mm 4,780.– 441 mm or more 5,970.–

Special placements

Fixed formats advertisements Format placement format columns widthheight b/w colour Ad panel front front page ad 1 55× 60 mm 10,940.– Centre panorama I 2nd to 8th section ad 6 376×218 mm 32,240.– 38,770.– Centre panorama II 2nd to 8th section ad 6 376×268 mm 39,560.– 45,890.– Centre panorama page-high 2nd to 8th section ad 4 256×420 mm 41,030.– 47,000.– Monolith I 1st section page-high ad 1 55×420 mm 11,570.– 16,000.– Monolith II 1st section page-high ad 2 114×420 mm 23,140.– 28,430.– Monolith I 2nd to 8th section page-high ad 1 55×420 mm 10,490.– 14,980.– Monolith II 2nd to 8th section page-high ad 2 114×420 mm 21,010.– 26,370.– Ad panel Weather page 2nd to 8th section ad 1 42× 38 mm 671.– 1,030.– Ad panel Funds page 2nd to 8th section ad 2 114× 76 mm 2,225.– Junior page 1st section ad 3 173×268 mm 15,650.– 23,210.– Junior page 2nd to 8th section ad 3 173×268 mm 14,330.– 21,100.– Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in NZZ BusinessCombi

20 Section overview “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”

1st section 2nd section 3rd section International Business Features Switzerland Stock Exchanges and Markets Radio/TV Zurich and Region Investment Funds (published Weather Zurich Culture tue–sat) Special Topics Opinion & Debate Sport (back page) Miscellaneous

Section overview “Le Temps”

1st section Zooms Temps fort International/Suisse Régions/Sports Eclairages

2nd section

Economie & Finance Bourses Finance Fonds de placement Culture & Société Air du Temps Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in NZZ BusinessCombi

range of editorial services Media data 21

“Le Temps” is the defi nitive fi nance and Twelve issues a year of “Lundi Finance” are Print run business paper in French-speaking Swit- entirely devoted to a special topic. Themes Switzerland 185’238 copies zerland. French-speaking business leaders like asset management, investment funds, readers call it “the key source of work-related in- private banking, real estate and emerging German-speaking formation”. markets are just some of the areas ex- and French-speaking plored in depth by the editorial team and From Monday to Saturday the 2nd section Switzerland 457’000 Readers explained with clarity for both lay and ex- gives readers an in-depth insight into the pert readers. Reach happenings of the business world and German-speaking journalistic quality they have come to ex- The business and fi nance world even and French-speaking pect. Its clear layout allows readers to fi nds its way into the Hors Séries – the Switzerland 8.0% move with ease from international and “Le Temps” high-end supplements printed Swiss business news to economic analysis. on glossy paper. At the beginning of each The Finance part of the paper is a sepa- year, the Hors Série “Fonds de placement” rate section featuring “Bourses” and “Fonds details the latest trends in fi nancial tools de placement” pages with stock exchange and provides a comprehensive overview of and investment fund information. the investment funds on offer. Each Monday, the editorial team immerse NZZ BusinessCombi//Online themselves in the fi nancial markets with This attractive combination is now also “Lundi Finance”. Analysis by experts and available on these quality platforms: fi nance professionals adds depth to a and variety of topics and complements articles written by in-house journalists. Once a month the “Produits structurés” feature treats investors to background information on structured products along with reports on the latest newsworthy events in this area.

Special supplements 2010

Fonds de placement Produits structurés 3 February 25 August Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in NZZ BusinessCombi

22 Advertising rates – fi nancial sector

Recommendations and classifi eds

Total edition (NZZ BusinessCombi II) Fixed formats b/w colour 2/1 pages 65,380.– 77,690.– 1/1 page 34,210.– 40,370.– 1/2 page 15,830.– 21,240.– 1/4 page 7,910.– 10,810.– 1/8 page 3,951.– 5,410.– Millimetre rates b/w colour Up to 400 mm 7.29 9.87 401 mm or more 7.73 9.87

Text-adjacent advertisements

Total edition (NZZ BusinessCombi II) Fixed formats b/w colour 2/2 pages1 46,570.– 53,300.– 2/4 pages2 27,380.– 33,250.– 1/2 page 25,080.– 28,450.– 1/4 page (291×108 mm) 13,100.– 16,040.– Fixed formats Business b/w colour 1/2 page 28,810.– 31,910.– 1/4 page (291×108 mm) 14,950.– 17,770.– Millimetre rates b/w colour Standard (min. height = 60 mm, 1st section = 80 mm) 12.13 14.68 Business (min. height = 80 mm) 13.86 16.46

1Half-page panorama advertisement 2Quarter-page panorama advertisement Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in NZZ BusinessCombi

Advertising rates – fi nancial sector 23

Financial advertisements

Total edition (NZZ BusinessCombi II) Millimetre rates b/w colour Annual general meetings, dividend, coupon, fi nancial and statutory notices, issue announcements, capital market information, listings 7.29 8.77


Total edition (NZZ BusinessCombi II) Millimetre rates section column width min. height b/w publication Business 2nd section 54 mm 80 mm 50.41 Mon–Sat SIX Funds pages 2nd section 47 mm 30 mm 25.74 Tue–Sat Colour surcharges colour Up to 440 mm 5,450.– 441 mm or more 6,720.–

Special placements

Panorama advertisements (NZZ BusinessCombi II) Placement format column widthheight b/w colour publication Centre panorama I ad 4 257×218 mm 39390.– 43830.– Mon–Sat Centre panorama II ad 6 317×268 mm 60180.– 64260.– Mon–Sat Monolith advertisements (NZZ BusinessCombi II) Placement format column widthheight b/w colour publication Monolith I Business ad 1 54×409 mm 22970.– 25840.– Tue–Sat Monolith II Business ad 2 113×409 mm 39630.– 45370.– Tue–Sat Junior Page advertisements (NZZ BusinessCombi II) Placement format column widthheight b/w colour publication Junior Page Business ad 3 172×236 mm 27760.– 31830.– Tue–Sat Junior Page Maxi Business ad 4 231×318 mm 33480.– 37550.– Tue–Sat Overview of services for the fi nancial sector on nZZ Online

24 nZZ Online – an indispensable guide for investors

The NZZ Online fi nance portal is the place to go for news, analysis and background on the latest in the fi nancial markets as well as interactive prices and rates. The graphs on the opening page offer a quick overview of the latest developments at any given time in the key investment markets.

a wide range of services at your disposal

The NZZ fi nance portal also provides a wide range of services. For instance, you can monitor and evaluate your fi nancial investments via your own watchlist. In addition, you have access to a variety of fi nancial calculators and an extensive glossary of relevant fi nancial terms. Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in NZZ Online

Linking fi nancial market 25 data to relevant economic news

All of the online fi nance pages feature news items that are highly relevant to the share market information being displayed at the time. This ensures that what you are reading is individually targeted and highly relevant to your own area of interest. The summary pages feature an overview of analytical articles (“Analysen im Über- blick”), with a selection of factual studies on many fascinating investment strate- gies and the latest issues in the fi nancial world. Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in NZZ Online

26 Advertising formats – fi nancial sector

Standard formats

➊ Maxiboard Format: 994×118 pixels File size: max. 100 KB ➊ Files required: SWF, GIF/JPEG, target URL ➋ Skyscraper Standard formats: 160×600 pixels Variable formats: 120×600 pixels, 140×600 pixels File size: max. 100 KB Files required: SWF, GIF/JPEG, target URL ➊+➋= Wallpaper ➋ Format: 994×118 pixels plus 160×600 pixels File size: max. 100 KB Files required: SWF, GIF/JPEG, target URL

➌ rectangle/video rectangle Format: 300×250 pixels File size: max. 100 KB Files required: SWF, GIF/JPEG, target URL

➌ Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in NZZ Online

Advertising formats – fi nancial sector 27

Standard formats

➍ Button Total advertising area of 314×152 pixels. The following display formats may be selected: – Text button – Image text button (image size 148×118 pixels) – Image button (image size 302×118 pixels) – Video button (148×111 pixels) ➍

➎ half-page Format: 300×600 pixels File size: max. 100 KB Files required: SWF, GIF/JPEG, target URL

➎ Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in NZZ Online

28 Advertising formats – fi nancial sector


➏ Button plus ➐ advertorial This exclusive advertising format – in addition to a teaser button – links to a sub-page within NZZ Online. This means the user remains on the NZZ Online web- site. The advertising page has the usual navigation elements. The entire content area is available to the advertiser. This gives you the opportunity for prominent placement of your brand or product names and your own written messages ➏ within the NZZ Online editorial domain. Booking options – Button plus advertorial – Video button plus advertorial – Specifi cation of the layout on request Video button plus advertorial In contrast to a standard advertorial, a video advertorial gives you the additional option of incorporating a video rectangle within the content area.

➐ Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in NZZ Online

Advertising formats – fi nancial sector 29


If you wish to present your brand or product within the context of a journalistic ➑ theme, NZZ Online gives you the option of being the exclusive partner for one of ➓ these specials. This exclusive sponsorship deal involves the use of two advertising media, which may be selected from a range of different options and changed during the period of the sponsorship. The following advertising options are ➓ available: – Maxiboard 994×118 pixels – Wallpaper 994×118/160×600 pixels – Skyscraper 160×600 pixels ➒ ➒ – Half-page 300×600 pixels – Full-picture 486×160 pixels (static) – Rectangle 300×250 pixels Examples ➑ Wallpaper, maxiboard ➒ Full-picture and skyscraper ➓ Rectangle and half-page

Web TV

Apart from the classic advertising formats, you now have the added option of exclusive involvement in one of the TV spots shown in our “Impulse” web cast on the share market. You can also reserve attractive advertising space in our Funds area. We would be happy to provide you with further information and comprehen- sive advice on these products and services. Go to for details of other offers. Overview of services for the fi nancial sector in NZZ Online

30 Fixed placements

Rates for weekly bookings Category Page impressions/week Maxiboard Teaser Advertorial1 Business 400,000 € 10,902.– € 3,740.– € 4,107.– Category Stock Exchanges, News, Web TV, Shares, Bonds, Currencies, Raw Materials, Indices, Funds, Deposits, Second-tier stocks, Services 500,000 € 13,664.– € 4,710.– € 5,078.– Business pool rate Category Stock Exchanges, News, Web TV, Shares, Bonds, Currencies, Raw Materials, Indices, Funds, Deposits, Second-tier stocks, Services 900,000 € 22,102.– € 7,550.– € 8,214.–

Rates for daily bookings Category Page impr./day Maxiboard Wallpaper Half-page Skyscraper Rectangle Business 70,000 € 2,840.– € 3,360.– € 2,840.– € 2,100.– € 2,614.– Category Stock Exchanges, News, Web TV, Shares, Bonds, Currencies, Raw Materials, Indices, Funds, Deposits, Second-tier stocks, Services 85,000 € 3,440.– € 4,110.– € 3,440.– € 2,540.– € 3,136.– Business pool rate Category Stock Exchanges, News, Web TV, Shares, Bonds, Currencies, Raw Materials, Indices, Funds, Deposits, Second-tier stocks, Services 150,000 € 5,600.– € 6,720.– € 5,600.– € 4,110.– € 5,152.–

CPT bookings

rates for CPt2 Category Skyscraper Rectangle Half-page Maxiboard CPT Business3 € 68.– € 75.– € 83.– € 83.–

1 Standard advertorial 2 Cost per thousand 3 Includes Business and NZZ Finance Crossmedia

Our wide range of services will help you best meet your goals 31

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Germany Italy Spain Publicitas/Headquarters Publicitas International SPA Publicitas Internacional S.A. Oeder Weg 52–54 Via Besana, 9–2nd floor C/Goya, 21, 1º Dcha D-60318 Frankfurt am Main I-20122 Milano 28001 Madrid Telephone +49 69 719 149 0 Telephone +39 02 55 19 43 85 Spain Fax +49 69 719 149 30 Fax +39 02 55 19 90 19 Telephone +34 91 323 79 11 Fax +34 91 733 59 58 [email protected]

Netherlands England Europe Publicitas BV Publicitas Ltd. Publicitas Europe Ltd. Herikerbergweg 175, Parking 10, Building Gordon House 3rd Floor Mercurius (8th floor) 10 Greencoat Place 353 Strand 1101 CN Amsterdam Zuidoost London SW1P 1PH London WC2R 0HS The Netherlands Telephone +44 20 7592 8300 United Kingdom PO Box 22876 Fax +44 20 7592 8301 Telephone +44 20 7520 54 10 1100 DJ Amsterdam [email protected] Fax +44 20 7520 54 11 Telephone +31 20 311 9710 [email protected] Fax +31 20 363 2823 [email protected]

The global Publicitas network also has other offices. For details visit:

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NZZ Media Publicitas SA Marketing Online Publicitas AG NZZ Media Falkenstrasse 11 Falkenstrasse 11 Rue Etraz 4 8021 Zurich 8021 Zurich 1003 Lausanne Telephone +41 44 258 11 11 Telephone +41 44 258 16 98 Telephone +41 21 317 88 08 [email protected] Fax +41 44 258 13 70 Fax +41 44 258 13 70 [email protected] [email protected]