A Field Evaluation of Mink and River Otter on the Lower Columbia River and the Influence of Environmental Contaminants
Q N. ... / N / d,1%: : , *2 - - r - / . , O,; f; ~~~~~~- -, ~,, .F, , > U >{<XS '- -,A FIELD EVALUATION OF'MINK AND RIVER OWER ON THE. LOWERCOLUMBIA. RIVER AND-THENINFLtUENCE OF ENVIR'OMENTAL CONTAMINAN - . .- > t . l. /x4-, ,.K d ~ ~~~/F ~~~- z~ s-| l t Nf F* 5~ -L.* . -*-:.FINAL IEPORTi /- .' { > y - \~~~~~ -N j / .rn:ff )- . ' / W ' Submitted to-' / The Lowver CIumbia River Bi-State, "r Quality Program ' ' J " F-,,> - X .N>I../ Rob- ' e- ., -Chbrles .Heny' A;Grove,rRobert 6nd OlafRA:Hedstrom. * ' )' </. ' 'II Fore 'qnqRqngpland.Ecosystn8'6ibhcenterCe\! . , , ! '. ' ', . ' . , , . , / ' . t 4 ) S~~~I , -,, ,,; t> ., ., .i ' '< ' '>N'r6hlhest , , Reyseach-Station-':r.F, '. ,i,.'',,-''; i! .: '' j '. - 'O8', ' . 'O¢"- n ' 3080SE Cleby: /r rive ', . , N SI tI f, * * ,1\~~~-. < ii |? t<corvaili§,. , OR'--97333f"/tg,|, < i i '/F ODEQ -143-94, r 8 , . , .W~~~DE~ C950f08;: ,a.,, -, - :; : -, : ~febbtruary-12,j19i J /;' ; " ,_ ' /,i, 'Contracti~u~ .' , .. / ,,f' .-. ,- 1 . ,* -. ., i -Ftx , *;N fI )]., - F. , :.**, -iJ ;;4I ;;r\%';' \N-#~~~tjf40I~~v~svs~~tsrS~~l ltE<\ t < Lit 4s~ f A FIELD EVALUATION OF MINK AND RIVER OTTER ON THE LOWER COLUMBIA RIVER AND THE INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS FINAL REPORT Submitted to: The Lower Columbia River Bi-State Water Quality Program by: Charles J. Henny, Robert A. Grove, and Olaf R. Hedstrom National Biological Service Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center 5Northwest Research Station 3080 SE Clearwater Drive Corvallis, OR 97333 Contract Numbers ODEQ 143-94 WDE C9500038 February 12, 1996 IRIVER OTTER AGE CLASS 0 _~~___ . £aQu~umiWaglt(.grarns -____......... 5.79 5.85 4.03 2.52 2.52 2.33 2.42 1.92 C EL .. -jS;EX,C'.......bC~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........
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