INDIA. CENSUS ETHNOGRAPHY, 1901-1931 by Prof. T. C. HODSQN, M.A., William Wyse Professor o( Social Anthropology, CGmbridge" Fellow, St. Catharine's College. PUBUSIUD BY TID! M.u!AGD OF PUllUCATlONS, DJ:LHI. P.lUN'lED By TIm MANAGER" GOVDNMIIlNT OF INDIA PRESS, NEW DI!LJIl. 1937. LiSt ot Agents 111 liUlia !rop! whom Government ofIn diS. Publications are available. (II) hovmow GOV'BBJlHBI'lT BOOK DBPO!8 • .' )t4DA~8 ~-lIupednteDden', GO'f'erDDlent l'ress, lIlonnt :Road, lIladra•. lIolllJl.lT :-SupednteDdent, GO~DlDent PrintIng and Stationery; Queen', RUIId, Bombay. S[Rn :-Ha.nager, Sind Government Book Depot and Record OlBae, Xalaelil (8adal). URITBD PBOlmORS :-SuperlnteDdent, Government Preu, AIlI.haba~. i'IIRJAB :-Superlntendent, Goverlllll,Jlnt Printing, PuDjab, Lah0!'8' Oar.rIlAL PBOVlROBB :-Superlntendent, Government PrInting, Central Provinces, :laspur. AIW.lI :-SnperloteDdent, A8B&m Secretariat l're88, ShlJlODg BllUB :-Superintendent, Government Prlntlnll, p, o. Ga1sarbagh, Patoa. NOIl~H' WBST 1IBORTIIIlI PBO:VIl!lOB :-lIlalllller, Govenunent Prlntlnll aDd Stationery, Peahawar. OllI8SA :-preaa Ollloer, Secreteda.t, Out.taok. (I» l'IIlVAD ]lOOB.·BBUlIlIII. Adun! ]lrothen, P. O. ]lOll: 100,OaWDpore, )laUk & ilQ.III, Slalkot,Clt". Aero StoreB,Xarachl.· Meean. U. P. Malhotra II Co., Post:Box No.9', Lahore. Baotblya &0; cO' Ltd., Statlon Road, Ajmer. JOnerva. ]look Shop, Anarkell street, Labore. BellQaI FlyfDILCub, 1 Dom Dum Caott.· Modern Hook Depot, Bazar Road. 81alkot (laott. Bhatla Book Depa_!, !!addar Bazar, :Ra.nlkhBt. lIloderq Book D~potl.Napler Road, lullundur Cantt. Bbawnan! & Sona,l'Iew Deihl. Mohaulal DOBSablial tlbah, .RaJkot. Book OomP-B!1Y' OBlootta. NaDdklsbore &; Bros., Chowk, Benaro. Cit,. Booklo,er 8 Reaortt,TaIkad. Trlvandrnm, South India. New Book 00., .. K1tab 1Ilaha.l," 192, HOlIIbJ Rolld, Burma Book eJub • .!.otd' &l1li000. Bombal· . Bnttenrort~" Co. Clnd la). Ltd.,Oaleotta.. Newman" 00., Ltd.! Caicutta,Measn. 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Baokleller, Velkml. Loc'" BeIt·GoTt. lnatltnta, Bomba,.. • ''Wheeler II Co., Allahabad, Calent,. and llombay; J.,rllldon Book Co. (India), Arbab Bnad, Peahawar,· • Mesan. A. H. Hnrree. Nowabera.lla..-alplndt. Yonng Han" Co. (Begd.), EliertDn~oa.d, nelhl. LOaiollllOok :a:~,17.llaIP1lr Roed, Debra. Dun. • • ApnS fot publlcatlOllI on .A TlaUon oDlJ'. T~LE OF CONTENTS. Para. Page. ~; INTBODUOTloN I 2. Density of popula.ti.on I 3. Houses . 2 4. Villa.ges 3 :5. Urban conditions . 3 '6. Economic life 4: "7. ;Miscella.neoua 5 '8. Caste' and occupation I) 9. Disappearing industries • 5 to. Changes in conditions 5 U. ;Relucta.nce to'migrate 6 112. Casual :r1rlgmtion 7 13. ;Mo.rria.ge influence ~• iJ.4. Tempor8.ry Ini$ration 7 14A. Periodio mjgration 7 il5. Semi.peima.rumt mi~tion 8 [6. Permanlmt migration 8 117. Political migrbtion 8 11.8. Daily.migration . 8 il9. Effects bf migration 8 20. Diversity of physical types 9 21. ClassificAtion oftypes 9 22. Caste a.nd genetiCS \Q :23. Modern 'methods 11 :24. RILCisJ. element A. II 25. RlLCial element B. 12 '26. Ro.ciaJ element C. 12 ~7. Distinction biltween A and C. 12 28. Racial element D. I! 29. Racial 6leuUmt E. 13 30. Racial element F. 13 3l. Racial element G. 13 32. Prehistoric races 13 33. Ra.ciaI and cultural history 14 34. Racial and religious history 15 35. Indian veme.cula.rs 16 96. Aryan fanguagea " 11 97. The Indo.Europeans 16 88. 'Eranian languages. l'i ii Para.. Pag~ 39'. Balooh 17 40. Pashto 17 41. Otmuri 18- 42. Ghalohah langtJageB 18: 43. Dardic l.a.ngua.ges • 19- 4t. Indo-Aryan. languages 19 45. Language of the ;Midland 19- 46. Languages of the Outer Ban .. 2()O 47. Present state 21 48. Prakrits 21 48A. Apa.bhramsas 22- 49. Sanskrit 23- 50. Indo-Aryan vernaculars ·24- 61. Hindi • 24;- ey2. Western Hindi 25- 53. Urdu. 25- Q4. Rajasthani 26- 55. Pahari 26- 56. Gujara.ti 27' 07. Panjabi 27' 58. Eastern Hindi 27' 59. Kashmiri 28: 60. Kohiste.ni 28- 61. Labnda 29- 62. Sindhi. 29- 63. Marathi 291 64. Bihari . 31 65. Oriya . 32' 66. Bengali 32: 67. Assamese 68. Dravidian languages 69. Dravidian features 70. Tamil 71. Malayale.xn • 72. Kanarese, Kodagu,. Tulu~ Toda, Kota 73·. Kurukh 74. Malto • 75. Gond • " 76. Telugu 77 .. Kandh (Kni), Kolami 'lB. Austrio languages • 79.~ )funds. J.a.nguages • 80> :Munda. features 81; 1ibeto.Chinese languages iii "Para.. Page. "S2. Tibeto-Burman languages 37 "Sa. Pronominalized languages 38 S4. North·Assa.rnlanguages 38 ~5. Kuki-Chin Group' . 38 86. Bunnese 39 S7. Shan . 39 S8. ::Misoella.neoua languages--Burushaski, AndaIllanese 39 S9. Gipsy languages . 39 '90. Arabic and Somali. " 39, in. Bilingualism 39 '92. Universality of marriage 40 93. :&xogamy 40 94. South Indian matriliny . 41 95. The 4aughter'& line 42 116. Types of exogamous groups • 43 '97. Hyperga.my . 44 98. Endogamy . 44 99. Cousin marriage 45 100. Marriage prices 46 101. Marriage ceremonies 4'1 102. Mock marriages .• 47 103. Marriage seasons • 48 104. Polygamy ii, • 48 105. Polyandry . 49 106. Levirate 'j 49 107. Remarriage ofwidoWB 50 108. Child marriage 50 109. Divorce 52 )10. Relationship terms 52 1111 Relatio.nship rules 55 112. Caste . 56 113. Definition of oaste 57 114. Types ohaste 57 115. Sub.castes . 57 116. Caste'govemment 57 117. Modem effects 58 118. Classifica.tion of castes· , 58 119. Caste changes " 59 1.20. Depressed classes· • 80 121. Present con_ditions. 61 122: Joint family system 63 123. Basis of Hindu society· , 63 124. Origins of Hinduism 6' 125. Nature Of Hinduism , , 65 itiv Para.. Page-. 1;6. Soope of Hinduistp 66 127. Hindu sects, . 67 128. Brahmo Samaj 68 129. Arya Sa.ma.j . 69' 130. ;Misoellaneous seo~ 70. 131. Seotarian ma.rks 71 132. Hinduism in U. P. 72: 133. The Sanska.rs 74: 134; Initia.tion 74- 1~5. Duties of Brahman 71). l35A. Hindu festivals 76- 136. Sun woI"Ship 78- 137. Ea.rth worship 78- 138. Planet worship 7~ 139. ;River worship 79 140. Mountain worship .. 790 141. Sitala worship So. 142. Ma.nasa. wOl'Jiliip .. 81 143. Hero worship SI 144. Hinduism in S. I~dia 82: 145. Hinduism and Isl,am 82: 146. Jains 81) 147. Sikhs 81) 148. Parsis . .. 86' 149. Buddhism 87 150. Jews 87 151. Christians 88- 152. Tribalists 89 153. Tribal problems 90 154. Todas . Ql 155. Triba.l religion 92: 156. Bhil religioljl 93 157. The Mata. movemen' 9f). 158. Maria. ;Religion 95- 159. Santal religion 97 160. The Kherwar movement 98- 161. The Birsait moveJIleDt .' 990 162. Rengma.'Naga. re1j.gion 100 163. Lushei religion 100 164. KIIol' Nicoba.rese religion 101 165. Islamio society 103- 165. Baluchistan system 104 167. Pathan system 105 168. Balooh system ; 100 v Para. Pa.ge. 169. Sind Tribes • 105 170. North-West Frontier Province sy.stem 106 171. Bengal systEpn. 106 172. Bombay Musalmans 108 173. Madras MusaJma.ns ;1.09 174 • .Assam Musalmans 109 175. Zerbadis in Burma. 110 176. The Koran • 110 177. Sunnis and Shi.a.hs 110 178. Tribal beliefs III 179. Superstitions 114 180. Islam in the U. P. 114 181. Marriage 115 182. Baluchistan customs 115 183. Ahmadias 118 L6G3HD PREFACE. With the exception of the major part ot the cllapter on the Languages of India which follows Sir George Grierso.n·s -chapter'in the Gazetteer of India, the extracts herein set for'th are ta~en from Census Reports, for the most part from those relating to the Provinces of British India and the general Reports on India.
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