Census of India, 1931
·. ---~ . Census of India, 1931 VOL. I-INDIA Part 1--Report • by J. H. HUTTON, C.J.E., D.Sc., F.A.S.B., Carreapoacllaa Me1nber of the Anthropologieche Gesell-chait of Vlama To which ia annexed an ACTUARIAL REPORT by L S. Vaidyanathan, F. I. A. DELHI: MANAGRR OF' PUBLICATION8 1933 Governmen~ of In~~ ~blications are _obtainable from the Manager of Publica tions, Ctvil Lmes, Old Delhi, a.nd from the following Agents :- EUROPE. U-45.2.St') OJ' OniCE THE HIGH COMMISSIONER F0R INDIA, G1 lNDIA HousE, ALDwYCH, LONDON, W. C. 2. v l• I And at all Booksellers. INDIA AND CEYLON : Provincial Book Depots. 16$l6 2.. ..IAJ,f:Ml :..:._Superintet•dent, Government Press, Mount Road, Madras liOltlHY :--:-.Superir.tendent, Go;-crnment Print ,ng and Stationery, Queen's Road, Bombay. StNL> :- -Ltbrary attad1ed to the Oflice of the Commissioner in Sind, Karachi. H!!:I>'i.\L :-Bengal :-iecretariat Book Deput. Writers' Buildings, Room No. 1, Ground Floor, Calcutta. UNJTEJJ PrrovJ:;CEs OF MRA AND OuDH :-.Superintendent of Government Press, United Provinces of ARra and Oudh, Allahabad. PUNJAB :-Superintendent, Govemment Printing, Punjab, Lahore. BURMA :-Superintendent, Government Printing, Burma, Rangoon. CENTRAL PROVINCES ANL> BERAR :-Superintendent, Government Printing, Central Provinces Nagpur. '.\.ssAM :-Superintendent, Assam Secretariat Press, Shillong. ' BJHAn AND ORISSA :-Superintendent, Government Printing, Bihar altd Orissa, P. 0. Gu!,.u·bagh Patna. NoRTH-\\TE.ST FRONTIER PROVJNC£ :-Manager, Goverument Printing and Stationery, Pe:;haw~. Thacker Spink & Co., Ltd., Calcutta and Simla. The :::\tudents Own Rook Depot, Dharwar. W. Newman & Co., Ltd., Calcutta. Shri Shankar Karnataka Pustal-"a Bhandara, Mala- 8. K.
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